Mon Jun 22 01:51:02 2009 UTC ()
Add example files and rc.d script - taken from dist

diff -r0 -r1.1 src/external/bsd/iscsi/dist/src/etc/auths
diff -r0 -r1.1 src/external/bsd/iscsi/dist/src/etc/targets
diff -r0 -r1.1 src/external/bsd/iscsi/dist/src/etc/rc.d/iscsi_target

File Added: src/external/bsd/iscsi/dist/src/etc/auths
# $NetBSD: auths,v 1.1 2009/06/22 01:51:02 agc Exp $

# test passwd file for iSCSI use


#chaptest3:chap:Rhode Island Red

# test users - throwback

# real users

File Added: src/external/bsd/iscsi/dist/src/etc/targets
# $NetBSD: targets,v 1.1 2009/06/22 01:51:02 agc Exp $
# Structure of this file:
# + an extent is a straight (offset, length) pair of a file or device
#   it's the lowest common storage denominator
#   at least one is needed
# + a device is made up of one or more extents or other devices
#   devices can be added in a hierachical manner, to enhance resilience
# + in this example, no device definitions are necessary, as the target
#   will just use a simple extent for persistent storage
# + a target is made up of 1 or more devices
# The code does not support RAID1 recovery at present

# Simple file showing 1 extent, mapped straight into 1 target

# extents	file			start	length
extent0		/tmp/iscsi-target0	0	100MB

# target	flags	storage		netmask
target0		rw	extent0

File Added: src/external/bsd/iscsi/dist/src/etc/rc.d/iscsi_target
# $NetBSD: iscsi_target,v 1.1 2009/06/22 01:51:02 agc Exp $

# PROVIDE: iscsi_target
# REQUIRE: NETWORKING mountall beforemountlkm quota

$_rc_subr_loaded . /etc/rc.subr


load_rc_config $name
run_rc_command "$1"