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recent branches: MAIN (41m)  pkgsrc-2024Q1 (4h)  pkgsrc-2023Q4 (68d)  pkgsrc-2023Q2 (100d) 

2024-06-07 18:20:47 UTC Now

2022-10-28 10:34:31 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-tomlkit: updated to 0.11.6


- Allow broader type for toml file path value
- Auto-determine if a table is a super table if not specified explicitly.


2022-10-28 09:53:08 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated sysutils/py-xattr, devel/py-virtualenv


2022-10-28 09:52:46 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-virtualenv: updated to 20.16.6

v20.16.6 (2022-10-25)

Features - 20.16.6
- Drop unneeded shims for PyPy3 directory structure

Bugfixes - 20.16.6
- Fix selected scheme on debian derivatives for python 3.10 when ``python3-distutils`` is not installed or the ``venv`` scheme is not avaiable
- Allow the test suite to pass even with the original C shell (rather than ``tcsh``)
- Fix fallback handling of downloading wheels for bundled packages
- Upgrade embedded setuptools to ``65.5.0`` from ``65.3.0`` and pip to ``22.3`` from ``22.2.2``


2022-10-28 09:49:33 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-xattr: updated to 0.10.0

Version 0.10.0 released 2022-10-24

* Remove exec flag from
* Update the documentation to mention
  the attr package and its getfattr and
  setfattr tools


2022-10-28 09:47:25 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-build, devel/py-ipykernel


2022-10-28 09:47:06 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-ipykernel: updated to 6.16.2


Maintenance and upkeep improvements
- Fix failing test and update matrix


2022-10-28 09:46:23 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-build: updated to 0.9.0

0.9.0 (2022-10-27)

Hide a Python 3.11.0 unavoidable warning with venv
Fix infinite recursion error in check_dependency with circular dependencies
Only import colorama on Windows
Flush output more often to reduce interleaved output
Small API cleanup, like better __all__ and srcdir being read only.
Only use importlib_metadata when needed
Clarify in printout when build dependencies are being installed


2022-10-28 09:43:42 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated textproc/py-openapi3, textproc/py-openapi-core


2022-10-28 09:43:22 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-openapi-core: updated to 0.16.1

lists as additional properties fix
x-model extension optional

Switch to jsonschema-spec
Use auto-detect validator proxy
OpenAPI 3.1 support + Auto-detect proxies and request / response validator protocols
Add py.typed to mark package as supporting typing
Refuse to cast str or bytes to array
x-model extension import model class
Add deepObject support
Add anyOf support
Separate werkzeug support
Starlette support

Parameter deserialize complex scenario support
Response headers support
Response headers support for contrib
Drop python 2.7 support
Drop python 3.5 support
Drop python 3.6 support
Add python 3.10 support
Falcon2 support drop
Django2 support drop
Support basic re_path for Django integration
unused NoValue type removed
attrs remove and use dataclasses backport for python 3.6
Request validation parameters dataclass
Handle missing MIME type in MediaTypeFinder
Limit openapi dependencies upper bounds
switch to pathable
Get rid of create_spec shortcut
Request and Response protocols
validator factories removed from validation shortcuts
Predefined openapi validators
Customization refactor
Static types with mypy


2022-10-28 09:34:16 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-openapi3: updated to 1.6.6

Various minor bug fixes


2022-10-28 09:21:44 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated net/grpc, net/py-grpcio, net/py-grpcio-testing, net/py-grpcio-tools


2022-10-28 09:21:01 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

grpc py-grpcio py-grpcio-testing py-grpcio-tools: updated to 1.50.[01]

Release v1.50.1


Fix Bazel 4 support and objc bazel tests on python3.9

Release v1.50.0


Derive EventEngine from std::enable_shared_from_this.
Revert "Revert "[chttp2] fix stream leak with queued flow control update and absence of writes
[chttp2] fix stream leak with queued flow control update and absence of writes.
Remove gpr_codegen.
client_channel: allow LB policy to communicate update errors to resolver.
FaultInjection: Fix random number generation.


OpenCensus Plugin: Add measure and views for started RPCs.


Grpc.Tools: Parse warnings from libprotobuf.
Grpc.Tools add support for env variable GRPC_PROTOC_PLUGIN.
Grpc.Tools document AdditionalImportDirs.
Fix OutputOptions and GrpcOutputOptions.


Support Python 3.11.


2022-10-28 08:58:34 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-exceptiongroup, devel/py-test


2022-10-28 08:58:12 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-test: updated to 7.2.0

pytest 7.2.0 (2022-10-23)

* Update pytest.PytestUnhandledCoroutineWarning to a deprecation; it will raise an error in pytest 8.

* pytest no longer depends on the py library. pytest provides a vendored copy of py.error and py.path modules but will use the py library if it is installed. If you need other py.* modules, continue to install the deprecated py library separately, otherwise it can usually be removed as a dependency.

* Deprecate configuring hook specs/impls using attributes/marks.

Instead use pytest.hookimpl() and pytest.hookspec(). For more details, see the docs.

* The functionality for running tests written for nose has been officially deprecated.

This includes:

Plain setup and teardown functions and methods: this might catch users by surprise, as setup() and teardown() are not pytest idioms, but part of the nose support.
Setup/teardown using the @with_setup decorator.
For more details, consult the deprecation docs.

* A deprecation warning is now emitted if a test function returns something other than None. This prevents a common mistake among beginners that expect that returning a bool (for example return foo(a, b) == result) would cause a test to pass or fail, instead of using assert. The plan is to make returning non-None from tests an error in the future.
* Added shell-style wildcard support to testpaths.

* @pytest.mark.parametrize() (and similar functions) now accepts any Sequence[str] for the argument names, instead of just list[str] and tuple[str, ...].

(Note that str, which is itself a Sequence[str], is still treated as a comma-delimited name list, as before).

* The --no-showlocals flag has been added. This can be passed directly to tests to override --showlocals declared through addopts.

* Assertion failures with strings in NFC and NFD forms that normalize to the same string now have a dedicated error message detailing the issue, and their utf-8 representation is expressed instead.

* Introduce multiline display for warning matching via pytest.warns() and enhance match comparison for _pytest._code.ExceptionInfo.match() as returned by pytest.raises().

* Improve pytest.raises(). Previously passing an empty tuple would give a confusing error. We now raise immediately with a more helpful message.

* On Python 3.11, use the standard library窶冱 tomllib to parse TOML.

tomli is no longer a dependency on Python 3.11.

* Display assertion message without escaped newline characters with -vv.

* Improved error message that is shown when no collector is found for a given file.

* Some coloring has been added to the short test summary.

* Normalize the help description of all command-line options.

* Display full crash messages in short test summary info, when running in a CI environment.

* Added support for hidden configuration file by allowing .pytest.ini as an alternative to pytest.ini.

Bug Fixes
* sys.stdin now contains all expected methods of a file-like object when capture is enabled.

* Do not break into pdb when raise unittest.SkipTest() appears top-level in a file.

* Marks are now inherited according to the full MRO in test classes. Previously, if a test class inherited from two or more classes, only marks from the first super-class would apply.

When inheriting marks from super-classes, marks from the sub-classes are now ordered before marks from the super-classes, in MRO order. Previously it was the reverse.

When inheriting marks from super-classes, the pytestmark attribute of the sub-class now only contains the marks directly applied to it. Previously, it also contained marks from its super-classes. Please note that this attribute should not normally be accessed directly; use pytest.Node.iter_markers() instead.

* Showing inner exceptions by forcing native display in ExceptionGroups even when using display options other than --tb=native. A temporary step before full implementation of pytest-native display for inner exceptions in ExceptionGroups.

* Ensure caplog.get_records(when) returns current/correct data after invoking caplog.clear().

Improved Documentation
* Update information on writing plugins to use pyproject.toml instead of
* The documentation is now built using Sphinx 5.x (up from 3.x previously).
* Update documentation on how pytest.warns() affects DeprecationWarning.
Trivial/Internal Changes
* Made _pytest.doctest.DoctestItem export pytest.DoctestItem for type check and runtime purposes. Made _pytest.doctest use internal APIs to avoid circular imports.
* Made _pytest.compat re-export importlib_metadata in the eyes of type checkers.
* Fix default encoding warning (EncodingWarning) in cacheprovider
* Improve the error message when we attempt to access a fixture that has been torn down. Add an additional sentence to the docstring explaining when it窶冱 not a good idea to call getfixturevalue.


2022-10-28 08:44:04 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-exceptiongroup: updated to 1.0.0


Fixed AttributeError: 'PatchedTracebackException' object has no attribute '__cause__' on Python 3.10 (only) when a traceback is printed from an exception where an exception group is set as the cause
Fixed a loop in exception groups being rendered incorrectly
Fixed the patched formatting functions (format_exception()``etc.) not passing the ``compact=True flag on Python 3.10 like the original functions do


2022-10-28 08:36:39 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/protobuf, devel/py-protobuf


2022-10-28 08:36:05 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

protobuf py-protobuf: updated to [34.]24.9

Protocol Buffers v21.9


Update zlib to 1.2.13 (#10819)


Target MacOS 10.9


2022-10-26 13:28:53 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Added textproc/py-demjson3; Removed textproc/py-demjson; Updated net/bandcamp-dl


2022-10-26 13:27:54 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

bandcamp-dl: updated to 0.0.13

Bandcamp-dl 0.0.13

Minor bugfix update and requirements version bump.

In some cases a track may fail to download if the album release or track release date is missing, an additional fallback has been added in this case, now it will default to when the track was released on Bandcamp specifically if no other metadata is found.


2022-10-26 13:26:36 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2022-10-26 13:25:20 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-demjson3: added version 3.0.6

demjson3 is a Python language module for encoding, decoding, and
syntax-checking JSON data. It works under Python 3.

It comes with a jsonlint script which can be used to validate your JSON
documents for strict conformance to the JSON specification, and to detect
potential data portability issues. It can also reformat or pretty-print JSON
documents; either by re-indenting or removing unnecessary whitespace.


2022-10-26 12:58:33 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Added devel/py-pathable, textproc/py-jsonschema-spec; Updated textproc/py-openapi-spec-validator, net/py-moto


2022-10-26 12:58:04 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-moto: updated to 4.0.8


    * Unpins the werkzeug-dependency - Moto now works with werkzeug==2.2.2
    * Fixes the Docker-build to run on M1 Macbooks.

New Services:
    * ServiceQuotas:
        * get_service_quota()
        * list_aws_default_service_quotas()

New Methods:
    * CloudFront: list_invalidations()
    * RDS: modify_db_cluster()

    * Lambda:delete_function() - fixed an issue where the wrong Function would be deleted when providing a qualifier
    * ECR:put_image() now removes any existing images that have the provided tag
    * IAM:detach_user/group/role_policy() now throws the correct error message when the policy is not attached in the first place
    * S3:list_object_versions(): Fix delimiter to take prefix into account
    * S3: Now closes file handles as early as possible when deleting files/multipart uploads
    * Sagamaker:describe_training_job() now throws the correct exception when trying to explain a non-existing job


2022-10-26 12:52:34 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-openapi-spec-validator: updated to 0.5.1

Responses schema validation

detect spec schema version
static types and Mypy static type check
tests mark network
schemas and validators lazy loading proxy
CLI detect spec version
Shortcuts refactor and validators explicit usage

Backward incompatibilities

redundant shortcuts validate_v*_spec and validate_v*_spec_url removed. Use validate_spec and validate_spec_url with validator parameter instead.
default_handlers (and whole handlers package) removed. Use handlers from jsonschema_spec.handlers instead.


2022-10-26 12:49:54 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-jsonschema-spec: updated to 0.1.2

JSONSchema Spec with object-oriented paths

Key features
* Traverse elements like paths
* Access spec on demand with separate dereferencing accessor layer


2022-10-26 12:48:29 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-pathable: added version 0.4.3

Object-oriented paths

Key features
* Traverse resources like paths
* Access resources on demand with separate accessor layer


2022-10-26 11:10:29 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated textproc/py-openapi-schema-validator, devel/py-importlib-resources, devel/py-requests-toolbelt


2022-10-26 11:10:04 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-requests-toolbelt: updated to 0.10.1

0.10.1 -- 2022-10-25

Fixed Bugs
- Fix urllib3 warning to only emit on X509Adapter usage

0.10.0 -- 2022-10-06

New Features
- Add support for preparing requests in BaseUrlSession

Fixed Bugs
- Fixing missing newline in dump utility


2022-10-26 10:56:27 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-importlib-resources: updated to 5.10.0

* Lifted restriction on modules passed to ``files``.
  Now modules need not be a package and if a non-package
  module is passed, resources will be resolved adjacent to
  those modules, even for modules not found in any package.
  For example, ``files(import_module(''))`` will
  resolve resources found at the root. The parameter to
  files was renamed from 'package' to 'anchor', with a
  compatibility shim for those passing by keyword.

* ``files`` no longer requires the anchor to be
  specified and can infer the anchor from the caller's scope
  (defaults to the caller's module).

* ``as_file`` now also supports a ``Traversable``
  representing a directory and (when needed) renders the
  full tree to a temporary directory.

* In ``MultiplexedPath``, restore expectation that
  a compound path with a non-existent directory does not
  raise an exception.

* Now ``Traversable.joinpath`` provides a concrete
  implementation, replacing the implementation in ``.simple``
  and converging with the behavior in ``MultiplexedPath``.

* In ``simple.ResourceContainer.joinpath``, honor
  names split by ``posixpath.sep``.

* ``abc.Traversable.joinpath`` now allows for multiple
  arguments and specifies that ``posixpath.sep`` is allowed
  in any argument to accept multiple arguments, matching the
  behavior found in ``zipfile.Path`` and ``pathlib.Path``.

  ``simple.ResourceContainer`` now honors this behavior.

* Add type declarations in ABCs.

* Require Python 3.7 or later.
* Fix error when no ``__pycache__`` directories exist
  when testing ``update-zips``.

* Test suite now relies entirely on the traversable

* Now raise a ``DeprecationWarning`` for all legacy
  functions. Instead, users should rely on the ``files()``
  API introduced in importlib_resources 1.3. See
  `Migrating from Legacy <>`_
  for guidance on avoiding the deprecated functions.

* Updated readme to reflect current behavior and show
  which versions correspond to which behavior in CPython.

* bpo-45419: Correct ``DegenerateFiles.Path`` ``.name``
  and ``.open()`` interfaces to match ``Traversable``.

* Fix refleak in ``as_file`` caught by CPython tests.

* bpo-38291: Avoid DeprecationWarning on ````.

* Legacy API (``path``, ``contents``, ...)
  is now supported entirely by the ``.files()`` API with
  a compatibility shim supplied for resource loaders without
  that functionality.


2022-10-26 10:49:04 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-openapi-schema-validator: updated to 0.3.4

OASValidator 3.0 read write pass with evolve

Static types and Mypy static type check

type validator error msg formatting fix

OpenAPI 3.1 validator's JSONSchema subclassing deprecation fix
OpenAPI 3.0 validator's JSONSchema subclassing deprecation workaround

OpenAPI 3.1 validator
drop python 3.6 support
make jsonschema4 compatible (DeprecationWarning fix) reintroduced
0.2.1 changes
- Revert "make jsonschema4 compatible (DeprecationWarning fix)"
- drop python 3.6 support part 2
- Limit jsonschema dependency
Validate oneOf, anyOf and allOf with discriminator OAS30 and OAS31


2022-10-26 10:33:50 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated net/py-botocore, net/py-s3transfer, net/py-boto3, net/py-awscli


2022-10-26 10:33:29 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-awscli: updated to 1.26.1


api-change:accessanalyzer: This release adds support for six new resource types in IAM Access Analyzer to help you easily identify public and cross-account access to your AWS resources. Updated service API, documentation, and paginators.
api-change:location: Added new map styles with satellite imagery for map resources using HERE as a data provider.
api-change:mediatailor: This release is a documentation update
api-change:rds: Relational Database Service - This release adds support for exporting DB cluster data to Amazon S3.
api-change:workspaces: This release adds new enums for supporting Workspaces Core features, including creating Manual running mode workspaces, importing regular Workspaces Core images and importing g4dn Workspaces Core images.


api-change:acm-pca: AWS Private Certificate Authority (AWS Private CA) now offers usage modes which are combination of features to address specific use cases.
api-change:batch: This release adds support for AWS Batch on Amazon EKS.
api-change:datasync: Added support for self-signed certificates when using object storage locations; added BytesCompressed to the TaskExecution response.
api-change:sagemaker: SageMaker Inference Recommender now supports a new API ListInferenceRecommendationJobSteps to return the details of all the benchmark we create for an inference recommendation job.
feature:Endpoints: Implemented new endpoint ruleset system to dynamically derive endpoints and settings for services


2022-10-26 10:32:48 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-boto3: updated to 1.25.1


api-change:accessanalyzer: [botocore] This release adds support for six new resource types in IAM Access Analyzer to help you easily identify public and cross-account access to your AWS resources. Updated service API, documentation, and paginators.
api-change:location: [botocore] Added new map styles with satellite imagery for map resources using HERE as a data provider.
api-change:mediatailor: [botocore] This release is a documentation update
api-change:rds: [botocore] Relational Database Service - This release adds support for exporting DB cluster data to Amazon S3.
api-change:workspaces: [botocore] This release adds new enums for supporting Workspaces Core features, including creating Manual running mode workspaces, importing regular Workspaces Core images and importing g4dn Workspaces Core images.


feature:Endpoints: [botocore] Implemented new endpoint ruleset system to dynamically derive endpoints and settings for services
api-change:acm-pca: [botocore] AWS Private Certificate Authority (AWS Private CA) now offers usage modes which are combination of features to address specific use cases.
api-change:batch: [botocore] This release adds support for AWS Batch on Amazon EKS.
api-change:datasync: [botocore] Added support for self-signed certificates when using object storage locations; added BytesCompressed to the TaskExecution response.
api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] SageMaker Inference Recommender now supports a new API ListInferenceRecommendationJobSteps to return the details of all the benchmark we create for an inference recommendation job.


2022-10-26 10:31:33 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-s3transfer: updated to 0.6.0


feature:Python: Dropped support for Python 3.6


enhancement:s3: Added support for flexible checksums when uploading or downloading objects.


enhancement:Python: Officially add Python 3.10 support


feature:Python: Dropped support for Python 2.7


2022-10-26 10:30:51 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-botocore: updated to 1.28.1


api-change:accessanalyzer: This release adds support for six new resource types in IAM Access Analyzer to help you easily identify public and cross-account access to your AWS resources. Updated service API, documentation, and paginators.
api-change:location: Added new map styles with satellite imagery for map resources using HERE as a data provider.
api-change:mediatailor: This release is a documentation update
api-change:rds: Relational Database Service - This release adds support for exporting DB cluster data to Amazon S3.
api-change:workspaces: This release adds new enums for supporting Workspaces Core features, including creating Manual running mode workspaces, importing regular Workspaces Core images and importing g4dn Workspaces Core images.


feature:Endpoints: Implemented new endpoint ruleset system to dynamically derive endpoints and settings for services
api-change:acm-pca: AWS Private Certificate Authority (AWS Private CA) now offers usage modes which are combination of features to address specific use cases.
api-change:batch: This release adds support for AWS Batch on Amazon EKS.
api-change:datasync: Added support for self-signed certificates when using object storage locations; added BytesCompressed to the TaskExecution response.
api-change:sagemaker: SageMaker Inference Recommender now supports a new API ListInferenceRecommendationJobSteps to return the details of all the benchmark we create for an inference recommendation job.


2022-10-25 19:21:36 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated security/py-google-auth, devel/py-types-setuptools, security/py-google-auth-oauthlib, devel/py-plumbum


2022-10-25 19:21:06 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-plumbum: updated to 1.8.0

* Drop Python 2.7 and 3.5 support, add 3.11 support
* Lots of extended checks and fixes for problems exposed.
* Color: support ``NO_COLOR``/``FORCE_COLOR``
* Commands: New ``iter_lines`` ``buffer_size`` parameter
* Commands: cache remote commands
* SSH: Support reverse tunnels and dynamically allocated ports
* CLI: add ``Set(..., all_markers={"*", "all"})`` and fix support for other separators
* CLI: support future annotations
* Color: fix the ABC
* Exceptions: fix for exception pickling
* Fix for StdinDataRedirection and modifiers


2022-10-25 19:17:38 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-google-auth-oauthlib: updated to 0.6.0


Update to allow for 3PI credentials

Bug Fixes

Add timeout to run_local_server when waiting for response


Update readme to point to current docs url


2022-10-25 19:13:30 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-types-setuptools: updated to (2022-10-24)

Fix `pkg_resources.split_sections`

This function is currently documented as returning a list of lines as
the 2nd pair value.  It does not return plain str here.


2022-10-25 19:12:59 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-google-auth: updated to 2.13.0

2.13.0 (2022-10-14)


Adds new external account authorized user credentials
Implement pluggable auth interactive mode
Introduce the functionality to override token_uri in credentials

Bug Fixes

Adding one more pattern to relax the regex check for sts and impersonation url endpoints

2.12.0 (2022-09-26)


Retry behavior

Bug Fixes

Modify RefreshError exception to use gcloud ADC command.
Revert "Update token refresh threshold from 20 seconds to 5 minutes".


2022-10-25 19:05:07 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-scard, sysutils/py-invoke, textproc/py-tabulate, www/py-protego


2022-10-25 19:04:38 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-protego: updated to 0.2.1

Fixes incorrect readme content-type specified in


2022-10-25 19:00:50 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-tabulate: updated to 0.9.0

0.9.0: Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.
  Migrate to pyproject.toml project layout (PEP 621).
  New output formats: `asciidoc`, various `*grid` and `*outline` formats.
  New output features: vertical row alignment, separating lines.
  New input format: list of dataclasses (Python 3.7 or later).
  Support infinite iterables as row indices.
  Improve column width options.
  Improve support for ANSI escape sequences and document the behavior.
  Various bug fixes.


2022-10-25 18:56:32 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-invoke: updated to 1.7.3

1.7.3 2022-09-30
[Support] Fix a non-fatal bug in our long_description generation causing 1.7.0-1.7.2 to have malformed description text on PyPI.

1.7.2 2022-09-30
[Bug] Fix errors thrown when comparing Task objects to non-Task objects; such comparisons are now always false.
[Bug] Refactor CLI parser instantiation such that the tasks.ignore_unknown_help feature (added in 1.7) works when Invoke is run in --complete mode, i.e. in tab-completion scripts.


2022-10-25 18:54:44 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-scard: updated to 2.0.5

2.0.5 (Septembre 2022)
* New version just because I failed the previous upload to

2.0.4 (August 2022)
* Fix a problem on PCSCCardConnection.disconnect
* Add support of BaseSCardException(hresult) format
* Do not use deprecated distutils anymore


2022-10-25 18:53:36 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-pbr, devel/py-stevedore, textproc/py-sphinx, textproc/py-dill


2022-10-25 18:44:40 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-dill: updated to 0.3.6


With dill, you can serialize almost anything in python, even an entire interpreter session. If you encounter any pickling failures, dill also has some good tools to help you discover why your object fails to pickle.

dill installs with pip:
$ pip install dill

dill requires:
- python or pypy, >=3.7


2022-10-25 18:36:42 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-sphinx: updated to 5.3.0

Release 5.3.0 (released Oct 16, 2022)

Features added

* LaTeX: add :confval:`latex_table_style` and support the
  ``'booktabs'``, ``'borderless'``, and ``'colorrows'`` styles.
* One can cross-reference including an option value like ``:option:`--module=foobar```,
  ``:option:`--module[=foobar]``` or ``:option:`--module foobar```.
  Patch by Martin Liska.
* autosectionlabel: Record the generated section label to the debug log.
* Correctly URI-escape image filenames.
* domains: Allow sections in all the content of all object description
  directives (e.g. :rst:dir:`py:function`). Patch by Adam Turner

Release 5.2.3 (released Sep 30, 2022)

* Fix base64 image embedding in ``sphinx.ext.imgmath``
* Add ``:nocontentsentry:`` flag and global domain table of contents
  entry control option. Patch by Adam Turner

Release 5.2.2 (released Sep 27, 2022)

* Restore link targets for autodoc modules to the top of content.
  Patch by Dominic Davis-Foster.

Release 5.2.1 (released Sep 25, 2022)

Bugs fixed

* Always normalise the ``pycon3`` lexer to ``pycon``.
* Fix using ``sphinx.ext.autosummary`` with modules containing titles in the
  module-level docstring.

Release 5.2.0.post0 (released Sep 24, 2022)

* Recreated source tarballs for Debian maintainers.

Release 5.2.0 (released Sep 24, 2022)


* Sphinx now uses declarative metadata with ``pyproject.toml`` to
  create packages, using PyPA's ``flit`` project as a build backend. Patch by
  Adam Turner.


* Support for HTML 4 output. Patch by Adam Turner.

Features added

* napoleon: Add support for docstring types using 'of', like
  ``type of type``. Example: ``tuple of int``.
* C++, support requires clauses not just between the template
  parameter lists and the declaration.
* linkcheck: Check the source URL of raw directives that use the ``url``
* Allow :rst:role:`ref` role to be used with definitions and fields.
* HTML Search: Increase priority for full title and
  subtitle matches in search results
* HTML Search: Save search result score to the HTML element for debugging
* Make toctree accept 'genindex', 'modindex' and 'search' docnames
* Add domain objects to the table of contents. Patch by Adam Turner
* HTML Search: Include explicit :rst:dir:`index` directive index entries
  in the search index and search results. Patch by Adam Turner
* imgmath: Allow embedding images in HTML as base64
* HTML Search: Use browser localstorage for highlight control, stop
  storing highlight parameters in URL query strings. Patch by Adam Turner.

Bugs fixed

* LaTeX: 5.1.0 has made the 'sphinxsetup' ``verbatimwithframe=false``
  become without effect.
* C++, ensure consistent non-specialization template argument
* C++, fix parsing of certain non-type template parameter packs.
* Revert 10520: "Fix" use of sidebar classes in ``agogo.css_t``

Release 5.1.1 (released Jul 26, 2022)

Bugs fixed

* Fix ValueError in the new ``deque`` based ``sphinx.ext.napolean``
  iterator implementation.
* Restore compatability with third-party builders.

Release 5.1.0 (released Jul 24, 2022)


* Support `Docutils 0.19`_. Patch by Adam Turner.


* Deprecated ``sphinx.util.stemmer`` in favour of ``snowballstemmer``.
  Patch by Adam Turner.
* Deprecated ``sphinx.ext.napoleon.iterators``.

Features added

* html theme: Allow specifying multiple CSS files through the ``stylesheet``
  setting in ``theme.conf`` or by setting ``html_style`` to an iterable of strings.
* std domain: Add support for emphasising placeholders in :rst:dir:`option`
  directives through a new :confval:`option_emphasise_placeholders` configuration
* std domain: Use the repr of some variables when displaying warnings,
  making whitespace issues easier to identify.
* quickstart: Reduce content in the generated ```` file. Patch by
  Pradyun Gedam.
* LaTeX: CSS-named-alike additional :ref:`'sphinxsetup' <latexsphinxsetup>`
  keys allow to configure four separate border-widths, four paddings, four
  corner radii, a shadow (possibly inset), colours for border, background, shadow
  for each of the code-block, topic, attention, caution, danger, error and warning
* LaTeX: Explain non-standard encoding in LatinRules.xdy
* HTML Theme: Wrap consecutive footnotes in an ``<aside>`` element when
  using Docutils 0.18 or later, to allow for easier styling. This matches the
  behaviour introduced in Docutils 0.19. Patch by Adam Turner.
* config: Add ``include_patterns`` as the opposite of ``exclude_patterns``.
  Patch by Adam Turner.

Bugs fixed

* HTML Theme: field term colons are doubled if using Docutils 0.18+
* Build failure if Docutils version is 0.18 (not 0.18.1) due
  to missing ``Node.findall()``
* LaTeX: build error if highlighting inline code role in figure caption
* Make -P (pdb) option work better with exceptions triggered from events
* py domain: Fix spurious whitespace in unparsing various operators (``+``,
  ``-``, ``~``, and ``**``). Patch by Adam Turner.
* logging: Always show node source locations as absolute paths.
* HTML Search: HTML tags are displayed as a part of object name
* HTML Search: search snipets should not be folded
* HTML Search: Minor errors are emitted on fetching search snipets
* HTML Search: The markers for header links are shown in the search result
* HTML Theme: Fix use of sidebar classes in ``agogo.css_t``.
* HTML Theme: Fix inclusion of hidden toctrees in the agogo theme.
* HTML Theme: Fix enable_search_shortcuts does not work
* LaTeX: Text can fall out of code-block at end of page and leave artifact
  on next page
* LaTeX: user injected ``\color`` commands in topic or admonition boxes may
  cause color leaks in PDF due to upstream `framed.sty <>`_
* LaTeX: framed coloured boxes in highlighted code (e.g. highlighted
  diffs using Pygments style ``'manni'``) inherit thickness of code-block frame
* LaTeX: Only one ``\label`` is generated for ``desc_signature`` node
  even if it has multiple node IDs
* i18n: UnboundLocalError is raised on translating raw directive
* py domain: Fix warning for duplicate Python references when
  using ``:any:`` and autodoc.
* HTML Search: fix minor summary issues.


2022-10-25 18:34:31 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-stevedore: updated to 4.1.0

* Fix compatibility with Python 3.12, importlib-metadata 5.0
* Fix compatibility with Python 3.10, 3.9.11
* Add Python3 antelope unit tests
* Update master for stable/zed
* remove unicode from code

* Fix remaining logic to support Python 3.6/7
* Drop python3.6/3.7 support in testing runtime
* Add Python3 zed unit tests
* Update master for stable/yoga


2022-10-25 18:33:13 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-pbr: updated to 5.11.0

* Fix symbol identification in multiline message
* Replace deprecated readfp method with read\_file

* Specify Changelog procedure
* Allow leading spaces when determining symbols
* Use stdlib importlib.metadata where possible
* Adding python classifiers py38 & py39

* Future-proofing pyproject.toml
* Use importlib-metadata for runtime package version lookups
* Drop wheel from pyproject.toml examples
* Changed minversion in tox to 3.18.0


2022-10-25 18:22:43 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated textproc/py-markdown, www/py-landslide, devel/py-automat, net/py-twisted


2022-10-25 18:21:27 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-twisted: updated to 22.8.0

Twisted 22.8.0 (2022-09-06)

Twisted 22.8.0rc1 release candidate was released on 2022-08-28 and there are
no changes between the release candidate and the final release.

- twisted.internet.defer.maybeDeferred will now schedule a coroutine result as asynchronous operation and return a Deferred that fires with the result of the coroutine.
- Twisted now works with Cryptography versions 37 and above, and as a result, its minimum TLS protocol version has been upgraded to TLSv1.2.

- ``twisted.internet.base.DelayedCall.__repr__`` will no longer raise ``AttributeError`` if the ``DelayedCall`` was created before debug mode was enabled.  As a side-effect, ``twisted.internet.base.DelayedCall.creator`` is now defined as ``None`` in cases where previously it was undefined.
- twisted.internet.iocpreactor.udp now properly re-queues its listener when there is a failure condition on the read from the socket.
- twisted.internet.defer.inlineCallbacks no longer causes confusing StopIteration tracebacks to be added to the top of tracebacks originating in triggered callbacks
- The typing of twisted.internet.task.react no longer constrains the type of argv.
- `ContextVar.reset()` now works correctly inside `inlineCallbacks` functions and coroutines.
- Implement twisted.python.failure._Code.co_positions for compatibility with Python 3.11.
- twisted.pair.tuntap._TUNSETIFF and ._TUNGETIFF values are now correct parisc, powerpc and sparc architectures.

Improved Documentation
- The release process documentation was updated to include information about
  doing a security release.
- The development and policy documentation pages were moved into the same
  directory that is now placed inside the documentation root directory.

Deprecations and Removals
- Python 3.6 is no longer supported.
  Twisted 22.4.0 was the last version with support for Python 3.6.


- twisted.conch.checkers.UNIXAuthorizedKeysFiles now uses the filesystem encoding to decode usernames before looking them up in the password database, so it works on Python 3.
- twisted.conch.ssh.SSHSession.request_env no longer gives a warning if the session does not implement ISessionSetEnv.
- The cftp command line (and `twisted.conch.scripts.cftp.SSHSession.extReceived`) no longer raises an unhandled error when receiving data on stderr from the server.


- twisted.web.template.renderElement now combines consecutive, sychronously-available bytes up to a fixed size limit into a single string to pass to ``IRequest.write`` instead of passing them all separately.  This greatly reduces the number of chunks in the response.


- twisted.mail.maildir.MaildirMessage now use byte header to avoid incompatibility with the FileMessage which writes bytes not strings lines to a message file


- twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient now splits overly long NOTICEs and NOTICEs containing \n before sending.


- twisted.names.dns logs unparsable messages rather than generating a Failure instance


- ``trial --jobs=N --exitfirst`` is now supported.

- `trial --jobs=N --until-failure ...` now reports the correct number of tests run after each iteration.
- ``trial -jN ...`` will now pass errors and failures to ``IReporter`` methods as instances of ``WorkerException`` instead of ``str``.


2022-10-25 18:17:59 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2022-10-25 15:56:21 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-landslide: updated to 1.1.9

- Pin `MarkupSafe` dependency to `v1.1.1`


2022-10-25 15:55:35 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-markdown: updated to 3.4.1

Python-Markdown 3.4 Release Notes

Python-Markdown version 3.4 supports Python versions 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 and

Backwards-incompatible changes

The `tables` extension now uses a `style` attribute instead of an `align` attribute for alignment.

The [HTML4 spec][spec4] specifically deprecates the use of the `align` attribute
and it does not appear at all in the [HTML5 spec][spec5]. Therefore, by default,
the [tables] extension will now use the `style` attribute (setting just the
`text-align` property) in `td` and `th` blocks.

[tables]: ../extensions/

The former behavior is available by setting the `use_align_attribute`
configuration option to `True` when enabling the extension.

For example, to configure the old `align` behavior:

from markdown.extensions.tables import TableExtension

markdown.markdown(src, extensions=[TableExtension(use_align_attribute=True)])

Backslash unescaping moved to Treeprocessor.

Unescaping backslash escapes has been moved to a Treeprocessor, which  enables
proper HTML escaping during serialization. However, it is recognized that
various third-party extensions may be calling the old class at
`postprocessors.UnescapePostprocessor`. Therefore, the old class remains in the
code base, but has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. The
new class `treeprocessors.UnescapeTreeprocessor` should be used instead.

Previously deprecated objects have been removed

Various objects were deprecated in version 3.0 and began raising deprecation
warnings (see the [version 3.0 release notes] for details). Any of those objects
which remained in version 3.3 have been removed from the code base in version 3.4
and will now raise errors. The relevant objects are listed below.

[version 3.0 release notes]:

| Deprecated Object                      | Replacement Object                  |
| `markdown.version`                    | `markdown.__version__`              |
| `markdown.version_info`                | `markdown.__version_info__`        |
| `markdown.util.etree`                  | `xml.etree.ElementTree`            |
| `markdown.util.string_type`            | `str`                              |
| `markdown.util.text_type`              | `str`                              |
| `markdown.util.int2str`                | `chr`                              |
| `markdown.util.iterrange`              | `range`                            |
| `markdown.util.isBlockLevel`          | `markdown.Markdown().is_block_level`|
| `markdown.util.Processor().markdown`  | `markdown.util.Processor().md`      |
| `markdown.util.Registry().__setitem__` | `markdown.util.Registry().register` |
| `markdown.util.Registry().__delitem__` |`markdown.util.Registry().deregister`|
| `markdown.util.Registry().add`        | `markdown.util.Registry().register` |

In addition, the `md_globals` parameter of
`Markdown.extensions.Extension.extendMarkdown()` is no longer recognized as a
valid parameter and will raise an error if provided.

New features

The following new features have been included in the 3.4 release:

* Some new configuration options have been added to the
  [footnotes](../extensions/ extension:

    * Small refactor of the `BACKLINK_TITLE` option; The use of `format()`
      instead of "old" `%d` formatter allows one to specify text without the
      need to have the number of the footnote in it (like footnotes on
      Wikipedia for example). The modification is backward compatible so no
      configuration change is required.

    * Addition of a new option `SUPERSCRIPT_TEXT` that allows one to specify a
      custom placeholder for the footnote itself in the text.
      Ex: `[{}]` will give `<sup>[1]</sup>`, `({})` will give `<sup>(1)</sup>`,
      or by default, the current behavior: `<sup>1</sup>`.

* The [Table of Contents](../extensions/ extension now accepts a
  `toc_class` parameter which can be used to set the CSS class(es) on the
  `<div>` that contains the Table of Contents.

* The CodeHilite extension now supports a `pygments_formatter` option that can
  be set to a custom formatter class.

    - If `pygments_formatter` is set to a string (ex: `'html'`), Pygments'
      default formatter by that name is used.
    - If `pygments_formatter` is set to a formatter class (or any callable
      which returns a formatter instance), then an instance of that class is

    The formatter class is now passed an additional option, `lang_str`, to
    denote the language of the code block. While Pygments' built-in
    formatters will ignore the option, a custom formatter assigned to the
    `pygments_formatter` option can make use of the `lang_str` to include the
    code block's language in the output.

Bug fixes

The following bug fixes are included in the 3.4 release:

* Extension entry-points are only loaded if needed.
* Added additional checks to the `<pre><code>` handling of


2022-10-25 13:37:46 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated www/py-rfc3986


2022-10-25 13:14:16 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-rfc3986: updated to 2.0.0

2.0.0 - 2022-01-10
- Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6
- Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10
- Fix bug in resolving URIs that only contain schemes which are valid per the


2022-10-25 11:39:08 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated security/py-nacl, devel/py-fasteners


2022-10-25 11:38:49 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-fasteners: updated to 0.18

- Reshuffle the process lock code and properly document it.
- Revamp the docs and switch from sphinx to mkdocs
- Remove difficult to use tread lock features from docs
- Bring back support for eventlet `spawn_n`
- Remove support for python3.6. It should still work, but is no longer tested.


2022-10-25 11:34:12 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-macaroons: mark as not for Python 2.7


2022-10-25 11:33:05 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-nacl: updated to 1.5.0

BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: Removed support for Python 2.7 and Python 3.5.
BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: We no longer distribute manylinux1 wheels.
Added manylinux2014, manylinux_2_24, musllinux, and macOS universal2 wheels (the latter supports macOS arm64).
Update libsodium to 1.0.18-stable (July 25, 2021 release).
Add inline type hints.


2022-10-25 11:18:44 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated net/py-minio, devel/py-mako


2022-10-25 11:18:21 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

volk: mark as not for Python 2.7


2022-10-25 11:18:04 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-mako: updated to 1.2.3


Fixed issue in lexer in the same category as that of 366 where the regexp used to match an end tag didn窶冲 correctly organize for matching characters surrounded by whitespace, leading to high memory / interpreter hang if a closing tag incorrectly had a large amount of unterminated space in it. Credit to Sebastian Chnelik for locating the issue.
As Mako templates inherently render and directly invoke arbitrary Python code from the template source, it is never appropriate to create templates that contain untrusted input.


Fixed issue in lexer where the regexp used to match tags would not correctly interpret quoted sections individually. While this parsing issue still produced the same expected tag structure later on, the mis-handling of quoted sections was also subject to a regexp crash if a tag had a large number of quotes within its quoted sections. Credit to Sebastian Chnelik for locating the issue.
As Mako templates inherently render and directly invoke arbitrary Python code from the template source, it is never appropriate to create templates that contain untrusted input.


Various fixes to the test suite in the area of exception message rendering to accommodate for variability in Python versions as well as Pygments.
Optimized some codepaths within the lexer/Python code generation process, improving performance for generation of templates prior to their being cached. Pull request courtesy Takuto Ikuta.

Corrected 窶忖niversal wheel窶� directive in setup.cfg so that building a wheel does not target Python 2.
The bytestring_passthrough template argument is removed, as this flag only applied to Python 2.
With the removal of Python 2窶冱 cStringIO, Mako now uses its own internal FastEncodingBuffer exclusively.
Removed disable_unicode flag, that窶冱 no longer used in Python 3.
Refactored test utilities into mako.testing module. Removed unittest.TestCase dependency in favor of pytest.
Replaced the use of pkg_resources with the importlib library. For Python < 3.8 the library importlib_metadata is used.
Removed support for Python 2 and Python 3.6. Mako now requires Python >= 3.7.
Mako now performs exception chaining using raise from, correctly identifying underlying exception conditions when it raises its own exceptions. Pull request courtesy Ram Rachum.


2022-10-25 11:00:38 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-minio: updated to 7.1.2


fix documentation display composing
fget_object(): add progress support
Updating documentation links to new URLs
list_objects: fix parsing user metadata as per MinIO server


2022-10-25 09:29:52 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated lang/py-pygls, devel/py-modulegraph, devel/py-astroid, devel/py-pylint


2022-10-25 09:29:24 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-pylint: updated to 2.15.5

What's new in Pylint 2.15.5?

False Positives Fixed

Fix a false positive for simplify-boolean-expression when multiple values are inferred for a constant.

Other Bug Fixes

Remove __index__ dunder method call from unnecessary-dunder-call check.

Fixed a multi-processing crash that prevents using any more than 1 thread on MacOS.

The returned module objects and errors that were cached by the linter plugin loader cannot be reliably pickled. This means that dill would throw an error when attempting to serialise the linter object for multi-processing use.

Other Changes

Add a keyword-only compare_constants argument to safe_infer.
Sort --generated-rcfile output.


2022-10-25 09:27:33 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-astroid: updated to 2.12.12

What's New in astroid 2.12.12?
* Add the ``length`` parameter to ``hash.digest`` & ``hash.hexdigest`` in the ``hashlib`` brain.
* Prevent a crash when a module's ``__path__`` attribute is unexpectedly missing.
* Fix inferring attributes with empty annotation assignments if parent
  class contains valid assignment.


2022-10-25 09:26:09 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-modulegraph: updated to 0.19.3

* Fix incompatibility with Python 3.11


2022-10-25 09:25:40 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-pygls: updated to 0.12.3

- Require Pydantic 1.10.2 when Python is 3.11


2022-10-25 09:15:33 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated time/py-dateparser, devel/py-hypothesis, time/py-iso8601, devel/py-pydantic


2022-10-25 09:15:04 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-pydantic: updated to 1.10.2

v1.10.2 (2022-09-05)

* **Revert Change:** Revert percent encoding of URL parts which was originally added in
* Prevent long (length > `4_300`) strings/bytes as input to int fields, see
* fix: dataclass wrapper was not always called,
* Use `tomllib` on Python 3.11 when parsing `mypy` configuration,
* Basic fix of `GenericModel` cache to detect order of arguments in `Union` models,
* Fix mypy plugin when using bare types like `list` and `dict` as `default_factory`,

v1.10.1 (2022-08-31)

* Add `__hash__` method to `pydancic.color.Color` class,

v1.10.0 (2022-08-30)

* Refactor the whole _pydantic_ `dataclass` decorator to really act like its standard lib equivalent.
  It hence keeps `__eq__`, `__hash__`, ... and makes comparison with its non-validated version possible.
  It also fixes usage of `frozen` dataclasses in fields and usage of `default_factory` in nested dataclasses.
  The support of `Config.extra` has been added.
  Finally, config customization directly via a `dict` is now possible,
  - The `compiled` boolean (whether _pydantic_ is compiled with cython) has been moved from `` to ``
  - Now that `Config.extra` is supported, `dataclass` ignores by default extra arguments (like `BaseModel`)
* Fix PEP487 `__set_name__` protocol in `BaseModel` for PrivateAttrs,
* Allow for custom parsing of environment variables via `parse_env_var` in `Config`,
* Rename `master` to `main`,
* Fix `StrictStr` does not raise `ValidationError` when `max_length` is present in `Field`,
* Make `SecretStr` and `SecretBytes` hashable,
* Fix `StrictBytes` does not raise `ValidationError` when `max_length` is present in `Field`,
* Add support for bare `type`,
* Support Python 3.11, including binaries for 3.11 in PyPI,
* Add support for `re.Pattern`,
* Fix `__post_init_post_parse__` is incorrectly passed keyword arguments when no `__post_init__` is defined,
* Fix implicitly importing `ForwardRef` and `Callable` from `pydantic.typing` instead of `typing` and also expose `MappingIntStrAny`,
* remove `Any` types from the `dataclass` decorator so it can be used with the `disallow_any_expr` mypy option,
* moved repo to `pydantic/pydantic`,
* fix "extra fields not permitted" error when dataclass with `Extra.forbid` is validated multiple times,
* Add Python 3.9 and 3.10 examples to docs,
* Discriminated union models now use `oneOf` instead of `anyOf` when generating OpenAPI schema definitions,
* Allow type checkers to infer inner type of `Json` type. `Json[list[str]]` will be now inferred as `list[str]`,
  `Json[Any]` should be used instead of plain `Json`.
  Runtime behaviour is not changed,
* Allow empty string aliases by using a `alias is not None` check, rather than `bool(alias)`,
* Update `ForwardRef`s in `Field.outer_type_`,
* The use of `__dataclass_transform__` has been replaced by `typing_extensions.dataclass_transform`, which is the preferred way to mark pydantic models as a dataclass under [PEP 681](,
* Use parent model's `Config` when validating nested `NamedTuple` fields,
* Update `BaseModel.construct` to work with aliased Fields,
* Catch certain raised errors in `smart_deepcopy` and revert to `deepcopy` if so,
* Add `Config.anystr_upper` and `to_upper` kwarg to constr and conbytes,
* Fix JSON schema for `set` and `frozenset` when they include default values,
* Teach the mypy plugin that methods decorated by `@validator` are classmethods,
* Improve mypy plugin's ability to detect required fields,
* Support fields of type `Type[]` in schema,
* Add `default` value in JSON Schema when `const=True`,
* Adds reserved word check to signature generation logic,
* Fix Json strategy failure for the complex nested field,
* Add JSON-compatible float constraint `allow_inf_nan`,
* Remove undefined behaviour when `env_prefix` had characters in common with `env_nested_delimiter`,
* Support generics model with `create_model`,
* allow submodels to overwrite extra field info,
* Document and test structural pattern matching ([PEP 636]( on `BaseModel`,
* Fix incorrect deserialization of python timedelta object to ISO 8601 for negative time deltas.
  Minus was serialized in incorrect place ("P-1DT23H59M59.888735S" instead of correct "-P1DT23H59M59.888735S"),
* Fix validation of discriminated union fields with an alias when passing a model instance,
* Add a CockroachDsn type to validate CockroachDB connection strings. The type
  supports the following schemes: `cockroachdb`, `cockroachdb+psycopg2` and `cockroachdb+asyncpg`,
* Fix MyPy plugin to not override pre-existing `__init__` method in models,
* Fix mypy version checking,
* support overwriting dunder attributes of `BaseModel` instances,
* Added `ConstrainedDate` and `condate`,
* Support `kw_only` in dataclasses,
* Add comparison method for `Color` class,
* Drop support for python3.6, associated cleanup,
* created new function `to_lower_camel()` for "non pascal case" camel case,
* Add checks to `default` and `default_factory` arguments in Mypy plugin,
* fix mangling of `inspect.signature` for `BaseModel`,
* Adds the `SecretField` abstract class so that all the current and future secret fields like `SecretStr` and `SecretBytes` will derive from it,
* Support multi hosts validation in `PostgresDsn`,
* Fix parsing of very small numeric timedelta values,
* Update `SecretsSettingsSource` to respect `config.case_sensitive`,
* Add MongoDB network data source name (DSN) schema,
* Add support for multiple dotenv files,
* Raise an explicit `ConfigError` when multiple fields are incorrectly set for a single validator,
* Allow ellipsis on `Field`s inside `Annotated` for `TypedDicts` required,
* Catch overflow errors in `int_validator`,
* Adds a `__rich_repr__` method to `Representation` class which enables pretty printing with [Rich](,
* Add percent encoding in `AnyUrl` and descendent types,
* `validate_arguments` decorator now supports `alias`,
* Avoid `__dict__` and `__weakref__` attributes in `AnyUrl` and IP address fields,
* Add ability to use `Final` in a field type annotation,
* Update requirement to `typing_extensions>=4.1.0` to guarantee `dataclass_transform` is available,
* Add Explosion and AWS to main sponsors,
* Update documentation for `copy_on_model_validation` to reflect recent changes,
* Runtime warning if `__slots__` is passed to `create_model`, `__slots__` is then ignored,
* Add type hints to `BaseSettings.Config` to avoid mypy errors, also correct mypy version compatibility notice in docs


2022-10-25 09:09:26 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-iso8601: updated to 1.1.0

missed a comma
raise ParseError if we get an exception on is_iso8601()
Add is_iso8601() function
Update license years


2022-10-25 09:08:45 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-hypothesis: updated to 6.56.3

6.56.3 - 2022-10-17

This patch teaches text() to rewrite a few more filter predicates. You窶决e unlikely to notice any change.

6.56.2 - 2022-10-10

This patch updates our vendored list of top-level domains, which is used by the provisional domains() strategy, and fixes some incorrect examples in the docs for mutually_broadcastable_shapes().

6.56.1 - 2022-10-05

This patch improves the error message when Hypothesis detects 窶彷lush to zero窶� mode for floating-point: we now report which package(s) enabled this, which can make debugging much easier.

6.56.0 - 2022-10-02

This release defines __bool__() on SearchStrategy. It always returns True, like before, but also emits a warning to help with cases where you intended to draw a value.

6.55.0 - 2022-09-29

In preparation for future versions of the Array API standard, make_strategies_namespace() now accepts an optional api_version argument, which determines the version conformed to by the returned strategies namespace. If None, the version of the passed array module xp is inferred.

This release also introduces xps.real_dtypes(). This is currently equivalent to the existing xps.numeric_dtypes() strategy, but exists because the latter is expected to include complex numbers in the next version of the standard.


2022-10-25 09:02:38 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-dateparser: updated to 1.1.2

1.1.2 (2022-10-20)


- Added support for negative timestamp
- Fixed PytzUsageWarning for Python versions >= 3.6
- Added support for dates with dots and spaces
- Improved support for Ukrainian, Croatian and Russian
- Added support for parsing Unix timestamps consistently regardless of timezones
- Improved tests


2022-10-25 08:30:14 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-FormEncode: remove setuptools_scm_git_archive from requirements


2022-10-25 08:02:15 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-test-mock, www/py-httpie


2022-10-25 07:59:08 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-httpie: updated to 3.2.1

- Improved support for determining auto-streaming when the `Content-Type` header includes encoding information.
- Fixed the display of the crash happening in the secondary process for update checks.

- Added a warning for notifying the user about the new updates.
- Added support for single binary executables.
- Added support for man pages (and auto generation of them from the parser declaration).
- Added `http --manual` for man pages & regular manual with pager.
- Added support for session persistence of repeated headers with the same name.
- Added support for sending `Secure` cookies to the `localhost` (and `.local` suffixed domains).
- Improved UI for the progress bars.
- Fixed redundant creation of `Content-Length` header on `OPTIONS` requests.
- Fixed blocking of warning thread on some use cases.
- Changed `httpie plugins` to the new `httpie cli` namespace as `httpie cli plugins` (`httpie plugins` continues to work as a hidden alias).
- Soft deprecated the `--history-print`.


2022-10-25 07:58:13 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-test-mock: updated to 3.10.0

3.10.0 (2022-10-05)
* Added new ``mocker.stop(m)`` method to stop specific ``mocker.patch`` or ``mocker.spy`` calls.

3.9.0 (2022-09-28)
* Expose ``NonCallableMagicMock`` via the ``mocker`` fixture.

3.8.2 (2022-07-05)
- Fixed ``AsyncMock`` support for Python 3.7+ in ``mocker.async_stub``.

3.8.1 (2022-06-24)
* Fixed regression caused by an explicit ``mock`` dependency in the code.

3.8.0 (2022-06-24)
* Add ``MockerFixture.async_mock`` method.


2022-10-25 07:30:44 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated time/py-pytz, textproc/py-JWT, security/py-oauthlib, devel/py-canonicaljson


2022-10-25 07:30:19 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-canonicaljson: updated to 1.6.3

Version 1.6.3
* Properly package the `canonicaljson` module.


2022-10-25 07:26:58 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-oauthlib: updated to 3.2.2

3.2.2 (2022-10-17)
OAuth2.0 Provider:
* CVE-2022-36087


2022-10-25 07:25:13 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-JWT: updated to 2.6.0


- bump up cryptography >= 3.4.0
- Remove `types-cryptography` from `crypto` extra

- Invalidate token on the exact second the token expires
- fix: version 2.5.0 heading typo

- Adding validation for `issued_at` when `iat > (now + leeway)` as `ImmatureSignatureError`


2022-10-25 07:21:36 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-pytz: updated to 2022.5

Unknown changes


2022-10-25 07:06:14 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-test-localserver: needs py-setuptools_scm to build


2022-10-24 19:52:35 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Handle PostgreSQL 15.x


2022-10-24 18:18:34 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated net/py-pika, math/py-scipy


2022-10-24 18:18:15 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-scipy: updated to 1.9.3

Issues closed for 1.9.3

scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline segfault
BUG: multivariate_normal returns a pdf for values outside its...
BUG: stats: inconsistency in docs and behavior of gmean and hmean
running scipy.interpolate.tests.test_fitpack::test_bisplev_integer_overflow...
test_bisplev_integer_overflow: Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Bug: setting iprint=0 hides all output from fmin_l_bfgs_b, but...
\`scipy.stats.mood\` does not correct for ties
ks_2samp throws \`RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in double_scalars\`
\`shgo\` error since scipy 1.8.0.dev0+1529.803e52d
Input data validation for RectSphereBivariateSpline
BUG: binom.pmf - RuntimeWarning: divide by zero
BUG: scipy.optimize.minimize: Powell's method function evaluated...
BUG: lombscargle fails if argument is a view
BUG: Possible bug when using winsorize on pandas data instead...
BUG: stats.ttest_ind returns wrong p-values with permutations
odr.Model default meta value fails with __getattr__
BUG: Error in error message for incorrect sample dimension in...
BUG: dimension of isuppz in syevr is mistranslated
BUG: \`KDTree\`'s optional argument \`eps\` seems to have no...
dtype not preserved with operations on sparse arrays
BUG: \`\` on \`boltzmann\` expects \`bound\` for \`lambda\`,...
BUG: Small oversight in sparse.linalg.lsmr?
BUG: Build failure due to problems with shebang line in
BUG: returns \`loc\` that is inconsistent...
BUG? Incorrect branch in \`LAMV\` / \`_specfunc.lamv\`
DOC: keepdims in stats.mode is incorrectly documented

Pull requests for 1.9.3

BUG: multivariate_normal returns a pdf for values outside its...
Bug: setting iprint=0 hides all output from fmin_l_bfgs_b, but...
BUG: stats: Reformulate loggamma._rvs to handle c << 1.
BUG: fix out-of-bound evaluations in optimize.minimize, powell...
BUG: fix powell evaluated outside limits
BUG: fix stats.rv_histogram for non-uniform bins
stats.mood: correct for when ties are present
BUG: fix a crash in \`fpknot\`
MAINT: stats: fix _contains_nan on Pandas Series
Fix ttest permutations
MAINT: fix SHGO extra arguments
BUG: Fix error in error message for incorrect sample dimension...
MAINT: stats.ks_2samp: always emit warning when exact method...
BUG: fix syevr series segfault by explicitly specifying operator...
BUG: optimize: Fix differential_evolution error message.
FIX: \`odr.Model\` error with default \`meta\` value
FIX: stats: ignore divide-by-zero warnings from Boost binom impl
MAINT: stats.vonmises: wrap rvs to -pi, pi interval
BUG: eps param no effect fixed
MAINT: Ensure Pythran input for lombscargle are contiguous
Detect integer overflow in bivariate splines in fitpackmodule.c,...
BUG: sparse: Fix indexing sparse matrix with empty index arguments.
FIX: spurious divide error with \`gmean\`
BUG: fix mutable data types as default arguments in \`ord.{Data,RealData}\`
MAINT: stats.boltzmann: correct _shape_info typo
BUG: interpolate: sanity check x and y in make_interp_spline(x,...
MAINT: avoid \`func_data\`, it conflicts with system header on...
BUG: interpolate: work array sizes for RectSphereBivariateSpline
BUG: linalg: Fix the XSLOW test test_sgesdd_lwork_bug_workaround()
MAINT: fix small LSMR problem
MAINT: stats.rayleigh: enforce constraint on location
FIX: special: use intended branching for \`lamv\` implementation
MAINT: stats.rv_discrete.pmf: should be zero at non-integer argument
REL: Prep for SciPy 1.9.3
BUG: special: Fix two XSLOW test failures.
MAINT: update to make it work on IBM i system
BLD: fix issue with incomplete threads dependency handling
Keepdims incorrectly documneted fix
MAINT: Handle numpy's deprecation of accepting out-of-bound integers.
BLD: fix invalid shebang for build helper script


2022-10-24 18:17:21 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-pika: updated to 1.3.1

Bug fixes


2022-10-24 18:02:43 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated net/libtorrent-rasterbar, math/octave


2022-10-24 18:02:19 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

octave: updated to 7.2.0

Summary of bugs fixed for version 7.2.0 (2022-07-28):


Improvements and fixes

- Avoid out-of-bounds indexing when checking for broadcastable inplace operators
- `hdl2struct.m`: Fix saving of `uibuttongroups`
- Fix `ls` with glob patterns on Windows
- `pkg.m`: Create directory before saving file
- `nchoosek.m`: Fix freeze-up for certain integer inputs
- `nchoosek.m`: Restore fast path code for floating point inputs
- `betainc.m`: Use sophisticated technique for calculating exponents to avoid inaccuracies
- `ls.m`: Fix handling of `\` on UNIX platforms
- `findobj.m`: Fix input validation of graphics handles
- `newplot.m`: Backed out changeset fdd58773ac02
- `__print_parse_opts__.m`: Initialize variables in all cases for print warnings
- `__wglob__`: Correctly handle `.` and `..` in patterns on Windows
- `datenum.m`: Correctly handle arrays with leading singleton dimensions
- Stop incorrect error when `reset()` called on `uimenu` handle
- Emit more informative error message on empty input when setting axis limits
- `msgbox.m`: Allow "custom" `cdata` for icon
- Fix memory leak with nested functions and anonymous functions
- `__wglob__`: Retain trailing file separator on Windows
- `pkg`: Avoid error when unlinking non-existent files
- `mkoctfile.m`: Trim whitespace (newline) around system output.
- `subplot.m`: Avoid error when mixing `rcn` and `"position"` calling form
- `plot`: Deprecate using numbers to select line colors
- Don't shut down interpreter immediately on `execute`
- `isprime.m` and ``: Minor performance tweaks.
- `__wglob__`: Handle patterns with UNC paths on Windows
- Change wording of error message when using a variable as function
- `inputParser.m`: Adapt for interpreter changes regarding number of output arguments
- Store token ID, not keyword ID when parsing keywords
- `canonicalize_file_name`: Do not translate mapped network drive to UNC path
- `inputParser`: Correctly handle cell default values for optional parameters
- `factor.m`: Performance tweak to avoid division in certain cases.
- Fix regression with `\color[rgb]` TeX pattern
- `regexp`: Check pattern length before accessing it
- `pkg.m`: Create `PREFIX` and `ARCHPREFIX` directories
- `pkg`: Replace `OCTAVE_HOME` in `PREFIX` and `ARCHPREFIX` independently
- ``: Add missing `#include <ctime>`
- `pkg`: Fix formatting of `copyfile` message
- `pkg`: Escape special characters in `OCTAVE_HOME` for `regexprep`


- Fix removing trailing spaces on closing a modified file
- Replace use of deprecated `QDesktopWidget` in GUI.
- Fix display in Variable Editor when `fixed_point_format` is on
- Fix file length when saving shorter content in editor

Build system / Tests

- `addpref.m`: Recode test to work with multiple running instances of Octave.
- Don't leak build directories in installed directories
- Import `hash-buffer` modules from gnulib
- Remove `.dirstamp` files from `test/` directory with `maintainer-clean` target.
- Add tests for `__FILE__` and `__LINE__`


- `datestr.m`: Fix minor typo.
- `ls.m`: Improve wording in docstring
- `dir.m`: Clarify wildcard behavior on Windows in docstring
- `memory.m`: Redo documentation to be formatted correctly in Info output.
- Document contracted `format` arguments
- `humps.m`: Fix mismatch between TeX docstring and non-TeX docstring.
- `warning_ids.m`: Add new warning ID `"Octave:deprecated-option"`.
- `primes.m`: Move code examples before math theory.
- `primes.m`: Mark variables in docstring with `@var{}` macro.
- Rewrite section on automatic type conversions
- `subsasgn`: Correct example code


2022-10-24 17:58:14 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

libtorrent-rasterbar: updated to 2.0.8


fix uTP streams timing out instead of closing cleanly
add write_torrent_file_buf() overload for generating .torrent files
add create_torrent::generate_buf() function to generate into a buffer
fix copy_file when the file ends with a sparse region
uTP performance, fix packet loss when sending is stalled
fix trackers being stuck after session pause/resume
fix bug in hash_picker with empty files
uTP performance, prevent premature timeouts/resends
add option to not memory map files below a certain size
settings_pack now returns default values when queried for missing settings
fix copy_file fall-back when SEEK_HOL/SEEK_DATA is not supported
improve error reporting from file copy and move
tweak pad file placement to match reference implementation (tail-padding)
uTP performance, more lenient nagle's algorithm to always allow one outstanding undersized packet
uTP performance, piggy-back held back undersized packet with ACKs
uTP performance, don't send redundant deferred ACKs
support incoming SOCKS5 packets with hostnames as source address, for UDP trackers
ignore duplicate network interface change notifications on linux
fix total_want/want accounting when forcing a recheck
fix merging metadata with magnet links added on top of existing torrents
add torrent_flag to default all file priorities to dont_download
fix &so= feature in magnet links
improve compatibility of SOCKS5 UDP ASSOCIATE
fix madvise range for flushing cache in mmap_storage
open files with no_cache set in O_SYNC mode


2022-10-24 12:50:26 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

rapidjson: needs googletest to build


2022-10-24 11:56:27 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/protobuf, devel/py-protobuf


2022-10-24 11:55:52 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

protobuf py-protobuf: updated to [34].21.8

Protocol Buffers v21.8


Fix for issue 17995 & protobuf issue 7474 (handle UTF-8 paths in argumentfile)


21.x No longer define no_threadlocal on OpenBSD


2022-10-24 10:39:09 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-types-setuptools, audio/py-soundfile


2022-10-24 10:38:49 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-soundfile: updated to 0.11.0


MP3 support
Adds binary wheels for macOS M1
Improves compatibility with macOS, specifically for M1 machines
Fixes file descriptor open for binary wheels on Windows and Python 3.5+
Updates libsndfile to v1.1.0
Adds get_strings method for retrieving all metadata at once
Improves documentation, error messages and tests
Displays length of very short files in samples
Supports the file system path protocol (pathlib et al)


2022-10-24 10:35:03 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-types-setuptools: updated to (2022-10-16)

Remove empty `__init__` methods from classes with 0 parents (2022-10-15)

[stubsabot] Bump setuptools to 65.5.*


2022-10-24 10:29:38 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated net/rsync, security/sudo


2022-10-24 10:29:20 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

sudo: updated to 1.9.12

What's new in Sudo 1.9.12

* Fixed a bug in the ptrace-based intercept mode where the current
  working directory could include garbage at the end.

* Fixed a compilation error on systems that lack the stdint.h

* Fixed a bug when logging the command's exit status in intercept
  mode.  The wrong command could be logged with the exit status.

* For ptrace-based intercept mode, sudo will now attempt to
  verify that the command path name, arguments and environment
  have not changed from the time when they were authorized by the
  security policy.  The new "intercept_verify" sudoers setting can
  be used to control this behavior.

* Fixed running commands with a relative path (e.g. ./foo) in
  intercept mode.  Previously, this would fail if sudo's current
  working directory was different from that of the command.

* Sudo now supports passing the execve(2) system call the NULL
  pointer for the `argv` and/or `envp` arguments when in intercept
  mode.  Linux treats a NULL pointer like an empty array.

* The sudoers LDAP schema now allows sudoUser, sudoRunasUser and
  sudoRunasGroup to include UTF-8 characters, not just 7-bit ASCII.

* Fixed a problem with "sudo -i" on SELinux when the target user's
  home directory is not searchable by sudo.

* Neovim has been added to the list of visudo editors that support
  passing the line number on the command line.

* Fixed a bug in sudo's SHA384 and SHA512 message digest padding.

* Added a new "-N" (--no-update) command line option to sudo which
  can be used to prevent sudo from updating the user's cached
  credentials.  It is now possible to determine whether or not a
  user's cached credentials are currently valid by running:

        $ sudo -Nnv

  and checking the exit value.  One use case for this is to indicate
  in a shell prompt that sudo is "active" for the user.

* PAM approval modules are no longer invoked when running sub-commands
  in intercept mode unless the "intercept_authenticate" option is set.
  There is a substantial performance penalty for calling into PAM
  for each command run.  PAM approval modules are still called for
  the initial command.

* Intercept mode on Linux now uses process_vm_readv(2) and
  process_vm_writev(2) if available.

* The XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP environment variable is now preserved
  by default.  This makes it possible for graphical applications
  to choose the correct theme when run via sudo.

* On 64-bit systems, if sudo fails to load a sudoers group plugin,
  it will use system-specific heuristics to try to locate a 64-bit
  version of the plugin.

* The cvtsudoers manual now documents the JSON and CSV output

* Fixed a bug where sub-commands were not being logged to a remote
  log server when log_subcmds was enabled.

* The new log_stdin, log_stdout, log_stderr, log_ttyin, and log_ttyout
  sudoers settings can be used to support more fine-grained I/O logging.
  The sudo front-end no longer allocates a pseudo-terminal when running
  a command if the I/O logging plugin requests logging of stdin, stdout,
  or stderr but not terminal input/output.

* Quieted a libgcrypt run-time initialization warning.

* Fixed a bug in visudo that caused literal backslashes to be removed
  from the EDITOR environment variable.

* The sudo Python plugin now implements the "find_spec" method instead
  of the the deprecated "find_module".  This fixes a test failure when
  a newer version of setuptools that doesn't include "find_module" is
  found on the system.

* Fixed a bug introduced in sudo 1.9.9 where sudo_logsrvd created
  the process ID file, usually /var/run/sudo/, as
  a directory instead of a plain file.  The same bug could result
  in I/O log directories that end in six or more X's being created
  literally in addition to the name being used as a template for
  the mkdtemp(3) function.

* Fixed a long-standing bug where a sudoers rule with a command
  line argument of "", which indicates the command may be run with
  no arguments, would also match a literal "" on the command line.

* Added the -I option to visudo which only edits the main sudoers
  file.  Include files are not edited unless a syntax error is found.

* Fixed "sudo -l -U otheruser" output when the runas list is empty.
  Previously, sudo would list the invoking user instead of the
  list user.

* Fixed the display of command tags and options in "sudo -l" output
  when the RunAs user or group changes.  A new line is started for
  RunAs changes which means we need to display the command tags
  and options again.

* The sesh helper program now uses getopt_long(3) to parse the
  command line options.

* The embedded copy of zlib has been updated to version 1.2.13.

* Fixed a bug that prevented event log data from being sent to the
  log server when I/O logging was not enabled.  This only affected
  systems without PAM or configurations where the pam_session and
  pam_setcred options were disabled in the sudoers file.

* Fixed a bug where "sudo -l" output included a carriage return
  after the newline.  This is only needed when displaying to a
  terminal in raw mode.


2022-10-24 10:28:22 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

rsync: updated to 3.2.7

rsync 3.2.7 (20 Oct 2022)


- Fixed the client-side validating of the remote sender's filtering behavior.

- More fixes for the "unrequested file-list name" name, including a copy of
  "/" with `--relative` enabled and a copy with a lot of related paths with
  `--relative` enabled (often derived from a `--files-from` list).

- When rsync gets an unpack error on an ACL, mention the filename.

- Avoid over-setting sanitize_paths when a daemon is serving "/" (even if
  "use chroot" is false).


- Added negotiated daemon-auth support that allows a stronger checksum digest
  to be used to validate a user's login to the daemon.  Added SHA512, SHA256,
  and SHA1 digests to MD5 & MD4.  These new digests are at the highest priority
  in the new daemon-auth negotiation list.

- Added support for the SHA1 digest in file checksums.  While this tends to be
  overkill, it is available if someone really needs it.  This overly-long
  checksum is at the lowest priority in the normal checksum negotiation list.
  See [`--checksum-choice`](rsync.1#opt) (`--cc`) and the `RSYNC_CHECKSUM_LIST`
  environment var for how to customize this.

- Improved the xattr hash table to use a 64-bit key without slowing down the
  key's computation.  This should make extra sure that a hash collision doesn't

- If the `--version` option is repeated (e.g. `-VV`) then the information is
  output in a (still readable) JSON format.  Client side only.

- The script `support/json-rsync-version` is available to get the JSON style
  version output from any rsync.  The script accepts either text on stdin
  **or** an arg that specifies an rsync executable to run with a doubled
  `--version` option.  If the text we get isn't already in JSON format, it is
  converted. Newer rsync versions will provide more complete json info than
  older rsync versions. Various tweaks are made to keep the flag names
  consistent across versions.

- The [`use chroot`](rsyncd.conf.5#) daemon parameter now defaults to "unset"
  so that rsync can use chroot when it works and a sanitized copy when chroot
  is not supported (e.g., for a non-root daemon).  Explicitly setting the
  parameter to true or false (on or off) behaves the same way as before.

- The `--fuzzy` option was optimized a bit to try to cut down on the amount of
  computations when considering a big pool of files. The simple heuristic from
  Kenneth Finnegan resuled in about a 2x speedup.

- If rsync is forced to use protocol 29 or before (perhaps due to talking to an
  rsync before 3.0.0), the modify time of a file is limited to 4-bytes.  Rsync
  now interprets this value as an unsigned integer so that a current year past
  2038 can continue to be represented. This does mean that years prior to 1970
  cannot be represented in an older protocol, but this trade-off seems like the
  right choice given that (1) 2038 is very rapidly approaching, and (2) newer
  protocols support a much wider range of old and new dates.

- The rsync client now treats an empty destination arg as an error, just like
  it does for an empty source arg. This doesn't affect a `host:` arg (which is
  treated the same as `host:.`) since the arg is not completely empty.  The use
  of [`--old-args`](rsync.1#opt) (including via `RSYNC_OLD_ARGS`) allows the
  prior behavior of treating an empty destination arg as a ".".


- The checksum code now uses openssl's EVP methods, which gets rid of various
  deprecation warnings and makes it easy to support more digest methods.  On
  newer systems, the MD4 digest is marked as legacy in the openssl code, which
  makes openssl refuse to support it via EVP.  You can choose to ignore this
  and allow rsync's MD4 code to be used for older rsync connections (when
  talking to an rsync prior to 3.0.0) or you can choose to configure rsync to
  tell openssl to enable legacy algorithms (see below).

- A simple openssl config file is supplied that can be installed for rsync to
  use.  If you install packaging/openssl-rsync.cnf to a public spot (such as
  `/etc/ssl/openssl-rsync.cnf`) and then run configure with the option
  `--with-openssl-conf=/path/name.cnf`, this will cause rsync to export the
  configured path in the OPENSSL_CONF environment variable (when the variable
  is not already set).  This will enable openssl's MD4 code for rsync to use.

- The packager may wish to include an explicit "use chroot = true" in the top
  section of their supplied /etc/rsyncd.conf file if the daemon is being
  installed to run as the root user (though rsync should behave the same even
  with the value unset, a little extra paranoia doesn't hurt).

- I've noticed that some packagers haven't installed support/nameconvert for
  users to use in their chrooted rsync configs.  Even if it is not installed
  as an executable script (to avoid a python3 dependency) it would be good to
  install it with the other rsync-related support scripts.

- It would be good to add support/json-rsync-version to the list of installed
  support scripts.


2022-10-24 09:47:50 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/dejagnu, devel/libffi


2022-10-24 09:46:57 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

libffi: updated to 3.4.4

3.4.4 Oct-23-2022

Important aarch64 fixes, including support for linux builds
  with Link Time Optimization (-flto).
Fix x86 stdcall stack alignment.
Fix x86 Windows msvc assembler compatibility.
Fix moxie and or1k small structure args.


2022-10-24 09:46:05 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

dejagnu: updated to 1.6.3

Changes since 1.6.2:

1. The internal proc 'is_remote' has been renamed to 'isremote' for
    consistency with the other similar procs (eg, istarget). Testsuites
    should use this proc. The 'is_remote' proc is deprecated.
2. runtest now accepts --local_init and --global_init options to override
    the default of reading "site.exp".  See the manual for details.
3. runtest now responds consistently to all Tcl errors and generates an
    UNRESOLVED result when a test script aborts.  Previously, calling an
    undefined procedure would cause the test run to abort while other Tcl
    errors produced only an easily-ignored message.
4. runtest now collects Tcl errors encountered during a test run and prints
    the collected errors a second time at the end of the test run after the
    summary.  Separator lines containing more than 10 hyphens are included.
5. A utility procedure relative_filename has been added.  This procedure
    computes a relative file name to a given destination from a given base.
6. The utility procedure 'grep' now accepts a '-n' option that
    includes line numbers in the output, consistent with GNU grep.
7. The target_compile procedure now accepts a "linker=" option that
    overrides the compiler selection when producing an executable.
8. The internal default_target_compile procedure now supports compiling
    sources in Go (using GCC Go) and Rust.
9. The host_execute procedure no longer insists that the executable be in
    the current directory if the file exists under the given name.
10. The host_execute procedure now reads input to end-of-file, to ensure
    that the child process will be able to complete instead of being cut
    short by a SIGPIPE under unpredictable unfavorable timing scenarios.
11. The match patterns in the host_execute procedure have been revised to
    fix timing issues causing test names to be truncated.
12. The host_execute procedure is no longer sensitive to the value of the
    "text" global variable.
13. A new multiplex procedure "testsuite" is added for commands retrieving
    or providing information about the current testsuite.
14. A command "testsuite file" is added to replace the use of the "*dir"
    variables in test scripts.
15. A command "testsuite can call" is added to report the availability of
    multiplexed API calls.
16. A new multiplex procedure "testcase" is added for commands examining or
    manipulating the dynamic state of ongoing testing.
17. A command "testcase group" is provided for reporting test groups to the
    DejaGnu core.  Currently, the usage of this command is validated, but
    it will affect at least XML output in a future release of DejaGnu.
18. A shell command "dejagnu" is added as a place to hang various
    auxiliary commands not directly involved with running tests. The
    "runtest" command will remain for that purpose for the foreseeable
19. The first auxiliary command is added: "report card". The "dejagnu
    report card" command reads DejaGnu summary files and produces a compact
    tabular summary across multiple tools.
20. A Tcl namespace is now used for some internal procedures and variables.
    The Tcl namespace ::dejagnu and all child namespaces are entirely
    internal and should not be mentioned in testsuite code.  Its contents
    are subject to change without notice, even on point releases.
21. The DejaGnu testsuite no longer searches for a nearby Expect executable
    in the location where it would have been located in the old Cygnus tree
    layout.  If you want to use a special Expect other than the system
    Expect, specify EXPECT=/name/of/expect to "runtest" or "make check".


2022-10-23 15:53:43 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated net/py-gevent, net/py-geventhttpclient


2022-10-23 15:52:51 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-geventhttpclient: updated to 2.0.8

Prefer using create_default_ssl_context (second try, now backwards compatible)

Revert "Prefer using create_default_ssl_context"

fix: import distutils after setuptools (compat with setuptools/65.3.0) by @sandrotosi in #168
Vendor llhttp as submodule and update it to v6.0.10

Urlencode spaces in query string, like requests does

Always URLencode data parameter if it is dict type

Replace http_parser with llhttp


2022-10-23 15:48:33 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-gevent: updated to 22.10.1

22.10.1 (2022-10-14)

- Update bundled libuv to 1.44.2.

22.08.0 (2022-10-08)

- Windows: Test and provide binary wheels for PyPy3.7.
  Note that there may be issues with subprocesses, signals, and it may
  be slow.
- Upgrade embedded c-ares to 1.18.1.
- Upgrade bundled libuv to 1.42.0 from 1.40.0.
- Added preliminary support for Python 3.11 (rc2 and later).

  Some platforms may or may not have binary wheels at this time.

  .. important:: Support for legacy versions of Python, including 2.7
                and 3.6, will be ending soon. The
                maintenance burden has become too great and the
                maintainer's time is too limited.

                Ideally, there will be a release of gevent compatible
                with a final release of greenlet 2.0 that still
                supports those legacy versions, but that may not be
                possible; this may be the final release to support them.

  :class:`gevent.threadpool.ThreadPool` can now optionally expire idle
  threads. This is used by default in the implicit thread pool used for
  DNS requests and other user-submitted tasks; other uses of a
  thread-pool need to opt-in to this.

- Truly disable the effects of compiling with ``-ffast-math``.


2022-10-23 14:50:35 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

avidemux: depend on multimedia/x264


2022-10-23 10:45:50 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-daemon, audio/flac


2022-10-23 10:45:21 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

flac: updated to 1.4.2

FLAC 1.4.2 (22-Oct-2022)

Once again, this release only has a few changes. A problem with FLAC playback in GStreamer (and possibly other libFLAC users) was the reason for the short time since the last release

- Remove xmms plugin (Martijn van Beurden, TokyoBlackHole)
- Remove all pure assembler, removing build dependency on nasm
- Made console output more uniform across different platforms and CPUs
- Improve ability to tune compile for a certain system (for example with -march=native) when combining with 窶電isable-asm-optimizations: plain C functions can now be better optimized

Build system
- Default CFLAGS are now prepended instead of dropped when user CFLAGS are set
- -msse2 is no longer added by default (was only applicable to x86)
- Fix cross-compiling and out-of-tree building when pandoc and doxygen are not available
- Fix issue with Clang not compiling functions with intrinsics
- Fix detection of bswap intrinsics (Ozkan Sezer)
- Improve search for libssp on MinGW (Ozkan Sezer, Martijn van Beurden)

- Fix issue when the libFLAC user seeks in a file instead of libFLAC itself


2022-10-23 10:44:26 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-daemon: updated to 2.3.2

Version 2.3.2

Bugs Fixed:

* Declare Twine as a development dependency (not a build dependency).
* Specify to build a wheel distribution for only Python 3 or later.
* Specify the built package requires Python 3 or later.


* The earlier version 2.3.1 is now ���yanked��� from PyPI (unlisted and not an
  installation candidate), because that version incorrectly permitted
  installation on Python 2. Thanks to Nick M. for the report.


2022-10-21 17:55:02 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-test-asyncio, devel/py-exceptiongroup, devel/py-test-localserver, devel/py-setuptools


2022-10-21 17:54:37 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-setuptools: updated to 65.5.0


* Fixed editable install for multi-module/no-package ``src``-layout projects.
* Minor refactorings to support distutils using stdlib logging module.

Documentation changes
* Updated the example version numbers to be compliant with PEP-440 on the "Specifying Your Project窶冱 Version" page of the user guide.

* Improved information about conflicting entries in the current working directory
  and editable install (in documentation and as an informational warning).
* Updated version of ``validate_pyproject``.


2022-10-21 17:48:58 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-test-localserver: updated to 0.7.0

0.7.0 (2022-08-30)
Make smtp support an optional extra
Update some obsolete syntax to drop support for Python 2
Add linting for code and workflow actions using pre-commit hooks
Expand the range of pytest versions known to be compatible, with tests
Add badges to README


2022-10-21 17:48:13 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-exceptiongroup: updated to 1.0.0rc9

Bug fixes


2022-10-21 17:42:48 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-test-asyncio: updated to 0.20.1

0.20.1 (22-10-21)
- Fixes an issue that warned about using an old version of pytest, even though the most recent version was installed.

0.20.0 (22-10-21)
- BREAKING: Removed *legacy* mode. If you're upgrading from v0.19 and you haven't configured ``asyncio_mode = legacy``, you can upgrade without taking any additional action. If you're upgrading from an earlier version or you have explicitly enabled *legacy* mode, you need to switch to *auto* or *strict* mode before upgrading to this version.
- Deprecate use of pytest v6.
- Fixed an issue which prevented fixture setup from being cached.


2022-10-21 13:00:54 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated archivers/libaec; Removed multimedia/x264-devel


2022-10-21 13:00:09 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2022-10-21 12:55:31 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

libaec: updated to 1.0.6


- Improved cmake for mingw by Miloš Komarčević


- Updated documentation to new 121.0-B-3 standard. The new standard
  mainly clarifies and explicitly defines special cases which could be
  ambiguous or misleading in previous revisions.

  These changes did *not* require any substantial changes to libaec.
  Existing compressed data is still compatible with this version of
  the library and compressed data produced by this version can be
  uncompressed with previous versions.

- Modernized CMake

- Better CMake integration with HDF5 by Jan-Willem Blokland


2022-10-21 12:29:49 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated graphics/gnuplot, www/py-respx


2022-10-21 12:29:32 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-respx: updated to 0.20.0


- Type Router.__getitem__ to not return optional routes
- Change `Call.response` to raise instead of returning optional response
- Change `CallList.last` to raise instead of return optional call
- Type `M()` to not return optional pattern, by introducing a `Noop` pattern
- Type `Route.pattern` to not be optional

- Correct type hints for side effects

- Runs `mypy` on both tests and respx
- Added nox test session for python 3.11
- Added `Call.has_response` helper, now that `.response` raises


2022-10-21 12:28:07 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

gnuplot: updated to 5.4.5

Changes in 5.4.5

NEW "set key offset <dx>, <dy>" tweaks placement of the key
NEW data-driven histogram colors (variable color from extra using column)
CHANGE re-order drawing 3D labels to come after pm3d depthorder surfaces
CHANGE hpgl: add terminal option "fontscale <value>"
CHANGE for nonuniform matrix data, column(0) returns linear position in matrix
CHANGE set pointintervalbox 0 disables drawing the background box Bug
FIX svg: hypertext font handling
FIX track columnheaders of multiple data blocks in a single file Bug
FIX Clean up positioning of polar border, raxis, and theta tics Bug
FIX Autoscaling of logscaled raxis
FIX memory corruption if a small plot structure is recycled Bug
FIX regression in 5.4.4 - promotion of string to integer should not assume that a leading 0 means octal Bug
FIX Windows qt: "pause -1" should not block mousing Bug
FIX invalid free of active datablock


2022-10-21 09:32:26 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-ruamel-yaml-clib, devel/py-ipykernel


2022-10-21 09:32:07 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-ipykernel: updated to 6.16.1


Bugs fixed
- PR: Destroy tk app to avoid memory leak

Maintenance and upkeep improvements
- Maintenance cleanup
- Ignore warnings in prereleases test


2022-10-21 09:28:45 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-ruamel-yaml-clib: updated to 0.2.7

Unknown changes


2022-10-21 09:05:39 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated net/py-zeroconf, archivers/py-zipp


2022-10-21 09:05:19 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-zipp: updated to 3.9.0


Path objects are now pickleable if they've been constructed from pickleable objects. Any restored objects will re-construct the zip file with the original arguments.


2022-10-21 09:01:06 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-zeroconf: updated to 0.39.2

Performance improvements for parsing incoming packet data


2022-10-21 08:00:33 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-limits, net/py-pypiserver


2022-10-21 08:00:17 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-pypiserver: updated to 1.5.1

- ENH: add extremely basic /health endpoint
- FIX: docker tests in cicd
- MAINT: Replace usage of deprecated inspect.getargspec
- MAINT: Add traefik/ and auth/ dirs to gitignore
- MAINT: Fix typos in README


2022-10-21 07:55:18 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-limits: updated to 2.7.1

Release Date: 2022-10-20

* Compatibility Updates

  * Increase pymemcached dependency range to in include 4.x
  * Add python 3.11 rc2 to CI

Release Date: 2022-07-16

* Compatibility Updates

  * Update :pypi:`coredis` requirements to include 4.x versions
  * Remove CI / support for redis < 6.0
  * Remove python 3.7 from CI
  * Add redis 7.0 in CI

Release Date: 2022-06-05

* Chores

  * Update development dependencies
  * Add CI for python 3.11
  * Increase test coverage for redis sentinel

Release Date: 2022-05-12

* Compatibility Updates

  * Update :pypi:`motor` requirements to include 3.x version
  * Update async redis sentinel implementation to remove use of deprecated methods.
  * Fix compatibility issue with asyncio redis ``reset`` method in cluster mode
    when used with :pypi:`coredis` versions >= 3.5.0

Release Date: 2022-04-25

* Bug Fix

  * Fix typing regression with strategy constructors `Issue 88 <>`_

Release Date: 2022-04-25

* Deprecation

  * Removed tests for rediscluster using the :pypi:`redis-py-cluster` library

* Bug Fix

  * Fix incorrect ``__slots__`` declaration in :class:`limits.RateLimitItem`
    and it's subclasses

Release Date: 2022-04-25

* Bug Fix

  * Fix typing regression with strategy constructors `Issue 88 <>`_

Release Date: 2022-04-22

* Chore

  * Automate Github releases

Release Date: 2022-04-17

* Chore

  * Increase strictness of type checking and annotations
  * Ensure installations from source distributions are PEP-561

Release Date: 2022-04-15

* Chore

  * Ensure storage reset methods have consistent signature

Release Date: 2022-04-13

* Feature

  * Add support for using redis cluster via the official redis client
  * Update coredis dependency to use 3.x

* Deprecations

  * Deprecate using redis-py-cluster

* Chores

  * Remove beta tags for async support
  * Update code base to remove legacy syntax
  * Tighten up CI test dependencies

Release Date: 2022-03-10

* Feature

  * Allow passing an explicit connection pool to redis storage.
    Addresses `Issue 77 <>`_

Release Date: 2022-02-03

* Feature

  * Add support for dns seed list when using mongodb

Release Date: 2022-01-30

* Chores

  * Improve authentication tests for redis
  * Update documentation theme
  * Pin pip version for CI

Release Date: 2022-01-21

* Bug fix

  * Fix backward incompatible change that separated sentinel
    and connection args for redis sentinel (introduced in 2.1.0).
    Addresses `Issue 97 <>`_

Release Date: 2022-01-15

* Feature

  * Add support for custom cost per hit

* Bug fix

  * Fix installation issues with missing setuptools

Release Date: 2022-01-05

* Feature

  * Enable async redis for python 3.10 via coredis

* Chore

  * Fix typing issue with strategy constructors

Release Date: 2022-01-02

* Feature

  * Enable async memcache for python 3.10

* Bug fix

  * Ensure window expiry is reported in local time for mongodb
  * Fix inconsistent expiry for fixed window with memcached

* Chore

  * Improve strategy tests

Release Date: 2021-12-22

* Feature

  * Add beta asyncio support
  * Add beta mongodb support
  * Add option to install with extras for different storages

* Bug fix

  * Fix custom option for cluster client in memcached
  * Fix separation of sentinel & connection args in :class:``

* Deprecation

  * Deprecate GAEMemcached support
  * Remove use of unused `no_add` argument in :meth:``

* Chore

  * Documentation theme upgrades
  * Code linting
  * Add compatibility CI workflow

Release Date: 2021-11-28

* Chore

  * Ensure package is marked PEP-561 compliant

Release Date: 2021-11-28

* Chore

  * Added type annotations

Release Date: 2021-11-27

* Chore

  * Drop support for python < 3.7


2022-10-20 13:16:57 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/pango, devel/glibmm, devel/pangomm


2022-10-20 13:16:37 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

pangomm: updated to 2.46.3

2.46.3 (stable):

* Context::get_font_map(): Fix reference count

* Meson build: Specify 'check' option in run_command()
  Will be necessary with future versions of Meson.
* Meson build: Check if Perl is required for building documentation
* Meson build: Avoid unnecessary configuration warnings
* Meson build: Re-organize warning-related compiler flags for MSVC


2022-10-20 13:15:35 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

glibmm: updated to 2.66.5

2.66.5 (stable):

* ListStore: Don't derive a gtkmm__GListStore GType
* DBus::Proxy: get_connection(), get_interface_info(): Add refreturn

* Gio::Action: Improve the documentation

* Improved handling of final types

* Meson build: Avoid unnecessary configuration warnings
* Meson/MSVC: Add more warnings to ignore
* NMake Makefiles: Ensure g[lib|io]mm[config.h|.rc] are created

2.66.4 (stable):

* ustring_Iterator: Don't declare copy constructor =default.
  The fix in the 2.66.3 release broke ABI.

2.66.3 (stable):

Glib, Gio:
* Declare some copy constructors =default,
  avoiding warnings from the clang++ compiler

* TlsCertificate: Fix the create*() methods

* Add "ignore_deprecations" argument in _WRAP_METHOD()

Build with Meson:
* MSVC build: Support Visual Studio 2022
* Specify 'check' option in run_command()
* Check if Perl is required for building documentation


2022-10-20 13:14:33 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

pango: updated to 1.50.11

Overview of changes in 1.50.11, 03-10-2022
- Don't crash for lack of fonts
- Avoid a crash in shaping

Overview of changes in 1.50.10, 16-09-2022
- Avoid some unnecessary strdups
- Fix line height computations with a non-trivial CTM

Overview of changes in 1.50.9, 09-08-2022
- Apply show flags to line separators
- Fix a thread-safety problem


2022-10-20 12:38:56 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2022-10-20 09:13:24 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-anyio, graphics/py-matplotlib-inline


2022-10-20 09:13:05 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2022-10-20 09:09:23 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-anyio: updated to 3.6.2


- Pinned Trio to < 0.22 to avoid incompatibility with AnyIO's ``ExceptionGroup`` class
  causing ``AttributeError: 'NonBaseMultiError' object has no attribute '_exceptions'``
  (AnyIO 4 is unaffected)


2022-10-20 08:59:33 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-test-mypy, devel/py-progressbar2


2022-10-20 08:59:16 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-progressbar2: updated to 4.1.1

Fixed backwards compatibility with original progressbar library

Delegate unknown attrs to target in WrappingIO


2022-10-20 08:58:20 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-test-mypy: updated to 0.10.0

* Drop support for python<3.6.


2022-10-19 18:38:30 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2022-10-19 18:27:53 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

spdlog: fix buildlink


2022-10-19 17:28:16 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-traitlets, math/py-numpy


2022-10-19 17:27:58 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-numpy: updated to 1.23.4

BUG: Add ``__array_api_version__`` to ``numpy.array_api`` namespace
MAINT: update sde toolkit to 9.0, fix download link
BLD: use macos-11 image on azure, macos-1015 is deprecated
MAINT: random: remove ``get_info`` from "extending with Cython"...
BUG: Fix complex vector dot with more than NPY_CBLAS_CHUNK elements
REV: Loosen ``lookfor``'s import try/except again
TYP,ENH: Mark ``numpy.typing`` protocols as runtime checkable
TYP,MAINT: Change more overloads to play nice with pyright
TST,TYP: Bump mypy to 0.981
DOC: Update delimiter param description.
BUG: Memory leaks in numpy.nested_iters
REL: Prepare for the NumPy 1.23.4 release.
TST: Fix failing aarch64 wheel builds.


2022-10-19 17:27:11 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-traitlets: updated to 5.5.0


* Clean up application typing
* Update tests and docs to use non-deprecated functions
* Clean up version handling
* Prep for jupyter releaser
* Format the changelog


2022-10-19 13:18:32 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Added databases/postgresql15*


2022-10-19 13:16:46 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

postgresql15: added version 15.0

PostgreSQL 15 contains many new features and enhancements, including:

Support for the SQL MERGE command.

Selective publication of tables' contents within logical replication publications, through the ability to specify column lists and row filter conditions.

More options for compression, including support for Zstandard (zstd) compression. This includes support for performing compression on the server side during pg_basebackup.

Support for structured server log output using the JSON format.

Performance improvements, particularly for in-memory and on-disk sorting.


2022-10-19 12:34:54 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

postgresql10-plperl: one dollar less


2022-10-19 12:34:12 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

postgresql12-plperl: one dollar less


2022-10-19 12:33:47 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

postgresql12-plperl: one dollar less


2022-10-19 12:33:15 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

postgresql13-plperl: one dollar less


2022-10-19 12:32:55 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

postgresql14-plperl: one dollar less


2022-10-19 08:10:30 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/git, databases/repmgr


2022-10-19 08:10:13 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

repmgr: updated to 5.3.3

repmgr 5.3.3 is a minor release providing support for PostgreSQL 15 and a repmgrd bug fix.


2022-10-19 08:09:41 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

postgresql14-client: optionally buildlink against lz4


2022-10-19 07:54:52 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

git: updated to 2.38.1

Git v2.38.1 Release Notes

This release merges the security fix that appears in v2.30.6; see
the release notes for that version for details.


2022-10-18 12:16:28 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated databases/py-ldap, textproc/py-rapidjson


2022-10-18 12:16:08 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-rapidjson: updated to 1.9

1.9 (2022-10-17)
* Produce Python 3.11 wheels


2022-10-18 12:14:34 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-ldap: updated to 3.4.3

Released 3.4.3 2022-09-15

This is a minor release to bring back the removed OPT_X_TLS option.
Please note, it's still a deprecated option and it will be removed in 3.5.0.

The following deprecated option has been brought back:
- ``OPT_X_TLS``

* Sphinx documentation is now successfully built
* pypy3 tests stability was improved
* deprecation warning is now resolved


2022-10-18 12:02:57 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated net/net-snmp, net/py-netsnmp


2022-10-18 12:02:27 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

net-snmp: remove unused patch


2022-10-18 12:01:53 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

net-snmp py-netsnmp: updated to 5.9.3

      - These two CVEs can be exploited by a user with read-only credentials:
          - CVE-2022-24805 A buffer overflow in the handling of the INDEX of
            NET-SNMP-VACM-MIB can cause an out-of-bounds memory access.
          - CVE-2022-24809 A malformed OID in a GET-NEXT to the nsVacmAccessTable
            can cause a NULL pointer dereference.
      - These CVEs can be exploited by a user with read-write credentials:
          - CVE-2022-24806 Improper Input Validation when SETing malformed
            OIDs in master agent and subagent simultaneously
          - CVE-2022-24807 A malformed OID in a SET request to
            SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB::vacmAccessTable can cause an
            out-of-bounds memory access.
          - CVE-2022-24808 A malformed OID in a SET request to
            NET-SNMP-AGENT-MIB::nsLogTable can cause a NULL pointer dereference
          - CVE-2022-24810 A malformed OID in a SET to the nsVacmAccessTable
            can cause a NULL pointer dereference.
      - To avoid these flaws, use strong SNMPv3 credentials and do not share them.
        If you must use SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c, use a complex community string
        and enhance the protection by restricting access to a given IP address range.
      - Thanks are due to Yu Zhang of VARAS@IIE and Nanyu Zhong of VARAS@IIE for
        reporting the following CVEs that have been fixed in this release, and
        to Arista Networks for providing fixes.

      - Snmp-create-v3-user: Fix the snmpd.conf path  @datadir@ is
        expanded in ${datarootdir} so datarootdir must be set before
        @datadir@ is used.

    general: Many bug fixes

    skipped due to a last minute library versioning found bug -- use 5.9.3 instead

    General: Many bug fixes

      - Add IPv6 support to DTLSUDP transport CHANGES: snmplib: use new
        netsnmp_sockaddr_storage in netsnmp_addr_pair CHANGES: snmplib: add
        base_transport ptr for tunneled transports

      - Security vulnerabilty in the ping MIB reported by Christopher Ertl
        from Microsoft fixed
      - Changing to a different uid/gid can only be done once
      - The extend mib is now read-only by default

      - BUG: 2899: Patch from Drew Roedersheimer to set library
        engineboots/time values before sending

      - Add pkg-config support for building applications and sub-agents Use
        the netsnmp package when building Net-SNMP applications. Use the
        netsnmp-agent package when building Net-SNMP subagents.


2022-10-18 08:53:09 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated www/py-h11, devel/py-packageurl


2022-10-18 08:52:52 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-packageurl: updated to 0.10.4

0.10.4 (2022-10-17)

- Refactor the purl2url functions and utilities

  - Split purl2url into `get_repo_url()` and `get_download_url()` returning
    accordingly a "Repository URL" and a "Download URL".
  - A new `get_inferred_urls` function is available to get return all
    inferred URLs (repository and download) values.
  - Add support in purl2url for npm, pypi, hackage, and nuget.
  - Package URL qualifiers can now be provided to `purl_from_pattern()`.
  - The `download_url` qualifier is returned in `get_download_url()` when available.

- Usage of `purl2url.purl2url` and `purl2url.get_url` is still available for
  backward compatibility but should be migrated to `purl2url.get_repo_url`.

- Include the `version_prefix` ("v" or "V") as a qualifier in build_github_purl
  This allow to infer valid URLs in the context of purl2url.


2022-10-18 08:50:08 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-h11: updated to 0.14.0

H11 0.14.0 (2022-09-25)


- Allow additional trailing whitespace in chunk headers for additional
  compatibility with existing servers.
- Improve the type hints for Sentinel types, which should make it
  easier to type hint h11 usage.

Deprecations and Removals

- Python 3.6 support is removed. h11 now requires Python>=3.7
  including PyPy 3.  Users running `pip install h11` on Python 2 will
  automatically get the last Python 2-compatible version.


2022-10-17 12:14:07 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/catch2, graphics/py-pygraphviz


2022-10-17 12:13:38 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-pygraphviz: updated to 1.10

PyGraphviz 1.10

Update release process
add GitHub URL for PyPi
Update dependencies
Add to pre-commit hook / linter
Upgrade CI dependencies
Ensure define_macros remains a list on Windows
Update sphinx
Update fedora
Test Py3.11-dev
Use blacken-docs
Fix gvRenderData bytes output
Update pre-commit hooks
Update sphinx
Fix FILE* resource leak in agread() wrapper
AGraph: Don't leak file descriptor on read("/path/")
Test on PyPy 3.9
Announce support for Python 3.11
Move modifications for proper file closing from generated graphviz_wrap.c to swig file


2022-10-17 12:10:39 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

catch2: updated to 2.13.10



Fixed issue with catch_discover_tests when there is multiple of 256 tests
Catch2-provided main and wmain are explicitly marked as __cdecl when compiled with MSVC
Improved break-into-debugger behaviour for ARM Macs. It should now be possible to step execution after the break
Replaced deprecated std::aligned_storage


2022-10-17 11:03:25 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated lang/nodejs16, lang/nodejs


2022-10-17 11:03:07 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

nodejs: updated to 18.11.0

Version 18.11.0 (Current)

Notable changes

watch mode (experimental)

Running in 'watch' mode using node --watch restarts the process when an imported file is changed.

Contributed by Moshe Atlow in

Other notable changes

(SEMVER-MINOR) add FileHandle.prototype.readLines (Antoine du Hamel)
(SEMVER-MINOR) add writeEarlyHints function to ServerResponse (Wing)
(SEMVER-MINOR) make early hints generic (Yagiz Nizipli)
(SEMVER-MINOR) refactor transferable AbortSignal (flakey5)
(SEMVER-MINOR) add detailed embedder process initialization API (Anna Henningsen)
(SEMVER-MINOR) add default value option to parsearg (Manuel Spigolon)


2022-10-17 11:01:44 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

nodejs16: updated to 16.18.0

Version 16.18.0 'Gallium' (LTS)

Notable changes

- (SEMVER-MINOR) assert: add getCalls and reset to callTracker (Moshe Atlow)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) crypto: allow zero-length secret KeyObject (Filip Skokan)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) crypto: allow zero-length IKM in HKDF and in webcrypto PBKDF2 (Filip Skokan)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) doc: deprecate modp1, modp2, and modp5 groups (Tobias Nie��en)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) http: make idle http parser count configurable (theanarkh)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) http: throw error on content-length mismatch (sidwebworks)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) lib: add diagnostics channel for process and worker (theanarkh)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) net,tls: pass a valid socket on tlsClientError (Daeyeon Jeong)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) net: add local family (theanarkh)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) report: expose report public native apis (Chengzhong Wu)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) src: expose environment RequestInterrupt api (Chengzhong Wu)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) stream: add ReadableByteStream.tee() (Daeyeon Jeong)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) test_runner: add before/after/each hooks (Moshe Atlow)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) util: add maxArrayLength option to Set and Map (Kohei Ueno)


2022-10-17 09:13:33 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated security/gnupg2, graphics/graphviz


2022-10-17 09:13:18 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2022-10-17 09:12:53 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

graphviz: updated to 6.0.2



- Using `aspect` with a custom value in the `packmode` attribute is no longer
- Smyrna bounding box computation has been corrected. There was a regression in
  4.0.0 that resulted in a degenerate bounding box being computed for any input
- Smyrna warnings about the `on_attrRB0_clicked` and `on_attrSearchBtn_clicked`
  handlers being not found have been fixed and the buttons to which they are
  wired should be functional again. This was a regression in 2.50.0
- Smyrna warnings about the `mAttributesSlot` handler being not found have been
  fixed and the button to which it is wired should be functional again. This was
  a regression in 2.49.2
- Graphviz no longer fails to load private Ghostscript symbols ("Could not load
- trailing commas issue with fdp layout
- Missing `-S` in `sccmap` man page usage summary.
- In `sccmap`, a `-v` option following a `-S` option now re-enables strongly
  connected component output that the man page implied.


2022-10-17 09:08:17 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

gnupg2: updated to 2.2.40

Noteworthy changes in version 2.2.40 (2022-10-10)
* gpg: Do not consider unknown public keys as non-compliant while
* gpg: Avoid to emit a compliance mode line if Libgcrypt is
* gpg: In de-vs mode use AES-128 instead of 3-DES as implicit
* gpgsm: Fix reporting of bad passphrase error during PKCS-11
* dirmngr: Fix CRL Distribution Point fallback to other schemes.
* dirmngr: New LDAP server flag "areconly" (A-record-only).
* dirmngr: Fix upload of multiple keys for an LDAP server specified
  using the colon format.
* dirmngr: Use LDAP schema v2 when a Base DN is specified.
* wkd: New command --mirror for gpg-wks-client.


2022-10-14 12:35:09 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Removed textproc/py-elementtree; Updated www/py-bottle


2022-10-14 12:34:50 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-bottle: updated to 0.12.23

Bug fixes


2022-10-14 12:32:10 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2022-10-14 11:56:33 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated archivers/py-rarfile, time/py-goocalendar


2022-10-14 11:56:16 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-goocalendar: updated to 0.7.2

Version 0.7.2 - 2021-03-28
* Add support GooCanvas 3.0
* Add selected text color property
* Remove lighter background on event


2022-10-14 11:48:48 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-rarfile: updated to 4.0

rarfile v4.0

Main goals are:

Increased zipfile-compatibility, thus also achieving smaller difference between RAR3 and RAR5 archives.
Implement RarFile.extract on top of instead using unrar x directly, thus making maintenance of alternative backends more manageable. Negative aspect of that is that there are features that internal extract code does not support - hard links, NTFS streams and junctions.

Breaking changes:

Directory names will have "/" appended.
RarFile.extract operates only on single entry, so when used on directory it will create directory but not extract files under it.
RarFile.extract/RarFile.extractall/RarFile.testrar will not launch special unrar command line, instead they are implemented on top of
Keyword args in top-level APIs were renamed to match zipfile:
RarFile(rarfile) -> RarFile(file)
RarFile.setpassword(password) -> .setpassword(pwd)
RarFile.getinfo(fname) -> .getinfo(name), mode, psw) -> .open(name, mode, pwd), psw) -> .read(name, pwd)
PATH_SEP cannot be changed from "/".

New features:

RarFile.extract will return final sanitized filename for target file.
RarInfo.is_dir is now preferred spelling of isdir(). Old method kept as alias.
New RarInfo.is_file and RarInfo.is_symlink methods. Only one of ~RarInfo.is_file, ~RarInfo.is_dir or ~RarInfo.is_symlink can be True.
RarFile.printdir has file argument for output.
RarFile.__iter__ loops over RarInfo entries.
RAR3: throw NeedFirstVolume exception with current volume number, like RAR5 does.
Nanosecond timestamp support. Visible as nsdatetime instance.
Minimal CLI when run as script: python3 -m rarfile
Skip old file versions in versioned archive.


Use PBKDF2 implementation from hashlib.
Improve test coverage.


2022-10-14 11:30:11 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated sysutils/ansible-core, sysutils/ansible, sysutils/ansible-lint


2022-10-14 11:29:51 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

ansible-lint: updated to 6.8.2



Fix strict mode
Fix config file outside project_dir bug
Add win_command/win_shell to no-free-form modules
Docs: Add MD for var-naming
Fix role-name correct code example


2022-10-14 11:27:42 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

ansible: updated to 6.5.0


Major Changes


- Feature for extra layer security , with `cert` and `key` parameters in playbooks for authenticating using certificate and key *.pem file absolute path
- Fix to remove issue causing due to template attr in deleting network using Ansible module nios network


2022-10-14 11:08:51 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

ansible-core: updated to 2.13.5


- ``ansible-galaxy`` - remove extra server api call during dependency resolution for requirements and dependencies that are already satisfied (
- ansible-test - Allow disabled, unsupported, unstable and destructive integration test targets to be selected using their respective prefixes.
- ansible-test - Allow unstable tests to run when targeted changes are made and the ``--allow-unstable-changed`` option is specified (resolves
- apt - Fix module failure when a package is not installed and only_upgrade=True. Skip that package and check the remaining requested packages for upgrades. (
- apt module should not traceback on invalid type given as package. issue 78663.
- known_hosts - do not return changed status when a non-existing key is removed (
- paramiko - Add back support for ``ssh_args``, ``ssh_common_args``, and ``ssh_extra_args`` for parsing the ``ProxyCommand`` (
- plugin loader, fix detection for existing configuration before initializing for a plugin


2022-10-14 11:00:34 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated audio/fluidsynth, net/iperf3


2022-10-14 11:00:14 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

iperf3: updated to 3.12

iperf-3.12 2022-09-30

* Notable user-visible changes

  * cJSON has been updated to version 1.7.15
  * The --bind <host>%<dev> option syntax now works properly
  * A server-side file descriptor leak with the --logfile option has
    been fixed
  * A bug that caused some large values from TCP_INFO to be misprinted
    as negative numbers has been fixed
  * Using the -k or -n flags with --reverse no longer leak into future
  * There are now various debug level options available with the
    --debug option. These can be used to adjust the amount of
    debugging output
  * A new --snd-timeout option has been added to set a termination
    timeout for idle TCP connections
  * iperf3 is slightly more robust to out-of-order packets during UDP
    connection setup in --reverse mode
  * iperf3 will now use different ports for each direction when the
    --cport and --bdir options are set
  * The iperf3 server will now exit if it can't open its log file
  * Various help message and output fixes have been made
  * Various compiler warnings have been fixed

* Developer-visible changes

  * Operation of has been fixed and simplified
  * Flow label support / compatibility under Linux has been improved
  * Various minor memory leaks have been fixed
  * A getter/setter has been added for the bind_port parameter
    (--cport option).
  * Various internal documentation improvements


2022-10-14 10:59:11 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

fluidsynth: updated to 2.3.0

fluidsynth 2.3.0

New Features

Add Pipewire audio driver
Major modernization of the CMake build system, CMake >= 3.13 will now be required
Add multi-channel output for the CoreAudio driver
LADSPA effects are mixed before processing internal effects
MIDI auto-connect functionality has been extended
Add linear interpolation to convex and concave transfer functions
Mixing of effects has been parallelized

Bug Fixes

Issue 1073 has been resolved, which may change the sound articulation a bit
Systemd Hardening has been partly reverted
audio.jack.autoconnect erroneously connectd to MIDI ports
Fix build when compiling against OSS 4.0 API


2022-10-14 09:56:11 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated net/py-pyftpdlib, lang/py-pygls


2022-10-14 09:55:51 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-pygls: updated to 0.12.2

- Relaxed the Python version upper bound to `<4`


2022-10-14 09:54:20 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-pyftpdlib: updated to 1.5.7

Version: 1.5.7 - 2022-10-04


- replace Travis with Github Actions for CI testing.

**Bug fixes**

- fix [WinError 10038] an operation was attempted on something that is
  not a socket.  (patch by Tailing Yuan)
- [critical]: FTPS broke with PyOpenSSL version 22.1.0.


2022-10-14 09:44:49 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-nest-asyncio, devel/py-ipykernel


2022-10-14 09:44:23 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-ipykernel: updated to 6.16.0


Maintenance and upkeep improvements

- Use hatch for version
- Add client 8 support
- Remove unused manifest file


2022-10-14 09:43:43 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-nest-asyncio: updated to 1.5.6

Remove old travis file


2022-10-14 09:06:52 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-gitpython, security/py-authlib


2022-10-14 09:06:36 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-authlib: updated to 1.1.0

Version 1.1.0

This release contains breaking changes and security fixes.

Allow to pass claims_options to Framework OpenID Connect clients.
Fix .stream with context for HTTPX OAuth clients.
Fix Starlette OAuth client for cache store.

Breaking changes:

Raise InvalidGrantError for invalid code, redirect_uri and no user errors in OAuth 2.0 server.

The default authlib.jose.jwt would only work with JSON Web Signature algorithms, if you would like to use JWT with JWE algorithms, please pass the algorithms parameter:

jwt = JsonWebToken(['A128KW', 'A128GCM', 'DEF'])
Security fixes: CVE-2022-39175 and CVE-2022-39174, both related to JOSE.

Version 1.0.1

Fix authenticate_none method.
Allow to pass in alternative signing algorithm to RFC7523 authentication methods.
Fix missing_token for Flask OAuth client.
Allow openid in any place of the scope.
Security fix for validating essential value on blank value in JWT.

Version 1.0.0

We have dropped support for Python 2 in this release. We have removed built-in SQLAlchemy integration.

OAuth Client Changes:

The whole framework client integrations have been restructured, if you are using the client properly, e.g. oauth.register(...), it would work as before.

OAuth Provider Changes:

In Flask OAuth 2.0 provider, we have removed the deprecated OAUTH2_JWT_XXX configuration, instead, developers should define .get_jwt_config on OpenID extensions and grant types.

SQLAlchemy integrations has been removed from Authlib. Developers should define the database by themselves.

JOSE Changes

JWS has been renamed to JsonWebSignature
JWE has been renamed to JsonWebEncryption
JWK has been renamed to JsonWebKey
JWT has been renamed to JsonWebToken
The "Key" model has been re-designed, checkout the :ref:`jwk_guide` for updates.

Added ES256K algorithm for JWS and JWT.


2022-10-14 09:01:12 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-gitpython: updated to 3.1.29

- Make the git.__version__ re-appear.

See the following for all changes.

See the following for all changes.


2022-10-14 08:40:08 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated www/py-sanic-routing, www/py-sanic
