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recent branches: MAIN (28m)  pkgsrc-2024Q1 (4h)  pkgsrc-2023Q4 (68d)  pkgsrc-2023Q2 (100d) 

2024-06-07 18:07:35 UTC Now

2024-04-24 12:54:55 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated net/py-zmq, devel/py-coverage


2024-04-24 12:54:37 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-coverage: updated to 7.5.0

Version 7.5.0 — 2024-04-23

- Added initial support for function and class reporting in the HTML report.
  There are now three index pages which link to each other: files, functions,
  and classes.  Other reports don't yet have this information, but it will be
  added in the future where it makes sense.  Feedback gladly accepted!

- Other HTML report improvements:

  - There is now a "hide covered" checkbox to filter out 100% files, finishing
    `issue 1384`_.

  - The index page is always sorted by one of its columns, with clearer
    indications of the sorting.

  - The "previous file" shortcut key didn't work on the index page, but now it
    does, fixing `issue 1765`_.

- The debug output showing which configuration files were tried now shows
  absolute paths to help diagnose problems where settings aren't taking effect,
  and is renamed from "attempted_config_files" to the more logical

- Python 3.13.0a6 is supported.


2024-04-24 12:50:28 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-zmq: updated to 26.0.2


- When bundling libsodium, download from libsodium's releases on GitHub instead of,
  which appears to error frequently.


- Fix install from source with cmake \< 3.21


pyzmq 26 is a small release, but with some big changes _hopefully_ nobody will notice,
except for some users (especially on Windows) where pyzmq releases did not work.

The highlights are:

- The Cython backend has been rewritten using Cython 3's pure Python mode.
- The build system has been rewritten to use CMake via [scikit-build-core] instead of setuptools ( is gone!).
- Bundled libzmq is updated to 4.3.5, which changes its license from LGPL to MPL.

This means:

1. Cython >=3.0 is now a build requirement (if omitted, source distributions _should_ still build from Cython-generated .c files without any Cython present)
1. pyzmq's Cython backend is a single extension module, which should improve install size, import time, compile time, etc.
1. pyzmq's Cython backend is now BSD-licensed, matching the rest of pyzmq.
1. The license of the libzmq library (included in pyzmq wheels) starting with 4.3.5 is now Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL-2.0).
1. when building pyzmq from source and it falls back on bundled libzmq, libzmq and libsodium are built as static libraries using their own build systems (CMake for libzmq, autotools for libsodium except on Windows where it uses msbuild)
  rather than bundling libzmq with tweetnacl as a Python Extension.

Since the new build system uses libzmq and libsodium's own build systems, evaluated at install time, building pyzmq with bundled libzmq from source should be much more likely to succeed on a variety of platforms than the previous method, where their build system was skipped and approximated as a Python extension.
But I would also be _very_ surprised if I didn't break anything in the process of replacing 14 years of from scratch, especially cases like cross-compiling.
Please [report]( any issues you encounter building pyzmq.

See [build docs](building-pyzmq) for more info.


- Experimental support for wheels on windows-arm64
- `Socket.bind('tcp://ip:0')` can be used as a context manager to bind to a random port.
  The resulting URL can be retrieved as `socket.last_endpoint`.
- Add `SyncSocket` and `SyncContext` type aliases for the default Socket/Context implementations,
  since the base classes are Generics, type-wise.
  These are type aliases only to be used in type checking, not actual classes.


- `repr(Frame)` now produces a nice repr, summarizing Frame contents (without getting too large),
  e.g. `<zmq.Frame(b'abcdefghijkl'...52B)>`

__Breaking changes__:

- `str(Frame)` no longer returns the whole frame contents interpreted as utf8-bytes.
  Instead, it returns the new summarized repr,
  which produces more logical results with `print`, etc.
  `bytes(Frame)` remains unchanged, and utf-8 text strings can still be produced with:
  which works in all versions of pyzmq and does the same thing.
- Stop building Python 3.7 wheels for manylinux1, which reached EOL in January, 2022. The new build system doesn't seem to be able to find cmake in that environment.


2024-04-24 12:43:41 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-pydantic-core, devel/py-pydantic


2024-04-24 12:43:18 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-pydantic: updated to 2.7.1



Bump pydantic-core to v2.18.2

New Features

Ftp and Websocket connection strings support


Use field description for RootModel schema description when there is …


Fix validation_alias behavior with model_construct for AliasChoices and AliasPath
Revert typing.Literal and import it outside the TYPE_CHECKING block
Fix Secret serialization schema, applicable for unions
Fix strict application to function-after with use_enum_values
Address case where model_construct on a class which defines model_post_init fails with AttributeError
Fix model_json_schema with config types
Support multiple zeros as an int
Fix validation of ints with leading unary plus
Fix interaction between extra != 'ignore' and from_attributes=True
Handle error from Enum's missing function as ValidationError
Fix memory leak with Iterable validation


2024-04-24 12:41:34 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-pydantic-core: updated to 2.18.2


Support multiple zeros as an int
Fix validation of ints with leading unary plus
Fix interaction between extra != 'ignore' and from_attributes=True
Handle error from Enum's missing function as ValidationError
Fix memory leak with Iterable validation


2024-04-24 08:10:04 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated www/py-uwsgitop, textproc/py-ini2toml


2024-04-24 08:09:43 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-ini2toml: updated to 0.14

Version 0.14

* Introduce ``LiteTranslator`` and ``FullTranslator`` as
  convenience classes for more deterministic behaviour, :pr:`95`.
* ``setuptools`` plugin:

  * Fix ``ValueError`` when ``setup.cfg`` contains ``[options.packages.find]``
    but also lists ``[options] packages = ...`` explicitly as a list of package
    names, :issue:`93`.

* ``pytest`` plugin:

  * Remove comments when converting ``addopts`` with multi-line values, :issue:`98`.


2024-04-24 08:07:27 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-24 07:24:35 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated emulators/qemu, www/py-django-tastypie


2024-04-24 07:24:19 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-django-tastypie: updated to 0.14.7

Added support for Django 5.0; in particular fixes for the django project retiring django.utils.datetime_safe


2024-04-24 07:20:59 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-24 05:06:11 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated misc/py-platformdirs, devel/py-freezegun


2024-04-24 05:05:55 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-freezegun: updated to 1.5.0


* The default ignore list now contains the `queue`-package
* Added a missing `move_to`-function when calling `freeze_time(tick=True)`
* Fixes a rounding error in `time.time_ns()`
* Fixed a bug where the default ignore list could not be empty (`configure(default_ignore_list=[])`)
* All `tick()` methods now return the new datetime (instead of None)
* Type improvements


2024-04-24 05:03:48 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-platformdirs: updated to 4.2.1


Switch to ruff for formatting and use codespell and docformatter
Use hatch over tox
chore: various minor fixes
chore: update dead Microsoft's known folders documentation link
Allow working without ctypes


2024-04-23 16:55:57 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated www/py-django-bootstrap5, textproc/py-relatorio


2024-04-23 16:55:39 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-relatorio: updated to 0.10.2


* Defer files added to serializer before call
* Add support for Python 3.12


2024-04-23 16:49:57 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-django-bootstrap5: updated to 24.2

24.2 (2024-04-23)

- Add .editorconfig
- Remove support for Django 4.1 (EOL)
- Add support for color mode
- Change bootstrap_setting from filter to tag
- Remove support for Python 3.7 (EOL)
- Remove support for Django 3.2 (EOL)
- Update Bootstrap to 5.3.3
- Fix Read the Docs


2024-04-22 10:47:55 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated parallel/opencl-headers, parallel/ocl-icd, parallel/pocl


2024-04-22 10:44:56 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-22 10:43:30 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

ocl-icd: updated to 2.3.2


pkconfig support depends on OpenCL-Headers.pc being installed (since Khronos OpenCL Headers v2023.02.06)


2024-04-22 10:43:00 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

opencl-headers: updated to 2023.12.14


Synchronize with OpenCL v3.0.15 specification release.

This release includes several changes that affect backward compatibility:

The CL_DEPTH enum is now properly considered an extension enum pre-OpenCL 2.0 and a core enum for OpenCL 2.0 and newer, so applications compiling for OpenCL 1.2 or earlier will need to include an extension header to access this functionality.
The CL_UNORM_INT24 and CL_DEPTH_STENCIL enums are now properly considered extension enums for all OpenCL versions, so applications will need to include an extension header to access this functionality.
The value for the CL_ME_SKIP_BLOCK_TYPE_8x8_INTEL enum was incorrect in the previous header release and has been corrected.
In addition, the following changes were made for provisional extensions that affect backward compatibility:

The CL_COMMAND_BUFFER_STATE_INVALID_KHR enum is removed, so any code checking for this state can be removed.
The CL_DEVICE_HANDLE_LIST_KHR enum has been split into external memory and semaphore specific CL_MEM_DEVICE_HANDLE_LIST_KHR and CL_SEMAPHORE_DEVICE_HANDLE_LIST_KHR enums, so code using the older enum should be updated to use the newer enums.


2024-04-22 07:57:45 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/woboq_codebrowser, parallel/opencl-clang


2024-04-22 07:55:27 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-22 07:54:52 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/include-what-you-use, lang/zig, parallel/spirv-headers, parallel/spirv-llvm-translator


2024-04-22 07:54:14 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

woboq_codebrowser: updated to 2.1.20231117

Build with LLVM 17


2024-04-22 07:52:21 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-22 07:50:55 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

spirv-headers: updated to


Merge pull request 367 from dneto0/coop-matrix-enums-deps
Cooperative matrix enums depend on the extension


2024-04-22 07:49:53 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-22 07:48:47 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

include-what-you-use: updated to 0.21

iwyu 0.21 compatible with llvm+clang 17 is released. Major changes:

[iwyu] Improve analysis of type aliases (typedef and using)
[iwyu] Improve analysis of namespace aliases (namespace xyz = foobar)
[iwyu] Improve support for elaborated forward declarations (typedef struct Foo Bar;)
[iwyu] Improve handling of "autocast" and function return types, particularly with complex template types.
[iwyu] Add new IWYU pragma: always_keep, which lets a header announce that it should always be kept wherever included
[iwyu] Automatically use builtin libc++ mappings if libc++ is the active standard library
[mappings] Improve mappings for libc++ and posix headers


2024-04-22 07:31:22 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated lang/llvm, lang/clang, lang/clang-tools-extra, lang/libunwind, lang/compiler-rt, lang/libcxx, lang/libcxxabi, devel/lld, devel/lldb, devel/polly, parallel/openmp, lang/wasi-compiler-rt, lang/wasi-libcxx, lang/mlir, lang/flang


2024-04-22 07:28:21 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-22 07:26:42 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-22 07:25:57 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-22 07:06:39 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-22 07:05:16 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-22 07:04:01 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-22 07:03:35 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-22 06:52:42 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-22 05:09:13 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated graphics/oxipng, devel/py-hatchling


2024-04-22 05:08:57 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-hatchling: updated to 1.24.2



Add .venv to the list of directories that cannot be traversed
Output from the core Application utility now writes to stderr


2024-04-22 05:07:36 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

oxipng: updated to 9.1.0

Version 9.1.0

- [Improvement] Add `--keep display` equivalent to `--strip safe`.
- [Improvement] Add modified zeng palette sorting method, improving optimization of indexed images.
- [Improvement] If only one filter is specified, guarantee to only use this one.
- [Improvement] Evaluate low-depth indexed even if low-depth grayscale was already achieved.
- [Bugfix] Fix battiato palette sorting method not being used if the input was not already indexed.
- [Bugfix] Fix rare crash caused by a truncated palette.
- [Build] Reduce size of binaries.
- [Build] Add man page generation.
- [Build] Publish deb archives for Linux.
- [Misc] Bump minimum Rust version to 1.74.0.


2024-04-21 18:17:48 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated graphics/py-tifffile, devel/py-limits


2024-04-21 18:17:28 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-limits: updated to 3.11.0


* Compatibility
  * Add support for python 3.12


2024-04-21 18:14:20 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-tifffile: updated to 2024.4.18


- Pass 5077 tests.
- Fix write_fsspec when last row of tiles is missing in Philips slide.
- Add option not to quote file names in write_fsspec.
- Allow compress bilevel images with deflate, LZMA, and Zstd.


2024-04-21 18:07:01 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated math/py-asdf, net/py-aiodns


2024-04-21 18:06:38 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-aiodns: updated to 3.2.0


Update test_query_ptr test to use address with PTR record
Added a missing py.typed file for wheel
Add Winloop as a valid EventLoop
Add support for getaddrinfo
Add support for getnameinfo


2024-04-21 18:04:31 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-asdf: updated to 3.2.0

3.2.0 (2024-04-05)

- Deprecate ``AsdfFile.version_map``
- Fix ```` saving for numpy 2.x
- Add ``float16`` support
- Removed unused ``asdf-unit-schemas`` dependency


2024-04-21 17:32:48 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated textproc/lucene++, textproc/yq


2024-04-21 17:30:39 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

yq: updated to 3.4.1

Changes for v3.4.1 (2024-04-17)

- Add module entry points for xq and tomlq

Changes for v3.4.0 (2024-04-17)

- yq -y: Induce quoting of string scalars that start with 08 and 09


2024-04-21 17:28:32 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-21 17:08:02 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated archivers/innoextract, devel/nextpnr-ice40, finance/ledger32, games/violetland


2024-04-21 17:07:36 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-21 16:59:09 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-21 16:28:25 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-21 16:08:30 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-21 10:15:32 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Amend dates, part two


2024-04-21 07:31:33 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-scikit-build-core, devel/py-pluggy


2024-04-21 07:31:15 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-pluggy: updated to 1.5.0

pluggy 1.5.0 (2024-04-19)

- Add support for deprecating specific hook parameters, or more generally, for issuing a warning whenever a hook implementation requests certain parameters.
  See :ref:`warn_on_impl` for details.

Bug Fixes
- ``PluginManager.get_plugins()`` no longer returns ``None`` for blocked plugins.


2024-04-21 07:29:19 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-scikit-build-core: updated to 0.9.2

Version 0.9.2

Quick fix for quick fix in 0.9.1; if `cmake` is a broken script (which can
happen if you pip install outside an environment then enter an environment,
there was an unbound local error instead of ignoring the broken cmake script.


- Unbound local error

Version 0.9.1

Quick fix for Pyodide (WebAssembly) builds.


- Try `--version` if `-E capabilities` fails


2024-04-21 07:26:57 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-19 19:45:47 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-scikit-build-core, devel/py-traitlets, devel/py-ruff, textproc/py-validators


2024-04-19 19:45:21 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-validators: updated to 0.28.1

0.28.1 (2024-04-19)


> No breaking changes were introduced in this version.


> No features were introduced in this version.


- fix: reduce memory footprint when loading TLDs
- build(deps): bump idna from 3.6 to 3.7 in /package
- fix: rfc cases in the `domain` validator
- chore: documentation maintenance
- chore: update contribution guidelines
- chore: updated dev dependencies; bump version


2024-04-19 19:43:59 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-ruff: updated to 0.4.1



Preview features

[pylint] Implement invalid-hash-returned (PLE0309)
[pylint] Implement invalid-index-returned (PLE0305)

Bug fixes

[pylint] Allow NoReturn-like functions for __str__, __len__, etc. (PLE0307)
Parser: Use empty range when there's "gap" in token source
[ruff] Ignore stub functions in unused-async (RUF029)
Parser: Expect indented case block instead of match stmt


2024-04-19 19:41:18 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-traitlets: updated to 5.14.3


Bugs fixed

Fix assigning string value to Set


2024-04-19 19:38:48 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-scikit-build-core: updated to 0.9.0

Version 0.9.0

This version adds the ability to `inherit` in override tables, matching a
similar feature added to cibuildwheel 2.17's overrides. You can now write out
extra metadata to `@{SKBUILD_METADATA_DIR}`. A new Hatchling plugin is provided
as an experimental feature (will likely be made a separate package in the future
like the setuptools plugin).

The meaning of `wheel.exclude` has been changed to match on the wheel path,
rather than the source path. We could not find any projects that would be
affected by this change, so it was not added to the minimum-version protection
policy. This now allows you to ignore CMake outputs as well.


- Preserve additivity of `cmake.define` across `overrides` tables
- Add metadata dir access
- Experimental hatchling builder
- Vendor pyproject-metadata
- Always require pathspec


- Exclude installed files if listed in exclude
- Make `.git_archival.txt` reproducible
- Use `cmake -E` capabilities instead of `cmake --version`
- Ensure many/musl tags not selected
- purelib should set py3 tag if unset
- Validate description for 0.9+
- Support bools in config settings

API changes:

- `extra_settings` for SettingsReader
- `GetRequires` args changed
- Make `from_file` a little more powerful
- Metadata is part of the build backend


- `` Windows `SOABI` suffix variable
- Fix hatch init command
- Fix install strip default
- Improve `ninja.make-fallback` description in the README
- Mention printouts

CI and testing:

- Lower `pybind11` test dependency
- Some cleanup from uv branch
- Fedora CI maintenance
- Small additions
- Some changes from uv job
- Fix setuptools on Python 3.12
- Fedora: Port downstream PR-49


2024-04-19 19:29:43 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated math/py-scipy, math/py-statsmodels


2024-04-19 19:29:23 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-statsmodels: updated to 0.14.2


This is a compatibility release that will allow statsmodels to run in environments using NumPy 2.

Full compatibility with NumPy 2
Improved future proofing against pandas 3 changes


2024-04-19 19:24:25 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-scipy: updated to 1.13.0

SciPy 1.13.0 is the culmination of 3 months of hard work. This
out-of-band release aims to support NumPy ``2.0.0``, and is backwards
compatible to NumPy ``1.22.4``. The version of OpenBLAS used to build
the PyPI wheels has been increased to ````.

This release requires Python 3.9+ and NumPy 1.22.4 or greater.

For running on PyPy, PyPy3 6.0+ is required.

Highlights of this release
- Support for NumPy ``2.0.0``.
- Interactive examples have been added to the documentation, allowing users
  to run the examples locally on embedded Jupyterlite notebooks in their
- Preliminary 1D array support for the COO and DOK sparse formats.
- Several `scipy.stats` functions have gained support for additional
  ``axis``, ``nan_policy``, and ``keepdims`` arguments. `scipy.stats` also
  has several performance and accuracy improvements.

New features

`scipy.integrate` improvements
- The ``terminal`` attribute of `scipy.integrate.solve_ivp` ``events``
  callables now additionally accepts integer values to specify a number
  of occurrences required for termination, rather than the previous restriction
  of only accepting a ``bool`` value to terminate on the first registered

`` improvements
- `` has improved ``dtype`` input validation.

`scipy.interpolate` improvements
- The Modified Akima Interpolation has been added to
  ``interpolate.Akima1DInterpolator``, available via the new ``method``
- New method ``BSpline.insert_knot`` inserts a knot into a ``BSpline`` instance.
  This routine is similar to the module-level `scipy.interpolate.insert`
  function, and works with the BSpline objects instead of ``tck`` tuples.
- ``RegularGridInterpolator`` gained the functionality to compute derivatives
  in place. For instance, ``RegularGridInterolator((x, y), values,
  method="cubic")(xi, nu=(1, 1))`` evaluates the mixed second derivative,
  :math:`\partial^2 / \partial x \partial y` at ``xi``.
- Performance characteristics of tensor-product spline methods of
  ``RegularGridInterpolator`` have been changed: evaluations should be
  significantly faster, while construction might be slower. If you experience
  issues with construction times, you may need to experiment with optional
  keyword arguments ``solver`` and ``solver_args``. Previous behavior (fast
  construction, slow evaluations) can be obtained via `"*_legacy"` methods:
  ``method="cubic_legacy"`` is exactly equivalent to ``method="cubic"`` in
  previous releases. See ``gh-19633`` for details.

`scipy.signal` improvements
- Many filter design functions now have improved input validation for the
  sampling frequency (``fs``).

`scipy.sparse` improvements
- ``coo_array`` now supports 1D shapes, and has additional 1D support for
  ``min``, ``max``, ``argmin``, and ``argmax``. The DOK format now has
  preliminary 1D support as well, though only supports simple integer indices
  at the time of writing.
- Experimental support has been added for ``pydata/sparse`` array inputs to
- ``dok_array`` and ``dok_matrix`` now have proper implementations of
- ``csr`` and ``csc`` formats now have improved ``setdiag`` performance.

`scipy.spatial` improvements
- ``voronoi_plot_2d`` now draws Voronoi edges to infinity more clearly
  when the aspect ratio is skewed.

`scipy.special` improvements
- All Fortran code, namely, ``AMOS``, ``specfun``, and ``cdflib`` libraries
  that the majority of special functions depend on, is ported to Cython/C.
- The function ``factorialk`` now also supports faster, approximate
  calculation using ``exact=False``.

`scipy.stats` improvements
- `scipy.stats.rankdata` and `scipy.stats.wilcoxon` have been vectorized,
  improving their performance and the performance of hypothesis tests that
  depend on them.
- ``stats.mannwhitneyu`` should now be faster due to a vectorized statistic
  calculation, improved caching, improved exploitation of symmetry, and a
  memory reduction. ``PermutationMethod`` support was also added.
- `scipy.stats.mood` now has ``nan_policy`` and ``keepdims`` support.
- `scipy.stats.brunnermunzel` now has ``axis`` and ``keepdims`` support.
- `scipy.stats.friedmanchisquare`, `scipy.stats.shapiro`,
  `scipy.stats.normaltest`, `scipy.stats.skewtest`,
  `scipy.stats.kurtosistest`, `scipy.stats.f_oneway`,
  `scipy.stats.alexandergovern`, `scipy.stats.combine_pvalues`, and
  `scipy.stats.kstest` have gained ``axis``, ``nan_policy`` and
  ``keepdims`` support.
- `scipy.stats.boxcox_normmax` has gained a ``ymax`` parameter to allow user
  specification of the maximum value of the transformed data.
- `scipy.stats.vonmises` ``pdf`` method has been extended to support
  ``kappa=0``. The ``fit`` method is also more performant due to the use of
  non-trivial bounds to solve for ``kappa``.
- High order ``moment`` calculations for `scipy.stats.powerlaw` are now more
- The ``fit`` methods of  `scipy.stats.gamma` (with ``method='mm'``) and
  `scipy.stats.loglaplace` are faster and more reliable.
- `scipy.stats.goodness_of_fit` now supports the use of a custom ``statistic``
  provided by the user.
- `scipy.stats.wilcoxon` now supports ``PermutationMethod``, enabling
  calculation of accurate p-values in the presence of ties and zeros.
- `scipy.stats.monte_carlo_test` now has improved robustness in the face of
  numerical noise.
- `scipy.stats.wasserstein_distance_nd` was introduced to compute the
  Wasserstein-1 distance between two N-D discrete distributions.

Deprecated features
- Complex dtypes in ``PchipInterpolator`` and ``Akima1DInterpolator`` have
  been deprecated and will raise an error in SciPy 1.15.0. If you are trying
  to use the real components of the passed array, use ``np.real`` on ``y``.

Backwards incompatible changes

Other changes
- The second argument of `scipy.stats.moment` has been renamed to ``order``
  while maintaining backward compatibility.


2024-04-19 13:12:28 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-hypothesis, net/py-unearth


2024-04-19 13:11:45 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-unearth: updated to 0.15.2


Bug Fixes

Incorrect username when using system keyring CLI


2024-04-19 13:10:08 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-hypothesis: updated to 6.100.1


This patch improve a rare error message for flaky tests.


The from_dtype() function no longer generates NaT (窶從ot-a-time窶�) values for the datetime64 or timedelta64 dtypes if passed allow_nan=False.


This patch includes the backend setting in the how_generated field of our observability output.


If you were running Python 3.13 (currently in alpha) with pytest-xdist and then attempted to pretty-print a lambda functions which was created using the eval() builtin, it would have raised an AssertionError. Now you窶冤l get "lambda ...: <unknown>", as expected.


This release improves an internal invariant.


This patch fixes Hypothesis sometimes raising a Flaky error when generating collections of unique floats containing nan.


2024-04-19 09:20:03 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-ruff, www/py-flask-security-too


2024-04-19 09:19:48 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-flask-security-too: updated to 5.4.3

Version 5.4.3


- (:issue:`950`) Regression - some templates no longer getting correct config (thanks pete7863).
- (:issue:`954`) CSRF not properly ignored for application forms using SECURITY_CSRF_PROTECT_MECHANISMS.
- (:pr:`957`) Improve jp translations (e-goto)
- (:issue:`959`) Regression - datetime_factory should still be an attribute (thanks TimotheeJeannin)
- (:issue:`942`) GENERIC_RESPONSES hide email validation/syntax errors.

Version 5.4.2


- (:issue:`946`) OpenAPI spec missing.
- (:pr:`945`) Doc fixes (e-goto)
- (:pr:`941`) Update ES/IT translations (gissimo)

Version 5.4.0 & 5.4.1

Among other changes, this continues the process of dis-entangling Flask-Security
from Flask-Login and may require some application changes due to backwards incompatible changes.

Features & Improvements

- (:issue:`879`) Work with Flask[async]. view decorators and signals support async handlers.
- (:pr:`900`) CI support for python 3.12
- (:pr:`901`) Work with py_webauthn 2.0 (and only 2.0+)
- (:pr:`899`) Improve (and simplify) Two-Factor setup. See below for backwards compatability issues and new functionality.
- (:issue:`912`) Improve oauth debugging support. Handle next propagation in a more general way.
- (:pr:`877`) Make AnonymousUser (Flask-Login) optional and deprecated.
- (:pr:`906`) Remove undocumented and untested looking in session for possible 'next'
  redirect location.
- (:pr:`881`) No longer rely on Flask-Login.unauthorized callback. See below for implications.
- (:issue:`904`) Changes to default unauthorized handler - remove use of referrer header (see below) and document precise behavior.
- (:pr:`927`) The authentication_token format has changed - adding per-token expiry time and future session ID.
  Old tokens are still accepted.


2024-04-19 09:12:07 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-ruff: updated to 0.4.0


A new, hand-written parser

Ruff's new parser is >2x faster, which translates to a 20-40% speedup for all linting and formatting invocations. There's a lot to say about this exciting change, so check out the blog post for more details!

A new language server in Rust

With this release, we also want to highlight our new language server. ruff server is a Rust-powered language server that comes built-in with Ruff. It can be used with any editor that supports the Language Server Protocol (LSP). It uses a multi-threaded, lock-free architecture inspired by rust-analyzer and it will open the door for a lot of exciting features. It窶冱 also faster than our previous Python-based language server -- but you probably guessed that already.

ruff server is only in alpha, but it has a lot of features that you can try out today:

Lints Python files automatically and shows quick-fixes when available
Formats Python files, with support for range formatting
Comes with commands for quickly performing actions: ruff.applyAutofix, ruff.applyFormat, and ruff.applyOrganizeImports
Supports source.fixAll and source.organizeImports source actions
Automatically reloads your project configuration when you change it
To setup ruff server with your editor, refer to the

Preview features

[pycodestyle] Do not trigger E3 rules on defs following a function/method with a dummy body
[pylint] Implement invalid-bytes-returned (E0308)
[pylint] Implement invalid-length-returned (E0303)
[pylint] Implement self-cls-assignment (W0642)
[pylint] Omit stubs from invalid-bool and invalid-str-return-type
[ruff] New rule unused-async (RUF029) to detect unneeded async keywords on functions

Rule changes

[flake8-bandit] Allow urllib.request.urlopen calls with static Request argument (S310)
[flake8-bugbear] Treat raise NotImplemented-only bodies as stub functions (B006)
[flake8-slots] Respect same-file Enum subclasses (SLOT000)
[pylint] Support inverted comparisons (PLR1730)


Improve handling of builtin symbols in linter rules
Improve display of rules in --show-settings
Improve inference capabilities of the BuiltinTypeChecker
Resolve classes and functions relative to script name
Improve performance of RuleTable::any_enabled


This section is devoted to updates for our new language server, written in Rust.

Enable ruff-specific source actions
Refreshes diagnostics for open files when file configuration is changed
Important errors are now shown as popups
Introduce settings for directly configuring the linter and formatter
Resolve configuration for each document individually
Write a setup guide for Neovim


Add RUFF_OUTPUT_FILE environment variable support

Bug fixes

Avoid non-augmented-assignment for reversed, non-commutative operators (PLR6104)
Limit commutative non-augmented-assignments to primitive data types (PLR6104)
Respect per-file-ignores for RUF100 on blanket # noqa
Consider if expression for parenthesized with items parsing
Consider binary expr for parenthesized with items parsing
Reset FOR_TARGET context for all kinds of parentheses


2024-04-19 04:55:22 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/cvise, net/grpc, net/py-grpcio, net/py-grpcio-testing, net/py-grpcio-tools


2024-04-19 04:54:36 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-19 04:48:55 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

cvise: updated to 2.10.0


Changes done in the release:

LLVM 18 is properly supported
code has been reformatted with ruff


2024-04-19 04:42:51 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated print/py-latexcodec, finance/py-eth-typing, security/py-itsdangerous, lang/py-findpython


2024-04-19 04:42:26 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-findpython: updated to 0.6.1


Bug Fixes

Ignore invalid version strinig from winreg


2024-04-19 04:40:49 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-itsdangerous: updated to 2.2.0

Version 2.2.0
- Drop support for Python 3.7. :pr:`372`
- Use modern packaging metadata with ``pyproject.toml`` instead of ``setup.cfg``.
- Use ``flit_core`` instead of ``setuptools`` as build backend.
- Deprecate the ``__version__`` attribute. Use feature detection, or
  ``importlib.metadata.version("itsdangerous")``, instead. :issue:`371`
- ``Serializer`` and the return type of ``dumps`` is generic for type checking.
  By default it is ``Serializer[str]`` and ``dumps`` returns a ``str``. If a
  different ``serializer`` argument is given, it will try to infer the return
  type of its ``dumps`` method. :issue:`347`
- The default ``hashlib.sha1`` may not be available in FIPS builds. Don't
  access it at import time so the developer has time to change the default.


2024-04-19 04:36:44 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-eth-typing: updated to 4.2.1

eth-typing v4.2.1 (2024-04-16)


Put back types used for `EthPM`: ContractName, Manifest, and URI.

eth-typing v4.2.0 (2024-04-15)


Add type definitions to represent contract ABIs.


Remove types related to the EthPM module which has been removed from


2024-04-19 04:33:18 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-latexcodec: updated to 3.0.0

3.0.0 (6 March 2024)

* Drop Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 support. Remove unneeded dependencies.
* Add Python 3.11 and 3.12 support.
* Added a few more translations.


2024-04-19 04:30:48 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated www/py-publicsuffixlist, graphics/py-matplotlib-inline, textproc/py-jsonpickle, devel/py-cachelib


2024-04-19 04:30:21 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-cachelib: updated to 0.13.0

Version 0.13.0

- default ``hashlib.md5`` may not be available in FIPS builds. We
  now do not access it at import time on ``FileSystemCache``so developers
  have time to change the default.
  ``hashlib.md5`` will be lazy loaded when a new default is not provided


2024-04-19 04:29:08 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-jsonpickle: updated to 3.0.4


* Fixed an issue with django.SafeString and other classes inheriting from
  str having read-only attribute errors
* The test suite was made compatible with `pytest-ruff>=0.3.0`.
* A `garden.yaml` file was added for use with the
  `garden <>_` command runner.
* The test suite was updated to avoid deprecated SQLALchemy APIs.
* The `jaraco.packaging.sphinx` documentation dependency was removed.


2024-04-19 04:27:20 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-19 04:25:06 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-publicsuffixlist: updated to
Unknown changes


2024-04-19 04:23:54 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-exceptiongroup, devel/py-jaraco.functools, textproc/py-xmlschema, devel/py-requirements-parser


2024-04-19 04:23:31 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-requirements-parser: updated to 0.9.0

v0.9.0 (2024-04-03)


feat: handle hashes without

v0.8.0 (2024-04-03)


feat: Add support for Python 3.12
feat: Drop support for Python 3.7
fix: Publish anciliary files only to sdist
fix: Type of Requirement.specs was incorrect
fix: -e in requirements.txt did not handle local paths correctly
chore(dev-deps): Updated all development dependencies
chore(deps): include types-setuptools as dependency


2024-04-19 04:20:02 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-xmlschema: updated to 3.3.0

* Rewrite the validation of openContent using InterleavedModelVisitor and SuffixedModelVisitor
* Fix validation of XSD 1.1 'all' nested models


2024-04-19 04:18:11 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-jaraco.functools: updated to 4.0.1


No significant changes.


2024-04-19 04:15:24 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-exceptiongroup: updated to 1.2.1


- Updated the copying of ``__notes__`` to match CPython behavior
- Corrected the type annotation of the exception handler callback to accept a
  ``BaseExceptionGroup`` instead of ``BaseException``
- Fixed type errors on Python < 3.10 and the type annotation of ``suppress()``


2024-04-18 17:42:17 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-18 12:27:11 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated lang/oracle-jdk17, devel/py-pydantic


2024-04-18 12:26:55 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-pydantic: updated to 2.7.0

v2.7.0 (2024-04-11)


* Reorganize `pyproject.toml` sections
* Bump `pydantic-core` to `v2.18.1`
* Adopt `jiter` `v0.2.0`

New Features

* Extract attribute docstrings from `FieldInfo.description`
* Add a `with_config` decorator to comply with typing spec
* Allow an optional separator splitting the value and unit of the result of `ByteSize.human_readable`
* Add generic `Secret` base type
* Make use of `Sphinx` inventories for cross references in docs
* Add environment variable to disable plugins
* Add support for `deprecated` fields
* Allow `field_serializer('*')`
* Handle a case when `model_config` is defined as a model property
* Update `create_model()` to support `typing.Annotated` as input
* Add `ClickhouseDsn` support
* Add support for `re.Pattern[str]` to `pattern` field
* Support for `serialize_as_any` runtime setting
* Add support for `typing.Self`
* Ability to pass `context` to serialization
* Add feedback widget to docs with flarelytics integration
* Support for parsing partial JSON strings in Python

**Finalized in v2.7.0, rather than v2.7.0b1:**
* Add support for field level number to str coercion option
* Update `warnings` parameter for serialization utilities to allow raising a warning


* Correct docs, logic for `model_construct` behavior with `extra`
* Improve error message for improper `RootModel` subclasses
* Use `PEP570` syntax
* Add `enum` and `type` to the JSON schema for single item literals
* Deprecate `update_json_schema` internal function
* Serialize duration to hour minute second, instead of just seconds
* Trimming str before parsing to int and float


* `enum` validator improvements
* Move `enum` validation and serialization to Rust
* Improve schema generation for nested dataclasses
* Fast path for ASCII python string creation in JSON
* SIMD integer and string JSON parsing on `aarch64`(**Note:** SIMD on x86 will be implemented in a future release)
* Support JSON `Cow<str>` from `jiter`
* MAJOR performance improvement: update to PyO3 0.21 final
* cache Python strings


* Fix strict parsing for some `Sequence`s
* Add a check on the existence of `__qualname__`
* Handle `__pydantic_extra__` annotation being a string or inherited
* Fix json validation for `NameEmail`
* Fix type-safety of attribute access in `BaseModel`
* Fix bug with `mypy` plugin and `no_strict_optional = True`
* Fix `ByteSize` error `type` change
* Fix inheriting annotations in dataclasses
* Fix regression in core schema generation for indirect definition references
* Fix unsupported types bug with plain validator
* Reverting problematic fix from 2.6 release, fixing schema building bug
* fixes `__pydantic_config__` ignored for TypeDict
* Fix test failures with `pytest v8.0.0` due to `pytest.warns()` starting to work inside `pytest.raises()`
* Use `is_valid_field` from 1.x for `mypy` plugin
* Better-support `mypy` strict equality flag
* model_json_schema export with Annotated types misses 'required' parameters
* Fix default inclusion in `FieldInfo.__repr_args__`
* Fix resolution of forward refs in dataclass base classes that are not present in the subclass module namespace
* Fix `BaseModel` type annotations to be resolvable by `typing.get_type_hints`
* Fix: allow empty string aliases with `AliasGenerator`
* Fix test along with `date` -> `datetime` timezone assumption fix
* Fix deprecation warning with usage of `ast.Str`
* Add missing `deprecated` decorators
* Fix serialization of `NameEmail` if name includes an email address
* Add information about class in error message of schema generation
* Make `TypeAdapter`'s typing compatible with special forms
* Fix issue with config behavior being baked into the ref schema for `enum`s
* More helpful error re wrong `model_json_schema` usage
* Fix nested discriminated union schema gen, pt 2
* Fix schema build for nested dataclasses / TypedDicts with discriminators
* Remove unnecessary logic for definitions schema gen with discriminated unions
* Fix handling of optionals in `mypy` plugin
* Fix `PlainSerializer` usage with std type constructor
* Remove unnecessary warning for config in plugin
* Fix default value serializing
* Fix extra fields check in `Model.__getattr__()`
* Fix `ClassVar` forward ref inherited from parent class
* fix sequence like validator with strict `True`
* Improve warning message when a field name shadows a field in a parent model
* Do not warn about shadowed fields if they are not redefined in a child class
* Fix discriminated union bug with unsubstituted type var
* Support serialization of `deque` when passed to `Sequence[blah blah blah]`
* Init private attributes from super-types in `model_post_init`
* fix `model_construct` with `validation_alias`
* Ensure json-schema generator handles `Literal` `null` types
* **Fixed in v2.7.0**: Fix allow extra generic


2024-04-18 12:16:55 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-18 07:17:08 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-requests-mock, devel/py-jupyter_events


2024-04-18 07:16:23 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-jupyter_events: updated to 0.10.0


Enhancements made

- Enable adding listeners to event before the event is registered


2024-04-18 07:13:20 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-requests-mock: updated to 1.12.1

Set python_requires to >3 to prevent installation in python2 deployments.

Update copyright year
Remove py2
Allow raw parameter to accept callable like body elements
Improve type definition of Mocker.__call__
Drop PBR Support
fix(mocker.pyi): fix Mocker class type hints
Remove unused six dependency


2024-04-18 04:44:08 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-virtualenv, databases/py-peewee, devel/py-faker, devel/py-hatchling, devel/py-meson_python, devel/py-project-metadata


2024-04-18 04:43:38 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-project-metadata: updated to 0.8.0

0.8.0 (17-04-2024)

- Support specifying the ``metadata_version`` as 2.1, 2.2, or 2.3
- Always normalize extras following PEP 685
- Preserve the user-specified name style in the metadata. ``.canonical_name`` added to get the normalized name
- Require "version" in the dynamic table if unset (following PEP 621)
- Support extras using markers containing "or"
- Support empty extras
- Using ``.as_rfc822()`` no longer modifies the metadata object
- Fix email-author listing for names containing commas
- Separate core metadata keywords with commas, following the (modified) spec
- An error message reported ``project.license`` instead of ``project.readme``
- Produce slightly cleaner tracebacks
  Fix a typo in an exception message
- Subclasses now type check correctly
- The build backend is now ``flit-core``


2024-04-18 04:40:12 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-meson_python: updated to 0.16.0


- Correctly detect a wheel shipping shared libraries as being platform
  dependent also when it does not ship compiled executables or Python
  extension modules.
- Use 11.0 as minimum macOS platform ABI tag on arm64: lower versions
  do not exist on arm64.
- Improve parsing of the ``$ARCHFLAGS`` environment
  variable. Correctly handle repeated ``-arch`` flags.
- Do not break when trying to log filename containing Unicode
  characters that cannot be encoded in the encoding used by the
  standard output stream.
- Drop dependency on ``colorama`` on Windows.
- Suppress all uses of ANSI terminal escapes when logging to a stream
  that does not support them.
- Fix ANSI escape coloring of error messages.
- Respect the ``exclude_dirs`` and ``exclude_files`` arguments passed
  to the ``install_subdir()`` Meson function in editable installs too.
- Make ``pkgutil.iter_packages()`` work properly for modules loaded
  from editable installs.
- Add support for the ``custom_target()`` Meson function installing a
- In editable installs, when a rebuild is triggered on module import,
  emit a message indicating that the package is being rebuilt but
  suppress any output when there is no work to do.


2024-04-18 04:36:17 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-hatchling: updated to 1.24.1

1.24.1 - 2024-04-18


Maintain file permissions for shared-scripts option/shared_scripts build data of the wheel target


2024-04-18 04:35:03 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-faker: updated to 24.11.0

v24.11.0 - 2024-04-17

* Tune `cs_CZ` phone number validation. Thanks @george0st.

v24.10.0 - 2024-04-17

* Update list of `first_name_*` and `last_name` in `pt_BR` `PersonProvider`. Thanks @dclobato.


2024-04-18 04:33:57 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-peewee: updated to 3.17.3


* Better fix for 2871 (extraneous queries when coercing query to list), and
  new fix in 2872 for regression in truthiness of cursor.


2024-04-18 04:32:36 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-virtualenv: updated to 20.25.3

Bugfixes - 20.25.3
Python 3.13.0a6 renamed pathmod to parser.


2024-04-17 20:05:59 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated mail/py-dkim


2024-04-17 19:58:31 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-dkim: updated to 1.1.6

Version 1.1.6
- Use raw byte string for regex; fixes SyntaxWarning in Python 3.12 due to
  invalid escape sequence


2024-04-17 16:15:45 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated boost to 1.85.0


2024-04-17 16:14:02 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

boost: updated to 1.85.0

Version 1.85.0

New Libraries
A high quality implementation of <charconv> in C++11, from Matt Borland.
A collection of scope guard utilities and a unique_resource wrapper, from Andrey Semashev.
Updated Libraries
Fixed the async_result primary template's concept checking to correctly handle lvalue-qualified completion signatures.
Fixed some compile errors that could arise when using the bind_allocator, bind_executor, bind_immediate_executor and bind_cancellation_slot completion token adapters to adapt each other.
Changed the experimental::ranged_parallel_group operation so that it moves the completion_order vector when invoking the completion handler.
Fixed some warnings about deprecated implicit copy constructors on ip::basic_resolver_query, io_context::strand, and coroutine.
Updated the version specification used to initialise Winsock.
Fixed co_spawn to correctly propagate exceptions resulting from cancellation to the completion handler.
Added calls to std::launder to fix undefined behaviour in awaitable<> internal storage.
Added missing handling of the file_base::append flag in the Windows implementation of file support.
Updated the socket and descriptor implementations to add more cases where they will fall back to fcntl if a call to ioctl fails.
Fixed the boost/asio/experimental/parallel_group.hpp header so that it is self-contained.
Fixed a compile error that occurred when channels and experimental::coro were both used in the same translation unit.
Added missing CancellationSlot type requirements to documentation.
Fixed the documentation hyperlinks for the deduced return types of asynchronous operations' initiating functions.
Other minor documentation updates.
Added support for pause instruction on RISC-V.
API Changes
The status code list has been updated to conform with the IANA registry.
Unreachable code warning in buffers_cat.hpp.
Connection error handling in websocker_server_awaitable example.
Concurrent calls to async_write in advanced server examples.
zlib name conflicts with minizip.
host string should be updated after SSL_set_tlsext_host_name().
asio::associator is specialized for bind_wrapper and bind_front_wrapper.
Add non-allocating overload for error category message function.
Specifies when calling http::message::prepare_payload() is optional.
Operations affected by basic_stream::expires_after().
teardown() and async_teardown() are customization points.
Moving or copying http::serializer after first usage is undefined behaviour.
websocket::permessage_deflate should be configured before performing the WebSocket handshake.
bytes_transferred in http reads operations reports the number of bytes consumed by the HTTP parser.
Emile Cormier, JohannesWilde, yhzx233
Fixed heterogeneous lookup for side collections
C++03 is no longer supported; a C++11 compiler is required. (This includes GCC 4.7 or later, and MSVC 12.0 (VS 2013) or later.)
Removed outdated mentions of boost::lexical_cast that is not part of the library any more. Thanks to Danil Sidoruk for the PR
Added a new boost/core/functor.hpp header with a functor class template for wrapping a raw function into a function object class.
Changed null_deleter, fclose_deleter and checked deleter definitions so that they don't bring namespace boost into argument-dependent lookup. Users may need to either explicitly qualify the namespace of the called function or add a using-declaration.
path::generic_path and path::generic_string methods now remove duplicate directory separators in the returned paths.
v4: path::generic_path, path::generic_string, path::make_preferred and path::lexically_normal avoid converting between backslashes and forward slashes in path root names. For example, on Windows, path("\\\\\\\\?\\\\c:\\\\foo").generic_string() now returns "\\?\c:/foo" instead of "//?/c:/foo". Similarly, path("\\\\\\\\host/share/foo/..").lexically_normal() now returns "\\host\share".
v4: equivalent now indicates error if either one of the paths doesn't exist.
v4: absolute now returns a path with a trailing directory separator when the input path has an empty relative_path().
Added a unique_path overload taking a single error_code& ec argument. The overload generates a unique path using the default path model.
weakly_canonical now produces an absolute path if the input path is relative and contains no elements that exist in the filesystem.
Added a new copy_options::ignore_attribute_errors option for copy_file and copy operations. The new option allows to ignore possible errors while copying file attributes.
On Linux, copy_file backends based on sendfile and copy_file_range system calls will attempt to preallocate storage for the target file. This may reduce filesystem fragmentation and provide early error indication if there is not enough free space. Not all filesystems support this feature; file copying proceeds if storage preallocation is not supported.
On POSIX systems that support fdopendir, openat and related APIs defined in POSIX.1-2008, as well as on Windows, recursive_directory_iterator now uses file descriptors/handles instead of paths to query the file statuses and open nested directories during iteration. This makes directory iteration more resilient to concurrent modifications of the filesystem.
Removed APIs that were previously declared deprecated. In particular, path and recursive_directory_iterator member functions, is_regular, copy_directory, symbolic_link_exists, complete, copy_option, symlink_option, as well as boost/filesystem/convenience.hpp and boost/filesystem/path_traits.hpp headers were removed. Possible replacements for the removed components are mentioned in the documentation.
Support for path construction, assignment and appending from container types (e.g. std::vector<char>) is now disabled by default. Users can still enable this functionality by defining BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DEPRECATED. This functionality remains deprecated and will be completely removed in a future release.
C++03 is no longer supported; a C++11 compiler is required. (This includes GCC 4.7 or later, and MSVC 12.0 (VS 2013) or later.)
Use if constexpr macro instead of condition macro
Pass strategy to sort by side
Add cmake files for clang/mac/darwin/arm64
Solved issues
Fix invalid set operations for CCW polygons
Fix compilation error with CUDA NVCC compiler
Fix buffer of linestring returning incorrect inner polygon
Fix union operation perturbing a point and returning wrong result
Fix union producing self intersections
Fix buffer issue by setting turns in closed clusters as non traversable
Fix compilation of converter and is_base_of
Various fixes of errors and warnings
Support for C++03 is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Boost.Endian is now used to deal with endianness.
Aliases to Boost.System and Boost.Container components are deprecated and will be completely removed in 1.87.0.
Conversion of described classes supports private members.
Rvalue reference overload for visit.
Add conversion support for path-like types.
Parsing into described classes correctly considers inherited members.
Conversion of self-referential sequences is disabled.
Fixed reference handling in visit.
New API for transporting of error objects and exceptions between threads: try_capture_all.
result<T> able to transport exceptions captured via try_capture_all.
result<T> transporting dynamically captured error objects with improved efficiency.
Old make_shared_context/capture APIs are deprecated, will be removed in the next release.
Removed support for transporting of dynamicaly captured error objects in exceptions.
Significant rewrite of the internal logic to separate optimized and C++ Standard Library IO-based streams:
C++ Standard Library based streams now constructed in less cases leading to better performance;
less template instantiations and simpler code;
always use std::char_traits (do not use custom traits from input/output types as it leads to linktime or runtime errors);
fixed missuse of forward declared boost::array
support for volatile input types was dropped, following the C++ Standard Library trend.
Optimized conversions from std::basic_string_view and boost::basic_string_view.
Dropped dependency on Boost.NumericConversion and Boost.MPL. Fixed some cases of converting floting point types to arithmetics.
The library now compiles and works fine with -fno-sanitize-recover=integer.
Fix linker issues due to missing typeinfo for char8_t in C++20 mode
Fix IConv compile flags when using ICU that has a bundled IConv
collator now throws on construction, if at all, as documented
collator no longer derives from std::collator to avoid possible type confusing when it isn't available for the current backend
Throw an exception when a faulty IConv library is detected (e.g. on some MacOS versions) instead of looping indefinitely
Reduce resolution of date_time to seconds as milliseconds where not easily available causing confusion
Added a new collection of optimization algorithms:
Differential Evolution
Random Search
Fix Divide by 0 warning in NCF survival function
Fix constexpr depth limits of ccmath::floor/ceil fail for large arguments
Improve accuracy of quartic_roots
Fix cstdfloat numeric limits detection macro for libstdc++14
Fix for MSVC UCRT defining _Complex_I in complex.h when using C++14
Improve cstdfloat iostream
Fix redefnition of Boost.Config macros when using standalone mode in a non-standalone environment
Significant improvements to code coverage with associated bug fixes
Major Update. Backend update (back11). Requires C++ 11. The documentation now uses it as default.
Big new feature. New front-end (PlantUML). Requires C++ 20
Various Bugfixes (compiler errors and warnings, priority of deferred events)
Multi-index Containers:
Fixed documentation errors.
Fix deprecation warnings from C++23 <limits>
Fix cpp_bin_float for small bit counts
Fix -Wpessimizing-move
Add covecov runs
Reduce truncation in cpp_dec_float multiplication
Fix complex_adaptor to match precision requirements
Fix for breaking changes in tommath
Fix for types that can be converted to number participting in arithmetic operator overloads
Breaking change: Boost.MySQL now requires linking to the new Boost.Charconv compiled library. This addresses a locale-dependency problem, increases efficiency, and powers the new client-side SQL formatting feature.
Added experimental support for connection pools, which allows re-using sessions and provides built-in reconnection and error handling.
Added experimental support for type-erased connections (any_connection class). any_connection is not a template and features simpler connection establishment and reconnection semantics.
Added experimental support for client-side SQL formatting functions (format_sql and format_sql_to). These allow securely composing queries client-side, which enables patterns like batch inserts, dynamic filters or PATCH-like updates.
Fixed a performance issue affecting close_statement and async_close_statement that could cause significant delays in application code.
Added support for building with BOOST_ASIO_USE_TS_EXECUTOR_AS_DEFAULT.
The deprecated execution interface (connection::query, connection::start_query, connection::execute_statement, connection::start_statement_execution and their async counterparts) now triggers warnings, as it's scheduled for removal in Boost 1.86.
Fixed a bug that caused some error messages to be truncated.
Warning cleanup. Builds are now clean from warnings when building with -Wall and -Wextra.
All field_view constructors are now stable.
The library internals have been rewritten using a sans-io approach to reduce complexity.
Breaking change: The library now explicitly requires C++14 instead of implicitly by including Boost.Math
Fix compatibility with Thrust 1.10.0
Removed C++03 Boost components:
boost::pfr::get_name now can work with local types on some compilers. Thanks to Bela Schaum for the PR
Removed unused implementation details. Thanks to Denis Mikhailov for the PR
Allow throwing exceptions from boost::pfr::structure_to_tuple. Thanks to Denis Mikhailov for the bug report.
Field reflection trick is now described in the docs.
Added splitmix64 PRNG
C++03 is no longer supported; a C++11 compiler is required. (This includes GCC 4.8 or later, and MSVC 14.0 (VS 2015) or later.)
The deprecated header boost/system/cygwin_error.hpp has been removed.
The original and obsolete (32 bit) MinGW is no longer supported. MinGW-w64 (both 64 and 32 bit) is still supported.
operator& now works for result<void> (by way of taking a nullary function.)
Added operator|= for result.
Big new feature: stacktrace from arbitrary exception. On some POSIX platforms std::stacktrace::from_current_exception() now returns the stacktrace of the current exception object as if the stacktrace was captures at the point of throwing the exception. Many thanks to Andrei Nekrashevich for prototyping the idea in libsfe.
Fixed memory consumption on Windows with boost_stacktrace_windbg.
Fixed library build with non hidden visibility.
Added a separate section on async signal safety to the docs.
Change the behavior of iterator_interface for input iterators in C++20 and later, to more closely follow the C++20 concepts.
Remove hidden friends from iterator_interface to fix errors about concepts being redefined with different constraints.
Add a new v3 inline namespace, containing a new iterator_interface based on deducing this instead of CRTP (C++23 and later).
Add an rvalue-qualified overload of closure::operator(), to prevent dangling temporaries.
Respect library-spcific _NO_LIB macros
Supress MSVC C4702 from __builtin_unreachable() on intentionally unreachable code
Fix boost::function streaming error
Optimized emplace() for a value_type or init_type (if applicable) argument to bypass creating an intermediate object. The argument is already the same type as the would-be intermediate object.
Optimized emplace() for k,v arguments on map containers to delay constructing the object until it is certain that an element should be inserted. This optimization happens when the map窶冱 key_type is move constructible or when the k argument is a key_type.
Fixed support for allocators with explicit copy constructors
Fixed bug in the const version of unordered_multimap::find(k, hash, eq)
Removed more of the pre-C++11 macro and workarounds.
Fixed bugs:
Emitted pragmas lack terminating newline
YYMARKER not updated when fill called on BOOST_WAVE_BSIZE boundary
Updated Tools
Includes release of B2 version 5.1.0.


2024-04-17 15:01:58 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

bulk-test-boost: mysql57 removed from DEPENDS, it uses vendored boost


2024-04-17 14:55:01 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated parallel/openmpi, www/py-aiohttp


2024-04-17 14:54:22 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-aiohttp: updated to 3.9.5

3.9.5 (2024-04-16)

Bug fixes

- Fixed "Unclosed client session" when initialization of
  :py:class:`~aiohttp.ClientSession` fails
- Fixed regression (from :pr:`8280`) with adding ``Content-Disposition`` to the ``form-data``
  part after appending to writer
- Added default ``Content-Disposition`` in ``multipart/form-data`` responses to avoid broken
  form-data responses


2024-04-17 14:50:01 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

openmpi: updated to 4.1.6

Changes to v4.1.6 compared to v4.1.5:

- Fix configure issue with XCode 15.
- Update embedded PMIx to 3.2.5.  PMIx 3.2.5 addresses CVE-2023-41915.
  Note that prior versions of Open MPI (and their associated PMIx
  implementations) are not impacted by this CVE, because Open MPI
  never uses escalated privileges on behalf of an unprivileged user.
  We are backporting this change both because it is low risk and to
  avoid alarms from CVE scanners.
- Fix issue with buffered sends and MTL-based interfaces (Libfabric,
  PSM, Portals).
- Add missing MPI_F_STATUS_SIZE to mpi.h.  Thanks to @jprotze for
  reporting the issue.
- Update Fortran mpi module configure check to be more correct.
  Thanks to Sergey Kosukhin for identifying the issue and supplying
  the fix.
- Update to properly handle PMIx v>=4.2.3.  Thanks to Bruno Chareyre,
  Github user @sukanka, and Christof Koehler for raising the
  compatibility issues and helping test the fixes.
- Fix minor issues and add some minor performance optimizations with
  OFI support.
- Support the "striping_factor" and "striping_unit" MPI_Info names
  recomended by the MPI standard for parallel IO.
- Fixed some minor issues with UCX support.
- Minor optimization for 0-byte MPI_Alltoallw (i.e., make it a no-op).

Changes to v4.1.5 compared to v4.1.4:

- Fix crash in one-sided applications for certain process layouts.
- Update embedded OpenPMIx to version 3.2.4
- Fix issue building with ifort on MacOS.
- Backport patches to Libevent for CVE-2016-10195, CVE-2016-10196, and
  CVE-2016-10197.  Note that Open MPI's internal libevent does not
  use the impacted portions of the Libevent code base.
- SHMEM improvements:
  - Fix initializer bugs in SHMEM interface.
  - Fix unsigned type comparisons generating warnings.
  - Fix use after clear issue in shmem_ds_reset.
- UCX improvements
  - Fix memory registration bug that could occur when UCX was built
    but not selected.
  - Reduce overhead of add_procs with intercommunicators.
  - Enable multi_send_nb by default.
  - Call opal_progress while waiting for a UCX fence to complete.
- Fix data corruption bug in osc/rdma component.
- Fix overflow bug in alltoall collective
- Fix crash when displaying topology.
- Add some MPI_F_XXX constants that were missing from mpi.h.
- coll/ucc bug fixes.


2024-04-17 13:28:52 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated databases/py-peewee, net/py-zeroconf


2024-04-17 13:28:35 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-zeroconf: updated to 0.132.2

v0.132.2 (2024-04-13)


* Update references to minimum-supported python version of 3.8
* Bump cibuildwheel to fix wheel builds

v0.132.1 (2024-04-12)


* Set change during iteration when dispatching listeners

v0.132.0 (2024-04-01)


* Make async_get_service_info available on the Zeroconf object
* Drop python 3.7 support


2024-04-17 13:23:40 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-peewee: updated to 3.17.2


* Full support for `psycopg3`.
* Basic support for Sqlite `jsonb`.
* Fix bug where calling `list(query)` resulted in extra queries.


2024-04-17 10:28:20 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated databases/py-apsw, devel/py-faker


2024-04-17 10:28:04 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-faker: updated to 24.9.0

v24.9.0 - 2024-04-12

* Update `uk_UA` phone provider.


2024-04-17 10:26:43 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-apsw: updated to

No APSW changes.


2024-04-17 10:21:38 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-pyleri, www/py-django-admin-rangefilter


2024-04-17 10:21:19 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-django-admin-rangefilter: updated to 0.12.4

- Typo

- Typo

- DateTimeRangeFilter: microsecond is optional


2024-04-17 10:19:12 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-pyleri: updated to 1.4.3


Don't raise UnusedElementError when used has more elems than Grammar


2024-04-17 09:15:47 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-virtualenv, textproc/py-regex


2024-04-17 09:15:19 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-regex: updated to 2024.4.16

Unknown changes


2024-04-17 09:01:58 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-virtualenv: updated to 20.25.2


Upgrade embedded wheels:
setuptools of 69.1.0 to 69.5.1
wheel of 0.42.0 to 0.43.0


2024-04-16 15:33:21 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-hatchling, devel/py-fakefs


2024-04-16 15:33:05 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-fakefs: updated to 5.4.1

Version 5.4.1
Fixes a regression.

* fixed a regression from version 5.4.0 that incorrectly handled files opened twice via file descriptor

Version 5.4.0
Improves permission handling.

* the handling of file permissions under Posix should now mostly match the behavior
of the real filesystem, which may change the behavior of some tests
* removed the argument `module_cleanup_mode`, that was introduced as a temporary workaround
in the previous version - related problems shall be handled using a cleanup handler

* added support for `O_NOFOLLOW` and `O_DIRECTORY` flags in ``
* added support for fake `os.dup`, `os.dup2` and `os.lseek`

* fixed a specific problem on reloading a pandas-related module
* added possibility for unload hooks for specific modules
* use this also to reload django views
* fixed `EncodingWarning` for Python >= 3.11
* consider directory ownership while adding or removing directory entries
* fixed handling of directory enumeration and search permissions under Posix systems
* fixed creation of the temp directory in the fake file system after a filesystem reset
* fixed handling of `dirfd` in `os.symlink`
* add missing `follow_symlink` argument to ``
* fixed handling of missing attribute in `os.getxattr`
* fixed permission problem with `shutil.rmtree` if emulating Windows under POSIX
* fixed handling of errors on opening files via file descriptor
* fixed handling of `umask` - it is now applied by default
* fixed behavior of `os.makedirs`

* replace `undefined` by own minimal implementation to avoid importing it


2024-04-16 15:26:38 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-hatchling: updated to 1.24.0



Add shared_data and shared_scripts build data for the wheel target


2024-04-16 04:32:00 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated textproc/yq, sysutils/ansible-core


2024-04-16 04:31:43 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

ansible-core: updated to 2.16.6



- Consolidated the list of internal static vars, centralized them as constant and completed from some missing entries.
- Fix check for missing _sub_plugin attribute in older connection plugins (
- Fixes permission for cache json file from 600 to 644 (
- Slight optimization to hostvars (instantiate template only once per host, vs per call to var).
- allow_duplicates - fix evaluating if the current role allows duplicates instead of using the initial value from the duplicate's cached role.
- ansible-config will now properly template defaults before dumping them.
- ansible-test ansible-doc sanity test - do not remove underscores from plugin names in collections before calling ``ansible-doc`` (
- async - Fix bug that stopped running async task in ``--check`` when ``check_mode: False`` was set as a task attribute -
- blockinfile - when ``create=true`` is used with a filename without path, the module crashed (
- dnf - fix an issue when cached RPMs were left in the cache directory even when the keepcache setting was unset (
- dnf5 - replace removed API calls
- facts - add a generic detection for VMware in product name.
- fetch - add error message when using ``dest`` with a trailing slash that becomes a local directory -
- find - do not fail on Permission errors (
- unarchive modules now uses zipinfo options without relying on implementation defaults, making it more compatible with all OS/distributions.
- winrm - Do not raise another exception during cleanup when a task is timed out -


2024-04-16 04:29:46 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

yq: updated to 3.3.1

Revert "Do not interpret characters that cannot be parsed in octal as int"


2024-04-15 16:44:30 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated databases/sqlite3*, devel/lemon


2024-04-15 16:43:57 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

sqlite3: updated to 3.45.3

3.45.3 (2024-04-15):

Fix a long-standing bug (going back to version 3.24.0) that might (rarely) cause the "old.*" values of an UPDATE trigger to be incorrect if that trigger fires in response to an UPSERT. Forum post 284955a3cd454a15.
Fix a bug in sum() that could cause it to return NULL when it should return Infinity. Forum post 23b8688ef4.
Other trifling corrections and compiler warning fixes that have come up since the previous patch release. See the timeline for details.


2024-04-15 14:37:13 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated www/py-daphne, textproc/py-cmudict


2024-04-15 14:36:54 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-cmudict: updated to 1.0.23

v1.0.23 (2024-04-04)


deps: bump importlib-resources from 6.3.1 to 6.4.0
deps: bump importlib-metadata from 7.0.2 to 7.1.0

v1.0.22 (2024-03-19)


deps: bump importlib-resources from 6.1.3 to 6.3.1


2024-04-15 14:32:44 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-daphne: updated to 4.1.2

4.1.2 (2024-04-11)

* Fixed a setuptools configuration error in 4.1.1.


2024-04-15 11:37:38 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-testrepository, devel/py-frozendict


2024-04-15 11:37:19 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-frozendict: updated to 2.4.2

frozendict v2.4.2
deepfreeze doesn't change anymore the original object


2024-04-15 11:36:11 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-testrepository: updated to 0.0.21



* testrepository now uses ``hatch`` rather than ``pbr``.
* testr now supports different coverage names.
* Isolate the testrepository test suite from the chunking (or otherwise)
  behaviour of testtools' exception handlers. (Robert Collins)
* pbr is now used to manage build and release tooling.
* Unexpected errors reading streams from a file repository now propogate the
  correct exception.
* testrepository now requires at least version 0.0.11 of the subunit Python


2024-04-15 09:37:36 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/mm-common, devel/libsigc++3, devel/pangomm2.48, devel/glibmm2.68, x11/gtkmm4, x11/gtkmm3


2024-04-15 09:37:09 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

gtkmm3: updated to 3.24.9

3.24.9 (stable):

* Gtk::Clipboard: Update documentation
* Gtk::ScrolledWindow: Update the class description

* Gdk::RGBA test: Avoid some comparisons for exact equality

Meson build:
* Don兵t fail if warning_level=everything

3.24.8 (stable):

* gtk/gtkmm/base.h: Fix GTK_VERSION_GT_MICRO

* Remove README.SUN and other obsolete files

Build with Meson:
* Detect if we build from a git subtree
* Fix the evaluation of is_git_build on Windows
* Don't copy files with configure_file()


2024-04-15 09:29:25 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

gtkmm4: updated to 4.14.0

4.14.0 (stable):

* Display: Add supports_shadow_width(), property_shadow_width()
* DmabufFormats: Add equal()
* Monitor: Add get/property_scale()

* SpinButton: Add signal_activate()
* Accessible: Add announce()
* AccessibleText: New interface
* Calendar: Add set/get_day(), set/get_month(), set/get_year()
* SearchEntry2: Add set/get/property_input_purpose(),

* Fix the TextView demo, ClickMe button

* Require gtk4 >= 4.14.0


2024-04-15 09:27:50 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

glibmm2.68: updated to 2.80.0

2.80.0 (stable):

* Add wide_from_utf8() and wide_to_utf8()
* DateTime: Add create_from_local_usec(), create_from_utc_usec()
  and to_unix_usec().

* Application: Add get/set/property_version()
* ApplicationCommandLine: Add done()
* DBus::Message: Add get_arg0_path()
* Socket: Add receive_bytes() and receive_bytes_from()
* content_type_guess(): Remove most of an unnecessary overload

* Require glib-2.0 >= 2.79.2


2024-04-15 09:26:35 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

pangomm2.48: updated to 2.52.0

2.52.0 (stable):

* FontFamily: Add property_item_type(), property_n_items(),
  property_name(), property_is_monospace(), property_is_variable().
* FontMap: Add reload_font(), property_item_type(),

* Require pango >= 1.52.0.


2024-04-15 09:25:07 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

libsigc++3: updated to 3.6.0

3.6.0 (stable)

* sigc++config.h.*: Update and clean up a bit for Visual Studio
* scoped_connection: New wrapper to auto-disconnect a slot
* signal: Add connect_first()

* connection: Improve the class documentation
* Improve Visual Studio build documentation
* Remove AUTHORS and add general information to
* manual: Add paragraph about new scoped_connection

* Add test_scoped_connection

* Meson: Don't copy files with configure_file()
* Meson: Fix the evaluation of is_git_build on Windows
* CMake: Prevent multiple target declaration for uninstall
* Visual Studio: Support static builds
* Meson: Don't require the 'dot' command to build the documentation

3.4.0 (stable)

* Add track_object(), deprecate track_obj()
* Add trackable_signal_with_accumulator and trackable_signal

Examples, tests:
* examples/member_method: Make on_print() non-virtual
* clang++ requires another 'template'
* Don't use auto where a slot is required

* signal::make_slot(): Note that signal does not derive from trackable

* Meson: Avoid configuration warnings
* Meson, MSVC: Compensate for the lack of msvc_recommended_pragmas.h
* Fix build with -Dbuild-deprecated-api=false
* Meson: Detect if we build from a git subtree
* Meson: Simplify lookup of python command
* Meson: Add build_tests option


2024-04-15 09:23:37 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

mm-common: updated to 1.0.6

mm-common 1.0.6 (2024-01-07)

* util/meson_aux/ Try curl without compression

Meson build:
* Fix use as subproject on Windows
* Don't fail if warning_level=everything
* Meson: Don兵t fail if warning_level=everything

* Fix the evaluation of is_git_build on Windows
* Simplify if-file-exists test

* Remove AUTHORS and add info to


2024-04-15 08:11:53 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated math/py-pandas, devel/py-jaraco.collections


2024-04-15 08:11:37 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-jaraco.collections: updated to 5.0.1



- Delinting and package refresh.


2024-04-15 08:10:23 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-pandas: updated to 2.2.2

Pandas 2.2.2 is now compatible with numpy 2.0

Pandas 2.2.2 is the first version of pandas that is generally compatible with the upcoming numpy 2.0 release, and wheels for pandas 2.2.2 will work with both numpy 1.x and 2.x.

One major caveat is that arrays created with numpy 2.0窶冱 new StringDtype will convert to object dtyped arrays upon Series/DataFrame creation. Full support for numpy 2.0窶冱 StringDtype is expected to land in pandas 3.0.

As usual please report any bugs discovered to our issue tracker

Fixed regressions

DataFrame.__dataframe__() was producing incorrect data buffers when the a column窶冱 type was a pandas nullable on with missing values (GH 56702)
DataFrame.__dataframe__() was producing incorrect data buffers when the a column窶冱 type was a pyarrow nullable on with missing values (GH 57664)
Avoid issuing a spurious DeprecationWarning when a custom DataFrame or Series subclass method is called (GH 57553)
Fixed regression in precision of to_datetime() with string and unit input (GH 57051)
Bug fixes

DataFrame.__dataframe__() was producing incorrect data buffers when the column窶冱 type was nullable boolean (GH 55332)
DataFrame.__dataframe__() was showing bytemask instead of bitmask for 'string[pyarrow]' validity buffer (GH 57762)
DataFrame.__dataframe__() was showing non-null validity buffer (instead of None) 'string[pyarrow]' without missing values (GH 57761)
DataFrame.to_sql() was failing to find the right table when using the schema argument (GH 57539)


2024-04-15 07:17:03 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated databases/ldb, net/samba4


2024-04-15 07:16:39 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

samba4: updated to 4.20.0

Samba 4.20.0


New Minimum MIT Krb5 version for Samba AD Domain Controller

Samba now requires MIT 1.21 when built against a system MIT Krb5 and
acting as an Active Directory DC.  This addresses the issues that were
fixed in CVE-2022-37967 (KrbtgtFullPacSignature) and ensures that
Samba builds against the MIT version that allows us to avoid that

Removed dependency on Perl JSON module

Distributions are advised that the Perl JSON package is no longer
required by Samba builds that use the imported Heimdal.  The build
instead uses Perl's JSON::PP built into recent perl5 versions.

Current lists of packages required by Samba for major distributions
are found in the bootstrap/generated-dists/ directory of a Samba
source tree.  While there will be some differences - due to features
chosen by packagers - comparing these lists with the build dependencies
in a package may locate other dependencies we no longer require.

samba-tool user getpassword / syncpasswords ;rounds= change

The password access tool "samba-tool user getpassword" and the
password sync tool "samba-tool user syncpasswords" allow attributes to
be chosen for output, and accept parameters like

These attributes then appear, in the same format, as the attributes in
the LDIF output.  This was not the case for the ;rounds= parameter of
virtualCryptSHA256 and virtualCryptSHA512, for example as

This release makes the behaviour consistent between these two
features.  Installations using GPG-encrypted passwords (or plaintext
storage) and the rounds= option, will find the output has changed

virtualCryptSHA256: {CRYPT}$5$rounds=2561$hXem.M9onhM9Vuix$dFdSBwF

virtualCryptSHA256;rounds=2561: {CRYPT}$5$rounds=2561$hXem.M9onhM9Vuix$dFdSBwF

Group Managed service account client-side features

samba-tool has been extended to provide client-side support for Group
Managed Service accounts.  These accounts have passwords that change
automatically, giving the advantages of service isolation without risk
of poor, unchanging passwords.

Where possible, Samba's existing samba-tool password handling
commands, which in the past have only operated against the local
sam.ldb have been extended to permit operation against a remote server
with authenticated access to "-H ldap://$DCNAME"

Supported operations include:
- reading the current and previous gMSA password via
  "samba-tool user getpassword"
- writing a Kerberos Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) to a local
  credentials cache with a new command
  "samba-tool user get-kerberos-ticket"

New Windows Search Protocol Client

Samba now by default builds new experimental Windows Search Protocol (WSP)
command line client "wspsearch"

The "wspsearch" cmd-line utility allows a WSP search request to be sent
to a server (such as a windows server) that has the (WSP)
Windows Search Protocol service configured and enabled.

For more details see the wspsearch man page.

Allow 'smbcacls' to save/restore DACLs to file

'smbcacls' has been extended to allow DACLs to be saved and restored
to/from a file. This feature mimics the functionality that windows cmd
line tool 'icacls.exe' provides. Additionally files created either
by 'smbcalcs' or 'icacls.exe' are interchangeable and can be used by
either tool as the same file format is used.

New options added are:
- '--save savefile'    Saves DACLs in sddl format to file
- '--recurse'          Performs the '--save' operation above on directory
                        and all files/directories below.
- '--restore savefile' Restores the stored DACLS to files in directory

Samba-tool extensions for AD Claims, Authentication Policies and Silos

samba-tool now allows users to be associated with claims.  In the
Samba AD DC, claims derive from Active Directory attributes mapped
into specific names.  These claims can be used in rules, which are
conditional ACEs in a security descriptor, that decide if a user is
restricted by an authentication policy.

samba-tool also allows the creation and management of authentication
policies, which are rules about where a user may authenticate from,
if NTLM is permitted, and what services a user may authenticate to.

Finally, support is added for the creation and management of
authentication silos, which are helpful in defining network boundaries
by grouping users and the services they connect to.

Please note: The command line syntax for these tools is not final, and
may change before the next release, as we gain user feedback.  The
syntax will be locked in once Samba offers 2016 AD Functional Level as
a default.

AD DC support for Authentication Silos and Authentication Policies

The Samba AD DC now also honours any existing claims, authentication
policy and authentication silo configuration previously created (eg
from an import of a Microsoft AD), as well as new configurations
created with samba-tool.  The use of Microsoft's Powershell based
client tools is not expected to work.

To use this feature, the functional level must be set to 2012_R2 or
later with:

ad dc functional level = 2016

in the smb.conf.

The smb.conf file on each DC must have 'ad dc functional level = 2016'
set to have the partially complete feature available.  This will also,
at first startup, update the server's own AD entry with the configured
functional level.

For new domains, add these parameters to 'samba-tool provision'

--option="ad dc functional level = 2016" --function-level=2016

The second option, setting the overall domain functional level
indicates that all DCs should be at this functional level.

To raise the domain functional level of an existing domain, after
updating the smb.conf and restarting Samba run
samba-tool domain schemaupgrade --schema=2019
samba-tool domain functionalprep --function-level=2016
samba-tool domain level raise --domain-level=2016 --forest-level=2016

This support is still new, so is not enabled by default in this
release.  The above instructions are set at 2016, which while not
complete, matches what our testing environment validates.

Conditional ACEs and Resource Attribute ACEs

Ordinary Access Control Entries (ACEs) unconditionally allow or deny
access to a given user or group. Conditional ACEs have an additional
section that describes conditions under which the ACE applies. If the
conditional expression is true, the ACE works like an ordinary ACE,
otherwise it is ignored. The condition terms can refer to claims,
group memberships, and attributes on the object itself. These
attributes are described in Resource Attribute ACEs that occur in the
object's System Access Control List (SACL). Conditional ACEs are
described in Microsoft documentation.

Conditional ACE evaluation is controlled by the "acl claims
evaluation" smb.conf option. The default value is "AD DC only" which
enables them in AD DC settings. The other option is "never", which
disables them altogether. There is currently no option to enable them
on the file server (this is likely to change in future releases).

The Security Descriptor Definition Language has extensions for
conditional ACEs and resource attribute ACEs; these are now supported
by Samba.

Service Witness Protocol [MS-SWN]

In a ctdb cluster it is now possible to provide
the SMB witness service that allows clients to
monitor their current smb connection to cluster
node A by asking cluster node B to notify the
client if the ip address from node A or the
whole node A becomes unavailable.

For disk shares in a ctdb cluster
SMB2_SHARE_CAP_SCALEOUT is now always returned
for SMB3 tree connect responses.

If the witness service is active
SMB2_SHARE_CAP_CLUSTER is now also returned.

In order to activate the witness service
"rpc start on demand helpers = no" needs to
be configured in the global section.
At the same time the 'samba-dcerpcd' service
needs to be started explicitly, typically
with the '--libexec-rpcds' option in order
to make all available services usable.
One important aspect is that tcp ports
135 (for the endpoint mapper) and various
ports in the 'rpc server dynamic port range'
will be used to provide the witness service

ctdb provides a '47.samba-dcerpcd.script' in order
to manage the samba-dcerpcd.service.
Typically as systemd service, but that's up
to the packager and/or admin.

Please note that current windows client
in addition to SMB2_SHARE_CAP_CLUSTER in order
to make use of the witness service.
the windows clients always ask for persistent handle
(which are not implemented in samba yet), so
that every open generates a warning in the
windows smb client event log.
is not returned by default.
An explicit 'smb3 share cap:CONTINUOUS AVAILABILITY = yes'
is needed.

There are also new 'net witness' commands in order
to let the admin list active client registrations
or ask specific clients to move their smb connection
to another cluster node. These are available:

net witness list
net witness client-move
net witness share-move
net witness force-unregister
net witness force-response

Consult 'man net' or 'net witness help' for further details.


2024-04-15 07:15:36 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-15 05:38:33 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-15 05:31:09 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated textproc/py-enchant, devel/cargo-bloat


2024-04-15 05:30:52 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

cargo-bloat: updated to 0.12.0


- The `--config` flag. That matches the `cargo build --config`.
- Warn about `strip = true`.

- Do not show the `-n option` if there is nothing more to display.
- Use `thin` LTO in the Release build to reduce the installed binary size.
- Show the section name given to `--symbols-section` instead of hardcoding `.text`.

- The `--time` flag. Use `cargo --timings` instead.


2024-04-15 05:28:46 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-sphinxcontrib-spelling: needs git for testing


2024-04-15 05:27:47 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-15 05:18:09 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-argcomplete, textproc/yq, devel/py-pdm_backend, devel/py-hatchling


2024-04-15 05:17:48 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-hatchling: updated to 1.23.0

1.23.0 - 2024-04-14


Add shared-scripts option for the wheel target


Support recursive optional dependencies
Set the packaging dependency version as >=23.2 to avoid its URL validation which can conflict with context formatting


2024-04-15 05:15:56 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-pdm_backend: updated to 2.2.0



Don't add '+editable' to the editable version
Custom version format for source="scm"
Fallback_version config for scm version
vendor: Update packaging to 24.0
vendors: Update pyproject-metadata to 0.8.0rc1

Bug Fixes

Change to


Add missing dep


Update lockfile to the latest version


2024-04-15 05:11:59 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

yq: updated to 3.3.0

Changes for v3.3.0 (2024-04-13)

- tomlq: Use tomllib on Python 3.11 when not round-tripping
- xq: Support in-place XML editing
- Do not interpret characters that cannot be parsed in octal as int


2024-04-15 05:09:46 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-argcomplete: updated to 3.3.0

Changes for v3.3.0 (2024-04-14)

- Preserve compatibility with argparse option tuples of length 4. This
  update is required to use argcomplete on Python 3.11.9+ or 3.12.3+.


2024-04-14 18:14:32 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated databases/py-sqlparse, textproc/py-sphinx-autodoc-typehints


2024-04-14 18:12:31 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-sphinx-autodoc-typehints: updated to 2.0.1


Extend linter/formatter rules
Fix the CI
Add missing option to readme
Return injection fix


2024-04-14 18:10:08 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-sqlparse: updated to 0.5.0

Release 0.5.0 (Apr 13, 2024)

Notable Changes

* Drop support for Python 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7.
* Python 3.12 is now supported (pr725, by hugovk).
* IMPORTANT: Fixes a potential denial of service attack (DOS) due to recursion
  error for deeply nested statements. Instead of recursion error a generic
  SQLParseError is raised. See the security advisory for details:
  The vulnerability was discovered by @uriyay-jfrog. Thanks for reporting!


* Splitting statements now allows to remove the semicolon at the end.
  Some database backends love statements without semicolon (issue742).
* Support TypedLiterals in get_parameters (pr649, by Khrol).
* Improve splitting of Transact SQL when using GO keyword (issue762).
* Support for some JSON operators (issue682).
* Improve formatting of statements containing JSON operators (issue542).
* Support for BigQuery and Snowflake keywords (pr699, by griffatrasgo).
* Support parsing of OVER clause (issue701, pr768 by r33s3n6).

Bug Fixes

* Ignore dunder attributes when creating Tokens (issue672).
* Allow operators to precede dollar-quoted strings (issue763).
* Fix parsing of nested order clauses (issue745, pr746 by john-bodley).
* Thread-safe initialization of Lexer class (issue730).
* Classify TRUNCATE as DDL and GRANT/REVOKE as DCL keywords (based on pr719
  by josuc1, thanks for bringing this up!).
* Fix parsing of PRIMARY KEY (issue740).


* Optimize performance of matching function (pr799, by admachainz).


2024-04-14 17:47:31 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/catch2, graphics/gexiv2, net/glib-networking


2024-04-14 17:46:45 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

glib-networking: updated to 2.80.0

2.80.0 - March 14, 2024

- Mark plugin functions as exports on Windows
- Updated translations

2.80.rc - February 29, 2024

- GnuTLS: fix improper use of IP address in SNI extension
- GnuTLS: major performance improvement: reduce unnecessary trust list creation
- OpenSSL: properly handle BIO_CTRL_EOF
- Updated translations

2.80.alpha - January 5, 2024

- GnuTLS: Add warning when system has no trusted certificates
- OpenSSL: Fix bug when populating trust store
- Fix license on dtls-connection.c test
- Updated translations

2.78.0 - September 14, 2023

- Respect root certificates added to macOS system keychain by users
- Disable PKCS #11 tests when GnuTLS is built without PKCS #11 support
- Fix connection tests on 32-bit systems with 64-bit time_t
- Updated translations


2024-04-14 17:42:10 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-14 17:41:14 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

catch2: updated to 3.5.4


* Fixed potential compilation error when asked to generate random integers whose type did not match `std::(u)int*_t`.
* This manifested itself when generating random `size_t`s on MacOS
* Added missing outlined destructor causing `Wdelete-incomplete` when compiling against libstdc++ in C++23 mode
* Fixed regression where decomposing assertion with const instance of `std::foo_ordering` would not compile

* Reintroduced support for GCC 5 and 6
* As with VS2017, if they start causing trouble again, they will be dropped again.
* Added workaround for targetting newest MacOS (Sonoma) using GCC
* `CATCH_CONFIG_DEFAULT_REPORTER` can now be an arbitrary reporter spec
* Previously it could only be a plain reporter name, so it was impossible to compile in custom arguments to the reporter.
* Improved performance of generating 64bit random integers by 20+%

* Significantly improved Conan in-tree recipe
* `DL_PATHS` in `catch_discover_tests` now supports multiple arguments
* Fixed preprocessor logic for checking whether we expect reproducible floating point results in tests.
* Improved the floating point tests structure to avoid `Wunused` when the reproducibility tests are disabled


2024-04-14 17:35:17 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/appstream, devel/libadwaita, graphics/librsvg


2024-04-14 17:25:29 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

librsvg: updated to 2.58.0

Version 2.58.0

librsvg crate version 2.58.0

The most significant change in this release is that librsvg no longer
uses gdk-pixbuf for loading raster images (for eample, when there is
an element <image href="foo.jpg"/>.  All image loading uses Rust
codecs now.  Please see the release notes for 2.57.90 below for more

Librsvg's gdk-pixbuf loader for SVG documents is unchanged; you can
still load SVG files from gdk-pixbuf with it as usual.

New features since 2.57.0 (for fine-grained bug fixes, please see the
release notes for development releases):

- Add basic support for "ch" length units in CSS (Mackenzie Morgan).

- Support "var(--foo, #aabbcc)" just for colors.  This is the
  minimum required to render color SVG emoji fonts that provide color
  fallbacks, but it is not yet full support for CSS var().

Fixes since the last development release:

- Limit numOctaves in feTurbulence to avoid unbounded CPU consumption.

- Don't panic when a :lang selector has an argument that is
  not a language-range (Luk叩邸 Tyrychtr).

Special thanks for this release cycle:

- Thanks to correctmost for doing several rounds of fuzzing, and then
  found some interesting bugs!

- Thanks to Jordan Petridis for adding CI jobs for testing on
  gnome-os's regular builds.

- As usual, thanks to Chun-wei Fan for keeping the Windows builds
  going, and Bilal Elmoussaoui for updating gtk-rs crates.


2024-04-14 17:23:52 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

libadwaita: updated to 1.4.4

Version 1.4.4

- Fix layout with GtkSettings:gtk-xft-dpi == 0
- AdwNavigationView
  - Fix signal mentions in push() docs
- AdwStatusPage
  - Fix property notification in set_child()
- AdwToolbarView
  - Fix a typo in docs
- Translation updates
  - British English

Version 1.4.3

- AdwAboutWindow
  - Don't pre-select the first section on the Legal page
- AdwHeaderBar
  - Fix visibility after changing :show-back-button
- AdwPreferencesWindow
  - Fix :visible-page and :visible-page-name docs
- AdwViewSwitcherBar
  - Fix a warning when empty
- Translation updates
  - French
  - Greek
  - Norwegian Bokm奪l

Version 1.4.2

- Really fix build with libappstream 1.0

Version 1.4.1

- Fix build with MSVC
- Fix build with libappstream 1.0
- AdwCarousel
  - Fix carousel scroll behavior with page reordering
- AdwComboRow
  - Fix focus when opening the popover
  - Set the correct state on the selected checkmark
- AdwNavigationView
  - Fix a warning message
- AdwTabOverview
  - Allow child focus on out animations
- AdwTabView
  - Keep view alive during ::page-detached
  - Fix crashes when using :pages
- Docs
  - Fix erroneous <child> use in breakpoints migration guide
- Translation updates
  - Russian
  - Serbian


2024-04-14 17:22:19 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

appstream: updated to 1.0.2

Version 1.0.2
Released: 2024-02-24

* qt: Allow building for multiple Qt major versions at once
* Improve low-quality category check and extend its blacklist
* validator: Add some limited developer-ID validation
* validator: Emit an overridable warning if homepage URL was omitted
* compose: Allow rendering vector graphics to HiDPI bitmaps unconditionally
* compose: Allow setting a custom icon-policy on the command-line

* docs: Mention that <summary/> tag can be translated
* docs: Generate validation issue tag documentation from code
* docs: Add information on how to exclude elements from translation
* spec: Recommend using rDNS strings or Fediverse handles as developer-ID
* spec: Make launchable requirement for desktop-apps more strict

* qt: Component::customValue should be const
* validator: Remove mention of shorthands from relation-display-length-value-invalid
* sysinfo: Swap arguments of g_pattern_match_simple
* qt: Add missing screenshot sorting function
* qt: pool: Add missing Q_EMIT keyword
* validator: Improve error message if no valid categories were found
* validator: Make some length limitations more strict
* validator: Only emit developer-name-tag-deprecated once
* validator: Ensure filename is properly included in location info again
* validator: Improve error reporting on images with missing/bad locales
* compose: Don't accidentally set icon scale to 0 in some cases
* compose: Add heuristics to show out-of-scope errors if filters were set
* Don't prematurely abort URL validity check during semi-large redirects
* docs: Update supported hashsums to reflect reality
* docs: Describe version comparison letters special case
* docs: Clarify release descriptions *must not* contain embedded URL
* docs: Explicitly mention /var/cache/swcatalog is a valid catalog data location
* tests: Fix tests with old & new FontConfig
* its: Allow untranslatable developer/name and agreement sections

* compose: Clarify that "no valid category" can mean bad ones were ignored
* news-convert: Don't strip out the last text in brackets

Version 1.0.1
Released: 2023-12-16

* Fix lib name for Qt5 link target
* meson: Pass -D_DARWIN_C_SOURCE on darwin
* Fix macOS build
* stemmer: Resolve potential issue where stemmer may never be initialized
* cli: Don't fail what-provides if components were found
* Fix query element order for what-provides queries
* validator: Demote developer-name-tag-deprecated to info severity for now
* content-rating: Fix missing or wrong value descriptions for rating IDs
* curl: Add transfer speed timeouts for HTTP downloads
* curl: Retry operations on potentially transient errors

* validator: Improve hint for content-attribute-value-invalid
* Allow building without zstd temporarily

Version 1.0.0
Released: 2023-11-11

* This version breaks API and bumps the SONAME of libappstream!
  Applications using AppStream will have to be ported to the new API.
  The 1.0 release is coinstallable with the stable 0.16.x series.

* Autoformat C and C++ sources
* Remove all deprecated symbols
* Drop support for many deprecated AppStream XML features
* Use GPtrArray to expose keywords list
* Add length argument to raw metadata parsing functions
* Add component array container class
* Remove named values for display_length relations
* Make AsPool only accept/return component boxes
* Port all API away from per-entity locale overrides
* Reduce appstream.conf to its essentials, make it work on stateless systems
* Hide search engine details from public API
* Wrap release entries in AsReleaseList container class
* Make AsMetadata handle AsReleaseList objects
* Refactor is_satisfied result into new RelationCheckResult class
* Add a method to check all relations of a component and get the result
* Add algorithm to score compatibility with a system, add chassis templates
* ascli: Add new check-syscompat command to check chassis compatibility
* Implement environment property for component screenshots
* Autogenerate translatable DE and gui-environment-style C arrays
* Expose more advanced markup conversion function, update function names
* Allow BLAKE3 and SHA512 checksums for release artifacts
* Stop supporting mailto: URLs in <url/> tags
* validator: Improve API and simplify it
* validator: Parse XML in pedantic mode when validating
* validator: Check screenshot environment property
* validator: Only apply summary-has-dot-suffix check to untranslated strings
* compose: Allow creating metadata with complete URLs and no base URL
* spdx: Add API to retrieve a translated license name from an SPDX ID
* qt: Switch to building with Qt6
* qt: Make it possible to iterate ComponentBox
* qt: Implement AppStream::ComponentBox::erase
* qt: Allow concatenating two ComponentBoxes
* qt: Allow loading Pool asynchronously
* qt: Use ComponentBox/Releases in Qt bindings as well
* qt: Add support for the new API to check relation satisfaction
* qt: Maintenance and namespace fixes, use cPtr() to get C pointers everywhere
* bundle: Add linglong as a new type of bundle
* Add GUI environment IDs for macOS and Microsoft Windows
* validator: Check if Release Description is inside description tag
* validator: Add validation for content_rating
* Add support for building on Win32
* win32: change some file/path-related code for portability
* Implement the developer element for unique developer IDs
* Implement scaling factor for screenshots
* component-box: Allow removal of components by-index
* Implement support for external references and citations
* Implement usertags for release data as well
* Move ValueFlags to the context, instead of tieing them to components
* pool: search: Add additional weight for exact substring matches on names
* sysinfo: Add memory size detection support for macOS
* Add support for Zstd for on-disk data compression
* utils: Make tar unpacker independent of zstd binary presence
* Drop Python2 provided tag support
* data: Add ���Endless��� to the list of desktops
* Add NetBSD support

* Drop (most) deprecated information
* docs: Clarify environment-based screenshot ordering
* Add new  'snapshot' release kind
* docs: Build all API documentation with gi-docgen
* spec: Document the new "developer" element
* spec: Document the "reference" tag for registry references
* docs: Add example of YAML for references elements
* Allow hyphens in the last segment of a component-ID
* docs: Drop outdated information from l10n quickstart guide

* meson: check for docbook xsl stylesheets
* Fix tweaking of appstream.pc when building as subproject
* Fix crash in asc_l10n_search_translations_qt()
* qt: Make Qt6 dependency a system dependency.
* meson: do not rely on an exe wrapper
* meson: do not -I/usr/include when !stemmer
* meson: Prevent building attempts with MSVC
* meson: Use an SPDX license indentifier in project(license:)
* Add meson overrides
* compose: Set lower-cased CID for synthesized components again
* compose: Set lower-cased CID in desktop-entry parse function
* compose: Honor prefix in font search
* compose: Select the correct default icon glyphs for fonts
* Don't crash when non-YAML documents are read as YAML
* Do not override default-priority when parsing multiple metadata files
* Ensure stemmer always has the right locale and token-search works
* Require a more recent libxmlb to avoid crashes
* Rename component get_releases to indicate that releases may not be loaded from the web
* Prevent string-id validation functions from matching source comments
* Don't define _POSIX_C_SOURCE when building for NetBSD

* Explain metainfo-ancient error in more detail
* Make sed invocation more portable
* Add FreeBSD CI
* Allow variable shadowing in C++ code
* Drop the catchall as-enums unit
* vapi: Drop unneeded metadata
* Make AsMetadata return a component box for multiple components
* apt: Make item descriptions more human-friendly
* Streamline README


2024-04-14 16:18:49 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/libgee, devel/ninja-build


2024-04-14 16:18:22 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

ninja-build: updated to 1.12.0

I've wrote a summary as an announcement to the ninja-build mailing list, but it seems to be stuck in the moderation queue - thank you Google Groups �沽�. I'll update this if the mail ever sees the light of day.


2024-04-14 16:16:04 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

libgee: updated to 0.20.6

libgee 0.20.6
* Fixes for newer valac
* Keep the original exception in

libgee 0.20.5
* Fixes for newer valac
* Use Makefile.introspection instead of custom rule

libgee 0.20.4
* Fixes for newer valac


2024-04-14 14:25:09 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated audio/gsound, x11/gtk4, games/gnome-nibbles, graphics/vulkan-headers


2024-04-14 14:24:47 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-14 14:22:48 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

gnome-nibbles: updated to 4.0.3

4.0.3 - March 15, 2024

- Updated translations (Hungarian & Basque).

4.0.2 - February 9, 2024

- Updated translations (German, Indonesian & Lithuanian).
- Fixes for compatibility with gcc >= 14.0 & clang >= 16 when compiling with a version of vala < 0.56.15
- Note:
  If you have still have issues compiling this or other vala source code try the following compiler options:
  For gcc >= 14
  For clang >= 16
    "-Wno-incompatible-function-pointer-types" & "-Wno-incompatible-pointer-types"
- Thanks:
  Gnome Nibbles has recently been packaged for, many thanks to Thomas Klausner.
  For those of you who don't know pkgsrc it is an impressive package system that works on multiple platforms.


2024-04-14 14:21:34 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

gtk4: updated to 4.14.2

Overview of Changes in 4.14.2, 03-04-2024

* GtkScale:
- Improve positioning of values in some cases

* Theme:
- Make progress in entries visible

* Accessibility:
- Fix text insertion handling

* GDK:
- dnd: Use the default cursor durion motion
- dnd: Use a better cursor for indicating the move action

* GSK:
- gl: Handle offloads in offscreen context better
- Fix text rendering problems with some fonts

* Wayland:
- Tighten up some protocol version checks
- Use the presentation time protocol
- Fix a crash with subsurfaces
- Improve settings portal handling

* macOS:
- Fix up the app menu support

* Windows:
- Fix problems with minimization
- Fix build without fontconfig

* Debugging:
- Add font settings in the inspector

* Demos:
- Clean up the application demo
- Update cursor images for the cursor demo

* Translation updates:

Overview of Changes in 4.14.1, 16-03-2024

* GtkTextView:
- Fix a mixup of cursor and anchor when retrieving surrounding text
  in input methods

* Printing:
- Avoid accessing freed printers

* Accessibility:
- Fix memory leaks

* GDK:
- Rename the GDK_VULKAN_SKIP environment variable to GDK_VULKAN_DISABLE
- Add a GDK_GL_DISABLE environment variable

* GSK:
- Rename the GSK_GPU_SKIP environment variable to GSK_GPU_DISABLE
- Speed up handling of repeated ops, which should help for text
- Speed up the inner loop of text node conversion
- Drop the glyph-align optimization flag
- ngl: Avoid reusing frames while they are in use
- Fix flickering thumbnails in nautilus
- Speed up buffer handling in both ngl and Vulkan

* Demos:
- Skip demos using gl shaders when we're not using the gl renderer

* Build:
- Fix some ubsan warnings
- Avoid zink in ci since it spams stderr

* Translation updates:

Overview of Changes in 4.14.0, 12-03-2024

Note: The new renderers and dmabuf support are using graphics drivers
in different ways than the old gl renderer, and trigger new driver bugs,
(see for example and Therefore, it is
recommended to use the latest mesa release (24.x) with the new renderers.

* GtkTextView:
- Don't snapshot children twice
- Don't blink the cursor when hidden

* GtkEmojiChooser:
- Fix presentation selector handling

* GtkSnapshot:
- Fix wrong nodes with transformed shadows

* GtkIMContext:
- Make gtk_im_context_activate_osk public

* Accessibility:
- Implement get_contents_at for all our text widgets
- Add GtkAccessibleText.get_default_attributes

* GSK:
- Don't fall back to cairo for software rendering. gl+llvmpipe is better
- Round vertical glyph position to a device pixel position if the font is hinted
- Fix problems with clip handling
- Make vulkan and ngl match their font handling
- Fix some corner-cases with offloading and clips
- Fix problem with rendering of missing glyphs in hinted fonts

* MacOs:
- Implement cursor-from-texture

* Translation updates:
British English
Norwegian Bokm奪l


2024-04-14 14:20:28 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2024-04-14 06:33:49 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-setuptools, devel/py-zope.interface


2024-04-14 06:33:32 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-zope.interface: updated to 6.3

6.3 (2024-04-12)

- Add preliminary support for Python 3.13 as of 3.13a6.


2024-04-14 06:31:16 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-setuptools: updated to 69.5.1


No significant changes.



Refresh unpinned vendored dependencies.
Updated vendored packaging to version 24.0.



Merged with pypa/distutils@55982565e, including interoperability improvements for rfc822_escape, dynamic resolution of config_h_filename for Python 3.13 compatibility, added support for the z/OS compiler, modernized compiler options in unixcompiler, fixed accumulating flags bug after compile/link, fixed enconding warnings, and general quality improvements.


2024-04-14 05:57:44 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated security/pcsc-lite, net/tor


2024-04-14 05:57:25 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

tor: updated to

Changes in version - 2024-04-10
  This is a minor release mostly to upgrade the fallbackdir list. Worth noting
  also that directory authority running this version will now automatically
  reject relays running the end of life 0.4.7.x version.

  o Minor feature (authority):
    - Reject 0.4.7.x series at the authority level. Closes ticket 40896.

  o Minor feature (dirauth, tor26):
    - New IP address and keys.

  o Minor feature (directory authority):
    - Allow BandwidthFiles "node_id" KeyValue without the dollar sign at
      the start of the hexdigit, in order to easier database queries
      combining Tor documents in which the relays fingerprint does not
      include it. Fixes bug 40891; bugfix on 0.4.7 (all supported
      versions of Tor).

  o Minor features (fallbackdir):
    - Regenerate fallback directories generated on April 10, 2024.

  o Minor features (geoip data):
    - Update the geoip files to match the IPFire Location Database, as
      retrieved on 2024/04/10.

  o Minor bugfixes (directory authorities):
    - Add a warning when publishing a vote or signatures to another
      directory authority fails. Fixes bug 40910; bugfix


2024-04-14 05:54:18 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

pcsc-lite: updated to 2.1.0


- LIBPCSCLITE_DELEGATE is used to redirect to another libpcsclite library
- displays the LIBPCSCLITE_DELEGATE value to use for spying
- provides libfake.c as a sample source code
- Some other minor improvements


2024-04-13 15:44:48 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/cmake, devel/cmake-gui


2024-04-13 15:44:17 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

cmake cmake-gui: updated to 3.29.2

CMake 3.29.2
* Tests/RunCMake/CompilerChange: Simplify test cases
* Fix regression on reconfigure with unnormalized -DCMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER=
* CMakePackageConfigHelpers: Restore undocumented PACKAGE_PREFIX_DIR variable
* Swift: Ninja: Remove module dependency for executables
* FindJasper: Fix Jasper::Jasper IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS
* FindOpenSSL: Update layout for Shining Light Productions 32-bit package
* FindOpenSSL: Update layout for Shining Light Productions debug libraries


2024-04-13 05:35:49 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated www/py-django-bootstrap5, devel/py-joblib, audio/libopus, devel/blosc2


2024-04-13 05:35:27 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

blosc2: updated to 2.14.4

Changes from 2.14.3 to 2.14.4

* Bumped SONAME due to recent API changes. See


2024-04-13 05:31:29 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

libopus: updated to 1.5.2

libopus 1.5.2

Opus 1.5.2 fixes several build issues that were discovered since the 1.5
release. It also fixes a misalignment issue in the AVX2 code that could cause
crashes under Windows.


2024-04-13 05:27:48 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-joblib: updated to 1.4.0

Release 1.4.0 -- 2024/04/08

- Allow caching co-routines with `Memory.cache`.

- Try to cast ``n_jobs`` to int in parallel and raise an error if
  it fails. This means that ``n_jobs=2.3`` will now result in
  ``effective_n_jobs=2`` instead of failing.

- Ensure that errors in the task generator given to Parallel's call
  are raised in the results consumming thread.

- Adjust codebase to NumPy 2.0 by changing ``np.NaN`` to ``np.nan``
  and importing ``byte_bounds`` from ``np.lib.array_utils``.

- The parameter ``return_as`` in ``joblib.Parallel`` can now be set to
  ``generator_unordered``. In this case the results will be returned in the
  order of task completion rather than the order of submission.

- dask backend now supports ``return_as=generator`` and

- Vendor cloudpickle 3.0.0 and end support for Python 3.7 which has
  reached end of life.


2024-04-13 05:24:27 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-django-bootstrap5: updated to 24.1

24.1 (2024-04-12)

- Fix RadioSelectButtonGroup rendering and add 'disabled' attribute to radio button group template


2024-04-13 05:22:28 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated www/py-aiohttp, textproc/py-black, devel/py-ruff, graphics/py-leather


2024-04-13 05:22:06 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-leather: updated to 0.4.0

0.4.0 - October 23, 2023

* feat: :meth:`.Chart.add_line` accepts a `stroke_dasharray argument <>`_.
* feat: Add a ``default_stroke_dasharray`` theme option.
* fix: Apply the ``axis_title_font_size`` and ``tick_font_size`` theme options.

0.3.5 - October 23, 2023

* Leather no longer reconfigures Python warnings globally.
* Add Python 3.11 and 3.12 support.
* Drop Python 3.7 support (end-of-life was June 27, 2023).


2024-04-13 05:18:10 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-ruff: updated to 0.3.7


Preview features

[flake8-bugbear] Implement loop-iterator-mutation (B909)
[pylint] Implement rule to prefer augmented assignment (PLR6104)

Bug fixes

Avoid TOCTOU errors in cache initialization
[pylint] Recode nan-comparison rule to W0177
[pylint] Reverse min-max logic in if-stmt-min-max


Preview features

[pylint] Implement bad-staticmethod-argument (PLW0211)
[pylint] Implement if-stmt-min-max (PLR1730, PLR1731)
[pyupgrade] Replace str,Enum multiple inheritance with StrEnum UP042
[refurb] Implement if-expr-instead-of-or-operator (FURB110)
[refurb] Implement int-on-sliced-str (FURB166)
[refurb] Implement write-whole-file (FURB103)
[refurb] Support itemgetter in reimplemented-operator (FURB118)
[flake8_comprehensions] Add sum/min/max to unnecessary comprehension check (C419)

Rule changes

[pydocstyle] Require capitalizing docstrings where the first sentence is a single word (D403)
[pycodestyle] Ignore annotated lambdas in class scopes (E731)
[flake8-pyi] Various improvements to PYI034
[flake8-slots] Flag subclasses of call-based typing.NamedTuples as well as subclasses of collections.namedtuple() (SLOT002)
[pyflakes] Allow forward references in class bases in stub files (F821)
[pygrep-hooks] Improve blanket-noqa error message (PGH004)


Support FORCE_COLOR env var


Support negated patterns in [extend-]per-file-ignores

Bug fixes

[flake8-import-conventions] Accept non-aliased (but correct) import in unconventional-import-alias (ICN001)
[flake8-quotes] Add semantic model flag when inside f-string replacement field
[pep8-naming] Recursively resolve TypeDicts for N815 violations
[flake8-quotes] Respect Q00* ignores in flake8-quotes rules
[flake8-simplify] Show negated condition in needless-bool diagnostics (SIM103)
[ruff] Use within-scope shadowed bindings in asyncio-dangling-task (RUF006)
[flake8-pytest-style] Fix single-tuple conversion in pytest-parametrize-values-wrong-type (PT007)
[flake8-return] Ignore assignments to annotated variables in unnecessary-assign (RET504)
[refurb] Do not allow any keyword arguments for read-whole-file in rb mode (FURB101)
[pylint] Don't recommend decorating staticmethods with @singledispatch (PLE1519, PLE1520)
[pydocstyle] Use section name range for all section-related docstring diagnostics
Respect # noqa directives on __all__ openers


2024-04-13 05:14:49 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-black: updated to 24.4.0


Stable style

- Fix unwanted crashes caused by AST equivalency check

Preview style

- `if` guards in `case` blocks are now wrapped in parentheses when the line is too long.

- Stop moving multiline strings to a new line unless inside brackets


- Add a new option `use_pyproject` to the GitHub Action `psf/black`. This will read the
  Black version from `pyproject.toml`.
