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recent branches: MAIN (44m)  pkgsrc-2024Q1 (10h)  pkgsrc-2023Q4 (68d)  pkgsrc-2023Q2 (100d) 

2024-06-08 00:51:15 UTC Now

2019-06-16 19:23:33 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-memory-profiler, math/py-pandas, math/py-pymc3, math/py-powerlaw


2019-06-16 19:22:59 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-powerlaw: updated to 1.4.6

Unknown changes


2019-06-16 19:17:23 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-pymc3: updated to 3.7

PyMC3 3.7 (May 29 2019)

New features

Add data container class (Data) that wraps the theano SharedVariable class and let the model be aware of its inputs and outputs.
Add function set_data to update variables defined as Data.
Mixture now supports mixtures of multidimensional probability distributions, not just lists of 1D distributions.
GLM.from_formula and LinearComponent.from_formula can extract variables from the calling scope. Customizable via the new eval_env argument.
Added the distributions.shape_utils module with functions used to help broadcast samples drawn from distributions using the size keyword argument.
Used numpy.vectorize in distributions.distribution._compile_theano_function. This enables sample_prior_predictive and sample_posterior_predictive to ask for tuples of samples instead of just integers.


All occurances of sd as a parameter name have been renamed to sigma. sd will continue to function for backwards compatibility.
HamiltonianMC was ignoring certain arguments like target_accept, and not using the custom step size jitter function with expectation 1.
Made BrokenPipeError for parallel sampling more verbose on Windows.
Added the broadcast_distribution_samples function that helps broadcasting arrays of drawn samples, taking into account the requested size and the inferred distribution shape. This sometimes is needed by distributions that call several rvs separately within their random method, such as the ZeroInflatedPoisson.
The Wald, Kumaraswamy, LogNormal, Pareto, Cauchy, HalfCauchy, Weibull and ExGaussian distributions random method used a hidden _random function that was written with scalars in mind. This could potentially lead to artificial correlations between random draws. Added shape guards and broadcasting of the distribution samples to prevent this.
Added a fix to allow the imputation of single missing values of observed data, which previously would fail.
The draw_values function was too permissive with what could be grabbed from inside point, which lead to an error when sampling posterior predictives of variables that depended on shared variables that had changed their shape after pm.sample() had been called.
draw_values now adds the theano graph descendants of TensorConstant or SharedVariables to the named relationship nodes stack, only if these descendants are ObservedRV or MultiObservedRV instances.
Fixed bug in broadcast_distrution_samples, which did not handle correctly cases in which some samples did not have the size tuple prepended.
Changed MvNormal.random's usage of tensordot for Cholesky encoded covariances. This lead to wrong axis broadcasting and seemed to be the cause for issue 3343.
Fixed defect in Mixture.random when multidimensional mixtures were involved. The mixture component was not preserved across all the elements of the dimensions of the mixture. This meant that the correlations across elements within a given draw of the mixture were partly broken.
Restructured Mixture.random to allow better use of vectorized calls to comp_dists.random.
Added tests for mixtures of multidimensional distributions to the test suite.
Fixed incorrect usage of broadcast_distribution_samples in DiscreteWeibull.
Mixture's default dtype is now determined by theano.config.floatX.
dist_math.random_choice now handles nd-arrays of category probabilities, and also handles sizes that are not None. Also removed unused k kwarg from dist_math.random_choice.
Changed Categorical.mode to preserve all the dimensions of p except the last one, which encodes each category's probability.
Changed initialization of Categorical.p. p is now normalized to sum to 1 inside logp and random, but not during initialization. This could hide negative values supplied to p as mentioned in 2082.
Categorical now accepts elements of p equal to 0. logp will return -inf if there are values that index to the zero probability categories.
Add sigma, tau, and sd to signature of NormalMixture.
Set default lower and upper values of -inf and inf for pm.distributions.continuous.TruncatedNormal. This avoids errors caused by their previous values of None.
Converted all calls to pm.distributions.bound._ContinuousBounded and pm.distributions.bound._DiscreteBounded to use only and all positional arguments.
Restructured distributions.distribution.generate_samples to use the shape_utils module. This solves issues 3421 and 3147 by using the size aware broadcating functions in shape_utils.
Fixed the Multinomial.random and Multinomial.random_ methods to make them compatible with the new generate_samples function. In the process, a bug of the Multinomial.random_ shape handling was discovered and fixed.
Fixed a defect found in Bound.random where the point dictionary was passed to generate_samples as an arg instead of in not_broadcast_kwargs.
Fixed a defect found in Bound.random_ where total_size could end up as a float64 instead of being an integer if given size=tuple().
Fixed an issue in model_graph that caused construction of the graph of the model for rendering to hang: replaced a search over the powerset of the nodes with a breadth-first search over the nodes.
Removed variable annotations from model_graph but left type hints. This means that we support python>=3.5.4.
Default target_acceptfor HamiltonianMC is now 0.65, as suggested in Beskos et. al. 2010 and Neal 2001.
Fixed bug in draw_values that lead to intermittent errors in python3.5. This happened with some deterministic nodes that were drawn but not added to givens.

nuts_kwargs and step_kwargs have been deprecated in favor of using the standard kwargs to pass optional step method arguments.
SGFS and CSG have been removed. They have been moved to pymc3-experimental.
References to live_plot and corresponding notebooks have been removed.
Function approx_hessian was removed, due to numdifftools becoming incompatible with current scipy. The function was already optional, only available to a user who installed numdifftools separately, and not hit on any common codepaths.
Deprecated vars parameter of sample_posterior_predictive in favor of varnames.
References to live_plot and corresponding notebooks have been removed.
Deprecated vars parameters of sample_posterior_predictive and sample_prior_predictive in favor of var_names. At least for the latter, this is more accurate, since the vars parameter actually took names.


2019-06-16 19:14:52 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-pandas: updated to 0.24.2

Whats New in 0.24.2
Fixed Regressions
Bug Fixes

Whats New in 0.24.1
Changing the sort parameter for Index set operations
Fixed Regressions
Bug Fixes

What窶冱 New in 0.24.0

This is a major release from 0.23.4 and includes a number of API changes, new features, enhancements, and performance improvements along with a large number of bug fixes.

Highlights include:
* Optional Integer NA Support
* New APIs for accessing the array backing a Series or Index
* A new top-level method for creating arrays
* Store Interval and Period data in a Series or DataFrame
* Support for joining on two MultiIndexes


2019-06-16 19:12:40 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2019-06-16 14:12:15 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated time/py-arrow, devel/py-h5py


2019-06-16 14:11:49 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-h5py: updated to 2.9.0

What's new in h5py 2.9

New features
* A convenient high-level API for creating virtual datasets, HDF5 objects which
  act as a view over one or more real datasets.
  See :ref:vds for details.
* :class:File can now be constructed with a Python file-like object,
  making it easy to create an HDF5 file in memory using :class:io.BytesIO
  See :ref:file_fileobj for details.
* :class:File now accepts parameters to control the chunk cache.
  See :ref:file_cache for details.
* New options to record the order of insertion for attributes and group entries.
  Iterating over these collections now follows insertion order if it was
  recorded, or name order if not.
* A new method :meth:Group.create_dataset_like to create a new dataset with
  similar properties to an existing one.
* Datasets can now be created with storage backed by external non-HDF5 files
* Lists or tuples of unicode strings can now be stored as HDF5 attributes
* Inspecting the view returned by .keys() now shows the key names, for
  convenient interactive use.

Exposing HDF5 functions
* H5LTopen_file_image as :func:h5py.h5f.open_file_image.
* External dataset storage functions H5Pset_external, H5Pget_external
  and H5Pget_external_count as methods on :class:h5py.h5p.PropDCID

* Fix reading/writing of float128 data.
* Converting data to float16 when creating a dataset.

Support for old Python
Support for Python 3.3 has been dropped.
Support for Python 2.6 has been dropped.


2019-06-16 14:08:03 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-arrow: updated to 0.14.2

- [CHANGE] Travis CI builds now use tox to lint and run tests.
- [FIX] Fixed UnicodeDecodeError on certain locales.

- [FIX] Fixed "ImportError: No module named 'dateutil'".

- [NEW] Added provisional support for Python 3.8.
- [CHANGE] Removed support for EOL Python 3.4.
- [FIX] Updated with modern Python standards.
- [FIX] Upgraded dependencies to latest versions.
- [FIX] Enabled flake8 and black on travis builds.
- [FIX] Formatted code using black and isort.


2019-06-16 13:19:18 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated graphics/py-matplotlib; Removed graphics/py-matplotlib-{gtk2,tk}


2019-06-16 13:11:35 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-matplotlib: updated to 3.1.0

REL: v3.1.0
The first release of the v3.1 series
This version of Matplotlib support Python 3.6+
Highlights of this release include:
- A helper method for scatter legends
- Secondary axis support (ex, degrees and radians)
- A concise date formatter
- No longer requires a framework build of Python to use OSX backend
- Major and minor ticks will no longer collide by default
- A progress callback for animations
- mplot3D is always registered
- deprecated mlab functions have been removed
- Many function calls have become stricter about invalid or ignored input

REL: v3.0.3
The third and last planned bug-fix release of the 3.0 series
* fix several possible memory leaks
* documentation fixes

jquery-ui is no longer bundled in git repo and is downloaded during
the install or sdist process. If you are installing from pypi the
files will be included, but if you are installing from git you will
need internet access the first time you run `pip install .`. The
install process tries to cache the files and will not need internet
access on future installations.

REL: v3.0.2
This is the second bug-fix release for the v3.0 series.
- Un-breaks basemap which was broken by partially restoring
  private APIs for cartopy.
- Fixes bug in warning code when used in an embedded context.
- Fixes crash when using Tk and closing the first open window before showing it
- Many documentation improvements.
- Restore a corner case on ColorBar tick usage.
- Change the default behavior of `matplotlib.use` to silently allow
  more 'safe' switching after auto-discovery, but before starting an event loop.
- Improvements to bounding box calculations.
- Provide the correct length for RcParams instances.

REL: v3.0.1
This is the first bug fix release for the 3.0 series which fixes
- Fix failure to import bug when used with backend-fallback on Python
  3.6.7 and 3.7.1
- Fixed a number of failure to import bugs around finding fonts
- Fix Qt4 backend
- Fix bug on OSX that recursively searched current directory for fonts
- Fix bouncing-rocket on OSX when doing backend fallback and not
  selecting OSX
- Temporarily restore several private APIs to unbreak cartopy
- Make pyplot more tolerant of varying signatures in 3rd-party
- Improve datetime64 unit handling
- Fixed several poor interactions with tight_layout

REL: v3.0.0
The first release of the Matplotlib 3.0 series
This is the first version of Matplotlib to only support Python 3.
Highlights of this release include:
- GUI backend is selected at run-time based on what toolkits are
  installed.  A GUI toolkit will not be selected on a headless
- New cyclic color map *twilight*
- Improvements to automatic layout of titles, ticks, and GridSpec
- Many bug fixes!


2019-06-15 19:05:09 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated math/py-kiwisolver, textproc/py-guessit


2019-06-15 19:04:24 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-guessit: updated to 3.0.4

- screen_size property 540p was added.
- Fix audio_channel detection for 6.0
- Fix common words being detected as language
- streaming_service is now configurable in advanced options
- Add DC Universe to streaming_service
- Improve detection when release name in between brackets
- Improve language detection
- Fix wrong 3D detection
- Fix to keep separators for single characters. E.g.: S.W.A.T.
- Fix Show Name/Season SS/Ep. EE - Title
- Added This is Us to default expected titles
- Added suggested_expected to the api to support apps that uses guessit as a library
- Added Extras detection as other property
- Add more streaming sites


2019-06-15 18:54:41 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-kiwisolver: updated to 1.1.0

Wrappers 1.1.0 | Solver 1.1.0
- prevent attempting a dual optimize on a dummy row
- add dump and dumps methods to inspect the internal state of the
- test on Python 3.7
- improvemnts to and tests


2019-06-15 18:13:14 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-Theano: use pytest for testing


2019-06-15 18:06:04 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-obspy: Python 2.7 is not supported any more because of py-scipy


2019-06-15 18:01:47 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-Theano: updated to 1.0.4

Theano 1.0.4:
This is a maintenance release of Theano, version 1.0.4, with no new features, but some important bug fixes.


2019-06-15 17:54:22 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

gnuradio-core: py-scipy -> py-scipy12; bump revision


2019-06-15 17:52:07 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Added math/py-scipy12


2019-06-15 17:51:13 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-scipy12: added version 1.2.2

This is the last version that supports Python 2.7.
Apparently, some packages still require Scipy with Python 2.7.


2019-06-15 09:39:54 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Removed www/py-pendrell, www/py-flask-cache


2019-06-15 09:38:03 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2019-06-15 09:37:18 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2019-06-15 08:41:59 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated audio/jack, audio/gsm


2019-06-15 08:41:31 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

gsm: updated to 1.0.18

Remove the MacOS "quarantine" files that I didn't know I'd shipped.
Remove some trailing spaces.
Bump up the patchlevel in inc/gsm.h (I'd forgotten that in release 17.)

New email addresses in the README.
Avoid left-shifting signed integers.
Don't print longwords using %d or %ld, cast them to (long) first.
Don't compare longwords as longs in addtest, we only care for the
        lower 32 bits. (The math works, but the test failed.)

New email addresses in the manual pages (patch 16)
Removed a stray .orig file (in patch 15)


2019-06-15 08:21:33 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2019-06-15 07:21:43 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Added math/py-uncertainties; Updated math/py-lmfit


2019-06-15 07:21:21 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-lmfit: updated to 0.9.13

Version 0.9.13 Release Notes

New features:
Clearer warning message in fit reports when uncertainties should but cannot be estimated, including guesses of which Parameters to examine
SplitLorenztianModel and split_lorentzian function
HTML representations for Parameter, MinimizerResult, and Model so that they can be printed better with Jupyter
support parallelization for differential evolution

Bug fixes:
delay import of matplotlib (and so, the selection of its backend) as late as possible
fix for saving, loading, and reloading ModelResults
fix to leastsq to report the best-fit values, not the values tried last
fix synchronization of all parameter values on Model.guess()
improve deprecation warnings for outdated nan_policy keywords
fix for edge case in gformat()

Project managements:
using pre-commit framework to improve and enforce coding style
added code coverage report to github main page
updated docs, github templates, added several tests.
dropped support and testing for Python 3.4.


2019-06-15 07:17:31 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-uncertainties: added version 3.1.1

uncertainties allows calculations such as (2 +/- 0.1)*2 = 4 +/- 0.2 to be
performed transparently. Much more complex mathematical expressions involving
numbers with uncertainties can also be evaluated directly.

The uncertainties package takes the pain and complexity out of uncertainty


2019-06-15 07:05:10 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated math/py-asteval, devel/py-test-xdist


2019-06-15 07:04:29 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-test-xdist: updated to 1.29.0

pytest-xdist 1.29.0:

- --max-worker-restart now assumes a more reasonable value (4 times the number of
  nodes) when not given explicitly. This prevents test suites from running forever when the suite crashes during collection.

- When the test session is interrupted due to running out of workers, the reason is shown in the test summary
  for easier viewing.
- Compatibility fix for upcoming pytest 5.0: session.exitstatus is now an IntEnum object.

Bug Fixes
- No longer show an internal error when we run out of workers due to crashes.


2019-06-15 06:55:51 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-abcpmc: disallow Python 2.7 because of py-scipy


2019-06-15 06:46:36 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-asteval: updated to 0.9.14

Safe numpy


2019-06-14 15:17:46 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/blosc, math/py-tables, textproc/py-numpydoc


2019-06-14 15:17:18 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-numpydoc: updated to 0.9.1

numpydoc 0.9.1
Updating minimum sphinx version in

numpydoc 0.9.0
Implemented enhancements:
MAINT: Add CircleCI
ENH: accept autoclass member options
Clarify location of certain invalid docstrings.
ENH: Xref param type
Make parameter a namedtuple
ENH: Added support for multiple functions+description in a See Also block
DOC: Added example of multi-line code in Examples section.
switch the test suite to pytest
Report object name upon mangle_docstrings exception
Add option to use member listing for attributes
Require that sphinx issue no warnings in CI
Command-line tool to help debug NumpyDocString
Support Receives section for generator.send(...) params

Fixed bugs:
References messed up
BUG?: References always have an errant second link
BUG: turn member descriptor attributes into links
FIX: Fix imports
FIX: Escape chars in re
Fix markup in format.rst.
Move setup of autosummary earlier in setup().
Only print the index if it is necessary.
FIX pedantic handling of whitespace in reference regex
FIX remove duplicated citation back-references
Use DEDUPLICATION_TAG to determine whether a citation node is in a docstring
FIX parsing of type-only return params
pip --use-wheel no longer exists
DOC: Add missing backslash to omega for inline math example.
DOC: remove links to numpy repo file
Escape the * in *args and **kwargs

Closed issues:
autosummary fails with numpydoc where napoleon succeeds
NumpyDocString doesn't roundtrip well
Generating a docstring from a numpydoc object
make parameters and attributes anchors in docstrings
BUG: Plot(s) not rendered if docstring ends with normal text after show command
Location reporting returns useless information
Anonymous return values have their types populated in the name slot of the tuple.
support for coroutine
multiple entries in a See Also section


2019-06-14 15:13:35 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-tables: updated to 3.5.2

Changes from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2
- Fixed compatibility with python 3.8: Fixed `Dictonary keys changed during
  iteration` RuntimeError while moving/renameing a node.
  Thanks to Christoph Gohlke for reporting and Miro Hroncok for help with
  building PyTables for python 3.8alpha (cython compatibility).
- Fixed a bug in offset calculations producing floats instead of ints
  affecting python 3.


2019-06-14 15:12:40 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

blosc: updated to 1.16.3

Release 1.16.3
Fix for building for clang with -march=haswell.
Fix all the known warnings for GCC/Clang. Still some work to do for MSVC
in this front.
Due to some problems with several CI systems, the check for library symbols
are deactivated now by default. If you want to enforce this check, use:
cmake .. -DDEACTIVATE_SYMBOLS_CHECK=ON to re-activate it.

Release 1.16.2
Correct the check for the compressed size when the buffer is memcpyed. This
was a regression introduced in 1.16.0.

Release 1.16.1
Fixed a regression in 1.16.0 that prevented to compress empty buffers
Zstd updated to 1.3.8

Release 1.16.0
Now the functions that execute Blosc decompressions are safe by default
for untrusted/possibly corrupted inputs. The additional checks seem to
not affect performance significantly (see some benchmarks), so
this is why they are the default now.

The previous functions (with less safety) checks are still available with a
'_unsafe' suffix. The complete list is:

Also, a new API function named blosc_cbuffer_validate(), for validating Blosc
compressed data, has been added.

Fixed a bug in blosc_compress() that could lead to thread deadlock under
some situations.

Fix data race in shuffle.c host_implementation initialization.


2019-06-14 15:00:18 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated math/py-numpy, www/py-nbconvert, math/py-scipy


2019-06-14 14:53:29 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-scipy: updated to 1.3.0

SciPy 1.3.0 Release Notes

SciPy 1.3.0 is the culmination of 5 months of hard work. It contains
many new features, numerous bug-fixes, improved test coverage and better
documentation. There have been some API changes
in this release, which are documented below. All users are encouraged to
upgrade to this release, as there are a large number of bug-fixes and
optimizations. Before upgrading, we recommend that users check that
their own code does not use deprecated SciPy functionality (to do so,
run your code with python -Wd and check for DeprecationWarning s).
Our development attention will now shift to bug-fix releases on the
1.3.x branch, and on adding new features on the master branch.

This release requires Python 3.5+ and NumPy 1.13.3 or greater.

For running on PyPy, PyPy3 6.0+ and NumPy 1.15.0 are required.

Highlights of this release
- Three new stats functions, a rewrite of pearsonr, and an exact
  computation of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample test
- A new Cython API for bounded scalar-function root-finders in scipy.optimize
- Substantial CSR and CSC sparse matrix indexing performance
- Added support for interpolation of rotations with continuous angular
  rate and acceleration in RotationSpline

SciPy 1.2.0 Release Notes

SciPy 1.2.0 is the culmination of 6 months of hard work. It contains
many new features, numerous bug-fixes, improved test coverage and better
documentation. There have been a number of deprecations and API changes
in this release, which are documented below. All users are encouraged to
upgrade to this release, as there are a large number of bug-fixes and
optimizations. Before upgrading, we recommend that users check that
their own code does not use deprecated SciPy functionality (to do so,
run your code with python -Wd and check for DeprecationWarning s).
Our development attention will now shift to bug-fix releases on the
1.2.x branch, and on adding new features on the master branch.

This release requires Python 2.7 or 3.4+ and NumPy 1.8.2 or greater.

This will be the last SciPy release to support Python 2.7.
Consequently, the 1.2.x series will be a long term support (LTS)
release; we will backport bug fixes until 1 Jan 2020.

For running on PyPy, PyPy3 6.0+ and NumPy 1.15.0 are required.

Highlights of this release
- 1-D root finding improvements with a new solver, toms748, and a new
  unified interface, root_scalar
- New dual_annealing optimization method that combines stochastic and
  local deterministic searching
- A new optimization algorithm, shgo (simplicial homology
  global optimization) for derivative free optimization problems
- A new category of quaternion-based transformations are available in


2019-06-14 14:49:12 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-nbconvert: updated to 5.5.0


New Features
- IPyWidget Support
- A new ClearMetadata Preprocessor is available
- Support for pandoc 2
- New, and better, latex template

Fixing Problems
- Refactored execute preprocessor to have a process_message function
- Fixed OOM kernel failures hanging
- Fixed latex export for svg data in python 3
- Enabled configuration to be shared to exporters from script exporter
- Make latex errors less verbose
- Typo in template syntax
- Improved attachments +fix supporting non-unique names
- PDFExporter "output_mimetype" traitlet is not longer 'text/latex'
- FIX: respect wait for clear_output
- address deprecation warning in cgi.escape
- Correct inaccurate description of available LaTeX template
- Fixed kernel death detection for executions with timeouts
- Fixed export names for various templates

- Dropped support for python 3.4
- Removed deprecated export_by_name

Testing, Docs, and Builds
- Added tests for each branch in execute's run_cell method
- Mention formats in --to options more clearly
- Adds ascii output type to command line docs page, mention image folder output
- Simplify
- Use utf-8 encoding in execute_api example
- Upgrade pytest on Travis
- Fix LaTeX base template name in docs
- Updated release instructions based on 5.4 release walk-through
- Fixed broken link to jinja docs


2019-06-14 14:33:07 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-numpy: updated to 1.16.4

BUG: Some PyPy versions lack PyStructSequence_InitType2.
MAINT, DEP: Fix deprecated ``assertEquals()``
BUG: Fix structured_to_unstructured on single-field types (backport)
BLD: Make CI pass again with pytest 4.5
TST: Register markers in
BUG: Removes ValueError for empty kwargs in arraymultiter_new
BUG: Add TypeError to accepted exceptions in crackfortran.
BUG: Handle subarrays in descr_to_dtype
BUG: Protect generators from log(0.0)
BUG: Always return views from structured_to_unstructured when...
BUG: Catch stderr when checking compiler version
BUG: longdouble(int) does not work
BUG: distutils/ fix missing subprocess import
BUG,DEP: Fix writeable flag setting for arrays without base
MAINT: Prepare for the 1.16.4 release.
BUG: special case object arrays when printing rel-, abs-error


2019-06-14 09:42:36 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2019-06-14 08:02:23 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-test-fixture-config, www/py-autobahn


2019-06-14 08:01:02 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-autobahn: updated to 19.6.2

fix: add forgotten cryptography dependency

new: XBR client library integrated
new: add entropy depletion unit tests
fix: make CLI tool python2 compatible
fix: use cryptography pbkdf2 instead of custom
fix: include tests for packaging


2019-06-14 07:49:36 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-test-fixture-config: updated to 1.7.0

* All: Support pytest >= 4.0.0
* All: Support Python 3.7
* pytest-server-fixtures: if host not defined on your machine, default to localhost
* pytest-server-fixture: Pin to rethinkdb < 2.4.0 due to upstream API changes
* pytest-verbose-parametrize: Add support for revamped marker infrastructure
* pytest-verbose-parametrize: Fix integration tests to support pytest >= 4.1.0
* pytest-virtualenv: Add virtualenv as install requirement.
* pytest-webdriver: Fix RemovedInPytest4Warning using getfixturevalue
* circleci: Fix checks by skipping coverall submission for developer without push access
* wheels: Generate universal wheels installable with both python 2.x and 3.x
* dist: Remove support for building and distributing *.egg files
* VagrantFile: Install python 3.7 and initialize python 3.7 by default
* Fix DeprecationWarning warnings using "logger.warning()" function

* pytest-server-fixtures: suppress stacktrace if kill() is called
* pytest-server-fixtures: fix random port logic in TestServerV2

* pytest-server-fixtures: fix exception when attempting to access hostname while server is not started

* pytest-server-fixtures: added previously removed TestServerV2.kill() function
* pytest-profiling: pin more-itertools==5.0.0 in integration tests, as that's a PY3 only release

* pytest-verbose-parametrize: fixed unicode parameters when using @pytest.mark.parametrize

* pytest-server-fixtures: made postgres fixtures and its tests optional, like all other fixtures
* pytest-server-fixtures: reverted a fix for pymongo deprecation warning, as this will break compatibility with pymongo 3.6.0
* pytest-server-fixtures: dropped RHEL5 support in httpd

* pytest-server-fixtures: server fixture binary path specified in ENV now only affect server class 'thread'


2019-06-14 05:49:38 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated net/py-botocore, net/py-s3transfer, net/py-boto3, net/py-awscli


2019-06-14 05:49:13 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-awscli: updated to 1.16.178

api-change:guardduty: Update guardduty command to latest version
api-change:appmesh: Update appmesh command to latest version
api-change:elasticache: Update elasticache command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog command to latest version

api-change:sagemaker: Update sagemaker command to latest version

api-change:personalize-runtime: Update personalize-runtime command to latest version
api-change:codecommit: Update codecommit command to latest version
api-change:personalize: Update personalize command to latest version
api-change:personalize-events: Update personalize-events command to latest version
api-change:codebuild: Update codebuild command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:ecs: Update ecs command to latest version
api-change:dynamodb: Update dynamodb command to latest version
api-change:logs: Update logs command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:guardduty: Update guardduty command to latest version
api-change:mediaconnect: Update mediaconnect command to latest version
api-change:organizations: Update organizations command to latest version
api-change:ses: Update ses command to latest version

api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version

api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway command to latest version
api-change:iam: Update iam command to latest version
api-change:s3: Update s3 command to latest version
api-change:elasticache: Update elasticache command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:iotanalytics: Update iotanalytics command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:iotevents-data: Update iotevents-data command to latest version
api-change:codecommit: Update codecommit command to latest version
api-change:rds-data: Update rds-data command to latest version
api-change:kafka: Update kafka command to latest version
api-change:pinpoint-email: Update pinpoint-email command to latest version
api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog command to latest version
api-change:iotevents: Update iotevents command to latest version

api-change:dlm: Update dlm command to latest version
api-change:securityhub: Update securityhub command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:iotthingsgraph: Update iotthingsgraph command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:robomaker: Update robomaker command to latest version
api-change:transcribe: Update transcribe command to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:groundstation: Update groundstation command to latest version
api-change:sts: Update sts command to latest version
api-change:pinpoint-email: Update pinpoint-email command to latest version
api-change:waf: Update waf command to latest version
api-change:chime: Update chime command to latest version

api-change:codedeploy: Update codedeploy command to latest version
api-change:mediastore-data: Update mediastore-data command to latest version
api-change:opsworkscm: Update opsworkscm command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:waf-regional: Update waf-regional command to latest version

api-change:apigateway: Update apigateway command to latest version
api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:budgets: Update budgets command to latest version
api-change:efs: Update efs command to latest version
api-change:devicefarm: Update devicefarm command to latest version
api-change:worklink: Update worklink command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version

api-change:alexaforbusiness: Update alexaforbusiness command to latest version
api-change:datasync: Update datasync command to latest version

api-change:kafka: Update kafka command to latest version
api-change:mediapackage-vod: Update mediapackage-vod command to latest version
api-change:meteringmarketplace: Update meteringmarketplace command to latest version

api-change:appstream: Update appstream command to latest version

api-change:medialive: Update medialive command to latest version
api-change:s3: Update s3 command to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:codepipeline: Update codepipeline command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:transcribe: Update transcribe command to latest version
api-change:mediapackage: Update mediapackage command to latest version

api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway command to latest version
api-change:comprehend: Update comprehend command to latest version
api-change:chime: Update chime command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:datasync: Update datasync command to latest version
api-change:lambda: Update lambda command to latest version
api-change:iotanalytics: Update iotanalytics command to latest version

api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version
api-change:sts: Update sts command to latest version

api-change:sagemaker: Update sagemaker command to latest version
api-change:kinesisanalytics: Update kinesisanalytics command to latest version
api-change:eks: Update eks command to latest version
api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog command to latest version
api-change:kinesisanalyticsv2: Update kinesisanalyticsv2 command to latest version

api-change:alexaforbusiness: Update alexaforbusiness command to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:appsync: Update appsync command to latest version


2019-06-14 05:47:28 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-boto3: updated to 1.9.168

api-change:appmesh: [botocore] Update appmesh client to latest version
api-change:elasticache: [botocore] Update elasticache client to latest version
api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
api-change:guardduty: [botocore] Update guardduty client to latest version

api-change:servicecatalog: [botocore] Update servicecatalog client to latest version

api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Update sagemaker client to latest version

api-change:codebuild: [botocore] Update codebuild client to latest version
api-change:personalize-runtime: [botocore] Update personalize-runtime client to latest version
api-change:codecommit: [botocore] Update codecommit client to latest version
api-change:personalize-events: [botocore] Update personalize-events client to latest version
api-change:personalize: [botocore] Update personalize client to latest version

api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version

api-change:ecs: [botocore] Update ecs client to latest version
api-change:organizations: [botocore] Update organizations client to latest version
api-change:logs: [botocore] Update logs client to latest version
api-change:dynamodb: [botocore] Update dynamodb client to latest version
api-change:guardduty: [botocore] Update guardduty client to latest version
api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version
api-change:ses: [botocore] Update ses client to latest version
api-change:mediaconnect: [botocore] Update mediaconnect client to latest version

api-change:glue: [botocore] Update glue client to latest version

api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: [botocore] Update storagegateway client to latest version
api-change:s3: [botocore] Update s3 client to latest version
api-change:elasticache: [botocore] Update elasticache client to latest version
api-change:iam: [botocore] Update iam client to latest version

api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version

api-change:iotevents-data: [botocore] Update iotevents-data client to latest version
api-change:iotevents: [botocore] Update iotevents client to latest version
api-change:pinpoint-email: [botocore] Update pinpoint-email client to latest version
api-change:iotanalytics: [botocore] Update iotanalytics client to latest version
api-change:codecommit: [botocore] Update codecommit client to latest version
api-change:rds-data: [botocore] Update rds-data client to latest version
api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
api-change:servicecatalog: [botocore] Update servicecatalog client to latest version
api-change:kafka: [botocore] Update kafka client to latest version

api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version
api-change:securityhub: [botocore] Update securityhub client to latest version
api-change:iotthingsgraph: [botocore] Update iotthingsgraph client to latest version
api-change:dlm: [botocore] Update dlm client to latest version
api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version

api-change:groundstation: [botocore] Update groundstation client to latest version
api-change:transcribe: [botocore] Update transcribe client to latest version
api-change:chime: [botocore] Update chime client to latest version
api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
api-change:waf: [botocore] Update waf client to latest version
api-change:pinpoint-email: [botocore] Update pinpoint-email client to latest version
api-change:robomaker: [botocore] Update robomaker client to latest version
api-change:sts: [botocore] Update sts client to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: [botocore] Update storagegateway client to latest version

api-change:mediastore-data: [botocore] Update mediastore-data client to latest version
api-change:codedeploy: [botocore] Update codedeploy client to latest version
api-change:opsworkscm: [botocore] Update opsworkscm client to latest version

api-change:waf-regional: [botocore] Update waf-regional client to latest version
api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version

api-change:efs: [botocore] Update efs client to latest version
api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
api-change:apigateway: [botocore] Update apigateway client to latest version
api-change:worklink: [botocore] Update worklink client to latest version
api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version
api-change:servicecatalog: [botocore] Update servicecatalog client to latest version
api-change:devicefarm: [botocore] Update devicefarm client to latest version
api-change:budgets: [botocore] Update budgets client to latest version

api-change:datasync: [botocore] Update datasync client to latest version
api-change:alexaforbusiness: [botocore] Update alexaforbusiness client to latest version

api-change:kafka: [botocore] Update kafka client to latest version
api-change:meteringmarketplace: [botocore] Update meteringmarketplace client to latest version
api-change:mediapackage-vod: [botocore] Update mediapackage-vod client to latest version

api-change:appstream: [botocore] Update appstream client to latest version

api-change:medialive: [botocore] Update medialive client to latest version
api-change:s3: [botocore] Update s3 client to latest version

api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version
api-change:transcribe: [botocore] Update transcribe client to latest version
api-change:mediapackage: [botocore] Update mediapackage client to latest version
api-change:codepipeline: [botocore] Update codepipeline client to latest version
enhancement:Environment Variables: [botocore] Ignore env var credentials is values are empty
api-change:rds: [botocore] Update rds client to latest version

api-change:comprehend: [botocore] Update comprehend client to latest version
api-change:chime: [botocore] Update chime client to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: [botocore] Update storagegateway client to latest version
api-change:ec2: [botocore] Update ec2 client to latest version

api-change:datasync: [botocore] Update datasync client to latest version
api-change:iotanalytics: [botocore] Update iotanalytics client to latest version
api-change:lambda: [botocore] Update lambda client to latest version

api-change:glue: [botocore] Update glue client to latest version
api-change:sts: [botocore] Update sts client to latest version

api-change:servicecatalog: [botocore] Update servicecatalog client to latest version
api-change:eks: [botocore] Update eks client to latest version
api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Update sagemaker client to latest version
api-change:kinesisanalytics: [botocore] Update kinesisanalytics client to latest version
api-change:kinesisanalyticsv2: [botocore] Update kinesisanalyticsv2 client to latest version

api-change:appsync: [botocore] Update appsync client to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: [botocore] Update storagegateway client to latest version
api-change:ssm: [botocore] Update ssm client to latest version
api-change:alexaforbusiness: [botocore] Update alexaforbusiness client to latest version


2019-06-14 05:45:54 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-s3transfer: updated to 0.2.1

enhancment:ProcessPool: Adds user agent suffix.


2019-06-14 05:45:16 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-botocore: updated to 1.12.168

api-change:appmesh: Update appmesh client to latest version
api-change:elasticache: Update elasticache client to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 client to latest version
api-change:guardduty: Update guardduty client to latest version

api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog client to latest version

api-change:sagemaker: Update sagemaker client to latest version

api-change:codebuild: Update codebuild client to latest version
api-change:personalize-runtime: Update personalize-runtime client to latest version
api-change:codecommit: Update codecommit client to latest version
api-change:personalize-events: Update personalize-events client to latest version
api-change:personalize: Update personalize client to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 client to latest version

api-change:ecs: Update ecs client to latest version
api-change:organizations: Update organizations client to latest version
api-change:logs: Update logs client to latest version
api-change:dynamodb: Update dynamodb client to latest version
api-change:guardduty: Update guardduty client to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm client to latest version
api-change:ses: Update ses client to latest version
api-change:mediaconnect: Update mediaconnect client to latest version

api-change:glue: Update glue client to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 client to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway client to latest version
api-change:s3: Update s3 client to latest version
api-change:elasticache: Update elasticache client to latest version
api-change:iam: Update iam client to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 client to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds client to latest version

api-change:iotevents-data: Update iotevents-data client to latest version
api-change:iotevents: Update iotevents client to latest version
api-change:pinpoint-email: Update pinpoint-email client to latest version
api-change:iotanalytics: Update iotanalytics client to latest version
api-change:codecommit: Update codecommit client to latest version
api-change:rds-data: Update rds-data client to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds client to latest version
api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog client to latest version
api-change:kafka: Update kafka client to latest version

api-change:ssm: Update ssm client to latest version
api-change:securityhub: Update securityhub client to latest version
api-change:iotthingsgraph: Update iotthingsgraph client to latest version
api-change:dlm: Update dlm client to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds client to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 client to latest version

api-change:groundstation: Update groundstation client to latest version
api-change:transcribe: Update transcribe client to latest version
api-change:chime: Update chime client to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds client to latest version
api-change:waf: Update waf client to latest version
api-change:pinpoint-email: Update pinpoint-email client to latest version
api-change:robomaker: Update robomaker client to latest version
api-change:sts: Update sts client to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway client to latest version

api-change:mediastore-data: Update mediastore-data client to latest version
api-change:codedeploy: Update codedeploy client to latest version
api-change:opsworkscm: Update opsworkscm client to latest version

api-change:waf-regional: Update waf-regional client to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 client to latest version

api-change:efs: Update efs client to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 client to latest version
api-change:apigateway: Update apigateway client to latest version
api-change:worklink: Update worklink client to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds client to latest version
api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog client to latest version
api-change:devicefarm: Update devicefarm client to latest version
api-change:budgets: Update budgets client to latest version

api-change:datasync: Update datasync client to latest version
api-change:alexaforbusiness: Update alexaforbusiness client to latest version

api-change:kafka: Update kafka client to latest version
api-change:meteringmarketplace: Update meteringmarketplace client to latest version
api-change:mediapackage-vod: Update mediapackage-vod client to latest version

api-change:appstream: Update appstream client to latest version

api-change:medialive: Update medialive client to latest version
api-change:s3: Update s3 client to latest version

api-change:ec2: Update ec2 client to latest version
api-change:transcribe: Update transcribe client to latest version
api-change:mediapackage: Update mediapackage client to latest version
api-change:codepipeline: Update codepipeline client to latest version
enhancement:Environment Variables: Ignore env var credentials is values are empty
api-change:rds: Update rds client to latest version

api-change:comprehend: Update comprehend client to latest version
api-change:chime: Update chime client to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway client to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 client to latest version

api-change:datasync: Update datasync client to latest version
api-change:iotanalytics: Update iotanalytics client to latest version
api-change:lambda: Update lambda client to latest version

api-change:glue: Update glue client to latest version
api-change:sts: Update sts client to latest version

api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog client to latest version
api-change:eks: Update eks client to latest version
api-change:sagemaker: Update sagemaker client to latest version
api-change:kinesisanalytics: Update kinesisanalytics client to latest version
api-change:kinesisanalyticsv2: Update kinesisanalyticsv2 client to latest version

api-change:appsync: Update appsync client to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway client to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm client to latest version
api-change:alexaforbusiness: Update alexaforbusiness client to latest version


2019-06-14 04:55:11 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated databases/py-psycopg2, devel/py-mako


2019-06-14 04:54:45 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-mako: updated to 1.0.12

[bug] [py3k]
Fixed regression where import refactors in Mako 1.0.11 caused broken imports on Python 3.8.

Updated for additional project metadata in Additionally, the code has been reformatted using Black and zimports.

[bug] [py3k]
Added a default encoding of ���utf-8��� when the RichTraceback object retrieves Python source lines from a Python traceback; as these are bytes in Python 3 they need to be decoded so that they can be formatted in the template.


2019-06-14 04:51:43 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-psycopg2: updated to 2.8.3

Psycopg 2.8.3 released

We have released Psycopg 2.8.3, which includes a slight change to the logical replication.

Choosing the right frequency to send replication feedback messages from the client to the server was previously the developer's responsibility, with too many feedback messages being a waste of bandwidth and server resources, too few slowing down WAL cleanup and possibly preventing a server graceful shutdown.

Psycopg will now make sure that feedback is only sent after a certain period of time from the previous one, so that the client can simply call send_feedback() at each message without the fear of overwhelming the server.

For completeness, the changes included in the release are:
* Added interval_status parameter to start_replication() method and other facilities to send automatic replication keepalives at periodic intervals
* Fixed namedtuples caching introduced in 2.8


2019-06-13 09:29:06 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated www/nghttp2


2019-06-13 09:28:52 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

nghttp2: updated to 1.39.1


This release fixes the bug that log-level is not set with cmd-line or configuration file. It also fixes FPE with default backend.


libnghttp2 now ignores content-length in 200 response to CONNECT request as per RFC 7230.

mruby has been upgraded to 2.0.1.

libnghttp2-asio now supports boost-1.70.

http-parser has been replaced with llhttp.

nghttpx now ignores Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding in 1xx or 200 to CONNECT.

This release fixes the bug that the log level does not change to the default value on configuration reload if log-level option is missing in new configuration.


2019-06-13 09:07:56 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated net/haproxy


2019-06-13 09:07:08 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

haproxy: updated to 1.8.20

- BUG/MAJOR: listener: Make sure the listener exist before using it.
- BUG/MINOR: listener: keep accept rate counters accurate under saturation
- BUG/MEDIUM: logs: Only attempt to free startup_logs once.
- BUG/MEDIUM: 51d: fix possible segfault on deinit_51degrees()
- BUG/MINOR: ssl: fix warning about ssl-min/max-ver support
- MEDIUM: threads: Use __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST when using the newer atomic API.
- BUG/MEDIUM: threads/fd: do not forget to take into account epoll_fd/pipes
- BUG/MAJOR: spoe: Fix initialization of thread-dependent fields
- BUG/MAJOR: stats: Fix how huge POST data are read from the channel
- BUG/MINOR: http/counters: fix missing increment of fe->srv_aborts
- BUG/MEDIUM: ssl: ability to set TLS 1.3 ciphers using ssl-default-server-ciphersuites
- DOC: The option httplog is no longer valid in a backend.
- BUG/MAJOR: checks: segfault during tcpcheck_main
- BUILD: makefile: work around an old bug in GNU make-3.80
- MINOR: tools: make memvprintf() never pass a NULL target to vsnprintf()
- BUILD: makefile: fix build of IPv6 header on aix51
- BUILD: makefile: add _LINUX_SOURCE_COMPAT to build on AIX-51
- BUILD: Makefile: disable shared cache on AIX 5.1
- BUG/MINOR: cli: correctly handle abns in 'show cli sockets'
- MINOR: cli: start addresses by a prefix in 'show cli sockets'
- BUG/MEDIUM: peers: fix a case where peer session is not cleanly reset on release.
- BUILD: use inttypes.h instead of stdint.h
- BUILD: connection: fix naming of ip_v field
- BUG/MEDIUM: pattern: assign pattern IDs after checking the config validity
- BUG/MEDIUM: spoe: Queue message only if no SPOE applet is attached to the stream
- BUG/MEDIUM: spoe: Return an error if nothing is encoded for fragmented messages
- BUG/MINOR: threads: fix the process range of thread masks
- MINOR: lists: Implement locked variations.
- BUG/MEDIUM: lists: Properly handle the case we're removing the first elt.
- BUG/MEDIUM: list: fix the rollback on addq in the locked liss
- BUG/MEDIUM: list: fix LIST_POP_LOCKED's removal of the last pointer
- BUG/MEDIUM: list: add missing store barriers when updating elements and head
- MINOR: list: make the delete and pop operations idempotent
- BUG/MEDIUM: list: correct fix for LIST_POP_LOCKED's removal of last element
- BUG/MEDIUM: list: fix again LIST_ADDQ_LOCKED
- BUG/MEDIUM: list: fix incorrect pointer unlocking in LIST_DEL_LOCKED()
- MAJOR: listener: do not hold the listener lock in listener_accept()
- BUG/MEDIUM: listener: use a self-locked list for the dequeue lists
- BUG/MEDIUM: listener: make sure the listener never accepts too many conns
- BUILD/MINOR: listener: Silent a few signedness warnings.
- MINOR: skip get_gmtime where tm is unused
- BUG/MAJOR: http_fetch: Get the channel depending on the keyword used
- BUG/MEDIUM: maps: only try to parse the default value when it's present
- BUG/MINOR: acl: properly detect pattern type SMP_T_ADDR
- BUG/MEDIUM: thread/http: Add missing locks in set-map and add-acl HTTP rules
- BUG/MINOR: 51d: Get the request channel to call CHECK_HTTP_MESSAGE_FIRST()
- BUG/MINOR: da: Get the request channel to call CHECK_HTTP_MESSAGE_FIRST()
- BUG/MINOR: spoe: Don't systematically wakeup SPOE stream in the applet handler

- DOC: ssl: Clarify when pre TLSv1.3 cipher can be used
- DOC: ssl: Stop documenting ciphers example to use
- BUG/MINOR: spoe: do not assume agent->rt is valid on exit
- BUG/MINOR: lua: initialize the correct idle conn lists for the SSL sockets
- BUG/MEDIUM: spoe: initialization depending on nbthread must be done last
- BUG/MEDIUM: server: initialize the idle conns list after parsing the config
- BUG/MAJOR: spoe: Don't try to get agent config during SPOP healthcheck
- BUG/MAJOR: stream: avoid double free on unique_id
- BUG/MINOR: config: Reinforce validity check when a process number is parsed

- DOC: http-request cache-use / http-response cache-store expects cache name
- BUG/MAJOR: cache: fix confusion between zero and uninitialized cache key
- BUG/MEDIUM: ssl: Disable anti-replay protection and set max data with 0RTT.
- DOC: Be a bit more explicit about allow-0rtt security implications.
- BUG/MEDIUM: ssl: missing allocation failure checks loading tls key file
- BUG/MINOR: backend: don't use url_param_name as a hint for BE_LB_ALGO_PH
- BUG/MINOR: backend: balance uri specific options were lost across defaults
- BUG/MINOR: backend: BE_LB_LKUP_CHTREE is a value, not a bit
- BUG/MINOR: stick_table: Prevent conn_cur from underflowing
- BUG/MINOR: server: don't always trust srv_check_health when loading a server state
- BUG/MINOR: check: Wake the check task if the check is finished in wake_srv_chk()
- BUG/MEDIUM: ssl: Fix handling of TLS 1.3 KeyUpdate messages
- DOC: mention the effect of nf_conntrack_tcp_loose on src/dst
- MINOR: h2: add a bit-based frame type representation
- MINOR: h2: declare new sets of frame types
- BUG/MINOR: mux-h2: CONTINUATION in closed state must always return GOAWAY
- BUG/MINOR: mux-h2: headers-type frames in HREM are always a connection error
- BUG/MINOR: mux-h2: make it possible to set the error code on an already closed stream
- BUG/MINOR: hpack: return a compression error on invalid table size updates
- DOC: nbthread is no longer experimental.
- BUG/MINOR: spoe: corrected fragmentation string size
- BUG/MINOR: deinit: tcp_rep.inspect_rules not deinit, add to deinit
- SCRIPTS: add the slack channel URL to the announce script
- SCRIPTS: add the issue tracker URL to the announce script
- BUG/MINOR: stream: don't close the front connection when facing a backend error
- MINOR: xref: Add missing barriers.
- BUG/MEDIUM: mux-h2: wake up flow-controlled streams on initial window update
- BUG/MEDIUM: mux-h2: fix two half-closed to closed transitions
- BUG/MEDIUM: mux-h2: make sure never to send GOAWAY on too old streams
- BUG/MEDIUM: mux-h2: wait for the mux buffer to be empty before closing the connection
- MINOR: stream-int: expand the flags to 32-bit
- MINOR: stream-int: add a new flag to mention that we want the connection to be killed
- MINOR: connstream: have a new flag CS_FL_KILL_CONN to kill a connection
- BUG/MEDIUM: mux-h2: do not close the connection on aborted streams
- BUG/MEDIUM: stream: Don't forget to free s->unique_id in stream_free().
- BUG/MINOR: config: fix bind line thread mask validation
- BUG/MAJOR: config: verify that targets of track-sc and stick rules are present
- BUG/MAJOR: spoe: verify that backends used by SPOE cover all their callers' processes
- BUG/MINOR: config: make sure to count the error on incorrect track-sc/stick rules


2019-06-13 07:55:25 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-xdis, lang/py-uncompyle6


2019-06-13 07:55:07 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-uncompyle6: updated to 3.3.4

Major work was done by x0ret to correct function signatures and include annotation types
Handle Python 3.6 STORE_ANNOTATION
Friendlier assembly output
LOAD_CONST replaced by LOAD_STR where appropriate to simplify parsing and improve clarity
remove unneeded parenthesis in a generator expression when it is the single argument to the function
Bug in noting an async function
Handle unicode docstrings and fix docstring bugs
Add uncompyle6 command-line short option -T as an alternate for --tree+
Some grammar cleanup


2019-06-13 07:52:46 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-xdis: updated to 4.0.2

To unicode strings in Python 2.x Try to convert to ascii, but if that doesn't work, leave as unicode.


2019-06-13 05:07:56 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-jsonschema: added ALTERNATIVES


2019-06-12 20:41:05 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-xopen, devel/py-requests-futures


2019-06-12 20:40:36 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-requests-futures: updated to 1.0.0

Unknown changes


2019-06-12 20:34:56 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-xopen: updated to 0.7.0

Add PipedGzipReader.readline()


2019-06-12 20:25:52 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-certbot-dns-google: Python 2.7 is not supported in py-google-api-python-client


2019-06-12 13:57:20 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

gobject-introspection: fix installation on Darwin


2019-06-12 10:29:39 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated security/py-acme, security/py-certbot*


2019-06-12 10:27:38 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-acme,py-certbot*: updated to 0.35.1


Support for specifying an authoritative base domain in our dns-rfc2136 plugin has been removed. This feature was added in our last release but had a bug which caused the plugin to fail so the feature has been removed until it can be added properly.
Despite us having broken lockstep, we are continuing to release new versions of all Certbot components during releases for the time being, however, the only package with changes other than its version number was:



2019-06-12 10:04:21 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-hypothesis, devel/py-test


2019-06-12 10:03:49 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-test: updated to 4.6.3

pytest 4.6.3:
Bug Fixes
* -q has again an impact on the style of the collected items (--collect-only) when --log-cli-level is used.
* Fix regressions of 5063 for importlib_metadata.PathDistribution which have their files attribute being None.
* Fix regression where the obj attribute of TestCase items was no longer bound to methods.


2019-06-12 09:51:52 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-hypothesis: updated to 4.24.3

This patch improves the implementation of an internal wrapper on Python 3.8 beta1 (and will break on the alphas; but they're not meant to be stable). On other versions, there is no change at all.

Deprecation messages for functions in hypothesis.extra.django.models now explicitly name the deprecated function to make it easier to track down usages. Thanks to Kristian Glass for this contribution!

This patch fixes :issue:`1999`, a spurious bug raised when a :func:`@st.composite <hypothesis.strategies.composite>` function was passed a keyword-only argument.


2019-06-12 08:37:58 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-zipp: added BUILD_DEPENDS


2019-06-10 15:40:46 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated print/py-reportlab, textproc/py-rst2pdf


2019-06-10 15:39:44 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-rst2pdf: updated to 0.94.1

Update urllib3 and Jinja2 dependencies in requirements.txt
Fix "reportlab is not defined" error when using ReportLab 3.5.20+


2019-06-10 15:39:06 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-reportlab: updated to 3.5.23

RELEASE 3.5.23
* fix issue 180 raised by Christoph Berg
* fix issue 181 raised by Daniel Terecuk
* brutalist fix for Marius Gedminas' issue 183
* add wordSpace keyword to Canvas draw methods
* fix for Marius Gedminas' issue 184

RELEASE 3.5.22
* Allow kewords in PDFResourceDictionary
* pr 58 issue 174 contribution by Marius Gedminas
* Allow AcroForm to have SigFlags
* Bug Fixes and tests


2019-06-10 14:48:29 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated multimedia/libbluray, devel/py-flexmock


2019-06-10 14:48:05 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-flexmock: updated to 0.10.4

Release 0.10.4
- drop Python 2.6, 3.3 and Jython support
- add Python 3.6 and 3.7 support
- don't hide exception when flexmock is used as context manager
- fix expectation reset for static methods on pypy 2
- ensure original exception isn't suppressed in pytest hook


2019-06-10 14:40:52 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

libbluray: updated to 1.1.2

Version 1.1.2
- Add libxml version to pkg-config Requires.private.
- Improve support for NetBSD operating system.
- Improve BD-J compability.
- Improve Java 8+ compability.
- Fix main playlist caching in Windows.
- Fix mark triggering when multiple marks are passed during single read().
- Fix seek bar pop-up at chapter boundary with some discs.
- Fix reading resources indirectly from mounted .jar file.


2019-06-10 10:16:13 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated security/py-asyncssh, devel/py-argcomplete


2019-06-10 10:15:46 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-argcomplete: updated to 1.10.0

Changes for v1.10.0:
Fish support

Changes for v1.9.5:
check_module: Don窶冲 crash, exit with error instead
Register completion for multiple commands


2019-06-10 09:36:36 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-asyncssh: updated to 1.17.0

Release 1.17.0:
Added support for 窶徨everse direction窶� SSH connections, useful to support applications like NETCONF Call Home, described in RFC 8071.
Added support for the PyCA implementation of Chacha20-Poly1305, eliminating the dependency on libnacl/libsodium to provide this functionality, as long as OpenSSL 1.1.1b or later is installed.
Restored libnacl support for Curve25519/Ed25519 on systems which have an older version of OpenSSL that doesn窶冲 have that support. This fallback also applies to Chacha20-Poly1305.
Fixed Pageant support on Windows to use the Pageant agent by default when it is available and client keys are not explicitly configured.
Disabled the use of RSA SHA-2 signatures when using the Pageant or Windows 10 OpenSSH agent on Windows, since neither of those support the signature flags options to request them.
Fixed a regression where a callable was no longer usable in the sftp_factory argument of create_server.


2019-06-10 08:58:58 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated www/py-flask-cors, www/py-flask-debugtoolbar


2019-06-10 08:58:40 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-flask-debugtoolbar: updated to 0.10.1


Add support for Python wheels

Switch imports from deprecated flask.ext.* to flask_* syntax


Added new "Routes" panel displaying URL routing rules
"Versions" panel displays versions of all installed packages
SQLAlchemy displays necessary setup steps to set up query recording
Support reformatting SQL queries if sqlparse library is available
Enable sorting SQLAlchemy queries
Support inserting toolbar on HTML5 pages without </body> tag
Log a warning if unable to insert the toolbar

Ensure numeric sorting of profiler "Calls" column


2019-06-10 08:55:42 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-flask-cors: updated to 3.0.8

DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from '' is deprecated, and in 3.8 it will stop working


2019-06-10 08:43:20 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated www/py-httplib2, net/py-prometheus_client, security/py-paramiko


2019-06-10 08:42:58 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-paramiko: updated to 2.5.0

[Feature] Updated SSHConfig.lookup so it returns a new, type-casting-friendly dict subclass (SSHConfigDict) in lieu of dict literals. This ought to be backwards compatible, and allows an easier way to check boolean or int type ssh_config values.

[Feature] Add support for Curve25519 key exchange (aka

[Feature] Add support for encrypt-then-MAC (ETM) schemes (, and two newer Diffie-Hellman group key exchange algorithms (group14, using SHA256; and group16, using SHA512). Patch courtesy of Edgar Sousa.

[Support] Update our install docs with (somewhat) recently added additional dependencies; we previously only required Cryptography, but the docs never got updated after we incurred bcrypt and pynacl requirements for Ed25519 key support.

Additionally, pyasn1 was never actually hard-required; it was necessary during a development branch, and is used by the optional GSSAPI support, but is not required for regular installation. Thus, it has been removed from our and its imports in the GSSAPI code made optional.

[Support] Add *.pub files to the MANIFEST so distributed source packages contain some necessary test assets. Credit: Alexander Kapshuna.

[Support] Add support for the modern (as of Python 3.3) import location of MutableMapping (used in host key management) to avoid the old location becoming deprecated in Python 3.8.
[Support] Raise Cryptography dependency requirement to version 2.5 (from 1.5) and update some deprecated uses of its API.


2019-06-10 08:35:35 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-prometheus_client: updated to 0.7.0

[ENHANCEMENT] Multiprocess exposition speed boost
[ENHANCEMENT] optimize openmetrics text parsing (~4x perf)
[ENHANCEMENT] Add python3.7 support
[ENHANCEMENT] Change exemplar length limit to be only for label names+values
[BUGFIX] Disable gcCollector for pypy


2019-06-10 08:34:04 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-httplib2: updated to 0.13.0

* Allow setting TLS max/min versions


2019-06-10 07:46:16 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated databases/py-peewee, textproc/py-lxml, textproc/py-yaml, archivers/py-lz4


2019-06-10 07:45:44 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-lz4: updated to 2.1.10

Cleanup some code in _block.c to suppress some compiler warnings
Add some more detail to the install docs
Move to cibuildwheel 0.11.1


2019-06-10 07:41:16 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-yaml: updated to 5.1.1

* Re-release of 5.1 with regenerated Cython sources to build properly for Python 3.8


2019-06-10 07:36:56 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-lxml: updated to 4.3.4

* Rebuilt with Cython 0.29.10 to support Python 3.8.


2019-06-10 07:36:14 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-peewee: updated to 3.9.6

Support nesting the Database instance as a context-manager. The outermost block will handle opening and closing the connection along with wrapping everything in a transaction. Nested blocks will use savepoints.
Add new session_start(), session_commit() and session_rollback() interfaces to the Database object to support using transactional controls in situations where a context-manager or decorator is awkward.
Fix error that would arise when attempting to do an empty bulk-insert.
Set isolation_level=None in SQLite connection constructor rather than afterwards using the setter.
Add create_table() method to Select query to implement CREATE TABLE AS.
Cleanup some declarations in the Sqlite C extension.
Add new example showing how to implement Reddit's ranking algorithm in SQL.


2019-06-07 07:30:12 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated archivers/py-lz4, lang/py-jsparser, devel/py-typed-ast


2019-06-07 07:29:48 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-typed-ast: updated to 1.4.0

Unknown changes


2019-06-07 07:26:58 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2019-06-07 07:22:49 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-lz4: updated to 2.1.9

Update bundled lz4 library to version 1.9.1

Fix OSX wheel builds

Fix a bug on windows


2019-06-06 21:55:35 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-game, games/pysolfc


2019-06-06 21:53:44 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

pysolfc: updated to 2.6.4

Unknown changes

Fixes for the Windows and macOS packages.
Forbid illegal moves in Spider and some other variants.

Support for solving Golf using a solver
An untested macOS package (we need testers)
A bug fix
Ability to run the test suite without python 2.x and/or pygtk
Code cleanups.

The Windows installer now includes the revitalised PySol-music package. For more info, see this bug.
Many improvements to the test suite and the board import functionality.
Some bug fixes.

The Microsoft Windows binary installer now contains and supports the solver for Freecell and other games.
Many bug fixes.

We now provide a Microsoft Windows binary installer again, thanks to the great work of Roderik Ploszek. Note that the solvers (for FreeCell/etc.) are not installed as part of it yet, but they are available separately.
pysol-sound-server was updated to support Python 3.x.
Fixes for the board export / solver input, and for redealing upon restart of the "ms*" deals.
Various cleanups.

Support for the kivy toolkit for running under Android-based devices (currently python 2.7-only)
Fixed the help system and removed the need for the sgmllib module.
Other fixes and cleanups.
Currently there is no Microsoft Windows binary package. Help or insights will be appreciated.

The code is now compatible with both Python 2.7.x and Python 3.x
One can deal all MS FreeCell/FC-pro deals by specifying e.g: "ms100000" as the seed.
Support for Black Hole and All in a Row solver was added.
Test suite and CI were added to the repository.
The code now passes flake8 validation.
Some improvements to the solver dialog.


2019-06-06 21:46:12 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-game: updated to 1.9.6

Whilst we focus like a shark-lazer on pygame 2, here is a bonus pygame 1.9.6 with a couple of small regression bug fixes.
- mp3 via smpeg was missing in manylinux builds.
- mixer thread deadlock issue when controlling it from different threads.
- pygame.version.vernum now has major, minor, and patch attributes.

Every single source file has been heavily modified and moved in this release. Initial (source code only) support for SDL2 has been merged in. We also support compiling with SDL1 in the same code base, so the migration to pygame 2 is easier. pygame 2 will be released with SDL2 being the default backend when some remaining issues are ironed out. The 1.9.x releases will continue with SDL1 until then. Also, the C API of pygame is undergoing a transformation with lots of cleanups. Then there have been plenty of other cleanups all throughout the python code as well. There's still lots to clean up, but things should be significantly easier for people to contribute (�汨� hello and thanks new contributors!). The documentation has been improved with better examples links, search functionality, and improved navigation. Support for older Macs, and newer Macs has been improved. The mask, midi, draw, and math modules have gotten lots of polish with rough edges removed.


2019-06-06 21:25:12 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated print/py-latexcodec, net/py-lexicon, security/py-trustme


2019-06-06 21:24:22 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-trustme: updated to 0.5.2

Unknown changes


2019-06-06 21:16:37 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-lexicon: updated to 3.2.6

Added provider specific dependency to
Futher pylint and python3 import
Add gratisdns provider

Update appveyor.yml
Fix configuration of route53 tests
Update test running instructions to include top-level directory
Fix line too long
Use the logger.warning instead of the logger.warn shortcut
Skip dnsimple accounts without a plan


2019-06-06 21:11:52 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-latexcodec: updated to 1.0.7

* More symbols (THIN SPACE, various accented characters).
* Fix lexer issue with multibyte encodings

  alternate encodings of Swedish å and Å).


2019-06-06 19:57:59 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

clang: bump version in bl3


2019-06-06 16:34:32 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated www/nginx-devel


2019-06-06 16:33:20 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

nginx-devel: updated to 1.17.0

Changes with nginx 1.17.0:
*) Feature: variables support in the "limit_rate" and "limit_rate_after"
*) Feature: variables support in the "proxy_upload_rate" and
  "proxy_download_rate" directives in the stream module.
*) Change: minimum supported OpenSSL version is 0.9.8.
*) Change: now the postpone filter is always built.
*) Bugfix: the "include" directive did not work inside the "if" and
  "limit_except" blocks.
*) Bugfix: in byte ranges processing.


2019-06-06 16:11:36 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated www/grafana, x11/gtkmm3


2019-06-06 16:11:15 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

gtkmm3: updated to 3.24.1

3.24.1 (stable):

* RGBA::set_hsv(): Properly interpret hue 360° as red

* Gtk::FileFilter: Several improvements of the documentation
* Gtk::Builder: Don’t use @retval on out args, use @param[out]

* Add test of Gdk::RGBA

3.24.0 (stable):

* Deprecate screen_width(), screen_height(),
    screen_width_mm(), screen_height_mm(), flush().
* namespace Gdk::Cairo: Add create_surface_from_pixbuf(),
    get_clip_rectangle(), create_region_from_surface() and draw_from_gl().
* Add FrameClock and FrameTimings
* Window: Add get_frame_clock().
* GLContext: Add unset_use_es().

* CellRendererPixbuf: Fix property_surface()
* AboutDialog: Fix ref count in get_logo()
* MenuItem: add_accel_label(): Make sure accelator keys are shown.
* CssProvider: Deprecate get_default()
  Container: Deprecate focus chains
* Grid: Add default values in attach()
* StyleContext: Add set/get_frame_clock() and property_paint_clock().
    Widget: Add get_frame_clock(), add_tick_callback() and
* Image: Add more constructors
* Window: Deprecate get_accel_group() in favour of a new get_accel_groups().
* Range: Deprecate property_[lower|upper]_stepper_sensitivity().
  Settings: Undeprecate property_gtk_cursor_blink(),
    property_gtk_cursor_blink_time(), property_gtk_cursor_blink_timeout(),
* AccelGroup: Deprecate signal_accel_activate().
* Add detail_name to some signals:
    AccelGroup: signal_accel_changed().
    AppChooserButton: signal_custom_item_activated().
    LevelBar: signal_offset_changed().
    Widget: signal_child_notify().
* Add make_managed().
* Window: Add show_uri().
* AboutDialog: Add a constructor with a use_header_bar parameter.
* FileChooserDialog: Allow constructing with use-header-bar.
* Add NativeDialog and FileChooserNative.

* Update some demo programs.

* Replace the Visual Studio project files with MSVC NMake project files
* Require giomm-2.4 >= 2.54.0


2019-06-06 16:09:20 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

grafana: updated to 6.2.2

Features / Enhancements
Security: Prevent CSV formula injection attack when exporting data.

Bug Fixes
CloudWatch: Fixes error when hiding/disabling queries.
Database: Fixed slow permission query in folder/dashboard search.
Explore: Fixed updating time range before running queries.
Plugins: Fixed plugin config page navigation when using subpath.

Features / Enhancements
CLI: Add command to migrate all datasources to use encrypted password fields.
Gauge/BarGauge: Improvements to auto value font size.

Bug Fixes
Auth Proxy: Resolve database is locked errors.
Database: Retry transaction if sqlite returns database is locked error.
Explore: Fixes so clicking in a Prometheus Table the query is filtered by clicked value.
Singlestat: Fixes issue with value placement and line wraps.
Tech: Update jQuery to 3.4.1 to fix issue on iOS 10 based browers as well as Chrome 53.x.

Bug Fixes
BarGauge: Fix for negative min values.
Gauge/BarGauge: Fix for issues editing min & max options.
Search: Make only folder name only open search with current folder filter.
AzureMonitor: Revert to clearing chained dropdowns.

Breaking Changes
Plugins: Data source plugins that process hidden queries need to add a ���hiddenQueries: true��� attribute in plugin.json.


2019-06-06 11:44:53 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/glibmm, devel/atkmm


2019-06-06 11:43:58 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

atkmm: updated to 2.24.3

atkmm 2.24.3 (stable):
* Fix silent builds.
* Text: Plug memory leaks in get_text_vfunc() and get_selection_vfunc().
  These vfuncs shall delete the returned character array after it has been
  copied to a Glib::ustring.
* Replace the Visual Studio project files with MSVC NMake project files


2019-06-06 11:42:53 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

glibmm: updated to 2.60.0

2.60.0 (stable):
* Add DateTime::get_timezone()
  Add KeyFile::get_locale_for_key()
  Add TimeZone::get_identifier()
* Add Value_RefPtrBoxed<>
  Add Value<std::vector<string>> specializations and other Value
  specializations that are necessary for _WRAP_PROPERTY
* Object construction: Add custom class init and instance init functions
* Add AppInfo::launch_uris_async() and launch_uris_async()
  Add DBusConnection::get_flags() and property_flags()
* Settings: Add property_settings_schema()
* TlsClientConnection: Deprecate property_accepted_cas()
* ThemedIcon: Add create(const std::vector<Glib::ustring>& iconnames)
* Remove NO_GTYPE from some _WRAP_ENUMs
* TlsConnection: Deprecate rehandshake API
* Application: Add signal_name_lost()
* Require glib-2.0 >= 2.59.2

2.58.1 (stable):
* _WRAP_ENUM and _WRAP_GERROR: Add gtype_func parameter
* Add --exclude-file option.

* README: Add installation instructions
* Don窶冲 use @retval on out args, use @param[out]

2.58.0 (stable):
This release is identical to 2.56.1.


2019-06-06 11:06:51 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2019-06-06 11:05:52 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/gdbus-codegen, devel/glib2, devel/glib2-tools


2019-06-06 11:05:12 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

glib2: updated to 2.60.3

Overview of changes in GLib 2.60.3

* Various fixes to small key/value support in GHashTable

* Bugs fixed:
- Critical in g_socket_client_async_connect_complete
- New GHashTable implementation confuses valgrind
- test_month_names: assertion failed
- GNetworkAddressAddressEnumerator unsafely modifies cache in GNetworkAddress
- Leaks in gsocketclient.c connection code
- glib/date test fails
- GDB pretty-printer for GHashTable no longer works
- !815 Merge branch 'wip/tingping/socketclient-cancel-2' into 'master'
- !816 Backport !814 ���gschema.dtd: Add target attribute to alias��� to glib-2-60
- !826 Backport !824 ���gsocketclient: Fix a leak in the connection code��� to glib-2-60
- !829 Backport !828 ���build: Fix a typo in the test whether _NL_ABALTMON_n is supported��� to glib-2-60
- !834 Backport !823 "gnetworkaddress: Fix parallel enumerations interfering with eachother" to glib-2-60
- !838 Backport !835 ���Fix typo in German translation��� to glib-2-60
- !841 Backport !839 ���tests: Update month name check for Greek locale��� to glib-2-60
- !844 Backport !840 ���ghash: Disable small-arrays under valgrind��� to glib-2-60
- !846 Backport !845 ���Fixing g_format_size_full() on Windows-x64��� to glib-2-60
- !855 Backport !848 (more GHashTable fixes) to glib-2-60
- !858 Backport !852 ���Update gdb pretty-printer for GHashTable��� to glib-2-60

* Translation updates:
- German


2019-06-06 09:33:30 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

source-highlight: add ac_cv_ctags_flags=yes to CONFIGURE_ENV to avoid endless loop in exctags launched from configure


2019-06-06 05:40:50 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2019-06-05 20:45:52 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-meson: use more specific REPLACE_PYTHON or sed might fail; test hacks are not needed anymore


2019-06-05 19:19:59 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated sysutils/node_exporter


2019-06-05 19:19:39 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

node_exporter: updated to 0.18.1

[BUGFIX] Fix incorrect sysctl call in BSD meminfo collector, resulting in broken swap metrics on FreeBSD
[BUGFIX] Fix rollover bug in mountstats collector


2019-06-05 19:07:03 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML



2019-06-05 19:06:07 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

crypto++: updated to 8.2.0

Version 8.2.0
minor release, no recompile of programs required
expanded community input and support
56 unique contributors as of this release
use PowerPC unaligned loads and stores with Power8
add SKIPJACK test vectors
fix SHAKE-128 and SHAKE-256 compile
removed IS_NEON from Makefile
fix Aarch64 build on Fedora 29
fix missing GF2NT_233_Multiply_Reduce_CLMUL in FIPS DLL
add missing BLAKE2 constructors
fix missing BlockSize() in BLAKE2 classes

Version 8.1.0
minor release, no recompile of programs required
expanded community input and support
56 unique contributors as of this release
fix OS X PowerPC builds with Clang
add Microsoft ARM64 support
fix iPhone Simulator build due to missign symbols
add carryless multiplies for NIST b233 and k233 curves
fix OpenMP build due to use of OpenMP 4 with down-level compilers
add SignStream and VerifyStream for ed25519 and large files
fix missing AlgorithmProvider in PanamaHash
add SHAKE-128 and SHAKE-256
fix AVX2 build due to _mm256_broadcastsi128_si256
add IETF ChaCha, XChaCha, ChaChaPoly1305 and XChaChaPoly1305

Version 8.0.0
major release, recompile of programs required
expanded community input and support
54 unique contributors as of this release
add x25519 key exchange and ed25519 signature scheme
add limited Asymmetric Key Package support from RFC 5958
add Power9 DARN random number generator support
add CHAM, HC-128, HC-256, Hight, LEA, Rabbit, Simeck
fix FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup may be unaligned on some platforms
cutover to GNU Make-based cpu feature tests
rename files with dashes to underscores
fix LegacyDecryptor and LegacyDecryptorWithMAC use wrong MAC
fix incorrect AES/CBC decryption on Windows
avoid Singleton<T> when possible, avoid std::call_once completely
fix SPARC alignment problems due to GetAlignmentOf<T>() on word64
add ARM AES asm implementation from Cryptogams


2019-06-05 13:25:25 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated databases/leveldb


2019-06-05 13:22:04 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

leveldb: updated to 1.22

Release 1.22
Corrected formatting to be compliant with the Google C++ Style Guide.
Specifically export the WriteBatch::Handler inner class for Windows link.
Merge pull request 665 from cheng-chang:coding.
Merge pull request 669 from pavel-pimenov:fix-readme-windows-mkdir.
Merge pull request 472 from zhoudayang:patch-1.
Merge pull request 339 from richcole-at-amazon:master.
Restore soname versioning with CMake build.
Other miscellaneous cleanups, fixes, and improvements.

Release 1.21
Switched to using Copybara for project synchronization.
Minor cleanup in ports.
Silence unused argument warnings in MSVC.
Add tests for empty keys and values.
Switch corruption_test to use InMemEnv.
Replace AtomicPointer with std::atomic.
Make InMemoryEnv more consistent with filesystem based Env's.
Align windows_logger with posix_logger.
Improve CI configuration and added AppVeyor (Windows CI) badge to README.
Added native support for Windows.
Make WriteBatch::ApproximateSize() const.
Fix PosixWritableFile::Sync() on Apple systems.
Fix fdatasync() feature detection in opensource build.
C++11 cleanup for util/mutexlock.h.
Rework threading in
Remove InitOnce from the port API.
Expose WriteBatch::Append().
Fix documentation for log file growth.
Add move constructor to Status.
Replace port_posix with port_stdcxx.
Reimplement ConsumeDecimalNumber.
Document the building process.
Replace NULL with nullptr in C++ files.
Remove PLATFORM_IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN from port/posix.h.
Add more thread safety annotations.
Require C++11.
Replace SIZE_MAX with std::numeric_limits.
Add CMake build support.
Enable thread safety annotations.
leveldb::DestroyDB will now delete empty directories.
Replace SSE-optimized CRC32C in POSIX port with external library.
Fix file writing bug in CL 170738066.
Fix use of uninitialized value in LRUHandle.
Fix issue 474: a race between the f*_unlocked() STDIO calls in and concurrent application calls to fflush(NULL).
Use __APPLE__ instead of OS_MACOS. The former is compiler-provided.
Report missing CURRENT manifest file as database corruption.
LevelDB: Add WriteBatch::ApproximateSize().
Other minor fixes, code cleanup, and documentation improvements.


2019-06-05 10:17:44 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-importlib-metadata: add py-setuptools_scm to BUILD_DEPENDS


2019-06-05 05:14:21 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-test, www/py-test-django


2019-06-05 05:14:05 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-test-django: updated to 3.5.0


* Run tests in the same order as Django
* Use verbosity=0 with disabled migrations

* django_db_setup: warn instead of crash with teardown errors

* tests: fix test_sqlite_database_renamed
* tests/ move import of db_helpers
* Cleanup/improve coverage, mainly with tests
* Slightly revisit unittest handling


2019-06-05 05:11:46 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-test: updated to 4.6.2

pytest 4.6.2:
Bug Fixes
* Revert unrolling of all() to fix NameError on nested comprehensions.
* Revert unrolling of all() to fix incorrect handling of generators with if.
* Revert unrolling of all() to fix incorrect assertion when using all() in an expression


2019-06-03 12:40:12 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated www/py-django, www/py-django2


2019-06-03 12:39:46 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-django2: updated to 2.2.2

CVE-2019-12308: AdminURLFieldWidget XSS

The clickable "Current URL" link generated by AdminURLFieldWidget displayed the provided value without validating it as a safe URL. Thus, an unvalidated value stored in the database, or a value provided as a URL query parameter payload, could result in an clickable JavaScript link.

AdminURLFieldWidget now validates the provided value using URLValidator before displaying the clickable link. You may customise the validator by passing a validator_class kwarg to AdminURLFieldWidget.__init__(), e.g. when using ModelAdmin.formfield_overrides.


Fixed a regression in Django 2.1 that caused the incorrect quoting of database user password when using dbshell on Oracle
Added compatibility for psycopg2 2.8
Fixed a regression in Django 2.2 that caused a crash when loading the template for the technical 500 debug page
Fixed crash of ordering argument in ArrayAgg and StringAgg when it contains an expression with params
Fixed a regression in Django 2.2 that caused a single instance fast-delete to not set the primary key to None
Prevented makemigrations from generating infinite migrations for check constraints and partial indexes when condition contains a range object
Reverted an optimization in Django 2.2
Fixed a regression in Django 2.2 where Paginator crashes if object_list is a queryset ordered or aggregated over a nested JSONField key transform
Fixed a regression in Django 2.2 where IntegerField validation of database limits crashes if limit_value attribute in a custom validator is callable
Fixed a regression in Django 2.2 where SearchVector generates SQL that is not indexable
Fixed a regression in Django 2.2 that caused an exception to be raised when a custom error handler could not be imported
Relaxed the system check added in Django 2.2 for the admin app窶冱 dependencies to reallow use of SessionMiddleware subclasses, rather than requiring django.contrib.sessions to be in INSTALLED_APPS
Increased the default timeout when using Watchman to 5 seconds to prevent falling back to StatReloader on larger projects and made it customizable via the DJANGO_WATCHMAN_TIMEOUT environment variable
Fixed a regression in Django 2.2 that caused a crash when migrating permissions for proxy models if the target permissions already existed. For example, when a permission had been created manually or a model had been migrated from concrete to proxy
Fixed a regression in Django 2.2 that caused a crash of runserver when URLConf modules raised exceptions
Fixed a regression in Django 2.2 where changes were not reliably detected by auto-reloader when using StatReloader
Fixed a migration crash on Oracle and PostgreSQL when adding a check constraint with a contains, startswith, or endswith lookup (or their case-insensitive variant)
Fixed a migration crash on Oracle and SQLite when adding a check constraint with condition contains | (OR) operator
Django 2.2.2 release notesDjango 2.2 release notes

This version has been designated as a long-term support (LTS) release, which means that security and data loss fixes will be applied for at least the next three years. It will also receive fixes for crashing bugs, major functionality bugs in newly-introduced features, and regressions from older versions of Django for the next eight months until December 2019.

As always, the release notes cover the salmagundi of new features in detail, but a few highlights are:
* HttpRequest.headers to allow simple access to a request窶冱 headers.
* Database-level constraints on models.
* Watchman compatibility for runserver to improve the performance of watching a large number of files for changes.


2019-06-03 12:33:00 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-django: updated to 1.11.21

Django 1.11.21 release notes

CVE-2019-12308: AdminURLFieldWidget XSS

The clickable ���Current URL��� link generated by AdminURLFieldWidget displayed the provided value without validating it as a safe URL. Thus, an unvalidated value stored in the database, or a value provided as a URL query parameter payload, could result in an clickable JavaScript link.

AdminURLFieldWidget now validates the provided value using URLValidator before displaying the clickable link. You may customise the validator by passing a validator_class kwarg to AdminURLFieldWidget.__init__(), e.g. when using formfield_overrides.


2019-06-03 08:42:30 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-cython, devel/py-test


2019-06-03 08:42:13 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-test: updated to 4.6.1

pytest 4.6.1:
Bug Fixes
* Fix pytest.mark.parametrize when the argvalues is an iterator.
* Fix assertion rewriting of all() calls to deal with non-generators.


2019-06-03 08:41:06 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-cython: updated to 0.29.10

Bugs fixed
* Fix compile errors in CPython 3.8b1 due to the new "tp_vectorcall" slots.


2019-06-02 15:03:09 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2019-06-02 15:02:27 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

zig: updated to 0.4.0

FreeBSD Support
NetBSD Support
WebAssembly Support
64-bit ARM Linux Support
UEFI Support
Tier System


2019-06-02 09:48:29 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

llvm: add WebAssembly to LLVM_TARGETS


2019-06-02 09:30:28 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/creduce, security/gnupg2


2019-06-02 09:29:09 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

gnupg2: updated to 2.2.16

Noteworthy changes in version 2.2.16:
* gpg,gpgsm: Fix deadlock on Windows due to a keybox sharing
* gpg: Allow deletion of subkeys with --delete-key.  This finally
  makes the bang-suffix work as expected for that command.
* gpg: Replace SHA-1 by SHA-256 in self-signatures when updating
  them with --quick-set-expire or --quick-set-primary-uid.
* gpg: Improve the photo image viewer selection.
* gpg: Fix decryption with --use-embedded-filename.
* gpg: Remove hints on using the --keyserver option.
* gpg: Fix export of certain secret keys with comments.
* gpg: Reject too long user-ids in --quick-gen-key.
* gpg: Fix a double free in the best key selection code.
* gpg: Fix the key generation dialog for switching back from EdDSA
  to ECDSA.
* gpg: Use AES-192 with SHA-384 to comply with RFC-6637.
* gpg: Use only the addrspec from the Signer's UID subpacket to
  mitigate a problem with another implementation.
* gpg: Skip invalid packets during a keyring listing and sync
  diagnostics with the output.
* gpgsm: Avoid confusing diagnostic when signing with the default
* agent: Do not delete any secret key in --dry-run mode.
* agent: Fix failures on 64 bit big-endian boxes related to URIs in
  a keyfile.
* agent: Stop scdaemon after a reload with disable-scdaemon newly
* dirmngr: Improve caching algorithm for WKD domains.
* dirmngr: Support other hash algorithms than SHA-1 for OCSP.
* gpgconf: Make --homedir work for --launch.
* gpgconf: Before --launch check for a valid config file.
* wkd: Do not import more than 5 keys from one WKD address.
* wkd: Accept keys which are stored in armored format in the
* The installer for Windows now comes with signed binaries.


2019-06-02 09:07:39 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2019-06-02 09:04:53 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-llvmlite, math/py-numba


2019-06-02 09:04:33 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-numba: updated to 0.44.0

Version 0.44.0

IMPORTANT: In this release a few significant deprecations (and some less
significant ones) are being made, users are encouraged to read the related

General enhancements in this release include:
- Numba is backed by LLVM 8 on all platforms apart from ppc64le, which, due to
  bugs, remains on the LLVM 7.x series.
- Numba's dictionary support now includes type inference for keys and values.
- The .view() method now works for NumPy scalar types.
- Newly supported NumPy functions added: np.delete, np.nanquantile, np.quantile,
  np.repeat, np.shape.

In addition considerable effort has been made to fix some long standing bugs and
a large number of other bugs, the "Fixes" section is very large this time!

Enhancements from user contributed PRs (with thanks!):
- Max Bolingbroke added support for the selective use of fastmath flags in
- Rob Ennis made min() and max() work on iterables in 3820 and added
  np.quantile and np.nanquantile in 3899.
- Sergey Shalnov added numerous unicode string related features, zfill in 3978,
  ljust in 4001, rjust and center in 4044 and strip, lstrip and rstrip in
- Guilherme Leobas added support for np.delete in 3890
- Christoph Deil exposed the Numba CLI via python -m numba in 4066 and made
  numerous documentation fixes.
- Leo Schwarz wrote the bulk of the code for jitclass default constructor
  arguments in 3852.
- Nick White enhanced the CUDA backend to use min/max PTX instructions where
  possible in 4054.
- Lucio Fernandez-Arjona implemented the unicode string __mul__ function in
- Dimitri Vorona wrote the bulk of the code to implement getitem and setitem for
  jitclass in 3861.

General Enhancements:

* Min max on iterables
* Unicode type iteration
* Allow fine-grained control of fastmath flags to partially address 2923
* Add support for np.delete
* Support for np.quantile and np.nanquantile
* Fix 3457 :: Implements np.repeat
* Add .view() method for NumPy scalars
* Update icc_rt clone recipe.
* __mul__ for strings, initial implementation and tests
* Type-inferred dictionary
* Create a view for string slicing to avoid extra allocations
* zfill operation implementation
* ljust operation implementation
* Support dict() and {}
* Support for llvm 8
* Make type.Optional str more representative
* Deprecation warnings
* rjust and center operations implementation
* strip, lstrip and rstrip operations implementation
* Expose numba CLI via python -m numba
* Impl np.shape and support function for asarray.
* Deprecate the use of iternext_impl without RefType

CUDA Enhancements/Fixes:
* Adds .nbytes property to CUDA device array objects.
* Add .inspect_ptx() to cuda device function
* CUDA: Use min/max PTX Instructions
* Update env-vars for CUDA libraries lookup

Documentation Updates:
* Code repository map
* adding Joris' Fosdem 2019 presentation
* order talks on applications of Numba by date
* fix two small typos in vectorize docs
* Fixup jitclass docs
* mention preprint repo in FAQ. Fixes 3981
* Correct runtests command in contributing.rst
* fix typo
* Ambiguous Documentation fix for guvectorize.
* Remove remaining mentions of autojit in docs
* Fix annotate example in docstring
* Add FAQ entry explaining Numba project name
* Add Documentation for atomicity of typed.Dict
* Remove info about CUDA ENVVAR potential replacement

* Resolves issue 3528.  Adds support for slices when not using parallel=True.
* Remove dels for known dead vars.
* Fix mutable flag transmission in .astype
* Fix some minor issues in the C source.
* Correct boolean reinterpretation of data
* Comments out the appveyor badge
* fixes flake8 after merge
* Add assert to to help enforce correct structuring
* fix preparfor dtype transform for datetime64
* Prevent mutation of objmode fallback IR.
* Updates for llvmlite 0.29
* Use safe_load from pyyaml.
* Add tolerance to network errors by permitting conda to retry
* Fix casting in namedtuple ctor.
* Fix array inliner for multiple array definition.
* Cherrypick 3903 to main
* Raise better error if unsupported jump opcode found.
* Apply flake8 to the numpy related files
* Silence DeprecationWarning
* Better error message for unknown opcode
* Fix typing of ufuncs in parfor conversion
* Return variable renaming dict from inline_closurecall
* Fix bug in alignment computation of Record.make_c_struct
* Fix error with pickling unicode
* Unicode split algo versioning
* Add handler for unknown locale to numba -s
* Permit Optionals in ufunc machinery
* Remove assert in type inference causing poor error message.
* add is_ascii flag to UnicodeType
* Prevent zero division error in np.linalg.cond
* Resolves 4007.
* Add a more specific error message for invalid write to a global.
* Fix handling of titles in record dtype
* Do a check if a call is const before saying that an object is multiply defined.
* Fix issue 4020.  Turn off no_cpython_wrapper flag when compiling for…
* [WIP] Fixing wrong dtype of array inside reflected list 4028
* Change IPython cache dir name to numba_cache
* Delete examples/notebooks/
* Catch writes to global typed.Dict and raise.
* Check tuple length
* Fix missing incref on optional return None
* Make the warnings fixer flush work for warning comparing on type.
* Fix function definition finding logic for commented def
* Fix alignment check on 32-bit.
* Use PEP 508 compliant env markers for install deps


2019-06-02 09:02:45 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-llvmlite: updated to 0.29.0

This release upgrades to LLVM 8.0 for all supported platforms except PPC64LE.
Due to numerous problems with LLVM 8.0 running on PPC64LE,
we have decided to use LLVM 7.1, which is more stable on PPC64LE.
In addition, non-host LLVM targets, AMDGPU, NVPTX, and WebAssembly, are enabled
and they are available in our `llvmlite` builds.
* Revert "LLVM 7 changed memset intrinsic signature, adjust it"
* Depend on enum34 using PEP 508 environment markers
* Upgrade to llvm8
* Support loading from current directory and egg files
* Add missing fastmath flags from LLVM 7
* LLVM 7 changed memset intrinsic signature, adjust it


2019-06-02 08:46:27 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated lang/llvm and friends, devel/include-what-you-use


2019-06-02 08:45:24 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

include-what-you-use: updated to 0.12

iwyu 0.12 compatible with llvm+clang 8.0 is released. Major changes:
[iwyu] New command-line option: --keep to mirror IWYU pragma: keep
[iwyu] New command-line option: --cxx17ns to suggest compact C++17 nested namespaces
[iwyu] Improve --no_fwd_decls to optimize for minimal number of redeclarations
[iwyu] Improved mappings for POSIX types and let mappings apply to builtins as well
[iwyu] More principled handling of explicit template instantiations
[iwyu_tool] Breaking change: extra args are no longer automatically prefixed with -Xiwyu (so you can use them for Clang args too)
[iwyu_tool] Better Windows support
[fix_includes] Better handling of template forward-decls


2019-06-02 08:43:05 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

rust: use external LLVM on Darwin; change libLLVM version for SunOS after llvm update to 8.0.0


2019-06-02 08:41:59 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

libcxx: updated to 8.0.0:

What窶冱 New in Libc++ 8.0.0?

API Changes

Building libc++ for Mac OSX 10.6 is not supported anymore.
Starting with LLVM 8.0.0, users that wish to link together translation units built with different versions of libc++窶冱 headers into the same final linked image MUST define the _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI_PER_TU macro to 1 when building those translation units. Not defining _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI_PER_TU to 1 and linking translation units built with different versions of libc++窶冱 headers together may lead to ODR violations and ABI issues. On the flipside, code size improvements should be expected for everyone not defining the macro.
Starting with LLVM 8.0.0, std::dynarray has been removed from the library. std::dynarray was a feature proposed for C++14 that was pulled from the Standard at the last minute and was never standardized. Since there are no plans to standardize this facility it is being removed.
Starting with LLVM 8.0.0, std::bad_array_length has been removed from the library. std::bad_array_length was a feature proposed for C++14 alongside std::dynarray, but it never actually made it into the C++ Standard. There are no plans to standardize this feature at this time. Formally speaking, this removal constitutes an ABI break because the symbols were shipped in the shared library. However, on macOS systems, the feature was not usable because it was hidden behind availability annotations. We do not expect any actual breakage to happen from this change.


2019-06-02 08:41:18 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

clang-tools-extra: updated to 8.0.0

Clang Tools 8.0.0:

Improvements to clangd

clangd now adds namespace qualifiers in code completion, for example, if you type 窶忻ec窶�, the list of completions will include 窶徭td::vector窶�.

When a global index is available, clangd will use it to augment the results of 窶徃o to definition窶� and 窶彷ind references窶� queries. Global index also enables global code completion, which suggests symbols that are not imported in the current file and automatically inserts the missing #include directives.

clangd stores the symbol index on disk in a new compact binary serialization format. It is 10x more compact than YAML and 40% more compact than gzipped YAML.

clangd has a new efficient symbol index suitable for complex and fuzzy queries and large code bases (e.g., LLVM, Chromium). This index is used for code completion, go to definition, and cross-references. The architecture of the index allows for complex and fuzzy retrieval criteria and sophisticated scoring.

clangd has a new LSP extension that communicates information about activity on clangd窶冱 per-file worker thread. This information can be displayed to users to let them know that the language server is busy with something. For example, in clangd, building the AST blocks many other operations.

clangd has a new LSP extension that allows the client to supply the compilation commands over LSP, instead of finding compile_commands.json on disk.

clangd has a new LSP extension that allows the client to request fixes to be sent together with diagnostics, instead of asynchronously.

clangd has a new LSP extension that allows the client to resolve a symbol in a light-weight manner, without retrieving further information (like definition location, which may require consulting an index).

Improvements to clang-query

A new command line parameter --preload was added to run commands from a file and then start the interactive interpreter.

The command q can was added as an alias for quit to exit the clang-query interpreter.

It is now possible to bind to named values (the result of let expressions).

It is now possible to write comments in clang-query code. This is primarily useful when using script-mode. Comments are all content following the # character on a line.

The new set print-matcher true command now causes clang-query to print the evaluated matcher together with the resulting bindings.

A new output mode detailed-ast was added to clang-query. The existing dump output mode is now a deprecated alias for detailed-ast

Output modes can now be enabled or disabled non-exclusively.

Improvements to clang-tidy

New abseil-duration-comparison check.

Checks for comparisons which should be done in the absl::Duration domain instead of the float of integer domains.

New abseil-duration-division check.

Checks for uses of absl::Duration division that is done in a floating-point context, and recommends the use of a function that returns a floating-point value.

New abseil-duration-factory-float check.

Checks for cases where the floating-point overloads of various absl::Duration factory functions are called when the more-efficient integer versions could be used instead.

New abseil-duration-factory-scale check.

Checks for cases where arguments to absl::Duration factory functions are scaled internally and could be changed to a different factory function.

New abseil-duration-subtraction check.

Checks for cases where subtraction should be performed in the absl::Duration domain.

New abseil-faster-strsplit-delimiter check.

Finds instances of absl::StrSplit() or absl::MaxSplits() where the delimiter is a single character string literal and replaces with a character.

New abseil-no-internal-dependencies check.

Gives a warning if code using Abseil depends on internal details.

New abseil-no-namespace check.

Ensures code does not open namespace absl as that violates Abseil窶冱 compatibility guidelines.

New abseil-redundant-strcat-calls check.

Suggests removal of unnecessary calls to absl::StrCat when the result is being passed to another absl::StrCat or absl::StrAppend.

New abseil-str-cat-append check.

Flags uses of absl::StrCat() to append to a std::string. Suggests absl::StrAppend() should be used instead.

New abseil-upgrade-duration-conversions check.

Finds calls to absl::Duration arithmetic operators and factories whose argument needs an explicit cast to continue compiling after upcoming API changes.

New bugprone-too-small-loop-variable check.

Detects those for loops that have a loop variable with a 窶徼oo small窶� type which means this type can窶冲 represent all values which are part of the iteration range.

New cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage check.

Finds macro usage that is considered problematic because better language constructs exist for the task.

New google-objc-function-naming check.

Checks that function names in function declarations comply with the naming conventions described in the Google Objective-C Style Guide.

New misc-non-private-member-variables-in-classes check.

Finds classes that not only contain the data (non-static member variables), but also have logic (non-static member functions), and diagnoses all member variables that have any other scope other than private.

New modernize-avoid-c-arrays check.

Finds C-style array types and recommend to use std::array<> / std::vector<>.

New modernize-concat-nested-namespaces check.

Checks for uses of nested namespaces in the form of namespace a { namespace b { ... }} and offers change to syntax introduced in C++17 standard: namespace a::b { ... }.

New modernize-deprecated-ios-base-aliases check.

Detects usage of the deprecated member types of std::ios_base and replaces those that have a non-deprecated equivalent.

New modernize-use-nodiscard check.

Adds [[nodiscard]] attributes (introduced in C++17) to member functions to highlight at compile time which return values should not be ignored.

New readability-const-return-type check.

Checks for functions with a const-qualified return type and recommends removal of the const keyword.

New readability-isolate-decl check.

Detects local variable declarations declaring more than one variable and tries to refactor the code to one statement per declaration.

New readability-magic-numbers check.

Detects usage of magic numbers, numbers that are used as literals instead of introduced via constants or symbols.

New readability-redundant-preprocessor check.

Finds potentially redundant preprocessor directives.

New readability-uppercase-literal-suffix check.

Detects when the integral literal or floating point literal has non-uppercase suffix, and suggests to make the suffix uppercase. The list of destination suffixes can be optionally provided.

New alias cert-dcl16-c to readability-uppercase-literal-suffix added.

New alias cppcoreguidelines-avoid-c-arrays to modernize-avoid-c-arrays added.

New alias cppcoreguidelines-non-private-member-variables-in-classes to misc-non-private-member-variables-in-classes added.

New alias hicpp-avoid-c-arrays to modernize-avoid-c-arrays added.

New alias hicpp-uppercase-literal-suffix to readability-uppercase-literal-suffix added.

The cppcoreguidelines-narrowing-conversions check now detects more narrowing conversions: - integer to narrower signed integer (this is compiler implementation defined), - integer - floating point narrowing conversions, - floating point - integer narrowing conversions, - constants with narrowing conversions (even in ternary operator).

The objc-property-declaration check now ignores the Acronyms and IncludeDefaultAcronyms options.

The readability-redundant-smartptr-get check does not warn about calls inside macros anymore by default.

The readability-uppercase-literal-suffix check does not warn about literal suffixes inside macros anymore by default.


2019-06-02 08:39:28 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

clang: updated to 8.0.0

Clang 8.0.0:

Major New Features

* Clang supports use of a profile remapping file, which permits profile data captured for one version of a program to be applied when building another version where symbols have changed (for example, due to renaming a class or namespace). See the UsersManual for details.

* Clang has new options to initialize automatic variables with a pattern. The default is still that automatic variables are uninitialized. This isn窶冲 meant to change the semantics of C and C++. Rather, it窶冱 meant to be a last resort when programmers inadvertently have some undefined behavior in their code. These options aim to make undefined behavior hurt less, which security-minded people will be very happy about.

* Improvements to Clang窶冱 diagnostics

Non-comprehensive list of changes in this release
* The experimental feature Pretokenized Headers (PTH) was removed in its entirely from Clang. The feature did not properly work with about 1/3 of the possible tokens available and was unmaintained.
* The internals of libc++ include directory detection on MacOS have changed. Instead of running a search based on the -resource-dir flag, the search is now based on the path of the compiler in the filesystem. The default behaviour should not change. However, if you override -resource-dir manually and rely on the old behaviour you will need to add appropriate compiler flags for finding the corresponding libc++ include directory.
* The integrated assembler is used now by default for all MIPS targets.
* Improved support for MIPS N32 ABI and MIPS R6 target triples.
* Clang now includes builtin functions for bitwise rotation of common value sizes, such as: __builtin_rotateleft32
* Improved optimization for the corresponding MSVC compatibility builtins such as _rotl().


2019-06-02 08:37:39 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

lld: updated to 8.0.0

lld 8.0.0:

Non-comprehensive list of changes in this release

ELF Improvements
* lld now supports RISC-V. (r339364)
* Default image base address has changed from 65536 to 2 MiB for i386 and 4 MiB for AArch64 to make lld-generated executables work better with automatic superpage promotion. FreeBSD can promote contiguous non-superpages to a superpage if they are aligned to the superpage size. (r342746)
* lld now attempts to place a .note segment in the first page of a generated file, so that you can find some important information ( in particular) in a core file even if a core file is truncated by ulimit. (r349524)
* lld now reports an error if _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ symbol is defined by an input object file, as the symbol is supposed to be synthesized by the linker. (r347854)
* lld/Hexagon can now link Linux kernel and musl libc for Qualcomm Hexagon ISA.
* Initial MSP430 ISA support has landed.
* lld now uses the sigrie instruction as a trap instruction for MIPS targets.
* lld now creates a TLS segment for AArch64 with a slightly larger alignment requirement, so that the loader makes a few bytes room before each TLS segment at runtime. The aim of this change is to make room to accomodate nonstandard Android TLS slots while keeping the compatibility with the standard AArch64 ABI. (r350681)
* The following flags have been added: --call-graph-profile, --no-call-graph-profile, --warn-ifunc-textrel, -z interpose, -z global, -z nodefaultlib

COFF Improvements
* PDB GUID is set to hash of PDB contents instead to a random byte sequence for build reproducibility.
* /pdbsourcepath: is now also used to make "cwd", "exe", "pdb" in the env block of PDB outputs absolute if they are relative, and to make paths to obj files referenced in PDB outputs absolute if they are relative. Together with the previous item, this makes it possible to generate executables and PDBs that are fully deterministic and independent of the absolute path to the build directory, so that different machines building the same code in different directories can produce exactly the same output.
* The following flags have been added: /force:multiple
* lld now can link against import libraries produced by GNU tools.
* lld can create thunks for ARM and ARM64, to allow linking larger images (over 16 MB for ARM and over 128 MB for ARM64)
* Several speed and memory usage improvements.
* lld now creates debug info for typedefs.
* lld can now link obj files produced by cl.exe /Z7 /Yc.
* lld now understands %_PDB% and %_EXT% in /pdbaltpath:.
* Undefined symbols are now printed in demangled form in addition to raw form.

MinGW Improvements
* lld can now automatically import data variables from DLLs without the use of the dllimport attribute.
* lld can now use existing normal MinGW sysroots with import libraries and CRT startup object files for GNU binutils. lld can handle most object files produced by GCC, and thus works as a drop-in replacement for ld.bfd in such environments. (There are known issues with linking crtend.o from GCC in setups with DWARF exceptions though, where object files are linked in a different order than with GNU ld, inserting a DWARF exception table terminator too early.)
* lld now supports COFF embedded directives for linking to nondefault libraries, just like for the normal COFF target.
* Actually generate a codeview build id signature, even if not creating a PDB. Previously, the --build-id option did not actually generate a build id unless --pdb was specified.

WebAssembly Improvements
* Add initial support for creating shared libraries (-shared). Note: The shared library format is still under active development and may undergo significant changes in future versions. See:


2019-06-02 08:35:56 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

llvm: updated to 8.0.0

Non-comprehensive list of changes in this release
* The llvm-cov tool can now export lcov trace files using the -format=lcov option of the export command.
* The add_llvm_loadable_module CMake macro has been removed. The add_llvm_library macro with the MODULE argument now provides the same functionality. See Writing an LLVM Pass.
* For MinGW, references to data variables that might need to be imported from a dll are accessed via a stub, to allow the linker to convert it to a dllimport if needed.
* Added support for labels as offsets in .reloc directive.
* Support for precise identification of X86 instructions with memory operands, by using debug information. This supports profile-driven cache prefetching. It is enabled with the -x86-discriminate-memops LLVM Flag.
* Support for profile-driven software cache prefetching on X86. This is part of a larger system, consisting of: an offline cache prefetches recommender, AutoFDO tooling, and LLVM. In this system, a binary compiled with -x86-discriminate-memops is run under the observation of the recommender. The recommender identifies certain memory access instructions by their binary file address, and recommends a prefetch of a specific type (NTA, T0, etc) be performed at a specified fixed offset from such an instruction窶冱 memory operand. Next, this information needs to be converted to the AutoFDO syntax and the resulting profile may be passed back to the compiler with the LLVM flag -prefetch-hints-file, together with the exact same set of compilation parameters used for the original binary. More information is available in the RFC.
* Windows support for libFuzzer (x86_64).


2019-06-02 08:31:47 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-hypothesis, devel/py-test


2019-06-02 08:31:27 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-test: updated to 4.6.0

pytest 4.6.0:

The 4.6.X series will be the last series to support Python 2 and Python 3.4.

* Added the junit_log_passing_tests ini value which can be used to enable or disable logging of passing test output in the Junit XML file.
* pytester窶冱 testdir.spawn uses tmpdir as HOME/USERPROFILE directory.
* Unroll calls to all to full for-loops with assertion rewriting for better failure messages, especially when using Generator Expressions.
* Switch from pkg_resources to importlib-metadata for entrypoint detection for improved performance and import time.
* The output for ini options in --help has been improved.
* pytest.importorskip includes the ImportError now in the default reason.
* Captured logs that are output for each failing test are formatted using the ColoredLevelFormatter.
* Improved formatting of multiline log messages in Python 3.
Bug Fixes

* The debugging plugin imports the wrapped Pdb class (--pdbcls) on-demand now.
* The pytest_enter_pdb hook gets called with post-mortem (--pdb).
* Fix issue where fixtures dependent on other parametrized fixtures would be erroneously parametrized.
* Handle internal error due to a lone surrogate unicode character not being representable in Jython.
* Ensure that sys.stdout.mode does not include 'b' as it is a text stream.
* Pytest窶冱 internal python plugin can be disabled using -p no:python again.
* Fix issue with disable_test_id_escaping_and_forfeit_all_rights_to_community_support option not working when using a list of test IDs in parametrized tests.
* Show the test module being collected when emitting PytestCollectionWarning messages for test classes with __init__ and __new__ methods to make it easier to pin down the problem.
* Fix regression in 4.5.0 with --lf not re-running all tests with known failures from non-selected tests.

Improved Documentation
* Expand docs on use of setenv and delenv with monkeypatch.


2019-06-02 08:30:19 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-hypothesis: updated to 4.24.0

This release deprecates GenericStateMachine, in favor of :class:~hypothesis.stateful.RuleBasedStateMachine. Rule-based stateful testing is significantly faster, especially during shrinking.

If your use-case truly does not fit rule-based stateful testing, we recommend writing a custom test function which drives your specific control-flow using

This patch fixes a very rare example database issue with file permissions.

When running a test that uses both :func:@given <hypothesis.given> and pytest.mark.parametrize, using :pypi:pytest-xdist on Windows, with failing examples in the database, two attempts to read a file could overlap and we caught FileNotFound but not other OSErrors.

This patch has a minor cleanup of the internal engine. There is no user-visible impact.

This patch clarifies some error messages when the test function signature is incompatible with the arguments to :func:@given <hypothesis.given>, especially when the :obj:@settings() <hypothesis.settings> decorator is also used (:issue:1978).

This release adds the :pypi:pyupgrade fixer to our code style, for consistent use of dict and set literals and comprehensions.

This release slightly simplifies a small part of the core engine. There is no user-visible change.


2019-06-01 20:26:52 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/cmake


2019-06-01 20:24:07 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

cmake: updated to 3.14.5

Changes in 3.14.5 since 3.14.4:
* FindBoost: Add compiler features for Boost Contract library
* libarchive: avoid b64_encode name conflict with Solaris built-in function
* FindThreads: Drop incorrect docs about usage with C++
* Do not exclude include directories made implicit by CPATH
* VS: Isolate custom command input/output generation scopes
* VS: Clarify name of custom commands AdditionalInputs variable
* VS: De-duplicate custom command dependencies


2019-05-31 20:57:28 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated security/py-oath, www/py-wsproto


2019-05-31 20:57:05 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-wsproto: updated to 0.14.1

* Loosen the h11 requirement to >= 0.8.1 as wsproto is compatible with
  0.9 onwards.
* Stop installing a "test" package on installation.


2019-05-31 20:54:11 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-oath: updated to 1.4.3

fix deprecation warning with python 3.7


2019-05-31 20:52:26 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated security/libsodium, lang/nodejs


2019-05-31 20:52:00 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2019-05-31 20:49:02 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

libsodium: updated to 1.0.18

Version 1.0.18
- The Enterprise versions of Visual Studio are now supported.
- Visual Studio 2019 is now supported.
- 32-bit binaries for Visual Studio 2010 are now provided.
- A test that didn't work properly on Linux systems with overcommit
memory turned on has been removed. This fixes Ansible builds.
- Emscripten: print and printErr functions are overridden to send
errors to the console, if there is one.
- Emscripten: UTF8ToString() is now exported since Pointer_stringify()
has been deprecated.
- Libsodium version detection has been fixed in the CMake recipe.
- Generic hashing got a 10% speedup on AVX2.
- New target: WebAssembly/WASI (compile with dist-builds/
- New functions to map a hash to an edwards25519 point or get a random point:
core_ed25519_from_hash() and core_ed25519_random().
- crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_mul() has been implemented for scalar*scalar
(mod L) multiplication.
- Support for the Ristretto group has been implemented, for compatibility
with wasm-crypto.
- Improvements have been made to the test suite.
- Portability improvements has been made.
- getentropy() is now used on systems providing this system call.
- randombytes_salsa20 has been renamed to randombytes_internal.
- Support for (p)nacl has been removed.
- Most ((nonnull)) attributes have been relaxed to allow 0-length inputs
to be NULL.
- The -ftree-vectorize and -ftree-slp-vectorize compiler switches are
now used, if available, for optimized builds.


2019-05-31 17:37:42 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated security/py-cryptography, security/py-cryptography_vectors, www/py-livereload, www/py-h11


2019-05-31 17:37:17 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-h11: updated to 0.9.0


Bug fixes:
* Allow a broader range of characters in header values. This violates
  the RFC, but is apparently required for compatibility with
  real-world code, like Google Analytics cookies
* Validate incoming and outgoing request paths for invalid
  characters. This prevents a variety of potential security issues
  that have affected other HTTP clients.
* Force status codes to be integers, thereby allowing stdlib
  HTTPStatus IntEnums to be used when constructing responses

Other changes:
* Make all sentinel values inspectable by IDEs, and split
* Drop support for Python 3.3.
* LocalProtocolError raised in start_next_cycle now shows states for
  more informative errors


2019-05-31 17:34:34 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-livereload: updated to 2.6.1

Version 2.6.1
Fixed bugs


2019-05-31 17:28:48 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-cryptography[_vectors]: updated to 2.7

BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: We no longer distribute 32-bit manylinux1 wheels. Continuing to produce them was a maintenance burden.
BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: Removed the cryptography.hazmat.primitives.mac.MACContext interface. The CMAC and HMAC APIs have not changed, but they are no longer registered as MACContext instances.
Updated Windows, macOS, and manylinux1 wheels to be compiled with OpenSSL 1.1.1c.
Removed support for running our tests with test. Users interested in running our tests can continue to follow the directions in our :doc:development documentation</development/getting-started>.
Add support for :class:~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.poly1305.Poly1305 when using OpenSSL 1.1.1 or newer.
Support serialization with Encoding.OpenSSH and PublicFormat.OpenSSH in :meth:Ed25519PublicKey.public_bytes <cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PublicKey.public_bytes> .
Correctly allow passing a SubjectKeyIdentifier to :meth:~cryptography.x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier.from_issuer_subject_key_identifier and deprecate passing an Extension object. The documentation always required SubjectKeyIdentifier but the implementation previously required an Extension.


2019-05-31 13:03:46 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated databases/prometheus


2019-05-31 13:03:25 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

prometheus: updated to 2.10.0

[CHANGE/BUGFIX] API: Encode alert values as string to correctly represent Inf/NaN.
[FEATURE] Template expansion: Make external labels available as $externalLabels in alert and console template expansion.
[FEATURE] TSDB: Add prometheus_tsdb_wal_segment_current metric for the WAL segment index that TSDB is currently writing to.
[FEATURE] Scrape: Add scrape_series_added per-scrape metric.
[ENHANCEMENT] Discovery/kubernetes: Add labels __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_node_name and __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_hostname.
[ENHANCEMENT] Discovery/azure: Add label __meta_azure_machine_public_ip.
[ENHANCEMENT] TSDB: Simplify mergedPostings.Seek, resulting in better performance if there are many posting lists.
[ENHANCEMENT] Log filesystem type on startup.
[ENHANCEMENT] Cmd/promtool: Use POST requests for Query and QueryRange.
[ENHANCEMENT] Web: Sort alerts by group name.
[ENHANCEMENT] Console templates: Add convenience variables $rawParams, $params, $path.
[BUGFIX] TSDB: Don't panic when running out of disk space and recover nicely from the condition.
[BUGFIX] TSDB: Correctly handle empty labels.
[BUGFIX] TSDB: Don't crash on an unknown tombstone reference.
[BUGFIX] Storage/remote: Remove queue-manager specific metrics if queue no longer exists.
[BUGFIX] PromQL: Correctly display {__name__="a"}.
[BUGFIX] Discovery/kubernetes: Use service rather than ingress as the name for the service workqueue.
[BUGFIX] Discovery/azure: Don't panic on a VM with a public IP.
[BUGFIX] Discovery/triton: Always read HTTP body to completion.
[BUGFIX] Web: Fixed Content-Type for js and css instead of using /etc/mime.types.


2019-05-31 12:44:25 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated geography/py-country, www/py-django2, security/py-cryptodome, www/py-cfscrape


2019-05-31 12:43:54 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2019-05-31 12:40:50 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-cryptodome: updated to 3.8.2

Resolved issues
* fix strict aliasing problem, emerged with GCC 9.1.


2019-05-31 12:40:05 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-django2: updated to 2.1.8

Prevented admin inlines for a ManyToManyField窶冱 implicit through model from being editable if the user only has the view permission


2019-05-31 12:37:04 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-country: updated to 18.12.8

WARNING: This release contains a subtle but important API change that may break integrations!
Looking at 13416 I realized that I made a terrible API design choice with respect to how the get function should behave in Python. Probably under the influence of either too little or too much whiskey I went and implemented get so that it raises a KeyError instead of doing the Pythonic thing and returning None and allowing to customize the default. There was a bit of back-and-forth around this code in previous releases (specifically touching edge cases to have the Subdivision API behave ���reasonably���, although there doesn���t seem to be one right way there.)
Anyway, when preparing this release and reviewing 13416 and the other related issues and changes from the past I noticed my mistake an decide to fix it going forward.
So, from now on get will behave as expected in Python and yes, this means you will have to update your integration code carefully now checking for None returns instead of expecting KeyErrors. This is work, but I think it���s worthwhile to uphold this convention within the Python community.

* Switch API from ���get + KeyError��� to ��� get + default=None���. This is a subtle API-breaking change. Please update carefully.
* Update to iso-codes 4.1.


2019-05-31 10:06:36 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated graphics/libimagequant, graphics/pngquant


2019-05-31 10:06:18 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

pngquant: updated to 2.12.3

Bug fixes


2019-05-31 10:05:34 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2019-05-31 08:30:19 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated net/libcares, net/grpc


2019-05-31 08:29:49 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

grpc: updated to 1.21.2

Release v1.21.2
This is the 1.21.2 patch release for the PHP extension only. Please do not use this release for other language.

Fix linking with c-ares.


2019-05-31 08:11:39 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2019-05-31 08:09:41 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2019-05-30 09:35:24 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated www/py-autobahn, www/py-hyperlink


2019-05-30 09:34:38 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-hyperlink: updated to 19.0.0

A query parameter-centric release, with two enhancements:
"equals sign" characters in query parameter values are no longer escaped.
URL.remove() now accepts value and limit parameters, allowing for removal of specific name-value pairs, as well as limiting the number of removals.


2019-05-30 09:10:13 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-autobahn: updated to 19.5.1

fix: authextra merging
fix: set default retry_delay_jitter
new: add rawsocket + twisted example
new: WebSocket testing support, via Agent-style interface
new: decorator for on_connectfailure
fix: delayed call leakage
new: CLI client
fix: set up TLS over proxy properly
new: expose ser modules
fix: base64 encodings, add hex encoding
new: onConnecting callback (with TransportDetails and ConnectingRequest). Note: if you've implemented a pure IWebSocketChannel without inheriting from Autobahn base classes, you'll need to add an onConnecting() method that just does return None.


2019-05-30 05:13:42 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated textproc/py-markdown2, devel/py-freezegun


2019-05-30 05:13:20 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-freezegun: updated to 0.3.12

* Refactor classes to functions
* Ignore Selenium
* Move to pytest
* Conditionally patch time.clock


2019-05-30 05:10:55 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-markdown2: updated to 2.3.8

python-markdown2 2.3.8
- Temporary fix to issue 150
- Stop XML escaping the body of a link
- Don't auto link patterns surrounded by triple quotes
- Add class configurability to the enclosing tag
- Accept [X] as marked task


2019-05-29 21:28:21 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated audio/soundtouch


2019-05-29 21:28:03 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

soundtouch: updated to 2.1.2

Bugfixes: Fixed potential buffer overwrite bugs in WavFile routines. Replaced asserts with runtime exceptions.
Android: Migrated the SoundTouch Android example to new Android Studio
Automake: unset ACLOCAL in bootstrap script in case earlier build script has set it

Refactored C# interface example
Disable anti-alias filter when switch SOUNDTOUCH_PREVENT_CLICK_AT_RATE_CROSSOVER defined because anti-alias filter cause slight click if the rate change crosses zero during processing
Added script for building SoundTouchDll dynamic-link-library for GNU platforms
Rewrote Beats-per-Minute analysis algorithm for more reliable BPM detection
Added BPM functions to SoundTouchDll API
Migrated Visual Studio project files to MSVC 201x format
Replaced function parameter value asserts with runtime exceptions
Code maintenance & style cleanup

Added functions to get initial processing latency, duration ratio between the original input and processed output tracks, and clarified reporting of input/output batch sizes
Fixed issue that added brief sequence of silence to beginning of output audio
Adjusted algorithm parameters to reduce reverberating effect at tempo slowdown
Bugfix: Fixed a glitch that could cause negative array indexing in quick seek algorithm
Bugfix: flush() didn't properly flush final samples from the pipeline on 2nd time in case that soundtouch object instance was recycled and used for processing a second audio stream.
Bugfix: Pi value had incorrect 9th/10th decimals
Added C# example application that uses SoundTouch dll library for processing MP3 files

Fix in GNU package configuration

Improved SoundTouch::flush() function so that it returns precisely the desired amount of samples for exact output duration control
Redesigned quickseek algorithm for improved sound quality when using the quickseek mode. The new quickseek algorithm can find 99% as good results as the default full-scan mode, while the quickseek algorithm is remarkable less CPU intensive.
Added adaptive integer divider scaling for improved sound quality when using integer processing algorithm


2019-05-29 21:12:12 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated www/py-django-cors-headers, databases/py-sqlalchemy


2019-05-29 21:11:51 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-sqlalchemy: updated to 1.3.4


[orm] [bug]
Fixed issue where the AttributeEvents.active_history flag would not be set for an event listener that propgated to a subclass via the AttributeEvents.propagate flag. This bug has been present for the full span of the AttributeEvents system.

[orm] [bug]
Fixed regression where new association proxy system was still not proxying hybrid attributes when they made use of the @hybrid_property.expression decorator to return an alternate SQL expression, or when the hybrid returned an arbitrary PropComparator, at the expression level. This involved futher generalization of the heuristics used to detect the type of object being proxied at the level of QueryableAttribute, to better detect if the descriptor ultimately serves mapped classes or column expressions.

[orm] [bug]
Applied the mapper 窶彡onfigure mutex窶� against the declarative class mapping process, to guard against the race which can occur if mappers are used while dynamic module import schemes are still in the process of configuring mappers for related classes. This does not guard against all possible race conditions, such as if the concurrent import has not yet encountered the dependent classes as of yet, however it guards against as much as possible within the SQLAlchemy declarative process.

[orm] [bug]
A warning is now emitted for the case where a transient object is being merged into the session with Session.merge() when that object is already transient in the Session. This warns for the case where the object would normally be double-inserted.

[orm] [bug]
Fixed regression in new relationship m2o comparison logic first introduced at Improvement to the behavior of many-to-one query expressions when comparing to an attribute that is persisted as NULL and is in an un-fetched state in the mapped instance. Since the attribute has no explicit default, it needs to default to NULL when accessed in a persistent setting.

[engine] [bug] [postgresql]
Moved the 窶徨ollback窶� which occurs during dialect initialization so that it occurs after additional dialect-specific initialize steps, in particular those of the psycopg2 dialect which would inadvertently leave transactional state on the first new connection, which could interfere with some psycopg2-specific APIs which require that no transaction is started. Pull request courtesy Matthew Wilkes.

[sql] [bug]
Fixed that the GenericFunction class was inadvertently registering itself as one of the named functions. Pull request courtesy Adrien Berchet.

[sql] [bug]
Fixed issue where double negation of a boolean column wouldn窶冲 reset the 窶廸OT窶� operator.

[sql] [bug]
The GenericFunction namespace is being migrated so that function names are looked up in a case-insensitive manner, as SQL functions do not collide on case sensitive differences nor is this something which would occur with user-defined functions or stored procedures. Lookups for functions declared with GenericFunction now use a case insensitive scheme, however a deprecation case is supported which allows two or more GenericFunction objects with the same name of different cases to exist, which will cause case sensitive lookups to occur for that particular name, while emitting a warning at function registration time. Thanks to Adrien Berchet for a lot of work on this complicated feature.

[postgresql] [bug] [orm]
Fixed an issue where the 窶從umber of rows matched窶� warning would emit even if the dialect reported 窶徭upports_sane_multi_rowcount=False窶�, as is the case for psycogp2 with use_batch_mode=True and others.

[mysql] [bug]
Added support for DROP CHECK constraint which is required by MySQL 8.0.16 to drop a CHECK constraint; MariaDB supports plain DROP CONSTRAINT. The logic distinguishes between the two syntaxes by checking the server version string for MariaDB presence. Alembic migrations has already worked around this issue by implementing its own DROP for MySQL / MariaDB CHECK constraints, however this change implements it straight in Core so that its available for general use. Pull request courtesy Hannes Hansen.

[mssql] [feature]
Added support for SQL Server filtered indexes, via the mssql_where parameter which works similarly to that of the postgresql_where index function in the PostgreSQL dialect.

[mssql] [bug]
Added error code 20047 to 窶彿s_disconnect窶� for pymssql. Pull request courtesy Jon Schuff.

[misc] [bug]
Removed errant 窶徭qla_nose.py窶� symbol from which created an undesirable warning message.


2019-05-29 21:07:15 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-django-cors-headers: updated to 3.0.2

* Add a hint to the corsheaders.E013 check to make it more obvious how to
  resolve it.


2019-05-29 21:05:33 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-babel, textproc/py-phonenumbers


2019-05-29 21:05:10 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-phonenumbers: updated to 8.10.12

What's new in 8.10.8

Making the application of alternate formats when finding phone numbers in text in strict-grouping and exact-match mode depend on the leading digits for each rule. This was always assumed but never actually done. This means that the false positive rate will decrease but also that more valid numbers are skipped. A subsequent CL will update patterns to increase recall.


2019-05-29 21:02:29 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-babel: updated to 2.7.0

Version 2.7.0

Possibly incompatible changes
These may be backward incompatible in some cases, as some more-or-less internal
APIs have changed. Please feel free to file issues if you bump into anything
strange and we'll try to help!

* General: Internal uses of babel.util.odict have been replaced with
  collections.OrderedDict from The Python standard library.

* CLDR: Upgrade to CLDR 35.1
* General: allow anchoring path patterns to the start of a string
* General: Bumped version requirement on pytz
* Messages: pybabel compile: exit with code 1 if errors were encountered
* Messages: Add omit-header to update_catalog
* Messages: Catalog update: keep user comments from destination by default
* Messages: Skip empty message when writing mo file
* Messages: Small fixes to avoid crashes on badly formatted .po files
* Numbers: parse_decimal() strict argument and suggestions
* Numbers: don't repeat suggestions in parse_decimal strict
* Numbers: implement currency formatting with long display names
* Numbers: parse_decimal(): assume spaces are equivalent to non-breaking spaces when not in strict mode
* Performance: Cache locale_identifiers()

* CLDR: Skip alt=... for week data (minDays, firstDay, weekendStart, weekendEnd)
* Dates: Fix wrong weeknumber for 31.12.2018
* Locale: Avoid KeyError trying to get data on WindowsXP
* Locale: get_display_name(): Don't attempt to concatenate variant information to None
* Messages: pofile: Add comparison operators to _NormalizedString
* Messages: pofile: don't crash when message.locations can't be sorted

Tooling & docs
* Docs: Remove all references to deprecated easy_install
* Docs: Switch print statement in docs to print function - NotAFile
* Docs: Update all URLs to
* Docs: Use https URLs throughout project where available
* Support: Add testing and document support for Python 3.7
* Support: Test on Python 3.8-dev
* Support: Using ABCs from collections instead of is deprecated.
* Tests: Fix compatibility with pytest 4.3
* Tests: Update pytest and pytest-cov


2019-05-29 20:58:44 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2019-05-29 20:53:53 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated multimedia/gstreamer1


2019-05-29 20:53:25 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2019-05-29 20:51:48 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

gstreamer1: updated to 1.16.0

GStreamer 1.16.0:

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new major feature release in
the stable 1.x API series of your favourite cross-platform multimedia

As always, this release is again packed with many new features, bug
fixes and other improvements.

-  GStreamer WebRTC stack gained support for data channels for
    peer-to-peer communication based on SCTP, BUNDLE support, as well as
    support for multiple TURN servers.
-  AV1 video codec support for Matroska and QuickTime/MP4 containers
    and more configuration options and supported input formats for the
    AOMedia AV1 encoder
-  Support for Closed Captions and other Ancillary Data in video
-  Support for planar (non-interleaved) raw audio
-  GstVideoAggregator, compositor and OpenGL mixer elements are now in
-  New alternate fields interlace mode where each buffer carries a
    single field
-  WebM and Matroska ContentEncryption support in the Matroska demuxer
-  new WebKit WPE-based web browser source element
-  Video4Linux: HEVC encoding and decoding, JPEG encoding, and improved
    dmabuf import/export
-  Hardware-accelerated Nvidia video decoder gained support for VP8/VP9
    decoding, whilst the encoder gained support for H.265/HEVC encoding.
-  Many improvements to the Intel Media SDK based hardware-accelerated
    video decoder and encoder plugin (msdk): dmabuf import/export for
    zero-copy integration with other components; VP9 decoding; 10-bit
    HEVC encoding; video post-processing (vpp) support including
    deinterlacing; and the video decoder now handles dynamic resolution
-  The ASS/SSA subtitle overlay renderer can now handle multiple
    subtitles that overlap in time and will show them on screen
-  The Meson build is now feature-complete (*) and it is now the
    recommended build system on all platforms. The Autotools build is
    scheduled to be removed in the next cycle.
-  The GStreamer Rust bindings and Rust plugins module are now
    officially part of upstream GStreamer.
-  The GStreamer Editing Services gained a gesdemux element that allows
    directly playing back serialized edit list with playbin or
-  Many performance improvements


2019-05-29 20:41:20 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Updated devel/py-cython, www/py-flask-caching


2019-05-29 20:40:56 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-flask-caching: updated to 1.7.2

Version 1.7.2:
- Do not run a cached/memoized function if the cached return value is None.
