--- - branch: MAIN date: Mon Oct 21 21:01:35 UTC 2019 files: - new: '1.2' old: '1.1' path: pkgsrc/textproc/py-sphinx/ALTERNATIVES pathrev: pkgsrc/textproc/py-sphinx/ALTERNATIVES@1.2 type: modified - new: '1.66' old: '1.65' path: pkgsrc/textproc/py-sphinx/Makefile pathrev: pkgsrc/textproc/py-sphinx/Makefile@1.66 type: modified - new: '1.25' old: '1.24' path: pkgsrc/textproc/py-sphinx/PLIST pathrev: pkgsrc/textproc/py-sphinx/PLIST@1.25 type: modified - new: '1.43' old: '1.42' path: pkgsrc/textproc/py-sphinx/distinfo pathrev: pkgsrc/textproc/py-sphinx/distinfo@1.43 type: modified id: 20191021T210135Z.630f20200644a9c3c78395f1dbd669465481e350 log: "py-sphinx: updated to 2.2.0\n\nRelease 2.2.0:\n\nIncompatible changes\n\napidoc: template files are renamed to .rst_t\nhtml: Field lists will be styled by grid layout\nDeprecated¶\nsphinx.domains.math.MathDomain.add_equation()\nsphinx.domains.math.MathDomain.get_next_equation_number()\nThe info and warn arguments of sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.generate_autosummary_docs()\nsphinx.ext.autosummary.generate._simple_info()\nsphinx.ext.autosummary.generate._simple_warn()\nsphinx.ext.todo.merge_info()\nsphinx.ext.todo.process_todo_nodes()\nsphinx.ext.todo.process_todos()\nsphinx.ext.todo.purge_todos()\n\nFeatures added\n\n* graphviz: :graphviz_dot: option is renamed to :layout:\n* html: emit a warning if html_static_path and html_extra_path directories are inside output directory\n* html: Add a label to search input for accessability purposes\n* apidoc: Add --templatedir option\n* Add override argument to app.add_autodocumenter()\n* imgmath: let imgmath_use_preview work also with the SVG format for images rendering inline math\n* LaTeX: refactor visit_enumerated_list() to use \\sphinxsetlistlabels\n* quickstart: Use https://docs.python.org/3/ for default setting of intersphinx_mapping\n* sphinx-build: give reasons why rebuilded\n\nBugs fixed\n\npy domain: duplicated warning does not point the location of source code\n* html: Sphinx never updates a copy of html_logo even if original file has changed\n* html theme: scrollbar is hard to see on classic theme and macOS\n* linkcheck: Consider HTTP 503 response as not an error\n* Make generated download links reproducible\n* UnboundLocalError is raised if broken extension installed\n* autodoc: autodoc_inherit_docstrings does not effect to __init__() and __new__()\n* autodoc: autodoc_member_order does not refer order of imports when 'bysource' order\n* autodoc: missing type annotation for variadic and keyword parameters\n* autodoc: Formatting issues with autodoc_typehints=â\x80\x99noneâ\x80\x99\n* autodoc: crashed when target code contains custom method-like objects\n* autosummary: crashed with wrong autosummary_generate setting\n* autosummary: crashes without no autosummary_generate setting\n* LaTeX: autonumbered list can not be customized in LaTeX since Sphinx 1.8.0\n* Failed to load last environment object when extension added\n* Invalid sort in pair index\n* last_updated wrongly assumes timezone as UTC\n* std domain: option directive registers an index entry for each comma separated option\n* sphinx-build: Escaped characters in error messages\n* doctest comments not getting trimmed since Sphinx 1.8.0\n* glossary: Wrong hyperlinks are generated for non alphanumeric terms\n* i18n: classifiers of definition list are not translated with docutils-0.15\n* DocFieldTransformer raises AttributeError when given directive is not a subclass of ObjectDescription\n\nRelease 2.1.2:\n\nBugs fixed\n\n* custom lexers fails highlighting when syntax error\n* info field lists are incorrectly recognized\nRelease 2.1.1 (released Jun 10, 2019)\n\nIncompatible changes\n\n* autodoc: Stop to generate document for undocumented module variables\nBugs fixed\n* LaTeX: admonitions of note type can get separated from immediately preceding section title by pagebreak\n* autodoc: crashed when autodocumenting classes with __slots__ = None\n* autodoc: generates docs for â\x80\x9Coptional importâ\x80\x9Ded modules as variables\n* autosummary: crashed when generating document of properties\n* napoleon: docstrings for properties are not processed\n* napoleon: â\x80\x9CUnknown target nameâ\x80\x9D error if variable name ends with underscore\n* apidoc: missing blank lines between modules\n\nRelease 2.1.0:\n\nIncompatible changes\nIgnore filenames without file extension given to Builder.build_specific() API directly\n* The anchor of term in glossary directive is changed if it is consisted by non-ASCII characters\n* html: Centering tables by default using CSS\n* latex: xelatex and xeCJK are used for Chinese documents by default\nSphinx.add_lexer() now takes a Lexer class instead of instance. An instance of lexers are still supported until Sphinx-3.x.\nDeprecated\nsphinx.builders.latex.LaTeXBuilder.apply_transforms()\nsphinx.builders._epub_base.EpubBuilder.esc()\nsphinx.directives.Acks\nsphinx.directives.Author\nsphinx.directives.Centered\nsphinx.directives.Class\nsphinx.directives.CodeBlock\nsphinx.directives.Figure\nsphinx.directives.HList\nsphinx.directives.Highlight\nsphinx.directives.Include\nsphinx.directives.Index\nsphinx.directives.LiteralInclude\nsphinx.directives.Meta\nsphinx.directives.Only\nsphinx.directives.SeeAlso\nsphinx.directives.TabularColumns\nsphinx.directives.TocTree\nsphinx.directives.VersionChange\nsphinx.domains.python.PyClassmember\nsphinx.domains.python.PyModulelevel\nsphinx.domains.std.StandardDomain._resolve_citation_xref()\nsphinx.domains.std.StandardDomain.note_citations()\nsphinx.domains.std.StandardDomain.note_citation_refs()\nsphinx.domains.std.StandardDomain.note_labels()\nsphinx.environment.NoUri\nsphinx.ext.apidoc.format_directive()\nsphinx.ext.apidoc.format_heading()\nsphinx.ext.apidoc.makename()\nsphinx.ext.autodoc.importer.MockFinder\nsphinx.ext.autodoc.importer.MockLoader\nsphinx.ext.autodoc.importer.mock()\nsphinx.ext.autosummary.autolink_role()\nsphinx.ext.imgmath.DOC_BODY\nsphinx.ext.imgmath.DOC_BODY_PREVIEW\nsphinx.ext.imgmath.DOC_HEAD\nsphinx.transforms.CitationReferences\nsphinx.transforms.SmartQuotesSkipper\nsphinx.util.docfields.DocFieldTransformer.preprocess_fieldtypes()\nsphinx.util.node.find_source_node()\nsphinx.util.i18n.find_catalog()\nsphinx.util.i18n.find_catalog_files()\nsphinx.util.i18n.find_catalog_source_files()\nFor more details, see deprecation APIs list.\n\nFeatures added\nAdd a helper class sphinx.transforms.post_transforms.SphinxPostTransform\nAdd helper methods\n\nPythonDomain.note_module()\nPythonDomain.note_object()\nSphinxDirective.set_source_info()\n* Support --keep-going with BuildDoc setup command\nmath directive now supports :class: option\ntodo: todo directive now supports :name: option\nEnable override via environment of SPHINXOPTS and SPHINXBUILD Makefile variables\n* autodoc: Unable to document bound instance methods exported as module functions\n* autodoc: autodoc_default_options now supports imported-members option\n* autodoc: Support coroutine\n* autodoc: Support abstractmethod\n* autodoc: Support attributes in __slots__. For dict-style __slots__, autodoc considers values as a docstring of the attribute\n* autodoc: Add autodoc_typehints to suppress typehints from signature\n* autodoc: automodule directive now handles undocumented module level variables\n* autosummary: Add autosummary_imported_members to display imported members on autosummary\n* make clean is catastrophically broken if building into â\x80\x98.â\x80\x99\n* Support %O% environment variable in make.bat\n* py domain: Add :async: option to py:function directive\n* py domain: Add new options to py:method directive\n\n:abstractmethod:\n:async:\n:classmethod:\n:property:\n:staticmethod:\nrst domain: Add directive:option directive to describe the option for directive\n* html: Add a label to search form for accessability purposes\n* html: Consistent and semantic CSS for signatures\n* The rawsource property of production nodes now contains the full production rule\n* autosectionlabel: Allow suppression of warnings\ncoverage: Support a new coverage_ignore_pyobjects option\n* latex: Support to build Chinese documents\n\nBugs fixed\n* Inappropriate node_id has been generated by glossary directive if term is consisted by non-ASCII characters\n* ifconfig: contents after headings are not shown\ncommented term in glossary directive is wrongly recognized\n* rst domain: rst:directive directive generates waste space\n* py domain: Module index (py-modindex.html) has duplicate titles\n* man: invalid output when doctest follows rubric\n* â\x80\x9CHyperlink target is not referencedâ\x80\x9D message is shown even if referenced\n* autodoc: tab_width setting of docutils has been ignored\n* autodoc: crashes with a plain Tuple on Python 3.6 and 3.5\n* autosummary: autosummary table gets confused by complex type hints\n* autosummary: confused by an argument having some kind of default value\nGenerated Makefiles lack a final EOL\n* extlinks: Cannot escape angle brackets in link caption\n* linkcheck: Send commonly used User-Agent\n* html search: failed to search document with haiku and scrolls themes\n* html search: Fix the ranking of search results\n* Wrong year is returned for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH\n* image directive crashes by unknown image format\n* C++, allow 8 and 9 in hexadecimal integer literals.\n* Fix the string in quickstart for â\x80\x98pathâ\x80\x99 argument of parser\nLaTeX: Figures in admonitions produced errors\n\nRelease 2.0.1:\n\nBugs fixed\nLaTeX: some system labels are not translated\nRemovedInSphinx30Warning is marked as pending\ndeprecation warnings are not emitted\nsphinx.application.CONFIG_FILENAME\nsphinx.builders.htmlhelp\nviewcode_import\n* C++, properly parse full xrefs that happen to have a short xref as prefix\n* napoleon: AttributeError is raised for raised section having references\n* circular import error on importing SerializingHTMLBuilder\n* LaTeX: â\x80\x98releasenameâ\x80\x99 setting for latex_elements is ignored\n* html: Search function is broken with 3rd party themes\n* html: HTML5Translator crashed with invalid field node\n* html theme: The style of field lists has changed in bizstyle theme\n\nRelease 2.0.0:\n\nDependencies\n\n2.0.0b1\nLaTeX builder now depends on TeX Live 2015 or above.\nLaTeX builder (with 'pdflatex' latex_engine) will process Unicode Greek letters in text (not in math mark-up) via the text font and will not escape them to math mark-up. See the discussion of the 'fontenc' key of latex_elements; such (optional) support for Greek adds, for example on Ubuntu xenial, the texlive-lang-greek and (if default font set-up is not modified) cm-super(-minimal) as additional Sphinx LaTeX requirements.\nLaTeX builder with latex_engine set to 'xelatex' or to 'lualatex' requires (by default) the FreeFont fonts, which in Ubuntu xenial are provided by package fonts-freefont-otf, and e.g. in Fedora 29 via package texlive-gnu-freefont.\nrequests 2.5.0 or above\nThe six package is no longer a dependency\nThe sphinxcontrib-websupport package is no longer a dependency\nSome packages are separated to sub packages:\n\nsphinxcontrib.applehelp\nsphinxcontrib.devhelp\nsphinxcontrib.htmlhelp\nsphinxcontrib.jsmath\nsphinxcontrib.serializinghtml\nsphinxcontrib.qthelp\n\nIncompatible changes\n\n2.0.0b1\nDrop python 2.7 and 3.4 support\nDrop docutils 0.11 support\nDrop features and APIs deprecated in 1.7.x\nThe default setting for master_doc is changed to 'index' which has been longly used as default of sphinx-quickstart.\nLaTeX: Move message resources to sphinxmessage.sty\nLaTeX: Stop using \\captions macro for some labels\nLaTeX: for 'xelatex' and 'lualatex', use the FreeFont OpenType fonts as default choice\nLaTeX: 'xelatex' and 'lualatex' now use \\small in code-blocks (due to FreeMono character width) like 'pdflatex' already did (due to Courier character width). You may need to adjust this via latex_elements 'fvset' key, in case of usage of some other OpenType fonts\nLaTeX: Greek letters in text are not escaped to math mode mark-up, and they will use the text font not the math font. The LGR font encoding must be added to the 'fontenc' key of latex_elements for this to work (only if it is needed by the document, of course).\nLaTeX: setting the language to 'en' triggered Sonny option of fncychap, now it is Bjarne to match case of no language specified.\n* doctest: Follow highlight_language on highlighting doctest block. As a result, they are highlighted as python3 by default.\nThe order of argument for HTMLTranslator, HTML5Translator and ManualPageTranslator are changed\nLaTeX: hard-coded redefinitions of \\l@section and \\l@subsection formerly done during loading of 'manual' docclass get executed later, at time of \\sphinxtableofcontents. This means that custom user definitions from LaTeX preamble now get overwritten. Use \\sphinxtableofcontentshook to insert custom user definitions. See Macros.\nquickstart: Simplify generated conf.py\n* quickstart: some questions are removed. They are still able to specify via command line options\nwebsupport: unbundled from sphinx core. Please use sphinxcontrib-websupport\nC++, the visibility of base classes is now always rendered as present in the input. That is, private is now shown, where it was ellided before.\nLaTeX: graphics inclusion of oversized images rescales to not exceed the text width and height, even if width and/or height option were used.\nepub: epub_title defaults to the project option\n* All tables and figures without align option are displayed to center\n* html: Output HTML5 by default\n\n2.0.0b2\ntexinfo: image files are copied into name-figure directory\n\nDeprecated\n\n2.0.0b1\nSupport for evaluating Python 2 syntax is deprecated. This includes configuration files which should be converted to Python 3.\nThe arguments of EpubBuilder.build_mimetype(), EpubBuilder.build_container(), EpubBuilder.bulid_content(), EpubBuilder.build_toc() and EpubBuilder.build_epub()\nThe arguments of Epub3Builder.build_navigation_doc()\n\nThe config variables\nhtml_experimental_html5_writer\nThe encoding argument of autodoc.Documenter.get_doc(), autodoc.DocstringSignatureMixin.get_doc(), autodoc.DocstringSignatureMixin._find_signature(), and autodoc.ClassDocumenter.get_doc() are deprecated.\nThe importer argument of sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockModule\nThe nodetype argument of sphinx.search.WordCollector. is_meta_keywords()\nThe suffix argument of env.doc2path() is deprecated.\nThe string style base argument of env.doc2path() is deprecated.\nThe fallback to allow omitting the filename argument from an overridden IndexBuilder.feed() method is deprecated.\nsphinx.addnodes.abbreviation\nsphinx.application.Sphinx._setting_up_extension\nsphinx.builders.epub3.Epub3Builder.validate_config_value()\nsphinx.builders.html.SingleFileHTMLBuilder\nsphinx.builders.htmlhelp.HTMLHelpBuilder.open_file()\nsphinx.cmd.quickstart.term_decode()\nsphinx.cmd.quickstart.TERM_ENCODING\nsphinx.config.check_unicode()\nsphinx.config.string_classes\nsphinx.domains.cpp.DefinitionError.description\nsphinx.domains.cpp.NoOldIdError.description\nsphinx.domains.cpp.UnsupportedMultiCharacterCharLiteral.decoded\nsphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockImporter\nsphinx.ext.autosummary.Autosummary.warn()\nsphinx.ext.autosummary.Autosummary.genopt\nsphinx.ext.autosummary.Autosummary.warnings\nsphinx.ext.autosummary.Autosummary.result\nsphinx.ext.doctest.doctest_encode()\nsphinx.io.SphinxBaseFileInput\nsphinx.io.SphinxFileInput.supported\nsphinx.io.SphinxRSTFileInput\nsphinx.registry.SphinxComponentRegistry.add_source_input()\nsphinx.roles.abbr_role()\nsphinx.roles.emph_literal_role()\nsphinx.roles.menusel_role()\nsphinx.roles.index_role()\nsphinx.roles.indexmarkup_role()\nsphinx.testing.util.remove_unicode_literal()\nsphinx.util.attrdict\nsphinx.util.force_decode()\nsphinx.util.get_matching_docs()\nsphinx.util.inspect.Parameter\nsphinx.util.jsonimpl\nsphinx.util.osutil.EEXIST\nsphinx.util.osutil.EINVAL\nsphinx.util.osutil.ENOENT\nsphinx.util.osutil.EPIPE\nsphinx.util.osutil.walk()\nsphinx.util.PeekableIterator\nsphinx.util.pycompat.NoneType\nsphinx.util.pycompat.TextIOWrapper\nsphinx.util.pycompat.UnicodeMixin\nsphinx.util.pycompat.htmlescape\nsphinx.util.pycompat.indent\nsphinx.util.pycompat.sys_encoding\nsphinx.util.pycompat.terminal_safe()\nsphinx.util.pycompat.u\nsphinx.writers.latex.ExtBabel\nsphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator._make_visit_admonition()\nsphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.babel_defmacro()\nsphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.collect_footnotes()\nsphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.generate_numfig_format()\nsphinx.writers.texinfo.TexinfoTranslator._make_visit_admonition()\nsphinx.writers.text.TextTranslator._make_depart_admonition()\ntemplate variables for LaTeX template\n\nlogo\nnumfig_format\npageautorefname\ntranslatablestrings\nFor more details, see deprecation APIs list.\n\nFeatures added\n\n2.0.0b1\n* The search results preview of generated HTML documentation is reader-friendlier: instead of showing the snippets as raw reStructuredText markup, Sphinx now renders the corresponding HTML. This means the Sphinx extension Sphinx: pretty search results is no longer necessary. Note that changes to the search function of your custom or 3rd-party HTML template might overwrite this improvement.\n* autodoc: Support suppress_warnings\n* autodoc: autodoc_default_options supports member-order\n* autodoc: Display readable names in type annotations for mocked objects\n* autodoc: autodoc_default_options accepts True as a value\n* autodoc: Add autodecorator directive for decorators\n* autosummary: Add autosummary_mock_imports to mock external libraries on importing targets\n* htmlhelp: Add htmlhelp_file_suffix and htmlhelp_link_suffix\n* text: Support complex tables (colspan and rowspan)\nLaTeX: support rendering (not in math, yet) of Greek and Cyrillic Unicode letters in non-Cyrillic document even with 'pdflatex' as latex_engine\n* The versionadded, versionchanged and deprecated directives are now generated with their own specific CSS classes (added, changed and deprecated, respectively) in addition to the generic versionmodified class.\n* apidoc: Add â\x80\x93extensions option to sphinx-apidoc\n* C++, added an alias directive for inserting lists of declarations, that references existing declarations (e.g., for making a synopsis).\nC++: add cpp:struct to complement cpp:class.\n* the HTML search considers words that contain a search term of length three or longer a match.\n* epub: Show warning for duplicated ToC entries\n* Allow to omit an argument for code-block directive. If omitted, it follows highlight or highlight_language\n* html: Add html4_writer to use old HTML4 writer\n* HTML search: A placeholder for the search summary prevents search result links from changing their position when the search terminates. This makes navigating search results easier.\n* linkcheck also checks remote images exist\n* githubpages: create CNAME file for custom domains when html_baseurl set\n* autosectionlabel: restrict the labeled sections by new config value; autosectionlabel_maxdepth\n\nBugs fixed\n\n2.0.0b1\n* LaTeX: writer should not translate Greek unicode, but use textgreek package\n* LaTeX: PDF does not build with default font config for Russian language and 'xelatex' or 'lualatex' as latex_engine\n* LaTeX: Greek letters in section titles disappear from PDF bookmarks\n* LaTeX: Unicode Greek letters in math directive break PDF build (fix requires extra set-up, see latex_elements 'textgreek' key and/or latex_engine setting)\n* LaTeX: should the Bjarne style of fncychap be used for English also if passed as language option?\n* LaTeX: (lualatex only) escaping of > by \\textgreater{} is not enough as \\textgreater{}\\textgreater{} applies TeX-ligature\nLaTeX: project name is not escaped if latex_documents omitted\nLaTeX: authors are not shown if latex_documents omitted\nHTML: Invalid HTML5 file is generated for a glossary having multiple terms for one description\nQtHelp: OS dependent path separator is used in .qhp file\nHTML search: search always returns nothing when multiple search terms are used and one term is shorter than three characters\n\n2.0.0b2\n* html: Anchor links are not added to figures\n* html: Defer searchindex.js rather than loading it via ajax\n* html: Table cells and list items have large margins\n* linenothreshold option for highlight directive was ignored\ntexinfo: make install-info causes syntax error\ntexinfo: make install-info fails on macOS\n* texinfo: image files are not copied on make install-info\n* A cross reference in heading is rendered as literal\n* C++, fix cpp:alias problems in LaTeX (and singlehtml)\n* classes attribute of citation_reference node is lost\nAssertionError is raised when custom citation_reference node having classes attribute refers missing citation\n* Support code directive\nC++, fix parsing of braced initializers.\n* AttributeError is raised for old styled index nodes\n* inheritance_diagram: correctly describe behavior of parts option in docs, allow negative values.\n* i18n: Captions missing in translations for hidden TOCs\n\n2.0.0 final\n* py domain: unexpected prefix is generated\n\nTesting\n\n2.0.0b1\nStop to use SPHINX_TEST_TEMPDIR envvar\n\n2.0.0b2\nAdd a helper function: sphinx.testing.restructuredtext.parse()\n" module: pkgsrc subject: 'CVS commit: pkgsrc/textproc/py-sphinx' unixtime: '1571691695' user: adam