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2024-06-06 06:37:22 UTC Now

2021-06-24 09:29:21 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

nodejs: updated to 14.17.1

Version 14.17.1 'Fermium' (LTS)

Notable Changes

- deps: update ICU to 69.1 (Michaël Zasso)
- errors: align source-map stacks with spec (Benjamin Coe)


- assert: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- assert: refactor to avoid unsafe array iteration (Antoine du Hamel)
- async_hooks: refactor to avoid unsafe array iteration (Antoine du Hamel)
- async_hooks,doc: replace process.stdout.fd with 1 (Darshan Sen)
- benchmark: avoid using console.log() (Antoine du Hamel)
- benchmark: use process.hrtime.bigint() (Antoine du Hamel)
- buffer: remove TODOs in atob / btoa (Khaidi Chu)
- buffer: remove unreachable code (Rongjian Zhang)
- buffer: make FastBuffer safe to construct (Antoine du Hamel)
- buffer: refactor to use primordials instead of Array#reduce (Antoine du Hamel)
- buffer: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- build: work around bug in MSBuild v16.10.0 (Michaël Zasso)
- build: add workaround for V8 builds (Richard Lau)
- build: remove dependency on distutils.spawn (Richard Lau)
- build: fix make test-npm (Ruy Adorno)
- child_process: reduce abort handler code duplication (Rich Trott)
- child_process: treat already-aborted controller as aborting (Rich Trott)
- child_process: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- deps: update to cjs-module-lexer@1.2.1 (Guy Bedford)
- deps: update ICU to 69.1 (Michaël Zasso)
- deps: V8: cherry-pick 035c305ce776 (Michaël Zasso)
- deps: V8: cherry-pick dfcdf7837e23 (Benjamin Coe)
- deps: V8: cherry-pick 86991d0587a1 (Benjamin Coe)
- deps: V8: cherry-pick 530080c44af2 (Milad Fa)
- dgram: extract cluster lazy loading method to make it testable (Rongjian Zhang)
- dgram: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- dns: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- doc: cleanup structure (James M Snell)
- doc: fix JS flavor selection (Antoine du Hamel)
- doc: use HEAD instead of master for links (Antoine du Hamel)
- doc: remove import.meta.resolve parent URL type (Kevin Locke)
- doc: document buffer.kStringMaxLength (Tobias Nießen)
- doc: clarify synchronous blocking of Worker stdio (James M Snell)
- doc: update contact info (Gabriel Schulhof)
- doc: change color of doctag on night mode (Qingyu Deng)
- doc: clarify DiffieHellmanGroup class docs (Nitzan Uziely)
- doc: use AIX instead of Aix in (Rich Trott)
- doc: remove extraneous dash from flag prefix (Rodolfo Carvalho)
- doc: document 'secureConnect' event limitation (James M Snell)
- doc: mark querystring api as legacy (James M Snell)
- doc: add arguments for stream event of Http2Server and Http2SecureServer (Qingyu Deng)
- doc: indicate that abort tests do not generate core files (Rich Trott)
- doc: add try/catch in http2 respondWithFile example (Matteo Collina)
- doc: note the system requirements for V8 tests (DeeDeeG)
- doc: minor clarification to pathObject (James M Snell)
- doc: document new TCP_KEEPCNT and TCP_KEEPINTVL socket option defaults (Arnold Zokas)
- doc: do not mention TCP in the allowHalfOpen option description (Luigi Pinca)
- doc: update message to match actual output (Rich Trott)
- doc: request default snap track be updated for LTS (Rod Vagg)
- doc: mark process.hrtime() as legacy (Antoine du Hamel)
- doc: fix version history for "exports" patterns (Antoine du Hamel)
- doc: fix package.json "imports" field history (Antoine du Hamel)
- doc: fix typo in (divlo)
- doc: add nodejs-sec email template (Daniel Bevenius)
- doc: update TSC members list with three new members (Rich Trott)
- doc: use notation in (Voltrex)
- doc: internal/test/binding for testing (Bradley Meck)
- doc: add missing events.on metadata (Anna Henningsen)
- doc: fix wording in outgoingMessage.write (Tobias Nießen)
- doc: fix grammar errors in http document (Qingyu Deng)
- doc: add document for http.OutgoingMessage (Qingyu Deng)
- doc: remove generated from dsaEncoding description (Marko Kaznovac)
- doc: document how to register external bindings for snapshot (Joyee Cheung)
- doc: document the NO_COLOR and FORCE_COLOR env vars (James M Snell)
- doc: clarify event.isTrusted text (Rich Trott)
- doc: expand openssl instructions (Michael Dawson)
- doc: document ABORT_ERR code (Benjamin Gruenbaum)
- doc: document changes for */promises alias modules (ExE Boss)
- errors: align source-map stacks with spec (Benjamin Coe)
- errors: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- errors: display original symbol name (Benjamin Coe)
- errors: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- errors: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- events: refactor to use optional chaining (ZiJian Liu)
- events: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- fs: fix error when writing buffers > INT32_MAX (Zach Bjornson)
- Revert "http: make HEAD method to work with keep-alive" (Michaël Zasso)
- http2: treat non-EOF empty frames like other invalid frames (Anna Henningsen)
- http2: fix setting options before handle exists (Anna Henningsen)
- http2: add support for TypedArray to getUnpackedSettings (Antoine du Hamel)
- https: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- inspector: remove redundant method for connection check (Yash Ladha)
- inspector: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- lib: revert primordials in a hot path (Antoine du Hamel)
- lib: make IterableWeakMap safe to iterate (Antoine du Hamel)
- lib: fix and improve os typings (Akhil Marsonya)
- lib: add URI handling functions to primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- lib: fix WebIDL object and dictionary type conversion (ExE Boss)
- lib: refactor to use optional chaining in internal/options.js (raisinten)
- lib: support returning Safe collections from C++ (ExE Boss)
- lib: expose primordials object (Antoine du Hamel)
- lib: refactor source_map to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- lib: refactor source_map to avoid unsafe array iteration (Antoine du Hamel)
- lib: simplify primordials.uncurryThis (ExE Boss)
- lib: remove v8_prof_polyfill from eslint ignore list (Antoine du Hamel)
- lib: remove unused code (Brian White)
- lib: refactor to use more primordials in internal/encoding.js (raisinten)
- lib: refactor to use primordials in internal/priority_queue.js (ZiJian Liu)
- lib: add primordials.SafeStringIterator (Antoine du Hamel)
- lib: make safe primordials safe to construct (Antoine du Hamel)
- lib: make safe primordials safe to iterate (Antoine du Hamel)
- lib: refactor to use more primordials in internal/histogram.js (raisinten)
- lib: add uncurried accessor properties to primordials (ExE Boss)
- lib: refactor primordials.uncurryThis (Antoine du Hamel)
- lib: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- lib: add %TypedArray% abstract constructor to primordials (ExE Boss)
- lib: use Object static properties from primordials (Michaël Zasso)
- lib,tools: enforce access to prototype from primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- meta: add v8 team (Jiawen Geng)
- meta: post comment when pr labeled fast-track (James M Snell)
- module: clarify CJS global-like variables not defined error message (Antoine du Hamel)
- module: refactor NativeModule to avoid unsafe array iteration (Antoine du Hamel)
- module: simplify tryStatSync with throwIfNoEntry option (Antoine du Hamel)
- module: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- module: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- module: refactor to use iterable-weak-map (Benjamin Coe)
- net: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- node-api: faster threadsafe_function (Fedor Indutny)
- node-api: fix shutdown crashes (Michael Dawson)
- node-api: make reference weak parameter an indirect link to references (Chengzhong Wu)
- os: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- path: inline conditions (Voltrex)
- path: refactor to use more primordials (Akhil Marsonya)
- path: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- perf_hooks: throw ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE if histogram.percentile param is NaN (ZiJian Liu)
- perf_hooks: refactor to avoid unsafe array iteration (Antoine du Hamel)
- perf_hooks: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- policy: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- querystring: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- readline: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- repl: document top level await limitation with const/let (James M Snell)
- repl: display prompt once after error callback (Anna Henningsen)
- src: fix multiple AddLinkedBinding() calls (Anna Henningsen)
- src: update cares_wrap OpenBSD defines (Anna Henningsen)
- src: remove extra semi after member fn (Shelley Vohr)
- src: make workers messaging more resilient (Juan José Arboleda)
- src: fix validation of negative offset to avoid abort (James M Snell)
- src: use %progbits instead of @progbits (Stephen Gallagher)
- src: fix setting Converter sub char length (James M Snell)
- src: avoid deferred gc/cleanup for Buffer.from (James M Snell)
- src: indent long help text properly (David Glasser)
- src: fix ETW_WRITE_EMPTY_EVENT macro (Michaël Zasso)
- src: disable unfixable MSVC warnings (Michaël Zasso)
- src: avoid implicit type conversions (take 2) (Michaël Zasso)
- src: fix compiler warnings in (Darshan Sen)
- src: fix compiler warning in (Anna Henningsen)
- src: add check against non-weak BaseObjects at process exit (Anna Henningsen)
- src: use transferred consistently (Daniel Bevenius)
- src: fix label indentation (Rich Trott)
- stream: fix multiple Writable.destroy() calls (Robert Nagy)
- stream: the position of _read() is wrong (helloyou2012)
- stream: only use legacy close listeners if not willEmitClose (Robert Nagy)
- stream: fix legacy pipe error handling (Robert Nagy)
- string_decoder: throw ERR_STRING_TOO_LONG for UTF-8 (Michaël Zasso)
- string_decoder: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- test: improve coverage of lib/_http_client.js (Rongjian Zhang)
- test: improve coverage of lib/os.js (Rongjian Zhang)
- test: call functions internally (Voltrex)
- test: complete coverage of querystring (Rongjian Zhang)
- test: increase coverage for AbortController (ZiJian Liu)
- test: run message and pseudo-tty tests in parallel (Richard Lau)
- test: move test-net-connect-econnrefused from pummel to sequential (Rich Trott)
- test: fix common.mustCall length and name properties (Antoine du Hamel)
- test: address deprecation warning (Rich Trott)
- test: move abort test from pummel to abort directory (Rich Trott)
- test: skip some pummel tests on slower machines (Rich Trott)
- test: add ancestor package.json checks for tmpdir (Richard Lau)
- test: replace function with arrow function and remove unused argument (Andres)
- test: use .test domain for not found address (Richard Lau)
- test: increase fs promise coverage (Emil Sivervik)
- test: increase timeout on ASAN Action (Antoine du Hamel)
- test: improve coverage of SourceTextModule getters (Juan José Arboleda)
- test: improve coverage for Module getters (Juan José Arboleda)
- test: improve coverage on worker threads (Juan José Arboleda)
- test: improve coverage at lib/internal/vm/module.js (Juan José Arboleda)
- test: guard large string decoder allocation (Michaël Zasso)
- test: add already-aborted-controller test for spawn() (Rich Trott)
- test: add test for reused AbortController with execfile() (Rich Trott)
- test: add Actions annotation output (Mary Marchini)
- test: use .then(common.mustCall()) for all async IIFEs (Anna Henningsen)
- test,doc,lib: adjust object literal newlines for lint rule (Rich Trott)
- test,readline: improve tab completion coverage (Antoine du Hamel)
- timers: fix unsafe array iteration (Darshan Sen)
- timers: reject with AbortError on cancellation (Benjamin Gruenbaum)
- timers: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- timers: cleanup abort listener on awaitable timers (James M Snell)
- tls: validate ticket keys buffer (Antoine du Hamel)
- tls: fix session and keylog add listener segfault (Nitzan Uziely)
- tools: refloat 7 Node.js patches to (Rich Trott)
- tools: bump cpplint to 1.5.4 (Rich Trott)
- tools: refloat 7 Node.js patches to (Rich Trott)
- tools: bump cpplint to 1.5.3 (Rich Trott)
- tools: refloat 7 Node.js patches to (Rich Trott)
- tools: bump to 1.5.2 (Rich Trott)
- tools: update ESLint to 7.27.0 (Luigi Pinca)
- tools: update ESLint to 7.26.0 (Colin Ihrig)
- tools: update ESLint to 7.25.0 (Colin Ihrig)
- tools: update ESLint to 7.24.0 (Colin Ihrig)
- tools: update ESLint to 7.23.0 (Luigi Pinca)
- tools: update ESLint to 7.22.0 (Colin Ihrig)
- tools: make work with npm@7 (Luigi Pinca)
- tools: add support for mjs and cjs JS snippet linting (Antoine du Hamel)
- tools: update eslint-plugin-markdown configuration (Colin Ihrig)
- tools: enable object-curly-newline in ESLint rules (Rich Trott)
- tools: make GH Actions workflows work if default branch is not master (Antoine du Hamel)
- tools: use mktemp to create the workspace directory (Luigi Pinca)
- tools: use a shallow clone of the npm/cli repository (Luigi Pinca)
- tools: remove fixer for non-ascii-character ESLint custom rule (Rich Trott)
- tools: fix doc generation when version info is not available (Antoine du Hamel)
- tools: add _depot_tools to PATH (for V8 tests) (DeeDeeG)
- tools: fix type mismatch in test runner (Richard Lau)
- tools: simplify eslint comma-dangle configuration (tools) (Rich Trott)
- tools: simplify eslint comma-dangle configuration (Rich Trott)
- tools: run doctool tests on GitHub Actions CI (Antoine du Hamel)
- tools: refactor prefer-primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- tools: update ESLint to 7.21.0 (Luigi Pinca)
- tools: update ESLint to 7.20.0 (Colin Ihrig)
- tools: update ESLint to 7.19.0 (Colin Ihrig)
- tools: update ESLint to 7.18.0 (Colin Ihrig)
- tools: update gyp-next to v0.7.0 (Michaël Zasso)
- tools: update ESLint to 7.17.0 (Colin Ihrig)
- tools: update ESLint to 7.16.0 (Yongsheng Zhang)
- tools: enable no-unsafe-optional-chaining lint rule (Colin Ihrig)
- tools: update ESLint to 7.15.0 (Colin Ihrig)
- tools: enable no-unused-expressions lint rule (Michaël Zasso)
- tools: enable no-nonoctal-decimal-escape lint rule (Colin Ihrig)
- tools: update ESLint to 7.14.0 (Colin Ihrig)
- tools: add linting rule for async IIFEs (Anna Henningsen)
- tools: update ESLint to 7.13.0 (Luigi Pinca)
- tools: update ESLint to 7.12.1 (Colin Ihrig)
- tools: update ESLint to 7.12.0 (Colin Ihrig)
- tools: update ESLint to 7.11.0 (Colin Ihrig)
- tools: add new ESLint rule: prefer-primordials (Leko)
- tools,doc: add support for several flavors of JS code snippets (Antoine du Hamel)
- tools,lib: recommend using safe primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- tools,lib: tighten prefer-primordials rules for Error statics (Antoine du Hamel)
- tty: refactor to avoid unsafe array iteration (Antoine du Hamel)
- tty: refactor to use more primordials (Zijian Liu)
- typings: add JSDoc typings for util (Rohit Gohri)
- url: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- util: simplify constructor retrieval in inspect() (Rich Trott)
- v8: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- v8: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- vm: refactor to avoid unsafe array iteration (Antoine du Hamel)
- wasi: refactor to avoid unsafe array iteration (Antoine du Hamel)
- Revert "worker: remove ERR_CLOSED_MESSAGE_PORT" (Juan José Arboleda)
- worker: refactor to avoid unsafe array iteration (Antoine du Hamel)
- worker: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
- zlib: fix brotli flush range (Khaidi Chu)
- zlib: refactor to avoid unsafe array iteration (Antoine du Hamel)
- zlib: refactor to use primordial instead of <string>.startsWith (Rohan Chougule)
- zlib: refactor to use more primordials (Antoine du Hamel)
