--- - branch: MAIN date: Sat Sep 10 12:45:48 UTC 2022 files: - new: '1.8' old: '1.7' path: pkgsrc/databases/ruby-activerecord70/distinfo pathrev: pkgsrc/databases/ruby-activerecord70/distinfo@1.8 type: modified id: 20220910T124548Z.f56a066660846570a27996476c4f798929806e0f log: "databases/ruby-activerecord70: update to 7.0.4\n\n* Symbol is allowed by default for YAML columns\n\n Ã\x89tienne Barrié\n\n* Fix ActiveRecord::Store to serialize as a regular Hash\n\n Previously it would serialize as an\n ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess which is wasteful and cause\n problem with YAML safe_load.\n\n Jean Boussier\n\n* Add timestamptz as a time zone aware type for PostgreSQL\n\n This is required for correctly parsing timestamp with time zone values in\n your database.\n\n \ If you don't want this, you can opt out by adding this initializer:\n\n\tActiveRecord::Base.time_zone_aware_types -= [:timestamptz]\n\n Alex Ghiculescu\n\n* Fix supporting timezone awareness for tsrange and tstzrange array columns.\n\n\t# In database migrations\n\tadd_column :shops, :open_hours, :tsrange, array: true\n\t# In app config\n\tActiveRecord::Base.time_zone_aware_types += [:tsrange]\n\t# In the code times are properly converted to app time zone\n\tShop.create!(open_hours: [Time.current..8.hour.from_now])\n\n Wojciech WnÄ\x99trzak\n\n* Resolve issue where a relation cache_version could be left stale.\n\n Previously, when reset was called on a relation object it did not reset\n the cache_versions ivar. This led to a confusing situation where despite\n having the correct data the relation still reported a stale cache_version.\n\n Usage:\n\n\tdevelopers = Developer.all\n\tdevelopers.cache_version\n\n\tDeveloper.update_all(updated_at: Time.now.utc + 1.second)\n\n\tdevelopers.cache_version # Stale cache_version\n\tdevelopers.reset\n\tdevelopers.cache_version # Returns the current correct cache_version\n\n Fixes .\n\n Austen Madden\n\n* Fix load_async when called on an association proxy.\n\n Calling load_async directly an association would schedule a query but\n never use it.\n\n\tcomments = post.comments.load_async # schedule a query\n\tcomments.to_a # perform an entirely new sync query\n\n Now it does use the async query, however note that it doesn't cause the\n association to be loaded.\n\n Jean Boussier\n\n* Fix eager loading for models without primary keys.\n\n Anmol Chopra, Matt Lawrence, and Jonathan Hefner\n\n* rails db:schema:{dump,load} now checks ENV[\"SCHEMA_FORMAT\"] before config\n\n Since rails db:structure:{dump,load} was deprecated there wasn't a simple\n way to dump a schema to both SQL and Ruby formats. You can now do this\n with an environment variable. For example:\n\n\tSCHEMA_FORMAT=sql rake db:schema:dump\n\n Alex Ghiculescu\n\n* Fix Hstore deserialize regression.\n\n \ edsharp\n" module: pkgsrc subject: 'CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases/ruby-activerecord70' unixtime: '1662813948' user: taca