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        usage: [branch:branch] [user:user] [path[@revision]] keyword [... [-excludekeyword [...]]] (e.g. branch:MAIN pkgtools/pkg)

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recent branches: MAIN (18m)  pkgsrc-2024Q1 (6d)  pkgsrc-2023Q4 (52d)  pkgsrc-2023Q2 (85d)  pkgsrc-2023Q3 (164d) 

2024-05-23 14:55:50 UTC Now

2022-11-14 10:11:38 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

py-filetype: updated to 1.2.0

v1.2.0 / 2022-11-02

* chore(version): bump minor
* Merge pull request 147 from sayanarijit/fix-146
* Add tests for m4a
* Try matching audio before video
* Merge pull request 145 from RSabet/master
* update README to include avif
* added image filetype avif
* Update
* Merge pull request 141 from ferstar/master
* test: remove unused imported(F401)
* refactor: duck-typing reading magic string and try to restore the reader position if possible
* test: fix E275 missing whitespace after keyword
* test: Use tox pipeline instead of pytest
* test: ignore E501 error for flake8 check
* fix: CLI params parser
* Merge pull request 137 from ferstar/master
* fix: guess ".docx" func and add another doc file test case
* fix: guess ".doc" func and add another doc file test case
* test: skip benchmark test in tox config
* fix: restore reader position after retrieving signature bytes
* Merge pull request 136 from ferstar/master
* test: no need to skip zstd test case
* Merge pull request 135 from ferstar/master
* fix: regression for file-like obj file type detection
* Merge pull request 134 from babenek/actions
* Merge pull request 129 from ferstar/master
* Merge branch 'master' into master
* Merge pull request 133 from magbyr/master
* Merge pull request 131 from babenek/master
* CI workflow in github actions
* Changed to if statements in matching method
* Changed return method because of coverage calculation problems
* Extra line at EOF
* Extra line at EOF
* Extra line at EOF
* Apply suggestions from code review
* README changes
* Linter changes
* Added document filetypes for doc, docx, odt, xls, xlsx, ods, ppt, pptx and odp. Added tests and sample documents for document filetypes
* Fix undocumented exception
* style: Simplify binary to integer method
* feat: add zstd skippable frames support
* test: fix the tox config and missing test sample files
* test: fix the zst test sample file
* fix(readme): rst syntax wtf
