--- - branch: MAIN date: Thu Aug 31 14:01:37 UTC 2023 files: - new: '1.9' old: '1.8' path: pkgsrc/math/py-astropy/Makefile pathrev: pkgsrc/math/py-astropy/Makefile@1.9 type: modified - new: '1.3' old: '1.2' path: pkgsrc/math/py-astropy/PLIST pathrev: pkgsrc/math/py-astropy/PLIST@1.3 type: modified - new: '1.5' old: '1.4' path: pkgsrc/math/py-astropy/distinfo pathrev: pkgsrc/math/py-astropy/distinfo@1.5 type: modified id: 20230831T140137Z.9d8a82adcc34c7887f1bbee6af4f88501ebbe5f8 log: "py-astropy: updated to 5.3.2\n\nVersion 5.3.2 (2023-08-11)\n==========================\n\nBug Fixes\n---------\n\nastropy.coordinates\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Fixed import when called with Python ``-OO`` flag.\n\nastropy.nddata\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Fix for collapse operations on ``NDData`` without masks or units.\n\nastropy.units\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Modified the implementation of ``np.power()`` for instances of ``Quantity`` to\n \ allow any array as the second operand if all its elements have the same value.\n\nVersion 5.3.1 (2023-07-06)\n==========================\n\nBug Fixes\n---------\n\nastropy.cosmology\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- The exponent in ``wowzCDM.de_density_scale`` has been corrected to 3, from -3.\n\nastropy.io.fits\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Fix crash when a PrimaryHDU has a GROUPS keyword with a non-boolean value (i.e.\n \ not a random-groups HDU).\n\n- Fixed a bug that caused ``Cutout2D`` to not work correctly with ``CompImageHDU.section``\n\n- Fixed a bug that caused compressed images with TFORM missing the optional '1' prefix to not be readable.\n\nastropy.modeling\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- All models can be pickled now.\n\nastropy.nddata\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Restore bitmask propagation behavior in ``NDData.mask``, plus a fix\n for arithmetic between masked and unmasked ``NDData`` objects.\n\nastropy.table\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Fix a bug where table indexes were not using a stable sort order. This was causing the\n order of rows within groups to not match the original table order when an indexed table\n was grouped.\n\nastropy.units\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- In VOunits, \"pix\", \"au\", \"a\", and \"ct\" are removed from the list of deprecated units.\n\nVersion 5.3 (2023-05-22)\n========================\n\nNew Features\n------------\n\nastropy.coordinates\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Add optional parameter ``refresh_cache`` to ``EarthLocation.of_site()`` and\n \ ``EarthLocation.get_site_names()`` to force the download of the latest site\n \ registry.\n\n- Added ``atol`` argument to function ``is_O3`` and ``is_rotation`` in matrix utilities.\n\n- A new class ``astropy.coordinates.StokesCoord`` has been added to represent world coordinates describing polarization state.\n This change introduces a breaking change to the return value of ``astropy.wcs.WCS.pixel_to_world`` where before a ``u.Quantity`` object would be returned containing numerical values representing a Stokes profile now a ``StokesCoord`` object is returned. The previous numerical values can be accessed with ``StokesCoord.value``.\n\n- Add an optional parameter ``location`` to ``EarthLocation.get_itrs()``\n to allow the generation of topocentric ITRS coordinates with respect\n to a specific location.\n\nastropy.cosmology\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Two new cosmologies have been added, ``FlatwpwaCDM`` and ``Flatw0wzCDM``, which are the\n flat variants of ``wpwaCDM`` and ``w0wzCDM``, respectively.\n\nastropy.io.ascii\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Add ability to read and write an RST (reStructuredText) ASCII table that\n includes additional header rows specifying any or all of the column dtype, unit,\n format, and description. This is available via the new ``header_rows`` keyword\n argument.\n\nastropy.io.fits\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Added support for >3D data in CompImageHDU\n\n- Added a ``CompImageHDU.section`` property which can be used to\n efficiently access subsets of the data, similarly to ``ImageHDU.section``.\n When using this, only the tiles required to cover the section are\n read from disk and decompressed.\n\n- Added support for ``'NOCOMPRESS'`` for the ``compression_type`` option in ``CompImageHDU``.\n\n- Added new properties ``compression_type`` and ``tile_shape`` on\n ``CompImageHDU``, giving the name of the compression algorithm\n and the shape of the tiles in the tiled compression respectively.\n\n- Do not call ``gc.collect()`` when closing a ``CompImageHDU`` object as it has a\n large performance penalty.\n\n- VLA tables can now be written with the unified I/O interface.\n When object types are present or the VLA contains different types a `TypeError`\n is thrown.\n\nastropy.io.misc\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Add support for writing/reading fixed-size and variable-length array columns to the parquet formatter.\n\nastropy.io.votable\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Added a method ``get_infos_by_name`` to make it easier to implement\n DALI-compliant protocols\n\n- Updating the built-in UCD list to upstream 1.5 (which requires a minor\n update to the parser)\n\nastropy.modeling\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Enable check for poorly conditioned fits in ``LinearLSQFitter`` for polynomial\n models with fixed inputs.\n\nastropy.nddata\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- ``astropy.nddata.NDDataArray`` now has collapsing methods like ``sum``,\n ``mean``, ``min``, and ``max`` which operate along any axes, and better\n support for ``astropy.utils.Masked`` objects.\n\nastropy.stats\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- ``vonmisesmle`` has now functioning \"weights\" and \"axis\" parameters that work equivalently\n to the rest of the functions in the ``circstats`` module (``circmean``, ``rayleightest``, etc.)\n\nastropy.table\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- ``Table`` and ``QTable`` can now use the ``|`` and ``|=`` operators for\n dictionary-style merge and update.\n\nastropy.time\n^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Add a ``leap_second_strict`` argument to the ``Time.to_datetime()`` method. This\n \ controls the behavior when converting a time within a leap second to the ``datetime``\n \ format and can take the values ``raise`` (the default), ``warn``, or ``silent``.\n\nastropy.timeseries\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Adds the ``astropy.timeseries.LombScargleMultiband`` class, which is an\n extension of the ``astropy.timeseries.LombScargle`` class. It enables the\n generation of periodograms for datasets with measurements taken in more than\n one photometric band.\n\n- Add ``unit_parse_strict`` parameter to the Kepler reader to control the warnings\n emitted when reading files.\n\nastropy.units\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Add support for degrees Celsius for FITS. Parsing \"Celsius\" and \"deg C\" is now\n supported and astropy will output \"Celsius\" into FITS.\n\n Note that \"deg C\" is only provided for compatibility with existing FITS files,\n as it does not conform to the normal unit standard, where this should be read\n as \"degree * Coulomb\". Indeed, compound units like \"deg C kg-1\" will still be\n \ parsed as \"Coulomb degree per kilogram\".\n\n- Enabled the ``equal_nan`` keyword argument for ``np.array_equal()`` when the\n arguments are ``astropy.units.Quantity`` instances.\n\n- Allow \"console\" and \"unicode\" formats for conversion to string of\n function units.\n\n- Add a \"fraction\" options to all the unit ``format`` classes, which determine\n whether, if a unit has bases raised to a negative power, a string\n representation should just show the negative powers (``fraction=False``) or\n use a fraction, and, in the latter case, whether to use a single-line\n \ representation using a solidus (``fraction='inline'`` or ``fraction=True``)\n \ or, if the format supports it, a multi-line presentation with the numerator\n \ and denominator separated by a horizontal line (``fraction='multiline'``).\n\nastropy.utils\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- The ``mean`` method on ``NDDataArray`` now avoids a division by zero\n warning when taking the mean of a fully-masked slice (and still\n returns ``np.nan``).\n\n- Ensure we can read the newer ``IERS_B`` files produced by the International\n \ Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service, and point\n ``astropy.utils.iers.IERS_B_URL`` to the new location.\n\nAPI Changes\n-----------\n\nastropy.coordinates\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- ``get_moon()`` is deprecated and may be removed in a future version of\n ``astropy``. Calling ``get_moon(...)`` should be replaced with\n ``get_body(\"moon\", ...)``.\n\nastropy.io.fits\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Deprecate the auto-fixing of tile sizes for HCOMPRESS_1 tiled\n image compression when the tile size could be changed by +1\n to make it acceptable.\n\n- The ``tile_size=`` argument to ``CompImageHDU`` has been deprecated\n as it was confusing that it was required to be in the opposite\n order to the data shape (it was in header rather than Numpy order).\n Instead, users should make use of the ``tile_shape=`` argument which\n is in Numpy shape order.\n\nastropy.modeling\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Deprecate the ``humlicek2`` method for `~astropy.modeling.functional_models.Voigt1D` in favor\n of using the ``wofz`` method using the `scipy.special.wofz` implementation of the\n Fadeeva function whenever `scipy` is installed.\n\n- Deprecated ``astropy.modeling.utils.comb()`` function in favor of ``comb()``\n from ``math`` standard library.\n\n- Propagate measurement uncertainties via the ``weights`` keyword argument into the\n parameter covariances.\n\nastropy.units\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- The conversion of ``astropy.units.Quantity`` to ``bool``\n that was deprecated since astropy 3.0 now raises a ``ValueError``.\n \ This affects statements like ``if quantity``.\n Use explicit comparisons like ``if quantity.value != 0``\n or ``if quantity is not None`` instead.\n\n- Operations on ``Quantity`` in tables are sped up by only copying ``info`` when\n it makes sense (i.e., when the object can still logically be thought of as the\n same, such as in unit changes or slicing). ``info`` is no longer copied if a\n ``Quantity`` is part of an operation.\n\n- The ``Quantity.nansum`` method has been deprecated. It was always weird that it\n was present, since ``ndarray`` does not have a similar method, and the other\n ``nan*`` functions such as ``nanmean`` did not have a corresponding method.\n Use ``np.nansum(quantity)`` instead.\n\n- The unused ``units.format.Unscaled`` format class has been deprecated.\n\n- The order in which unit bases are displayed has been changed to match the\n order bases are stored in internally, which is by descending power to which\n the base is raised, and alphabetical after. This helps avoid monstrosities\n like ``beam^-1 Jy`` for ``format='fits'``.\n\n Note that this may affect doctests that use quantities with complicated units.\n\nastropy.utils\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- For ``Masked`` instances, the ``where`` argument for any ufunc can now\n also be masked (with any masked elements masked in the output as well).\n This is not very useful in itself, but avoids problems in conditional\n functions (like ``np.add(ma, 1, where=ma>10)``).\n\nastropy.visualization\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- The pixel attribute of ``astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.frame.Spine`` is deprecated\n \ and will be removed in a future astropy version.\n Because it is (in general) not possible to correctly calculate pixel\n coordinates before Matplotlib is drawing a figure, instead set the world or data\n coordinates of the ``Spine`` using the appropriate setters.\n\n- Passing a bare number as the ``coord_wrap`` argument to ``CoordinateHelper.set_coord_type`` is deprecated.\n Pass a ``Quantity`` with units equivalent to angular degrees instead.\n\n The ``.coord_wrap`` attribute of ``CoordinateHelper`` is now a ``Quantity`` instead of a bare number.\n\nBug Fixes\n---------\n\nastropy.coordinates\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- ``Angle.to_string()`` was changed to ensure it matches the behaviour of\n ``Quantity.to_string()`` in having a space between the value and the unit\n for display with non-degree and hourangle units (i.e., the case in which\n units are displayed by their name; the sexagesimal case for degrees or\n hourangle that uses symbols is not changed).\n\nastropy.io.ascii\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Fix an issue in the ``io.ascii`` QDP format reader to allow lower-case commands in the\n table data file. Previously it required all upper case in order to parse QDP files.\n\nastropy.io.fits\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Compressing/decompressing a floating point dataset containing NaN values will\n no longer read in the whole tile as NaNs.\n\n Fixed segmentation faults that occurred when compressing/decompressing data\n with the PLIO_1 algorithm.\n\n- ``Card`` now uses the default Python representation for floating point\n values.\n\n- ``ImageHDU`` now properly rejects Numpy scalars, avoiding data corruption.\n\n- Fix issues with double quotes in CONTINUE cards.\n\n- Fixes an issue where FITS_rec was incorrectly raising a ValueError exception when the heapsize was greater than 2**31\n when the Column type was 'Q' instead of 'P'.\n\nastropy.io.misc\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Columns with big-endian byte ordering (such as those read in from a FITS table) can now be serialized with Parquet.\n\nastropy.modeling\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Bugfix for using ``getter/setter`` in properties to adjust the internal (computational)\n \ value of a property vs its external proxy value when the values involve units.\n\n- Fix issue with ``filter_non_finite`` option when fitting with ``weights`` via passing\n the ``weights`` through the non-finite-filter alongside the input data.\n\n- Fixed an issue with Parameter where a getter could be input without a\n setter (or vice versa).\n\nastropy.time\n^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Using quantities with units of time for ``Time`` format 'decimalyear' will now\n raise an error instead of converting the quantity to days and then\n interpreting the value as years. An error is raised instead of attempting to\n interpret the unit as years, since the interpretation is ambiguous: in\n 'decimaltime' years are equal to 365 or 366 days, while for regular time units\n the year is defined as 365.25 days.\n\nastropy.uncertainty\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Ensure that ``Distribution`` can be compared with ``==`` and ``!=``\n with regular arrays or scalars, and that inplace operations like\n ``dist[dist<0] *= -1`` work.\n\nastropy.units\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Modified ``astropy.units.Quantity.__array_ufunc__()`` to return ``NotImplemented`` instead of raising a ``ValueError`` if the inputs are incompatible.\n\n- Modified the behavior of ``numpy.array_equal()`` and ``numpy.array_equiv()`` to\n return ``False`` instead of raising an error if their arguments are\n ``astropy.units.Quantity`` instances with incompatible units.\n\n- Spaces have been regularized for the ``unicode`` and ``console`` output\n formats: no extraneous spaces in front of the unit, and always a space\n between a possible scale factor and the unit.\n\n- Prefixed degrees and arcmin are now typeset without using the symbol in\n ``latex`` and ``unicode`` formats (i.e., ``mdeg`` instead of ``må±\x9E``),\n as was already the case for arcsec.\n\n- Ensure the unit is kept in ``np.median`` even if the result is a scalar ``nan``\n (the unit was lost for numpy < 1.22).\n\n- Ensure that ``Quantity`` with structured dtype can be set using non-structured\n ``Quantity`` (if units match), and that structured dtype names are inferred\n correctly in the creation of ``StructuredUnit``, thus avoiding mismatches\n when setting units.\n\nastropy.utils\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- When using astropy in environments with sparse file systems (e.g., where the temporary directory and astropy data directory resides in different volumes), ``os.rename`` may fail with ``OSError: [Errno 18] Invalid cross-device link``.\n This may affect some clean-up operations executed by the ``data`` module, causing them to fail.\n \ This patch is to catch ``OSError`` with ``errno == EXDEV`` (i.e., Errno 18) when performing these operations and try to use ``shutil.move`` instead to relocate the data.\n\n- Ensure masks are propagated correctly for ``outer`` methods of ufuncs also if\n one of the inputs is not actually masked.\n\nastropy.visualization\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- The location of a ``astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.frame.Spine`` in a plot is now\n \ correctly calculated when the DPI of a figure changes between a WCSAxes being\n \ created and the figure being drawn.\n\n- ``CoordinateHelper.set_ticks()`` now accepts ``number=0``. Previously it errored.\n\n- ``WCSAxes.plot_coord`` and ``plot_scatter`` now work correctly for APE 14 compliant WCSes where the units are not always converted to degrees.\n\n- Fixed a bug where coordinate overlays did not automatically determine the\n longitude wrap angle or the appropriate units.\n\nastropy.wcs\n^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- Fix bugs with high-level WCS API on ``wcs.WCS`` object when using ``-TAB``\n coordinates.\n\n- Fixed a bug in how WCS handles ``PVi_ja`` header coefficients when ``CTYPE``\n \ has ``-SIP`` suffix and in how code detects TPV distortions.\n\nOther Changes and Additions\n---------------------------\n\n- The minimum supported version of Python is now 3.9, changing from 3.8.\n\n- The minimum supported version of Numpy is now 1.21.\n\n- The minimum supported version of matplotlib is now 3.3.\n\n- ``astropy`` no longer publishes wheels for i686 architecture.\n\n- Added a pre-commit configuration for codespell.\n\n- Removed a large fraction of the bundled CFITSIO code and internally refactored\n FITS compression-related code, which has resulted in a speedup when compiling\n astropy from source (40% faster in some cases).\n\n- The CFITSIO library is no longer bundled in full with astropy and\n the option to build against an external installation of CFITSIO\n has now been removed, so the ASTROPY_USE_SYSTEM_CFITSIO environment\n variable will be ignored during building.\n\n- Updated CDS URL for Sesame look-up as the old URL is deprecated.\n" module: pkgsrc subject: 'CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/py-astropy' unixtime: '1693490497' user: adam