--- - branch: MAIN date: Wed Jan 10 16:50:10 UTC 2024 files: - new: '1.26' old: '1.25' path: pkgsrc/www/gotosocial/Makefile pathrev: pkgsrc/www/gotosocial/Makefile@1.26 type: modified - new: '1.10' old: '1.9' path: pkgsrc/www/gotosocial/PLIST pathrev: pkgsrc/www/gotosocial/PLIST@1.10 type: modified - new: '1.11' old: '1.10' path: pkgsrc/www/gotosocial/distinfo pathrev: pkgsrc/www/gotosocial/distinfo@1.11 type: modified id: 20240110T165010Z.70ea7394420583ede5c53de3ab98c0c248b2c9aa log: "gotosocial: update to version 0.13.1\n\nChangelog (taken from https://github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/releases)\n\nv0.13.1 Spiderier Sloth\nRelease highlights\n\nFixes a couple small issues with poll vote counts and poll expiry, and an issue where domain blocks were sometimes not being properly enforced when deeper- and higher-level domain blocks were used in combination (eg., when combining blocks for say example.org, bad.example.org, also-bad.example.org).\nMigration notes\nUpgrading\n\nSee the release notes for 0.13.0 but replace 0.13.0 with 0.13.1 throughout. Easy peasy!\nconfig.yaml\n\nNo changes since 0.13.0, see 0.13.0 for migration notes from versions < 0.13.0.\nDatabase Migrations\n\nNo changes since 0.13.0, see 0.13.0 for migration notes from versions < 0.13.0.\nDetailed Changelog\n\n \ ccecf5a [bugfix] fix higher-level explicit domain rules causing issues with lower-level domain blocking (#2513)\n d5c305d [bugfix] misc dereferencer fixes (#2475)\n 1c56192 [feature] Log pubKeyID for http-signed requests (#2501)\n \ f33d05c [bugfix] fix check for closed poll to account for non-zero closed time but in the future (#2486)\n b141500 [bugfix] fix poll total vote double count (#2464)\n\nv0.13.0 Spider Sloth �æ³\x84キ�ク�\n\nSpider Sloth, Spider Sloth, does whatever a .... sloth does?\nRelease highlights\n\n Create, view, and vote in polls. It's been a while in the making but GoToSocial now has support for polls, aka Question activity types. You can create, view, and vote in polls using your client of choice.\n Show unsupported media placeholders in incoming posts, where media could not be downloaded (temporarily or otherwise). No more dropped media on posts! You'll instead now get a link to the media on the originating instance, that you can click through in your (mobile) browser.\n Mute threads that you're being overwhelmed by. Notifications for replies, likes, and boosts in that thread will no longer be generated.\n Media cleanup scheduling. Previously media scheduling took place every night at 12am. With the new media scheduling settings in the config, you can customize the schedule to run it at different times and frequencies. https://docs.gotosocial.org/en/latest/admin/media_caching/#cleanup\n \ Support for setting instance language . You can use the new instance-languages setting to indicate one or more primary languages for your instance. https://docs.gotosocial.org/en/latest/configuration/instance/\n \ Support for language tags on posts. Language of posts is now correctly federated in and out of your instance. The language of posts is also shown on the web view of statuses and threads.\n Gather and expose prometheus format metrics. You can now expose a /metrics endpoint to allow a Prometheus instance to scrape metrics about Go runtime memory usage, http request and database metrics, and more. https://docs.gotosocial.org/en/latest/advanced/metrics/\n\nMigration notes\nError #01: authentication NOT PASSED for public key\n\nYou will see lots of errors in your logs now that look like this. This is normal, and not a new bug! Previously, we were not surfacing these authentication errors, and now we are. They are caused by #894, which we will fix some time in the new year. Again, not a new bug. This will not effect normal running of your instance.\nUpgrading\n\nTo upgrade to 0.13.0 from a previous release:\nBinary/tar\n\n Stop GoToSocial\n \ Untar the new release, including the web assets and html templates.\n Edit your config.yaml file as necessary (see below).\n Start GoToSocial\n\nDocker\n\n \ Stop GoToSocial.\n Pull the new docker container (superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:0.13.0 or superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:latest)\n Start GoToSocial.\n\nconfig.yaml\n\nThe configuration file has changed since the previous release. You can see a diff of the config file here: v0.12.2...v0.13.0#diff-c071e03510b2c57e193a44503fd9528a785f0f411497cc75841a9f8d0b1ac622\nDatabase Migrations\n\nThis release contains several database migrations which will run the first time you start up this new version. Be sure not to interrupt this migration process. This will take anywhere between a couple seconds and ten minutes (on slower hardware). Please be patient!\nDetailed Changelog\nFeatures + performance\n\n \ [feature] Status thread mute/unmute functionality by @tsmethurst in #2278\n \ [feature] attach any request errors if found, only set level=ERROR if code >= 500 by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2300\n [feature] Customizable media cleaner schedule by @tsmethurst in #2304\n [feature] add per-uri dereferencer locks by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2291\n [feature] support canceling scheduled tasks, some federation API performance improvements by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2329\n [feature] add support for polls + receiving federated status edits by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2330\n [feature] Media attachment placeholders by @tsmethurst in #2331\n [feature/performance] Wrap incoming HTTP requests in timeout handler by @tsmethurst in #2353\n [feature] Set/show instance language(s); show post language on frontend by @tsmethurst in #2362\n [feature] Initial metrics by @Tsuribori in #2334\n [feature] Federate status language in and out by @tsmethurst in #2366\n [feature] Poll web view by @tsmethurst in #2377\n [performance] http response encoding / writing improvements by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2374\n [feature] Add /api/v1/admin/debug/apurl endpoint by @tsmethurst in #2359\n [performance/postgres] Rename constraints, remove duplicate indexes by @tsmethurst in #2392\n\nBugfixes\n\n [bugfix] serialize instance terms via API by @tsmethurst in #2293\n [bugfix/frontend] Export/import CSV correctly by @tsmethurst in #2294\n [bugfix] allow store smaller PNG image than 261 bytes (#2263) by @KEINOS in #2298\n [bugfix/frontend] Add nosubmit option to form fields; use it when instance custom CSS disabled by @tsmethurst in #2290\n [bugfix] Extract description as summary first, fall back to name by @tsmethurst in #2303\n [bugfix] Allow blocked accounts to show in precise search by @tsmethurst in #2321\n [bugfix] Relax Mention parsing, allowing either href or name by @tsmethurst in #2320\n Remove account_suspended_at_idx to resolve slow query issues by @Sentynel in #2310\n [bugfix] fix poll vote count responses on client and fedi API vote creation by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2343\n [bugfix] actually decrement votes during poll vote delete ... by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2344\n \ [bugfix/docs] Poll api fixups + swagger docs by @tsmethurst in #2345\n [bugfix] Don't try to update suspended accounts by @tsmethurst in #2348\n [chore/bugfix/horror] Allow expires_in and poll choices to be parsed from strings by @tsmethurst in #2346\n [bugfix] support endless polls, and misskey's' method of inferring expiry in closed polls by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2349\n [bugfix] Update poll delete/update db queries by @tsmethurst in #2361\n [bugfix] process account delete side effects in serial, not in parallel by @tsmethurst in #2360\n [bugfix] self-referencing collection pages for status replies by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2364\n \ [bugfix] Add Actor to outgoing poll vote Create; other fixes by @tsmethurst in #2384\n [bugfix] Don't copy ptr fields in caches by @tsmethurst in #2386\n \ [bugfix] Correctly handle range > content-length by @Jadeiin in #2395\n [bugfix] Update exif-terminator (fix png issue) by @tsmethurst in #2391\n [bugfix] always go through status parent dereferencing on isNew, even on data-race by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2402\n [bugfix] return 400 Bad Request on more cases of malformed AS data by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2399\n [bugfix] in fedi API CreateStatus(), handle case of data-race and return early by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2403\n [bugfix/chore] Announce reliability updates by @tsmethurst in #2405\n [bug] Fix an import statement in the gen template by @daenney in #2426\n [bugfix] Fix wrong notification type sent for poll end by @tsmethurst in #2429\n [bugfix] Fix web media not showing as sensitive by @tsmethurst in #2433\n [bugfix] Ensure pre renders as expected, fix orderedCollectionPage by @tsmethurst in #2434\n [bugfix] Narrow search scope for accounts starting with '@'; don't LOWER SQLite text searches by @tsmethurst in #2435\n [bugfix] Make screenreaders read out Language of posts properly by @tsmethurst in #2436\n [bugfix] ensure the 'Closing' flag doesn't get cached by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2443\n [bugfix] pol...\n\nv0.13.0-rc2\n\nHiya! Here's the second release candidate for 0.13.0!\n\nFor installation / migration instructions, please see the release notes for the RC1, but replace rc1 with rc2 throughout:\n\nhttps://github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/releases/tag/v0.13.0-rc1\n\nHappy bug hunting!\nDetailed Changelog\nBugfixes\n\n d0bb8f0 [bugfix] Let templates deref pointers, as a treat (#2448)\n ac48192 [bugfix] poll vote count fixes (#2444)\n 2191c7d [bugfix] ensure the 'Closing' flag doesn't get cached (#2443)\n \ bca9b2c [bugfix] Make screenreaders read out Language of posts properly (#2436)\n \ 3f070a4 [bugfix] Narrow search scope for accounts starting with '@'; don't LOWER SQLite text searches (#2435)\n d60edf7 [bugfix] Ensure pre renders as expected, fix orderedCollectionPage (#2434)\n cc91ea0 [bugfix] Fix web media not showing as sensitive (#2433)\n c6d6fec [bugfix] Fix wrong notification type sent for poll end (#2429)\n 455064f [bug] Fix an import statement in the gen template (#2426)\n\nChores / version bumps\n\n cd16113 [chore]: Bump github.com/KimMachineGun/automemlimit from 0.3.0 to 0.4.0 (#2440)\n 9b03840 [chore]: Bump github.com/miekg/dns from 1.1.56 to 1.1.57 (#2439)\n cdeba94 [chore]: Bump golang.org/x/oauth2 from 0.13.0 to 0.15.0 (#2438)\n a968a03 [chore]: Bump github.com/coreos/go-oidc/v3 from 3.7.0 to 3.9.0 (#2442)\n 4779aec [chore] Run ANALYZE for SQLite after latest migrations (#2427)\n dacfd41 [chore/frontend] Refactor status templates slightly, put polls behind CWs if present (#2419)\n 18d850e [chore]: Bump go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/prometheus (#2412)\n ca1a581 [chore]: Bump github.com/tdewolff/minify/v2 from 2.20.7 to 2.20.9 (#2416)\n bdc43a9 [chore]: Bump github.com/minio/minio-go/v7 from 7.0.63 to 7.0.65 (#2415)\n b576fbb [chore]: Bump golang.org/x/crypto from 0.15.0 to 0.16.0 (#2413)\n bffc67d [chore]: Bump github.com/gorilla/feeds from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 (#2414)\n\nDocs\n\n 5556767 [docs] Change configuration creation instructions (#2408)\n\nv0.13.0-rc1\nWell well well, look what the sloth dragged in... the first release candidate for v0.13.0, Spider Sloth.\nRelease highlights\n\n Create, view, and vote in polls. It's been a while in the making but GoToSocial now has support for polls, aka Question activity types. You can create, view, and vote in polls using your client of choice.\n Show unsupported media placeholders in incoming posts, where media could not be downloaded (temporarily or otherwise). No more dropped media on posts! You'll instead now get a link to the media on the originating instance, that you can click through in your (mobile) browser.\n \ Mute threads that you're being overwhelmed by. Notifications for replies, likes, and boosts in that thread will no longer be generated.\n Media cleanup scheduling. Previously media scheduling took place every night at 12am. With the new media scheduling settings in the config, you can customize the schedule to run it at different times and frequencies. https://docs.gotosocial.org/en/latest/admin/media_caching/#cleanup\n \ Support for setting instance language . You can use the new instance-languages setting to indicate one or more primary languages for your instance. https://docs.gotosocial.org/en/latest/configuration/instance/\n \ Support for language tags on posts. Language of posts is now correctly federated in and out of your instance. The language of posts is also shown on the web view of statuses and threads.\n Gather and expose prometheus format metrics. You can now expose a /metrics endpoint to allow a Prometheus instance to scrape metrics about Go runtime memory usage, http request and database metrics, and more. https://docs.gotosocial.org/en/latest/advanced/metrics/\n\nMigration notes\nUpgrading\n\nTo upgrade to 0.13.0-rc1 from a previous release:\nBinary/tar\n\n \ Stop GoToSocial\n Untar the new release, including the web assets and html templates.\n Edit your config.yaml file as necessary (see below).\n Start GoToSocial\n\nDocker\n\n Stop GoToSocial.\n Pull the new docker container (superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:0.13.0-rc1 or superseriousbusiness/gotosocial:latest)\n \ Start GoToSocial.\n\nconfig.yaml\n\nThe configuration file has changed since the previous release. You can see a diff of the config file here: v0.12.2...v0.13.0-rc1#diff-c071e03510b2c57e193a44503fd9528a785f0f411497cc75841a9f8d0b1ac622\nDatabase Migrations\n\nThis release contains several database migrations which will run the first time you start up this new version. Be sure not to interrupt this migration process. This will take anywhere between a couple seconds and ten minutes (on slower hardware). Please be patient!\nDetailed Changelog\nFeature / performance\n\n \ [feature] Status thread mute/unmute functionality by @tsmethurst in #2278\n \ [feature] attach any request errors if found, only set level=ERROR if code >= 500 by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2300\n [feature] Customizable media cleaner schedule by @tsmethurst in #2304\n [feature] add per-uri dereferencer locks by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2291\n [performance] Remove account_suspended_at_idx to resolve slow query issues by @Sentynel in #2310\n [feature] support canceling scheduled tasks, some federation API performance improvements by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2329\n [feature] add support for polls + receiving federated status edits by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2330\n [feature] Media attachment placeholders by @tsmethurst in #2331\n [feature/performance] Wrap incoming HTTP requests in timeout handler by @tsmethurst in #2353\n [feature] Set/show instance language(s); show post language on frontend by @tsmethurst in #2362\n [feature] Initial metrics by @Tsuribori in #2334\n [feature] Federate status language in and out by @tsmethurst in #2366\n [feature] Poll web view by @tsmethurst in #2377\n [performance] http response encoding / writing improvements by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2374\n [feature] Add /api/v1/admin/debug/apurl endpoint by @tsmethurst in #2359\n [performance/postgres] Rename constraints, remove duplicate indexes by @tsmethurst in #2392\n\nBugfixes\n\n \ [bugfix/frontend] Add nosubmit option to form fields; use it when instance custom CSS disabled by @tsmethurst in #2290\n [bugfix] serialize instance terms via API by @tsmethurst in #2293\n [bugfix/frontend] Export/import CSV correctly by @tsmethurst in #2294\n [bugfix] allow store smaller PNG image than 261 bytes (#2263) by @KEINOS in #2298\n [bugfix] Extract description as summary first, fall back to name by @tsmethurst in #2303\n [bugfix] Allow blocked accounts to show in precise search by @tsmethurst in #2321\n [bugfix] Relax Mention parsing, allowing either href or name by @tsmethurst in #2320\n [bugfix] fix poll vote count responses on client and fedi API vote creation by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2343\n [bugfix] actually decrement votes during poll vote delete ... by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2344\n [bugfix/docs] Poll api fixups + swagger docs by @tsmethurst in #2345\n [bugfix] Don't try to update suspended accounts by @tsmethurst in #2348\n [chore/bugfix/horror] Allow expires_in and poll choices to be parsed from strings by @tsmethurst in #2346\n [bugfix] support incoming endless polls, and misskey's' method of inferring expiry in closed polls by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2349\n [bugfix] Update poll delete/update db queries by @tsmethurst in #2361\n [bugfix] process account delete side effects in serial, not in parallel by @tsmethurst in #2360\n [bugfix] self-referencing collection pages for status replies by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2364\n [bugfix] Add Actor to outgoing poll vote Create; other fixes by @tsmethurst in #2384\n [bugfix] Don't copy ptr fields in caches by @tsmethurst in #2386\n [bugfix] Correctly handle range > content-length by @Jadeiin in #2395\n [bugfix] Update exif-terminator (fix png issue) by @tsmethurst in #2391\n [bugfix] always go through status parent dereferencing on isNew, even on data-race by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2402\n [bugfix] return 400 Bad Request on more cases of malformed AS data by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2399\n [bugfix] in fedi API CreateStatus(), handle case of data-race and return early by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2403\n [bugfix/chore] Announce reliability updates by @tsmethurst in #2405\n\nChores and version bumps\n\n [chore]: Bump github.com/coreos/go-oidc/v3 from 3.6.0 to 3.7.0 by @dependabot in #2284\n [chore] de-interface{} the federator and dereferencer structs by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2285\n \ [chore] bump go version -> 1.21.x by @tsmethurst in #2287\n Bump @babel/traverse from 7.23.0 to 7.23.2 in /web/source by @dependabot in #2269\n [chore] update minify library by @NyaaaWhatsUpDoc in #2286\n [chore] bump go swagger version in Docker build by @tsmethurst in #2292\n [chore]: Bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.58.2 to 1.58.3 by @dependabot in #2301\n [chore]: Bump github.com/tdewolff/minify/v2 from 2.19.10 to 2.20.0 by @dependabot in #2316\n [chore]: Bump github.com/yuin/goldmark from 1.5.6 to 1.6.0 by @dependabot in #2318\n Bump browserify-sign from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2 in /web/source by @dependabot in #2...\n" module: pkgsrc subject: 'CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/gotosocial' unixtime: '1704905410' user: nikita