Sat Jun 2 14:29:42 2012 UTC ()
Import BSD::arc4random from wip. From DESCR:

This module provides a Perl API for the BSDs' arc4random(3) suite
of functions and adds a few high-level functions, such as the new
arc4random_uniform(3). The Perl functions are ithreads-safe (only
if threads::shared is required). Scalars can be tied to this pak-
kage, yielding uniformly distributed random numbers with an arbi-
trary upper bound on read access, contributing to the RC4 entropy
pool on write access. An exported global $RANDOM variable returns
15-bit unsigned random numbers, from [0; 32767], similar to mksh.
Furthermore, Perl's internal PRNG is seeded with entropy obtained
from the arc4random generator once on module load time.

diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/security/p5-BSD-arc4random/DESCR
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/security/p5-BSD-arc4random/Makefile
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/security/p5-BSD-arc4random/distinfo

File Added: pkgsrc/security/p5-BSD-arc4random/DESCR
This module provides a Perl API for the BSDs' arc4random(3) suite
of functions and adds a few high-level functions, such as the new
arc4random_uniform(3). The Perl functions are ithreads-safe (only
if threads::shared is required). Scalars can be tied to this pak-
kage, yielding uniformly distributed random numbers with an arbi-
trary upper bound on read access, contributing to the RC4 entropy
pool on write access. An exported global $RANDOM variable returns
15-bit unsigned random numbers, from [0; 32767], similar to mksh.
Furthermore, Perl's internal PRNG is seeded with entropy obtained
from the arc4random generator once on module load time.

File Added: pkgsrc/security/p5-BSD-arc4random/Makefile
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2012/06/02 14:29:42 bsiegert Exp $

DISTNAME=	BSD-arc4random-1.50
CATEGORIES=	security

COMMENT=	Perl interface to the arc4 random number generator
LICENSE=	miros


PERL5_PACKLIST=	auto/BSD/arc4random/.packlist

.include "../../lang/perl5/"
.include "../../mk/"

File Added: pkgsrc/security/p5-BSD-arc4random/distinfo
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.1 2012/06/02 14:29:42 bsiegert Exp $

SHA1 (BSD-arc4random-1.50.tar.gz) = d7472ce6306572965f041d37437b8be3446294da
RMD160 (BSD-arc4random-1.50.tar.gz) = 794d4f799e769b7d11ccc79ba733c190868df664
Size (BSD-arc4random-1.50.tar.gz) = 14432 bytes