Fri Mar 15 23:47:52 2013 UTC ()
Add ruby-pygments.rb package version 0.3.7.

A Ruby wrapper for the Python [pygments syntax

pygments.rb works by talking over a simple pipe to a long-lived Python child
process. This library replaces
[github/albino](, as well as a version of
pygments.rb that used an embedded Python interpreter.

Each Ruby process that runs has its own 'personal Python'; for example, 4
Unicorn workers will have one Python process each.  If a Python process dies,
a new one will be spawned on the next pygments.rb request.

diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/www/ruby-pygments.rb/DESCR
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/www/ruby-pygments.rb/Makefile
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/www/ruby-pygments.rb/PLIST
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/www/ruby-pygments.rb/distinfo

File Added: pkgsrc/www/ruby-pygments.rb/DESCR
# pygments.rb

A Ruby wrapper for the Python [pygments syntax

pygments.rb works by talking over a simple pipe to a long-lived Python child
process. This library replaces
[github/albino](, as well as a version of
pygments.rb that used an embedded Python interpreter.

Each Ruby process that runs has its own 'personal Python'; for example, 4
Unicorn workers will have one Python process each.  If a Python process dies,
a new one will be spawned on the next pygments.rb request.

File Added: pkgsrc/www/ruby-pygments.rb/Makefile
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/03/15 23:47:51 taca Exp $

DISTNAME=	pygments.rb-0.3.7
CATEGORIES=	textproc

COMMENT=	Pygments wrapper for ruby

DEPENDS+=	${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-posix-spawn>=0.3.6<0.4:../../devel/ruby-posix-spawn
DEPENDS+=	${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-yajl>=1.1.0<1.2:../../textproc/ruby-yajl

.include "../../lang/ruby/"
.include "../../lang/python/"
.include "../../mk/"

File Added: pkgsrc/www/ruby-pygments.rb/PLIST
@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.1 2013/03/15 23:47:51 taca Exp $

File Added: pkgsrc/www/ruby-pygments.rb/distinfo
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.1 2013/03/15 23:47:52 taca Exp $

SHA1 (pygments.rb-0.3.7.gem) = 4060e4c005b92a1f42c9958fd7af5dcf01a50137
RMD160 (pygments.rb-0.3.7.gem) = 33856bc9d0d83e47193d3a7bf95f2c6fc8a050ad
Size (pygments.rb-0.3.7.gem) = 1417216 bytes