Fri May 16 12:08:30 2014 UTC ()
Update to 1.37.0:

- version: 1.37.0

  date: 2014-05-16

  new features:

    - title: "Edit Book: Live spell checking in the code view. Now
    spelling errors are highlighted in the code view for convenient
    correction as you type. This can be turned off via

    - title: "E-book viewer: When using the tap and hold gesture
    on a touchscreen, allow lookup of the word currently under
    the finger in the dictionary or online."
      tickets: [1318242]

    - title: "Edit Book: Allow putting the editor into replace mode
    by pressing the Insert key"

    - title: "Content server: Add more descriptive titles to the
    OPDS feeds, where possible."

    - title: "Edit Book: Update the Table of Contents view
    automatically when the ncx file is edited."

    - title: "Edit book: Insert tag button: Allow entering attributes
    along with the tag name to make it easy to repeatedly insert,
    for example, <span class='special'></span>."

    - title: "Windows driver for Woxter Scriba 190."
      tickets: [1317892]

    - title: "Edit Book: Add an entry to the context menu of the
    preview panel to open external URLs when a link is right clicked

  bug fixes:

    - title: "Edit Book: Fix error in the Check Book tool when
    items in the opf have paths starting with a leading slash."
      tickets: [1319378]

    - title: "Book polishing: Fix publisher field in epub not being
    cleared when updating metadata."
      tickets: [1319732]

    - title: "Kobo driver: Update to handle changes to annotation
    processing in newer Kobo firmware."

    - title: "DOCX Input: Handle docx files with index fields that
    have their field names incorrectly lower cased."
      tickets: [1318670]

    - title: "Edit book: Fix incorrect syntax highlighting on linux
    if the text contains non-BMP unicode characters."

    - title: "Edit book: Fix regression that caused an error when
    trying to edit files with no defined syntax, such as plain .txt
      tickets: [1318139]

  improved recipes:

    - Wall Street Journal

diff -r1.76 -r1.77 pkgsrc/misc/calibre/Makefile
diff -r1.20 -r1.21 pkgsrc/misc/calibre/distinfo

cvs diff -r1.76 -r1.77 pkgsrc/misc/calibre/Makefile (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/misc/calibre/Makefile 2014/05/09 16:53:16 1.76
+++ pkgsrc/misc/calibre/Makefile 2014/05/16 12:08:30 1.77
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.76 2014/05/09 16:53:16 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.77 2014/05/16 12:08:30 wiz Exp $
-DISTNAME=	calibre-1.36.0
+DISTNAME=	calibre-1.37.0
 EXTRACT_SUFX=	.tar.xz

cvs diff -r1.20 -r1.21 pkgsrc/misc/calibre/distinfo (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/misc/calibre/distinfo 2014/05/09 16:53:16 1.20
+++ pkgsrc/misc/calibre/distinfo 2014/05/16 12:08:30 1.21
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.20 2014/05/09 16:53:16 wiz Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.21 2014/05/16 12:08:30 wiz Exp $
-SHA1 (calibre-1.36.0.tar.xz) = d32e054d2ad23419df739327da2ae89b671deb2b
-RMD160 (calibre-1.36.0.tar.xz) = d0464b301c93e3ac3c5fbdc68337e4d790148c37
-Size (calibre-1.36.0.tar.xz) = 34023596 bytes
+SHA1 (calibre-1.37.0.tar.xz) = 418781e06dbd5de90fb9072ba87010821e2ccd83
+RMD160 (calibre-1.37.0.tar.xz) = ecfcc26dae2697446d8ed038a6d7bc983c96590f
+Size (calibre-1.37.0.tar.xz) = 34093504 bytes
 SHA1 (qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.5.tar.gz) = 745f9ebf091696c0d5403ce691dc28c039d77b9e
 RMD160 (qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.5.tar.gz) = 1e7bb099d5d1cda0b663cebe207c846c8d04750d
 Size (qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.5.tar.gz) = 241491467 bytes