Thu Jul 2 22:46:45 2015 UTC ()
Import lbxproxy-1.0.3 as x11/lbxproxy.

Applications that would like to take advantage of the Low Bandwidth extension to
X (LBX) must make their connections to an lbxproxy. These applications need to
know nothing about LBX, they simply connect to the lbxproxy as if were a regular
server. The lbxproxy accepts client connections, multiplexes them over a single
connection to the X server, and performs various optimizations on the X protocol
to make it faster over low bandwidth and/or high latency connections.

With regard to authentication/authorization, lbxproxy simply passes along to the
server the credentials presented by the client. Since X clients will connect to
lbxproxy, it is important that the user's .Xauthority file contain entries with
valid keys associated with the network ID of the proxy. lbxproxy does not get
involved with how these entries are added to the .Xauthority file. The user is
responsible for setting it up.

Note that the X server source from X.Org no longer supports the LBX extension,
so this program is only useful in connecting to older X servers.

diff -r0 -r1.4 pkgsrc/x11/lbxproxy/DESCR
diff -r0 -r1.4 pkgsrc/x11/lbxproxy/PLIST
diff -r0 -r1.4 pkgsrc/x11/lbxproxy/distinfo
diff -r0 -r1.8 pkgsrc/x11/lbxproxy/Makefile

File Added: pkgsrc/x11/lbxproxy/Attic/DESCR
Applications that would like to take advantage of the Low Bandwidth extension to
X (LBX) must make their connections to an lbxproxy. These applications need to
know nothing about LBX, they simply connect to the lbxproxy as if were a regular
server. The lbxproxy accepts client connections, multiplexes them over a single
connection to the X server, and performs various optimizations on the X protocol
to make it faster over low bandwidth and/or high latency connections.

With regard to authentication/authorization, lbxproxy simply passes along to the
server the credentials presented by the client. Since X clients will connect to
lbxproxy, it is important that the user's .Xauthority file contain entries with
valid keys associated with the network ID of the proxy. lbxproxy does not get
involved with how these entries are added to the .Xauthority file. The user is
responsible for setting it up.

Note that the X server source from X.Org no longer supports the LBX extension,
so this program is only useful in connecting to older X servers.

File Added: pkgsrc/x11/lbxproxy/Attic/PLIST
@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.4 2015/07/02 22:46:45 rodent Exp $

File Added: pkgsrc/x11/lbxproxy/Attic/distinfo
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.4 2015/07/02 22:46:45 rodent Exp $

SHA1 (lbxproxy-1.0.3.tar.bz2) = 2c6db0a501d7ee88ccfe60436f894d5749ade5e4
RMD160 (lbxproxy-1.0.3.tar.bz2) = 94442ec67f1950588a1b45769add67e7876a3b0a
Size (lbxproxy-1.0.3.tar.bz2) = 229963 bytes

File Added: pkgsrc/x11/lbxproxy/Attic/Makefile
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.8 2015/07/02 22:46:45 rodent Exp $

DISTNAME=	lbxproxy-1.0.3
EXTRACT_SUFX=	.tar.bz2

COMMENT=	Proxy for Low Bandwidth extension (LBX) connections to X
LICENSE=	x11 # XXX and others

USE_TOOLS+=	pkg-config

EGDIR=		share/examples/lbxproxy
CONF_FILES+=	${EGDIR}/AtomControl ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/X11/lbxproxy/AtomControl


		${RM} ${DESTDIR}${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/X11/lbxproxy/AtomControl
		${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/config/AtomControl \

.include "../../x11/bigreqsproto/"
.include "../../x11/xproxymanagementprotocol/"
.include "../../x11/libICE/"
.include "../../x11/libX11/"
.include "../../wip/liblbxutil/"
.include "../../x11/libXext/"
.include "../../x11/xtrans/"
.include "../../devel/xorg-util-macros/"
.include "../../mk/"