Thu Jul 7 12:09:27 2016 UTC ()
Updated pkglint to 5.4.3.

Changes since 5.4.2:

* Variables like ${VAR_${OTHER_VAR}} are no longer checked for
  use/define mismatch
* The check for plural variable names has been removed
* The type of variables called *DESTDIR is no longer guessed to be a
  directory name
* The check for unknown shell commands is disabled in Makefile
  sections that depend on OPSYS
* The experimental hand-written shell parser has been replaced with
  a Yacc-generated one
* Meta packages don't need a LICENSE
* When PKGNAME is defined in terms of ${DISTNAME:S/from/to/:tl}, more
  modifiers (like :tl) are handled properly
* When the MAINTAINER or OWNER of a package is not the current user,
  a warning is printed for modified files
* The check for share/applications/*.desktop has been disabled, since
  pkglint would need to inspect the file's actual contents to see
  whether must be included or not
* Loosened the usage restrictions for several variables, e.g. many
  variables that may be appended in a Makefile may also be set
* PKG_OPTIONS_VAR must be of the form PKG_OPTIONS.*

diff -r1.487 -r1.488 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/Makefile
diff -r1.9 -r1.10 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/check_test.go
diff -r1.9 -r1.10 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/shell.go
diff -r1.9 -r1.10 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/shell_test.go
diff -r1.10 -r1.11 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/globaldata.go
diff -r1.10 -r1.11 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/vardefs.go
diff -r1.10 -r1.11 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/vartypecheck_test.go
diff -r1.4 -r1.5 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/licenses.go
diff -r1.4 -r1.5 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/substcontext_test.go
diff -r1.12 -r1.13 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/mkline.go
diff -r1.12 -r1.13 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/mkline_test.go
diff -r1.5 -r1.6 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/mklines_test.go
diff -r1.5 -r1.6 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/plist.go
diff -r1.5 -r1.6 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/plist_test.go
diff -r1.5 -r1.6 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/substcontext.go
diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/mkparser.go
diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/mkparser_test.go
diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/mkshparser.go
diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/mkshparser_test.go
diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/mkshtypes.go
diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/mktypes_test.go
diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/shtokenizer.go
diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/shtokenizer_test.go
diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/shtypes.go
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/mkshwalker.go
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/mkshwalker_test.go
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/shell.y
diff -r1.8 -r1.9 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/package.go
diff -r1.8 -r1.9 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/pkglint.go
diff -r1.7 -r1.8 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/package_test.go
diff -r1.7 -r1.8 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/util.go
diff -r1.3 -r1.4 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/util_test.go
diff -r1.14 -r1.15 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/vartypecheck.go
diff -r1.2 -r1.3 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/vercmp_test.go

cvs diff -r1.487 -r1.488 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/Makefile (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/Makefile 2016/06/19 18:03:29 1.487
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/Makefile 2016/07/07 12:09:26 1.488
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.487 2016/06/19 18:03:29 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.488 2016/07/07 12:09:26 rillig Exp $
-PKGNAME=	pkglint-5.4.2
+PKGNAME=	pkglint-5.4.3
 DISTFILES=	# none
 CATEGORIES=	pkgtools
@@ -25,7 +25,10 @@
 	${RUN} mkdir -p ${WRKDIR}/pkglint/plist-clash
-	${RUN} cd ${FILESDIR} && ${PAX} -rw *.go */*.go pkglint.[01] ${WRKDIR}/pkglint
+	${RUN} cd ${FILESDIR} && ${PAX} -rw *.go *.y */*.go pkglint.[01] ${WRKDIR}/pkglint
+	${RUN} env GOPATH=${WRKDIR}:${BUILDLINK_DIR}/gopkg go generate ${GO_BUILD_PATTERN}
 do-install: do-install-man

cvs diff -r1.9 -r1.10 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/check_test.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/check_test.go 2016/06/05 11:24:32 1.9
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/check_test.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.10
@@ -75,10 +75,16 @@
 	return NewMkLines(s.NewLines(fname, lines...))
-func (s *Suite) DebugToStdout() {
+func (s *Suite) BeginDebugToStdout() {
 	G.debugOut = os.Stdout
 	G.logOut = os.Stdout
 	G.opts.Debug = true
+func (s *Suite) EndDebugToStdout() {
+	G.debugOut = &s.stdout
+	G.logOut = &s.stdout
+	G.opts.Debug = false
 func (s *Suite) UseCommandLine(c *check.C, args ...string) {

cvs diff -r1.9 -r1.10 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/shell.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/shell.go 2016/06/05 11:24:32 1.9
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/shell.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.10
@@ -8,34 +8,6 @@
 const (
-	reShellToken = `^\s*(` +
-		`#.*` + // shell comment
-		`|(?:` +
-		`'[^']*'` + // single quoted string
-		"|\"`[^`]+`\"" + // backticks command execution in double quotes
-		`|"(?:\\.|[^"])*"` + // double quoted string
-		"|`[^`]*`" + // backticks command execution (very simple case)
-		`|\\\$\$` + // a shell-escaped dollar sign
-		`|\\[^\$]` + // other escaped characters
-		`|\$[\w_]` + // one-character make(1) variable
-		`|\$\$[0-9A-Z_a-z]+` + // shell variable
-		`|\$\$[!#?@]` + // special shell variables
-		`|\$\$[./]` + // unescaped dollar in shell, followed by punctuation
-		`|\$\$\$\$` + // the special pid shell variable
-		`|\$\$\{[0-9A-Z_a-z]+[#%:]?[^}]*\}` + // shell variable in braces
-		`|[^\(\)'\"\\\s;&\|<>` + "`" + `\$]` + // non-special character
-		`|\$\{[^\s\"'` + "`" + `]+` + // HACK: nested make(1) variables
-		`)+` + // any of the above may be repeated
-		`|\$\$\(` + // POSIX-style backticks replacement
-		`|;;?` +
-		`|&&?` +
-		`|\|\|?` +
-		`|\(` +
-		`|\)` +
-		`|>&` +
-		`|<<?` +
-		`|>>?` +
-		`|#.*)`
 	reShVarassign    = `^([A-Z_a-z]\w*)=`
 	reShVarname      = `(?:[!#*\-\d?@]|\$\$|[A-Za-z_]\w*)`
 	reShVarexpansion = `(?:(?:#|##|%|%%|:-|:=|:\?|:\+|\+)[^$\\{}]*)`
@@ -43,63 +15,6 @@
 	reShDollar       = `\\\$\$|` + reShVaruse + `|\$\$[,\-/|]`
-// ShellCommandState
-type scState uint8
-const (
-	scstStart scState = iota
-	scstCont
-	scstInstall
-	scstInstallD
-	scstMkdir
-	scstPax
-	scstPaxS
-	scstSed
-	scstSedE
-	scstSet
-	scstSetCont
-	scstCond
-	scstCondCont
-	scstCase
-	scstCaseIn
-	scstCaseLabel
-	scstCaseLabelCont
-	scstFor
-	scstForIn
-	scstForCont
-	scstEcho
-	scstInstallDir
-	scstInstallDir2
-func (st scState) String() string {
-	return [...]string{
-		"start",
-		"continuation",
-		"install",
-		"install -d",
-		"mkdir",
-		"pax",
-		"pax -s",
-		"sed",
-		"sed -e",
-		"set",
-		"set-continuation",
-		"cond",
-		"cond-continuation",
-		"case",
-		"case in",
-		"case label",
-		"case-label-continuation",
-		"for",
-		"for-in",
-		"for-continuation",
-		"echo",
-		"install-dir",
-		"install-dir2",
-	}[st]
 type ShellLine struct {
 	line   *Line
 	mkline *MkLine
@@ -355,12 +270,6 @@
 	return true
-type ShelltextContext struct {
-	shline    *ShellLine
-	state     scState
-	shellword string
 func (shline *ShellLine) CheckShellCommandLine(shelltext string) {
 	if G.opts.Debug {
 		defer tracecall1(shelltext)()
@@ -411,62 +320,44 @@
 func (shline *ShellLine) CheckShellCommand(shellcmd string, pSetE *bool) {
-	if false {
-		p := NewMkShParser(shline.line, shellcmd, false)
-		cmds := p.Program()
-		rest := p.tok.parser.Rest()
-		if rest != "" {
-			traceStep("shellcmd=%q", shellcmd)
-			if cmds != nil {
-				for _, andor := range cmds.AndOrs {
-					traceStep("AndOr %v", andor)
-				}
-			}
-			shline.line.Warnf("Pkglint parse error in ShellLine.CheckShellCommand at %q", p.peekText()+rest)
-		}
+	if G.opts.Debug {
+		defer tracecall()()
-	state := scstStart
-	tokens, rest := splitIntoShellTokens(shline.line, shellcmd)
-	if rest != "" {
-		shline.line.Warnf("Pkglint parse error in ShellLine.CheckShellCommand at %q (state=%s)", rest, state)
+	program, err := parseShellProgram(shline.line, shellcmd)
+	if err != nil && contains(shellcmd, "$$(") { // Hack until the shell parser can handle subshells.
+		shline.line.Warn0("Invoking subshells via $(...) is not portable enough.")
+		return
+	if err != nil {
+		shline.line.Warnf("Pkglint ShellLine.CheckShellCommand: %s", err)
+		return
+	}
-	prevToken := ""
-	for _, token := range tokens {
-		if G.opts.Debug {
-			traceStep("checkShellCommand state=%v token=%q", state, token)
-		}
+	spc := &ShellProgramChecker{shline}
+	spc.checkConditionalCd(program)
-		{
-			noQuotingNeeded := state == scstCase ||
-				state == scstForCont ||
-				state == scstSetCont ||
-				(state == scstStart && matches(token, reShVarassign))
-			shline.CheckWord(token, !noQuotingNeeded)
+	(*MkShWalker).Walk(nil, program, func(node interface{}) {
+		if cmd, ok := node.(*MkShSimpleCommand); ok {
+			scc := NewSimpleCommandChecker(shline, cmd)
+			scc.Check()
+			if scc.strcmd.Name == "set" && scc.strcmd.AnyArgMatches(`^-.*e`) {
+				*pSetE = true
+			}
-		st := &ShelltextContext{shline, state, token}
-		st.checkCommandStart()
-		st.checkConditionalCd()
-		if state != scstPaxS && state != scstSedE && state != scstCaseLabel {
-			shline.line.CheckAbsolutePathname(token)
+		if cmd, ok := node.(*MkShList); ok {
+			spc.checkSetE(cmd, pSetE)
-		st.checkAutoMkdirs()
-		st.checkInstallMulti()
-		st.checkPaxPe()
-		st.checkQuoteSubstitution()
-		st.checkEchoN()
-		st.checkPipeExitcode()
-		st.checkSetE(pSetE, prevToken)
-		if state == scstSet && hasPrefix(token, "-") && contains(token, "e") || state == scstStart && token == "${RUN}" {
-			*pSetE = true
+		if cmd, ok := node.(*MkShPipeline); ok {
+			spc.checkPipeExitcode(shline.line, cmd)
-		state = shline.nextState(state, token)
-		prevToken = token
-	}
+		if word, ok := node.(*ShToken); ok {
+			spc.checkWord(word, false)
+		}
+	})
 func (shline *ShellLine) CheckShellCommands(shellcmds string) {
@@ -493,7 +384,9 @@
 		// Shell comments may be hidden, since they cannot have side effects.
-		if m, cmd := match1(rest, reShellToken); m {
+		tokens, _ := splitIntoShellTokens(shline.line, rest)
+		if len(tokens) > 0 {
+			cmd := tokens[0]
 			switch cmd {
@@ -525,28 +418,48 @@
-func (ctx *ShelltextContext) checkCommandStart() {
+type SimpleCommandChecker struct {
+	shline *ShellLine
+	cmd    *MkShSimpleCommand
+	strcmd *StrCommand
+func NewSimpleCommandChecker(shline *ShellLine, cmd *MkShSimpleCommand) *SimpleCommandChecker {
+	strcmd := NewStrCommand(cmd)
+	return &SimpleCommandChecker{shline, cmd, strcmd}
+func (c *SimpleCommandChecker) Check() {
 	if G.opts.Debug {
-		defer tracecall2(ctx.state.String(), ctx.shellword)()
+		defer tracecall(c.strcmd)()
-	state, shellword := ctx.state, ctx.shellword
-	if state != scstStart && state != scstCond {
-		return
+	c.checkCommandStart()
+	c.checkAbsolutePathnames()
+	c.checkAutoMkdirs()
+	c.checkInstallMulti()
+	c.checkPaxPe()
+	c.checkEchoN()
+func (ctx *SimpleCommandChecker) checkCommandStart() {
+	if G.opts.Debug {
+		defer tracecall()()
+	shellword := ctx.strcmd.Name
 	switch {
-	case shellword == "${RUN}":
+	case shellword == "${RUN}" || shellword == "":
 	case ctx.handleForbiddenCommand():
 	case ctx.handleTool():
 	case ctx.handleCommandVariable():
-	case matches(shellword, `^(?:\$\$\(|\(|\)|:|;|;;|&&|\|\||\{|\}|break|case|cd|continue|do|done|elif|else|esac|eval|exec|exit|export|fi|for|if|read|set|shift|then|umask|unset|while)$`):
-	case matches(shellword, `^\w+=`): // Variable assignment
+	case matches(shellword, `^(?::|break|cd|continue|eval|exec|exit|export|read|set|shift|umask|unset)$`):
 	case hasPrefix(shellword, "./"): // All commands from the current directory are fine.
 	case hasPrefix(shellword, "${PKGSRCDIR"): // With or without the :Q modifier
 	case ctx.handleComment():
-		if G.opts.WarnExtra {
+		if G.opts.WarnExtra && !(G.Mk != nil && G.Mk.indentation.DependsOn("OPSYS")) {
 			ctx.shline.line.Warn1("Unknown shell command %q.", shellword)
 				"If you want your package to be portable to all platforms that pkgsrc",
@@ -556,12 +469,12 @@
-func (ctx *ShelltextContext) handleTool() bool {
+func (ctx *SimpleCommandChecker) handleTool() bool {
 	if G.opts.Debug {
-		defer tracecall1(ctx.shellword)()
+		defer tracecall()()
-	shellword := ctx.shellword
+	shellword := ctx.strcmd.Name
 	tool := G.globalData.Tools.byName[shellword]
 	if tool == nil {
 		return false
@@ -579,10 +492,15 @@
 	return true
-func (ctx *ShelltextContext) handleForbiddenCommand() bool {
-	switch path.Base(ctx.shellword) {
+func (ctx *SimpleCommandChecker) handleForbiddenCommand() bool {
+	if G.opts.Debug {
+		defer tracecall()()
+	}
+	shellword := ctx.strcmd.Name
+	switch path.Base(shellword) {
 	case "ktrace", "mktexlsr", "strace", "texconfig", "truss":
-		ctx.shline.line.Error1("%q must not be used in Makefiles.", ctx.shellword)
+		ctx.shline.line.Error1("%q must not be used in Makefiles.", shellword)
 			"This command must appear in INSTALL scripts, not in the package",
 			"Makefile, so that the package also works if it is installed as a binary",
@@ -592,12 +510,12 @@
 	return false
-func (ctx *ShelltextContext) handleCommandVariable() bool {
+func (ctx *SimpleCommandChecker) handleCommandVariable() bool {
 	if G.opts.Debug {
-		defer tracecall1(ctx.shellword)()
+		defer tracecall()()
-	shellword := ctx.shellword
+	shellword := ctx.strcmd.Name
 	if m, varname := match1(shellword, `^\$\{([\w_]+)\}$`); m {
 		if tool := G.globalData.Tools.byVarname[varname]; tool != nil {
@@ -622,12 +540,16 @@
 	return false
-func (ctx *ShelltextContext) handleComment() bool {
+func (ctx *SimpleCommandChecker) handleComment() bool {
 	if G.opts.Debug {
-		defer tracecall1(ctx.shellword)()
+		defer tracecall()()
-	shellword := ctx.shellword
+	shellword := ctx.strcmd.Name
+	if G.opts.Debug {
+		defer tracecall1(shellword)()
+	}
 	if !hasPrefix(shellword, "#") {
 		return false
@@ -660,91 +582,188 @@
 	return true
-func (ctx *ShelltextContext) checkConditionalCd() {
-	if ctx.state == scstCond && ctx.shellword == "cd" {
-		ctx.shline.line.Error0("The Solaris /bin/sh cannot handle \"cd\" inside conditionals.")
-		Explain3(
-			"When the Solaris shell is in \"set -e\" mode and \"cd\" fails, the",
-			"shell will exit, no matter if it is protected by an \"if\" or the",
-			"\"||\" operator.")
-	}
+type ShellProgramChecker struct {
+	shline *ShellLine
-func (ctx *ShelltextContext) checkAutoMkdirs() {
-	state, shellword := ctx.state, ctx.shellword
+func (c *ShellProgramChecker) checkConditionalCd(list *MkShList) {
+	if G.opts.Debug {
+		defer tracecall()()
+	}
-	line := ctx.shline.line
-	if (state == scstInstallD || state == scstMkdir) && matches(shellword, `^(?:\$\{DESTDIR\})?\$\{PREFIX(?:|:Q)\}/`) {
-		line.Warn1("Please use AUTO_MKDIRS instead of %q.",
-			ifelseStr(state == scstMkdir, "${MKDIR}", "${INSTALL} -d"))
-		Explain4(
-			"Setting AUTO_MKDIRS=yes automatically creates all directories that",
-			"are mentioned in the PLIST.  If you need additional directories,",
-			"specify them in INSTALLATION_DIRS, which is a list of directories",
-			"relative to ${PREFIX}.")
+	getSimple := func(list *MkShList) *MkShSimpleCommand {
+		if len(list.AndOrs) == 1 {
+			if len(list.AndOrs[0].Pipes) == 1 {
+				if len(list.AndOrs[0].Pipes[0].Cmds) == 1 {
+					return list.AndOrs[0].Pipes[0].Cmds[0].Simple
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return nil
-	if (state == scstInstallDir || state == scstInstallDir2) && !contains(shellword, "$$") {
-		if m, dirname := match1(shellword, `^(?:\$\{DESTDIR\})?\$\{PREFIX(?:|:Q)\}/(.*)`); m {
-			line.Note1("You can use AUTO_MKDIRS=yes or \"INSTALLATION_DIRS+= %s\" instead of this command.", dirname)
-			Explain(
-				"Many packages include a list of all needed directories in their",
-				"PLIST file.  In such a case, you can just set AUTO_MKDIRS=yes and",
-				"be done.  The pkgsrc infrastructure will then create all directories",
-				"in advance.",
-				"",
-				"To create directories that are not mentioned in the PLIST file, it",
-				"is easier to just list them in INSTALLATION_DIRS than to execute the",
-				"commands explicitly.  That way, you don't have to think about which",
-				"of the many INSTALL_*_DIR variables is appropriate, since",
-				"INSTALLATION_DIRS takes care of that.")
+	checkConditionalCd := func(cmd *MkShSimpleCommand) {
+		if NewStrCommand(cmd).Name == "cd" {
+			c.shline.line.Error0("The Solaris /bin/sh cannot handle \"cd\" inside conditionals.")
+			Explain3(
+				"When the Solaris shell is in \"set -e\" mode and \"cd\" fails, the",
+				"shell will exit, no matter if it is protected by an \"if\" or the",
+				"\"||\" operator.")
+	(*MkShWalker).Walk(nil, list, func(node interface{}) {
+		if cmd, ok := node.(*MkShIfClause); ok {
+			for _, cond := range cmd.Conds {
+				if simple := getSimple(cond); simple != nil {
+					checkConditionalCd(simple)
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if cmd, ok := node.(*MkShLoopClause); ok {
+			if simple := getSimple(cmd.Cond); simple != nil {
+				checkConditionalCd(simple)
+			}
+		}
+	})
-func (ctx *ShelltextContext) checkInstallMulti() {
-	if ctx.state == scstInstallDir2 && hasPrefix(ctx.shellword, "$") {
-		line := ctx.shline.line
-		line.Warn0("The INSTALL_*_DIR commands can only handle one directory at a time.")
-		Explain2(
-			"Many implementations of install(1) can handle more, but pkgsrc aims",
-			"at maximum portability.")
+func (c *ShellProgramChecker) checkWords(words []*ShToken, checkQuoting bool) {
+	if G.opts.Debug {
+		defer tracecall()()
+	for _, word := range words {
+		c.checkWord(word, checkQuoting)
+	}
-func (ctx *ShelltextContext) checkPaxPe() {
-	if ctx.state == scstPax && ctx.shellword == "-pe" {
-		line := ctx.shline.line
-		line.Warn0("Please use the -pp option to pax(1) instead of -pe.")
-		Explain3(
-			"The -pe option tells pax to preserve the ownership of the files, which",
-			"means that the installed files will belong to the user that has built",
-			"the package.")
+func (c *ShellProgramChecker) checkWord(word *ShToken, checkQuoting bool) {
+	if G.opts.Debug {
+		defer tracecall(word.MkText)()
+	c.shline.CheckWord(word.MkText, checkQuoting)
-func (ctx *ShelltextContext) checkQuoteSubstitution() {
-	if ctx.state == scstPaxS || ctx.state == scstSedE {
-		if false && !matches(ctx.shellword, `"^[\"\'].*[\"\']$`) {
-			line := ctx.shline.line
-			line.Warn1("Substitution commands like %q should always be quoted.", ctx.shellword)
+func (c *SimpleCommandChecker) checkAbsolutePathnames() {
+	if G.opts.Debug {
+		defer tracecall()()
+	}
+	cmdname := c.strcmd.Name
+	isSubst := false
+	for _, arg := range c.strcmd.Args {
+		if !isSubst {
+			c.shline.line.CheckAbsolutePathname(arg)
+		}
+		if false && isSubst && !matches(arg, `"^[\"\'].*[\"\']$`) {
+			c.shline.line.Warn1("Substitution commands like %q should always be quoted.", arg)
 				"Usually these substitution commands contain characters like '*' or",
 				"other shell metacharacters that might lead to lookup of matching",
 				"filenames and then expand to more than one word.")
+		isSubst = cmdname == "${PAX}" && arg == "-s" || cmdname == "${SED}" && arg == "-e"
-func (ctx *ShelltextContext) checkEchoN() {
-	if ctx.state == scstEcho && ctx.shellword == "-n" {
+func (ctx *SimpleCommandChecker) checkAutoMkdirs() {
+	if G.opts.Debug {
+		defer tracecall()()
+	}
+	cmdname := ctx.strcmd.Name
+	switch {
+	case cmdname == "${MKDIR}":
+		break
+	case cmdname == "${INSTALL}" && ctx.strcmd.HasOption("-d"):
+		cmdname = "${INSTALL} -d"
+	case matches(cmdname, `^\$\{INSTALL_.*_DIR\}$`):
+		break
+	default:
+		return
+	}
+	for _, arg := range ctx.strcmd.Args {
+		if !contains(arg, "$$") && !matches(arg, `\$\{[_.]*[a-z]`) {
+			if m, dirname := match1(arg, `^(?:\$\{DESTDIR\})?\$\{PREFIX(?:|:Q)\}/(.*)`); m {
+				ctx.shline.line.Note2("You can use AUTO_MKDIRS=yes or \"INSTALLATION_DIRS+= %s\" instead of %q.", dirname, cmdname)
+				Explain(
+					"Many packages include a list of all needed directories in their",
+					"PLIST file.  In such a case, you can just set AUTO_MKDIRS=yes and",
+					"be done.  The pkgsrc infrastructure will then create all directories",
+					"in advance.",
+					"",
+					"To create directories that are not mentioned in the PLIST file, it",
+					"is easier to just list them in INSTALLATION_DIRS than to execute the",
+					"commands explicitly.  That way, you don't have to think about which",
+					"of the many INSTALL_*_DIR variables is appropriate, since",
+					"INSTALLATION_DIRS takes care of that.")
+			}
+		}
+	}
+func (ctx *SimpleCommandChecker) checkInstallMulti() {
+	if G.opts.Debug {
+		defer tracecall()()
+	}
+	cmd := ctx.strcmd
+	if hasPrefix(cmd.Name, "${INSTALL_") && hasSuffix(cmd.Name, "_DIR}") {
+		prevdir := ""
+		for i, arg := range cmd.Args {
+			switch {
+			case hasPrefix(arg, "-"):
+				break
+			case i > 0 && (cmd.Args[i-1] == "-m" || cmd.Args[i-1] == "-o" || cmd.Args[i-1] == "-g"):
+				break
+			default:
+				if prevdir != "" {
+					ctx.shline.line.Warn0("The INSTALL_*_DIR commands can only handle one directory at a time.")
+					Explain2(
+						"Many implementations of install(1) can handle more, but pkgsrc aims",
+						"at maximum portability.")
+					return
+				}
+				prevdir = arg
+			}
+		}
+	}
+func (ctx *SimpleCommandChecker) checkPaxPe() {
+	if G.opts.Debug {
+		defer tracecall()()
+	}
+	if ctx.strcmd.Name == "${PAX}" && ctx.strcmd.HasOption("-pe") {
+		ctx.shline.line.Warn0("Please use the -pp option to pax(1) instead of -pe.")
+		Explain3(
+			"The -pe option tells pax to preserve the ownership of the files, which",
+			"means that the installed files will belong to the user that has built",
+			"the package.")
+	}
+func (ctx *SimpleCommandChecker) checkEchoN() {
+	if G.opts.Debug {
+		defer tracecall()()
+	}
+	if ctx.strcmd.Name == "${ECHO}" && ctx.strcmd.HasOption("-n") {
 		ctx.shline.line.Warn0("Please use ${ECHO_N} instead of \"echo -n\".")
-func (ctx *ShelltextContext) checkPipeExitcode() {
-	if G.opts.WarnExtra && ctx.state != scstCaseLabelCont && ctx.shellword == "|" {
-		line := ctx.shline.line
+func (ctx *ShellProgramChecker) checkPipeExitcode(line *Line, pipeline *MkShPipeline) {
+	if G.opts.Debug {
+		defer tracecall()()
+	}
+	if G.opts.WarnExtra && len(pipeline.Cmds) > 1 {
 		line.Warn0("The exitcode of the left-hand-side command of the pipe operator is ignored.")
 			"In a shell command like \"cat *.txt | grep keyword\", if the command",
@@ -755,10 +774,15 @@
-func (ctx *ShelltextContext) checkSetE(eflag *bool, prevToken string) {
-	if G.opts.WarnExtra && ctx.shellword == ";" && ctx.state != scstCondCont && ctx.state != scstForCont && !*eflag {
+func (ctx *ShellProgramChecker) checkSetE(list *MkShList, eflag *bool) {
+	if G.opts.Debug {
+		defer tracecall()()
+	}
+	// Disabled until the shell parser can recognize "command || exit 1" reliably.
+	if false && G.opts.WarnExtra && !*eflag && "the current token" == ";" {
 		*eflag = true
-		ctx.shline.line.Warn1("Please switch to \"set -e\" mode before using a semicolon (the one after %q) to separate commands.", prevToken)
+		ctx.shline.line.Warn1("Please switch to \"set -e\" mode before using a semicolon (the one after %q) to separate commands.", "previous token")
 			"Normally, when a shell command fails (returns non-zero), the",
 			"remaining commands are still executed.  For example, the following",
@@ -777,6 +801,10 @@
 // Some shell commands should not be used in the install phase.
 func (shline *ShellLine) checkCommandUse(shellcmd string) {
+	if G.opts.Debug {
+		defer tracecall()()
+	}
 	if G.Mk == nil || !matches(, `^(?:pre|do|post)-install$`) {
@@ -815,113 +843,6 @@
-func (shline *ShellLine) nextState(state scState, shellword string) scState {
-	switch {
-	case shellword == ";;":
-		return scstCaseLabel
-	case state == scstCaseLabelCont && shellword == "|":
-		return scstCaseLabel
-	case matches(shellword, `^[;&\|]+$`):
-		return scstStart
-	case state == scstStart:
-		switch shellword {
-		case "${INSTALL}":
-			return scstInstall
-		case "${MKDIR}":
-			return scstMkdir
-		case "${PAX}":
-			return scstPax
-		case "${SED}":
-			return scstSed
-		case "${ECHO}", "echo":
-			return scstEcho
-		case "${RUN}", "then", "else", "do", "(":
-			return scstStart
-		case "set":
-			return scstSet
-		case "if", "elif", "while":
-			return scstCond
-		case "case":
-			return scstCase
-		case "for":
-			return scstFor
-		default:
-			switch {
-			case matches(shellword, `^\$\{INSTALL_[A-Z]+_DIR\}$`):
-				return scstInstallDir
-			case matches(shellword, reShVarassign):
-				return scstStart
-			default:
-				return scstCont
-			}
-		}
-	case state == scstMkdir:
-		return scstMkdir
-	case state == scstInstall && shellword == "-d":
-		return scstInstallD
-	case state == scstInstall, state == scstInstallD:
-		if matches(shellword, `^-[ogm]$`) {
-			return scstCont // XXX: why not keep the state?
-		}
-		return state
-	case state == scstInstallDir && hasPrefix(shellword, "-"):
-		return scstCont
-	case state == scstInstallDir && hasPrefix(shellword, "$"):
-		return scstInstallDir2
-	case state == scstInstallDir || state == scstInstallDir2:
-		return state
-	case state == scstPax && shellword == "-s":
-		return scstPaxS
-	case state == scstPax && hasPrefix(shellword, "-"):
-		return scstPax
-	case state == scstPax:
-		return scstCont
-	case state == scstPaxS:
-		return scstPax
-	case state == scstSed && shellword == "-e":
-		return scstSedE
-	case state == scstSed && hasPrefix(shellword, "-"):
-		return scstSed
-	case state == scstSed:
-		return scstCont
-	case state == scstSedE:
-		return scstSed
-	case state == scstSet:
-		return scstSetCont
-	case state == scstSetCont:
-		return scstSetCont
-	case state == scstCase:
-		return scstCaseIn
-	case state == scstCaseIn && shellword == "in":
-		return scstCaseLabel
-	case state == scstCaseLabel && shellword == "esac":
-		return scstCont
-	case state == scstCaseLabel:
-		return scstCaseLabelCont
-	case state == scstCaseLabelCont && shellword == ")":
-		return scstStart
-	case state == scstCont:
-		return scstCont
-	case state == scstCond:
-		return scstCondCont
-	case state == scstCondCont:
-		return scstCondCont
-	case state == scstFor:
-		return scstForIn
-	case state == scstForIn && shellword == "in":
-		return scstForCont
-	case state == scstForCont:
-		return scstForCont
-	case state == scstEcho:
-		return scstCont
-	default:
-		if G.opts.Debug {
-			traceStep("Internal pkglint error: shellword.nextState state=%s shellword=%q", state, shellword)
-		}
-		return scstStart
-	}
 // Example: "word1 word2;;;" => "word1", "word2", ";;", ";"
 func splitIntoShellTokens(line *Line, text string) (tokens []string, rest string) {
 	if G.opts.Debug {
@@ -943,10 +864,10 @@
 		if atom.Type == shtSpace && q == shqPlain {
 		} else if atom.Type == shtWord || atom.Type == shtVaruse || atom.Quoting != shqPlain {
-			word += atom.Text
+			word += atom.MkText
 		} else {
-			tokens = append(tokens, atom.Text)
+			tokens = append(tokens, atom.MkText)
@@ -968,7 +889,7 @@
 			words = append(words, word)
 			word = ""
 		} else {
-			word += atom.Text
+			word += atom.MkText
 	if word != "" && atoms[len(atoms)-1].Quoting == shqPlain {

cvs diff -r1.9 -r1.10 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/shell_test.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/shell_test.go 2016/06/05 11:24:32 1.9
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/shell_test.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.10
@@ -6,23 +6,6 @@
 	check ""
-func (s *Suite) TestReShellToken(c *check.C) {
-	re := `^(?:` + reShellToken + `)$`
-	matches := check.NotNil
-	doesntMatch := check.IsNil
-	c.Check(match("", re), doesntMatch)
-	c.Check(match("$var", re), matches)
-	c.Check(match("$var$var", re), matches)
-	c.Check(match("$var;;", re), doesntMatch) // More than one token
-	c.Check(match("'single-quoted'", re), matches)
-	c.Check(match("\"", re), doesntMatch)       // Incomplete string
-	c.Check(match("'...'\"...\"", re), matches) // Mixed strings
-	c.Check(match("\"...\"", re), matches)
-	c.Check(match("`cat file`", re), matches)
-	c.Check(match("${file%.c}.o", re), matches)
 func (s *Suite) Test_SplitIntoShellTokens_LineContinuation(c *check.C) {
 	words, rest := splitIntoShellTokens(dummyLine, "if true; then \\")
@@ -94,6 +77,32 @@
 	c.Check(rest, equals, "")
+func (s *Suite) Test_splitIntoShellTokens_Redirect(c *check.C) {
+	words, rest := splitIntoShellTokens(dummyLine, "echo 1>output 2>>append 3>|clobber 4>&5 6<input >>append")
+	c.Check(words, deepEquals, []string{
+		"echo",
+		"1>", "output",
+		"2>>", "append",
+		"3>|", "clobber",
+		"4>&", "5",
+		"6<", "input",
+		">>", "append"})
+	c.Check(rest, equals, "")
+	words, rest = splitIntoShellTokens(dummyLine, "echo 1> output 2>> append 3>| clobber 4>& 5 6< input >> append")
+	c.Check(words, deepEquals, []string{
+		"echo",
+		"1>", "output",
+		"2>>", "append",
+		"3>|", "clobber",
+		"4>&", "5",
+		"6<", "input",
+		">>", "append"})
+	c.Check(rest, equals, "")
 func (s *Suite) TestChecklineMkShellCommandLine(c *check.C) {
 	s.UseCommandLine(c, "-Wall")
 	G.Mk = s.NewMkLines("fname",
@@ -108,9 +117,7 @@
 	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, ""+
 		"WARN: fname:1: Unknown shell command \"uname\".\n"+
-		"WARN: fname:1: Please switch to \"set -e\" mode before using a semicolon (the one after \"uname=`uname`\") to separate commands.\n"+
 		"WARN: fname:1: Unknown shell command \"echo\".\n"+
-		"WARN: fname:1: Unquoted shell variable \"uname\".\n"+
 		"WARN: fname:1: Unknown shell command \"echo\".\n")
 	s.RegisterTool(&Tool{Name: "echo", Predefined: true})
@@ -137,6 +144,12 @@
 		"WARN: fname:1: COMMENT may not be used in any file; it is a write-only variable.\n"+
 		"WARN: fname:1: Please move ${COMMENT:Q} outside of any quoting characters.\n")
+	shline.CheckShellCommandLine("echo target=$@ exitcode=$$? '$$' \"\\$$\"")
+	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, ""+
+		"WARN: fname:1: Please use \"${.TARGET}\" instead of \"$@\".\n"+
+		"WARN: fname:1: The $? shell variable is often not available in \"set -e\" mode.\n")
 	shline.CheckShellCommandLine("echo $$@")
 	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "WARN: fname:1: The $@ shell variable should only be used in double quotes.\n")
@@ -145,9 +158,9 @@
 	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, ""+
 		"WARN: fname:1: Pkglint parse error in ShTokenizer.ShAtom at \"$$\\\"\" (quoting=d)\n"+
-		"WARN: fname:1: Pkglint parse error in ShellLine.CheckShellCommand at \"$$\\\"\" (state=start)\n")
+		"WARN: fname:1: Pkglint ShellLine.CheckShellCommand: parse error at [\"]\n")
-	shline.CheckShellCommandLine("echo \"\\n\"") // As seen by make(1); the shell sees: echo "\n"
+	shline.CheckShellCommandLine("echo \"\\n\"")
 	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "")
@@ -163,8 +176,8 @@
 	shline.CheckShellCommandLine("${RUN} subdir=\"`unzip -c \"$$e\" install.rdf | awk '/re/ { print \"hello\" }'`\"")
 	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, ""+
-		"WARN: fname:1: Unknown shell command \"unzip\".\n"+
 		"WARN: fname:1: The exitcode of the left-hand-side command of the pipe operator is ignored.\n"+
+		"WARN: fname:1: Unknown shell command \"unzip\".\n"+
 		"WARN: fname:1: Unknown shell command \"awk\".\n")
 	// From mail/thunderbird/Makefile, rev. 1.159
@@ -178,13 +191,12 @@
 	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, ""+
 		"WARN: fname:1: XPI_FILES is used but not defined. Spelling mistake?\n"+
-		"WARN: fname:1: UNZIP_CMD is used but not defined. Spelling mistake?\n"+
 		"WARN: fname:1: The exitcode of the left-hand-side command of the pipe operator is ignored.\n"+
+		"WARN: fname:1: UNZIP_CMD is used but not defined. Spelling mistake?\n"+
 		"WARN: fname:1: Unknown shell command \"awk\".\n"+
-		"WARN: fname:1: MKDIR is used but not defined. Spelling mistake?\n"+
 		"WARN: fname:1: Unknown shell command \"${MKDIR}\".\n"+
-		"WARN: fname:1: UNZIP_CMD is used but not defined. Spelling mistake?\n"+
-		"WARN: fname:1: Unquoted shell variable \"e\".\n")
+		"WARN: fname:1: MKDIR is used but not defined. Spelling mistake?\n"+
+		"WARN: fname:1: UNZIP_CMD is used but not defined. Spelling mistake?\n")
 	// From x11/wxGTK28/Makefile
 	shline.CheckShellCommandLine("" +
@@ -207,7 +219,14 @@
 	shline.CheckShellCommandLine("${RUN} ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} share/pkgbase ${PREFIX}/share/pkgbase")
-	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "NOTE: fname:1: You can use AUTO_MKDIRS=yes or \"INSTALLATION_DIRS+= share/pkgbase\" instead of this command.\n")
+	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, ""+
+		"NOTE: fname:1: You can use AUTO_MKDIRS=yes or \"INSTALLATION_DIRS+= share/pkgbase\" instead of \"${INSTALL_DATA_DIR}\".\n"+
+		"WARN: fname:1: The INSTALL_*_DIR commands can only handle one directory at a time.\n")
+	// See PR 46570, item "1. It does not"
+	shline.CheckShellCommandLine("for x in 1 2 3; do echo \"$$x\" || exit 1; done")
+	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "") // No warning about missing error checking.
 func (s *Suite) TestShellLine_CheckShelltext_nofix(c *check.C) {
@@ -271,6 +290,10 @@
 	c.Check(tokens, deepEquals, []string{text})
 	c.Check(rest, equals, "")
+	shline.CheckWord(text, false)
+	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "WARN: fname:1: Unknown shell command \"echo\".\n")
 	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, ""+ // No parse errors
@@ -301,7 +324,7 @@
 	shline.CheckWord("${SED_FILE.${id}}", false)
-	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "WARN: fname:1: SED_FILE.${id} is used but not defined. Spelling mistake?\n")
+	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "") // No warning for variables that are partly indirect.
 	shline.CheckWord("\"$@\"", false)
@@ -436,9 +459,22 @@
 	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, ""+
-		"NOTE: Makefile:85: You can use AUTO_MKDIRS=yes or \"INSTALLATION_DIRS+= dir1\" instead of this command.\n"+
-		"NOTE: Makefile:85: You can use AUTO_MKDIRS=yes or \"INSTALLATION_DIRS+= dir2\" instead of this command.\n"+
+		"NOTE: Makefile:85: You can use AUTO_MKDIRS=yes or \"INSTALLATION_DIRS+= dir1\" instead of \"${INSTALL_DATA_DIR}\".\n"+
+		"NOTE: Makefile:85: You can use AUTO_MKDIRS=yes or \"INSTALLATION_DIRS+= dir2\" instead of \"${INSTALL_DATA_DIR}\".\n"+
 		"WARN: Makefile:85: The INSTALL_*_DIR commands can only handle one directory at a time.\n")
+	shline.CheckShellCommandLine("${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} -d -m 0755 ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/examples/gdchart")
+	// No warning about multiple directories, since 0755 is an option, not an argument.
+	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, ""+
+		"NOTE: Makefile:85: You can use AUTO_MKDIRS=yes or \"INSTALLATION_DIRS+= share/examples/gdchart\" instead of \"${INSTALL_DATA_DIR}\".\n")
+	shline.CheckShellCommandLine("${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} -d -m 0755 ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/dir1 ${PREFIX}/dir2")
+	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, ""+
+		"NOTE: Makefile:85: You can use AUTO_MKDIRS=yes or \"INSTALLATION_DIRS+= dir1\" instead of \"${INSTALL_DATA_DIR}\".\n"+
+		"NOTE: Makefile:85: You can use AUTO_MKDIRS=yes or \"INSTALLATION_DIRS+= dir2\" instead of \"${INSTALL_DATA_DIR}\".\n"+
+		"WARN: Makefile:85: The INSTALL_*_DIR commands can only handle one directory at a time.\n")
 func (s *Suite) TestShellLine_CheckShellCommandLine_InstallD(c *check.C) {
@@ -447,8 +483,8 @@
 	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, ""+
-		"WARN: Makefile:85: Please use AUTO_MKDIRS instead of \"${INSTALL} -d\".\n"+
-		"WARN: Makefile:85: Please use AUTO_MKDIRS instead of \"${INSTALL} -d\".\n")
+		"NOTE: Makefile:85: You can use AUTO_MKDIRS=yes or \"INSTALLATION_DIRS+= dir1\" instead of \"${INSTALL} -d\".\n"+
+		"NOTE: Makefile:85: You can use AUTO_MKDIRS=yes or \"INSTALLATION_DIRS+= dir2\" instead of \"${INSTALL} -d\".\n")
 func (s *Suite) TestShellLine_(c *check.C) {

cvs diff -r1.10 -r1.11 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/globaldata.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/globaldata.go 2016/06/10 19:42:42 1.10
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/globaldata.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.11
@@ -516,6 +516,9 @@
 		// January 2016
 		"SUBST_POSTCMD.*": "Has been removed, as it seemed unused.",
+		// June 2016
+		"USE_CROSSBASE": "Has been removed.",

cvs diff -r1.10 -r1.11 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/vardefs.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/vardefs.go 2016/06/19 18:03:29 1.10
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/vardefs.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.11
@@ -144,11 +144,12 @@
 	acl("BUILDLINK_PASSTHRU_DIRS", lkShell, CheckvarPathname, "Makefile, Makefile.common,, append")
 	acl("BUILDLINK_PASSTHRU_RPATHDIRS", lkShell, CheckvarPathname, "Makefile, Makefile.common,, append")
 	acl("BUILDLINK_PKGSRCDIR.*", lkNone, CheckvarRelativePkgDir, " default, use-loadtime")
-	acl("BUILDLINK_PREFIX.*", lkNone, CheckvarPathname, " set, use; use; Makefile, Makefile.common, *.mk: use")
+	acl("BUILDLINK_PREFIX.*", lkNone, CheckvarPathname, " set, use; Makefile, Makefile.common, *.mk: use")
 	acl("BUILDLINK_RPATHDIRS.*", lkShell, CheckvarPathname, " append")
 	acl("BUILDLINK_TARGETS", lkShell, CheckvarIdentifier, "")
 	acl("BUILDLINK_FNAME_TRANSFORM.*", lkNone, CheckvarSedCommands, "Makefile,,, append")
 	acl("BUILDLINK_TRANSFORM", lkShell, CheckvarWrapperTransform, "*: append")
+	acl("BUILDLINK_TRANSFORM.*", lkShell, CheckvarWrapperTransform, "*: append")
 	acl("BUILDLINK_TREE", lkShell, CheckvarIdentifier, " append")
 	acl("BUILD_DEFS", lkShell, CheckvarVarname, "Makefile, Makefile.common, append")
 	acl("BUILD_DEPENDS", lkSpace, CheckvarDependencyWithPath, "Makefile, Makefile.common, *.mk: append")
@@ -157,12 +158,15 @@
 	sys("BUILD_MAKE_CMD", lkNone, CheckvarShellCommand)
 	pkglist("BUILD_MAKE_FLAGS", lkShell, CheckvarShellWord)
 	pkglist("BUILD_TARGET", lkShell, CheckvarIdentifier)
+	pkglist("BUILD_TARGET.*", lkShell, CheckvarIdentifier)
 	pkg("BUILD_USES_MSGFMT", lkNone, CheckvarYes)
 	acl("BUILTIN_PKG", lkNone, CheckvarIdentifier, " set, use-loadtime, use")
 	acl("BUILTIN_PKG.*", lkNone, CheckvarPkgName, " set, use-loadtime, use")
 	acl("BUILTIN_FIND_FILES_VAR", lkShell, CheckvarVarname, " set")
 	acl("BUILTIN_FIND_FILES.*", lkShell, CheckvarPathname, " set")
 	acl("BUILTIN_FIND_GREP.*", lkNone, CheckvarString, " set")
+	acl("BUILTIN_FIND_HEADERS_VAR", lkShell, CheckvarVarname, " set")
+	acl("BUILTIN_FIND_HEADERS.*", lkShell, CheckvarPathname, " set")
 	acl("BUILTIN_FIND_LIBS", lkShell, CheckvarPathname, " set")
 	acl("BUILTIN_IMAKE_CHECK", lkShell, CheckvarUnchecked, " set")
 	acl("BUILTIN_IMAKE_CHECK.*", lkNone, CheckvarYesNo, "")
@@ -171,9 +175,10 @@
 	acl("CATEGORIES", lkShell, CheckvarCategory, "Makefile: set, append; Makefile.common: set, default, append")
 	sys("CC_VERSION", lkNone, CheckvarMessage)
 	sys("CC", lkNone, CheckvarShellCommand)
-	pkglist("CFLAGS*", lkShell, CheckvarCFlag) // may also be changed by the user
+	pkglist("CFLAGS", lkShell, CheckvarCFlag)   // may also be changed by the user
+	pkglist("CFLAGS.*", lkShell, CheckvarCFlag) // may also be changed by the user
 	acl("CHECK_BUILTIN", lkNone, CheckvarYesNo, " default; Makefile: set")
-	acl("CHECK_BUILTIN.*", lkNone, CheckvarYesNo, " set; default; *: use-loadtime")
+	acl("CHECK_BUILTIN.*", lkNone, CheckvarYesNo, "Makefile,, set; default; *: use-loadtime")
 	acl("CHECK_FILES_SKIP", lkShell, CheckvarBasicRegularExpression, "Makefile, Makefile.common: append")
 	pkg("CHECK_FILES_SUPPORTED", lkNone, CheckvarYesNo)
 	usr("CHECK_HEADERS", lkNone, CheckvarYesNo)
@@ -190,11 +195,14 @@
 	pkglist("CHECK_WRKREF_SKIP", lkShell, CheckvarPathmask)
 	pkg("CMAKE_ARG_PATH", lkNone, CheckvarPathname)
 	pkglist("CMAKE_ARGS", lkShell, CheckvarShellWord)
+	pkglist("CMAKE_ARGS.*", lkShell, CheckvarShellWord)
 	acl("COMMENT", lkNone, CheckvarComment, "Makefile, Makefile.common: set, append")
 	acl("COMPILER_RPATH_FLAG", lkNone, enum("-Wl,-rpath"), "*: use")
 	pkglist("CONFIGURE_ARGS", lkShell, CheckvarShellWord)
+	pkglist("CONFIGURE_ARGS.*", lkShell, CheckvarShellWord)
 	pkglist("CONFIGURE_DIRS", lkShell, CheckvarWrksrcSubdirectory)
 	acl("CONFIGURE_ENV", lkShell, CheckvarShellWord, "Makefile, Makefile.common: append, set, use;, append; *.mk: append, use")
+	acl("CONFIGURE_ENV.*", lkShell, CheckvarShellWord, "Makefile, Makefile.common: append, set, use;, append; *.mk: append, use")
 	pkg("CONFIGURE_HAS_INFODIR", lkNone, CheckvarYesNo)
 	pkg("CONFIGURE_HAS_LIBDIR", lkNone, CheckvarYesNo)
 	pkg("CONFIGURE_HAS_MANDIR", lkNone, CheckvarYesNo)
@@ -209,10 +217,12 @@
 	pkglist("CONF_FILES_PERMS", lkShell, CheckvarPerms)
 	sys("COPY", lkNone, enum("-c")) // The flag that tells ${INSTALL} to copy a file
 	sys("CPP", lkNone, CheckvarShellCommand)
-	pkglist("CPPFLAGS*", lkShell, CheckvarCFlag)
+	pkglist("CPPFLAGS", lkShell, CheckvarCFlag)
+	pkglist("CPPFLAGS.*", lkShell, CheckvarCFlag)
 	acl("CRYPTO", lkNone, CheckvarYes, "Makefile: set")
 	sys("CXX", lkNone, CheckvarShellCommand)
-	pkglist("CXXFLAGS*", lkShell, CheckvarCFlag)
+	pkglist("CXXFLAGS", lkShell, CheckvarCFlag)
+	pkglist("CXXFLAGS.*", lkShell, CheckvarCFlag)
 	acl("DEINSTALL_FILE", lkNone, CheckvarPathname, "Makefile: set")
 	acl("DEINSTALL_SRC", lkShell, CheckvarPathname, "Makefile: set; Makefile.common: default, set")
 	acl("DEINSTALL_TEMPLATES", lkShell, CheckvarPathname, "Makefile: set, append; Makefile.common: set, default, append")
@@ -220,7 +230,7 @@
 	sys("DELAYED_WARNING_MSG", lkNone, CheckvarShellCommand)
 	pkglist("DEPENDS", lkSpace, CheckvarDependencyWithPath)
 	usr("DEPENDS_TARGET", lkShell, CheckvarIdentifier)
-	acl("DESCR_SRC", lkShell, CheckvarPathname, "Makefile: set; Makefile.common: default, set")
+	acl("DESCR_SRC", lkShell, CheckvarPathname, "Makefile: set, append; Makefile.common: default, set")
 	sys("DESTDIR", lkNone, CheckvarPathname)
 	acl("DESTDIR_VARNAME", lkNone, CheckvarVarname, "Makefile, Makefile.common: set")
 	sys("DEVOSSAUDIO", lkNone, CheckvarPathname)
@@ -376,17 +386,19 @@
 	usr("KRB5_DEFAULT", lkNone, enum("heimdal mit-krb5"))
 	sys("KRB5_TYPE", lkNone, CheckvarIdentifier)
 	sys("LD", lkNone, CheckvarShellCommand)
-	pkglist("LDFLAGS*", lkShell, CheckvarLdFlag)
+	pkglist("LDFLAGS", lkShell, CheckvarLdFlag)
+	pkglist("LDFLAGS.*", lkShell, CheckvarLdFlag)
 	sys("LIBGRP", lkNone, CheckvarUserGroupName)
 	sys("LIBMODE", lkNone, CheckvarFileMode)
 	sys("LIBOWN", lkNone, CheckvarUserGroupName)
 	sys("LIBOSSAUDIO", lkNone, CheckvarPathname)
-	pkglist("LIBS*", lkShell, CheckvarLdFlag)
+	pkglist("LIBS", lkShell, CheckvarLdFlag)
+	pkglist("LIBS.*", lkShell, CheckvarLdFlag)
 	sys("LIBTOOL", lkNone, CheckvarShellCommand)
 	acl("LIBTOOL_OVERRIDE", lkShell, CheckvarPathmask, "Makefile: set, append")
 	pkglist("LIBTOOL_REQD", lkShell, CheckvarVersion)
-	acl("LICENCE", lkNone, CheckvarLicense, "Makefile, Makefile.common: set; set")
-	acl("LICENSE", lkNone, CheckvarLicense, "Makefile, Makefile.common: set; set")
+	acl("LICENCE", lkNone, CheckvarLicense, "Makefile, Makefile.common, set")
+	acl("LICENSE", lkNone, CheckvarLicense, "Makefile, Makefile.common, set")
 	pkg("LICENSE_FILE", lkNone, CheckvarPathname)
 	sys("LINKER_RPATH_FLAG", lkNone, CheckvarShellWord)
 	sys("LOWER_OPSYS", lkNone, CheckvarIdentifier)
@@ -398,12 +410,14 @@
 	acl("MAINTAINER", lkNone, CheckvarMailAddress, "Makefile: set; Makefile.common: default")
 	sys("MAKE", lkNone, CheckvarShellCommand)
 	pkglist("MAKEFLAGS", lkShell, CheckvarShellWord)
-	acl("MAKEVARS", lkShell, CheckvarVarname, " append; append; append")
+	acl("MAKEVARS", lkShell, CheckvarVarname, ",, append")
 	pkglist("MAKE_DIRS", lkShell, CheckvarPathname)
 	pkglist("MAKE_DIRS_PERMS", lkShell, CheckvarPerms)
-	acl("MAKE_ENV", lkShell, CheckvarShellWord, "Makefile: append, set, use; Makefile.common: append, set, use; append; append; *.mk: append, use")
+	acl("MAKE_ENV", lkShell, CheckvarShellWord, "Makefile, Makefile.common: append, set, use;, append; *.mk: append, use")
+	acl("MAKE_ENV.*", lkShell, CheckvarShellWord, "Makefile, Makefile.common: append, set, use;, append; *.mk: append, use")
 	pkg("MAKE_FILE", lkNone, CheckvarPathname)
 	pkglist("MAKE_FLAGS", lkShell, CheckvarShellWord)
+	pkglist("MAKE_FLAGS.*", lkShell, CheckvarShellWord)
 	usr("MAKE_JOBS", lkNone, CheckvarInteger)
 	pkg("MAKE_JOBS_SAFE", lkNone, CheckvarYesNo)
 	pkg("MAKE_PROGRAM", lkNone, CheckvarShellCommand)
@@ -445,7 +459,7 @@
 	sys("MASTER_SITE_XCONTRIB", lkShell, CheckvarFetchURL)
 	sys("MASTER_SITE_XEMACS", lkShell, CheckvarFetchURL)
 	pkglist("MESSAGE_SRC", lkShell, CheckvarPathname)
-	acl("MESSAGE_SUBST", lkShell, CheckvarShellWord, "Makefile.common: append; Makefile: append; append")
+	acl("MESSAGE_SUBST", lkShell, CheckvarShellWord, "Makefile, Makefile.common, append")
 	pkg("META_PACKAGE", lkNone, CheckvarYes)
 	sys("MISSING_FEATURES", lkShell, CheckvarIdentifier)
 	acl("MYSQL_VERSIONS_ACCEPTED", lkShell, enum("51 55 56"), "Makefile: set")
@@ -485,8 +499,8 @@
 	acl("PATCH_ARGS", lkShell, CheckvarShellWord, "")
 	acl("PATCH_DIST_ARGS", lkShell, CheckvarShellWord, "Makefile: set, append")
 	acl("PATCH_DIST_CAT", lkNone, CheckvarShellCommand, "")
-	acl("PATCH_DIST_STRIP*", lkNone, CheckvarShellWord, "Makefile, Makefile.common: set;;; *.mk: set")
-	acl("PATCH_SITES", lkShell, CheckvarFetchURL, "Makefile: set; set; Makefile.common: set")
+	acl("PATCH_DIST_STRIP*", lkNone, CheckvarShellWord, ",; Makefile, Makefile.common, *.mk: set")
+	acl("PATCH_SITES", lkShell, CheckvarFetchURL, "Makefile, Makefile.common, set")
 	acl("PATCH_STRIP", lkNone, CheckvarShellWord, "")
 	pkg("PERL5_USE_PACKLIST", lkNone, CheckvarYesNo)
 	acl("PERL5_PACKLIST", lkShell, CheckvarPerl5Packlist, "Makefile: set; set, append")
@@ -548,21 +562,21 @@
 	acl("PKG_OPTIONS", lkSpace, CheckvarOption, " set; *: use-loadtime, use")
 	usr("PKG_OPTIONS.*", lkSpace, CheckvarOption)
 	acl("PKG_OPTIONS_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS", lkShell, CheckvarShellWord, "")
-	acl("PKG_OPTIONS_GROUP.*", lkSpace, CheckvarOption, " set; Makefile: set")
-	acl("PKG_OPTIONS_LEGACY_OPTS", lkSpace, CheckvarUnchecked, "Makefile, Makefile.common: append; append")
-	acl("PKG_OPTIONS_LEGACY_VARS", lkSpace, CheckvarUnchecked, "Makefile, Makefile.common: append; append")
+	acl("PKG_OPTIONS_GROUP.*", lkSpace, CheckvarOption, "Makefile, set, append")
+	acl("PKG_OPTIONS_LEGACY_OPTS", lkSpace, CheckvarUnchecked, "Makefile, Makefile.common, append")
+	acl("PKG_OPTIONS_LEGACY_VARS", lkSpace, CheckvarUnchecked, "Makefile, Makefile.common, append")
 	acl("PKG_OPTIONS_NONEMPTY_SETS", lkSpace, CheckvarIdentifier, "")
 	acl("PKG_OPTIONS_OPTIONAL_GROUPS", lkSpace, CheckvarIdentifier, " set, append")
-	acl("PKG_OPTIONS_REQUIRED_GROUPS", lkSpace, CheckvarIdentifier, " set; Makefile: set")
+	acl("PKG_OPTIONS_REQUIRED_GROUPS", lkSpace, CheckvarIdentifier, "Makefile, set")
 	acl("PKG_OPTIONS_SET.*", lkSpace, CheckvarOption, "")
-	acl("PKG_OPTIONS_VAR", lkNone, CheckvarPkgOptionsVar, " set; Makefile, Makefile.common: set; use-loadtime")
+	acl("PKG_OPTIONS_VAR", lkNone, CheckvarPkgOptionsVar, "Makefile, Makefile.common, set; use-loadtime")
 	acl("PKG_PRESERVE", lkNone, CheckvarYes, "Makefile: set")
 	acl("PKG_SHELL", lkNone, CheckvarPathname, "Makefile, Makefile.common: set")
 	acl("PKG_SHELL.*", lkNone, CheckvarPathname, "Makefile, Makefile.common: set")
 	acl("PKG_SHLIBTOOL", lkNone, CheckvarPathname, "")
 	pkglist("PKG_SKIP_REASON", lkShell, CheckvarShellWord)
-	acl("PKG_SUGGESTED_OPTIONS", lkShell, CheckvarOption, " set, append; Makefile: set, append; Makefile.common: set")
-	acl("PKG_SUPPORTED_OPTIONS", lkShell, CheckvarOption, " set, append, use; Makefile: set, append; Makefile.common: set")
+	acl("PKG_SUGGESTED_OPTIONS", lkShell, CheckvarOption, "Makefile, Makefile.common, set, append")
+	acl("PKG_SUPPORTED_OPTIONS", lkShell, CheckvarOption, "Makefile: set, append; Makefile.common: set; set, append, use")
 	pkg("PKG_SYSCONFDIR*", lkNone, CheckvarPathname)
 	pkglist("PKG_SYSCONFDIR_PERMS", lkShell, CheckvarPerms)
 	sys("PKG_SYSCONFBASEDIR", lkNone, CheckvarPathname)
@@ -586,7 +600,7 @@
 	sys("PTHREAD_CFLAGS", lkShell, CheckvarCFlag)
 	sys("PTHREAD_LDFLAGS", lkShell, CheckvarLdFlag)
 	sys("PTHREAD_LIBS", lkShell, CheckvarLdFlag)
-	acl("PTHREAD_OPTS", lkShell, enum("native optional require"), "Makefile: set, append; Makefile.common: append; append")
+	acl("PTHREAD_OPTS", lkShell, enum("native optional require"), "Makefile: set, append; Makefile.common, append")
 	sys("PTHREAD_TYPE", lkNone, CheckvarIdentifier) // Or "native" or "none".
 	pkg("PY_PATCHPLIST", lkNone, CheckvarYes)
 	acl("PYPKGPREFIX", lkNone, enum("py27 py33 py34 py35"), " set; *: use-loadtime, use")
@@ -638,7 +652,8 @@
 	sys("STEP_MSG", lkNone, CheckvarShellCommand)
 	acl("SUBDIR", lkShell, CheckvarFilename, "Makefile: append; *:")
 	acl("SUBST_CLASSES", lkShell, CheckvarIdentifier, "Makefile: set, append; *: append")
-	acl("SUBST_FILES.*", lkShell, CheckvarPathmask, "Makefile: set, append; Makefile.*, *.mk: set, append")
+	acl("SUBST_CLASSES.*", lkShell, CheckvarIdentifier, "Makefile: set, append; *: append")
+	acl("SUBST_FILES.*", lkShell, CheckvarPathmask, "Makefile, Makefile.*, *.mk: set, append")
 	acl("SUBST_FILTER_CMD.*", lkNone, CheckvarShellCommand, "Makefile, Makefile.*, *.mk: set")
 	acl("SUBST_MESSAGE.*", lkNone, CheckvarMessage, "Makefile, Makefile.*, *.mk: set")
 	acl("SUBST_SED.*", lkNone, CheckvarSedCommands, "Makefile, Makefile.*, *.mk: set, append")
@@ -672,10 +687,10 @@
 	acl("USE_BUILTIN.*", lkNone, CheckvarYesNoIndirectly, " set")
 	pkg("USE_CMAKE", lkNone, CheckvarYes)
 	usr("USE_DESTDIR", lkNone, CheckvarYes)
-	pkg("USE_FEATURES", lkShell, CheckvarIdentifier)
+	pkglist("USE_FEATURES", lkShell, CheckvarIdentifier)
 	pkg("USE_GCC_RUNTIME", lkNone, CheckvarYesNo)
 	pkg("USE_GNU_CONFIGURE_HOST", lkNone, CheckvarYesNo)
-	acl("USE_GNU_ICONV", lkNone, CheckvarYes, "Makefile, Makefile.common: set; set")
+	acl("USE_GNU_ICONV", lkNone, CheckvarYes, "Makefile, Makefile.common, set")
 	acl("USE_IMAKE", lkNone, CheckvarYes, "Makefile: set")
 	pkg("USE_JAVA", lkNone, enum("run yes build"))
 	pkg("USE_JAVA2", lkNone, enum("YES yes no 1.4 1.5 6 7 8"))
@@ -689,6 +704,7 @@
 	pkg("USE_PKGLOCALEDIR", lkNone, CheckvarYesNo)
 	usr("USE_PKGSRC_GCC", lkNone, CheckvarYes)
 	acl("USE_TOOLS", lkShell, CheckvarTool, "*: append")
+	acl("USE_TOOLS.*", lkShell, CheckvarTool, "*: append")
 	pkg("USE_X11", lkNone, CheckvarYes)
 	sys("WARNING_MSG", lkNone, CheckvarShellCommand)
 	sys("WARNING_CAT", lkNone, CheckvarShellCommand)
@@ -753,6 +769,7 @@
 		return nil
 	var result []AclEntry
+	prevperms := "(first)"
 	for _, arg := range strings.Split(aclentries, "; ") {
 		var globs, perms string
 		if fields := strings.SplitN(arg, ": ", 2); len(fields) == 2 {
@@ -760,6 +777,10 @@
 		} else {
 			globs = strings.TrimSuffix(arg, ":")
+		if perms == prevperms {
+			fmt.Printf("Repeated permissions for %s: %s\n", varname, perms)
+		}
+		prevperms = perms
 		var permissions AclPermissions
 		for _, perm := range strings.Split(perms, ", ") {
 			switch perm {

cvs diff -r1.10 -r1.11 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/vartypecheck_test.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/vartypecheck_test.go 2016/06/10 19:42:42 1.10
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/vartypecheck_test.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.11
@@ -289,9 +289,11 @@
 func (s *Suite) TestVartypeCheck_PkgOptionsVar(c *check.C) {
 	runVartypeChecks("PKG_OPTIONS_VAR.screen", opAssign, (*VartypeCheck).PkgOptionsVar,
+		"PKG_OPTIONS.anypkgbase")
-	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "ERROR: fname:1: PKGBASE must not be used in PKG_OPTIONS_VAR.\n")
+	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, ""+
+		"ERROR: fname:1: PKGBASE must not be used in PKG_OPTIONS_VAR.\n")
 func (s *Suite) TestVartypeCheck_PkgRevision(c *check.C) {

cvs diff -r1.4 -r1.5 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/licenses.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/licenses.go 2016/06/05 11:24:32 1.4
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/licenses.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.5
@@ -56,6 +56,11 @@
 			line.Warn1("License %q is deprecated.", license)
+			Explain(
+				"Instead of using these deprecated licenses, extract the actual",
+				"license from the package into the pkgsrc/licenses/ directory",
+				"and define LICENSE to that file name.  See the pkgsrc guide,",
+				"keyword LICENSE, for more information.")

cvs diff -r1.4 -r1.5 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/substcontext_test.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/substcontext_test.go 2016/01/12 01:02:49 1.4
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/substcontext_test.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.5
@@ -49,6 +49,23 @@
 	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "")
+func (s *Suite) Test_SubstContext_OPSYSVARS(c *check.C) {
+	G.opts.WarnExtra = true
+	ctx := new(SubstContext)
+	ctx.Varassign(newSubstLine(11, "SUBST_CLASSES.SunOS+=prefix"))
+	ctx.Varassign(newSubstLine(12, "SUBST_CLASSES.NetBSD+=prefix"))
+	ctx.Varassign(newSubstLine(13, "SUBST_FILES.prefix=Makefile"))
+	ctx.Varassign(newSubstLine(14, "SUBST_SED.prefix=s,@PREFIX@,${PREFIX},g"))
+	ctx.Varassign(newSubstLine(15, "SUBST_STAGE.prefix=post-configure"))
+	c.Check(ctx.IsComplete(), equals, true)
+	ctx.Finish(newSubstLine(15, ""))
+	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "")
 func (s *Suite) TestSubstContext_NoClass(c *check.C) {
 	s.UseCommandLine(c, "-Wextra")
 	ctx := new(SubstContext)

cvs diff -r1.12 -r1.13 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mkline.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mkline.go 2016/06/10 19:42:42 1.12
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mkline.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.13
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@
 		(vartype == nil || vartype.guessed) &&
 		!varIsUsed(varname) &&
 		!(G.Mk != nil && G.Mk.forVars[varname]) &&
-		!hasPrefix(varname, "${") {
+		!containsVarRef(varname) {
 		mkline.Warn1("%s is used but not defined. Spelling mistake?", varname)
@@ -999,61 +999,6 @@
-const reVarnamePlural = `^(?:` +
-	`.*[Ss]` +
-	`|.*LIST` +
-	`|.*_AWK` +
-	`|.*_ENV` +
-	`|.*_OVERRIDE` +
-	`|.*_PREREQ` +
-	`|.*_REQD` +
-	`|.*_SED` +
-	`|.*_SKIP` +
-	`|.*_SRC` +
-	`|.*_SUBST` +
-	`|.*_TARGET` +
-	`|.*_TMPL` +
-	`|COMMENT` +
-	`|CRYPTO` +
-	`|FIX_RPATH` +
-	`|LICENSE` +
-	`|MASTER_SITE_.*` +
-	`|PLIST_CAT` +
-	`|PLIST_PRE` +
-	`|SITES_.+` +
-	`|TOOLS_ALIASES\..+` +
-	`)$`
 func (mkline *MkLine) CheckVartype(varname string, op MkOperator, value, comment string) {
 	if G.opts.Debug {
 		defer tracecall(varname, op, value, comment)()
@@ -1063,22 +1008,16 @@
-	varbase := varnameBase(varname)
 	vartype := mkline.getVariableType(varname)
 	if op == opAssignAppend {
-		if vartype != nil {
-			if !vartype.MayBeAppendedTo() {
-				mkline.Warn0("The \"+=\" operator should only be used with lists.")
-			}
-		} else if !hasPrefix(varbase, "_") && !matches(varbase, reVarnamePlural) {
-			mkline.Warn1("As %s is modified using \"+=\", its name should indicate plural.", varname)
+		if vartype != nil && !vartype.MayBeAppendedTo() {
+			mkline.Warn0("The \"+=\" operator should only be used with lists.")
 	switch {
 	case vartype == nil:
-		// Cannot check anything if the type is not known.
 		if G.opts.Debug {
 			traceStep1("Unchecked variable assignment for %s.", varname)
@@ -1380,7 +1319,7 @@
 func (nq NeedsQuoting) String() string {
-	return [...]string{"no", "yes", "doesn't matter", "don't known"}[nq]
+	return [...]string{"no", "yes", "doesn't matter", "don't know"}[nq]
 func (mkline *MkLine) variableNeedsQuoting(varname string, vartype *Vartype, vuc *VarUseContext) (needsQuoting NeedsQuoting) {
@@ -1530,7 +1469,7 @@
 	switch {
 	case hasSuffix(varbase, "DIRS"):
 		gtype = &Vartype{lkShell, CheckvarPathmask, allowRuntime, true}
-	case hasSuffix(varbase, "DIR"), hasSuffix(varname, "_HOME"):
+	case hasSuffix(varbase, "DIR") && !hasSuffix(varbase, "DESTDIR"), hasSuffix(varname, "_HOME"):
 		gtype = &Vartype{lkNone, CheckvarPathname, allowRuntime, true}
 	case hasSuffix(varbase, "FILES"):
 		gtype = &Vartype{lkShell, CheckvarPathmask, allowRuntime, true}

cvs diff -r1.12 -r1.13 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mkline_test.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mkline_test.go 2016/06/05 11:24:32 1.12
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mkline_test.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.13
@@ -292,16 +292,11 @@
 	G.Mk = s.NewMkLines("Makefile",
 		"# $"+"NetBSD$",
-		"ac_cv_libpari_libs+=\t-L${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.pari}/lib", // From math/clisp-pari/Makefile, rev. 1.8
-		"var+=value")
+		"ac_cv_libpari_libs+=\t-L${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.pari}/lib") // From math/clisp-pari/Makefile, rev. 1.8
-	G.Mk.mklines[2].checkVarassign()
-	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, ""+
-		"WARN: Makefile:2: ac_cv_libpari_libs is defined but not used. Spelling mistake?\n"+
-		"WARN: Makefile:3: As var is modified using \"+=\", its name should indicate plural.\n"+
-		"WARN: Makefile:3: var is defined but not used. Spelling mistake?\n")
+	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "WARN: Makefile:2: ac_cv_libpari_libs is defined but not used. Spelling mistake?\n")
 // In variable assignments, a plain '#' introduces a line comment, unless
@@ -679,6 +674,24 @@
 	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "") // Don’t warn about missing :Q operators.
+func (s *Suite) Test_MkLine_variableNeedsQuoting_tool_in_CONFIGURE_ENV(c *check.C) {
+	s.UseCommandLine(c, "-Wall")
+	G.globalData.InitVartypes()
+	G.globalData.Tools = NewToolRegistry()
+	G.globalData.Tools.RegisterVarname("tar", "TAR")
+	mklines := s.NewMkLines("Makefile",
+		"# $"+"NetBSD$",
+		"",
+	mklines.mklines[2].checkVarassignVaruse()
+	// The TOOLS_* variables only contain the path to the tool,
+	// without any additional arguments that might be necessary.
+	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "NOTE: Makefile:3: The :Q operator isn't necessary for ${TOOLS_TAR} here.\n")
 func (s *Suite) Test_MkLine_Varuse_Modifier_L(c *check.C) {
 	s.UseCommandLine(c, "-Wall")
@@ -770,4 +783,29 @@
 	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "WARN: x11/motif/Makefile:3: Unknown shell command \"${GREP}\".\n") // No parse errors.
+// See PR 46570, Ctrl+F "3. In lang/perl5".
+func (s *Suite) Test_MkLine_getVariableType(c *check.C) {
+	mkline := NewMkLine(dummyLine)
+	c.Check(mkline.getVariableType("_PERL5_PACKLIST_AWK_STRIP_DESTDIR"), check.IsNil)
+	c.Check(mkline.getVariableType("SOME_DIR").guessed, equals, true)
+	c.Check(mkline.getVariableType("SOMEDIR").guessed, equals, true)
+// See PR 46570, Ctrl+F "4. Shell quoting".
+// Pkglint is correct, since this definition for CPPFLAGS should be
+// seen by the shell as three words, not one word.
+func (s *Suite) Test_MkLine_Cflags(c *check.C) {
+	G.globalData.InitVartypes()
+	mklines := s.NewMkLines("Makefile",
+		"# $"+"NetBSD$",
+		"CPPFLAGS.SunOS+=\t-DPIPECOMMAND=\\\"/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs %s\\\"")
+	mklines.Check()
+	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, ""+
+		"WARN: Makefile:2: Unknown compiler flag \"-bs\".\n"+
+		"WARN: Makefile:2: Compiler flag \"%s\\\\\\\"\" should start with a hyphen.\n")

cvs diff -r1.5 -r1.6 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mklines_test.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mklines_test.go 2016/06/10 19:42:42 1.5
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mklines_test.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.6
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 	check ""
+const mkrcsid = "# $" + "NetBSD$"
 func (s *Suite) TestMkLines_AutofixConditionalIndentation(c *check.C) {
 	s.UseCommandLine(c, "--autofix", "-Wspace")
 	tmpfile := s.CreateTmpFile(c, "", "")
@@ -257,4 +259,55 @@
 	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "NOTE: Makefile:4: Consider defining NOT_FOR_PLATFORM instead of setting PKG_SKIP_REASON depending on ${OPSYS}.\n")
+// PR 46570, item "15. net/uucp/Makefile has a make loop"
+func (s *Suite) Test_MkLines_indirect_variables(c *check.C) {
+	s.UseCommandLine(c, "-Wall")
+	mklines := s.NewMkLines("net/uucp/Makefile",
+		"# $"+"NetBSD$",
+		"",
+		"post-configure:",
+		".for var in MAIL_PROGRAM CMDPATH",
+		"\t"+`${RUN} ${ECHO} "#define ${var} \""${UUCP_${var}}"\"`,
+		".endfor")
+	mklines.Check()
+	// No warning about UUCP_${var} being used but not defined.
+	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, ""+
+		"WARN: net/uucp/Makefile:5: Unknown shell command \"${ECHO}\".\n")
+func (s *Suite) Test_MkLines_Check_list_variable_as_part_of_word(c *check.C) {
+	s.UseCommandLine(c, "-Wall")
+	mklines := s.NewMkLines("converters/chef/Makefile",
+		mkrcsid,
+		"\tcd ${WRKSRC} && tr '\\r' '\\n' < ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/${DISTFILES} > chef.l")
+	mklines.Check()
+	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, ""+
+		"WARN: converters/chef/Makefile:2: Unknown shell command \"tr\".\n"+
+		"WARN: converters/chef/Makefile:2: The list variable DISTFILES should not be embedded in a word.\n")
+func (s *Suite) Test_MkLines_Check_absolute_pathname_depending_on_OPSYS(c *check.C) {
+	s.UseCommandLine(c, "-Wall")
+	G.globalData.InitVartypes()
+	mklines := s.NewMkLines("games/heretic2-demo/Makefile",
+		mkrcsid,
+		".if ${OPSYS} == \"DragonFly\"",
+		"TOOLS_PLATFORM.gtar=\t/usr/bin/bsdtar",
+		".endif",
+		"TOOLS_PLATFORM.gtar=\t/usr/bin/bsdtar")
+	mklines.Check()
+	// No warning about an unknown shell command in line 3,
+	// since that line depends on OPSYS.
+	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, ""+
+		"WARN: games/heretic2-demo/Makefile:3: The variable TOOLS_PLATFORM.gtar may not be set by any package.\n"+
+		"WARN: games/heretic2-demo/Makefile:5: The variable TOOLS_PLATFORM.gtar may not be set by any package.\n"+
+		"WARN: games/heretic2-demo/Makefile:5: Unknown shell command \"/usr/bin/bsdtar\".\n")

cvs diff -r1.5 -r1.6 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/plist.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/plist.go 2016/06/05 11:24:32 1.5
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/plist.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.6
@@ -326,7 +326,8 @@
 func (ck *PlistChecker) checkpathShare(pline *PlistLine) {
 	line, text := pline.line, pline.text
 	switch {
-	case hasPrefix(text, "share/applications/") && hasSuffix(text, ".desktop"):
+	// Disabled due to PR 46570, item "10. It should stop".
+	case false && hasPrefix(text, "share/applications/") && hasSuffix(text, ".desktop"):
 		f := "../../sysutils/desktop-file-utils/"
 		if G.opts.WarnExtra && G.Pkg != nil && G.Pkg.included[f] == nil {
 			line.Warn1("Packages that install a .desktop entry should .include %q.", f)

cvs diff -r1.5 -r1.6 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/plist_test.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/plist_test.go 2016/01/27 21:55:51 1.5
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/plist_test.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.6
@@ -145,6 +145,9 @@
 func (s *Suite) TestPlistChecker_checkpathShare_Desktop(c *check.C) {
+	// Disabled due to PR 46570, item "10. It should stop".
+	return
 	s.UseCommandLine(c, "-Wextra")
 	G.Pkg = NewPackage("category/pkgpath")

cvs diff -r1.5 -r1.6 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/substcontext.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/substcontext.go 2016/01/12 01:02:49 1.5
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/substcontext.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.6
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@
 	varname := mkline.Varname()
 	op := mkline.Op()
 	value := mkline.Value()
-	if varname == "SUBST_CLASSES" {
+	if varname == "SUBST_CLASSES" || hasPrefix(varname, "SUBST_CLASSES.") {
 		classes := splitOnSpace(value)
 		if len(classes) > 1 {
 			mkline.Warn0("Please add only one class at a time to SUBST_CLASSES.")
-		if != "" {
+		if != "" && != classes[0] {
 			mkline.Warn0("SUBST_CLASSES should only appear once in a SUBST block.")
 		} = classes[0]

cvs diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mkparser.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mkparser.go 2016/06/05 11:24:32 1.1
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mkparser.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.2
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
-		needsReplace := false
 		dollar := strings.IndexByte(, '$')
 		if dollar == -1 {
@@ -35,13 +34,9 @@
 		if repl.AdvanceStr("$$") {
-			needsReplace = true
 			goto again
 		text := repl.Since(mark)
-		if needsReplace {
-			text = strings.Replace(text, "$$", "$", -1)
-		}
 		if text != "" {
 			tokens = append(tokens, &MkToken{Text: text})
@@ -91,7 +86,7 @@
 	if repl.AdvanceStr("$<") {
 		return &MkVarUse{"<", nil}
-	if repl.AdvanceRegexp(`^\$(\w)`) {
+	if repl.PeekByte() == '$' && repl.AdvanceRegexp(`^\$(\w)`) {
 		varname := repl.m[1]
 		if p.EmitWarnings {
 			p.Line.Warn1("$%[1]s is ambiguous. Use ${%[1]s} if you mean a Makefile variable or $$%[1]s if you mean a shell variable.", varname)

cvs diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mkparser_test.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mkparser_test.go 2016/06/05 11:24:32 1.1
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mkparser_test.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.2
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 	check("literal", literal("literal"))
 	check("\\/share\\/ { print \"share directory\" }", literal("\\/share\\/ { print \"share directory\" }"))
 	check("find . -name \\*.orig -o -name \\*.pre", literal("find . -name \\*.orig -o -name \\*.pre"))
-	check("-e 's|\\$${EC2_HOME.*}|EC2_HOME}|g'", literal("-e 's|\\${EC2_HOME.*}|EC2_HOME}|g'"))
+	check("-e 's|\\$${EC2_HOME.*}|EC2_HOME}|g'", literal("-e 's|\\$${EC2_HOME.*}|EC2_HOME}|g'"))
 	check("${VARIABLE}", varuse("VARIABLE"))
 	check("${VARIABLE.param}", varuse("VARIABLE.param"))

cvs diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mkshparser.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mkshparser.go 2016/06/05 11:24:32 1.1
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mkshparser.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.2
@@ -5,651 +5,220 @@
-type MkShParser struct {
-	tok  *ShTokenizer
-	curr *ShToken
-func NewMkShParser(line *Line, text string, emitWarnings bool) *MkShParser {
-	shp := NewShTokenizer(line, text, emitWarnings)
-	return &MkShParser{shp, nil}
-func (p *MkShParser) Program() (retval *MkShList) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	list := p.List()
-	if list == nil {
-		return nil
+func parseShellProgram(line *Line, program string) (list *MkShList, err error) {
+	if G.opts.Debug {
+		defer tracecall(program)()
-	separator := p.Separator()
-	if separator == nil {
-		return list
-	}
-	return &MkShList{list.AndOrs, append(list.Separators, *separator)}
-// ::= AndOr (SeparatorOp AndOr)*
-func (p *MkShParser) List() (retval *MkShList) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	ok := false
-	defer p.rollback(&ok)()
+	tokens, rest := splitIntoShellTokens(line, program)
+	lexer := NewShellLexer(tokens, rest)
+	parser := &shyyParserImpl{}
-	var andors []*MkShAndOr
-	var seps []MkShSeparator
+	succeeded := parser.Parse(lexer)
-	if andor := p.AndOr(); andor != nil {
-		andors = append(andors, andor)
-	} else {
-		return nil
+	if succeeded == 0 && lexer.error == "" {
+		return lexer.result, nil
-	mark := p.mark()
-	if sep := p.SeparatorOp(); sep != nil {
-		if andor := p.AndOr(); andor != nil {
-			andors = append(andors, andor)
-			seps = append(seps, *sep)
-			goto next
-		}
-	}
-	p.reset(mark)
-	ok = true
-	return &MkShList{andors, seps}
+	return nil, &ParseError{append([]string{lexer.current}, lexer.remaining...)}
-func (p *MkShParser) AndOr() (retval *MkShAndOr) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	ok := false
-	defer p.rollback(&ok)
-	var pipes []*MkShPipeline
-	var ops []string
-	if pipe := p.Pipeline(); pipe != nil {
-		pipes = append(pipes, pipe)
-		switch op := p.peekText(); op {
-		case "&&", "||":
-			p.skip()
-			p.Linebreak()
-			ops = append(ops, op)
-			goto nextpipe
-		}
-	}
-	if len(pipes) == len(ops) {
-		return nil
-	}
-	ok = true
-	return &MkShAndOr{pipes, ops}
+type ParseError struct {
+	RemainingTokens []string
-// ::= Command (msttPipe Linebreak Command)*
-func (p *MkShParser) Pipeline() (retval *MkShPipeline) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	ok := false
-	defer p.rollback(&ok)()
-	bang :="!")
-	var cmds []*MkShCommand
-	cmd := p.Command()
-	if cmd == nil {
-		return nil
-	}
-	cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
-	if"|") {
-		p.Linebreak()
-		goto nextcmd
-	}
-	ok = true
-	return &MkShPipeline{bang, cmds}
+func (e *ParseError) Error() string {
+	return fmt.Sprintf("parse error at %v", e.RemainingTokens)
-func (p *MkShParser) Command() (retval *MkShCommand) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	if simple := p.SimpleCommand(); simple != nil {
-		return &MkShCommand{Simple: simple}
-	}
-	if compound := p.CompoundCommand(); compound != nil {
-		redirects := p.RedirectList()
-		return &MkShCommand{Compound: compound, Redirects: redirects}
-	}
-	if funcdef := p.FunctionDefinition(); funcdef != nil {
-		return &MkShCommand{FuncDef: funcdef}
-	}
-	return nil
+type ShellLexer struct {
+	current        string
+	ioredirect     string
+	remaining      []string
+	atCommandStart bool
+	sinceFor       int
+	sinceCase      int
+	error          string
+	result         *MkShList
-func (p *MkShParser) CompoundCommand() (retval *MkShCompoundCommand) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	if brace := p.BraceGroup(); brace != nil {
-		return &MkShCompoundCommand{Brace: brace}
-	}
-	if subshell := p.Subshell(); subshell != nil {
-		return &MkShCompoundCommand{Subshell: subshell}
-	}
-	if forclause := p.ForClause(); forclause != nil {
-		return &MkShCompoundCommand{For: forclause}
-	}
-	if caseclause := p.CaseClause(); caseclause != nil {
-		return &MkShCompoundCommand{Case: caseclause}
-	}
-	if ifclause := p.IfClause(); ifclause != nil {
-		return &MkShCompoundCommand{If: ifclause}
-	}
-	if whileclause := p.WhileClause(); whileclause != nil {
-		return &MkShCompoundCommand{While: whileclause}
-	}
-	if untilclause := p.UntilClause(); untilclause != nil {
-		return &MkShCompoundCommand{Until: untilclause}
-	}
-	return nil
+func NewShellLexer(tokens []string, rest string) *ShellLexer {
+	return &ShellLexer{
+		current:        "",
+		ioredirect:     "",
+		remaining:      tokens,
+		atCommandStart: true,
+		error:          rest}
-func (p *MkShParser) Subshell() (retval *MkShList) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	ok := false
-	defer p.rollback(&ok)()
-	if !"(") {
-		return nil
+func (lex *ShellLexer) Lex(lval *shyySymType) (ttype int) {
+	if len(lex.remaining) == 0 {
+		return 0
-	list := p.CompoundList()
-	if list == nil {
-		return nil
-	}
-	if !")") {
-		return nil
-	}
-	ok = true
-	return list
-// ::= Newline* AndOr (Separator AndOr)* Separator?
-func (p *MkShParser) CompoundList() (retval *MkShList) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	ok := false
-	defer p.rollback(&ok)()
-	p.Linebreak()
-	var andors []*MkShAndOr
-	var separators []MkShSeparator
-	if andor := p.AndOr(); andor != nil {
-		andors = append(andors, andor)
-		if sep := p.Separator(); sep != nil {
-			separators = append(separators, *sep)
-			goto nextandor
-		}
+	if G.opts.Debug {
+		defer func() {
+			tname := shyyTokname(shyyTok2[ttype-shyyPrivate])
+			switch ttype {
+				traceStep("lex %v %q", tname, lval.Word.MkText)
+			case tkIO_NUMBER:
+				traceStep("lex %v %v", tname, lval.IONum)
+			default:
+				traceStep("lex %v", tname)
+			}
+		}()
-	if len(andors) == 0 {
-		return nil
-	}
-	ok = true
-	return &MkShList{andors, separators}
-// ::= "for" msttWORD Linebreak DoGroup
-// ::= "for" msttWORD Linebreak "in" SequentialSep DoGroup
-// ::= "for" msttWORD Linebreak "in" Wordlist SequentialSep DoGroup
-func (p *MkShParser) ForClause() (retval *MkShForClause) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	ok := false
-	defer p.rollback(&ok)()
-	if !"for") {
-		return nil
+	token := lex.ioredirect
+	lex.ioredirect = ""
+	if token == "" {
+		token = lex.remaining[0]
+		lex.current = token
+		lex.remaining = lex.remaining[1:]
-	varword := p.Word(false)
-	if varword == nil || !matches(varword.MkText, `^[A-Z_a-z][0-9A-Za-z]*`) {
-		return nil
-	}
-	varname := varword.MkText
-	var values []*ShToken
-	if"in") {
-		values = p.Wordlist()
-	} else {
-		values = []*ShToken{NewShToken("\"$$@\"",
-			NewShAtom(shtWord, "\"", shqDquot),
-			NewShAtom(shtWord, "$$@", shqDquot),
-			NewShAtom(shtWord, "\"", shqPlain))}
+	switch token {
+	case ";":
+		lex.atCommandStart = true
+		return tkSEMI
+	case ";;":
+		lex.atCommandStart = true
+		return tkSEMISEMI
+	case "\n":
+		lex.atCommandStart = true
+		return tkNEWLINE
+	case "&":
+		lex.atCommandStart = true
+		return tkBACKGROUND
+	case "|":
+		lex.atCommandStart = true
+		return tkPIPE
+	case "(":
+		lex.atCommandStart = true
+		return tkLPAREN
+	case ")":
+		lex.atCommandStart = true
+		return tkRPAREN
+	case "&&":
+		lex.atCommandStart = true
+		return tkAND
+	case "||":
+		lex.atCommandStart = true
+		return tkOR
+	case ">":
+		lex.atCommandStart = false
+		return tkGT
+	case ">&":
+		lex.atCommandStart = false
+		return tkGTAND
+	case "<":
+		lex.atCommandStart = false
+		return tkLT
+	case "<&":
+		lex.atCommandStart = false
+		return tkLTAND
+	case "<>":
+		lex.atCommandStart = false
+		return tkLTGT
+	case ">>":
+		lex.atCommandStart = false
+		return tkGTGT
+	case "<<":
+		lex.atCommandStart = false
+		return tkLTLT
+	case "<<-":
+		lex.atCommandStart = false
+		return tkLTLTDASH
+	case ">|":
+		lex.atCommandStart = false
+		return tkGTPIPE
-	if values == nil || !p.SequentialSep() {
-		return nil
-	}
-	p.Linebreak()
-	body := p.DoGroup()
-	if body == nil {
-		return nil
+	if m, fdstr, op := match2(token, `^(\d+)(<<-|<<|<>|<&|>>|>&|>\||<|>)$`); m {
+		fd, _ := strconv.Atoi(fdstr)
+		lval.IONum = fd
+		lex.ioredirect = op
+		return tkIO_NUMBER
-	ok = true
-	return &MkShForClause{varname, values, body}
-func (p *MkShParser) Wordlist() (retval []*ShToken) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	var words []*ShToken
-	word := p.Word(false)
-	if word != nil {
-		words = append(words, word)
-		goto nextword
-	}
-	return words
-// ::= "case" msttWORD Linebreak "in" Linebreak CaseItem* "esac"
-func (p *MkShParser) CaseClause() (retval *MkShCaseClause) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	ok := false
-	defer p.rollback(&ok)()
-	if !"case") {
-		return nil
-	}
-	panic("CaseClause")
-	p.Linebreak()
-	p.CaseItem()
-	return nil
-// ::= "("? Pattern ")" (CompoundList | Linebreak) msttDSEMI? Linebreak
-func (p *MkShParser) CaseItem() (retval *MkShCaseItem) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	panic("CaseItem")
-	p.Pattern()
-	p.Linebreak()
-	p.CompoundList()
-	return nil
-// ::= msttWORD
-// ::= Pattern "|" msttWORD
-func (p *MkShParser) Pattern() (retval []*ShToken) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	ok := false
-	defer p.rollback(&ok)()
-	var words []*ShToken
-	word := p.Word(false)
-	if word == nil {
-		return nil
-	}
-	words = append(words, word)
-	if"|") {
-		goto nextword
-	}
-	ok = true
-	return words
-func (p *MkShParser) IfClause() (retval *MkShIfClause) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	ok := false
-	defer p.rollback(&ok)()
-	var conds []*MkShList
-	var actions []*MkShList
-	var elseaction *MkShList
-	if !"if") {
-		return nil
-	}
-	cond := p.CompoundList()
-	if cond == nil || !"then") {
-		return nil
-	}
-	action := p.CompoundList()
-	if action == nil {
-		return nil
-	}
-	conds = append(conds, cond)
-	actions = append(actions, action)
-	if"elif") {
-		goto nextcond
-	}
-	if"else") {
-		elseaction = p.CompoundList()
-		if elseaction == nil {
-			return nil
+	if lex.atCommandStart {
+		lex.sinceCase = -1
+		lex.sinceFor = -1
+		switch token {
+		case "if":
+			return tkIF
+		case "then":
+			return tkTHEN
+		case "elif":
+			return tkELIF
+		case "else":
+			return tkELSE
+		case "fi":
+			return tkFI
+		case "for":
+			lex.atCommandStart = false
+			lex.sinceFor = 0
+			return tkFOR
+		case "while":
+			return tkWHILE
+		case "until":
+			return tkUNTIL
+		case "do":
+			return tkDO
+		case "done":
+			return tkDONE
+		case "in":
+			lex.atCommandStart = false
+			return tkIN
+		case "case":
+			lex.atCommandStart = false
+			lex.sinceCase = 0
+			return tkCASE
+		case "{":
+			return tkLBRACE
+		case "}":
+			return tkRBRACE
+		case "!":
+			return tkEXCLAM
-	if !"fi") {
-		return nil
-	}
-	ok = true
-	return &MkShIfClause{conds, actions, elseaction}
-// ::= "while" CompoundList DoGroup
-func (p *MkShParser) WhileClause() (retval *MkShLoopClause) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	ok := false
-	defer p.rollback(&ok)()
-	if !"while") {
-		return nil
+	if lex.sinceFor >= 0 {
+		lex.sinceFor++
-	panic("WhileClause")
-	p.CompoundList()
-	p.DoGroup()
-	return nil
-// ::= "until" CompoundList DoGroup
-func (p *MkShParser) UntilClause() (retval *MkShLoopClause) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	ok := false
-	defer p.rollback(&ok)()
-	if !"until") {
-		return nil
+	if lex.sinceCase >= 0 {
+		lex.sinceCase++
-	panic("UntilClause")
-	p.CompoundList()
-	p.DoGroup()
-	return nil
-// ::= msttNAME "(" ")" Linebreak CompoundCommand Redirect*
-func (p *MkShParser) FunctionDefinition() (retval *MkShFunctionDefinition) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	ok := false
-	defer p.rollback(&ok)()
-	funcname := p.Word(true)
-	if funcname == nil || !matches(funcname.MkText, `^[A-Z_a-z][0-9A-Z_a-z]*$`) {
-		return nil
+	switch {
+	case matches(token, `^\d+$`) && len(lex.remaining) != 0 && matches(lex.remaining[0], `^[<>]`):
+		ttype = tkIO_NUMBER
+		lval.IONum, _ = strconv.Atoi(token)
+	case lex.sinceFor == 2 && token == "in":
+		ttype = tkIN
+		lex.atCommandStart = false
+	case lex.sinceFor == 2 && token == "do":
+		ttype = tkDO
+		lex.atCommandStart = true
+	case lex.sinceCase == 2 && token == "in":
+		ttype = tkIN
+		lex.atCommandStart = false
+	case (lex.atCommandStart || lex.sinceCase == 3) && token == "esac":
+		ttype = tkESAC
+		lex.atCommandStart = false
+	case lex.atCommandStart && matches(token, `^[A-Za-z_]\w*=`):
+		ttype = tkASSIGNMENT_WORD
+		p := NewShTokenizer(dummyLine, token, false)
+		lval.Word = p.ShToken()
+	default:
+		ttype = tkWORD
+		p := NewShTokenizer(dummyLine, token, false)
+		lval.Word = p.ShToken()
+		lex.atCommandStart = false
-	if !"(") || !")") {
-		return nil
-	}
-	p.Linebreak()
-	body := p.CompoundCommand()
-	if body == nil {
-		return nil
-	}
-	redirects := p.RedirectList()
-	ok = true
-	return &MkShFunctionDefinition{funcname.MkText, body, redirects}
+	return ttype
-func (p *MkShParser) BraceGroup() (retval *MkShList) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	ok := false
-	defer p.rollback(&ok)()
-	if !"{") {
-		return nil
-	}
-	list := p.CompoundList()
-	if list == nil {
-		return nil
-	}
-	if !"}") {
-		return nil
-	}
-	ok = true
-	return list
-func (p *MkShParser) DoGroup() (retval *MkShList) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	ok := false
-	defer p.rollback(&ok)()
-	if !"do") {
-		return nil
-	}
-	list := p.CompoundList()
-	if list == nil {
-		return nil
-	}
-	if !"done") {
-		return nil
-	}
-	ok = true
-	return list
-func (p *MkShParser) SimpleCommand() (retval *MkShSimpleCommand) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	ok := false
-	defer p.rollback(&ok)()
-	var assignments []*ShToken
-	var name *ShToken
-	var args []*ShToken
-	var redirections []*MkShRedirection
-	first := true
-	seenName := false
-	if word := p.Word(first); word != nil {
-		first = false
-		if !seenName && word.IsAssignment() {
-			assignments = append(assignments, word)
-		} else if !seenName {
-			name = word
-			seenName = true
-		} else {
-			args = append(args, word)
-		}
-		goto nextword
-	}
-	if len(assignments) == 0 && name == nil && len(args) == 0 && len(redirections) == 0 {
-		return nil
-	}
-	ok = true
-	return &MkShSimpleCommand{assignments, name, args, redirections}
-func (p *MkShParser) RedirectList() (retval []*MkShRedirection) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	if redirect := p.IoRedirect(); redirect != nil {
-		retval = append(retval, redirect)
-		goto nextredirect
-	}
-	return nil
-func (p *MkShParser) IoRedirect() (retval *MkShRedirection) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	if m, redirect, fdstr, op := match3(p.peekText(), `^((\d*)\s*(<|<&|>|>&|>>|<>|>\||<<|<<-))`); m {
-		target := p.peekText()[len(redirect):]
-		_, _, _ = fdstr, op, target
-		fd, err := strconv.ParseInt(fdstr, 10, 32)
-		if err != nil {
-			fd = -1
-		}
-		p.skip()
-		targetToken := NewShTokenizer(p.tok.mkp.Line, target, false).ShToken()
-		return &MkShRedirection{int(fd), op, targetToken}
-	}
-	return nil
-func (p *MkShParser) NewlineList() (retval bool) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	ok := false
-	for"\n") {
-		ok = true
-	}
-	return ok
-func (p *MkShParser) Linebreak() {
-	for"\n") {
-	}
-func (p *MkShParser) SeparatorOp() (retval *MkShSeparator) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	if";") {
-		op := MkShSeparator(";")
-		return &op
-	}
-	if"&") {
-		op := MkShSeparator("&")
-		return &op
-	}
-	return nil
-func (p *MkShParser) Separator() (retval *MkShSeparator) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	op := p.SeparatorOp()
-	if op == nil &&"\n") {
-		sep := MkShSeparator('\n')
-		op = &sep
-	}
-	if op != nil {
-		p.Linebreak()
-	}
-	return op
-func (p *MkShParser) SequentialSep() (retval bool) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	if p.peekText() == ";" {
-		p.skip()
-		p.Linebreak()
-		return true
-	} else {
-		return p.NewlineList()
-	}
-func (p *MkShParser) Word(cmdstart bool) (retval *ShToken) {
-	defer p.trace(&retval)()
-	if token := p.peek(); token != nil && token.IsWord() {
-		if cmdstart {
-			switch token.MkText {
-			case "while", "until", "for", "do", "done",
-				"if", "then", "else", "elif", "fi",
-				"{", "}":
-				return nil
-			}
-		}
-		p.skip()
-		return token
-	}
-	return nil
-func (p *MkShParser) EOF() bool {
-	return p.peek() == nil
-func (p *MkShParser) peek() *ShToken {
-	if p.curr == nil {
-	nexttoken:
-		p.curr = p.tok.ShToken()
-		if p.curr == nil && !p.tok.parser.EOF() {
-			p.tok.mkp.Line.Warnf("Pkglint tokenize error at " + p.tok.parser.Rest())
-			p.tok.mkp.Parser.repl.AdvanceRest()
-			return nil
-		}
-		if p.curr != nil && hasPrefix(p.curr.MkText, "#") {
-			goto nexttoken
-		}
-	}
-	//traceStep("MkShParser.peek %v rest=%q", p.curr,
-	return p.curr
-func (p *MkShParser) peekText() string {
-	if next := p.peek(); next != nil {
-		return next.MkText
-	}
-	return ""
-func (p *MkShParser) skip() {
-	p.curr = nil
-func (p *MkShParser) eat(s string) bool {
-	if p.peek() == nil {
-		return false
-	}
-	if p.peek().MkText == s {
-		p.skip()
-		return true
-	}
-	return false
-func (p *MkShParser) rollback(pok *bool) func() {
-	mark := p.mark()
-	return func() {
-		if !*pok {
-			p.reset(mark)
-		}
-	}
-func (p *MkShParser) trace(retval interface{}) func() {
-	if G.opts.Debug {
-		return tracecallInternal(p.peek(), p.restref(), "=>", ref(retval))
-	} else {
-		return func() {}
-	}
-func (p *MkShParser) mark() MkShParserMark {
-	return MkShParserMark{p.tok.parser.repl.Mark(), p.curr}
-func (p *MkShParser) reset(mark MkShParserMark) {
-	p.tok.parser.repl.Reset(
-	p.curr = mark.curr
-func (p *MkShParser) restref() MkShParserRest {
-	return MkShParserRest{&}
-func (p *MkShParser) Rest() string {
-	return p.peekText() + p.tok.mkp.repl.AdvanceRest()
-type MkShParserMark struct {
-	rest PrefixReplacerMark
-	curr *ShToken
-type MkShParserRest struct {
-	restref *string
-func (rest MkShParserRest) String() string {
-	return fmt.Sprintf("rest=%q", *rest.restref)
+func (lex *ShellLexer) Error(s string) {
+	lex.error = s

cvs diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mkshparser_test.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mkshparser_test.go 2016/06/05 11:24:32 1.1
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mkshparser_test.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.2
@@ -1,352 +1,595 @@
 package main
 import (
-	check ""
+	"encoding/json"
+	""
+	"strconv"
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_Program(c *check.C) {
-	parse := func(cmd string, expected *MkShList) {
-		p := NewMkShParser(dummyLine, cmd, false)
-		program := p.Program()
-		c.Check(program, deepEquals, expected)
-		c.Check(p.tok.parser.Rest(), equals, "")
-		c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "")
-	}
-	if false {
-		parse(""+
-			"\tcd ${WRKSRC} && ${FIND} ${${_list_}} -type f ! -name '*.orig' 2>/dev/null "+
-			"| pax -rw -pm ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/${${_dir_}}",
-			NewMkShList())
-	}
+type ShSuite struct {
+	c *check.C
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_List(c *check.C) {
+var _ = check.Suite(&ShSuite{})
+func (s *ShSuite) Test_ShellParser_program(c *check.C) {
+	b := s.init(c)
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_AndOr(c *check.C) {
-	parse := func(cmd string, expected *MkShAndOr) {
-		p := NewMkShParser(dummyLine, cmd, false)
-		andor := p.AndOr()
-		c.Check(andor, deepEquals, expected)
-		c.Check(p.tok.parser.Rest(), equals, "")
-		c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "")
-	}
-	tester := &MkShTester{c}
+	s.test("",
+		b.List())
-	parse("simplecmd",
-		NewMkShAndOr(NewMkShPipeline(false, tester.ParseCommand("simplecmd"))))
+	s.test("echo ;",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo")).AddSeparator(";"))
-	expected := NewMkShAndOr(NewMkShPipeline(false, tester.ParseCommand("simplecmd1")))
-	expected.Add("&&", NewMkShPipeline(false, tester.ParseCommand("simplecmd2")))
-	parse("simplecmd1 && simplecmd2", expected)
+	s.test("echo",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo")))
+	s.test(""+
+		"cd ${WRKSRC} && ${FIND} ${${_list_}} -type f ! -name '*.orig' 2 > /dev/null "+
+		"| pax -rw -pm ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/${${_dir_}}",
+		b.List().AddAndOr(b.AndOr(
+			b.Pipeline(false, b.SimpleCommand("cd", "${WRKSRC}"))).Add("&&",
+			b.Pipeline(false,
+				b.SimpleCommand("${FIND}", "${${_list_}}", "-type", "f", "!", "-name", "'*.orig'", "2>/dev/null"),
+				b.SimpleCommand("pax", "-rw", "-pm", "${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/${${_dir_}}")))))
+	s.test("${CAT} ${PKGDIR}/PLIST | while read entry ; do : ; done",
+		b.List().AddAndOr(b.AndOr(b.Pipeline(false,
+			b.SimpleCommand("${CAT}", "${PKGDIR}/PLIST"),
+			b.While(
+				b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("read", "entry")).AddSeparator(";"),
+				b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand(":")).AddSeparator(";"))))))
+	s.test("while read entry ; do case \"$$entry\" in include/c-client/* ) ${INSTALL_DATA} $$src $$dest ; esac ; done",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.While(
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("read", "entry")).AddSeparator(";"),
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.Case(
+				b.Token("\"$$entry\""),
+				b.CaseItem(
+					b.Words("include/c-client/*"),
+					b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("${INSTALL_DATA}", "$$src", "$$dest")),
+					&SEP_SEMI))).AddSeparator(";"))))
+	s.test("command | while condition ; do case selector in pattern ) : ; esac ; done",
+		b.List().AddAndOr(b.AndOr(b.Pipeline(false,
+			b.SimpleCommand("command"),
+			b.While(
+				b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("condition")).AddSeparator(";"),
+				b.List().AddCommand(b.Case(
+					b.Token("selector"),
+					b.CaseItem(
+						b.Words("pattern"),
+						b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand(":")),
+						&SEP_SEMI))).AddSeparator(";"))))))
+	s.test("command1 \n command2 \n command3",
+		b.List().
+			AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("command1")).
+			AddSeparator(SEP_NEWLINE).
+			AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("command2")).
+			AddSeparator(SEP_NEWLINE).
+			AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("command3")))
+	s.test("if condition; then action; else case selector in pattern) case-item-action ;; esac; fi",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.If(
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("condition")).AddSeparator(";"),
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("action")).AddSeparator(";"),
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.Case(
+				b.Token("selector"),
+				b.CaseItem(
+					b.Words("pattern"),
+					b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("case-item-action")), nil))).AddSeparator(";"))))
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_Pipeline(c *check.C) {
+func (s *ShSuite) Test_ShellParser_list(c *check.C) {
+	b := s.init(c)
+	s.test("echo1 && echo2",
+		b.List().AddAndOr(
+			b.AndOr(b.Pipeline(false, b.SimpleCommand("echo1"))).
+				Add("&&", b.Pipeline(false, b.SimpleCommand("echo2")))))
+	s.test("echo1 ; echo2",
+		b.List().
+			AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo1")).
+			AddSeparator(";").
+			AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo2")))
+	s.test("echo1 ; echo2 &",
+		b.List().
+			AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo1")).
+			AddSeparator(";").
+			AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo2")).
+			AddSeparator("&"))
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_Command(c *check.C) {
-	parse := func(cmd string, expected *MkShCommand) {
-		p := NewMkShParser(dummyLine, cmd, false)
-		command := p.Command()
-		c.Check(command, deepEquals, expected)
-		c.Check(p.tok.parser.Rest(), equals, "")
-		c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "")
-	}
-	tester := &MkShTester{c}
+func (s *ShSuite) Test_ShellParser_and_or(c *check.C) {
+	b := s.init(c)
-	parse("simple",
-		&MkShCommand{Simple: tester.ParseSimpleCommand("simple")})
+	s.test("echo1 | echo2",
+		b.List().AddAndOr(b.AndOr(b.Pipeline(false,
+			b.SimpleCommand("echo1"),
+			b.SimpleCommand("echo2")))))
+	s.test("echo1 | echo2 && echo3 | echo4",
+		b.List().AddAndOr(b.AndOr(
+			b.Pipeline(false,
+				b.SimpleCommand("echo1"),
+				b.SimpleCommand("echo2")),
+		).Add("&&",
+			b.Pipeline(false,
+				b.SimpleCommand("echo3"),
+				b.SimpleCommand("echo4")))))
+	s.test("echo1 | echo2 || ! echo3 | echo4",
+		b.List().AddAndOr(b.AndOr(
+			b.Pipeline(false,
+				b.SimpleCommand("echo1"),
+				b.SimpleCommand("echo2")),
+		).Add("||",
+			b.Pipeline(true,
+				b.SimpleCommand("echo3"),
+				b.SimpleCommand("echo4")))))
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_CompoundCommand(c *check.C) {
+func (s *ShSuite) Test_ShellParser_pipeline(c *check.C) {
+	b := s.init(c)
+	s.test("command1 | command2",
+		b.List().AddAndOr(b.AndOr(b.Pipeline(false,
+			b.SimpleCommand("command1"),
+			b.SimpleCommand("command2")))))
+	s.test("! command1 | command2",
+		b.List().AddAndOr(b.AndOr(b.Pipeline(true,
+			b.SimpleCommand("command1"),
+			b.SimpleCommand("command2")))))
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_Subshell(c *check.C) {
+func (s *ShSuite) Test_ShellParser_pipe_sequence(c *check.C) {
+	b := s.init(c)
+	s.test("command1 | if true ; then : ; fi",
+		b.List().AddAndOr(b.AndOr(b.Pipeline(false,
+			b.SimpleCommand("command1"),
+			b.If(
+				b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("true")).AddSeparator(";"),
+				b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand(":")).AddSeparator(";"))))))
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_CompoundList(c *check.C) {
-	parse := func(cmd string, expected *MkShList) {
-		p := NewMkShParser(dummyLine, cmd, false)
-		compoundList := p.CompoundList()
-		c.Check(compoundList, deepEquals, expected)
-		c.Check(p.tok.parser.Rest(), equals, "")
-		c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "")
-	}
-	tester := &MkShTester{c}
+func (s *ShSuite) Test_ShellParser_command(c *check.C) {
+	b := s.init(c)
-	parse("simplecmd",
-		NewMkShList().AddAndOr(NewMkShAndOr(NewMkShPipeline(false, tester.ParseCommand("simplecmd")))))
+	s.test("simple_command",
+		b.List().AddAndOr(b.AndOr(b.Pipeline(false, b.SimpleCommand("simple_command")))))
-	simplecmd1 := NewMkShPipeline(false, tester.ParseCommand("simplecmd1"))
-	simplecmd2 := NewMkShPipeline(false, tester.ParseCommand("simplecmd2"))
-	expected := NewMkShList().AddAndOr(NewMkShAndOr(simplecmd1).Add("&&", simplecmd2))
-	parse("simplecmd1 && simplecmd2", expected)
+	s.test("while 1 ; do 2 ; done",
+		b.List().AddAndOr(b.AndOr(b.Pipeline(false,
+			b.While(
+				b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("1")).AddSeparator(";"),
+				b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("2")).AddSeparator(";"))))))
+	s.test("while 1 ; do 2 ; done 1 >& 2",
+		b.List().AddAndOr(b.AndOr(b.Pipeline(false,
+			b.While(
+				b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("1")).AddSeparator(";"),
+				b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("2")).AddSeparator(";"),
+				b.Redirection(1, ">&", "2"))))))
+	s.test("func ( ) { echo hello ; } 2 >& 1",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.Function(
+			"func",
+			b.Brace(b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo", "hello")).AddSeparator(";")).Compound,
+			b.Redirection(2, ">&", "1"))))
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_ForClause(c *check.C) {
-	parse := func(cmd string, expected *MkShForClause) {
-		p := NewMkShParser(dummyLine, cmd, false)
-		forclause := p.ForClause()
-		c.Check(forclause, deepEquals, expected)
-		c.Check(p.tok.parser.Rest(), equals, "")
-		c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "")
-	}
-	tester := &MkShTester{c}
+func (s *ShSuite) Test_ShellParser_compound_command(c *check.C) {
+	b := s.init(c)
-	params := []*ShToken{tester.Token("\"$$@\"")}
-	action := tester.ParseCompoundList("action;")
-	parse("for var; do action; done",
-		&MkShForClause{"var", params, action})
+	s.test("{ brace ; }",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.Brace(
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("brace")).AddSeparator(";"))))
-	abc := []*ShToken{tester.Token("a"), tester.Token("b"), tester.Token("c")}
-	parse("for var in a b c; do action; done",
-		&MkShForClause{"var", abc, action})
+	s.test("( subshell )",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.Subshell(
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("subshell")))))
-	actions := tester.ParseCompoundList("action1 && action2;")
-	parse("for var in a b c; do action1 && action2; done",
-		&MkShForClause{"var", abc, actions})
+	s.test("for i in * ; do echo $i ; done",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.For(
+			"i",
+			b.Words("*"),
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo", "$i")).AddSeparator(";"))))
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_Wordlist(c *check.C) {
+	s.test("case $i in esac",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.Case(
+			b.Token("$i"))))
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_CaseClause(c *check.C) {
+func (s *ShSuite) Test_ShellParser_subshell(c *check.C) {
+	b := s.init(c)
+	sub3 := b.Subshell(b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("sub3")))
+	sub2 := b.Subshell(b.List().AddCommand(sub3).AddSeparator(";").AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("sub2")))
+	sub1 := b.Subshell(b.List().AddCommand(sub2).AddSeparator(";").AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("sub1")))
+	s.test("( ( ( sub3 ) ; sub2 ) ; sub1 )", b.List().AddCommand(sub1))
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_CaseItem(c *check.C) {
+func (s *ShSuite) Test_ShellParser_compound_list(c *check.C) {
+	b := s.init(c)
+	s.test("( \n echo )",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.Subshell(
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo")))))
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_Pattern(c *check.C) {
+func (s *ShSuite) Test_ShellParser_term(c *check.C) {
+	b := s.init(c)
+	_ = b
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_IfClause(c *check.C) {
+func (s *ShSuite) Test_ShellParser_for_clause(c *check.C) {
+	b := s.init(c)
+	s.test("for var do echo $var ; done",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.For(
+			"var",
+			b.Words("\"$$@\""),
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo", "$var")).AddSeparator(";"))))
+	// Only linebreak is allowed, but not semicolon.
+	s.test("for var \n do echo $var ; done",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.For(
+			"var",
+			b.Words("\"$$@\""),
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo", "$var")).AddSeparator(";"))))
+	s.test("for var in a b c ; do echo $var ; done",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.For(
+			"var",
+			b.Words("a", "b", "c"),
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo", "$var")).AddSeparator(";"))))
+	s.test("for var \n \n \n in a b c ; do echo $var ; done",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.For(
+			"var",
+			b.Words("a", "b", "c"),
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo", "$var")).AddSeparator(";"))))
+	s.test("for var in in esac ; do echo $var ; done",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.For(
+			"var",
+			b.Words("in", "esac"),
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo", "$var")).AddSeparator(";"))))
+	// No semicolon necessary between the two “done”.
+	s.test("for i in 1; do for j in 1; do echo $$i$$j; done done",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.For(
+			"i",
+			b.Words("1"),
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.For(
+				"j",
+				b.Words("1"),
+				b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo", "$$i$$j")).AddSeparator(";"))))))
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_WhileClause(c *check.C) {
+func (s *ShSuite) Test_ShellParser_case_clause(c *check.C) {
+	b := s.init(c)
+	s.test("case $var in esac",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.Case(b.Token("$var"))))
+	s.test("case selector in pattern) ;; pattern) esac",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.Case(
+			b.Token("selector"),
+			b.CaseItem(b.Words("pattern"), b.List(), nil),
+			b.CaseItem(b.Words("pattern"), b.List(), nil))))
+	s.test("case $$i in *.c | *.h ) echo C ;; * ) echo Other ; esac",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.Case(
+			b.Token("$$i"),
+			b.CaseItem(b.Words("*.c", "*.h"), b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo", "C")), nil),
+			b.CaseItem(b.Words("*"), b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo", "Other")), &SEP_SEMI))))
+	s.test("case $$i in *.c ) echo ; esac",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.Case(
+			b.Token("$$i"),
+			b.CaseItem(b.Words("*.c"), b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo")), &SEP_SEMI))))
+	s.test("case selector in pattern) case-item-action ; esac",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.Case(
+			b.Token("selector"),
+			b.CaseItem(
+				b.Words("pattern"),
+				b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("case-item-action")), &SEP_SEMI))))
+	s.test("case selector in pattern) case-item-action ;; esac",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.Case(
+			b.Token("selector"),
+			b.CaseItem(
+				b.Words("pattern"),
+				b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("case-item-action")), nil))))
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_UntilClause(c *check.C) {
+func (s *ShSuite) Test_ShellParser_if_clause(c *check.C) {
+	b := s.init(c)
+	s.test(
+		"if true ; then echo yes ; else echo no ; fi",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.If(
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("true")).AddSeparator(";"),
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo", "yes")).AddSeparator(";"),
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo", "no")).AddSeparator(";"))))
+	// No semicolon necessary between the two “fi”.
+	s.test("if cond1; then if cond2; then action; fi fi",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.If(
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("cond1")).AddSeparator(";"),
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.If(
+				b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("cond2")).AddSeparator(";"),
+				b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("action")).AddSeparator(";"))))))
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_FunctionDefinition(c *check.C) {
+func (s *ShSuite) Test_ShellParser_while_clause(c *check.C) {
+	b := s.init(c)
+	s.test("while condition ; do action ; done",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.While(
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("condition")).AddSeparator(";"),
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("action")).AddSeparator(";"))))
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_BraceGroup(c *check.C) {
+func (s *ShSuite) Test_ShellParser_until_clause(c *check.C) {
+	b := s.init(c)
+	s.test("until condition ; do action ; done",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.Until(
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("condition")).AddSeparator(";"),
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("action")).AddSeparator(";"))))
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_DoGroup(c *check.C) {
-	tester := &MkShTester{c}
-	check := func(str string, expected *MkShList) {
-		p := NewMkShParser(dummyLine, str, false)
-		dogroup := p.DoGroup()
-		if c.Check(dogroup, check.NotNil) {
-			if !c.Check(dogroup, deepEquals, expected) {
-				for i, andor := range dogroup.AndOrs {
-					c.Check(andor, deepEquals, expected.AndOrs[i])
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		c.Check(p.tok.parser.Rest(), equals, "")
-		c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "")
-	}
+func (s *ShSuite) Test_ShellParser_function_definition(c *check.C) {
+	b := s.init(c)
-	andor := NewMkShAndOr(NewMkShPipeline(false, tester.ParseCommand("action")))
-	check("do action; done",
-		&MkShList{[]*MkShAndOr{andor}, []MkShSeparator{";"}})
+	_ = b
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_SimpleCommand(c *check.C) {
-	parse := func(cmd string, builder *SimpleCommandBuilder) {
-		expected := builder.Cmd
-		p := NewMkShParser(dummyLine, cmd, false)
-		shcmd := p.SimpleCommand()
-		if c.Check(shcmd, check.NotNil) {
-			if !c.Check(shcmd, deepEquals, expected) {
-				for i, assignment := range shcmd.Assignments {
-					c.Check(assignment, deepEquals, expected.Assignments[i])
-				}
-				c.Check(shcmd.Name, deepEquals, expected.Name)
-				for i, word := range shcmd.Args {
-					c.Check(word, deepEquals, expected.Args[i])
-				}
-				for i, redirection := range shcmd.Redirections {
-					c.Check(redirection, deepEquals, expected.Redirections[i])
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		c.Check(p.tok.parser.Rest(), equals, "")
-		c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "")
-	}
+func (s *ShSuite) Test_ShellParser_brace_group(c *check.C) {
+	b := s.init(c)
-	fail := func(noncmd string, expectedRest string) {
-		p := NewMkShParser(dummyLine, noncmd, false)
-		shcmd := p.SimpleCommand()
-		c.Check(shcmd, check.IsNil)
-		c.Check(p.tok.parser.Rest(), equals, expectedRest)
-		c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "")
-	}
-	tester := &MkShTester{c}
+	// No semicolon necessary after the closing brace.
+	s.test("if true; then { echo yes; } fi",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.If(
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("true")).AddSeparator(";"),
+			b.List().AddCommand(b.Brace(
+				b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo", "yes")).AddSeparator(";"))))))
-	parse("echo ${PKGNAME:Q}",
-		NewSimpleCommandBuilder().
-			Name(tester.Token("echo")).
-			Arg(tester.Token("${PKGNAME:Q}")))
+func (s *ShSuite) Test_ShellParser_simple_command(c *check.C) {
+	b := s.init(c)
-	parse("${ECHO} \"Double-quoted\" 'Single-quoted'",
-		NewSimpleCommandBuilder().
-			Name(tester.Token("${ECHO}")).
-			Arg(tester.Token("\"Double-quoted\"")).
-			Arg(tester.Token("'Single-quoted'")))
+	s.test(
+		"echo hello, world",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo", "hello,", "world")))
-	parse("`cat plain` \"`cat double`\" '`cat single`'",
-		NewSimpleCommandBuilder().
-			Name(tester.Token("`cat plain`")).
-			Arg(tester.Token("\"`cat double`\"")).
-			Arg(tester.Token("'`cat single`'")))
+	s.test("echo ${PKGNAME:Q}",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo", "${PKGNAME:Q}")))
-	parse("`\"one word\"`",
-		NewSimpleCommandBuilder().
-			Name(tester.Token("`\"one word\"`")))
+	s.test("${ECHO} \"Double-quoted\" 'Single-quoted'",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("${ECHO}", "\"Double-quoted\"", "'Single-quoted'")))
-	parse("PAGES=\"`ls -1 | ${SED} -e 's,3qt$$,3,'`\"",
-		NewSimpleCommandBuilder().
-			Assignment(tester.Token("PAGES=\"`ls -1 | ${SED} -e 's,3qt$$,3,'`\"")))
+	s.test("`cat plain` \"`cat double`\" '`cat single`'",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("`cat plain`", "\"`cat double`\"", "'`cat single`'")))
-	parse("var=Plain var=\"Dquot\" var='Squot' var=Plain\"Dquot\"'Squot'",
-		NewSimpleCommandBuilder().
-			Assignment(tester.Token("var=Plain")).
-			Assignment(tester.Token("var=\"Dquot\"")).
-			Assignment(tester.Token("var='Squot'")).
-			Assignment(tester.Token("var=Plain\"Dquot\"'Squot'")))
+	s.test("`\"one word\"`",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("`\"one word\"`")))
-	parse("${RUN} subdir=\"`unzip -c \"$$e\" install.rdf | awk '/re/ { print \"hello\" }'`\"",
-		NewSimpleCommandBuilder().
-			Name(tester.Token("${RUN}")).
-			Arg(tester.Token("subdir=\"`unzip -c \"$$e\" install.rdf | awk '/re/ { print \"hello\" }'`\"")))
+	s.test("PAGES=\"`ls -1 | ${SED} -e 's,3qt$$,3,'`\"",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("PAGES=\"`ls -1 | ${SED} -e 's,3qt$$,3,'`\"")))
-	parse("PATH=/nonexistent env PATH=${PATH:Q} true",
-		NewSimpleCommandBuilder().
-			Assignment(tester.Token("PATH=/nonexistent")).
-			Name(tester.Token("env")).
-			Arg(tester.Token("PATH=${PATH:Q}")).
-			Arg(tester.Token("true")))
+	s.test("var=Plain var=\"Dquot\" var='Squot' var=Plain\"Dquot\"'Squot'",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("var=Plain", "var=\"Dquot\"", "var='Squot'", "var=Plain\"Dquot\"'Squot'")))
-	parse("{OpenGrok args",
-		NewSimpleCommandBuilder().
-			Name(tester.Token("{OpenGrok")).
-			Arg(tester.Token("args")))
+	// RUN is a special Make variable since it ends with a semicolon;
+	// therefore it needs to be split off before passing the rest of
+	// the command to the shell command parser.
+	s.test("${RUN} subdir=\"`unzip -c \"$$e\" install.rdf | awk '/re/ { print \"hello\" }'`\"",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("${RUN}", "subdir=\"`unzip -c \"$$e\" install.rdf | awk '/re/ { print \"hello\" }'`\"")))
-	fail("if clause", "if clause")
-	fail("{ group; }", "{ group; }")
+	s.test("PATH=/nonexistent env PATH=${PATH:Q} true",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("PATH=/nonexistent", "env", "PATH=${PATH:Q}", "true")))
+	s.test("{OpenGrok args",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("{OpenGrok", "args")))
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_RedirectList(c *check.C) {
+func (s *ShSuite) Test_ShellParser_io_redirect(c *check.C) {
+	b := s.init(c)
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_IoRedirect(c *check.C) {
+	s.test("echo >> ${PLIST_SRC}",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo", ">>${PLIST_SRC}")))
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_IoFile(c *check.C) {
+	s.test("echo >> ${PLIST_SRC}",
+		b.List().AddCommand(b.SimpleCommand("echo", ">>${PLIST_SRC}")))
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_IoHere(c *check.C) {
+	s.test("echo 1>output 2>>append 3>|clobber 4>&5 6<input >>append",
+		b.List().AddCommand(&MkShCommand{Simple: &MkShSimpleCommand{
+			Assignments: nil,
+			Name:        b.Token("echo"),
+			Args:        nil,
+			Redirections: []*MkShRedirection{
+				{1, ">", b.Token("output")},
+				{2, ">>", b.Token("append")},
+				{3, ">|", b.Token("clobber")},
+				{4, ">&", b.Token("5")},
+				{6, "<", b.Token("input")},
+				{-1, ">>", b.Token("append")}}}}))
+	s.test("echo 1> output 2>> append 3>| clobber 4>& 5 6< input >> append",
+		b.List().AddCommand(&MkShCommand{Simple: &MkShSimpleCommand{
+			Assignments: nil,
+			Name:        b.Token("echo"),
+			Args:        nil,
+			Redirections: []*MkShRedirection{
+				{1, ">", b.Token("output")},
+				{2, ">>", b.Token("append")},
+				{3, ">|", b.Token("clobber")},
+				{4, ">&", b.Token("5")},
+				{6, "<", b.Token("input")},
+				{-1, ">>", b.Token("append")}}}}))
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_NewlineList(c *check.C) {
+func (s *ShSuite) Test_ShellParser_io_here(c *check.C) {
+	b := s.init(c)
+	_ = b
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_Linebreak(c *check.C) {
+func (s *ShSuite) init(c *check.C) *MkShBuilder {
+	s.c = c
+	return NewMkShBuilder()
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_SeparatorOp(c *check.C) {
+func (s *ShSuite) test(program string, expected *MkShList) {
+	tokens, rest := splitIntoShellTokens(dummyLine, program)
+	s.c.Check(rest, equals, "")
+	lexer := &ShellLexer{
+		current:        "",
+		remaining:      tokens,
+		atCommandStart: true,
+		error:          ""}
+	parser := &shyyParserImpl{}
+	succeeded := parser.Parse(lexer)
+	c := s.c
+	if ok1, ok2 := c.Check(succeeded, equals, 0), c.Check(lexer.error, equals, ""); ok1 && ok2 {
+		if !c.Check(lexer.result, deepEquals, expected) {
+			actualJson, actualErr := json.MarshalIndent(lexer.result, "", "  ")
+			expectedJson, expectedErr := json.MarshalIndent(expected, "", "  ")
+			if c.Check(actualErr, check.IsNil) && c.Check(expectedErr, check.IsNil) {
+				c.Check(string(actualJson), deepEquals, string(expectedJson))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		c.Check(lexer.remaining, deepEquals, []string{})
+	}
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_Separator(c *check.C) {
+type MkShBuilder struct {
+func NewMkShBuilder() *MkShBuilder {
+	return &MkShBuilder{}
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_SequentialSep(c *check.C) {
+func (b *MkShBuilder) List() *MkShList {
+	return NewMkShList()
+func (b *MkShBuilder) AndOr(pipeline *MkShPipeline) *MkShAndOr {
+	return NewMkShAndOr(pipeline)
-func (s *Suite) Test_MkShParser_Word(c *check.C) {
+func (b *MkShBuilder) Pipeline(negated bool, cmds ...*MkShCommand) *MkShPipeline {
+	return NewMkShPipeline(negated, cmds...)
+func (b *MkShBuilder) SimpleCommand(words ...string) *MkShCommand {
+	cmd := &MkShSimpleCommand{}
+	assignments := true
+	for _, word := range words {
+		if assignments && matches(word, `^\w+=`) {
+			cmd.Assignments = append(cmd.Assignments, b.Token(word))
+		} else if m, fdstr, op, rest := match3(word, `^(\d*)(<<-|<<|<&|>>|>&|>\||<|>)(.*)$`); m {
+			fd, err := strconv.Atoi(fdstr)
+			if err != nil {
+				fd = -1
+			}
+			cmd.Redirections = append(cmd.Redirections, b.Redirection(fd, op, rest))
+		} else {
+			assignments = false
+			if cmd.Name == nil {
+				cmd.Name = b.Token(word)
+			} else {
+				cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, b.Token(word))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return &MkShCommand{Simple: cmd}
-type MkShTester struct {
-	c *check.C
+func (b *MkShBuilder) If(condActionElse ...*MkShList) *MkShCommand {
+	ifclause := &MkShIfClause{}
+	for i, part := range condActionElse {
+		if i%2 == 0 && i != len(condActionElse)-1 {
+			ifclause.Conds = append(ifclause.Conds, part)
+		} else if i%2 == 1 {
+			ifclause.Actions = append(ifclause.Actions, part)
+		} else {
+			ifclause.Else = part
+		}
+	}
+	return &MkShCommand{Compound: &MkShCompoundCommand{If: ifclause}}
-func (t *MkShTester) ParseCommand(str string) *MkShCommand {
-	p := NewMkShParser(dummyLine, str, false)
-	cmd := p.Command()
-	t.c.Check(cmd, check.NotNil)
-	t.c.Check(p.Rest(), equals, "")
-	return cmd
+func (b *MkShBuilder) For(varname string, items []*ShToken, action *MkShList) *MkShCommand {
+	return &MkShCommand{Compound: &MkShCompoundCommand{For: &MkShForClause{varname, items, action}}}
-func (t *MkShTester) ParseSimpleCommand(str string) *MkShSimpleCommand {
-	p := NewMkShParser(dummyLine, str, false)
-	parsed := p.SimpleCommand()
-	t.c.Check(parsed, check.NotNil)
-	t.c.Check(p.Rest(), equals, "")
-	return parsed
+func (b *MkShBuilder) Case(selector *ShToken, items ...*MkShCaseItem) *MkShCommand {
+	return &MkShCommand{Compound: &MkShCompoundCommand{Case: &MkShCaseClause{selector, items}}}
-func (t *MkShTester) ParseCompoundList(str string) *MkShList {
-	p := NewMkShParser(dummyLine, str, false)
-	parsed := p.CompoundList()
-	t.c.Check(parsed, check.NotNil)
-	t.c.Check(p.Rest(), equals, "")
-	return parsed
+func (b *MkShBuilder) CaseItem(patterns []*ShToken, action *MkShList, separator *MkShSeparator) *MkShCaseItem {
+	return &MkShCaseItem{patterns, action, separator}
-func (t *MkShTester) Token(str string) *ShToken {
-	p := NewMkShParser(dummyLine, str, false)
-	parsed := p.peek()
-	p.skip()
-	t.c.Check(parsed, check.NotNil)
-	t.c.Check(p.Rest(), equals, "")
-	return parsed
+func (b *MkShBuilder) While(cond, action *MkShList, redirects ...*MkShRedirection) *MkShCommand {
+	return &MkShCommand{
+		Compound: &MkShCompoundCommand{
+			Loop: &MkShLoopClause{cond, action, false}},
+		Redirects: redirects}
-type SimpleCommandBuilder struct {
-	Cmd *MkShSimpleCommand
+func (b *MkShBuilder) Until(cond, action *MkShList, redirects ...*MkShRedirection) *MkShCommand {
+	return &MkShCommand{
+		Compound: &MkShCompoundCommand{
+			Loop: &MkShLoopClause{cond, action, true}},
+		Redirects: redirects}
-func NewSimpleCommandBuilder() *SimpleCommandBuilder {
-	cmd := &MkShSimpleCommand{}
-	return &SimpleCommandBuilder{cmd}
+func (b *MkShBuilder) Function(name string, body *MkShCompoundCommand, redirects ...*MkShRedirection) *MkShCommand {
+	return &MkShCommand{
+		FuncDef:   &MkShFunctionDefinition{name, body},
+		Redirects: redirects}
-func (b *SimpleCommandBuilder) Name(name *ShToken) *SimpleCommandBuilder {
-	b.Cmd.Name = name
-	return b
+func (b *MkShBuilder) Brace(list *MkShList) *MkShCommand {
+	return &MkShCommand{Compound: &MkShCompoundCommand{Brace: list}}
-func (b *SimpleCommandBuilder) Assignment(assignment *ShToken) *SimpleCommandBuilder {
-	b.Cmd.Assignments = append(b.Cmd.Assignments, assignment)
-	return b
+func (b *MkShBuilder) Subshell(list *MkShList) *MkShCommand {
+	return &MkShCommand{Compound: &MkShCompoundCommand{Subshell: list}}
-func (b *SimpleCommandBuilder) Arg(arg *ShToken) *SimpleCommandBuilder {
-	b.Cmd.Args = append(b.Cmd.Args, arg)
-	return b
+func (b *MkShBuilder) Token(mktext string) *ShToken {
+	tokenizer := NewShTokenizer(dummyLine, mktext, false)
+	token := tokenizer.ShToken()
+	return token
-func (b *SimpleCommandBuilder) Redirection(redirection *MkShRedirection) *SimpleCommandBuilder {
-	b.Cmd.Redirections = append(b.Cmd.Redirections, redirection)
-	return b
+func (b *MkShBuilder) Words(words ...string) []*ShToken {
+	tokens := make([]*ShToken, len(words))
+	for i, word := range words {
+		tokens[i] = b.Token(word)
+	}
+	return tokens
+func (b *MkShBuilder) Redirection(fd int, op string, target string) *MkShRedirection {
+	return &MkShRedirection{fd, op, b.Token(target)}

cvs diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mkshtypes.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mkshtypes.go 2016/06/05 11:24:32 1.1
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mkshtypes.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.2
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
 package main
-import (
-	"fmt"
+import "fmt"
 type MkShList struct {
 	AndOrs     []*MkShAndOr
@@ -13,10 +11,6 @@
 	return &MkShList{nil, nil}
-func (list *MkShList) String() string {
-	return fmt.Sprintf("MkShList(%v)", list.AndOrs)
 func (list *MkShList) AddAndOr(andor *MkShAndOr) *MkShList {
 	list.AndOrs = append(list.AndOrs, andor)
 	return list
@@ -36,10 +30,6 @@
 	return &MkShAndOr{[]*MkShPipeline{pipeline}, nil}
-func (andor *MkShAndOr) String() string {
-	return fmt.Sprintf("MkShAndOr(%v)", andor.Pipes)
 func (andor *MkShAndOr) Add(op string, pipeline *MkShPipeline) *MkShAndOr {
 	andor.Pipes = append(andor.Pipes, pipeline)
 	andor.Ops = append(andor.Ops, op)
@@ -55,10 +45,6 @@
 	return &MkShPipeline{negated, cmds}
-func (pipe *MkShPipeline) String() string {
-	return fmt.Sprintf("MkShPipeline(%v)", pipe.Cmds)
 func (pipe *MkShPipeline) Add(cmd *MkShCommand) *MkShPipeline {
 	pipe.Cmds = append(pipe.Cmds, cmd)
 	return pipe
@@ -71,70 +57,30 @@
 	Redirects []*MkShRedirection // For Compound and FuncDef
-func (cmd *MkShCommand) String() string {
-	switch {
-	case cmd.Simple != nil:
-		return cmd.Simple.String()
-	case cmd.Compound != nil:
-		return cmd.Compound.String()
-	case cmd.FuncDef != nil:
-		return cmd.FuncDef.String()
-	}
-	return "MkShCommand(?)"
 type MkShCompoundCommand struct {
 	Brace    *MkShList
 	Subshell *MkShList
 	For      *MkShForClause
 	Case     *MkShCaseClause
 	If       *MkShIfClause
-	While    *MkShLoopClause
-	Until    *MkShLoopClause
+	Loop     *MkShLoopClause
-func (cmd *MkShCompoundCommand) String() string {
-	switch {
-	case cmd.Brace != nil:
-		return cmd.Brace.String()
-	case cmd.Subshell != nil:
-		return cmd.Subshell.String()
-	case cmd.For != nil:
-		return cmd.For.String()
-	case cmd.Case != nil:
-		return cmd.Case.String()
-	case cmd.If != nil:
-		return cmd.If.String()
-	case cmd.While != nil:
-		return cmd.While.String()
-	case cmd.Until != nil:
-		return cmd.Until.String()
-	}
-	return "MkShCompoundCommand(?)"
 type MkShForClause struct {
 	Varname string
 	Values  []*ShToken
 	Body    *MkShList
-func (cl *MkShForClause) String() string {
-	return fmt.Sprintf("MkShForClause(%v, %v, %v)", cl.Varname, cl.Values, cl.Body)
 type MkShCaseClause struct {
 	Word  *ShToken
 	Cases []*MkShCaseItem
-func (cl *MkShCaseClause) String() string {
-	return fmt.Sprintf("MkShCaseClause(...)")
 type MkShCaseItem struct {
-	Patterns []*ShToken
-	Action   *MkShList
+	Patterns  []*ShToken
+	Action    *MkShList
+	Separator *MkShSeparator
 type MkShIfClause struct {
@@ -143,10 +89,6 @@
 	Else    *MkShList
-func (cl *MkShIfClause) String() string {
-	return "MkShIf(...)"
 func (cl *MkShIfClause) Prepend(cond *MkShList, action *MkShList) {
 	cl.Conds = append([]*MkShList{cond}, cl.Conds...)
 	cl.Actions = append([]*MkShList{action}, cl.Actions...)
@@ -158,20 +100,11 @@
 	Until  bool
-func (cl *MkShLoopClause) String() string {
-	return "MkShLoop(...)"
 type MkShFunctionDefinition struct {
-	Name      string
-	Body      *MkShCompoundCommand
-	Redirects []*MkShRedirection
+	Name string
+	Body *MkShCompoundCommand
-func (def *MkShFunctionDefinition) String() string {
-	return "MkShFunctionDef(...)"
 type MkShSimpleCommand struct {
 	Assignments  []*ShToken
 	Name         *ShToken
@@ -179,53 +112,62 @@
 	Redirections []*MkShRedirection
-func (scmd *MkShSimpleCommand) String() string {
-	str := "SimpleCommand("
-	first := true
-	sep := func() {
-		if first {
-			first = false
-		} else {
-			str += ", "
-		}
+func NewStrCommand(cmd *MkShSimpleCommand) *StrCommand {
+	strcmd := &StrCommand{
+		make([]string, len(cmd.Assignments)),
+		"",
+		make([]string, len(cmd.Args))}
+	for i, assignment := range cmd.Assignments {
+		strcmd.Assignments[i] = assignment.MkText
-	for _, word := range scmd.Assignments {
-		sep()
-		str += word.MkText
+	if cmd.Name != nil {
+		strcmd.Name = cmd.Name.MkText
-	if word := scmd.Name; word != nil {
-		sep()
-		str += word.MkText
+	for i, arg := range cmd.Args {
+		strcmd.Args[i] = arg.MkText
-	for _, word := range scmd.Args {
-		sep()
-		str += word.MkText
+	return strcmd
+type StrCommand struct {
+	Assignments []string
+	Name        string
+	Args        []string
+func (c *StrCommand) HasOption(opt string) bool {
+	for _, arg := range c.Args {
+		if arg == opt {
+			return true
+		}
-	for _, redirection := range scmd.Redirections {
-		sep()
-		str += redirection.String()
+	return false
+func (c *StrCommand) AnyArgMatches(pattern string) bool {
+	for _, arg := range c.Args {
+		if matches(arg, pattern) {
+			return true
+		}
-	return str + ")"
+	return false
+func (c *StrCommand) String() string {
+	return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v %v", c.Assignments, c.Name, c.Args)
 type MkShRedirection struct {
 	Fd     int // Or -1
 	Op     string
 	Target *ShToken
-func (r *MkShRedirection) String() string {
-	if r.Fd != -1 {
-		return fmt.Sprintf("%d%s%s", r.Fd, r.Op, r.Target.MkText)
-	} else {
-		return r.Op + r.Target.MkText
-	}
 // One of ";", "&", "\n"
 type MkShSeparator string
-func (sep *MkShSeparator) String() string {
+var (
-	return fmt.Sprintf("%q", sep)
+	SEP_SEMI       MkShSeparator = ";"
+	SEP_BACKGROUND MkShSeparator = "&"
+	SEP_NEWLINE    MkShSeparator = "\n"

cvs diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mktypes_test.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mktypes_test.go 2016/06/05 11:24:32 1.1
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mktypes_test.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.2
@@ -9,3 +9,9 @@
 	c.Check(varuse.Mod(), equals, ":Q")
+func (list *MkShList) AddCommand(command *MkShCommand) *MkShList {
+	pipeline := NewMkShPipeline(false, command)
+	andOr := NewMkShAndOr(pipeline)
+	return list.AddAndOr(andOr)

cvs diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/shtokenizer.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/shtokenizer.go 2016/06/05 11:24:32 1.1
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/shtokenizer.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.2
@@ -34,12 +34,16 @@
 		atom = p.shAtomSquot()
 	case shqBackt:
 		atom = p.shAtomBackt()
+	case shqSubsh:
+		atom = p.shAtomSub()
 	case shqDquotBackt:
 		atom = p.shAtomDquotBackt()
 	case shqBacktDquot:
 		atom = p.shAtomBacktDquot()
 	case shqBacktSquot:
 		atom = p.shAtomBacktSquot()
+	case shqSubshSquot:
+		atom = p.shAtomSubshSquot()
 	case shqDquotBacktDquot:
 		atom = p.shAtomDquotBacktDquot()
 	case shqDquotBacktSquot:
@@ -59,6 +63,8 @@
 	switch {
 	case repl.AdvanceHspace():
 		return &ShAtom{shtSpace, repl.s, q, nil}
+	case repl.AdvanceStr("\n"):
+		return &ShAtom{shtNewline, repl.s, q, nil}
 	case repl.AdvanceStr(";;"):
 		return &ShAtom{shtCaseSeparator, repl.s, q, nil}
 	case repl.AdvanceStr(";"):
@@ -81,7 +87,7 @@
 		return &ShAtom{shtWord, repl.s, shqSquot, nil}
 	case repl.AdvanceStr("`"):
 		return &ShAtom{shtWord, repl.s, shqBackt, nil}
-	case repl.AdvanceRegexp(`^(?:<|<<|>|>>|>&)`):
+	case repl.AdvanceRegexp(`^\d*(?:<<-|<<|<&|<>|>>|>&|>\||<|>)`):
 		return &ShAtom{shtRedirect, repl.m[0], q, nil}
 	case repl.AdvanceRegexp(`^#.*`):
 		return &ShAtom{shtComment, repl.m[0], q, nil}
@@ -155,6 +161,46 @@
 	return nil
+func (p *ShTokenizer) shAtomSub() *ShAtom {
+	const q = shqSubsh
+	repl := p.parser.repl
+	mark := repl.Mark()
+	atom := func(typ ShAtomType) *ShAtom {
+		return NewShAtom(typ, repl.Since(mark), shqSubsh)
+	}
+	switch {
+	case repl.AdvanceHspace():
+		return atom(shtSpace)
+	case repl.AdvanceStr(";;"):
+		return atom(shtCaseSeparator)
+	case repl.AdvanceStr(";"):
+		return atom(shtSemicolon)
+	case repl.AdvanceStr("||"):
+		return atom(shtOr)
+	case repl.AdvanceStr("&&"):
+		return atom(shtAnd)
+	case repl.AdvanceStr("|"):
+		return atom(shtPipe)
+	case repl.AdvanceStr("&"):
+		return atom(shtBackground)
+	case repl.AdvanceStr("\""):
+		//return &ShAtom{shtWord, repl.s, shqDquot, nil}
+	case repl.AdvanceStr("'"):
+		return &ShAtom{shtWord, repl.s, shqSubshSquot, nil}
+	case repl.AdvanceStr("`"):
+		//return &ShAtom{shtWord, repl.s, shqBackt, nil}
+	case repl.AdvanceRegexp(`^\d*(?:<<-|<<|<&|<>|>>|>&|>\||<|>)`):
+		return &ShAtom{shtRedirect, repl.m[0], q, nil}
+	case repl.AdvanceRegexp(`^#.*`):
+		return &ShAtom{shtComment, repl.m[0], q, nil}
+	case repl.AdvanceStr(")"):
+		return NewShAtom(shtWord, repl.s, shqPlain)
+	case repl.AdvanceRegexp(`^(?:[!#%*+,\-./0-9:=?@A-Z\[\]^_a-z{}~]+|\\[^$]|` + reShDollar + `)+`):
+		return &ShAtom{shtWord, repl.m[0], q, nil}
+	}
+	return nil
 func (p *ShTokenizer) shAtomDquotBackt() *ShAtom {
 	const q = shqDquotBackt
 	repl := p.parser.repl
@@ -216,6 +262,18 @@
 	return nil
+func (p *ShTokenizer) shAtomSubshSquot() *ShAtom {
+	const q = shqSubshSquot
+	repl := p.parser.repl
+	switch {
+	case repl.AdvanceStr("'"):
+		return &ShAtom{shtWord, repl.s, shqSubsh, nil}
+	case repl.AdvanceRegexp(`^([\t !"#%&()*+,\-./0-9:;<=>?@A-Z\[\\\]^_` + "`" + `a-z{|}~]+|\$\$)+`):
+		return &ShAtom{shtWord, repl.m[0], q, nil}
+	}
+	return nil
 func (p *ShTokenizer) shAtomDquotBacktDquot() *ShAtom {
 	const q = shqDquotBacktDquot
 	repl := p.parser.repl
@@ -281,7 +339,7 @@
 		return nil
 	if atom := peek(); !atom.Type.IsWord() {
-		return NewShToken(atom.Text, atom)
+		return NewShToken(atom.MkText, atom)

cvs diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/shtokenizer_test.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/shtokenizer_test.go 2016/06/05 11:24:32 1.1
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/shtokenizer_test.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.2
@@ -15,9 +15,10 @@
 		return p.Rest()
-	check := func(s string, expected ...*ShAtom) {
-		rest := checkRest(s, expected...)
+	check := func(str string, expected ...*ShAtom) {
+		rest := checkRest(str, expected...)
 		c.Check(rest, equals, "")
+		c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "")
 	token := func(typ ShAtomType, text string, quoting ShQuoting) *ShAtom {
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
 		return &ShAtom{shtVaruse, text, shqPlain, varuse}
 	q := func(q ShQuoting, token *ShAtom) *ShAtom {
-		return &ShAtom{token.Type, token.Text, q, token.Data}
+		return &ShAtom{token.Type, token.MkText, q, token.Data}
 	whitespace := func(s string) *ShAtom { return token(shtSpace, s, shqPlain) }
 	space := token(shtSpace, " ", shqPlain)
@@ -302,6 +303,22 @@
 		word("then"), space, word("action2"), semicolon, space,
 		word("else"), space, word("action3"), semicolon, space,
+	if false {
+		check("$$(cat)",
+			token(shtWord, "$$(", shqSubsh),
+			token(shtWord, "cat", shqSubsh),
+			token(shtWord, ")", shqPlain))
+		check("$$(cat 'file')",
+			token(shtWord, "$$(", shqSubsh),
+			token(shtWord, "cat", shqSubsh),
+			token(shtSpace, " ", shqSubsh),
+			token(shtWord, "'", shqSubshSquot),
+			token(shtWord, "file", shqSubshSquot),
+			token(shtWord, "'", shqSubsh),
+			token(shtWord, ")", shqPlain))
+	}
 func (s *Suite) Test_Shtokenizer_ShAtom_Quoting(c *check.C) {
@@ -314,7 +331,7 @@
 			if token == nil {
-			result += token.Text
+			result += token.MkText
 			if token.Quoting != q {
 				q = token.Quoting
 				result += "[" + q.String() + "]"

cvs diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/shtypes.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/shtypes.go 2016/06/05 11:24:32 1.1
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/shtypes.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.2
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 	shtRedirect                 // >, <, >>
 	shtComment                  // # ...
 	shtSubshell                 // $$(
+	shtNewline                  // \n
 func (t ShAtomType) String() string {
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@
 		"or", "and",
+		"newline",
@@ -50,7 +52,7 @@
 func (t ShAtomType) IsCommandDelimiter() bool {
 	switch t {
-	case shtSemicolon, shtPipe, shtBackground, shtAnd, shtOr, shtCaseSeparator:
+	case shtSemicolon, shtNewline, shtPipe, shtBackground, shtAnd, shtOr, shtCaseSeparator:
 		return true
 	return false
@@ -59,7 +61,7 @@
 // @Beta
 type ShAtom struct {
 	Type    ShAtomType
-	Text    string
+	MkText  string
 	Quoting ShQuoting
 	Data    interface{}
@@ -74,13 +76,13 @@
 func (token *ShAtom) String() string {
 	if token.Type == shtWord && token.Quoting == shqPlain && token.Data == nil {
-		return fmt.Sprintf("%q", token.Text)
+		return fmt.Sprintf("%q", token.MkText)
 	if token.Type == shtVaruse {
 		varuse := token.Data.(*MkVarUse)
 		return fmt.Sprintf("varuse(%q)", varuse.varname+varuse.Mod())
-	return fmt.Sprintf("ShAtom(%v, %q, %s)", token.Type, token.Text, token.Quoting)
+	return fmt.Sprintf("ShAtom(%v, %q, %s)", token.Type, token.MkText, token.Quoting)
 // ShQuoting describes the context in which a string appears
@@ -92,9 +94,11 @@
+	shqSubsh
+	shqSubshSquot
@@ -103,8 +107,8 @@
 func (q ShQuoting) String() string {
 	return [...]string{
-		"d", "s", "b",
-		"db", "bd", "bs",
+		"d", "s", "b", "S",
+		"db", "bd", "bs", "Ss",
 		"dbd", "dbs",

File Added: pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mkshwalker.go
package main

type MkShWalker struct {

func (w *MkShWalker) Walk(list *MkShList, callback func(node interface{})) {
	for element := range w.iterate(list) {

func (w *MkShWalker) iterate(list *MkShList) chan interface{} {
	elements := make(chan interface{})

	go func() {
		w.walkList(list, elements)

	return elements

func (w *MkShWalker) walkList(list *MkShList, collector chan interface{}) {
	collector <- list

	for _, andor := range list.AndOrs {
		w.walkAndOr(andor, collector)

func (w *MkShWalker) walkAndOr(andor *MkShAndOr, collector chan interface{}) {
	collector <- andor

	for _, pipeline := range andor.Pipes {
		w.walkPipeline(pipeline, collector)

func (w *MkShWalker) walkPipeline(pipeline *MkShPipeline, collector chan interface{}) {
	collector <- pipeline

	for _, command := range pipeline.Cmds {
		w.walkCommand(command, collector)

func (w *MkShWalker) walkCommand(command *MkShCommand, collector chan interface{}) {
	collector <- command

	switch {
	case command.Simple != nil:
		w.walkSimpleCommand(command.Simple, collector)
	case command.Compound != nil:
		w.walkCompoundCommand(command.Compound, collector)
		w.walkRedirects(command.Redirects, collector)
	case command.FuncDef != nil:
		w.walkFunctionDefinition(command.FuncDef, collector)
		w.walkRedirects(command.Redirects, collector)

func (w *MkShWalker) walkSimpleCommand(command *MkShSimpleCommand, collector chan interface{}) {
	collector <- command

	w.walkWords(command.Assignments, collector)
	if command.Name != nil {
		w.walkWord(command.Name, collector)
	w.walkWords(command.Args, collector)
	w.walkRedirects(command.Redirections, collector)

func (w *MkShWalker) walkCompoundCommand(command *MkShCompoundCommand, collector chan interface{}) {
	collector <- command

	switch {
	case command.Brace != nil:
		w.walkList(command.Brace, collector)
	case command.Case != nil:
		w.walkCase(command.Case, collector)
	case command.For != nil:
		w.walkFor(command.For, collector)
	case command.If != nil:
		w.walkIf(command.If, collector)
	case command.Loop != nil:
		w.walkLoop(command.Loop, collector)
	case command.Subshell != nil:
		w.walkList(command.Subshell, collector)

func (w *MkShWalker) walkCase(caseClause *MkShCaseClause, collector chan interface{}) {
	collector <- caseClause

	w.walkWord(caseClause.Word, collector)
	for _, caseItem := range caseClause.Cases {
		collector <- caseItem
		w.walkWords(caseItem.Patterns, collector)
		w.walkList(caseItem.Action, collector)

func (w *MkShWalker) walkFunctionDefinition(funcdef *MkShFunctionDefinition, collector chan interface{}) {
	collector <- funcdef

	w.walkCompoundCommand(funcdef.Body, collector)

func (w *MkShWalker) walkIf(ifClause *MkShIfClause, collector chan interface{}) {
	collector <- ifClause
	for i, cond := range ifClause.Conds {
		w.walkList(cond, collector)
		w.walkList(ifClause.Actions[i], collector)
	if ifClause.Else != nil {
		w.walkList(ifClause.Else, collector)

func (w *MkShWalker) walkLoop(loop *MkShLoopClause, collector chan interface{}) {
	collector <- loop
	w.walkList(loop.Cond, collector)
	w.walkList(loop.Action, collector)

func (w *MkShWalker) walkWords(words []*ShToken, collector chan interface{}) {
	collector <- words

	for _, word := range words {
		w.walkWord(word, collector)

func (w *MkShWalker) walkWord(word *ShToken, collector chan interface{}) {
	collector <- word

func (w *MkShWalker) walkRedirects(redirects []*MkShRedirection, collector chan interface{}) {
	collector <- redirects

	for _, redirect := range redirects {
		collector <- redirect
		w.walkWord(redirect.Target, collector)

func (w *MkShWalker) walkFor(forClause *MkShForClause, collector chan interface{}) {
	collector <- forClause

	collector <- forClause.Varname
	w.walkWords(forClause.Values, collector)
	w.walkList(forClause.Body, collector)

File Added: pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/mkshwalker_test.go
package main

import (

func (s *Suite) Test_MkShWalker_Walk(c *check.C) {
	list, err := parseShellProgram(dummyLine, ""+
		"if condition; then action; else case selector in pattern) case-item-action ;; esac; fi; "+
		"set -e; cd ${WRKSRC}/locale; "+
		"for lang in *.po; do "+
		"  [ \"$${lang}\" = \"wxstd.po\" ] && continue; "+
		"  ${TOOLS_PATH.msgfmt} -c -o \"$${lang%.po}.mo\" \"$${lang}\"; "+
	if c.Check(err, check.IsNil) && c.Check(list, check.NotNil) {
		var commands []string
		(*MkShWalker).Walk(nil, list, func(node interface{}) {
			if cmd, ok := node.(*MkShSimpleCommand); ok {
				commands = append(commands, NewStrCommand(cmd).String())
		c.Check(commands, deepEquals, []string{
			"[] condition []",
			"[] action []",
			"[] case-item-action []",
			"[] set [-e]",
			"[] cd [${WRKSRC}/locale]",
			"[] [ [\"$${lang}\" = \"wxstd.po\" ]]",
			"[] continue []",
			"[] ${TOOLS_PATH.msgfmt} [-c -o \"$${lang%.po}.mo\" \"$${lang}\"]"})

File Added: pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/shell.y
package main

%token <Word> tkWORD
%token <Word> tkASSIGNMENT_WORD
%token tkNEWLINE
%token <IONum> tkIO_NUMBER
%token tkPIPE tkSEMI
%token tkAND tkOR tkSEMISEMI
%token tkIF tkTHEN tkELSE tkELIF tkFI tkDO tkDONE
%token tkCASE tkESAC tkWHILE tkUNTIL tkFOR
%token tkIN

%union {
	IONum int
	List *MkShList
	AndOr *MkShAndOr
	Pipeline *MkShPipeline
	Command *MkShCommand
	CompoundCommand *MkShCompoundCommand
	Separator MkShSeparator
	Simple *MkShSimpleCommand
	FuncDef *MkShFunctionDefinition
	For *MkShForClause
	If *MkShIfClause
	Case *MkShCaseClause
	CaseItem *MkShCaseItem
	Loop *MkShLoopClause
	Words []*ShToken
	Word *ShToken
	Redirections []*MkShRedirection
	Redirection *MkShRedirection

%type <List> start program compound_list brace_group subshell term do_group
%type <AndOr> and_or
%type <Pipeline> pipeline pipe_sequence
%type <Command> command
%type <CompoundCommand> compound_command
%type <Separator> separator separator_op sequential_sep
%type <Simple> simple_command cmd_prefix cmd_suffix
%type <FuncDef> function_definition
%type <For> for_clause
%type <If> if_clause else_part
%type <Case> case_clause case_list case_list_ns
%type <CaseItem> case_item case_item_ns
%type <Loop> while_clause until_clause
%type <Words> wordlist case_selector pattern
%type <Word> filename cmd_word here_end
%type <Redirections> redirect_list
%type <Redirection> io_redirect io_file io_here


start : program {
	shyylex.(*ShellLexer).result = $$

program : compound_list {
	$$ = $1
program : /* empty */ {
	$$ = &MkShList{}

and_or : pipeline {
	$$ = NewMkShAndOr($1)
and_or : and_or tkAND linebreak pipeline {
	$$.Add("&&", $4)
and_or : and_or tkOR linebreak pipeline {
	$$.Add("||", $4)

pipeline : pipe_sequence {
	/* empty */
pipeline : tkEXCLAM pipe_sequence {
	$$ = $2
	$$.Negated = true

pipe_sequence : command {
	$$ = NewMkShPipeline(false, $1)
pipe_sequence : pipe_sequence tkPIPE linebreak command {

command : simple_command {
	$$ = &MkShCommand{Simple: $1}
command : compound_command {
	$$ = &MkShCommand{Compound: $1}
command : compound_command redirect_list {
	$$ = &MkShCommand{Compound: $1, Redirects: $2}
command : function_definition {
	$$ = &MkShCommand{FuncDef: $1}
command : function_definition redirect_list {
	$$ = &MkShCommand{FuncDef: $1, Redirects: $2}

compound_command : brace_group {
	$$ = &MkShCompoundCommand{Brace: $1}
compound_command : subshell {
	$$ = &MkShCompoundCommand{Subshell: $1}
compound_command : for_clause {
	$$ = &MkShCompoundCommand{For: $1}
compound_command : case_clause {
	$$ = &MkShCompoundCommand{Case: $1}
compound_command : if_clause {
	$$ = &MkShCompoundCommand{If: $1}
compound_command : while_clause {
	$$ = &MkShCompoundCommand{Loop: $1}
compound_command : until_clause {
	$$ = &MkShCompoundCommand{Loop: $1}

subshell : tkLPAREN compound_list tkRPAREN {
	$$ = $2

compound_list : linebreak term {
	$$ = $2
compound_list : linebreak term separator {
	$$ = $2

term : and_or {
	$$ = NewMkShList()
term : term separator and_or {

for_clause : tkFOR tkWORD linebreak do_group {
	args := NewShToken("\"$$@\"",
		NewShAtom(shtWord, "\"",shqDquot),
		NewShAtom(shtWord, "$$@",shqDquot),
	$$ = &MkShForClause{$2.MkText, []*ShToken{args}, $4}
for_clause : tkFOR tkWORD linebreak tkIN sequential_sep do_group {
	$$ = &MkShForClause{$2.MkText, nil, $6}
for_clause : tkFOR tkWORD linebreak tkIN wordlist sequential_sep do_group {
	$$ = &MkShForClause{$2.MkText, $5, $7}

wordlist : tkWORD {
	$$ = append($$, $1)
wordlist : wordlist tkWORD {
	$$ = append($$, $2)

case_clause : tkCASE tkWORD linebreak tkIN linebreak case_list tkESAC {
	$$ = $6
	$$.Word = $2
case_clause : tkCASE tkWORD linebreak tkIN linebreak case_list_ns tkESAC {
	$$ = $6
	$$.Word = $2
case_clause : tkCASE tkWORD linebreak tkIN linebreak tkESAC {
	$$ = &MkShCaseClause{$2, nil}

case_list_ns : case_item_ns {
	$$ = &MkShCaseClause{nil, nil}
	$$.Cases = append($$.Cases, $1)
case_list_ns : case_list case_item_ns {
	$$.Cases = append($$.Cases, $2)

case_list : case_item {
	$$ = &MkShCaseClause{nil, nil}
	$$.Cases = append($$.Cases, $1)
case_list : case_list case_item {
	$$.Cases = append($$.Cases, $2)

case_selector : tkLPAREN pattern tkRPAREN {
	$$ = $2
case_selector : pattern tkRPAREN {
	/* empty */

case_item_ns : case_selector linebreak {
	$$ = &MkShCaseItem{$1, &MkShList{}, nil}
case_item_ns : case_selector linebreak term linebreak {
	$$ = &MkShCaseItem{$1, $3, nil}
case_item_ns : case_selector linebreak term separator_op linebreak {
	$$ = &MkShCaseItem{$1, $3, &$4}

case_item : case_selector linebreak tkSEMISEMI linebreak {
	$$ = &MkShCaseItem{$1, &MkShList{}, nil}
case_item : case_selector compound_list tkSEMISEMI linebreak {
	$$ = &MkShCaseItem{$1, $2, nil}

pattern : tkWORD {
	$$ = nil
	$$ = append($$, $1)
pattern : pattern tkPIPE tkWORD {
	$$ = append($$, $3)

if_clause : tkIF compound_list tkTHEN compound_list else_part tkFI {
	$$ = $5
	$$.Prepend($2, $4)
if_clause : tkIF compound_list tkTHEN compound_list tkFI {
	$$ = &MkShIfClause{}
	$$.Prepend($2, $4)

else_part : tkELIF compound_list tkTHEN compound_list {
	$$ = &MkShIfClause{}
	$$.Prepend($2, $4)
else_part : tkELIF compound_list tkTHEN compound_list else_part {
	$$ = $5
	$$.Prepend($2, $4)
else_part : tkELSE compound_list {
	$$ = &MkShIfClause{nil, nil, $2}

while_clause : tkWHILE compound_list do_group {
	$$ = &MkShLoopClause{$2, $3, false}
until_clause : tkUNTIL compound_list do_group {
	$$ = &MkShLoopClause{$2, $3, true}

function_definition : tkWORD tkLPAREN tkRPAREN linebreak compound_command { /* Apply rule 9 */
	$$ = &MkShFunctionDefinition{$1.MkText, $5}

brace_group : tkLBRACE compound_list tkRBRACE {
	$$ = $2

do_group : tkDO compound_list tkDONE {
	$$ = $2

simple_command : cmd_prefix cmd_word cmd_suffix {
	$$.Name = $2
	$$.Args = append($$.Args, $3.Args...)
	$$.Redirections = append($$.Redirections, $3.Redirections...)
simple_command : cmd_prefix cmd_word {
	$$.Name = $2
simple_command : cmd_prefix {
	/* empty */
simple_command : tkWORD cmd_suffix {
	$$ = $2
	$$.Name = $1
simple_command : tkWORD {
	$$ = &MkShSimpleCommand{Name: $1}

cmd_word : tkWORD { /* Apply rule 7b */
	/* empty */

cmd_prefix : io_redirect {
	$$ = &MkShSimpleCommand{}
	$$.Redirections = append($$.Redirections, $1)
cmd_prefix : tkASSIGNMENT_WORD {
	$$ = &MkShSimpleCommand{}
	$$.Assignments = append($$.Assignments, $1)
cmd_prefix : cmd_prefix io_redirect {
	$$.Redirections = append($$.Redirections, $2)
cmd_prefix : cmd_prefix tkASSIGNMENT_WORD {
	$$.Assignments = append($$.Assignments, $2)

cmd_suffix : io_redirect {
	$$ = &MkShSimpleCommand{}
	$$.Redirections = append($$.Redirections, $1)
cmd_suffix : tkWORD {
	$$ = &MkShSimpleCommand{}
	$$.Args = append($$.Args, $1)
cmd_suffix : cmd_suffix io_redirect {
	$$.Redirections = append($$.Redirections, $2)
cmd_suffix : cmd_suffix tkWORD {
	$$.Args = append($$.Args, $2)

redirect_list : io_redirect {
	$$ = nil
	$$ = append($$, $1)
redirect_list : redirect_list io_redirect {
	$$ = append($$, $2)

io_redirect : io_file {
	/* empty */
io_redirect : tkIO_NUMBER io_file {
	$$ = $2
	$$.Fd = $1

io_redirect : io_here {
	/* empty */
io_redirect : tkIO_NUMBER io_here {
	$$ = $2
	$$.Fd = $1

io_file : tkLT filename {
	$$ = &MkShRedirection{-1, "<", $2}
io_file : tkLTAND filename {
	$$ = &MkShRedirection{-1, "<&", $2}
io_file : tkGT filename {
	$$ = &MkShRedirection{-1, ">", $2}
io_file : tkGTAND filename {
	$$ = &MkShRedirection{-1, ">&", $2}
io_file : tkGTGT filename {
	$$ = &MkShRedirection{-1, ">>", $2}
io_file : tkLTGT filename {
	$$ = &MkShRedirection{-1, "<>", $2}
io_file : tkGTPIPE filename {
	$$ = &MkShRedirection{-1, ">|", $2}

filename : tkWORD { /* Apply rule 2 */
	/* empty */

io_here : tkLTLT here_end {
	$$ = &MkShRedirection{-1, "<<", $2}
io_here : tkLTLTDASH here_end {
	$$ = &MkShRedirection{-1, "<<-", $2}

here_end : tkWORD { /* Apply rule 3 */
	/* empty */

newline_list : tkNEWLINE {
	/* empty */
newline_list : newline_list tkNEWLINE {
	/* empty */

linebreak : newline_list {
	/* empty */
linebreak : /* empty */ {
	/* empty */

separator_op : tkBACKGROUND {
	$$ = "&"
separator_op : tkSEMI {
	$$ = ";"

separator : separator_op linebreak {
	/* empty */
separator : newline_list {
	$$ = "\n"

sequential_sep : tkSEMI linebreak {
	$$ = ";"
sequential_sep : tkNEWLINE linebreak {
	$$ = "\n"

cvs diff -r1.8 -r1.9 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/package.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/package.go 2016/06/05 11:24:32 1.8
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/package.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.9
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 import (
+	"os/user"
@@ -196,6 +197,7 @@
 		} else if hasSuffix(fname, "/distinfo") {
 			haveDistinfo = true
+		pkg.checkLocallyModified(fname)
 	if G.opts.CheckDistinfo && G.opts.CheckPatches {
@@ -387,7 +389,7 @@
 		perlLine.Warn1("REPLACE_PERL is ignored when NO_CONFIGURE is set (in %s)", noconfLine.Line.ReferenceFrom(perlLine.Line))
-	if vardef["LICENSE"] == nil {
+	if vardef["LICENSE"] == nil && vardef["META_PACKAGE"] == nil {
 		NewLineWhole(fname).Error0("Each package must define its LICENSE.")
@@ -484,19 +486,43 @@
 func (pkg *Package) pkgnameFromDistname(pkgname, distname string) string {
-	pkgname = strings.Replace(pkgname, "${DISTNAME}", distname, -1)
+	tokens := NewMkParser(dummyLine, pkgname, false).MkTokens()
-	if m, before, sep, subst, after := match4(pkgname, `^(.*)\$\{DISTNAME:S(.)([^\\}:]+)\}(.*)$`); m {
-		qsep := regexp.QuoteMeta(sep)
-		if m, left, from, right, to, mod := match5(subst, `^(\^?)([^:]*)(\$?)`+qsep+`([^:]*)`+qsep+`(g?)$`); m {
-			newPkgname := before + mkopSubst(distname, left != "", from, right != "", to, mod != "") + after
+	subst := func(str, smod string) (result string) {
+		if G.opts.Debug {
+			defer tracecall(str, smod, ref(result))()
+		}
+		qsep := regexp.QuoteMeta(smod[1:2])
+		if m, left, from, right, to, flags := match5(smod, `^S`+qsep+`(\^?)([^:]*?)(\$?)`+qsep+`([^:]*)`+qsep+`([1g]*)$`); m {
+			result := mkopSubst(str, left != "", from, right != "", to, flags)
 			if G.opts.Debug {
-				traceStep("%s: pkgnameFromDistname %q => %q", pkg.vardef["PKGNAME"], pkgname, newPkgname)
+				traceStep("subst %q %q => %q", str, smod, result)
-			pkgname = newPkgname
+			return result
+		return str
-	return pkgname
+	result := ""
+	for _, token := range tokens {
+		if token.Varuse != nil && token.Varuse.varname == "DISTNAME" {
+			newDistname := distname
+			for _, mod := range token.Varuse.modifiers {
+				if mod == "tl" {
+					newDistname = strings.ToLower(newDistname)
+				} else if hasPrefix(mod, "S") {
+					newDistname = subst(newDistname, mod)
+				} else {
+					newDistname = token.Text
+					break
+				}
+			}
+			result += newDistname
+		} else {
+			result += token.Text
+		}
+	}
+	return result
 func (pkg *Package) checkUpdate() {
@@ -757,4 +783,54 @@
 			"documenting its interface.")
+func (pkg *Package) checkLocallyModified(fname string) {
+	if G.opts.Debug {
+		defer tracecall(fname)()
+	}
+	ownerLine := pkg.vardef["OWNER"]
+	maintainerLine := pkg.vardef["MAINTAINER"]
+	owner := ""
+	maintainer := ""
+	if ownerLine != nil && !containsVarRef(ownerLine.Value()) {
+		owner = ownerLine.Value()
+	}
+	if maintainerLine != nil && !containsVarRef(maintainerLine.Value()) && maintainerLine.Value() != "" {
+		maintainer = maintainerLine.Value()
+	}
+	if owner == "" && maintainer == "" {
+		return
+	}
+	user, err := user.Current()
+	if err != nil || user.Username == "" {
+		return
+	}
+	// On Windows, this is `Computername\Username`.
+	username := regcomp(`^.*\\`).ReplaceAllString(user.Username, "")
+	if G.opts.Debug {
+		traceStep("user=%q owner=%q maintainer=%q", username, owner, maintainer)
+	}
+	if username == strings.Split(owner, "@")[0] || username == strings.Split(maintainer, "@")[0] {
+		return
+	}
+	if isLocallyModified(fname) {
+		if owner != "" {
+			NewLineWhole(fname).Warn1("Don't commit changes to this file without asking the OWNER, %s.", owner)
+			Explain2(
+				"See the pkgsrc guide, section \"Package components\",",
+				"keyword \"owner\", for more information.")
+		}
+		if maintainer != "" {
+			NewLineWhole(fname).Note1("Please only commit changes that %s would approve.", maintainer)
+			Explain2(
+				"See the pkgsrc guide, section \"Package components\",",
+				"keyword \"maintainer\", for more information.")
+		}
+	}

cvs diff -r1.8 -r1.9 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/pkglint.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/pkglint.go 2016/06/05 11:24:32 1.8
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/pkglint.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.9
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
 	case st.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0:
-		if !matches(basename, `^work`) {
+		if !hasPrefix(basename, "work") {
 			NewLineWhole(fname).Warn0("Unknown symlink name.")
@@ -283,6 +283,9 @@
 	case matches(fname, `(?:^|/)files/[^/]*$`):
 		// Skip
+	case basename == "spec":
+		// Ok in regression tests
 		NewLineWhole(fname).Warn0("Unexpected file found.")

cvs diff -r1.7 -r1.8 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/package_test.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/package_test.go 2016/06/05 11:24:32 1.7
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/package_test.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.8
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
 	c.Check(pkg.pkgnameFromDistname("${DISTNAME:S|a|b|g}", "panama-0.13"), equals, "pbnbmb-0.13")
 	c.Check(pkg.pkgnameFromDistname("${DISTNAME:S|^lib||}", "libncurses"), equals, "ncurses")
 	c.Check(pkg.pkgnameFromDistname("${DISTNAME:S|^lib||}", "mylib"), equals, "mylib")
+	c.Check(pkg.pkgnameFromDistname("${DISTNAME:tl:S/-/./g:S/he/-/1}", "SaxonHE9-5-0-1J"), equals, "saxon-")
+	c.Check(pkg.pkgnameFromDistname("${DISTNAME:C/beta/.0./}", "fspanel-0.8beta1"), equals, "${DISTNAME:C/beta/.0./}")
+	c.Check(pkg.pkgnameFromDistname("${DISTNAME:S/-0$/.0/1}", "aspell-af-0.50-0"), equals, "aspell-af-0.50.0")
 	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "")
@@ -155,6 +158,19 @@
 		"WARN: ~/distinfo: File not found. Please run \"@BMAKE@ makesum\".\n"+
 		"ERROR: ~/Makefile: Each package must define its LICENSE.\n"+
 		"WARN: ~/Makefile: No COMMENT given.\n")
+func (s *Suite) Test_Package_Meta_package_License(c *check.C) {
+	s.CreateTmpFileLines(c, "Makefile",
+		"# $"+"NetBSD$",
+		"",
+		"META_PACKAGE=\tyes")
+	G.CurrentDir = s.tmpdir
+	G.globalData.InitVartypes()
+	checkdirPackage(s.tmpdir)
+	c.Check(s.Output(), equals, "WARN: ~/Makefile: No COMMENT given.\n") // No error about missing LICENSE.
 func (s *Suite) Test_Package_Varuse_LoadTime(c *check.C) {

cvs diff -r1.7 -r1.8 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/util.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/util.go 2016/06/05 11:24:32 1.7
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/util.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.8
@@ -84,6 +84,34 @@
 	return false
+func isLocallyModified(fname string) bool {
+	basename := path.Base(fname)
+	lines, err := readLines(path.Dir(fname)+"/CVS/Entries", false)
+	if err != nil {
+		return false
+	}
+	for _, line := range lines {
+		if hasPrefix(line.Text, "/"+basename+"/") {
+			cvsModTime, err := time.Parse(time.ANSIC, strings.Split(line.Text, "/")[3])
+			if err != nil {
+				return false
+			}
+			st, err := os.Stat(fname)
+			if err != nil {
+				return false
+			}
+			//
+			delta := cvsModTime.Unix() - st.ModTime().Unix()
+			if G.opts.Debug {
+				traceStep("cvs.time=%v fs.time=%v delta=%v", cvsModTime, st.ModTime(), delta)
+			}
+			return !(-2 <= delta && delta <= 2)
+		}
+	}
+	return false
 // Returns the number of columns that a string occupies when printed with
 // a tabulator size of 8.
 func tabLength(s string) int {
@@ -498,12 +526,16 @@
 // Emulates make(1)’s :S substitution operator.
-func mkopSubst(s string, left bool, from string, right bool, to string, all bool) string {
+func mkopSubst(s string, left bool, from string, right bool, to string, flags string) string {
+	if G.opts.Debug {
+		defer tracecall(s, left, from, right, to, flags)()
+	}
 	re := ifelseStr(left, "^", "") + regexp.QuoteMeta(from) + ifelseStr(right, "$", "")
 	done := false
+	gflag := contains(flags, "g")
 	return regcomp(re).ReplaceAllStringFunc(s, func(match string) string {
-		if all || !done {
-			done = !all
+		if gflag || !done {
+			done = !gflag
 			return to
 		return match

cvs diff -r1.3 -r1.4 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/util_test.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/util_test.go 2016/01/12 01:02:49 1.3
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/util_test.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.4
@@ -5,30 +5,30 @@
 func (s *Suite) TestMkopSubst_middle(c *check.C) {
-	c.Check(mkopSubst("pkgname", false, "kgna", false, "ri", false), equals, "prime")
-	c.Check(mkopSubst("pkgname", false, "pkgname", false, "replacement", false), equals, "replacement")
+	c.Check(mkopSubst("pkgname", false, "kgna", false, "ri", ""), equals, "prime")
+	c.Check(mkopSubst("pkgname", false, "pkgname", false, "replacement", ""), equals, "replacement")
 func (s *Suite) TestMkopSubst_left(c *check.C) {
-	c.Check(mkopSubst("pkgname", true, "kgna", false, "ri", false), equals, "pkgname")
-	c.Check(mkopSubst("pkgname", true, "pkgname", false, "replacement", false), equals, "replacement")
+	c.Check(mkopSubst("pkgname", true, "kgna", false, "ri", ""), equals, "pkgname")
+	c.Check(mkopSubst("pkgname", true, "pkgname", false, "replacement", ""), equals, "replacement")
 func (s *Suite) TestMkopSubst_right(c *check.C) {
-	c.Check(mkopSubst("pkgname", false, "kgna", true, "ri", false), equals, "pkgname")
-	c.Check(mkopSubst("pkgname", false, "pkgname", true, "replacement", false), equals, "replacement")
+	c.Check(mkopSubst("pkgname", false, "kgna", true, "ri", ""), equals, "pkgname")
+	c.Check(mkopSubst("pkgname", false, "pkgname", true, "replacement", ""), equals, "replacement")
 func (s *Suite) TestMkopSubst_leftRight(c *check.C) {
-	c.Check(mkopSubst("pkgname", true, "kgna", true, "ri", false), equals, "pkgname")
-	c.Check(mkopSubst("pkgname", false, "pkgname", false, "replacement", false), equals, "replacement")
+	c.Check(mkopSubst("pkgname", true, "kgna", true, "ri", ""), equals, "pkgname")
+	c.Check(mkopSubst("pkgname", false, "pkgname", false, "replacement", ""), equals, "replacement")
-func (s *Suite) TestMkopSubst_all(c *check.C) {
-	c.Check(mkopSubst("aaaaa", false, "a", false, "b", true), equals, "bbbbb")
-	c.Check(mkopSubst("aaaaa", true, "a", false, "b", true), equals, "baaaa")
-	c.Check(mkopSubst("aaaaa", false, "a", true, "b", true), equals, "aaaab")
-	c.Check(mkopSubst("aaaaa", true, "a", true, "b", true), equals, "aaaaa")
+func (s *Suite) TestMkopSubst_gflag(c *check.C) {
+	c.Check(mkopSubst("aaaaa", false, "a", false, "b", "g"), equals, "bbbbb")
+	c.Check(mkopSubst("aaaaa", true, "a", false, "b", "g"), equals, "baaaa")
+	c.Check(mkopSubst("aaaaa", false, "a", true, "b", "g"), equals, "aaaab")
+	c.Check(mkopSubst("aaaaa", true, "a", true, "b", "g"), equals, "aaaaa")
 func (s *Suite) TestReplaceFirst(c *check.C) {

cvs diff -r1.14 -r1.15 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/vartypecheck.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/vartypecheck.go 2016/06/10 19:42:42 1.14
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/vartypecheck.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.15
@@ -684,6 +684,11 @@
 			"very last file, but PKG_OPTIONS_VAR is evaluated earlier.",
 			"Use ${PKGNAME:C/-[0-9].*//} instead.")
+	// PR 46570, item "6. It should complain in PKG_OPTIONS_VAR is wrong"
+	if !hasPrefix(cv.value, "PKG_OPTIONS.") {
+		cv.line.Error2("PKG_OPTIONS_VAR must be of the form %q, not %q.", "PKG_OPTIONS.*", cv.value)
+	}
 // A directory name relative to the top-level pkgsrc directory.

cvs diff -r1.2 -r1.3 pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/vercmp_test.go (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/vercmp_test.go 2016/01/12 01:02:49 1.2
+++ pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/Attic/vercmp_test.go 2016/07/07 12:09:27 1.3
@@ -15,15 +15,50 @@
 	c.Check(newVersion("nb1"), check.DeepEquals, &version{nil, 1})
 	c.Check(newVersion("1.0.1a"), deepEquals, &version{[]int{1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1}, 0})
 	c.Check(newVersion("1.0.1z"), deepEquals, &version{[]int{1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 26}, 0})
+	c.Check(newVersion("0pre20160620"), deepEquals, &version{[]int{0, -1, 20160620}, 0})
 func (s *Suite) TestPkgverCmp(c *check.C) {
-	c.Check(pkgverCmp("1.0", "1.0alpha"), equals, 1)
-	c.Check(pkgverCmp("1.0alpha", "1.0"), equals, -1)
-	c.Check(pkgverCmp("1.0nb1", "1.0"), equals, 1)
-	c.Check(pkgverCmp("1.0nb2", "1.0nb1"), equals, 1)
-	c.Check(pkgverCmp("2.0.1nb17", "2.0.1nb4"), equals, 1)
-	c.Check(pkgverCmp("2.0.1nb4", "2.0.1nb17"), equals, -1)
-	c.Check(pkgverCmp("2.0pre", "2.0rc"), equals, 0)
-	c.Check(pkgverCmp("2.0pre", "2.0pl"), equals, -1)
+	var versions = [][]string{
+		{"0pre20160620"},
+		{"0"},
+		{"nb1"},
+		{"0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"},
+		{"1.0alpha"},
+		{"1.0alpha3"},
+		{"1", "1.0", "1.0.0"},
+		{"1.0nb1"},
+		{"1.0nb2"},
+		{"1.0.1a"},
+		{"1.0.1z"},
+		{"2.0pre", "2.0rc"},
+		{"2.0", "2.0pl"},
+		{"2.0.1nb4"},
+		{"2.0.1nb17"},
+		{"2.5beta"},
+		{"5.0"},
+		{"5.0nb5"},
+		{"5.5", "5.005"},
+		{"20151110"},
+	}
+	for i, iversions := range versions {
+		for _, iversion := range iversions {
+			for j, jversions := range versions {
+				for _, jversion := range jversions {
+					actual := pkgverCmp(iversion, jversion)
+					if i < j && !(actual < 0) {
+						c.Check([]interface{}{i, iversion, j, jversion, "<0"}, deepEquals, []interface{}{i, iversion, j, jversion, actual})
+					}
+					if i == j && !(actual == 0) {
+						c.Check([]interface{}{i, iversion, j, jversion, "==0"}, deepEquals, []interface{}{i, iversion, j, jversion, actual})
+					}
+					if i > j && !(actual > 0) {
+						c.Check([]interface{}{i, iversion, j, jversion, ">0"}, deepEquals, []interface{}{i, iversion, j, jversion, actual})
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}