Sun Jan 1 17:26:13 2017 UTC ()
update to current tomcat 8.0 train version, fixing CVE-2016-5388.


Tomcat 8.0.39 (violetagg)

    Fix: When creating a new Connector via JMX, ensure that both HTTP/1.1 and AJP/1.3 connectors can be created. (markt)
    Fix: Include the Context name in the log message when an item cannot be added to the cache. (markt)
    Fix: Exclude JAR files in /WEB-INF/lib from the static resource cache. (markt)
    Fix: When calling getResourceAsStream() on a directory, ensure that null is returned. (markt)
    Fix: 60161: Allow creating subcategories of the container logger, and use it for the rewrite valve. (remm)
    Fix: Correctly test for control characters when reading the provided shutdown password. (markt)
    Fix: When configuring the JMX remote listener, specify the allowed types for the credentials. (markt)


    Fix: Correct the HTTP header parser so that DEL is not treated as a valid token character. (markt)
    Fix: 60319: When using an Executor, disconnect it from the Connector attributes maxThreads, minSpareThreads and threadPriority to enable the configuration settings to be consistently reported. These Connector attributes will be reported as -1 when an Executor is in use. The values used by the executor may be set and obtained via the Executor. (markt)
    Fix: If an I/O error occurs during async processing on a non-container thread, ensure that the onError() event is triggered. (markt)
    Fix: Improve detection of I/O errors during async processing on non-container threads and trigger async error handling when they are detected. (markt)
    Add: Add additional checks for valid characters to the HTTP request line parsing so invalid request lines are rejected sooner. (markt)

Web applications

    Fix: Correct a typo in HTTP Connector How-To. Issue reported via (violetagg)
    Fix: Fix default value of validationInterval attribute in jdbc-pool. (kfujino)
    Fix: Correct a typo in CGI How-To. Issue reported via (violetagg)


    Fix: When the proxy node sends a backup retrieve message, ensure that using the channelSendOptions that has been set rather than the default channelSendOptions. (kfujino)


    Update: Update the ECJ compiler to version 4.5.1. (markt)
    Fix: Remove classes from tomcat-util-scan.jar that are duplicates of those in tomcat-util.jar. (markt)

2016-10-10 Tomcat 8.0.38 (markt)

    Add: 59961: Add an option to the StandardJarScanner to control whether or not JAR Manifests are scanned for additional class path entries. (markt)
    Fix: 60013: Refactor the previous fix to align the behaviour of the Rewrite Valve with mod_rewrite. As part of this, provide an implementation for the B and NE flags and improve the handling for the QSA flag. Includes multiple test cases by Santhana Preethiand a patch by Tiago Oliveira. (markt)
    Fix: 60087: Refactor the web resources handling to use the Tomcat specific war:file:... URL protocol to refer to WAR files and their contents rather than the standard jar:file:... form since some components of the JRE, such as JAR verification, give unexpected results when the standard form is used. A side-effect of the refactoring is that when using packed WARs, it is now possible to reference a WAR and/or specific JARs within a WAR in the security policy file used when running under a SecurityManager. (markt)
    Fix: 60116: Fix a problem with the rewrite valve that caused back references evaluated in conditions to be forced to lower case when using the NC flag. (markt)
    Fix: Ensure Digester.useContextClassLoader is considered in case the class loader is used. (violetagg)
    Fix: 60117: Ensure that the name of LogLevel is localized when using OneLineFormatter. Patch provided by Tatsuya Bessho. (kfujino)
    Fix: 60146: Improve performance for resource retrieval by making calls to WebResource.getInputStream() trigger caching if the resource is small enough. Patch provided by mohitchugh. (markt)
    Add: 60151: Improve the exception error messages when a ResourceLink fails to specify the type, specifies an unknown type or specifies the wrong type. (markt)
    Fix: 60167: Ignore empty lines in /etc/passwd files when using the PasswdUserDatabase. (markt)
    Fix: 60170: Exclude the compressed test file from RAT analysis. Patch provided by Gavin McDonald. (markt)
    Fix: When starting web resources, ensure that class resources are only started once. (markt)
    Fix: Improve the access checks for linked global resources to handle the case where the current class loader is a child of the web application class loader. (markt)
    Fix: 60199: Log a warning if deserialization issues prevent a session attribute from being loaded. (markt)


    Fix: Correctly handle a call to AsyncContext.complete() from a non-container thread when non-blocking I/O is being used. (markt)
    Add: Refactor the code that implements the requirement that a call to complete() or dispatch() made from a non-container thread before the container initiated thread that called startAsync() completes must be delayed until the container initiated thread has completed. Rather than implementing this by blocking the non-container thread, extend the internal state machine to track this. This removes the possibility that blocking the non-container thread could trigger a deadlock. (markt)
    Fix: 60123: Avoid potential threading issues that could cause excessively large vales to be returned for the processing time of a current request. (markt)
    Fix: 60174: Log instances of HeadersTooLargeException during request processing. (markt)


    Fix: 60101: Remove preloading of the class that was deleted. (violetagg)

Web applications

    Add: Expand the documentation for the nested elements within a Resources element to clarify the behaviour of different configuration options with respect to the order in which resources are searched. (markt)
    Add: Add an example of using the classesToInitialize attribute of the JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener to the documentation web application. Based on a patch by Cris Berneburg. (markt)
    Fix: 60192: Correct a typo in the status output of the Manager application. Patch provided by Radhakrishna Pemmasani. (markt)


    Fix: Notify jmx when returning the connection that has been marked suspect. (kfujino)
    Fix: Ensure that the POOL_EMPTY notification has been added to the jmx notification types. (kfujino)
    Fix: 60099: Ensure that use all method arguments as a cache key when using StatementCache. (kfujino)
    Fix: 60139: Correct Javadocs for PoolConfiguration.getValidationInterval and setValidationInterval. Reported by Phillip Webb. (kfujino)


    Fix: Update the download location for Objenesis. (violetagg)
    Fix: 60164: Replace log4j-core*.jar with log4j-web*.jar since it is log4j-web*.jar that contains the ServletContainerInitializer. (markt)
    Add: Add documentation to the bin/catalina.bat script to remind users that environment variables don't affect the configuration of Tomcat when run as a Windows Service. Based upon a documentation patch by James H.H. Lampert. (schultz)
    Update: Update the packaged version of the Tomcat Native Library to 1.2.10 to pick up the latest Windows binaries built with OpenSSL 1.0.2j. (markt)

2016-09-05 Tomcat 8.0.37 (markt)

    Fix: 57705: Add debug logging for requests denied by the remote host and remote address valves and filters. Based on a patch by Graham Leggett. (markt)
    Add: 59399: Add a new option to the Realm implementations that ship with Tomcat that allows the HTTP status code used for HTTP -> HTTPS redirects to be controlled per Realm. (markt)
    Update: Change the default of the sessionCookiePathUsesTrailingSlash attribute of the Context element to false since the problems caused when a Servlet is mapped to /* are more significant than the security risk of not enabling this option by default. (markt)
    Fix: Do not attempt to start web resources during a web application's initialisation phase since the web application is not fully configured at that point and the web resources may not be correctly configured. (markt)
    Fix: 59708: Modify the LockOutRealm logic. Valid authentication attempts during the lock out period will no longer reset the lock out timer to zero. (markt)
    Fix: Improve error handling around user code prior to calling InstanceManager.destroy() to ensure that the method is executed. (markt)
    Fix: 59813: Ensure that circular relations of the Class-Path attribute from JAR manifests will be processed correctly. (violetagg)
    Fix: Ensure that reading the singleThreadModel attribute of a StandardWrapper via JMX does not trigger initialisation of the associated servlet. With some frameworks this can trigger an unexpected initialisation thread and if initilisation is not thread-safe the initialisation can then fail. (markt)
    Fix: Compatibility with rewrite from httpd for non existing headers. (jfclere)
    Fix: By default, treat paths used to obtain a request dispatcher as encoded. This behaviour can be changed per web application via the dispatchersUseEncodedPaths attribute of the Context. (markt)
    Fix: 59839: Apply roleSearchAsUser to all nested searches in JNDIRealm. (fschumacher)
    Fix: 59859: Fix resource leak in WebDAV servlet. Based on patch by Coty Sutherland. (fschumacher)
    Add: Provide a mechanism that enables the container to check if a component (typically a web application) has been granted a given permission when running under a SecurityManager without the current execution stack having to have passed through the component. Use this new mechanism to extend SecurityManager protection to the system property replacement feature of the digester. (markt)
    Add: When retrieving an object via a ResourceLink, ensure that the object obtained is of the expected type. (markt)
    Fix: 59824: Mark the RewriteValve as supporting async processing by default. (markt)
    Fix: 59862: Allow nested jar files scanning to be filtered with the system property tomcat.util.scan.StandardJarScanFilter.jarsToSkip. Patch is provided by Terence Bandoian. (violetagg)
    Fix: 59866: When scanning WEB-INF/classes for annotations, don't scan the contents of WEB-INF/classes/META-INF (if present) since classes will never be loaded from that location. (markt)
    Fix: 59888: Correctly handle tabs and spaces in quoted version one cookies when using the Rfc6265CookieProcessor. (markt)
    Fix: 59912: Fix an edge case in input stream handling where an IOException could be thrown when reading a POST body. (markt)
    Fix: 59960: Fix Javadoc so it builds with Java 8. Patch by Coty Sutherland. (markt)
    Fix: 59966: Do not start the web application if the error page configuration in web.xml is invalid. (markt)
    Fix: Switch the CGI servlet to the standard logging mechanism and remove support for the debug attribute. (markt)
    Fix: Changes to the allowLinking attribute of a StandardRoot instance now invalidate the cache if caching is enabled. (markt)
    Add: Add a new initialisation parameter, envHttpHeaders, to the CGI Servlet to mitigate httpoxy (CVE-2016-5388) by default and to provide a mechanism that can be used to mitigate any future, similar issues. (markt)
    Add: When adding and removing ResourceLinks dynamically, ensure that the global resource is only visible via the ResourceLinkFactory when it is meant to be. (markt)
    Fix: 60008: When processing CORs requests, treat any origin with a URI scheme of file as a valid origin. (markt)
    Fix: Improve handling of exceptions during a Lifecycle events triggered by a state transition. The exception is now caught and the component is now placed into the FAILED state. (markt)
    Fix: 60013: Fix encoding issues when using the RewriteValve with UTF-8 query strings or UTF-8 redirect URLs. (markt)
    Fix: 60022: Improve handling when a WAR file and/or the associated exploded directory are symlinked into the appBase. (markt)
    Fix: Fix a file descriptor leak when reading the global web.xml. (markt)
    Fix: Consistently decode URL patterns provided via web.xml using the encoding of the web.xml file where specified or UTF-8 where no explicit encoding is specified. (markt)
    Fix: Make timing attacks against the Realm implementations harder. (schultz)


    Fix: Improve error handling around user code prior to calling InstanceManager.destroy() to ensure that the method is executed. (markt)
    Fix: Extend synchronization for NIO2 writes to avoid ConcurrentModificationException observed during testing. (markt)
    Fix: 59904: Add a limit (default 200) for the number of cookies allowed per request. Based on a patch by gehui. (markt)
    Fix: 59925: Correct regression in r1628368 and ensure that HTTP separators are handled as configured in the LegacyCookieProcessor. Patch provided by Kyohei Nakamura. (markt)
    Fix: OpenSSL now disables 3DES by default so reflect this when using OpenSSL syntax to select ciphers. (markt)


    Fix: Improve error handling around user code prior to calling InstanceManager.destroy() to ensure that the method is executed. (markt)
    Fix: Improve the error handling for custom tags to ensure that the tag is returned to the pool or released and destroyed once used. (markt)
    Fix: 60032: Fix handling of method calls that use varargs within EL value expressions. (markt)
    Fix: Ignore engineOptionsClass and scratchdir when running under a security manager. (markt)
    Fix: Fixed StringIndexOutOfBoundsException. Based on a patch provided by wuwen via Github. (violetagg)


    Fix: Improve error handling around user code prior to calling InstanceManager.destroy() to ensure that the method is executed. (markt)
    Fix: 59908: Ensure that a reason phrase is included in the close message if a session is closed due to a timeout. (markt)

Web Applications

    Fix: Do not log an additional case of IOExceptions in the error handler for the Drawboard WebSocket example when the root cause is the client disconnecting since the logs add no value. (markt)
    Fix: 59642: Mention the localDataSource in the DataSourceRealm section of the Realm How-To. (markt)
    Fix: Follow-up to the fix for 59399. Ensure that the new attribute transportGuaranteeRedirectStatus is documented for all Realms. Also document the NullRealm and when it is automatically created for an Engine. (markt)
    Fix: Fix the description of maxAge attribute in jdbc-pool doc. This attribute works both when a connection is returned and when a connection is borrowed. (kfujino)
    Fix: 59774: Correct the prefix values in the documented examples for configuring the AccessLogValve. Patch provided by Mike Noordermeer. (markt)
    Fix: 59868: Clarify the documentation for the Manager web application to make clearer that the host name and IP address in the server section are the primary host name and IP address. (markt)
    Fix: MBeans Descriptors How-To is moved to mbeans-descriptors-howto.html. Patch provided by Radoslav Husar. (violetagg)
    Fix: Update NIO Connector configuration documentation with an information about socket.directSslBuffer. (violetagg)
    Fix: 60034: Correct a typo in the Manager How-To page of the documentation web application. (markt)


    Add: Add log message when the ping has timed-out. (kfujino)
    Fix: If the ping message has been received at the AbstractReplicatedMap#leftOver method, ensure that notify the member is alive than ignore it. (kfujino)


    Fix: Fix the duplicated connection release when connection verification failed. (kfujino)
    Fix: Ensure that do not remove the abandoned connection that has been already released. (kfujino)
    Fix: In order to avoid the unintended skip of PoolCleaner, remove the check code of the execution interval in the task that has been scheduled. (kfujino)
    Fix: 59850: Ensure that the ResultSet is closed when enabling the StatementCache interceptor. (kfujino)
    Fix: 59923: Reduce the default value of validationInterval in order to avoid the potential issue that continues to return an invalid connection after database restart. (kfujino)
    Fix: Ensure that the ResultSet is returned as Proxy object when enabling the StatementDecoratorInterceptor. (kfujino)
    Fix: 60043: Ensure that the suspectTimeout works without removing connection when the removeAbandoned is disabled. (kfujino)
    Fix: Add log message of when returning the connection that has been marked suspect. (kfujino)
    Fix: Correct Javadoc for ConnectionPool.suspect(). Based on a patch by Yahya Cahyadi. (markt)


    Update: 59276: Update optional Checkstyle library to 6.17. (kkolinko)
    Add: Use the mirror network rather than the ASF master site to download the current ASF dependencies. (markt)
    Update: Update the packaged version of the Tomcat Native Library to 1.2.8 to pick up the latest fixes and make 1.2.8 the minimum recommended version. (markt)
    Fix: 59899: Update Tomcat's copy of the Java Persistence annotations to include the changes made in 2.1 / JavaEE 7. (markt)
    Fix: Fixed typos in mbeans-descriptors.xml files. (violetagg)
    Update: Update the internal fork of Commons BCEL to r1757132 to align with the BCEL 6 release. (markt)
    Update: Update the internal fork of Commons DBCP2 to r1757164 to pick up a couple of bug fixes. (markt)
    Update: Update the internal fork of Commons Codec to r1757174. Code formatting changes only. (markt)
    Update: Update the internal fork of Commons FileUpload to afdedc9. This pulls in a fix to improve the performance with large multipart boundaries. (markt)

diff -r1.8 -r1.9 pkgsrc/www/apache-tomcat8/Makefile
diff -r1.4 -r1.5 pkgsrc/www/apache-tomcat8/PLIST
diff -r1.9 -r1.10 pkgsrc/www/apache-tomcat8/distinfo

cvs diff -r1.8 -r1.9 pkgsrc/www/apache-tomcat8/Makefile (expand / switch to unified diff)

--- pkgsrc/www/apache-tomcat8/Makefile 2016/06/16 12:44:01 1.8
+++ pkgsrc/www/apache-tomcat8/Makefile 2017/01/01 17:26:13 1.9
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@ @@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
1# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.8 2016/06/16 12:44:01 prlw1 Exp $ 1# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.9 2017/01/01 17:26:13 spz Exp $
2# 2#
3 3
4DISTNAME= apache-tomcat-${TOMCAT_VER} 4DISTNAME= apache-tomcat-${TOMCAT_VER}
6MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_APACHE:=tomcat/tomcat-8/v${TOMCAT_VER}/bin/} 6MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_APACHE:=tomcat/tomcat-8/v${TOMCAT_VER}/bin/}
7 7
10COMMENT= Implementation of Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies 10COMMENT= Implementation of Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies
11LICENSE= apache-2.0 11LICENSE= apache-2.0
12 12
13CONFLICTS+= jakarta-tomcat55-[0-9]* 13CONFLICTS+= jakarta-tomcat55-[0-9]*
14CONFLICTS+= jakarta-tomcat-[0-9]* 14CONFLICTS+= jakarta-tomcat-[0-9]*
15 15
16NO_BUILD= yes 16NO_BUILD= yes
18USE_JAVA= run 18USE_JAVA= run
19USE_JAVA2= 7 19USE_JAVA2= 7
20USE_TOOLS+= pax 20USE_TOOLS+= pax
21 21
22.include "../../mk/" 22.include "../../mk/"
23 23
24TOMCAT_VER= 8.0.36 24TOMCAT_VER= 8.0.39
25TOMCAT_HOME= ${PREFIX}/share/tomcat 25TOMCAT_HOME= ${PREFIX}/share/tomcat
26EGDIR= ${PREFIX}/share/examples/tomcat 26EGDIR= ${PREFIX}/share/examples/tomcat
27DOCDIR= ${PREFIX}/share/doc/tomcat 27DOCDIR= ${PREFIX}/share/doc/tomcat
28RCD_SCRIPTS= tomcat 28RCD_SCRIPTS= tomcat
29SMF_NAME= tomcat 29SMF_NAME= tomcat
30TOMCAT_USER?= tomcat 30TOMCAT_USER?= tomcat
31TOMCAT_GROUP?= tomcat 31TOMCAT_GROUP?= tomcat
37PKG_SHELL.tomcat= ${SH} 37PKG_SHELL.tomcat= ${SH}

cvs diff -r1.4 -r1.5 pkgsrc/www/apache-tomcat8/PLIST (expand / switch to unified diff)

--- pkgsrc/www/apache-tomcat8/PLIST 2016/05/01 00:42:21 1.4
+++ pkgsrc/www/apache-tomcat8/PLIST 2017/01/01 17:26:13 1.5
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
1@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.4 2016/05/01 00:42:21 ryoon Exp $ 1@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.5 2017/01/01 17:26:13 spz Exp $
2share/doc/tomcat/LICENSE 2share/doc/tomcat/LICENSE
3share/doc/tomcat/NOTICE 3share/doc/tomcat/NOTICE
4share/doc/tomcat/RELEASE-NOTES 4share/doc/tomcat/RELEASE-NOTES
5share/doc/tomcat/RUNNING.txt 5share/doc/tomcat/RUNNING.txt
6share/examples/tomcat/catalina.policy 6share/examples/tomcat/catalina.policy
7share/examples/tomcat/ 7share/examples/tomcat/
8share/examples/tomcat/context.xml 8share/examples/tomcat/context.xml
9share/examples/tomcat/ 9share/examples/tomcat/
10share/examples/tomcat/server.xml 10share/examples/tomcat/server.xml
11share/examples/tomcat/tomcat-users.xml 11share/examples/tomcat/tomcat-users.xml
12share/examples/tomcat/web.xml 12share/examples/tomcat/web.xml
13share/tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar 13share/tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar
14share/tomcat/bin/catalina-tasks.xml 14share/tomcat/bin/catalina-tasks.xml
@@ -22,27 +22,27 @@ share/tomcat/bin/ @@ -22,27 +22,27 @@ share/tomcat/bin/
22share/tomcat/bin/ 22share/tomcat/bin/
23share/tomcat/bin/ 23share/tomcat/bin/
24share/tomcat/bin/tomcat-juli.jar 24share/tomcat/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
25share/tomcat/bin/tomcat-native.tar.gz 25share/tomcat/bin/tomcat-native.tar.gz
26share/tomcat/bin/ 26share/tomcat/bin/
27share/tomcat/bin/ 27share/tomcat/bin/
28share/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xsd 28share/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xsd
29share/tomcat/lib/annotations-api.jar 29share/tomcat/lib/annotations-api.jar
30share/tomcat/lib/catalina-ant.jar 30share/tomcat/lib/catalina-ant.jar
31share/tomcat/lib/catalina-ha.jar 31share/tomcat/lib/catalina-ha.jar
32share/tomcat/lib/catalina-storeconfig.jar 32share/tomcat/lib/catalina-storeconfig.jar
33share/tomcat/lib/catalina-tribes.jar 33share/tomcat/lib/catalina-tribes.jar
34share/tomcat/lib/catalina.jar 34share/tomcat/lib/catalina.jar
35share/tomcat/lib/ecj-4.5.jar 35share/tomcat/lib/ecj-4.5.1.jar
36share/tomcat/lib/el-api.jar 36share/tomcat/lib/el-api.jar
37share/tomcat/lib/jasper-el.jar 37share/tomcat/lib/jasper-el.jar
38share/tomcat/lib/jasper.jar 38share/tomcat/lib/jasper.jar
39share/tomcat/lib/jsp-api.jar 39share/tomcat/lib/jsp-api.jar
40share/tomcat/lib/servlet-api.jar 40share/tomcat/lib/servlet-api.jar
41share/tomcat/lib/tomcat-api.jar 41share/tomcat/lib/tomcat-api.jar
42share/tomcat/lib/tomcat-coyote.jar 42share/tomcat/lib/tomcat-coyote.jar
43share/tomcat/lib/tomcat-dbcp.jar 43share/tomcat/lib/tomcat-dbcp.jar
44share/tomcat/lib/tomcat-i18n-es.jar 44share/tomcat/lib/tomcat-i18n-es.jar
45share/tomcat/lib/tomcat-i18n-fr.jar 45share/tomcat/lib/tomcat-i18n-fr.jar
46share/tomcat/lib/tomcat-i18n-ja.jar 46share/tomcat/lib/tomcat-i18n-ja.jar
47share/tomcat/lib/tomcat-jdbc.jar 47share/tomcat/lib/tomcat-jdbc.jar
48share/tomcat/lib/tomcat-jni.jar 48share/tomcat/lib/tomcat-jni.jar
@@ -178,27 +178,27 @@ share/tomcat/webapps/docs/images/tomcat. @@ -178,27 +178,27 @@ share/tomcat/webapps/docs/images/tomcat.
178share/tomcat/webapps/docs/images/tomcat.svg 178share/tomcat/webapps/docs/images/tomcat.svg
179share/tomcat/webapps/docs/images/update.gif 179share/tomcat/webapps/docs/images/update.gif
180share/tomcat/webapps/docs/images/void.gif 180share/tomcat/webapps/docs/images/void.gif
181share/tomcat/webapps/docs/index.html 181share/tomcat/webapps/docs/index.html
182share/tomcat/webapps/docs/introduction.html 182share/tomcat/webapps/docs/introduction.html
183share/tomcat/webapps/docs/jasper-howto.html 183share/tomcat/webapps/docs/jasper-howto.html
184share/tomcat/webapps/docs/jdbc-pool.html 184share/tomcat/webapps/docs/jdbc-pool.html
185share/tomcat/webapps/docs/jndi-datasource-examples-howto.html 185share/tomcat/webapps/docs/jndi-datasource-examples-howto.html
186share/tomcat/webapps/docs/jndi-resources-howto.html 186share/tomcat/webapps/docs/jndi-resources-howto.html
187share/tomcat/webapps/docs/jspapi/index.html 187share/tomcat/webapps/docs/jspapi/index.html
188share/tomcat/webapps/docs/logging.html 188share/tomcat/webapps/docs/logging.html
189share/tomcat/webapps/docs/manager-howto.html 189share/tomcat/webapps/docs/manager-howto.html
190share/tomcat/webapps/docs/maven-jars.html 190share/tomcat/webapps/docs/maven-jars.html
191share/tomcat/webapps/docs/mbeans-descriptor-howto.html 191share/tomcat/webapps/docs/mbeans-descriptors-howto.html
192share/tomcat/webapps/docs/monitoring.html 192share/tomcat/webapps/docs/monitoring.html
193share/tomcat/webapps/docs/proxy-howto.html 193share/tomcat/webapps/docs/proxy-howto.html
194share/tomcat/webapps/docs/realm-howto.html 194share/tomcat/webapps/docs/realm-howto.html
195share/tomcat/webapps/docs/rewrite.html 195share/tomcat/webapps/docs/rewrite.html
196share/tomcat/webapps/docs/security-howto.html 196share/tomcat/webapps/docs/security-howto.html
197share/tomcat/webapps/docs/security-manager-howto.html 197share/tomcat/webapps/docs/security-manager-howto.html
198share/tomcat/webapps/docs/servletapi/index.html 198share/tomcat/webapps/docs/servletapi/index.html
199share/tomcat/webapps/docs/setup.html 199share/tomcat/webapps/docs/setup.html
200share/tomcat/webapps/docs/ssi-howto.html 200share/tomcat/webapps/docs/ssi-howto.html
201share/tomcat/webapps/docs/ssl-howto.html 201share/tomcat/webapps/docs/ssl-howto.html
202share/tomcat/webapps/docs/tribes/developers.html 202share/tomcat/webapps/docs/tribes/developers.html
203share/tomcat/webapps/docs/tribes/faq.html 203share/tomcat/webapps/docs/tribes/faq.html
204share/tomcat/webapps/docs/tribes/interceptors.html 204share/tomcat/webapps/docs/tribes/interceptors.html

cvs diff -r1.9 -r1.10 pkgsrc/www/apache-tomcat8/distinfo (expand / switch to unified diff)

--- pkgsrc/www/apache-tomcat8/distinfo 2016/06/16 12:44:01 1.9
+++ pkgsrc/www/apache-tomcat8/distinfo 2017/01/01 17:26:13 1.10
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
1$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.9 2016/06/16 12:44:01 prlw1 Exp $ 1$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.10 2017/01/01 17:26:13 spz Exp $
2 2
3SHA1 (apache-tomcat-8.0.36.tar.gz) = c711970918f4c0ebd120cf35605795c416e342c8 3SHA1 (apache-tomcat-8.0.39.tar.gz) = 18c54a81e05df39dec9ac02b143875a29b5502d5
4RMD160 (apache-tomcat-8.0.36.tar.gz) = 455ff967d703d9a553e5e320a7b37007c8d56ecc 4RMD160 (apache-tomcat-8.0.39.tar.gz) = 30ec8848b3c88578b0d8844b42a1ee422a254d15
5SHA512 (apache-tomcat-8.0.36.tar.gz) = 6ef75a86173d07587ef1a8cae93aed2af34741e0c9dd42aee2ff49441b546f007f884e0baf9aa65ed35bfaeabfac5bd1dbd1e888b4f954fc75445746cdded51f 5SHA512 (apache-tomcat-8.0.39.tar.gz) = 8a9adf8dfc05f0e0b373c5ebbaac135e3c3b37c94b4392a0dded7c2fb58e9096f639aaf62d4691b57d11faa79f87208fa16aeb25a8157d6979e44000e1083b3c
6Size (apache-tomcat-8.0.36.tar.gz) = 9277365 bytes 6Size (apache-tomcat-8.0.39.tar.gz) = 9304967 bytes