Sun Feb 5 01:27:30 2017 UTC ()
Update nim from 0.14.2 to 0.16.0

Upstream changelog

Changelog 0.16.0
Changes affecting backwards compatibility

    staticExec now uses the directory of the nim file that contains the staticExec call as the current working directory.
    TimeInfo.tzname has been removed from times module because it was broken. Because of this, the option "ZZZ" will no longer work in format strings for formatting and parsing.

Library Additions

    Added new parameter to error proc of macro module to provide better error message
    Added new deques module intended to replace queues. deques provides a superset of queues API with clear naming. queues module is now deprecated and will be removed in the future.
    Added hideCursor, showCursor, terminalWidth, terminalWidthIoctl and terminalSize to the terminal (doc) module.
    Added new module distros (doc) that can be used in Nimble packages to aid in supporting the OS's native package managers.

Tool Additions
Compiler Additions

    The C/C++ code generator has been rewritten to use stable name mangling rules. This means that compile times for edit-compile-run cycles are much reduced.

Language Additions

    The emit pragma now takes a list of Nim expressions instead of a single string literal. This list can easily contain non-strings like template parameters. This means emit works out of the box with templates and no new quoting rules needed to be introduced. The old way with backtick quoting is still supported but will be deprecated.

type Vector* {.importcpp: "std::vector", header: "<vector>".}[T] = object

template `[]=`*[T](v: var Vector[T], key: int, val: T) =
  {.emit: [v, "[", key, "] = ", val, ";"].}

proc setLen*[T](v: var Vector[T]; size: int) {.importcpp: "resize", nodecl.}
proc `[]`*[T](v: var Vector[T], key: int): T {.importcpp: "(#[#])", nodecl.}

proc main =
  var v: Vector[float]
  v.setLen 1
  v[0] = 6.0
  echo v[0]

    The import statement now supports importing multiple modules from the same directory:

import compiler / [ast, parser, lexer]

Is a shortcut for:

import compiler / ast, compiler / parser, compiler / lexer


The list below has been generated based on the commits in Nim's git repository. As such it lists only the issues which have been closed via a commit, for a full list see this link on Github.

    Fixed "staticRead and staticExec have different working directories" (#4871)
    Fixed "CountTable doesn't support the '==' operator" (#4901)
    Fixed "documentation for module sequtls apply proc" (#4386)
    Fixed "Operator == for CountTable does not work." (#4946)
    Fixed "sysFatal (IndexError) with parseUri and the / operator" (#4959)
    Fixed "initialSize parameter does not work in OrderedTableRef" (#4940)
    Fixed "error proc from macro library could have a node parameter" (#4915)
    Fixed "Segfault when comparing OrderedTableRef with nil" (#4974)
    Fixed "Bad codegen when comparing isNil results" (#4975)
    Fixed "OrderedTable cannot delete entry with empty string or 0 key" (#5035)
    Fixed "Deleting specific keys from ordered table leaves it in invalid state." (#5057)
    Fixed "Paths are converted to lowercase on Windows" (#5076)
    Fixed "toTime(getGMTime(...)) doesn't work correctly when local timezone is not UTC" (#5065)
    Fixed "out of memory error from test= type proc call when parameter is a call to a table's [] proc" (#5079)
    Fixed "Incorrect field order in object construction" (#5055)
    Fixed "Incorrect codegen when importing nre with C++ backend (commit 8494338)" (#5081)
    Fixed "Templates, {.emit.}, and backtick interpolation do not work together" (#4730)
    Fixed "Regression: getType fails in certain cases" (#5129)
    Fixed "CreateThread doesn't accept functions with generics" (#43)
    Fixed "No instantiation information when template has error" (#4308)
    Fixed "realloc leaks" (#4818)
    Fixed "Regression: getType" (#5131)
    Fixed "Code generation for generics broken by sighashes" (#5135)
    Fixed "Regression: importc functions are not declared in generated C code" (#5136)
    Fixed "Calling split("") on string hangs program" (#5119)
    Fixed "Building dynamic library: undefined references (Linux)" (#4775)
    Fixed "Bad codegen for distinct + importc - sighashes regression" (#5137)
    Fixed "C++ codegen regression: memset called on a result variable of importcpp type" (#5140)
    Fixed "C++ codegen regression: using channels leads to broken C++ code" (#5142)
    Fixed "Ambiguous call when overloading var and non-var with generic type" (#4519)
    Fixed "[Debian]: error: unknown processor: aarch64" (#2147)
    Fixed "RFC: asyncdispatch.poll behaviour" (#5155)
    Fixed "Can't access enum members through alias (possible sighashes regression)" (#5148)
    Fixed "Type, declared in generic proc body, leads to incorrect codegen (sighashes regression)" (#5147)
    Fixed "Compiler SIGSEGV when mixing method and proc" (#5161)
    Fixed "Compile-time SIGSEGV when declaring .importcpp method with return value " (#3848)
    Fixed "Variable declaration incorrectly parsed" (#2050)
    Fixed "Invalid C code when naming a object member "linux"" (#5171)
    Fixed "[Windows] MinGW within Nim install is missing libraries" (#2723)
    Fixed "async: annoying warning for future.finished" (#4948)
    Fixed "new import syntax doesn't work?" (#5185)
    Fixed "Fixes #1994" (#4874)
    Fixed "Can't tell return value of programs with staticExec" (#1994)
    Fixed "startProcess() on Windows with poInteractive: Second call fails ("Alle Pipeinstanzen sind ausgelastet")" (#5179)

Version 0.15.2 released

We're happy to announce that the latest release of Nim, version 0.15.2, is now available!

As always, you can grab the latest version from the downloads page.

This release is a pure bugfix release fixing the most pressing issues and regressions of 0.15.0. For Windows we now provide zipfiles in addition to the NSIS based installer which proves to be hard to maintain and after all these months still has serious issues. So we encourage you download the .zip file instead of the .exe file! Unzip it somewhere, run finish.exe to detect your MingW installation, done. finish.exe can also set your PATH environment variable.

The list below has been generated based on the commits in Nim's git repository. As such it lists only the issues which have been closed via a commit, for a full list see this link on Github.

    Fixed "NimMain not exported in DLL, but NimMainInner is" (#4840)
    Fixed "Tables clear seems to be broken" (#4844)
    Fixed "compiler: internal error" (#4845)
    Fixed "trivial macro breaks type checking in the compiler" (#4608)
    Fixed "derived generic types with static[T] breaks type checking in v0.15.0 (worked in v0.14.2)" (#4863)
    Fixed "xmlparser.parseXml is not recognised as GC-safe" (#4899)
    Fixed "async makes generics instantiate only once" (#4856)
    Fixed "db_common docs aren't generated" (#4895)
    Fixed "rdstdin disappeared from documentation index" (#3755)
    Fixed "ICE on template call resolution" (#4875)
    Fixed "Invisible code-block" (#3078)
    Fixed "nim doc does not generate doc comments correctly" (#4913)
    Fixed "nim doc2 fails on ARM when running against lib/pure/coro.nim" (#4879)
    Fixed "xmlparser does not unescape correctly" (#1518)
    Fixed "[docs] mysterious "raise hook"" (#3485)
    Fixed "assertion failure in non-release Nim when compiling NimYAML" (#4869)
    Fixed "A closure causes nimscript to fail with unhandled exception" (#4906)
    Fixed "startProcess changes working directory" (#4867)
    Fixed "bindsym to void template produces ICE" (#4808)
    Fixed "readline(TFile, var string) segfaults if second argument is nil" (#564)
    Fixed "times.parse gives the wrong day of the week for the first hour of the day." (#4922)
    Fixed "Internal error when passing parameter proc inside .gcsafe closure" (#4927)
    Fixed "Upcoming asyncdispatch doesn't compile with C++ backend on OS X" (#4928)

Changelog 0.15.0
Changes affecting backwards compatibility

    The json module now uses an OrderedTable rather than a Table for JSON objects.
    The split (doc) procedure in the strutils module (with a delimiter of type set[char]) no longer strips and splits characters out of the target string by the entire set of characters. Instead, it now behaves in a similar fashion to split with string and char delimiters. Use splitWhitespace to get the old behaviour.

    The command invocation syntax will soon apply to open brackets and curlies too. This means that code like a [i] will be interpreted as a([i]) and not as a[i] anymore. Likewise f (a, b) means that the tuple (a, b) is passed to f. The compiler produces a warning for a [i]:

    Warning: a [b] will be parsed as command syntax; spacing is deprecated

    See Issue #3898 for the relevant discussion.
    Overloading the special operators ., .(), .=, () now needs to be enabled via the {.experimental.} pragma.
    immediate templates and macros are now deprecated. Use untyped (doc) parameters instead.
    The metatype expr is deprecated. Use untyped (doc) instead.
    The metatype stmt is deprecated. Use typed (doc) instead.
    The compiler is now more picky when it comes to tuple types. The following code used to compile, now it's rejected:

import tables
var rocketaims = initOrderedTable[string, Table[tuple[k: int8, v: int8], int64]]()
rocketaims["hi"] = {(-1.int8, 0.int8): 0.int64}.toTable()

Instead be consistent in your tuple usage and use tuple names for named tuples:

import tables
var rocketaims = initOrderedTable[string, Table[tuple[k: int8, v: int8], int64]]()
rocketaims["hi"] = {(k: -1.int8, v: 0.int8): 0.int64}.toTable()

    Now when you compile console applications for Windows, console output encoding is automatically set to UTF-8.
    Unhandled exceptions in JavaScript are now thrown regardless of whether noUnhandledHandler is defined. But the stack traces should be much more readable now.
    In JavaScript, the system.alert procedure has been deprecated. Use dom.alert instead.
    De-deprecated re.nim because there is too much code using it and it got the basic API right.
    The type of headers field in the AsyncHttpClient type (doc) has been changed from a string table to the specialised HttpHeaders type.
    The httpclient.request (doc) procedure which takes the httpMethod as a string value no longer requires it to be prefixed with "http" (or similar).
    Converting a HttpMethod (doc) value to a string using the $ operator will give string values without the "Http" prefix now.
    The Request (doc) object defined in the asynchttpserver module now uses the HttpMethod type for the request method.

Library Additions

    Added readHeaderRow and rowEntry to the parsecsv (doc) module to provide a lightweight alternative to python's csv.DictReader.
    Added setStdIoUnbuffered proc to the system module to enable unbuffered I/O.
    Added center and rsplit to the strutils (doc) module to provide similar Python functionality for Nim's strings.
    Added isTitle, title, swapCase, isUpper, toUpper, isLower, toLower, isAlpha, isSpace, and capitalize to the unicode.nim (doc) module to provide unicode aware case manipulation and case testing.
    Added a new module strmisc (doc) to hold uncommon string operations. Currently contains partition, rpartition and expandTabs.
    Split out walkFiles in the os (doc) module to three separate procs in order to make a clear distinction of functionality. walkPattern iterates over both files and directories, while walkFiles now only iterates over files and walkDirs only iterates over directories.
    Added a synchronous HttpClient in the httpclient (doc) module. The old get, post and similar procedures are now deprecated in favour of it.
    Added a new macro called multisync allowing you to write procedures for synchronous and asynchronous sockets with no duplication.
    The async macro will now complete FutureVar[T] parameters automatically unless they have been completed already.

Tool Additions

    The documentation is now searchable and sortable by type.
    Pragmas are now hidden by default in the documentation to reduce noise.
    Edit links are now present in the documentation.

Compiler Additions

    The -d/--define flag can now optionally take a value to be used by code at compile time. (doc)

Nimscript Additions

    It's possible to enable and disable specific hints and warnings in Nimscript via the warning and hint procedures.
    Nimscript exports a proc named patchFile which can be used to patch modules or include files for different Nimble packages, including the stdlib package.

Language Additions

    Added {.intdefine.} and {.strdefine.} macros to make use of (optional) compile time defines. (doc)
    If the first statement is an import system statement then system is not imported implicitly anymore. This allows for code like import system except echo or from system import nil.


The list below has been generated based on the commits in Nim's git repository. As such it lists only the issues which have been closed via a commit, for a full list see this link on Github.

    Fixed "RFC: should startsWith and endsWith work with characters?" (#4252)
    Fixed "Feature request: unbuffered I/O" (#2146)
    Fixed "clear() not implemented for CountTableRef" (#4325)
    Fixed "Cannot close file opened async" (#4334)
    Fixed "Feature Request: IDNA support" (#3045)
    Fixed "Async: wrong behavior of boolean operations on futures" (#4333)
    Fixed "os.walkFiles yields directories" (#4280)
    Fixed "Fix #4392 and progress on #4170" (#4393)
    Fixed "Await unable to wait futures from objects fields" (#4390)
    Fixed "TMP variable name generation should be more stable" (#4364)
    Fixed "nativesockets doesn't compile for Android 4.x (API v19 or older) because of gethostbyaddr" (#4376)
    Fixed "no generic parameters allowed for ref" (#4395)
    Fixed "split proc in strutils inconsistent for set[char]" (#4305)
    Fixed "Problem with sets in devel" (#4412)
    Fixed "Compiler crash when using seq[PNimrodNode] in macros" (#537)
    Fixed "ospaths should be marked for nimscript use only" (#4249)
    Fixed "Repeated deepCopy() on a recursive data structure eventually crashes" (#4340)
    Fixed "Analyzing destructor" (#4371)
    Fixed "getType does not work anymore on a typedesc" (#4462)
    Fixed "Error in rendering empty JSON array" (#4399)
    Fixed "Segmentation fault when using async pragma on generic procs" (#2377)
    Fixed "Forwarding does not work for generics, | produces an implicit generic" (#3055)
    Fixed "Inside a macro, the length of the seq data inside a queue does not increase and crashes" (#4422)
    Fixed "compiler sigsegv while processing varargs" (#4475)
    Fixed "JS codegen - strings are assigned by reference" (#4471)
    Fixed "when statement doesn't verify syntax" (#4301)
    Fixed ".this pragma doesn't work with .async procs" (#4358)
    Fixed "type foo = range(...) crashes compiler" (#4429)
    Fixed "Compiler crash" (#2730)
    Fixed "Crash in compiler with static[int]" (#3706)
    Fixed "Bad error message "could not resolve"" (#3548)
    Fixed "Roof operator on string in template crashes compiler (Error: unhandled exception: sons is not accessible [FieldError])" (#3545)
    Fixed "SIGSEGV during compilation with parallel block" (#2758)
    Fixed "Codegen error with template and implicit dereference" (#4478)
    Fixed "@ in importcpp should work with no-argument functions" (#4496)
    Fixed "Regression: findExe raises" (#4497)
    Fixed "Linking error - repeated symbols when splitting into modules" (#4485)
    Fixed "Error: method is not a base" (#4428)
    Fixed "Casting from function returning a tuple fails" (#4345)
    Fixed "clang error with default nil parameter" (#4328)
    Fixed "internal compiler error: openArrayLoc" (#888)
    Fixed "Can't forward declare async procs" (#1970)
    Fixed "unittest.check and sequtils.allIt do not work together" (#4494)
    Fixed "httpclient package can't make SSL requests over an HTTP proxy" (#4520)
    Fixed "False positive warning "declared but not used" for enums." (#4510)
    Fixed "Explicit conversions not using converters" (#4432)
    Fixed "Unclear error message when importing" (#4541)
    Fixed "Change console encoding to UTF-8 by default" (#4417)
    Fixed "Typedesc ~= Generic notation does not work anymore!" (#4534)
    Fixed "unittest broken?" (#4555)
    Fixed "Operator "or" in converter types seems to crash the compiler." (#4537)
    Fixed "nimscript failed to compile/run -- Error: cannot 'importc' variable at compile time" (#4561)
    Fixed "Regression: identifier expected, but found ..." (#4564)
    Fixed "varargs with transformation that takes var argument creates invalid c code" (#4545)
    Fixed "Type mismatch when using empty tuple as generic parameter" (#4550)
    Fixed "strscans" (#4562)
    Fixed "getTypeImpl crashes (SIGSEGV) on variant types" (#4526)
    Fixed "Wrong result of sort in VM" (#4065)
    Fixed "I can't call the random[T](x: Slice[T]): T" (#4353)
    Fixed "invalid C code generated (function + block + empty tuple)" (#4505)
    Fixed "performance issue: const Table make a copy at runtime lookup." (#4354)
    Fixed "Compiler issue: libraries without absolute paths cannot be found correctly" (#4568)
    Fixed "Cannot use math.`^` with non-int types." (#4574)
    Fixed "C codegen fails when constructing an array using an object constructor." (#4582)
    Fixed "Visual Studio 10 unresolved external symbol _trunc(should we support VS2010?)" (#4532)
    Fixed "Cannot pass generic subtypes to proc for generic supertype" (#4528)
    Fixed "Lamda-lifting bug leading to crash." (#4551)
    Fixed "First-class iterators declared as inline are compiled at Nim side (no error message) and fail at C" (#2094)
    Fixed "VS2010-warning C4090 : 'function' : different 'const' qualifiers" (#4590)
    Fixed "Regression: type mismatch with generics" (#4589)
    Fixed "���can raise an unlisted exception��� when assigning nil as default value" (#4593)
    Fixed "upcoming asyncdispatch.closeSocket is not GC-safe" (#4606)
    Fixed "Visual Studio 10.0 compiler errors, 12.0 warning" (#4459)
    Fixed "Exception of net.newContext: result.extraInternalIndex == 0 [AssertionError]" (#4406)
    Fixed "error: redeclaration of 'result_115076' with no linkage" (#3221)
    Fixed "Compiler crashes on conversion from int to float at compile time" (#4619)
    Fixed "wrong number of arguments regression in devel" (#4600)
    Fixed "importc $ has broken error message (and is not documented)" (#4579)
    Fixed "Compiler segfaults on simple importcpp in js mode [regression]" (#4632)
    Fixed "Critical reference counting codegen problem" (#4653)
    Fixed "tables.nim needs lots of {.noSideEffect.}" (#4254)
    Fixed "Capture variable error when using => macro" (#4658)
    Fixed "Enum from char: internal error getInt" (#3606)
    Fixed "Compiler crashes in debug mode (no error in release mode) with Natural discriminant in object variants" (#2865)
    Fixed "SIGSEGV when access field in const object variants" (#4253)
    Fixed "varargs cannot be used with template converter." (#4292)
    Fixed "Compiler crashes when borrowing $" (#3928)
    Fixed "internal error: genMagicExpr: mArrPut" (#4491)
    Fixed "Unhelpful error message on importc namespace collision" (#4580)
    Fixed "Problem with openarrays and slices" (#4179)
    Fixed "Removing lines from end of file then rebuilding does not rebuild [js only?]" (#4656)
    Fixed "getCurrentException and getCurrentExceptionMsg do not work with JS" (#4635)
    Fixed "generic proc parameter is not inferred if type parameter has specifier" (#4672)
    Fixed "Cannot instantiate generic parameter when it is parent type parameter" (#4673)
    Fixed "deepCopy doesn't work with inheritance after last commit" (#4693)
    Fixed "Multi-methods don't work when passing ref to a different thread" (#4689)
    Fixed "Infinite loop in effect analysis on generics" (#4677)
    Fixed "SIGSEGV when compiling NimYAML tests" (#4699)
    Fixed "Closing AsyncEvent now also unregisters it on non-Windows platforms" (#4694)
    Fixed "Don't update handle in upcoming/asyncdispatch poll() if it was closed" (#4697)
    Fixed "generated local variables declared outside block" (#4721)
    Fixed "Footer Documentation links, & Community link point to the wrong place under news entries" (#4529)
    Fixed "Jester's macro magic leads to incorrect C generation" (#4088)
    Fixed "cas bug in atomics.nim" (#3279)
    Fixed "nimgrep PEG not capturing the pattern 'A'" (#4751)
    Fixed "GC assert triggers when assigning TableRef threadvar" (#4640)
    Fixed ".this pragma conflicts with experimental ptr dereferencing when names conflict" (#4671)
    Fixed "Generic procs accepting var .importcpp type do not work [regression]" (#4625)
    Fixed "C Error on tuple assignment with array" (#4626)
    Fixed "module securehash not gcsafe" (#4760)
    Fixed "Nimble installation failed on Windows x86." (#4764)
    Fixed "Recent changes to marshal module break old marshalled data" (#4779)
    Fixed "tnewasyncudp.nim test loops forever" (#4777)
    Fixed "Wrong poll timeout behavior in asyncdispatch" (#4262)
    Fixed "Standalone await shouldn't read future" (#4170)
    Fixed "Regression: httpclient fails to compile without -d:ssl" (#4797)
    Fixed "C Error on declaring array of heritable objects with bitfields" (#3567)
    Fixed "Corruption when using Channels and Threads" (#4776)
    Fixed "Sometimes Channel tryRecv() erroneously reports no messages available on the first call on Windows" (#4746)
    Fixed "Improve error message of functions called without parenthesis" (#4813)
    Fixed "Docgen doesn't find doc comments in macro generated procs" (#4803)
    Fixed "asynchttpserver may consume unbounded memory reading headers" (#3847)
    Fixed "TLS connection to hangs forever." (#4587)

diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/lang/nim/Makefile
diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/lang/nim/PLIST
diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/lang/nim/distinfo

cvs diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/lang/nim/Makefile (expand / switch to unified diff)

--- pkgsrc/lang/nim/Makefile 2016/09/18 01:02:43 1.1
+++ pkgsrc/lang/nim/Makefile 2017/02/05 01:27:30 1.2
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
1# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2016/09/18 01:02:43 kamil Exp $ 1# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2017/02/05 01:27:30 kamil Exp $
2 2
3DISTNAME= nim-0.14.2 3DISTNAME= nim-0.16.0
6EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.xz 6EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.xz
7 7
9COMMENT= The Nim programming language 9COMMENT= The Nim programming language
10LICENSE= mit 10LICENSE= mit
11 11
13 13
14do-build: 14do-build:
15 cd ${WRKSRC} && sh ./ 15 cd ${WRKSRC} && sh ./
16 printf '#! %s\nexec %s _=%s/nim/bin/nim %s/nim/bin/nim "$$@"\n' \ 16 printf '#! %s\nexec %s _=%s/nim/bin/nim %s/nim/bin/nim "$$@"\n' \

cvs diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/lang/nim/PLIST (expand / switch to unified diff)

--- pkgsrc/lang/nim/PLIST 2016/09/18 01:02:43 1.1
+++ pkgsrc/lang/nim/PLIST 2017/02/05 01:27:30 1.2
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
1@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.1 2016/09/18 01:02:43 kamil Exp $ 1@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.2 2017/02/05 01:27:30 kamil Exp $
2bin/nim 2bin/nim
3nim/bin/nim 3nim/bin/nim
4nim/compiler.nimble 4nim/compiler.nimble
5nim/compiler/aliases.nim 5nim/compiler/aliases.nim
6nim/compiler/ast.nim 6nim/compiler/ast.nim
7nim/compiler/astalgo.nim 7nim/compiler/astalgo.nim
8nim/compiler/bitsets.nim 8nim/compiler/bitsets.nim
9nim/compiler/canonicalizer.nim 9nim/compiler/canonicalizer.nim
10nim/compiler/ccgcalls.nim 10nim/compiler/ccgcalls.nim
11nim/compiler/ccgexprs.nim 11nim/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
12nim/compiler/ccgmerge.nim 12nim/compiler/ccgmerge.nim
13nim/compiler/ccgstmts.nim 13nim/compiler/ccgstmts.nim
14nim/compiler/ccgthreadvars.nim 14nim/compiler/ccgthreadvars.nim
@@ -37,43 +37,44 @@ nim/compiler/idgen.nim @@ -37,43 +37,44 @@ nim/compiler/idgen.nim
37nim/compiler/importer.nim 37nim/compiler/importer.nim
38nim/compiler/installer.ini 38nim/compiler/installer.ini
39nim/compiler/jsgen.nim 39nim/compiler/jsgen.nim
40nim/compiler/jstypes.nim 40nim/compiler/jstypes.nim
41nim/compiler/lambdalifting.nim 41nim/compiler/lambdalifting.nim
42nim/compiler/lexer.nim 42nim/compiler/lexer.nim
43nim/compiler/lists.nim 43nim/compiler/lists.nim
44nim/compiler/llstream.nim 44nim/compiler/llstream.nim
45nim/compiler/lookups.nim 45nim/compiler/lookups.nim
46nim/compiler/lowerings.nim 46nim/compiler/lowerings.nim
47nim/compiler/magicsys.nim 47nim/compiler/magicsys.nim
48nim/compiler/main.nim 48nim/compiler/main.nim
49nim/compiler/mapping.txt 49nim/compiler/mapping.txt
50nim/compiler/modules.nim 51nim/compiler/modules.nim
51nim/compiler/msgs.nim 52nim/compiler/msgs.nim
52nim/compiler/nim.cfg 53nim/compiler/nim.cfg
53nim/compiler/nim.nim 54nim/compiler/nim.nim
54nim/compiler/nimblecmd.nim 55nim/compiler/nimblecmd.nim
55nim/compiler/nimconf.nim 56nim/compiler/nimconf.nim
56nim/compiler/nimeval.nim 57nim/compiler/nimeval.nim
57nim/compiler/nimfix/nimfix.nim 58nim/compiler/nimfix/nimfix.nim
58nim/compiler/nimfix/nimfix.nim.cfg 59nim/compiler/nimfix/nimfix.nim.cfg
59nim/compiler/nimfix/pretty.nim 60nim/compiler/nimfix/pretty.nim
60nim/compiler/nimfix/prettybase.nim 61nim/compiler/nimfix/prettybase.nim
61nim/compiler/nimlexbase.nim 62nim/compiler/nimlexbase.nim
62nim/compiler/nimsets.nim 63nim/compiler/nimsets.nim
64nim/compiler/nodejs.nim 64nim/compiler/nodejs.nim
65nim/compiler/nversion.nim 65nim/compiler/nversion.nim
66nim/compiler/options.nim 66nim/compiler/options.nim
67nim/compiler/parampatterns.nim 68nim/compiler/parampatterns.nim
68nim/compiler/parser.nim 69nim/compiler/parser.nim
69nim/compiler/passaux.nim 70nim/compiler/passaux.nim
70nim/compiler/passes.nim 71nim/compiler/passes.nim
71nim/compiler/patterns.nim 72nim/compiler/patterns.nim
72nim/compiler/pbraces.nim 73nim/compiler/pbraces.nim
73nim/compiler/platform.nim 74nim/compiler/platform.nim
74nim/compiler/plugins/active.nim 75nim/compiler/plugins/active.nim
75nim/compiler/plugins/itersgen.nim 76nim/compiler/plugins/itersgen.nim
76nim/compiler/plugins/locals/locals.nim 77nim/compiler/plugins/locals/locals.nim
77nim/compiler/pluginsupport.nim 78nim/compiler/pluginsupport.nim
78nim/compiler/pragmas.nim 79nim/compiler/pragmas.nim
79nim/compiler/procfind.nim 80nim/compiler/procfind.nim
@@ -89,57 +90,56 @@ nim/compiler/sem.nim @@ -89,57 +90,56 @@ nim/compiler/sem.nim
89nim/compiler/semasgn.nim 90nim/compiler/semasgn.nim
90nim/compiler/semcall.nim 91nim/compiler/semcall.nim
91nim/compiler/semdata.nim 92nim/compiler/semdata.nim
92nim/compiler/semdestruct.nim 93nim/compiler/semdestruct.nim
93nim/compiler/semexprs.nim 94nim/compiler/semexprs.nim
94nim/compiler/semfields.nim 95nim/compiler/semfields.nim
95nim/compiler/semfold.nim 96nim/compiler/semfold.nim
96nim/compiler/semgnrc.nim 97nim/compiler/semgnrc.nim
97nim/compiler/seminst.nim 98nim/compiler/seminst.nim
98nim/compiler/semmacrosanity.nim 99nim/compiler/semmacrosanity.nim
99nim/compiler/semmagic.nim 100nim/compiler/semmagic.nim
100nim/compiler/semparallel.nim 101nim/compiler/semparallel.nim
101nim/compiler/sempass2.nim 102nim/compiler/sempass2.nim
103nim/compiler/semstmts.nim 103nim/compiler/semstmts.nim
104nim/compiler/semtempl.nim 104nim/compiler/semtempl.nim
105nim/compiler/semtypes.nim 105nim/compiler/semtypes.nim
106nim/compiler/semtypinst.nim 106nim/compiler/semtypinst.nim
107nim/compiler/service.nim 107nim/compiler/service.nim
108nim/compiler/sigmatch.nim 109nim/compiler/sigmatch.nim
109nim/compiler/suggest.nim 110nim/compiler/suggest.nim
110nim/compiler/syntaxes.nim 111nim/compiler/syntaxes.nim
111nim/compiler/tccgen.nim 112nim/compiler/tccgen.nim
112nim/compiler/testability.nim 113nim/compiler/testability.nim
113nim/compiler/transf.nim 114nim/compiler/transf.nim
114nim/compiler/trees.nim 115nim/compiler/trees.nim
115nim/compiler/treetab.nim 116nim/compiler/treetab.nim
116nim/compiler/types.nim 117nim/compiler/types.nim
117nim/compiler/typesrenderer.nim 118nim/compiler/typesrenderer.nim
118nim/compiler/vm.nim 119nim/compiler/vm.nim
119nim/compiler/vmdef.nim 120nim/compiler/vmdef.nim
120nim/compiler/vmdeps.nim 121nim/compiler/vmdeps.nim
121nim/compiler/vmgen.nim 122nim/compiler/vmgen.nim
122nim/compiler/vmhooks.nim 123nim/compiler/vmhooks.nim
123nim/compiler/vmmarshal.nim 124nim/compiler/vmmarshal.nim
124nim/compiler/vmops.nim 125nim/compiler/vmops.nim
125nim/compiler/wordrecg.nim 126nim/compiler/wordrecg.nim
126nim/compiler/writetracking.nim 127nim/compiler/writetracking.nim
127nim/config/nim.cfg 128nim/config/nim.cfg
128nim/config/nimdoc.cfg 129nim/config/nimdoc.cfg
129nim/config/nimdoc.tex.cfg 130nim/config/nimdoc.tex.cfg
130nim/doc/advopt.txt 131nim/doc/advopt.txt
131nim/doc/basicopt.txt 132nim/doc/basicopt.txt
133nim/lib/arch/arch.nim 133nim/lib/arch/arch.nim
134nim/lib/arch/i386.asm 134nim/lib/arch/i386.asm
135nim/lib/arch/ms_amd64.asm 135nim/lib/arch/ms_amd64.asm
136nim/lib/arch/ms_i386.asm 136nim/lib/arch/ms_i386.asm
137nim/lib/arch/unix_amd64.asm 137nim/lib/arch/unix_amd64.asm
138nim/lib/arch/unix_i386.asm 138nim/lib/arch/unix_i386.asm
139nim/lib/core/locks.nim 139nim/lib/core/locks.nim
140nim/lib/core/macros.nim 140nim/lib/core/macros.nim
141nim/lib/core/rlocks.nim 141nim/lib/core/rlocks.nim
142nim/lib/core/typeinfo.nim 142nim/lib/core/typeinfo.nim
143nim/lib/cycle.h 143nim/lib/cycle.h
144nim/lib/deprecated/core/unsigned.nim 144nim/lib/deprecated/core/unsigned.nim
145nim/lib/deprecated/pure/actors.nim 145nim/lib/deprecated/pure/actors.nim
@@ -151,108 +151,118 @@ nim/lib/deprecated/pure/rawsockets.nim @@ -151,108 +151,118 @@ nim/lib/deprecated/pure/rawsockets.nim
151nim/lib/deprecated/pure/sockets.nim 151nim/lib/deprecated/pure/sockets.nim
152nim/lib/impure/db_mysql.nim 152nim/lib/impure/db_mysql.nim
153nim/lib/impure/db_odbc.nim 153nim/lib/impure/db_odbc.nim
154nim/lib/impure/db_postgres.nim 154nim/lib/impure/db_postgres.nim
155nim/lib/impure/db_sqlite.nim 155nim/lib/impure/db_sqlite.nim
156nim/lib/impure/nre.nim 156nim/lib/impure/nre.nim
157nim/lib/impure/nre/private/util.nim 157nim/lib/impure/nre/private/util.nim
158nim/lib/impure/osinfo_posix.nim 158nim/lib/impure/osinfo_posix.nim
159nim/lib/impure/osinfo_win.nim 159nim/lib/impure/osinfo_win.nim
160nim/lib/impure/rdstdin.nim 160nim/lib/impure/rdstdin.nim
161nim/lib/impure/re.nim 161nim/lib/impure/re.nim
162nim/lib/impure/ssl.nim 162nim/lib/impure/ssl.nim
163nim/lib/js/dom.nim 163nim/lib/js/dom.nim
164nim/lib/libnimrtl.dylib 164nim/lib/js/jsconsole.nim
165nim/lib/nimbase.h 165nim/lib/nimbase.h
166nim/lib/nimrtl.nim 166nim/lib/nimrtl.nim
167nim/lib/nimrtl.nim.cfg 167nim/lib/nimrtl.nim.cfg
168nim/lib/packages/docutils/docutils.babel 168nim/lib/packages/docutils/docutils.babel
169nim/lib/packages/docutils/highlite.nim 169nim/lib/packages/docutils/highlite.nim
170nim/lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim 170nim/lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim
171nim/lib/packages/docutils/rstast.nim 171nim/lib/packages/docutils/rstast.nim
172nim/lib/packages/docutils/rstgen.nim 172nim/lib/packages/docutils/rstgen.nim
173nim/lib/posix/epoll.nim 173nim/lib/posix/epoll.nim
174nim/lib/posix/inotify.nim 174nim/lib/posix/inotify.nim
175nim/lib/posix/kqueue.nim 175nim/lib/posix/kqueue.nim
176nim/lib/posix/linux.nim 176nim/lib/posix/linux.nim
177nim/lib/posix/posix.nim 177nim/lib/posix/posix.nim
178nim/lib/posix/termios.nim 178nim/lib/posix/termios.nim
179nim/lib/prelude.nim 179nim/lib/prelude.nim
180nim/lib/pure/algorithm.nim 180nim/lib/pure/algorithm.nim
181nim/lib/pure/asyncdispatch.nim 181nim/lib/pure/asyncdispatch.nim
182nim/lib/pure/asyncdispatch.nim.cfg 182nim/lib/pure/asyncdispatch.nim.cfg
183nim/lib/pure/asyncfile.nim 183nim/lib/pure/asyncfile.nim
184nim/lib/pure/asyncftpclient.nim 184nim/lib/pure/asyncftpclient.nim
185nim/lib/pure/asynchttpserver.nim 185nim/lib/pure/asynchttpserver.nim
186nim/lib/pure/asyncnet.nim 187nim/lib/pure/asyncnet.nim
187nim/lib/pure/base64.nim 188nim/lib/pure/base64.nim
188nim/lib/pure/basic2d.nim 189nim/lib/pure/basic2d.nim
189nim/lib/pure/basic3d.nim 190nim/lib/pure/basic3d.nim
190nim/lib/pure/browsers.nim 191nim/lib/pure/browsers.nim
191nim/lib/pure/cgi.nim 192nim/lib/pure/cgi.nim
192nim/lib/pure/collections/LockFreeHash.nim 193nim/lib/pure/collections/LockFreeHash.nim
193nim/lib/pure/collections/chains.nim 194nim/lib/pure/collections/chains.nim
194nim/lib/pure/collections/critbits.nim 195nim/lib/pure/collections/critbits.nim
195nim/lib/pure/collections/heapqueue.nim 197nim/lib/pure/collections/heapqueue.nim
196nim/lib/pure/collections/intsets.nim 198nim/lib/pure/collections/intsets.nim
197nim/lib/pure/collections/lists.nim 199nim/lib/pure/collections/lists.nim
198nim/lib/pure/collections/queues.nim 200nim/lib/pure/collections/queues.nim
199nim/lib/pure/collections/rtarrays.nim 201nim/lib/pure/collections/rtarrays.nim
200nim/lib/pure/collections/sequtils.nim 202nim/lib/pure/collections/sequtils.nim
201nim/lib/pure/collections/sets.nim 203nim/lib/pure/collections/sets.nim
202nim/lib/pure/collections/sharedlist.nim 204nim/lib/pure/collections/sharedlist.nim
203nim/lib/pure/collections/sharedstrings.nim 205nim/lib/pure/collections/sharedstrings.nim
204nim/lib/pure/collections/sharedtables.nim 206nim/lib/pure/collections/sharedtables.nim
205nim/lib/pure/collections/tableimpl.nim 207nim/lib/pure/collections/tableimpl.nim
206nim/lib/pure/collections/tables.nim 208nim/lib/pure/collections/tables.nim
207nim/lib/pure/colors.nim 209nim/lib/pure/colors.nim
208nim/lib/pure/complex.nim 210nim/lib/pure/complex.nim
209nim/lib/pure/concurrency/cpuinfo.nim 211nim/lib/pure/concurrency/cpuinfo.nim
210nim/lib/pure/concurrency/cpuload.nim 212nim/lib/pure/concurrency/cpuload.nim
211nim/lib/pure/concurrency/threadpool.nim 213nim/lib/pure/concurrency/threadpool.nim
212nim/lib/pure/concurrency/threadpool.nim.cfg 214nim/lib/pure/concurrency/threadpool.nim.cfg
213nim/lib/pure/cookies.nim 215nim/lib/pure/cookies.nim
214nim/lib/pure/coro.nim 216nim/lib/pure/coro.nim
215nim/lib/pure/coro.nimcfg 217nim/lib/pure/coro.nimcfg
216nim/lib/pure/db_common.nim 218nim/lib/pure/db_common.nim
217nim/lib/pure/dynlib.nim 220nim/lib/pure/dynlib.nim
218nim/lib/pure/encodings.nim 221nim/lib/pure/encodings.nim
219nim/lib/pure/endians.nim 222nim/lib/pure/endians.nim
220nim/lib/pure/etcpriv.nim 223nim/lib/pure/etcpriv.nim
221nim/lib/pure/events.nim 224nim/lib/pure/events.nim
222nim/lib/pure/fenv.nim 225nim/lib/pure/fenv.nim
223nim/lib/pure/fsmonitor.nim 226nim/lib/pure/fsmonitor.nim
224nim/lib/pure/future.nim 227nim/lib/pure/future.nim
225nim/lib/pure/gentabs.nim 228nim/lib/pure/gentabs.nim
226nim/lib/pure/hashes.nim 229nim/lib/pure/hashes.nim
227nim/lib/pure/htmlgen.nim 230nim/lib/pure/htmlgen.nim
228nim/lib/pure/htmlparser.nim 231nim/lib/pure/htmlparser.nim
229nim/lib/pure/httpclient.nim 232nim/lib/pure/httpclient.nim
230nim/lib/pure/httpcore.nim 233nim/lib/pure/httpcore.nim
231nim/lib/pure/httpserver.nim 234nim/lib/pure/httpserver.nim
232nim/lib/pure/json.nim 241nim/lib/pure/json.nim
233nim/lib/pure/lexbase.nim 242nim/lib/pure/lexbase.nim
234nim/lib/pure/logging.nim 243nim/lib/pure/logging.nim
235nim/lib/pure/marshal.nim 244nim/lib/pure/marshal.nim
236nim/lib/pure/matchers.nim 245nim/lib/pure/matchers.nim
237nim/lib/pure/math.nim 246nim/lib/pure/math.nim
238nim/lib/pure/md5.nim 247nim/lib/pure/md5.nim
239nim/lib/pure/memfiles.nim 248nim/lib/pure/memfiles.nim
240nim/lib/pure/mersenne.nim 249nim/lib/pure/mersenne.nim
241nim/lib/pure/mimetypes.nim 250nim/lib/pure/mimetypes.nim
242nim/lib/pure/nativesockets.nim 251nim/lib/pure/nativesockets.nim
243nim/lib/pure/net.nim 252nim/lib/pure/net.nim
244nim/lib/pure/nimprof.nim 253nim/lib/pure/nimprof.nim
245nim/lib/pure/nimprof.nim.cfg 254nim/lib/pure/nimprof.nim.cfg
246nim/lib/pure/numeric.nim 256nim/lib/pure/numeric.nim
247nim/lib/pure/oids.nim 257nim/lib/pure/oids.nim
248nim/lib/pure/options.nim 258nim/lib/pure/options.nim
249nim/lib/pure/os.nim 259nim/lib/pure/os.nim
250nim/lib/pure/ospaths.nim 260nim/lib/pure/ospaths.nim
251nim/lib/pure/osproc.nim 261nim/lib/pure/osproc.nim
252nim/lib/pure/oswalkdir.nim 262nim/lib/pure/oswalkdir.nim
253nim/lib/pure/parsecfg.nim 263nim/lib/pure/parsecfg.nim
254nim/lib/pure/parsecsv.nim 264nim/lib/pure/parsecsv.nim
255nim/lib/pure/parseopt.nim 265nim/lib/pure/parseopt.nim
256nim/lib/pure/parseopt2.nim 266nim/lib/pure/parseopt2.nim
257nim/lib/pure/parsesql.nim 267nim/lib/pure/parsesql.nim
258nim/lib/pure/parseutils.nim 268nim/lib/pure/parseutils.nim
@@ -261,26 +271,27 @@ nim/lib/pure/pegs.nim @@ -261,26 +271,27 @@ nim/lib/pure/pegs.nim
261nim/lib/pure/poly.nim 271nim/lib/pure/poly.nim
262nim/lib/pure/punycode.nim 272nim/lib/pure/punycode.nim
263nim/lib/pure/random.nim 273nim/lib/pure/random.nim
264nim/lib/pure/rationals.nim 274nim/lib/pure/rationals.nim
265nim/lib/pure/romans.nim 275nim/lib/pure/romans.nim
266nim/lib/pure/ropes.nim 276nim/lib/pure/ropes.nim
267nim/lib/pure/scgi.nim 277nim/lib/pure/scgi.nim
268nim/lib/pure/securehash.nim 278nim/lib/pure/securehash.nim
269nim/lib/pure/selectors.nim 279nim/lib/pure/selectors.nim
270nim/lib/pure/smtp.nim 280nim/lib/pure/smtp.nim
271nim/lib/pure/smtp.nim.cfg 281nim/lib/pure/smtp.nim.cfg
272nim/lib/pure/stats.nim 282nim/lib/pure/stats.nim
273nim/lib/pure/streams.nim 283nim/lib/pure/streams.nim
274nim/lib/pure/strscans.nim 285nim/lib/pure/strscans.nim
275nim/lib/pure/strtabs.nim 286nim/lib/pure/strtabs.nim
276nim/lib/pure/strutils.nim 287nim/lib/pure/strutils.nim
277nim/lib/pure/subexes.nim 288nim/lib/pure/subexes.nim
278nim/lib/pure/terminal.nim 289nim/lib/pure/terminal.nim
279nim/lib/pure/times.nim 290nim/lib/pure/times.nim
280nim/lib/pure/typetraits.nim 291nim/lib/pure/typetraits.nim
281nim/lib/pure/unicode.nim 292nim/lib/pure/unicode.nim
282nim/lib/pure/unidecode/ 293nim/lib/pure/unidecode/
283nim/lib/pure/unidecode/unidecode.dat 294nim/lib/pure/unidecode/unidecode.dat
284nim/lib/pure/unidecode/unidecode.nim 295nim/lib/pure/unidecode/unidecode.nim
285nim/lib/pure/unittest.nim 296nim/lib/pure/unittest.nim
286nim/lib/pure/uri.nim 297nim/lib/pure/uri.nim
@@ -304,46 +315,50 @@ nim/lib/system/debugger.nim @@ -304,46 +315,50 @@ nim/lib/system/debugger.nim
304nim/lib/system/deepcopy.nim 315nim/lib/system/deepcopy.nim
305nim/lib/system/dyncalls.nim 316nim/lib/system/dyncalls.nim
306nim/lib/system/embedded.nim 317nim/lib/system/embedded.nim
307nim/lib/system/endb.nim 318nim/lib/system/endb.nim
308nim/lib/system/excpt.nim 319nim/lib/system/excpt.nim
309nim/lib/system/gc.nim 320nim/lib/system/gc.nim
310nim/lib/system/gc2.nim 321nim/lib/system/gc2.nim
311nim/lib/system/gc_common.nim 322nim/lib/system/gc_common.nim
312nim/lib/system/gc_ms.nim 323nim/lib/system/gc_ms.nim
313nim/lib/system/gc_stack.nim 324nim/lib/system/gc_stack.nim
314nim/lib/system/hti.nim 325nim/lib/system/hti.nim
315nim/lib/system/inclrtl.nim 326nim/lib/system/inclrtl.nim
316nim/lib/system/jssys.nim 327nim/lib/system/jssys.nim
317nim/lib/system/mmdisp.nim 329nim/lib/system/mmdisp.nim
318nim/lib/system/nimscript.nim 330nim/lib/system/nimscript.nim
319nim/lib/system/osalloc.nim 331nim/lib/system/osalloc.nim
320nim/lib/system/platforms.nim 332nim/lib/system/platforms.nim
321nim/lib/system/profiler.nim 333nim/lib/system/profiler.nim
322nim/lib/system/repr.nim 334nim/lib/system/repr.nim
323nim/lib/system/reprjs.nim 335nim/lib/system/reprjs.nim
324nim/lib/system/sets.nim 336nim/lib/system/sets.nim
325nim/lib/system/sysio.nim 337nim/lib/system/sysio.nim
326nim/lib/system/syslocks.nim 338nim/lib/system/syslocks.nim
327nim/lib/system/sysspawn.nim 339nim/lib/system/sysspawn.nim
328nim/lib/system/sysstr.nim 340nim/lib/system/sysstr.nim
329nim/lib/system/threads.nim 341nim/lib/system/threads.nim
330nim/lib/system/timers.nim 342nim/lib/system/timers.nim
331nim/lib/system/widestrs.nim 343nim/lib/system/widestrs.nim
332nim/lib/windows/winlean.nim 346nim/lib/windows/winlean.nim
333nim/lib/wrappers/iup.nim 347nim/lib/wrappers/iup.nim
334nim/lib/wrappers/joyent_http_parser.nim 348nim/lib/wrappers/joyent_http_parser.nim
335nim/lib/wrappers/libsvm.nim 349nim/lib/wrappers/libsvm.nim
336nim/lib/wrappers/libuv.nim 350nim/lib/wrappers/libuv.nim
337nim/lib/wrappers/linenoise/LICENSE.txt 351nim/lib/wrappers/linenoise/LICENSE.txt
338nim/lib/wrappers/linenoise/README.markdown 352nim/lib/wrappers/linenoise/README.markdown
339nim/lib/wrappers/linenoise/clinenoise.c 353nim/lib/wrappers/linenoise/clinenoise.c
340nim/lib/wrappers/linenoise/clinenoise.h 354nim/lib/wrappers/linenoise/clinenoise.h
341nim/lib/wrappers/linenoise/linenoise.nim 355nim/lib/wrappers/linenoise/linenoise.nim
342nim/lib/wrappers/mysql.nim 356nim/lib/wrappers/mysql.nim
343nim/lib/wrappers/odbcsql.nim 357nim/lib/wrappers/odbcsql.nim
344nim/lib/wrappers/openssl.nim 358nim/lib/wrappers/openssl.nim
345nim/lib/wrappers/pcre.nim 359nim/lib/wrappers/pcre.nim
346nim/lib/wrappers/pdcurses.nim 360nim/lib/wrappers/pdcurses.nim
347nim/lib/wrappers/postgres.nim 361nim/lib/wrappers/postgres.nim
348nim/lib/wrappers/sqlite3.nim 362nim/lib/wrappers/sqlite3.nim
349nim/lib/wrappers/tinyc.nim 363nim/lib/wrappers/tinyc.nim
 364@pkgdir nim/compiler/nimsuggest

cvs diff -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/lang/nim/distinfo (expand / switch to unified diff)

--- pkgsrc/lang/nim/distinfo 2016/09/18 01:02:43 1.1
+++ pkgsrc/lang/nim/distinfo 2017/02/05 01:27:30 1.2
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
1$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.1 2016/09/18 01:02:43 kamil Exp $ 1$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2017/02/05 01:27:30 kamil Exp $
2 2
3SHA1 (nim-0.14.2.tar.xz) = 6a5a4c6804cd58d2412827feee8f94121b163d62 3SHA1 (nim-0.16.0.tar.xz) = ef14fea436f9dc8155b0aeadbb332e3d53ea3df0
4RMD160 (nim-0.14.2.tar.xz) = 26ebeb69a9867317761236a638766bca9cbc6150 4RMD160 (nim-0.16.0.tar.xz) = 1a3e073cb24a73d7788f3b035104036132af22a5
5SHA512 (nim-0.14.2.tar.xz) = 34afd07fafd066f6b4acc423c21e1cc275dce00f575d01f0d1edc147946930cf13c772abe0c4a081e2e0091ad41f6ae5cead20cc4d9a7cb3bc628ad7469f6459 5SHA512 (nim-0.16.0.tar.xz) = 6be1c00328b7e5bdaa9070e1cd0e3c6e1883c5bc1e44e9c574785f9bce93697f05753f598cf6fdaa6c5a66f08c2ad6f7afb8f6650fc3b1c8e461eb0cf80baabd
6Size (nim-0.14.2.tar.xz) = 4778444 bytes 6Size (nim-0.16.0.tar.xz) = 2907076 bytes