Wed Feb 7 16:31:34 2018 UTC ()
sysutils/beats: Update to 6.2.0.

==== Breaking changes

Affecting all Beats

- The log format may differ due to logging library changes.
- The default value for pipelining is reduced to 2 to avoid high
  memory in the Logstash beats input.


- Split the audit.kernel and audit.file metricsets into their own
  named auditd and file_integrity, respectively. This change requires
  existing users to update their config.
- Renamed file_integrity module fields.
- Renamed auditd module fields.


- Rename `golang.heap.system.optained` field to
- De dot keys in jolokia/jmx metricset to prevent collisions.

==== Bugfixes


- Fixed an issue where the proctitle value was being truncated.
- Fixed an issue where values were incorrectly interpretted as hex
- Fixed parsing of the `key` value when multiple keys are present.
- Fix possible resource leak if file_integrity module is used with
  reloading on Windows or Linux.


- Fix variable name for `convert_timezone` in the system module.


- Fix error `datastore '*' not found` in Vsphere module.
- Fix error `NotAuthenticated` in Vsphere module.
- Fix mongodb session consistency mode to allow command execution on
  secondary nodes.
- Fix kubernetes `state_pod` `status.phase` so that the active phase
  is returned instead of `unknown`.
- Fix error collecting network_names in Vsphere module.
- Fix process cgroup memory metrics for memsw, kmem, and kmem_tcp.
- Fix kafka OffsetFetch request missing topic and partition


- Fix mysql SQL parser to trim `\r` from Windows Server

==== Added

Affecting all Beats

- Adding a local keystore to allow user to obfuscate password
- Add autodiscover for kubernetes.
- Add Beats metrics reporting to Xpack.
- Update the command line library cobra and add support for zsh
- Update to Golang 1.9.2
- Moved `ip_port` indexer for `add_kubernetes_metadata` to all beats.
- `ip_port` indexer now index both IP and IP:port pairs.
- Add the ability to write structured logs.
- Use structured logging for the metrics that are periodically logged
  via the
  `logging.metrics` feature.
- Improve Elasticsearch output metrics to count number of dropped and
  duplicate (if event ID is given) events.
- Add the abilility for the add_docker_metadata process to enrich
  based on process ID.
- The `add_docker_metadata` and `add_kubernetes_metadata` processors
  are now GA, instead of Beta.
- Update go-ucfg library to support top level key reference and cyclic
  key reference for the


- Auditbeat is marked as GA, no longer Beta.
- Add support for BLAKE2b hash algorithms to the file integrity
- Add support for recursive file watches.


- Add Osquery module.
- Add stream filtering when using `docker` prospector.


- Add ceph osd_df to metricbeat
- Add field network_names of hosts and virtual machines.
- Add experimental system/raid metricset.
- Add a dashboard for the Nginx module.
- Add experimental mongodb/collstats metricset.
- Update the MySQL dashboard to use the Time Series Visual Builder.
- Add experimental uwsgi module.
- Docker and Kubernetes modules are now GA, instead of Beta.
- Support haproxy stats gathering using http (additionaly to tcp
- Support to optionally 'de dot' keys in http/json metricset to
  prevent collisions.


- Configure good defaults for `add_kubernetes_metadata`.

diff -r1.23 -r1.24 pkgsrc/sysutils/beats/Makefile
diff -r1.20 -r1.21 pkgsrc/sysutils/beats/distinfo

cvs diff -r1.23 -r1.24 pkgsrc/sysutils/beats/Makefile (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/sysutils/beats/Makefile 2018/01/22 19:54:56 1.23
+++ pkgsrc/sysutils/beats/Makefile 2018/02/07 16:31:34 1.24
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.23 2018/01/22 19:54:56 fhajny Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.24 2018/02/07 16:31:34 fhajny Exp $
-DISTNAME=		beats-6.1.2
+DISTNAME=		beats-6.2.0
 CATEGORIES=		sysutils

cvs diff -r1.20 -r1.21 pkgsrc/sysutils/beats/distinfo (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/sysutils/beats/distinfo 2018/01/22 19:54:56 1.20
+++ pkgsrc/sysutils/beats/distinfo 2018/02/07 16:31:34 1.21
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.20 2018/01/22 19:54:56 fhajny Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.21 2018/02/07 16:31:34 fhajny Exp $
-SHA1 (beats-6.1.2.tar.gz) = 6d3bdde2c6f6590681acf6d033dadd50a2d16075
-RMD160 (beats-6.1.2.tar.gz) = 5123a4cc74a79688a27a280d599137b6dd7a76ea
-SHA512 (beats-6.1.2.tar.gz) = deb2fbfcc8cf490d6a6974b966a78ec141ddce2097beb44134405943dfaac27748bb391a6a82e4980fc27d8f9e7fc1ab06e5d0976473357d89099d9d9141a49a
-Size (beats-6.1.2.tar.gz) = 17375446 bytes
+SHA1 (beats-6.2.0.tar.gz) = b24acdc11f2f5b27ed83e98819f17361f1c7b039
+RMD160 (beats-6.2.0.tar.gz) = cbfe68a0156b02b3d41d63f6bad26a50a662cb08
+SHA512 (beats-6.2.0.tar.gz) = bd91b6fbf88eed18685f803edc732601c475bc0e3025f234b71ac1d23c2f1956141a5ea57768807b6a1cfa580763c945a1f576e727849fd1986834276cf21f0e
+Size (beats-6.2.0.tar.gz) = 19405883 bytes
 SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_tsg_gopacket_pcap_pcap.go) = 2ef13f84cbf2e1da428e7b08625ffa6111ebcdf5