Mon Dec 31 10:06:45 2018 UTC ()
python36: updated to 3.6.8

Python 3.6.8 final

- bpo-31715: Associate .mjs file extension with application/javascript MIME Type.

- bpo-35499: make profile-opt no longer replaces CFLAGS_NODIST with CFLAGS. It now adds profile-guided optimization (PGO) flags to CFLAGS_NODIST: existing CFLAGS_NODIST flags are kept.
- bpo-35257: Avoid leaking the linker flags from Link Time Optimizations (LTO) into distutils when compiling C extensions.

- bpo-35259: Conditionally declare Py_FinalizeEx() (new in 3.6) based on Py_LIMITED_API.

Python 3.6.8 release candidate 1

- bpo-34812: The -I command line option (run Python in isolated mode) is now also copied by the multiprocessing and distutils modules when spawning child processes. Previously, only -E and -s options (enabled by -I) were copied.
- bpo-34791: The xml.sax and xml.dom.domreg no longer use environment variables to override parser implementations when sys.flags.ignore_environment is set by -E or -I arguments.

Core and Builtins
- bpo-35444: Fixed error handling in pickling methods when fail to look up builtin ���getattr���.
- bpo-35436: Fix various issues with memory allocation error handling. Patch by Zackery Spytz.
- bpo-35357: Internal attributes��� names of unittest.mock._Call and unittest.mock.MagicProxy (name, parent & from_kall) are now prefixed with _mock_ in order to prevent clashes with widely used object attributes. Fixed minor typo in test function name.
- bpo-35372: Fixed the code page decoder for input longer than 2 GiB containing undecodable bytes.
- bpo-33954: For str.format(), float.__format__() and complex.__format__() methods for non-ASCII decimal point when using the ���n��� formatter.
- bpo-35214: Fixed an out of bounds memory access when parsing a truncated unicode escape sequence at the end of a string such as '\N'. It would read one byte beyond the end of the memory allocation.
- bpo-35214: The interpreter and extension modules have had annotations added so that they work properly under clang���s Memory Sanitizer. A new configure flag ���with-memory-sanitizer has been added to make test builds of this nature easier to perform.
- bpo-35193: Fix an off by one error in the bytecode peephole optimizer where it could read bytes beyond the end of bounds of an array when removing unreachable code. This bug was present in every release of Python 3.6 until now.
- bpo-29341: Clarify in the docstrings of os methods that path-like objects are also accepted as input parameters.
- bpo-35050: socket: Fix off-by-one bug in length check for AF_ALG name and type.
- bpo-34974: bytes and bytearray constructors no longer convert unexpected exceptions (e.g. MemoryError and KeyboardInterrupt) to TypeError.
- bpo-34973: Fixed crash in bytes() when the list argument is mutated while it is iterated.
- bpo-34824: Fix a possible null pointer dereference in Modules/_ssl.c. Patch by Zackery Spytz.
- bpo-1621: Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior (C undefined behavior) when performing set hash table resizing.

- bpo-35052: Fix xml.dom.minidom cloneNode() on a document with an entity: pass the correct arguments to the user data handler of an entity.
- bpo-35330: When a Mock instance was used to wrap an object, if side_effect is used in one of the mocks of it methods, don���t call the original implementation and return the result of using the side effect the same way that it is done with return_value.
- bpo-34172: Revert the fix for this issue previously released in 3.6.7 pending further investigation: Fix a reference issue inside multiprocessing.Pool that caused the pool to remain alive if it was deleted without being closed or terminated explicitly.
- bpo-10496: posixpath.expanduser() now returns the input path unchanged if the HOME environment variable is not set and the current user has no home directory (if the current user identifier doesn���t exist in the password database). This change fix the site module if the current user doesn���t exist in the password database (if the user has no home directory).
- bpo-35310: Fix a bug in where, in some cases, the file descriptor sequences were returned unmodified after a signal interruption, even though the file descriptors might not be ready yet. will now always return empty lists if a timeout has occurred. Patch by Oran Avraham.
- bpo-35380: Enable TCP_NODELAY on Windows for proactor asyncio event loop.
- bpo-35371: Fixed possible crash in os.utime() on Windows when pass incorrect arguments.
- bpo-27903: Fix ResourceWarning in platform.dist() on SuSE and Caldera OpenLinux. Patch by Ville Skytt辰.
- bpo-28604: locale.localeconv() now sets temporarily the LC_CTYPE locale to the LC_MONETARY locale if the two locales are different and monetary strings are non-ASCII. This temporary change affects other threads.
- bpo-35277: Update ensurepip to install pip 18.1 and setuptools 40.6.2.
- bpo-35226: Recursively check arguments when testing for equality of objects and add note that tracking of parameters used to create ancestors of mocks in mock_calls is not possible.
- bpo-35189: Modify the following fnctl function to retry if interrupted by a signal (EINTR): flock, lockf, fnctl
- bpo-35062: Fix incorrect parsing of _io.IncrementalNewlineDecoder���s translate argument.
- bpo-35079: Improve difflib.SequenceManager.get_matching_blocks doc by adding ���non-overlapping��� and changing ���!=��� to ���<���.
- bpo-35017: socketserver.BaseServer.serve_forever() now exits immediately if it���s shutdown() method is called while it is polling for new events.
- bpo-31047: Fix ntpath.abspath regression where it didn���t remove a trailing separator on Windows. Patch by Tim Graham.
- bpo-34794: Fixed a leak in Tkinter when pass the Python wrapper around Tcl_Obj back to Tcl/Tk.
- bpo-35008: Fixed references leaks when call the __setstate__() method of xml.etree.ElementTree.Element in the C implementation for already initialized element.
- bpo-23420: Verify the value for the parameter ���-s��� of the cProfile CLI. Patch by Robert Kuska
- bpo-16965: The 2to3 execfile fixer now opens the file with mode 'rb'. Patch by Zackery Spytz.
- bpo-34966: pydoc now supports aliases not only to methods defined in the end class, but also to inherited methods. The docstring is not duplicated for aliases.
- bpo-34941: Methods find(), findtext() and findall() of the Element class in the xml.etree.ElementTree module are now able to find children which are instances of Element subclasses.
- bpo-34936: Fix TclError in tkinter.Spinbox.selection_element(). Patch by Juliette Monsel.
- bpo-34900: Fixed unittest.TestCase.debug() when used to call test methods with subtests. Patch by Bruno Oliveira.
- bpo-34866: Adding max_num_fields to cgi.FieldStorage to make DOS attacks harder by limiting the number of MiniFieldStorage objects created by FieldStorage.
- bpo-34738: ZIP files created by distutils will now include entries for directories.
- bpo-31177: Fix bug that prevented using reset_mock on mock instances with deleted attributes
- bpo-34604: Fix possible mojibake in the error message of pwd.getpwnam and grp.getgrnam using string representation because of invisible characters or trailing whitespaces. Patch by William Grzybowski.
- bpo-34574: OrderedDict iterators are not exhausted during pickling anymore. Patch by Sergey Fedoseev.
- bpo-34052: sqlite3.Connection.create_aggregate(), sqlite3.Connection.create_function(), sqlite3.Connection.set_authorizer(), sqlite3.Connection.set_progress_handler() methods raises TypeError when unhashable objects are passed as callable. These methods now don���t pass such objects to SQLite API. Previous behavior could lead to segfaults. Patch by Sergey Fedoseev.
- bpo-29877: compileall: import ProcessPoolExecutor only when needed, preventing hangs on low resource platforms
- bpo-22005: Implemented unpickling instances of datetime, date and time pickled by Python 2. encoding='latin1' should be used for successful decoding.

diff -r1.12 -r1.13 pkgsrc/lang/python36/PLIST
diff -r1.8 -r1.9 pkgsrc/lang/python36/
diff -r1.22 -r1.23 pkgsrc/lang/python36/distinfo
diff -r1.5 -r1.6 pkgsrc/lang/python36/patches/

cvs diff -r1.12 -r1.13 pkgsrc/lang/python36/Attic/PLIST (expand / switch to unified diff)

--- pkgsrc/lang/python36/Attic/PLIST 2018/10/22 17:31:21 1.12
+++ pkgsrc/lang/python36/Attic/PLIST 2018/12/31 10:06:45 1.13
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
1@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.12 2018/10/22 17:31:21 adam Exp $ 1@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.13 2018/12/31 10:06:45 adam Exp $
2bin/2to3-${PY_VER_SUFFIX} 2bin/2to3-${PY_VER_SUFFIX}
3bin/pydoc${PY_VER_SUFFIX} 3bin/pydoc${PY_VER_SUFFIX}
4bin/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX} 4bin/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}
5bin/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}-config 5bin/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}-config
6bin/pyvenv-${PY_VER_SUFFIX} 6bin/pyvenv-${PY_VER_SUFFIX}
7include/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/Python-ast.h 7include/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/Python-ast.h
8include/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/Python.h 8include/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/Python.h
9include/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/abstract.h 9include/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/abstract.h
10include/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/accu.h 10include/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/accu.h
11include/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/asdl.h 11include/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/asdl.h
12include/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ast.h 12include/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ast.h
13include/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/bitset.h 13include/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/bitset.h
14include/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/bltinmodule.h 14include/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/bltinmodule.h
@@ -1341,28 +1341,28 @@ lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/encodings/utf @@ -1341,28 +1341,28 @@ lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/encodings/utf
1341lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/encodings/utf_8_sig.pyo 1341lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/encodings/utf_8_sig.pyo
1342lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/encodings/ 1342lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/encodings/
1343lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/encodings/uu_codec.pyc 1343lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/encodings/uu_codec.pyc
1344lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/encodings/uu_codec.pyo 1344lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/encodings/uu_codec.pyo
1345lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/encodings/ 1345lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/encodings/
1346lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/encodings/zlib_codec.pyc 1346lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/encodings/zlib_codec.pyc
1347lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/encodings/zlib_codec.pyo 1347lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/encodings/zlib_codec.pyo
1348lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ensurepip/ 1348lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ensurepip/
1349lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ensurepip/__init__.pyc 1349lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ensurepip/__init__.pyc
1350lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ensurepip/__init__.pyo 1350lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ensurepip/__init__.pyo
1351lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ensurepip/ 1351lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ensurepip/
1352lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ensurepip/__main__.pyc 1352lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ensurepip/__main__.pyc
1353lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ensurepip/__main__.pyo 1353lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ensurepip/__main__.pyo
1354lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ensurepip/_bundled/pip-10.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl 1354lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ensurepip/_bundled/pip-18.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
1355lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ensurepip/_bundled/setuptools-39.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl 1355lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ensurepip/_bundled/setuptools-40.6.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl
1356lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ensurepip/ 1356lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ensurepip/
1357lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ensurepip/_uninstall.pyc 1357lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ensurepip/_uninstall.pyc
1358lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ensurepip/_uninstall.pyo 1358lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ensurepip/_uninstall.pyo
1359lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ 1359lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/
1360lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/enum.pyc 1360lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/enum.pyc
1361lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/enum.pyo 1361lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/enum.pyo
1362lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ 1362lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/
1363lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/filecmp.pyc 1363lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/filecmp.pyc
1364lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/filecmp.pyo 1364lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/filecmp.pyo
1365lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ 1365lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/
1366lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/fileinput.pyc 1366lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/fileinput.pyc
1367lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/fileinput.pyo 1367lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/fileinput.pyo
1368lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/ 1368lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/
@@ -3118,30 +3118,26 @@ lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asy @@ -3118,30 +3118,26 @@ lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asy
3118lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/__init__.pyo 3118lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/__init__.pyo
3119lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/ 3119lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/
3120lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/__main__.pyc 3120lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/__main__.pyc
3121lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/__main__.pyo 3121lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/__main__.pyo
3122lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/ 3122lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/
3123lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/echo.pyc 3123lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/echo.pyc
3124lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/echo.pyo 3124lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/echo.pyo
3125lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/ 3125lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/
3126lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/echo2.pyc 3126lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/echo2.pyc
3127lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/echo2.pyo 3127lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/echo2.pyo
3128lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/ 3128lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/
3129lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/echo3.pyc 3129lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/echo3.pyc
3130lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/echo3.pyo 3130lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/echo3.pyo
3135lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/ 3131lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/
3136lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/test_base_events.pyc 3132lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/test_base_events.pyc
3137lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/test_base_events.pyo 3133lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/test_base_events.pyo
3138lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/ 3134lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/
3139lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/test_events.pyc 3135lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/test_events.pyc
3140lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/test_events.pyo 3136lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/test_events.pyo
3141lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/ 3137lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/
3142lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/test_futures.pyc 3138lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/test_futures.pyc
3143lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/test_futures.pyo 3139lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/test_futures.pyo
3144lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/ 3140lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/
3145lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/test_locks.pyc 3141lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/test_locks.pyc
3146lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/test_locks.pyo 3142lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/test_locks.pyo
3147lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/ 3143lib/python${PY_VER_SUFFIX}/test/test_asyncio/

cvs diff -r1.8 -r1.9 pkgsrc/lang/python36/Attic/ (expand / switch to unified diff)

--- pkgsrc/lang/python36/Attic/ 2018/10/22 17:31:21 1.8
+++ pkgsrc/lang/python36/Attic/ 2018/12/31 10:06:45 1.9
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
1# $NetBSD:,v 1.8 2018/10/22 17:31:21 adam Exp $ 1# $NetBSD:,v 1.9 2018/12/31 10:06:45 adam Exp $
2 2
5EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.xz 5EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.xz
6DISTINFO_FILE= ${.CURDIR}/../../lang/python36/distinfo 6DISTINFO_FILE= ${.CURDIR}/../../lang/python36/distinfo
7PATCHDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../../lang/python36/patches 7PATCHDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../../lang/python36/patches

cvs diff -r1.22 -r1.23 pkgsrc/lang/python36/Attic/distinfo (expand / switch to unified diff)

--- pkgsrc/lang/python36/Attic/distinfo 2018/10/22 17:31:21 1.22
+++ pkgsrc/lang/python36/Attic/distinfo 2018/12/31 10:06:45 1.23
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
1$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.22 2018/10/22 17:31:21 adam Exp $ 1$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.23 2018/12/31 10:06:45 adam Exp $
2 2
3SHA1 (Python-3.6.7.tar.xz) = dd2b0a8bf9b9617c57a0070b53065286c2142994 3SHA1 (Python-3.6.8.tar.xz) = ee55acedef049268307633cbc9c7ff0610d1244f
4RMD160 (Python-3.6.7.tar.xz) = 2c9339ab2a7af07d660f7a0d42749ffad12d15ba 4RMD160 (Python-3.6.8.tar.xz) = 478ffd42f188414cd6c114740f90b147363b9b10
5SHA512 (Python-3.6.7.tar.xz) = 7be753046db8d12fc00f90d9c1b2edcc5ae80ac39e9d0d8d07553081a26f59a60c0d0cf6986006f0729f425d5751273110db3aa2d413d9405fafa9bd6c052fdf 5SHA512 (Python-3.6.8.tar.xz) = b17867e451ebe662f50df83ed112d3656c089e7d750651ea640052b01b713b58e66aac9e082f71fd16f5b5510bc9b797f5ccd30f5399581e9aa406197f02938a
6Size (Python-3.6.7.tar.xz) = 17178476 bytes 6Size (Python-3.6.8.tar.xz) = 17212420 bytes
7SHA1 ( = 9f8b674e06eea11e723a34c8af762436a5e3f52e 7SHA1 ( = 9f8b674e06eea11e723a34c8af762436a5e3f52e
8SHA1 ( = 29204f34296f36ab2b21c745f915ba73caf2b71c 8SHA1 ( = 29204f34296f36ab2b21c745f915ba73caf2b71c
9SHA1 ( = 6822eafb4dfded86d7f7353831816aeb8119e6cf 9SHA1 ( = 6822eafb4dfded86d7f7353831816aeb8119e6cf
10SHA1 ( = e7aa684fa186de7a01486c3d8bfa177afdd22ef9 10SHA1 ( = e7aa684fa186de7a01486c3d8bfa177afdd22ef9
11SHA1 ( = a4f009ed73ebbd9d9c4bf7e12b7981182ed8fd7c 11SHA1 ( = a4f009ed73ebbd9d9c4bf7e12b7981182ed8fd7c
12SHA1 ( = c91aac5b238dbfe149be63a2486b6f4c5b959280 12SHA1 ( = b7f2512a8253ebf4c3ca8742a37736bfd8bd52d8
13SHA1 (patch-Modules_makesetup) = a06786eebffadecedba5e3a50a9785fb47613567 13SHA1 (patch-Modules_makesetup) = a06786eebffadecedba5e3a50a9785fb47613567
14SHA1 (patch-Modules_nismodule.c) = 1bafe9b06359586d027a77011b103877590d947d 14SHA1 (patch-Modules_nismodule.c) = 1bafe9b06359586d027a77011b103877590d947d
15SHA1 (patch-Modules_socketmodule.c) = e6bdb8990cd9b8cf0b0ff48e6ae7b664681a9924 15SHA1 (patch-Modules_socketmodule.c) = e6bdb8990cd9b8cf0b0ff48e6ae7b664681a9924
16SHA1 (patch-Modules_socketmodule.h) = 13a3290eb72078067060d3e71b7baa08f3eb591c 16SHA1 (patch-Modules_socketmodule.h) = 13a3290eb72078067060d3e71b7baa08f3eb591c
17SHA1 (patch-Python_thread__pthread.h) = fb81eaa604b4ed7c1b64c3f4731d58a8aee257be 17SHA1 (patch-Python_thread__pthread.h) = fb81eaa604b4ed7c1b64c3f4731d58a8aee257be
18SHA1 (patch-configure) = ab2fb05bb25ba11baecfeb58918f436d3717b2ae 18SHA1 (patch-configure) = ab2fb05bb25ba11baecfeb58918f436d3717b2ae
19SHA1 ( = 58e2c03489f9b6e4d88f144d8c09773f92eacd61 19SHA1 ( = 58e2c03489f9b6e4d88f144d8c09773f92eacd61
20SHA1 ( = 56851b30c8a1538012e7c78e7d33af25da5f7db4 20SHA1 ( = 56851b30c8a1538012e7c78e7d33af25da5f7db4

cvs diff -r1.5 -r1.6 pkgsrc/lang/python36/patches/Attic/ (expand / switch to unified diff)

--- pkgsrc/lang/python36/patches/Attic/ 2017/12/19 09:37:14 1.5
+++ pkgsrc/lang/python36/patches/Attic/ 2018/12/31 10:06:45 1.6
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@ @@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
1$NetBSD:,v 1.5 2017/12/19 09:37:14 adam Exp $ 1$NetBSD:,v 1.6 2018/12/31 10:06:45 adam Exp $
2 2
3Use only one optimisation level; needed for PLIST and setuptools compatibility. 3Use only one optimisation level; needed for PLIST and setuptools compatibility.
4Do not build/install 4Do not build/install
5Simplify _sysconfigdata to include only platform name. 5Simplify _sysconfigdata to include only platform name.
6Swap targets libinstall and libainstall, to byte-compile 6Swap targets libinstall and libainstall, to byte-compile
7 7
8--- 2017-12-19 04:53:56.000000000 +0000 8--- 2018-12-23 21:37:14.000000000 +0000
9+++ 9+++
11 # be able to build extension modules using the directories specified in the 11 # be able to build extension modules using the directories specified in the
12 # environment variables 12 # environment variables
18 SGI_ABI= @SGI_ABI@ 19@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ DIST= $(DISTFILES) $(DISTDIRS)
19@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ DIST= $(DISTFILES) $(DISTDIRS) 
28@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ LIBRARY_OBJS= \ 28@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ LIBRARY_OBJS= \
29 # On some systems, object files that reference DTrace probes need to be modified 29 # On some systems, object files that reference DTrace probes need to be modified
30 # in-place by dtrace(1). 30 # in-place by dtrace(1).
32- Python/ceval.o 32- Python/ceval.o
33+ Python/ceval.o Modules/gcmodule.o 33+ Python/ceval.o Modules/gcmodule.o
34 # XXX: should gcmodule, etc. be here, too? 34 # XXX: should gcmodule, etc. be here, too?
35  35
36 ######################################################################### 36 #########################################################################
37@@ -886,7 +886,6 @@ regen-opcode-targets: 37@@ -889,7 +889,6 @@ regen-opcode-targets:
38 $(srcdir)/Python/ 38 $(srcdir)/Python/
39 $(UPDATE_FILE) $(srcdir)/Python/opcode_targets.h $(srcdir)/Python/ 39 $(UPDATE_FILE) $(srcdir)/Python/opcode_targets.h $(srcdir)/Python/
40  40
41-Python/ceval.o: $(srcdir)/Python/opcode_targets.h $(srcdir)/Python/ceval_gil.h 41-Python/ceval.o: $(srcdir)/Python/opcode_targets.h $(srcdir)/Python/ceval_gil.h
42  42
43 Python/frozen.o: $(srcdir)/Python/importlib.h $(srcdir)/Python/importlib_external.h 43 Python/frozen.o: $(srcdir)/Python/importlib.h $(srcdir)/Python/importlib_external.h
44  44
45@@ -895,13 +894,13 @@ Python/frozen.o: $(srcdir)/Python/import 45@@ -898,13 +897,13 @@ Python/frozen.o: $(srcdir)/Python/import
46 # an include guard, so we can't use a pipeline to transform its output. 46 # an include guard, so we can't use a pipeline to transform its output.
47 Include/pydtrace_probes.h: $(srcdir)/Include/pydtrace.d 47 Include/pydtrace_probes.h: $(srcdir)/Include/pydtrace.d
48 $(MKDIR_P) Include 48 $(MKDIR_P) Include
49- $(DTRACE) $(DFLAGS) -o $@ -h -s $< 49- $(DTRACE) $(DFLAGS) -o $@ -h -s $<
50+ $(DTRACE) $(DFLAGS) -o $@ -h -s $(srcdir)/Include/pydtrace.d 50+ $(DTRACE) $(DFLAGS) -o $@ -h -s $(srcdir)/Include/pydtrace.d
51 : sed in-place edit with POSIX-only tools 51 : sed in-place edit with POSIX-only tools
52 sed 's/PYTHON_/PyDTrace_/' $@ > $@.tmp 52 sed 's/PYTHON_/PyDTrace_/' $@ > $@.tmp
53 mv $@.tmp $@ 53 mv $@.tmp $@
54  54
55 Python/pydtrace.o: $(srcdir)/Include/pydtrace.d $(DTRACE_DEPS) 55 Python/pydtrace.o: $(srcdir)/Include/pydtrace.d $(DTRACE_DEPS)
56- $(DTRACE) $(DFLAGS) -o $@ -G -s $< $(DTRACE_DEPS) 56- $(DTRACE) $(DFLAGS) -o $@ -G -s $< $(DTRACE_DEPS)
57+ $(DTRACE) $(DFLAGS) -o $@ -G -s $(srcdir)/Include/pydtrace.d $(DTRACE_DEPS) 57+ $(DTRACE) $(DFLAGS) -o $@ -G -s $(srcdir)/Include/pydtrace.d $(DTRACE_DEPS)
58  58
59 Objects/typeobject.o: Objects/ 59 Objects/typeobject.o: Objects/
60  60
61@@ -1102,7 +1101,7 @@ altinstall: commoninstall 61@@ -1105,7 +1104,7 @@ altinstall: commoninstall
62 fi 62 fi
63  63
64 commoninstall: check-clean-src @FRAMEWORKALTINSTALLFIRST@ \ 64 commoninstall: check-clean-src @FRAMEWORKALTINSTALLFIRST@ \
65- altbininstall libinstall inclinstall libainstall \ 65- altbininstall libinstall inclinstall libainstall \
66+ altbininstall libainstall inclinstall libinstall \ 66+ altbininstall libainstall inclinstall libinstall \
67 sharedinstall oldsharedinstall altmaninstall \ 67 sharedinstall oldsharedinstall altmaninstall \
69  69
70@@ -1161,7 +1160,8 @@ altbininstall: $(BUILDPYTHON) @FRAMEWORK 70@@ -1164,7 +1163,8 @@ altbininstall: $(BUILDPYTHON) @FRAMEWORK
71 if test -n "$(PY3LIBRARY)"; then \ 71 if test -n "$(PY3LIBRARY)"; then \
73 fi; \ 73 fi; \
74- else true; \ 74- else true; \
75+ elif test -f $(INSTSONAME); then \ 75+ elif test -f $(INSTSONAME); then \
77 fi 77 fi
78 if test "x$(LIPO_32BIT_FLAGS)" != "x" ; then \ 78 if test "x$(LIPO_32BIT_FLAGS)" != "x" ; then \
79 rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)python$(VERSION)-32$(EXE); \ 79 rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)python$(VERSION)-32$(EXE); \
80@@ -1338,7 +1338,7 @@ libinstall: build_all $(srcdir)/Modules/ 80@@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@ libinstall: build_all $(srcdir)/Modules/
81 esac; \ 81 esac; \
82 done; \ 82 done; \
83 done 83 done
84- $(INSTALL_DATA) `cat pybuilddir.txt`/_sysconfigdata_$(ABIFLAGS)_$(MACHDEP)_$(MULTIARCH).py \ 84- $(INSTALL_DATA) `cat pybuilddir.txt`/_sysconfigdata_$(ABIFLAGS)_$(MACHDEP)_$(MULTIARCH).py \
85+ $(INSTALL_DATA) `cat pybuilddir.txt`/_sysconfigdata_$(MACHDEP).py \ 85+ $(INSTALL_DATA) `cat pybuilddir.txt`/_sysconfigdata_$(MACHDEP).py \
88 if test -d $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/distutils/tests; then \ 88 if test -d $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/distutils/tests; then \
89@@ -1356,11 +1356,6 @@ libinstall: build_all $(srcdir)/Modules/ 89@@ -1359,11 +1359,6 @@ libinstall: build_all $(srcdir)/Modules/
90 -x 'bad_coding|badsyntax|site-packages|lib2to3/tests/data' \ 90 -x 'bad_coding|badsyntax|site-packages|lib2to3/tests/data' \
94- -d $(LIBDEST) -f \ 94- -d $(LIBDEST) -f \
95- -x 'bad_coding|badsyntax|site-packages|lib2to3/tests/data' \ 95- -x 'bad_coding|badsyntax|site-packages|lib2to3/tests/data' \
99 -d $(LIBDEST)/site-packages -f \ 99 -d $(LIBDEST)/site-packages -f \
100 -x badsyntax $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/site-packages 100 -x badsyntax $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/site-packages
101@@ -1369,10 +1364,6 @@ libinstall: build_all $(srcdir)/Modules/ 101@@ -1372,10 +1367,6 @@ libinstall: build_all $(srcdir)/Modules/
102 -d $(LIBDEST)/site-packages -f \ 102 -d $(LIBDEST)/site-packages -f \
103 -x badsyntax $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/site-packages 103 -x badsyntax $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/site-packages
106- -d $(LIBDEST)/site-packages -f \ 106- -d $(LIBDEST)/site-packages -f \
107- -x badsyntax $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/site-packages 107- -x badsyntax $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/site-packages
109 $(PYTHON_FOR_BUILD) -m lib2to3.pgen2.driver $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/lib2to3/Grammar.txt 109 $(PYTHON_FOR_BUILD) -m lib2to3.pgen2.driver $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/lib2to3/Grammar.txt
111 $(PYTHON_FOR_BUILD) -m lib2to3.pgen2.driver $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/lib2to3/PatternGrammar.txt 111 $(PYTHON_FOR_BUILD) -m lib2to3.pgen2.driver $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDEST)/lib2to3/PatternGrammar.txt
112@@ -1473,7 +1464,7 @@ sharedinstall: sharedmods 112@@ -1475,7 +1466,7 @@ sharedinstall: sharedmods
113 --install-scripts=$(BINDIR) \ 113 --install-scripts=$(BINDIR) \
114 --install-platlib=$(DESTSHARED) \ 114 --install-platlib=$(DESTSHARED) \
115 --root=$(DESTDIR)/ 115 --root=$(DESTDIR)/
116- -rm $(DESTDIR)$(DESTSHARED)/_sysconfigdata_$(ABIFLAGS)_$(MACHDEP)_$(MULTIARCH).py 116- -rm $(DESTDIR)$(DESTSHARED)/_sysconfigdata_$(ABIFLAGS)_$(MACHDEP)_$(MULTIARCH).py
117+ -rm $(DESTDIR)$(DESTSHARED)/_sysconfigdata_$(MACHDEP).py 117+ -rm $(DESTDIR)$(DESTSHARED)/_sysconfigdata_$(MACHDEP).py
118 -rm -r $(DESTDIR)$(DESTSHARED)/__pycache__ 118 -rm -r $(DESTDIR)$(DESTSHARED)/__pycache__
119  119
120 # Here are a couple of targets for MacOSX again, to install a full 120 # Here are a couple of targets for MacOSX again, to install a full