Sun Feb 24 04:31:13 2019 UTC ()
Import Mail-Box-POP3-3.004 as mail/p5-Mail-Box-POP3.

Maintain a folder which has its messages stored on a remote server. The
communication between the client application and the server is implemented using
the POP3 protocol. This class uses Mail::Transport::POP3 to hide the transport
of information, and focusses solely on the correct handling of messages within a
POP3 folder.

diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/mail/p5-Mail-Box-POP3/DESCR
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/mail/p5-Mail-Box-POP3/Makefile
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/mail/p5-Mail-Box-POP3/distinfo

File Added: pkgsrc/mail/p5-Mail-Box-POP3/DESCR
Maintain a folder which has its messages stored on a remote server. The
communication between the client application and the server is implemented using
the POP3 protocol. This class uses Mail::Transport::POP3 to hide the transport
of information, and focusses solely on the correct handling of messages within a
POP3 folder.

File Added: pkgsrc/mail/p5-Mail-Box-POP3/Makefile
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2019/02/24 04:31:13 wen Exp $

DISTNAME=	Mail-Box-POP3-3.004
CATEGORIES=	mail perl5

COMMENT=	Handle POP3 folders as client

DEPENDS+=	p5-Mail-Message>=3:../../mail/p5-Mail-Message
DEPENDS+=	p5-Mail-Box>=3:../../mail/p5-Mail-Box
DEPENDS+=	p5-Mail-Transport>=3:../../mail/p5-Mail-Transport

PERL5_PACKLIST=	auto/Mail/Box/POP3/.packlist

.include "../../lang/perl5/"
.include "../../mk/"

File Added: pkgsrc/mail/p5-Mail-Box-POP3/distinfo
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.1 2019/02/24 04:31:13 wen Exp $

SHA1 (Mail-Box-POP3-3.004.tar.gz) = 967131ba1b677202f44294d01d86e7c23edbb2d2
RMD160 (Mail-Box-POP3-3.004.tar.gz) = 60f2ee154c45a956f7b50bb93ab4922331d6ca94
SHA512 (Mail-Box-POP3-3.004.tar.gz) = dd3c3172cc3e589df448d92c2beb150017312f571bc2a11b64e8d7326eb2d0e685412e03ed66106d7c8be920d4653d2dc96c09809a9efd075a5e18a02660b8ce
Size (Mail-Box-POP3-3.004.tar.gz) = 31599 bytes