Sun Feb 24 15:50:25 2019 UTC ()
www/ruby-sass-listen: add version 4.0.0 package

This fork of guard/listen provides a stable API for users of the ruby Sass CLI.


The Listen gem listens to file modifications and notifies you about the changes.


* OS-optimized adapters on MRI for Mac OS X 10.6+, Linux, \*BSD and Windows,
  [more info](#listen-adapters) below.
* Detects file modification, addition and removal.
* You can watch multiple directories.
* Regexp-patterns for ignoring paths for more accuracy and speed
* Increased change detection accuracy on OS X HFS and VFAT volumes.
* Tested on MRI Ruby environments (2.0+ only) via
  [Travis CI](

diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/www/ruby-sass-listen/DESCR
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/www/ruby-sass-listen/Makefile
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/www/ruby-sass-listen/PLIST
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/www/ruby-sass-listen/distinfo

File Added: pkgsrc/www/ruby-sass-listen/DESCR
This fork of guard/listen provides a stable API for users of the ruby Sass CLI.


The Listen gem listens to file modifications and notifies you about the changes.


* OS-optimized adapters on MRI for Mac OS X 10.6+, Linux, \*BSD and Windows,
  [more info](#listen-adapters) below.
* Detects file modification, addition and removal.
* You can watch multiple directories.
* Regexp-patterns for ignoring paths for more accuracy and speed
* Increased change detection accuracy on OS X HFS and VFAT volumes.
* Tested on MRI Ruby environments (2.0+ only) via
  [Travis CI](

File Added: pkgsrc/www/ruby-sass-listen/Makefile
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2019/02/24 15:50:25 taca Exp $

DISTNAME=	sass-listen-4.0.0
CATEGORIES=	www devel ruby

COMMENT=	listens to file modifications and notifies

DEPENDS+=	${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-rb-fsevent>=0.9.4:../../devel/ruby-rb-fsevent
DEPENDS+=	${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-rb-inotify>=0.9.7:../../devel/ruby-rb-inotify


.include "../../lang/ruby/"
.include "../../mk/"

File Added: pkgsrc/www/ruby-sass-listen/PLIST

File Added: pkgsrc/www/ruby-sass-listen/distinfo
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.1 2019/02/24 15:50:25 taca Exp $

SHA1 (sass-listen-4.0.0.gem) = 9c69611007c679c7d48e1f20e03580c99c6b4d6f
RMD160 (sass-listen-4.0.0.gem) = 445af828a06451e6536275d60fd40cb161fdfe11
SHA512 (sass-listen-4.0.0.gem) = a165d1cb0efbb7acea01679591b9d28554648335025a7e062c2319289c01a7b345b0408946e2b565daf0950e8d7b6cf5fce936a821a4e30ac33c5f5436b0db20
Size (sass-listen-4.0.0.gem) = 27136 bytes