Sun May 26 03:08:52 2019 UTC ()
Import Mail-AuthenticationResults-1.20180923 as mail/p5-Mail-AuthenticationResults.

Mail::AuthenticationResults provides object-oriented authentication-results
email headers. This parser copes with most styles of Authentication-Results
header seen in the wild, but is not yet fully RFC7601 compliant.

Differences from RFC7601:
- key/value pairs are parsed when present in the authserv-id section, this is
  against RFC but has been seen in headers added by Yahoo!.
- Comments added between key/value pairs will be added after them in the data
  structures and when stringified.

diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/mail/p5-Mail-AuthenticationResults/DESCR
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/mail/p5-Mail-AuthenticationResults/Makefile
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/mail/p5-Mail-AuthenticationResults/distinfo

File Added: pkgsrc/mail/p5-Mail-AuthenticationResults/DESCR
Mail::AuthenticationResults provides object-oriented authentication-results
email headers. This parser copes with most styles of Authentication-Results
header seen in the wild, but is not yet fully RFC7601 compliant.

Differences from RFC7601:
- key/value pairs are parsed when present in the authserv-id section, this is
  against RFC but has been seen in headers added by Yahoo!.
- Comments added between key/value pairs will be added after them in the data
  structures and when stringified.

File Added: pkgsrc/mail/p5-Mail-AuthenticationResults/Makefile
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2019/05/26 03:08:52 wen Exp $

DISTNAME=	Mail-AuthenticationResults-1.20180923
CATEGORIES=	mail perl5

COMMENT=	Object Oriented Authentication-Results Headers

BUILD_DEPENDS+=	p5-Test-Exception>=0:../../devel/p5-Test-Exception

PERL5_PACKLIST=		auto/Mail/AuthenticationResults/.packlist

.include "../../lang/perl5/"
.include "../../mk/"

File Added: pkgsrc/mail/p5-Mail-AuthenticationResults/distinfo
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.1 2019/05/26 03:08:52 wen Exp $

SHA1 (Mail-AuthenticationResults-1.20180923.tar.gz) = 56e89364e052700bfd51a815a41f8cc5a37e1b62
RMD160 (Mail-AuthenticationResults-1.20180923.tar.gz) = f2befa68dcfbf523673371314e9403dc28f0dc8b
SHA512 (Mail-AuthenticationResults-1.20180923.tar.gz) = e8a33593261c59b8c1c91d6e655f8a3f6112974169dde9689788a7e0e83a0e66e6a5872ac56d7882e324c914bbb869b3f8c7b330ccf42765633fd475ef68f3be
Size (Mail-AuthenticationResults-1.20180923.tar.gz) = 29827 bytes