Mon Nov 25 18:24:49 2019 UTC ()
py-bitcoinlib: updated to 0.10.2

Note: this will be the last release of python-bitcoinlib with Python 2.7 compatibility.

New RPC generatetoaddress(self,numblocks,addr).
Fixed Python 2.7 incompatibility.
Various OpenSSL fixes, including a memory leak.

Identical in every way to v0.10.0, but re-uploaded under a new version to fix a PyPi issue.

Minor breaking change: RPC port for regtest updated to the new v0.16.0 default.

Other changes:
Now looks for .cookie files in the datadir, if specified.
Authentication in a RPC service_url is now parsed.
Implemented bip-0037 version message.
contrib/verify-commits/ removed for now due to breakage.

Now supports segwit, which breaks the API in minor ways from v0.8.0. This version introduces lots of new API functionality related to this, such as the new CScriptWitness, CTxInWitness, CTxWitness, new segwit-specific logic in SignatureHash() etc.

Major breaking API change!

While this interim release doesn't by itself include segwit support, it does change the name of the CTransaction/CMutableTransaction method GetHash() to GetTxid() to prepare for a future segwit-enabled release. Incorrect calls to GetHash() will now raise a AttributeError exception with an explanation.

Since this release doesn't yet include segwit support, you will need to set the Bitcoin Core -rpcserialversion=0 option, either as a command line argument, or in your bitcoin.conf file. Otherwise the RPC interface will return segwit-serialized transactions that this release's RPC support doesn't understand.

Other changes:
Cookie file RPC authentication is now supported.
msg_header now correctly uses CBlockHeader rather than CBlock.
RPC getbalance now supports include_watchonly
RPC unlockwallet is now supported

Breaking API changes:
The 'cooked' CScript iterator now returns OP_0 for the empty binary string rather than b''

The alias JSONRPCException = JSONRPCError has been removed. This alias was added for compatibility with v0.4.0 of python-bitcoinlib.

Where appropriate, RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY errors are now caught properly, which means that rather than raising IndexError, RPC commands such as getblock may raise JSONRPCError instead. For instance during initial startup previously python-bitcoinlib would incorrectly raise IndexError rather than letting the callee know that RPC was unusable. Along those lines, JSONRPCError subclasses have been added for some (but not all!) of the types of RPC errors Bitcoin Core returns.

Fixed a spurious AttributeError when bitcoin.rpc.Proxy() fails.

New features:
getblockheader RPC call now supports the verbose option; there's no other way to get the block height, among other things, from the RPC interface.
subtoaddress and sendmany RPC calls now support comment and subtractfeefromamount arguments.

Breaking API changes:
RPC over SSL support removed to match Bitcoin Core's removal of RPC SSL support in v0.12.0 If you need this, use an alternative such as a stunnel or a SSH tunnel.

Removed SCRIPT_VERIFY constants bitcoin.core.script, leaving just the constants in bitcoin.core.scripteval; being singletons the redundant constants were broken anyway.

SCRIPT_VERIFY_EVEN_S renamed to SCRIPT_VERIFY_LOW_S to match Bitcoin Core's naming

SCRIPT_VERIFY_NOCACHE removed as Bitcoin Core no longer has it (and we never did anything with it anyway)

Various small bugfixes; see git history.

New features:
New RPC calls: fundrawtransaction, generate, getblockheader

Major fix: Fixed OpenSSL related crashes on OSX and Arch Linux. Big thanks to everyone who helped fix this!

Breaking API changes:
Proxy no longer has __getattr__ to support arbitrary methods. Use RawProxy or instead. This allows new wrappers to be added safely. See docstrings for details.
New features:

New RPC calls: getbestblockhash, getblockcount, getmininginfo
Signing and verification of Bitcoin Core compatible messages. (w/ pubkey recovery)
Tox tests
Sphinx docs

Notable bugfixes:
getinfo() now works where disablewallet=1

Major fix: OpenSSL 1.0.1k rejects non-canonical DER signatures, which Bitcoin Core does not, so we now canonicalize signatures prior to passing them to OpenSSL. Secondly we now only generate low-S DER signatures as per BIP62.

API changes that might break compatibility with existing code:

MAX_MONEY is now a core chain parameter
MainParams now inherits from CoreMainParams rather than CoreChainParams
str() now returns hash:n format; previously was same as repr()
RawProxy() no longer has _connection parameter

Notable bugfixes:
MsgSerializable.to_bytes() no longer clobbers testnet params
HTTPS RPC connections now use port 443 as default
No longer assumes bitcoin.conf specifes rpcuser

New features:
New RPC calls: dumpprivkey, importaddress
Added P2P support for msg_notfound and msg_reject
Added support for IPv6 addr messages

diff -r1.68 -r1.69 pkgsrc/finance/Makefile
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/finance/py-bitcoinlib/DESCR
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/finance/py-bitcoinlib/Makefile
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/finance/py-bitcoinlib/PLIST
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/finance/py-bitcoinlib/distinfo
diff -r1.1 -r0 pkgsrc/finance/py-python-bitcoinlib/DESCR
diff -r1.9 -r0 pkgsrc/finance/py-python-bitcoinlib/Makefile
diff -r1.3 -r0 pkgsrc/finance/py-python-bitcoinlib/PLIST
diff -r1.5 -r0 pkgsrc/finance/py-python-bitcoinlib/distinfo

cvs diff -r1.68 -r1.69 pkgsrc/finance/Makefile (expand / switch to unified diff)

--- pkgsrc/finance/Makefile 2019/08/09 15:39:04 1.68
+++ pkgsrc/finance/Makefile 2019/11/25 18:24:49 1.69
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
1# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.68 2019/08/09 15:39:04 brook Exp $ 1# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.69 2019/11/25 18:24:49 adam Exp $
2# 2#
3 3
4COMMENT= Monetary, financial and related applications 4COMMENT= Monetary, financial and related applications
5 5
6SUBDIR+= QuantLib 6SUBDIR+= QuantLib
8SUBDIR+= R-bayesm 8SUBDIR+= R-bayesm
9SUBDIR+= R-fAsianOptions 9SUBDIR+= R-fAsianOptions
10SUBDIR+= R-fBasics 10SUBDIR+= R-fBasics
11SUBDIR+= R-fOptions 11SUBDIR+= R-fOptions
12SUBDIR+= R-quantmod 12SUBDIR+= R-quantmod
13SUBDIR+= R-timeSeries 13SUBDIR+= R-timeSeries
14SUBDIR+= R-tseries 14SUBDIR+= R-tseries
@@ -20,32 +20,32 @@ SUBDIR+= gnucash-docs @@ -20,32 +20,32 @@ SUBDIR+= gnucash-docs
20SUBDIR+= homebank 20SUBDIR+= homebank
21SUBDIR+= ledger 21SUBDIR+= ledger
22SUBDIR+= libofx 22SUBDIR+= libofx
23SUBDIR+= magento 23SUBDIR+= magento
24SUBDIR+= moneyguru 24SUBDIR+= moneyguru
25SUBDIR+= p5-Algorithm-LUHN 25SUBDIR+= p5-Algorithm-LUHN
26SUBDIR+= p5-Data-Currency 26SUBDIR+= p5-Data-Currency
27SUBDIR+= p5-Finance-Currency-Convert-WebserviceX 27SUBDIR+= p5-Finance-Currency-Convert-WebserviceX
28SUBDIR+= p5-Finance-Quote 28SUBDIR+= p5-Finance-Quote
29SUBDIR+= p5-Locale-Currency-Format 29SUBDIR+= p5-Locale-Currency-Format
30SUBDIR+= py-alpha_vantage 30SUBDIR+= py-alpha_vantage
31SUBDIR+= py-alphalens 31SUBDIR+= py-alphalens
32SUBDIR+= py-backtrader 32SUBDIR+= py-backtrader
 33SUBDIR+= py-bitcoinlib
33SUBDIR+= py-braintree 34SUBDIR+= py-braintree
34SUBDIR+= py-empyrical 35SUBDIR+= py-empyrical
35SUBDIR+= py-fecon235 36SUBDIR+= py-fecon235
36SUBDIR+= py-ofxparse 37SUBDIR+= py-ofxparse
37SUBDIR+= py-pyfolio 38SUBDIR+= py-pyfolio
38SUBDIR+= py-python-bitcoinlib 
39SUBDIR+= py-quickbooks 39SUBDIR+= py-quickbooks
40SUBDIR+= py-stripe 40SUBDIR+= py-stripe
41SUBDIR+= py-trytond-account 41SUBDIR+= py-trytond-account
42SUBDIR+= py-trytond-account-asset 42SUBDIR+= py-trytond-account-asset
43SUBDIR+= py-trytond-account-be 43SUBDIR+= py-trytond-account-be
44SUBDIR+= py-trytond-account-credit-limit 44SUBDIR+= py-trytond-account-credit-limit
45SUBDIR+= py-trytond-account-de-skr03 45SUBDIR+= py-trytond-account-de-skr03
46SUBDIR+= py-trytond-account-deposit 46SUBDIR+= py-trytond-account-deposit
47SUBDIR+= py-trytond-account-dunning 47SUBDIR+= py-trytond-account-dunning
48SUBDIR+= py-trytond-account-dunning-fee 48SUBDIR+= py-trytond-account-dunning-fee
49SUBDIR+= py-trytond-account-dunning-letter 49SUBDIR+= py-trytond-account-dunning-letter
50SUBDIR+= py-trytond-account-fr 50SUBDIR+= py-trytond-account-fr
51SUBDIR+= py-trytond-account-invoice 51SUBDIR+= py-trytond-account-invoice

File Added: pkgsrc/finance/py-bitcoinlib/DESCR
This Python2/3 library provides an easy interface to the bitcoin data structures
and protocol. The approach is low-level and "ground up", with a focus on
providing tools to manipulate the internals of how Bitcoin works.

File Added: pkgsrc/finance/py-bitcoinlib/Makefile
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2019/11/25 18:24:49 adam Exp $

DISTNAME=	python-bitcoinlib-0.10.2
CATEGORIES=	finance net python
MASTER_SITES=	${MASTER_SITE_PYPI:=p/python-bitcoinlib/}

COMMENT=	Python bitcoin library
LICENSE=	gnu-lgpl-v3


.include "../../lang/python/"
.include "../../mk/"

File Added: pkgsrc/finance/py-bitcoinlib/PLIST
@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.1 2019/11/25 18:24:49 adam Exp $

File Added: pkgsrc/finance/py-bitcoinlib/distinfo
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.1 2019/11/25 18:24:49 adam Exp $

SHA1 (python-bitcoinlib-0.10.2.tar.gz) = c77abbdf8fbff2c895c57102c089eaf9d4e5b033
RMD160 (python-bitcoinlib-0.10.2.tar.gz) = 660fb4ec214ad4e5db86f3b43cb0ed26115573f8
SHA512 (python-bitcoinlib-0.10.2.tar.gz) = 959da858e1d8fe4d2850de8ed7dda09628c6ac5fb454e00f26a6d1d7c12da7a6b68185a4f77eb8cf001b135b19d32558228cdd17b4c50d90eabee39b0e339c72
Size (python-bitcoinlib-0.10.2.tar.gz) = 144193 bytes

File Deleted: pkgsrc/finance/py-python-bitcoinlib/Attic/DESCR

File Deleted: pkgsrc/finance/py-python-bitcoinlib/Attic/Makefile

File Deleted: pkgsrc/finance/py-python-bitcoinlib/Attic/PLIST

File Deleted: pkgsrc/finance/py-python-bitcoinlib/Attic/distinfo