Fri Jan 17 15:52:41 2020 UTC ()
Import hxt-regex-xmlschema-

This library supports full W3C XML Schema regular expressions
inclusive all Unicode character sets and blocks. The complete grammar
can be found under It is
implemented by the technique of derivations of regular expressions.

The W3C syntax is extended to support not only union of regular sets,
but also intersection, set difference, exor. Matching of
subexpressions is also supported.

The library can be used for constricting lightweight scanners and
tokenizers. It is a standalone library, no external regex libraries
are used.

diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/textproc/hs-hxt-regex-xmlschema/DESCR
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/textproc/hs-hxt-regex-xmlschema/Makefile
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/textproc/hs-hxt-regex-xmlschema/
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/textproc/hs-hxt-regex-xmlschema/distinfo

File Added: pkgsrc/textproc/hs-hxt-regex-xmlschema/DESCR
This library supports full W3C XML Schema regular expressions
inclusive all Unicode character sets and blocks. The complete grammar
can be found under It is
implemented by the technique of derivations of regular expressions.

The W3C syntax is extended to support not only union of regular sets,
but also intersection, set difference, exor. Matching of
subexpressions is also supported.

The library can be used for constricting lightweight scanners and
tokenizers. It is a standalone library, no external regex libraries
are used.

File Added: pkgsrc/textproc/hs-hxt-regex-xmlschema/Makefile
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2020/01/17 15:52:41 pho Exp $

DISTNAME=	hxt-regex-xmlschema-
CATEGORIES=	textproc

COMMENT=	Regular expression library for W3C XML Schema regular expressions

.include "../../mk/"
.include "../../textproc/hs-hxt-charproperties/"
.include "../../mk/"

File Added: pkgsrc/textproc/hs-hxt-regex-xmlschema/
# $NetBSD:,v 1.1 2020/01/17 15:52:41 pho Exp $

BUILDLINK_TREE+=	hs-hxt-regex-xmlschema


BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.hs-hxt-regex-xmlschema+=	hs-hxt-regex-xmlschema>=9.2.0
BUILDLINK_ABI_DEPENDS.hs-hxt-regex-xmlschema+=	hs-hxt-regex-xmlschema>=
BUILDLINK_PKGSRCDIR.hs-hxt-regex-xmlschema?=	../../textproc/hs-hxt-regex-xmlschema

.include "../../textproc/hs-hxt-charproperties/"

BUILDLINK_TREE+=	-hs-hxt-regex-xmlschema

File Added: pkgsrc/textproc/hs-hxt-regex-xmlschema/distinfo
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.1 2020/01/17 15:52:41 pho Exp $

SHA1 (hxt-regex-xmlschema- = 0269207fbdb6bffe5c47b4b3b061d0ad61987905
RMD160 (hxt-regex-xmlschema- = 487abc195c5b573755e639f46fd6097e9afa864b
SHA512 (hxt-regex-xmlschema- = 707ad7a4b5c32785fd89131279dd89a871f134a26ce1f98fd4ac8fec196c8960c2d39d18674967379b40508748fca3a34b9289500173075c54c1d6726191bbd8
Size (hxt-regex-xmlschema- = 35781 bytes