Sat Mar 20 13:24:39 2021 UTC ()
x11/xsnow: Update to 3.2.2

This catches up to a maintained version, almost 20 years later.  Most
notably, it uses gtk3 instead of raw Xlib.

Joint work with is@.

Upstream changes:

version 3.2.2
	1:change 'changes' into Flags.Changes
	2:change gdkwindow -> NULL, several files
	  ui.c: better behaviour of 'below windows' - 'confirm to click'
	3:flags.c flags.h: separate FLAGS for default and vintage
	  docs.c: some minor additions
	4:buttons.h: change togglecode into scalecode
	  flags.h uitils.h: transport some macro's
	  ui.c: add documention about flags and buttons
	  main.c: optionally move windows to 0,0 (movewindow())
	    Flags.MoveWindow --movewindow
	5:some tweaks MoveWindow
	6:more tweaks for MoveWindow
	  Use also XConfigureWindow to set below or above. Now behaviour is
	  OK when running in FVWM + xcompmgr or compton
	  transparent.c: fixed 'show desktop' issue by re-adding:
	  wmctrl.c: add check for _NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP for visibility of
	  windows.c: keep SnowWin below if Flags.BelowAll. Needed when SnowWin
	    is not click-through.
	7:add -theme flag. No button: too complicated for me.
	9:make theme chooseable with a button
	11:ui.c: minor tweaks

version 3.2.1
	1:utils.h: add fflush(NULL) to UIDO and UIDOS
	  moon.c: create halo surface for painting.
	2:fine tuning of ui graphics
	3:start simplifying ui.c
	11:finished 3:
	12:doit.h flags.h: change DOIT macro's
	13:docs.c:make it better
	14:add option -hidemenu, add this to xsnow.desktop
	   better format noisy output
	   use #include "" to undef frquently used macros
	15:simplify glade-id's
	16:stratify ui.c code
	17:stratify ui.c code
	18:stratify ui.c code

version 3.2.0
	1:use 256x256 xpm for moon
	  start Santa, aware of moon position
	  adapt some trivial texts
	2:add halo around moon
	  add show-stars button
	  add grey-out for moon buttons if not compositing manager
	  add notice about that in the celestials tab
	3:fix bug in moon.c: show moon, independent of birds
	  some experiments with halo colours
	4:moon.c: fix memory leak: halo_draw()
	  docs.c: adapt man page
	  ui.c: better way to grey out moon buttons remove test for alloca, and tell kdtree.c not to use
	6:ui.c: remove malicious assert from report_tree_type()
	  utils.h: create macros UIDO and UIDOS to better deal with
	    if(Flags.x != OldFlags.x) ....
	  many functions: replace construct above with UIDO or UIDOS
	7:Ack in man page for picture of moon.

version 3.1.10
	1:add moon and show-noshow for moon
	2:put wind, stars, moon, meteorites in celestials
	  add slider for moon speed
	3:add button for moon size
	4:let Santa like to hover the moon

version 3.1.9
	1:place 'Xsnow running' to a place wher this does not appear in
	  xsnow -h or xsnow-H
	2:wmctrl.c: a second check if window is hidden, based on WM_STATE
	3: typos in docs.c
	5:wmctrl.c: use XQueryTree to find windows to snow on if
	  _NET and _GTK are not available.
	  Use also XGetWindowAttributes to determine if a window
	  is visible.
	6:change max number of scenery items to 60
	  wmctrl.c: use XGetWindowAttributes in stead of XGetGeometry

version 3.1.8
	1:use config.h to determine if alloca.h should be included, use pkg-config to locate
	  X11, Xpm, xt, xproto remove tests for libraries, relying on pkg-config now
	3:remove uses of alloca, except ik kdtree.c
	  define USE_LIST_NODE_ALLOCATOR and  NO_ALLOCA in kdtree.c
	  snow.c: free local variables in genxpmflake()

version 3.1.7
	1:windows.c: take care of redfining Rootwindow if xscreensaver
	  is detected
version 3.1.6
	1:add xscreensaver support and vroot.h
version 3.1.5
	1:remove .png and .jpg from bootstrap and src/Pixmaps/ from tar.gz
	2:main.c drawit(): draw stars and meteorites behind birds
	3:fallensnow.c: GenerateFlakesFromFallen(): reduce the amount of
	     generated snow
	  Changed info text by 'Blow off' slider.
	4:src/ separate scripts for generating ui_xml.h and
	  Create script '', to be used on systems where the
	    './configure;make;make install' suite does not work.
version 3.1.4
	1:remove AC_FUNC_MALLOC AC_FUNC_REALLOC AC_FUNC_ALLOCA from (see comment there)
	  Checked all malloc's, alloca's and realloc's for allocating >0 bytes
version 3.1.3
	1:add flag -showrudolph
	  add flag -blowsnow
	  remove FullScreen from .xsnowrc
	  add flag -usebg
	  add flag -snow
	  add flag -nosnow
	  add flag -showtrees
	  add flag -wind
	  add flag -keepsnowonwindows
	  add flag -keepsnowonscreen
	  add flag -keepsnowontrees
	  add flag -keepsnow
	  add flag -fluffy
	  add flag -meteorites
	  stratified version.h
	  moved PrintVersion to utils.c
version 3.1.2
	1:hashtable.cpp: do not use 'auto'
	  docs.c: added note about no menu when files are present in
	  Check on version of GTK. If too low, give option to start
	    without ui.
	2:simplify code for running without menu if level of GTK is too low
	3:stratify above mentioned code
version 3.1.1
	moved debian stuff out of the distribution
version 3.1.0
	1:change version number
	  some trivia in transparent.c
	2:take care that only generated flakes are used when snow->defaults
	3:snow flakes size adjustable
	4:limit snowsize
	  start snowflake always above window
	  all generated snow xpm's: width multiple of 8
	  also all off the vintage xpm's in Pixmaps
	  change defaults for max number of flakes and blow-off to more humane
	5:use effective width for flakes (weff in snow.c)
	  small changes in GenerateFlakesFromFallen()
	  it appears that the height of an xpm should be >=2 to prevent
	    terrible degradation of performance. snow.c: genxpmflake()
	6:snow.h, snow.c: remove w and h from type Snow, these were redundant
	7:changed some defaults and ranges
	8:snow.c: reduce extra_flakes to 300. I have the impression that this
	     is beneficial for cramped systems
	  correct bug: blowoff.c: do not generate blow-off snow if Flags.NoSnowFlakes
	9:utils.c: wrapper for cairo_paint_with_alpha(). If alpha > 0.9, use
	     cairo_paint(). Seems to have some performance gain (less stress
	     on Xorg), but I am not sure.
	  main.c: hide gtk_widget TransB when not used.
	          gray out transparency when running in fvwm-like environment
	  added for 'make check' and 'autopkgtest'
	  GetCurrentWorkspace now always returns 0 if there are problems
	10:added tests using simulated mouse clicks, and
	   xsnow reports now which Santa is chosen, needed for
	     'make check' and autopkgtest
	   in Pixmaps: changed snowtree.xpm, eland.xpm, polarbear.xpm,
	      huis4.xpm, AltSanta*.xpm to use one char to encode color
	      using 'convert in.xpm -colors nn out.xpm'
	11:removed references to and
	   add flag '-noisy'
	   corrected non fatal bugs in xpmtobits
	   implemented 'birds follow Santa'
	12:main.c: do_display_dimensions(): restart stars etc. not in the
	   first call
	   add scale button for 'Lift snow windows' == OffsetY
	13:corrected handling of fluff in snow.c
	   corrected: if !ShowBirds, Santa should be shown (main.c)
	14:some fine tuning snow on trees
	15:trivia in snow.h
	16:fixed serious bug in snow.c which caused freezing
	   snow flakes when changing size of flakes
version 3.0.10
	1:Better icons
	2:better flakes
	3:more flakes, auto generate snow includes and macro's for pixmaps.c
	4:more flakes
	5:more flakes
	  birds.c: made attraction point transparent again
	  ui.xml: remove seperators from snow tab
	7:get rid of snow??.xbm. Conversion from xpm is done with xpmtoxbm().
	  rename snow*.xpm to flake*.xpm
	8:next to the 7 archaic flakes, generate random flakes
	  changed the script to only trigger on
	  the first -copyright- line
	9:some code clean up
version 3.0.9
	1:Windows.c: remove useless call to DisplayDimensions from do_wupdate()
	2:fallensnow.c xsnow.h: shorter time between updates fallensnow
	  better simulation of plowing
	  3:snow.c: InitFlake takes now care of inserting flake in set
	    of flakes
version 3.0.8
	1:check op _NET_WIM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK: do not fall snow on
	  such a window
	2:changed 0 -> NULL where appropriate
	  insert __attribute__ ((unused)) via macro UNUSED where appropriate
	3:create GetProperty32() in wmctrl.c
	4:fallenshow.h: moved window-specific items in FallenSnow to
	6:stratify windows.c
	  transparent.c: make also click-through in draw callback
	8:ask for confirmation before permanently de-activating
	  'Below windows'.
	  Remove 'BelowAll' from .xsnowrc.
	9:also in Cairo fluff
	12:better display of blown snow
	13:change code for going in and out full screen mode
	   default is now full screen
	   transparent.c: draw1(): remember two previous widgets in stead of
	   removed full-screen button, see comment at Flags.FullScreen
	   in main.c
	14:Solution for refusing to go below windows: first
	   ask the opposite.
	15:Use absolute x,y coordinates for determining snow window placement
	   and dimensions.
	   Created a call back to check coordinates and dimensions of
	   snowwindow once per second.
	16:Changed css color for troughs.
	   No flakes: no fallensnow, no fluff, no blowoff, no treesnow.
	   Flakes blown off trees&window&bottom: smallest type of snow.
	   Flakes from disappearing fallensnow: all types.
	   Somewhat more randominess in generateflakesfromfallensnow
	   in the x-value of the flakes. Better ploughing!
	 17:yellow confirm button.
	    Bigger logo santa.xpm
	    Stratified MakeFlake-InitFlake combo.
	    Corrected two typos in flags.c
	 18:take care that trees are not placed partially right from screen
	    removed -noquiet flag
version 3.0.7
	1:adapt hovertext for 'Below windows' button.
	some code-cleanup
version 3.0.6
	1:Correct some typo's
	Removed memory-leak in birds.c: birds_draw
	birds.c: birds_draw: Correct position of birds by their width and height
	2:Paint with transparency if ~Flags.BelowAll
	3:No need for restart after changing below/above
	4:introduction of transparency used by painting
	fixed bug concerning removing trees
	5:scenery.c: change definition of Tree to **Treeinfo and changed a few
	  lines accordingly
	RedrawTrees now clears fallensnow on scenery
	Change factor -> cpufactor
	fallensnow.c: HandleFallenSnow: do not collect snow on bottom when Flags.NoKeepSBot
	6:Changed actions at interrupt.
	Removed unused CleanGC
	transparent.c: simplified applying skip-taskbar-hint
	               added skip-pager-hint
version 3.0.5
	New major release
	transparent.c: Prevent icons for transparent windows showing up in taskbar
	windows.c: no update of windows if not snowing on a desktop
	DetermineWindow (windows.c): make sure IsDesktop is initialized
	SigHandler (main.c): Nicer exit after interrupt.
	Use execvp instead of execve restarting xsnow.
	Stratified some code starting from main.c: drawit
	wmctrl.c: also sticky=1 if (int)ws == -1
	Adapt for uploading to debian
	Some trivial changes to settings tab.
	Better handling of clicking BGColor button.
	Removed root window choice.
	Birds: set meanspeed before creation, not after.
	Gray out all birds buttons when appropriate
	In settings: gray out and make inactive not usable buttons
	better logic to determine what kind of windows are used
	simplified ui settings window
	transparent.c: remove sticky hint for gdkwindow: this is ierreversible
	made do_wupdate conform. Created windows.c. This is a mess, have to
	look into it.
	ui: colors, and slight layout improvements
	corrected error after going to full screen of behind windows
	removed setting of kde background (kdesetbg)
	re-instated the stopafter functionality
	ui: set colors
	added a warning for a too high system load
	convert snow_on_tree done, together with some other minor adjustments
	produce output with -h, -help, -H, -manpage, -v, -version without
	    calling gtk_init()
	made parsing of flags conformant with the docs: added -v
	place test for wayland before gtk_init()
	do not draw fallensnow when window is hidden (iconized)
	blowoff in standard
	made timeout callbacks conform doc
	fallensnow in standard
	place gtk_init before handling the flags
	changed code for 'on all workspaces' (settings)
	do not collect snow if y <= 0
	implemented part of standard form for fallensnow
	  todo: snow disappears now from windows that show on all workspaces
	draw stars using surfaces
	added stdlkib.h where desirable
	stars done
	some minor things in snow.c
	wind done
	meteorite done
	snow in standard form for the major part
	start with snow in standard form.
	hashtable.{cpp,h}: added set functions
	turned macro's delflake and makeflake into functions
	stratified declarations of xpm's (pixmap.(c,h}
	added snow xpm's (it seems there is no standard function to convert
	   bitmap to GdkPixbuf)
	implemented canonical update of sreen, using gtk_widget_queue_draw()
	put birds in 'standard form'
	gtk-scenery working
	use timeout time at computing birds position (contrary to 3.0.3)
	Santa.c: handle usage of user-defined Santa
	if Flags.NoMenu: do not write to ui labels or make ui sticky/unsticky
	Made start with gtk-ing scenery.
	All santa stuff moved from main.c to Santa.c
	Added utils.c utils.h
version 3.0.3-gtk-0.1
	Santa runs in gtk
version 3.0.3
	birds.c: use actual time to compute bird positions instead of callback
	birds.c: make speed adjustment of birds dependent on time elapsed
	previous line: not a good idea, removed corresponding code
	birds.c: more dramatic (re)start

version 3.0.2
	If birds not on active workspace, do not updte and paint them
	Add 'extern' to all function prototypes for consistency.
	Diversify debian/copyright

version 3.0.1
	make ui stickiness same as snow and birds windows
	resolve some debian copyright issues in debian/copyright

version 3.0.0
	use wallcl()*1.0e6 to initialize drand48, not wallclock()
	mv ui.xml
	add css to minimize ui.
	add birds page, not functioning yet.
	make xsnow compilable with g++
	adding birds ....

version 2.0.22
	xsnow.desktop: in xfce icon does not show in
	  panel: change 'xsnow.xpm' into 'xsnow'
	do not show flake count when option -nomenu is given
	fixed bug: when no desktop session can be determined
	  from environment: make it 'unknown_desktop_session'
	   - Thanks to Xose Vazquez Perez
version 2.0.21
	attempt better layout of settings screen
	Somewhat better layout for all menus
	Rudolf -> Rudolph in displayable strings
	Show number of flakes in 'snow' tab
	Added some id's in
version 2.0.20
	replace timing loop with g_timeout_add()
	add polarbear
	use g_get_monotonic_time() for wallclock
	give every snowflake its own g_timeout_add()
	give Santa highest priority (not that it matters much, it seems)
	Change fuse algorithm: now Updatesnowflake kills flake when number
	  of flakes is above threshold
	Initsnowflake: start y above above window
	updatesnowflake: do not force y >=0
	add button for flake-count-max
	put refresh of trees in g_timeout_add()
	idem for stars
	Smooyth vertical movements of Santa
	remove nosnowarea's. Replace nosnowarea_static by TreeRegion
	reinstate nosnowarea_dynamic
	fix issue with erasing flakes that are in a tree
	if FlakeCount > max, high probabilty to remove blown-off flakes
	all scales show now numerical value
	removed -showstats option
version 2.0.19
	debian/tests/control: removed
version 2.0.18
	main.c: test if WAYLAND_DISPLAY is set before setting GDK_BACKEND
	main.c: restart after changing display settings
	main.c: no Thanks after man page or help
	docs.c: minor adjustments
	debug.h: added
	main.c, flags.c: do not assume getenv("HOME") works as expected.
version 2.0.17
	main.c: The output of PrintVersion() appeared in the top of the man page.
	   Corrected this.
	main.c: CleanFallenArea() marked the fallensnow region always as clean,
	   but this must be done only when whole x-range is cleared.
version 2.0.16
	dsimple.c: int screen = 0; -> static int screen = 0;
	   and move to the top of the file. Ticket 1: gcc-10 related
	  keep xsnow visible after 'show desktop', and show xsnow on all
	wmctrl.c: special care for compiz
version 2.0.15 added 'Donate' button
version 2.0.14
	src/ use exec_prefix in stead of prefix for gamesdir
	transparent.c: simplify creation of transparent window
	main.c: removed use of SigHupHandler
	docs.c: corrected misspelled default values check 'xsnow -h' if default values are subtituted
	main.c, better algorithm to determine number of flakes
	    to generate
version 2.0.13
	main.c: do_genflakes(): take into account that do_genflakes()
	   can be disabled by SnowRunning
	flags.c: add forgotten -alpha flag
version 2.0.12
	pixmaps.c: corrected width and height for snow.
	main.c: simplified create rectangular region
	debian/copyright: corrected
	main.c: remove flakes that fall below bottom of screen, also if
	   no fallensnow on bottom
	main.c: corrected bug which coaused no snow at all with -nomenu
	Lower default snowspeed (SNOWSPEED in xsnow.h)
	update snowflakes in chunks, so that other animations run at
	   desired speed.
	remove option -kde: settings are the same as for -gnome
	do not add or delete flakes when updating snowflakes
	   is running (test on SnowRunning)
	for updatesanta, gensnowflakes, snowflakes: after a suspend
	   or sleep the elapsed time can have a strange
	   value. Take care of that.

version 2.0.10
	prepare for running in wayland by setting environment
	  variable GDK_BACKEND=x11 (main.c)
	fix some typo's in docs.c

version 2.0.9
	some debian adjustments
	fix xfce problems: the workspace of the transparent
	  snow window is not available in xfce
	  some windows have both the _NET_FRAME_EXTENTS and
	  _GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS. Priority is given to the latter.
	Snowflakes that touch fallen snow are not erased any more:
	  erasure caused bad looking effects.
	Removed 'showstats' from config
version 2.0.8
	some more debian stuff
	add support for xfce desktop
version 2.0.7
	added some debian stuff
version 2.05
	Fixed issues when trees are not shown: snow was still
	collecting on trees, snow was not visible after not-shown

version 2.04
	Fixed bug in main.c: check for valid return value of
	FindWindow() in do_wupdate().

Version 2.03
	Fixed bug in main.c: only set transworkspace if usingtrans.

Version 2.02
	Snowing halted when a workspade before the snow workspace was
	removed. Fixed by checking the workspace of SnowWin in do_wupdate().

Solved in 2.01
	tree-xpm's are mirrored randomly
	flag -treeregion implemented
	fluff on bottom in snow window when nokeepsnowonscreen
	parametrize MAXONTREES
	implement vintage
	in fvwm: after minimize window, no snow is shown on the
	  window when it is restored.
	Handle window that is visible on all workspaces
	implement no snow when window disappears
	implement nowplow
	Try to snow on trees
	plowing should be partial: only take snow away where Santa was: Won't
	stars are competing with fallen snow: let snow win: Won't fix
	Create precise region from bitmap vintage tree
	Implement nokeepsnowonwindows etc
	when wind: make generated flakes at bottom cyclic
	Solved strange behaviour with system monitor window
	  and others: gedit, nautilus etc. on gnome desktop
	  no problem on fvwm desktop
	find automatically desired offsets
	  determine size of decoration from a partial screendump ?
	  use xwininfo to point to a gauge window ?
	no rounding of edges of fallen snow at the bottom
	automatically determine tree regions
	create 'fuse': remove nearly all flakes when number is really too high
	for testing purposes: color a region see do_testing()
	read tree.xpm from ~/xsnow/pixmaps/tree.xpm if present
	let Santa plough through fallensnow: do not redraw fallen snow
	   if overlap with Santa
	faster update of fallen snow after move of window
	animation of blown fallen  snow
	extra snow not cyclic
	get rid of flake.x and y, use only rx and ry
	animation of snow fallen from disappeared windows
	gracefully exit when window where is snowing in, disappears
	let trees not overlap
	fallensnow surfaces often too jerky
	round snow at the edges
	animation of do_clean
	let Santa be affected by strong wind
	replace old wind by storm now and then
	offsets for windows & bottom
	wind is changing continuously
	cyclic disappear, appear of flakes
	Solve floating point exception when starting in too small
	  window (oclock) (div by 0 in RandInt)
	move to other workspace of a window: bad behaviour:
	  snow stays on original workspace, window does no
	  receive snow any more: see put correct workspace in fallensnow areas
	  in xsnow.c
	snow on windows: implemented
	ctrl-c sometimes causes: cannot parse output of wmctrl: solved by
	  letting wmctrl return -1 in case of problems

	A few minor changes after 1.42:
	changed timing loop
	find Desktop in Gnome and KDE
	can run in user-pointed window (-xwininfo)
	added another kind of tree
	added starts
	added meteorite
	changed algorithm for fallen snow
	and some more ...

diff -r1.33 -r1.34 pkgsrc/x11/xsnow/Makefile
diff -r1.4 -r1.5 pkgsrc/x11/xsnow/PLIST
diff -r1.9 -r1.10 pkgsrc/x11/xsnow/distinfo
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/x11/xsnow/patches/
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/x11/xsnow/patches/

cvs diff -r1.33 -r1.34 pkgsrc/x11/xsnow/Makefile (expand / switch to unified diff)

--- pkgsrc/x11/xsnow/Makefile 2017/09/06 10:40:36 1.33
+++ pkgsrc/x11/xsnow/Makefile 2021/03/20 13:24:38 1.34
@@ -1,24 +1,21 @@ @@ -1,24 +1,21 @@
1# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.33 2017/09/06 10:40:36 wiz Exp $ 1# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.34 2021/03/20 13:24:38 gdt Exp $
2 2
3DISTNAME= xsnow-1.42 3DISTNAME= xsnow-3.2.2
7 6
10COMMENT= Create a snowy and Santa-y desktop 9COMMENT= Create a snowy and Santa-y desktop
 10LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v3
11 11
12USE_FEATURES= snprintf 12USE_LANGUAGES= c c++
13USE_IMAKE= yes 13USE_TOOLS+= pkg-config
14 15
15.include "../../mk/" 16.include "../../mk/"
16 17
17.if !empty(MISSING_FEATURES:Msnprintf) 18.include "../../x11/gtk3/"
18IMAKEOPTS+= -DExtraLibraries=${LIBS:Q} 19.include "../../textproc/libxml2/"
19.endif 20
21.include "../../x11/libXext/" 
22.include "../../x11/libXpm/" 
23.include "../../x11/libXt/" 
24.include "../../mk/" 21.include "../../mk/"

cvs diff -r1.4 -r1.5 pkgsrc/x11/xsnow/PLIST (expand / switch to unified diff)

--- pkgsrc/x11/xsnow/PLIST 2010/01/18 15:18:53 1.4
+++ pkgsrc/x11/xsnow/PLIST 2021/03/20 13:24:38 1.5
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
1@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.4 2010/01/18 15:18:53 is Exp $ 1@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.5 2021/03/20 13:24:38 gdt Exp $
2bin/xsnow 2bin/xsnow
3${IMAKE_MAN_DIR}/xsnow.${IMAKE_MAN_SUFFIX} 3man/man6/xsnow.6

cvs diff -r1.9 -r1.10 pkgsrc/x11/xsnow/distinfo (expand / switch to unified diff)

--- pkgsrc/x11/xsnow/distinfo 2015/11/04 03:29:12 1.9
+++ pkgsrc/x11/xsnow/distinfo 2021/03/20 13:24:38 1.10
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
1$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.9 2015/11/04 03:29:12 agc Exp $ 1$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.10 2021/03/20 13:24:38 gdt Exp $
2 2
3SHA1 (xsnow-1.42.tar.gz) = d63987560dac9c6341e50d270089e40d17031ce3 3SHA1 (xsnow-3.2.2.tar.gz) = bfd3696feb03923eb2c434c74c26c9010562e778
4RMD160 (xsnow-1.42.tar.gz) = 4fdf881d045b986f003a13c0eaa2308775cf5e9e 4RMD160 (xsnow-3.2.2.tar.gz) = 446a9e8405f76309b1c8305830728d05e4cfe1f8
5SHA512 (xsnow-1.42.tar.gz) = 7833f3c1834d64944a578dc71bbf09966d47a1b4878fb826cf121606e76c69544d96d73665572b45c47e0e017dd0cb0bf49f76799aeb859c1dc72348da4ff257 5SHA512 (xsnow-3.2.2.tar.gz) = 767aad07834b5af0be08f2e0f205cb4bb796b4ecfd4c38a187fea26b4d8c752d231a1f870494ba70b3437e54e8b5f0f745b69aa45f99d7b32d52a0d4b4cc8ba0
6Size (xsnow-1.42.tar.gz) = 56752 bytes 6Size (xsnow-3.2.2.tar.gz) = 410575 bytes
 7SHA1 ( = 087c0f8e64b2ed0fe977a8c05280d38e7261a571
 8SHA1 ( = b216663e9fe16991447153aa23a5a5ca6c69e040

File Added: pkgsrc/x11/xsnow/patches/
$NetBSD:,v 1.1 2021/03/20 13:24:39 gdt Exp $

Work around upstream non-conforming sed expression.

\todo File upstream.

---	2021-01-11 12:22:11.000000000 +0000
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ while [ "$1" ] ; do
    # Notice that sed requires a newline after the filename of the 'r' command
    sed -i "/^\s*#-#/d" "$f"
    sed -i "/$txt/{r $crfile
-   :a;n;ba}" "$f"
+}" "$f"
    n=`expr $n + 1`
 echo "$n files copyrighted"

File Added: pkgsrc/x11/xsnow/patches/
$NetBSD:,v 1.1 2021/03/20 13:24:39 gdt Exp $

Adjust  usptream's path of games to regular bin.

(Not submitted upstream because this is a style choice.)

--- src/	2021-01-11 12:23:27.000000000 +0000
+++ src/
@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
 #-# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 SUBDIRS = Pixmaps
-gamesdir = $(exec_prefix)/games
+gamesdir = $(exec_prefix)/bin
 xsnow_LDADD = $(XML_LIBS)   $(GTK_LIBS)  $(X11_LIBS)
 xsnow_SOURCES = clocks.c ixpm.c main.c fallensnow.c wmctrl.c docs.c \