Tue Apr 27 10:42:40 2021 UTC ()
security/p5-Crypt-PBKDF2: import p5-Crypt-PBKDF2-0.161520

PBKDF2 is a secure password hashing algorithm that uses the techniques
of "key strengthening" to make the complexity of a brute-force
attack arbitrarily high. PBKDF2 uses any other cryptographic hash
or cipher (by convention, usually HMAC-SHA1, but Crypt::PBKDF2 is
fully pluggable), and allows for an arbitrary number of iterations
of the hashing function, and a nearly unlimited output hash size
(up to 2**32 - 1 times the size of the output of the backend hash).
The hash is salted, as any password hash should be, and the salt
may also be of arbitrary size.

diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/security/p5-Crypt-PBKDF2/DESCR
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/security/p5-Crypt-PBKDF2/Makefile
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/security/p5-Crypt-PBKDF2/distinfo

File Added: pkgsrc/security/p5-Crypt-PBKDF2/DESCR
PBKDF2 is a secure password hashing algorithm that uses the techniques
of "key strengthening" to make the complexity of a brute-force
attack arbitrarily high. PBKDF2 uses any other cryptographic hash
or cipher (by convention, usually HMAC-SHA1, but Crypt::PBKDF2 is
fully pluggable), and allows for an arbitrary number of iterations
of the hashing function, and a nearly unlimited output hash size
(up to 2**32 - 1 times the size of the output of the backend hash).
The hash is salted, as any password hash should be, and the salt
may also be of arbitrary size.

File Added: pkgsrc/security/p5-Crypt-PBKDF2/Makefile
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2021/04/27 10:42:40 wiz Exp $

DISTNAME=		Crypt-PBKDF2-0.161520
CATEGORIES=		security perl5

MAINTAINER=		pkgsrc-users@NetBSD.org
HOMEPAGE=		https://metacpan.org/release/Crypt-PBKDF2
COMMENT=		PBKDF2 password hashing algorithm

DEPENDS+=		p5-Moo-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Moo
DEPENDS+=		p5-Type-Tiny-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Type-Tiny
DEPENDS+=		p5-namespace-autoclean-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-namespace-autoclean
DEPENDS+=		p5-Digest-HMAC-[0-9]*:../../security/p5-Digest-HMAC
DEPENDS+=		p5-Digest-SHA3-[0-9]*:../../security/p5-Digest-SHA3
TEST_DEPENDS+=		p5-Test-Fatal-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Test-Fatal
#Warning: prerequisite Try::Tiny 0.04 not found.
#Warning: prerequisite Types::Standard 1.000005 not found.

#BUILD_DEPENDS+=		p5-Crypt-CBC>=1.25:../../security/p5-Crypt-CBC

PERL5_PACKLIST=		auto/Crypt/PBKDF2/.packlist

.include "../../lang/perl5/module.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"

File Added: pkgsrc/security/p5-Crypt-PBKDF2/distinfo
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.1 2021/04/27 10:42:40 wiz Exp $

SHA1 (Crypt-PBKDF2-0.161520.tar.gz) = 250da24c7aa08de07422ee8668eba3135d00fe0a
RMD160 (Crypt-PBKDF2-0.161520.tar.gz) = 27e3b6448400c01551fa8bc3fcfa7e984551f1c3
SHA512 (Crypt-PBKDF2-0.161520.tar.gz) = 0f5dfd6c642fcc3b34bc96f10b6f7344a8f3bac1bda6c610e85099906545bc78953666415240e793deae6db055df6f1007f3a946973ee960921cec4069de3a0a
Size (Crypt-PBKDF2-0.161520.tar.gz) = 17163 bytes