Sat Apr 9 15:22:21 2022 UTC ()
Update to 8.2.4721

8.2.4215  illegal memory access when copying lines in Visual mode
8.2.4216  Vim9: cannot use a function from an autoload import directly
8.2.4217  illegal memory access when undo makes Visual area invalid
8.2.4218  illegal memory access with bracketed paste in Ex mode
8.2.4219  reading before the start of the line
8.2.4220  MS-Windows: some old compiler support remains
8.2.4221  some functions in normal.c are very long
8.2.4222  MS-Windows: clumsy way to suppress progress on CI
8.2.4223  long/int compiler warnings; function arguments swapped
8.2.4224  Vim9: no error when using a number for map() second argument
8.2.4225  Vim9: depth argument of :lockvar not parsed in :def function
8.2.4226  filter-map test fails
8.2.4227  Vim9: using "lockvar!" in :def function does not work
8.2.4228  no tests for clicking in the GUI tabline
8.2.4229  possible crash when invoking timer callback fails
8.2.4230  MS-Windows: set_guifontwide() is included but won't work
8.2.4231  Vim9: map() gives type error when type was not declared
8.2.4232  some compilers don't like a goto label without statement
8.2.4233  crash when recording and using Select mode
8.2.4234  test_garbagecollect_now() does not check v:testing
8.2.4235  invalid check for NULL pointer
8.2.4236  accessing freed memory
8.2.4237  record buffer wrong if character in Select mode was not typed
8.2.4238  *.tf file could be fileytpe "tf" or "terraform"
8.2.4239  build fails with unusual configuration
8.2.4240  error for using flatten() in Vim9 script is unclear
8.2.4241  some type casts are redundant
8.2.4242  put in Visual mode cannot be repeated
8.2.4243  Lua tests fail with Lua 5.4.4
8.2.4244  MS-Windows: warning from MSVC on debug build
8.2.4245  ":retab 0" may cause illegal memory access
8.2.4246  one error message not in errors.h
8.2.4247  stack corruption when looking for spell suggestions
8.2.4248  no proper test for moving the window separator
8.2.4249  the timeout limit for spell suggestions is always 5000
8.2.4250  channel out callback test is flaky on Mac
8.2.4251  vala files are not recognized
8.2.4252  generating the normal command table at runtime is inefficient
8.2.4253  using freed memory when substitute with function call
8.2.4254  using short instead of int
8.2.4255  theoretical computation overflow
8.2.4256  MS-Windows: compiler warnings when compiled with /W4
8.2.4257  Vim9: finding global function without g: prefix inconsistent
8.2.4258  Coverity warns for array overrun
8.2.4259  number of test functions for GUI events is growing
8.2.4260  Vim9: can still use a global function without g:
8.2.4261  accessing invalid memory in a regular expression
8.2.4262  some search tests fail
8.2.4263  no test for the GUI find/replace dialog
8.2.4264  Vim9: can use old style autoload function name
8.2.4265  autoload tests fails
8.2.4266  compiler warning for uninitialized variable
8.2.4267  unused entry in keymap enum
8.2.4268  CI log output is long
8.2.4269  Coverity warns for using a NULL pointer
8.2.4270  generating nv_cmdidxs.h requires building Vim twice
8.2.4271  MS-Windows: cannot build with Ruby 3.1.0
8.2.4272  Vim9 expr test fails without the channel feature
8.2.4273  the EBCDIC support is outdated
8.2.4274  Basic and form filetype detection is incomplete
8.2.4275  cannot use an autoload function from a package under start
8.2.4276  separate test function for the GUI scrollbar
8.2.4277  Vim9: an import does not shadow a command modifier
8.2.4278  build with Athena GUI fails
8.2.4279  Vim9: cannot change item type with map() after range()
8.2.4280  list-dict test crashes
8.2.4281  using freed memory with :lopen and :bwipe
8.2.4282  restricted mode requires the -Z command line option
8.2.4283  using a variable for the return value is not needed
8.2.4284  old mac resources files are no longer used
8.2.4285  Vim9: type of item in for loop not checked properly
8.2.4286  Vim9: strict type checking after copy() and deepcopy()
8.2.4287  cannot assign empty list with type to variable with list type
8.2.4288  preprocessor indents are inconsistent
8.2.4289  warnings reported by MSVC
8.2.4290  MS-Windows: using type casts for timer IDs
8.2.4291  error number used twice
8.2.4292  test fails
8.2.4293  Vim9: when copying a list it gets type list<any>
8.2.4294  MS-Windows: #ifdefs for Cygwin are too complicated
8.2.4295  Vim9: concatenating two lists may result in wrong type
8.2.4296  Vim9: not all code covered by tests
8.2.4297  Vim9: not all code covered by tests
8.2.4298  divide by zero with huge tabstop value
8.2.4299  SafeState autocommand interferes with debugging
8.2.4300  cannot build tiny version
8.2.4301  Vim9: type error for copy of dict
8.2.4302  Vim9: return type of getline() is too strict
8.2.4303  a few messages should not be translated
8.2.4304  Vim9: slice() makes a copy but doesn't change the type
8.2.4305  tex filetype detection fails
8.2.4306  no test for fixed perl filetype check
8.2.4307  a few more messages should not be translated
8.2.4308  Vim9: cannot list autoload function
8.2.4309  Vim9: crash when using a partial in the wrong context
8.2.4310  Vim9: constant list and dict get a declaration type
8.2.4311  Vim9: changing script variable type not caught compile time
8.2.4312  no error for using :vim9script in a :def function
8.2.4313  Vim9: cannot change type of list after making a slice
8.2.4314  test fails where lines are skipped
8.2.4315  put in Visual mode not fully tested
8.2.4316  __CYGWIN32__ is not defined on 64 bit systems
8.2.4317  MS-Windows: Vim exits when Python 3 initialisation fails
8.2.4318  various comment and indent mistakes, returning wrong zero
8.2.4319  :put does not work properly in compiled function
8.2.4320  Athena and Motif: when maximized scrollbar position is wrong
8.2.4321  Vim9: crash when using a funcref to a closure
8.2.4322  Vim9: crash when using funcref with closure
8.2.4323  Vim9: nested function name can start with "_"
8.2.4324  Vim9: script-local function name can start with "_"
8.2.4325  'wildmenu' only shows few matches
8.2.4326  "o" and "O" copying comment not sufficiently tested
8.2.4327  may end up with no current buffer
8.2.4328  command line complete matches cleard when typing character
8.2.4329  no support for end line number and column in 'errorformat'
8.2.4330  Vim9: no error if script imports itself
8.2.4331  Vim9: no test for existing script variable in block
8.2.4332  Vim9: incomplete test for existing script variable in block
8.2.4333  cstack not always passed to where it is needed
8.2.4334  command line popup menu not positioned correctly
8.2.4335  no autocommand event triggered before changing directory
8.2.4336  using :filter for :scriptnames does not work
8.2.4337  part of condition is always true
8.2.4338  an error from an expression mapping messes up the display
8.2.4339  CTRL-A does not work properly with the cmdline popup menu
8.2.4340  Amiga: mch_can_exe() is not implemented
8.2.4341  command line not redrawn when finishing popup menu
8.2.4342  CI will soon switch to other windows version
8.2.4343  when reloading not all properties are detected
8.2.4344  Amiga: header file included twice
8.2.4345  <amatch> is expanded like a file name for DirChangedPre
8.2.4346  a custom statusline may cause Esc to work like Enter
8.2.4347  in some build setups UNUSED is not defined
8.2.4348  "legacy exe cmd" does not do what one would expect
8.2.4349  FileChangedShell test fails on MS-Windows
8.2.4350  FEAT_GUI_ENABLED defined but never used
8.2.4351  no coverage is measured on MS-Windows CI
8.2.4352  ReScript files are not recognized
8.2.4353  CI does not use the latest Lua and Python
8.2.4354  dynamic loading of libsodium not handled properly
8.2.4355  unnecessary call to check_colorcolumn()
8.2.4356  command line completion functions are very long
8.2.4357  sticky command modifiers are too sticky
8.2.4358  Vim9: line number of exception is not set
8.2.4359  crash when repeatedly using :retab
8.2.4360  Vim9: allowing use of "s:" leads to inconsistencies
8.2.4361  Vim9: some tests fail
8.2.4362  :retab may allocate too much memory
8.2.4363  MS-Windows: running out of memory for a very long line
8.2.4364  MS-Windows: still running out of memory for a very long line
8.2.4365  sticky command modifiers are too sticky
8.2.4366  not enough tests for command line completion
8.2.4367  calling in_vim9script() multiple times
8.2.4368  Amiga: a few compiler warnings
8.2.4369  redundant #ifdef argument
8.2.4370  MS-Windows: libsodium.dll not included with the installer
8.2.4371  Vim9: can create a script variable from a legacy function
8.2.4372  filetype detection from file contents is in legacy script
8.2.4373  expression test fails
8.2.4374  unreachable code
8.2.4375  ctx_imports is not used
8.2.4376  not enough tests for command line completion
8.2.4377  CI steps for Windows are a bit unorganized
8.2.4378  incsearch HL broken when calling searchcount in 'tabLine'
8.2.4379  an empty change is reported to a listener
8.2.4380  small differences between Chinese translation files
8.2.4381  translation file listed twice
8.2.4382  a custom 'tabline' may cause Esc to work like Enter
8.2.4383  Vim9: unused code lines
8.2.4384  Vim9: error message not tested, some code not tested
8.2.4385  cannot build tiny version
8.2.4386  still cannot build tiny version
8.2.4387  command line completion doesn't always work properly
8.2.4388  dead code in op_insert()
8.2.4389  screenpos() does not handle a position in a closed fold
8.2.4390  Vim9: list from declaration with inferred type not set
8.2.4391  command line executed when typing Esc in the GUI
8.2.4392  MS-Windows with VIMDLL: Escaping CSI is wrong
8.2.4393  possible number overflow with nested folds
8.2.4394  UTF8 select mode test fails on MS-Windows
8.2.4395  some code lines not covered by tests
8.2.4396  Python3 test fails
8.2.4397  crash when using many composing characters in error message
8.2.4398  some command completion functions are too long
8.2.4399  crash after ml_get error
8.2.4400  MS-Windows: cannot use the mouse in the console with VIMDLL
8.2.4401  map listing does not clear the rest of the command line
8.2.4402  missing parenthesis may cause unexpected problems
8.2.4403  ml_get error with nested folds and deleting lines
8.2.4404  Vim9: some code not covered by tests
8.2.4405  compiler warning for unused variable without +folding
8.2.4406  expand functions use confusing argument names
8.2.4407  Vim9: some code not covered by tests
8.2.4408  Vim9: some code not covered by tests
8.2.4409  Vim9: some code not covered by tests
8.2.4410  Vim9: some code not covered by tests
8.2.4411  bicep files are not recognized
8.2.4412  translation cleanup script does not remove empty lines at end
8.2.4413  Vim9: Coverity warns for using NULL pointer
8.2.4414  solidity files are not recognized
8.2.4415  function argument name conflicts with C++ keyword
8.2.4416  Vim9: using a script-local function requires using "s:"
8.2.4417  using NULL pointer
8.2.4418  crash when using special multi-byte character
8.2.4419  illegal memory access when using 20 highlights
8.2.4420  menu translations are inconsistent
8.2.4421  some installed files and directories have wrong permissions
8.2.4422  autochdir test fails on MS-Windows
8.2.4423  "make nvcmdidxs" fails
8.2.4424  ".gts" and ".gjs" files are not recognized
8.2.4425  map() function does not check function arguments
8.2.4426  map() function on string and blob does not check types
8.2.4427  getchar() may return modifiers if no character is available
8.2.4428  crash when switching tabpage while in the cmdline window
8.2.4429  using script-local function from the wrong script
8.2.4430  GTK: crash when using 'guiligatures' and reading from stdin
8.2.4431  unnecessary condition when assigning to a variable
8.2.4432  cannot use settabvar() while the cmdline window is open
8.2.4433  CI: cannot see interface versions for MS-Windows
8.2.4434  duplicate check for cmdline window
8.2.4435  dead code in checking map() arguments
8.2.4436  crash with weird 'vartabstop' value
8.2.4437  vartabs test fails on MS-Windows
8.2.4438  crash on exit when using cmdline window
8.2.4439  accepting "iso8859" 'encoding' as "iso-8859-"
8.2.4440  crash with specific regexp pattern and string
8.2.4441  Vim9: function argument of filter() not checked like map()
8.2.4442  test for error reading input fails on MS-Windows
8.2.4443  regexp pattern test fails on Mac
8.2.4444  beep caused by test
8.2.4445  exit test fails on MS-Windows anyway
8.2.4446  Vim9: cannot refer to a global function like a local one
8.2.4447  Vim9: can still use s:var in a compiled function
8.2.4448  filetype detection is failing
8.2.4449  Vim9: function argument of sort() not checked at compile time
8.2.4450  list sort test fails
8.2.4451  sort() fails when ignoring case
8.2.4452  test for what 8.2.4436 fixes does not check for regression
8.2.4453  :helpgrep may free an option that was not allocated
8.2.4454  resetting cmdwin_type only for one situation
8.2.4455  accepting one and zero for second sort() argument is strange
8.2.4456  terminal test may fail on some machines
8.2.4457  the GPM library can only be linked statically
8.2.4458  Vim9: compiling filter() call fails with unknown arguments
8.2.4459  Vim9: compiling sort() call fails with unknown arguments
8.2.4460  Vim9: wrong error for defining dict function
8.2.4461  MS-Windows: garbage characters on stdout with VIMDLL
8.2.4462  not enough testing for quickfix code
8.2.4463  completion only uses strict matching
8.2.4464  Dtrace files are recognized as filetype D
8.2.4465  fuzzy completion does not order matches properly
8.2.4466  MS-Windows: illegal memory access in installer
8.2.4467  running filetype test leaves file behind
8.2.4468  Coverity warns for uninitialized struct member
8.2.4469  Coverity warns for uninitialized variable
8.2.4470  Coverity warns for uninitialized variable
8.2.4471  Coverity warns for uninitialized variable
8.2.4472  Coverity warns for use of a freed function name
8.2.4473  Coverity warnds for not checking return value of ftell()
8.2.4474  memory allocation failures not tested in quickfix code
8.2.4475  fuzzy cmdline completion does not work for lower case
8.2.4476  operator name spelled wrong
8.2.4477  crash when using fuzzy completion
8.2.4478  crash when using fuzzy completion
8.2.4479  no fuzzy completieon for maps and abbreviations
8.2.4480  suspending with CTRL-Z does not work on Android
8.2.4481  cmdline popup menu not removed when 'lazyredraw' is set
8.2.4482  no fuzzy cmdline completion for user defined completion
8.2.4483  command completion makes two rounds to collect matches
8.2.4484  Vim9: some error messages are not tested
8.2.4485  compiler warning for uninitialized variable
8.2.4486  MS-Windows GUI: slow scrolling with maximized window
8.2.4487  Vim9: cannot compare with v:null
8.2.4488  build error with +eval but without +channel or +job
8.2.4489  failing test for comparing v:null with number
8.2.4490  terminal focus reporting only works for xterm-like terminals
8.2.4491  MS-Windows makefile dependencies are outdated
8.2.4492  no error if an option is given a value with ":let &opt = val"
8.2.4493  options test fails in the GUI
8.2.4494  the find_tags() function is much too long
8.2.4495  help test fails in 24 line terminal
8.2.4496  Coverity gives warnings after tags code refactoring
8.2.4497  wrong color for half of wide character next to pum scrollbar
8.2.4498  using <Plug> with "noremap" does not work
8.2.4499  Vim9: at the script level declarations leak to next block
8.2.4500  Vim9: can declare a global variable on the command line
8.2.4501  with 'showbreak' set cursor displayed in wrong position
8.2.4502  in the GUI a modifier is not recognized after CTRL-X
8.2.4503  Vim9: there is no point in supporting :Print and :mode
8.2.4504  when there is a partially matching map full map may not work
8.2.4505  Vim9: outdated "autocmd nested" still works
8.2.4506  "pattern not found" for :global is not an error message
8.2.4507  test fails because of new error message
8.2.4508  Vim9: cannot assign to a global variable on the command line
8.2.4509  Vim9: can declare a variable with ":va"
8.2.4510  Vim9: shortening commands leads to confusing script
8.2.4511  filetype test fails
8.2.4512  the find_tags_in_file() function is much too long
8.2.4513  window-local directory is not applied if 'acd' fails
8.2.4514  Vim9: some flow commands can be shortened
8.2.4515  old subsitute syntax is still supported
8.2.4516  build failure without the +eval feature
8.2.4517  MS-Windows: cannot specify location of sodium library
8.2.4518  the binary tag search feature is always enabled
8.2.4519  Vim9: Can still use ":fini" and ":finis" for ":finish"
8.2.4520  using wrong highlight for cursor line number
8.2.4521  build failure without the +diff feature
8.2.4522  GUI test fails with Motif
8.2.4523  when gvim is started maximized the 'window' option isn't set
8.2.4524  MS-Windows: cannot build with some sodium libraries
8.2.4525  some GUI tests don't work on Athena
8.2.4526  Vim9: cannot set variables to a null value
8.2.4527  the Athena GUI is old and does not work well
8.2.4528  crash when using null_function for a partial
8.2.4529  Vim9: comparing partial with function fails
8.2.4530  making comparison with null work changes legacy behavior
8.2.4531  LGTM warnings for condition and buffer size
8.2.4532  suspending with CTRL-Z does not work on OpenBSD
8.2.4533  Vim9: no test that after assigning null type is still checked
8.2.4534  Vim9: "is" operator with empty string and null returns true
8.2.4535  filename modifer ":8" removes the filename
8.2.4536  debugger test fails when breaking on expression
8.2.4537  output from linter and language server shows up in git
8.2.4538  the find_tags_in_file() function is too long
8.2.4539  when comparing special v:none and v:null are handled the same
8.2.4540  line number for error is off by one
8.2.4541  Crash in debugger when a variable is not available
8.2.4542  Vim9: "break" inside try/catch not handled correctly
8.2.4543  Coverity warning for refactored tag search code
8.2.4544  Coverity warnings for not using returned value
8.2.4545  MS-Windows: the installed icon is low resolution
8.2.4546  duplicate #undef
8.2.4547  the neXTaw GUI is old and does not work well
8.2.4548  script-local function is deleted when used in a funcref
8.2.4549  cannot build with Motif and editres
8.2.4550  Motif: cannot set the color of the scrollbar thumb
8.2.4551  when mapping <Esc> terminal codes are not recognized
8.2.4552  in a :def function "put = expr" does not work
8.2.4553  linear tag search is a bit slow
8.2.4554  Vim9: using null values not sufficiently tested
8.2.4555  getmousepos() returns the wrong column
8.2.4556  test fails without the +job or +channel feature
8.2.4557  confusing comment about 'cursorlineopt'
8.2.4558  Motif: using default colors does not work as expected
8.2.4559  getmousepos() returns the screen column
8.2.4560  suspending with CTRL-Z does not work on DragonFlyBSD
8.2.4561  build failure with some combination of features
8.2.4562  linear tag search is not optimal
8.2.4563  "z=" in Visual mode may go beyond the end of the line
8.2.4564  running test leaves file behind
8.2.4565  no command line completion for :breakadd and :breakdel
8.2.4566  check for existing buffer in session file may not work
8.2.4567  bracketed paste doesn't work well in Visual linewise mode
8.2.4568  getmousepos() does not compute the column below the last line
8.2.4569  Coverity warning for not using a return value
8.2.4570  no command line completion for :profile and :profdel
8.2.4571  not all gdb files are recognized
8.2.4572  Vim9: return type "any" is changed to first returned type
8.2.4573  a nested function is compiled for debugging without context
8.2.4574  Vim9: test for profiling fails
8.2.4575  Vim9: test for profiling still fails
8.2.4576  Vim9: error for comparing with null can be annoying
8.2.4577  message test is flaky
8.2.4578  no warning when autoload script for completion has an error
8.2.4579  cannot use page-up and page-down in the cmdline popup menu
8.2.4580  Vim9: incorrect error for shadowing variable
8.2.4581  null types not fully tested
8.2.4582  useless code handling a type declaration
8.2.4583  screendump test fails
8.2.4584  error for using autoload function in custom completion
8.2.4585  cannot use keypad page-up/down for completion menu
8.2.4586  Vim9: no error for using lower case name for "func" argument
8.2.4587  Vim9: double free after unpacking a list
8.2.4588  mapping with key after other matching mapping does not work
8.2.4589  cannot index the g: dictionary
8.2.4590  Vim9: range type check has wrong offset
8.2.4591  cursor line not updated when a callback moves the cursor
8.2.4592  search continues after giving E1204
8.2.4593  unnecessary call to redraw_later()
8.2.4594  need to write script to a file to be able to source them
8.2.4595  X11: using --remote-wait may keep the CPU busy
8.2.4596  installing tutor binary may fail
8.2.4597  LuaV_debug() not covered by tests
8.2.4598  profile completion test sometimes fails
8.2.4599  GTK: get assertion errors when scrolling a split window
8.2.4600  Vim9: not enough test coverage for executing :def function
8.2.4601  Vim9: not enough test coverage for executing :def function
8.2.4602  Vim9: not enough test coverage for executing :def function
8.2.4603  sourcing buffer lines is too complicated
8.2.4604  error for redefining a script item may be confusing
8.2.4605  error for arguments when +clientserver feature not included
8.2.4606  test fails because of changed error message
8.2.4607  sourcing buffer lines may lead to errors for conflicts
8.2.4608  getcompletion() does not work when 'wildoptions' has "fuzzy"
8.2.4609  :unhide does not check for failing to close a window
8.2.4610  some conditions are always true
8.2.4611  typos in tests; one lua line not covered by test
8.2.4612  Vim9: cannot use a recursive call in a nested function
8.2.4613  return type of swapfile_unchanged() is wrong
8.2.4614  redrawing too much when 'cursorline' is set
8.2.4615  mapping with escaped bar does not work in :def function
8.2.4616  Vim9: Declarations in a {} block of a user command remain
8.2.4617  no completion for :scriptnames
8.2.4618  cmdline completion does not recognize single letter commands
8.2.4619  mapping is cancelled when mouse moves and popup is visible
8.2.4620  two letter substitute commands don't work
8.2.4621  crash when using the tabline right-click menu
8.2.4622  Vim9: crash with :execute and :finish
8.2.4623  Coverity warns for using uninitialized field
8.2.4624  old Coverity warning for resource leak
8.2.4625  old Coverity warning for resource leak
8.2.4626  Visual area not updated when removing sign in Visual mode
8.2.4627  flatten() does not use maxdepth correctly
8.2.4628  not enough testing for 2/3 letter substitute commands
8.2.4629  flattennew() makes a deep copy unnecessarily
8.2.4630  'cursorline' not always updated with 'culopt' is "screenline"
8.2.4631  crash when switching window in BufWipeout autocommand
8.2.4632  using freed memory in flatten()
8.2.4633  Visual range does not work before command modifiers
8.2.4634  Vim9: cannot initialize a variable to null_list
8.2.4635  tests using null list or dict fail
8.2.4636  not using Visual range
8.2.4637  warning for using uninitialized variable
8.2.4638  superfluous check if a redraw is needed for 'cursorline'
8.2.4639  not sufficient parenthesis in preprocessor macros
8.2.4640  some boolean options use "long" instead of "int"
8.2.4641  may mark the wrong window for redrawing
8.2.4642  Vim9: in :def function script var cannot be null
8.2.4643  Vim9: variable may be locked unintentionally
8.2.4644  redrawing too often when 'relativenumber' is set
8.2.4645  'shortmess' changed when session does not store options
8.2.4646  using buffer line after it has been freed
8.2.4647  "source" can read past end of copied line
8.2.4648  handling LSP messages is a bit slow
8.2.4649  various formatting problems
8.2.4650  "import autoload" only works with using 'runtimepath'
8.2.4651  test fails because path differs
8.2.4652  leaking memory if assignment fails
8.2.4653  "import autoload" does not check the file name
8.2.4654  missing changes for import check
8.2.4655  cmdline completion popup menu positioned wrong
8.2.4656  Vim9: can't use item from "import autoload" with autoload dir
8.2.4657  errors for functions are sometimes hard to read
8.2.4658  org-mode files are not recognized
8.2.4659  invalid memory access when using printable function name
8.2.4660  cursorcolumn is sometimes not correct
8.2.4661  Coverity warning for using uninitialized variable
8.2.4662  no error for using out of range list index
8.2.4663  occasional crash when running the GUI tests
8.2.4664  Elvish files are not recognized
8.2.4665  popup with "minwidth" and scrollbar not updated properly
8.2.4666  Vim9: assignment not recognized in skipped block
8.2.4667  expandcmd() fails on an error
8.2.4668  buffer allocation failures insufficiently tested
8.2.4669  in compiled code len('string') is not inlined
8.2.4670  memory allocation failures for new tab page not tested
8.2.4671  'wildignorecase' is sometimes not used for glob()
8.2.4672  using :normal with Ex mode may make :substitute hang
8.2.4673  redrawing a split window is slow when using CTRL-F and CTRL-B
8.2.4674  cannot force getting MouseMove events
8.2.4675  no error for missing expression after :elseif
8.2.4676  test fails with different error
8.2.4677  the Athena GUI support is outdated
8.2.4678  Vim9: not all code is tested
8.2.4679  cannot have expandcmd() give an error message for mistakes
8.2.4680  build failure without +postscript
8.2.4681  build fails with a combination of features
8.2.4682  Vim9: can use :unlockvar for const variable
8.2.4683  verbose check with dict_find() to see if a key is present
8.2.4684  cannot open a channel on a Unix domain socket
8.2.4685  when a swap file is found for a popup there is no dialog
8.2.4686  configure doesn't find the Motif library with Cygwin
8.2.4687  "vimgrep /\%v/ *" may cause a crash
8.2.4688  new regexp engine does not give an error for "\%v"
8.2.4689  using <Cmd> in a mapping does not work for mouse keys
8.2.4690  channel tests fail on MS-Windows
8.2.4691  solution for <Cmd> in a mapping causes trouble
8.2.4692  no test for what 8.2.4691 fixes
8.2.4693  new regexp does not accept pattern "\%>0v"
8.2.4694  avoidance of #elif causes more preproc nesting
8.2.4695  JSON encoding could be faster
8.2.4696  delete() with "rf" argument does not report a failure
8.2.4697  Vim9: crash when adding a duplicate key to a dictionary
8.2.4698  Vim9: script variable has no flag that it was set
8.2.4699  hard to reproduce hang when reading from a channel
8.2.4700  buffer remains active if WinClosed event throws an exception
8.2.4701  Kuka Robot Language files not recognized
8.2.4702  C++ scope labels are hard-coded
8.2.4703  memory leak in handling 'cinscopedecls'
8.2.4704  using "else" after return or break increases indent
8.2.4705  jump list marker disappears
8.2.4706  buffer remains active with WinClosed and tabpages
8.2.4707  redrawing could be a bit more efficient
8.2.4708  PHP test files are not recognized
8.2.4709  after :redraw the statusline highlight might be used
8.2.4710  smart indenting does not work after completion
8.2.4711  when 'insermode' is set :edit from <Cmd> mapping misbehaves
8.2.4712  only get profiling information after exiting
8.2.4713  plugins cannot track text scrolling
8.2.4714  using g:filetype_dat and g:filetype_src not tested
8.2.4715  Vagrantfile not recognized
8.2.4716  memory allocation failure not tested when defining a function
8.2.4717  for TextYankPost v:event does not contain all information
8.2.4718  @@@ in the last line sometimes drawn in the wrong place
8.2.4719  ">" marker sometimes not displayed in the jumplist
8.2.4720  ABB Rapid files are not recognized properly
8.2.4721  cooklang files are not recognized

diff -r1.59 -r1.60 pkgsrc/editors/vim-share/PLIST
diff -r1.197 -r1.198 pkgsrc/editors/vim-share/distinfo
diff -r1.136 -r1.137 pkgsrc/editors/vim-share/
diff -r1.9 -r1.10 pkgsrc/editors/vim-share/patches/patch-Makefile

cvs diff -r1.59 -r1.60 pkgsrc/editors/vim-share/PLIST (expand / switch to unified diff)

--- pkgsrc/editors/vim-share/PLIST 2022/01/25 13:46:33 1.59
+++ pkgsrc/editors/vim-share/PLIST 2022/04/09 15:22:20 1.60
@@ -1,31 +1,33 @@ @@ -1,31 +1,33 @@
1@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.59 2022/01/25 13:46:33 morr Exp $ 1@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.60 2022/04/09 15:22:20 morr Exp $
2bin/xxd 2bin/xxd
3man/man1/evim.1 3man/man1/evim.1
4man/man1/vim.1 4man/man1/vim.1
5man/man1/vimdiff.1 5man/man1/vimdiff.1
6man/man1/vimtutor.1 6man/man1/vimtutor.1
7man/man1/xxd.1 7man/man1/xxd.1
8share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/README.txt 8share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/README.txt
9share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/RstFold.vim 9share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/RstFold.vim
10share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/ada.vim 10share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/ada.vim
11share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/adacomplete.vim 11share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/adacomplete.vim
12share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/ccomplete.vim 12share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/ccomplete.vim
13share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/clojurecomplete.vim 13share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/clojurecomplete.vim
14share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/context.vim 14share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/context.vim
15share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/contextcomplete.vim 15share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/contextcomplete.vim
16share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/csscomplete.vim 16share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/csscomplete.vim
17share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/decada.vim 17share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/decada.vim
18share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/dist/ft.vim 18share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/dist/ft.vim
19share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/getscript.vim 21share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/getscript.vim
20share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/gnat.vim 22share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/gnat.vim
21share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/gzip.vim 23share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/gzip.vim
22share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/haskellcomplete.vim 24share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/haskellcomplete.vim
23share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/htmlcomplete.vim 25share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/htmlcomplete.vim
24share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/javascriptcomplete.vim 26share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/javascriptcomplete.vim
25share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/netrw.vim 27share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/netrw.vim
26share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/netrwFileHandlers.vim 28share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/netrwFileHandlers.vim
27share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/netrwSettings.vim 29share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/netrwSettings.vim
28share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/netrw_gitignore.vim 30share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/netrw_gitignore.vim
29share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/paste.vim 31share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/paste.vim
30share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/phpcomplete.vim 32share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/phpcomplete.vim
31share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/python3complete.vim 33share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/autoload/python3complete.vim
@@ -307,26 +309,27 @@ share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/usr_41.txt @@ -307,26 +309,27 @@ share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/usr_41.txt
307share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/usr_42.txt 309share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/usr_42.txt
308share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/usr_43.txt 310share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/usr_43.txt
309share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/usr_44.txt 311share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/usr_44.txt
310share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/usr_45.txt 312share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/usr_45.txt
311share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/usr_46.txt 313share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/usr_46.txt
312share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/usr_90.txt 314share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/usr_90.txt
313share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/usr_toc.txt 315share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/usr_toc.txt
314share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/various.txt 316share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/various.txt
315share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/version4.txt 317share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/version4.txt
316share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/version5.txt 318share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/version5.txt
317share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/version6.txt 319share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/version6.txt
318share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/version7.txt 320share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/version7.txt
319share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/version8.txt 321share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/version8.txt
320share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/vi_diff.txt 323share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/vi_diff.txt
321share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/ 324share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/
322share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/vim9.txt 325share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/vim9.txt
323share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/visual.txt 326share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/visual.txt
324share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/windows.txt 327share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/windows.txt
325share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/workshop.txt 328share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/doc/workshop.txt
326share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/evim.vim 329share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/evim.vim
327share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/filetype.vim 330share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/filetype.vim
328share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftoff.vim 331share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftoff.vim
329share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin.vim 332share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin.vim
330share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/8th.vim 333share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/8th.vim
331share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/README.txt 334share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/README.txt
332share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/a2ps.vim 335share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/a2ps.vim
@@ -489,26 +492,27 @@ share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/pdf.vim @@ -489,26 +492,27 @@ share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/pdf.vim
489share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/perl.vim 492share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/perl.vim
490share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/php.vim 493share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/php.vim
491share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/pinfo.vim 494share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/pinfo.vim
492share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/plaintex.vim 495share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/plaintex.vim
493share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/poke.vim 496share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/poke.vim
494share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/postscr.vim 497share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/postscr.vim
495share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/procmail.vim 498share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/procmail.vim
496share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/prolog.vim 499share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/prolog.vim
497share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/protocols.vim 500share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/protocols.vim
498share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/ps1.vim 501share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/ps1.vim
499share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/ps1xml.vim 502share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/ps1xml.vim
500share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/pyrex.vim 503share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/pyrex.vim
501share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/python.vim 504share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/python.vim
502share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/qf.vim 506share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/qf.vim
503share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/quake.vim 507share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/quake.vim
504share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/r.vim 508share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/r.vim
505share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/racc.vim 509share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/racc.vim
506share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/raku.vim 510share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/raku.vim
507share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/readline.vim 511share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/readline.vim
508share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/registry.vim 512share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/registry.vim
509share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/reva.vim 513share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/reva.vim
510share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/rhelp.vim 514share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/rhelp.vim
511share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/rmd.vim 515share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/rmd.vim
512share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/rnc.vim 516share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/rnc.vim
513share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/rnoweb.vim 517share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/rnoweb.vim
514share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/routeros.vim 518share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/routeros.vim
@@ -579,26 +583,27 @@ share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/ @@ -579,26 +583,27 @@ share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/
579share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/yaml.vim 583share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/yaml.vim
580share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/zimbu.vim 584share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/zimbu.vim
581share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/zsh.vim 585share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugin/zsh.vim
582share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugof.vim 586share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/ftplugof.vim
583share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/gvimrc_example.vim 587share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/gvimrc_example.vim
584share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent.vim 588share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent.vim
585share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/README.txt 589share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/README.txt
586share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/aap.vim 590share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/aap.vim
587share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/ada.vim 591share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/ada.vim
588share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/ant.vim 592share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/ant.vim
589share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/automake.vim 593share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/automake.vim
590share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/awk.vim 594share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/awk.vim
591share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/bash.vim 595share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/bash.vim
592share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/bib.vim 597share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/bib.vim
593share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/bst.vim 598share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/bst.vim
594share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/bzl.vim 599share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/bzl.vim
595share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/c.vim 600share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/c.vim
596share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/cdl.vim 601share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/cdl.vim
597share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/ch.vim 602share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/ch.vim
598share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/chaiscript.vim 603share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/chaiscript.vim
599share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/changelog.vim 604share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/changelog.vim
600share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/clojure.vim 605share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/clojure.vim
601share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/cmake.vim 606share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/cmake.vim
602share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/cobol.vim 607share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/cobol.vim
603share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/config.vim 608share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/config.vim
604share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/context.vim 609share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/context.vim
@@ -614,26 +619,27 @@ share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/docbk.vim @@ -614,26 +619,27 @@ share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/docbk.vim
614share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/dosbatch.vim 619share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/dosbatch.vim
615share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/dtd.vim 620share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/dtd.vim
616share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/dtrace.vim 621share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/dtrace.vim
617share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/dune.vim 622share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/dune.vim
618share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/dylan.vim 623share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/dylan.vim
619share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/eiffel.vim 624share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/eiffel.vim
620share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/elm.vim 625share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/elm.vim
621share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/erlang.vim 626share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/erlang.vim
622share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/eruby.vim 627share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/eruby.vim
623share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/eterm.vim 628share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/eterm.vim
624share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/falcon.vim 629share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/falcon.vim
625share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/fortran.vim 630share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/fortran.vim
626share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/framescript.vim 631share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/framescript.vim
627share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/gitconfig.vim 633share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/gitconfig.vim
628share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/gitolite.vim 634share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/gitolite.vim
629share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/go.vim 635share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/go.vim
630share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/haml.vim 636share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/haml.vim
631share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/hamster.vim 637share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/hamster.vim
632share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/hog.vim 638share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/hog.vim
633share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/html.vim 639share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/html.vim
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636share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/ishd.vim 642share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/ishd.vim
637share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/j.vim 643share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/j.vim
638share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/java.vim 644share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/java.vim
639share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/javascript.vim 645share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/javascript.vim
@@ -660,26 +666,27 @@ share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/nginx.vim @@ -660,26 +666,27 @@ share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/nginx.vim
660share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/nsis.vim 666share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/nsis.vim
661share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/objc.vim 667share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/objc.vim
662share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/ocaml.vim 668share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/ocaml.vim
663share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/occam.vim 669share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/occam.vim
664share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/pascal.vim 670share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/pascal.vim
665share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/perl.vim 671share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/perl.vim
666share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/php.vim 672share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/php.vim
667share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/postscr.vim 673share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/postscr.vim
668share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/pov.vim 674share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/pov.vim
669share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/prolog.vim 675share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/prolog.vim
670share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/ps1.vim 676share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/ps1.vim
671share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/pyrex.vim 677share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/pyrex.vim
672share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/python.vim 678share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/python.vim
673share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/r.vim 680share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/r.vim
674share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/raku.vim 681share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/raku.vim
675share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/raml.vim 682share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/raml.vim
676share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/readline.vim 683share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/readline.vim
677share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/rhelp.vim 684share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/rhelp.vim
678share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/rmd.vim 685share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/rmd.vim
679share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/rnoweb.vim 686share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/rnoweb.vim
680share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/rpl.vim 687share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/rpl.vim
681share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/rrst.vim 688share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/rrst.vim
682share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/rst.vim 689share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/rst.vim
683share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/ruby.vim 690share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/ruby.vim
684share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/rust.vim 691share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/rust.vim
685share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/sas.vim 692share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/indent/sas.vim
@@ -1239,26 +1246,27 @@ share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/procmail. @@ -1239,26 +1246,27 @@ share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/procmail.
1239share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/progress.vim 1246share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/progress.vim
1240share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/prolog.vim 1247share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/prolog.vim
1241share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/promela.vim 1248share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/promela.vim
1242share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/proto.vim 1249share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/proto.vim
1243share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/protocols.vim 1250share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/protocols.vim
1244share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/ps1.vim 1251share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/ps1.vim
1245share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/ps1xml.vim 1252share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/ps1xml.vim
1246share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/psf.vim 1253share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/psf.vim
1247share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/psl.vim 1254share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/psl.vim
1248share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/ptcap.vim 1255share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/ptcap.vim
1249share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/purifylog.vim 1256share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/purifylog.vim
1250share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/pyrex.vim 1257share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/pyrex.vim
1251share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/python.vim 1258share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/python.vim
1252share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/qf.vim 1260share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/qf.vim
1253share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/quake.vim 1261share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/quake.vim
1254share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/r.vim 1262share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/r.vim
1255share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/racc.vim 1263share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/racc.vim
1256share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/radiance.vim 1264share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/radiance.vim
1257share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/raku.vim 1265share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/raku.vim
1258share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/raml.vim 1266share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/raml.vim
1259share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/ratpoison.vim 1267share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/ratpoison.vim
1260share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/rc.vim 1268share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/rc.vim
1261share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/rcs.vim 1269share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/rcs.vim
1262share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/rcslog.vim 1270share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/rcslog.vim
1263share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/readline.vim 1271share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/readline.vim
1264share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/rebol.vim 1272share/vim/${VIM_SUBDIR}/syntax/rebol.vim

cvs diff -r1.197 -r1.198 pkgsrc/editors/vim-share/distinfo (expand / switch to unified diff)

--- pkgsrc/editors/vim-share/distinfo 2022/01/25 13:46:33 1.197
+++ pkgsrc/editors/vim-share/distinfo 2022/04/09 15:22:20 1.198
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
1$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.197 2022/01/25 13:46:33 morr Exp $ 1$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.198 2022/04/09 15:22:20 morr Exp $
2 2
3BLAKE2s (vim-8.2.4214.tar.gz) = 68cf3ac705f3f912ba337da2dae6b5ab3e7b12237651534d56bae42219fe30c0 3BLAKE2s (vim-8.2.4721.tar.gz) = c7f8d7e7d10281b871fd271cef6fd07f41892b82fdae184f60828f62606fa97a
4SHA512 (vim-8.2.4214.tar.gz) = 8e5fc43033441822d6ad1b1dbf213b3587e8f38ed65bb53343ea9719a609203e107aae0323b266ca3ed93fcc34b0b648f231d7fbb4e9ce03a1d1e2f6b42b9abb 4SHA512 (vim-8.2.4721.tar.gz) = 32e2f0db3e49e43e7afd37d316b067f8649c340f03f585e77cd5f973399aaca8aba413d95c71f446ba28c34366f5746a86e13c94eca0dbd68a79e37dff2fbb26
5Size (vim-8.2.4214.tar.gz) = 16003475 bytes 5Size (vim-8.2.4721.tar.gz) = 16276522 bytes
6SHA1 (patch-Makefile) = 342af6768ec3f5d86448a370538a3ad75e2259ee 6SHA1 (patch-Makefile) = eb6c93fb6a3b4364a331d574d94dde9107c8da0b
7SHA1 (patch-auto_configure) = 6517ff23cb337f2fb3874f818d5a50861942aca9 7SHA1 (patch-auto_configure) = 6517ff23cb337f2fb3874f818d5a50861942aca9
8SHA1 (patch-configure) = 4514af45a71309dabfecb8aae019fdc2e36e45b6 8SHA1 (patch-configure) = 4514af45a71309dabfecb8aae019fdc2e36e45b6
9SHA1 (patch-feature.h) = a6cd7ae6267cb7e28d2a174226ccebb94b49dc16 9SHA1 (patch-feature.h) = a6cd7ae6267cb7e28d2a174226ccebb94b49dc16
10SHA1 ( = 24db881cea873330a8a3bf672f6135d0835651fd 10SHA1 ( = 24db881cea873330a8a3bf672f6135d0835651fd

cvs diff -r1.136 -r1.137 pkgsrc/editors/vim-share/ (expand / switch to unified diff)

--- pkgsrc/editors/vim-share/ 2022/01/25 13:46:33 1.136
+++ pkgsrc/editors/vim-share/ 2022/04/09 15:22:20 1.137
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
1# $NetBSD:,v 1.136 2022/01/25 13:46:33 morr Exp $ 1# $NetBSD:,v 1.137 2022/04/09 15:22:20 morr Exp $
2 2
5# Changelog: see 5# Changelog: see
6VIM_SUBDIR= vim82 6VIM_SUBDIR= vim82
7 7
8PRINT_PLIST_AWK+= { gsub(/${VIM_SUBDIR}/, "$${VIM_SUBDIR}"); print; next; } 8PRINT_PLIST_AWK+= { gsub(/${VIM_SUBDIR}/, "$${VIM_SUBDIR}"); print; next; }

cvs diff -r1.9 -r1.10 pkgsrc/editors/vim-share/patches/patch-Makefile (expand / switch to unified diff)

--- pkgsrc/editors/vim-share/patches/patch-Makefile 2020/06/21 19:53:01 1.9
+++ pkgsrc/editors/vim-share/patches/patch-Makefile 2022/04/09 15:22:21 1.10
@@ -1,56 +1,21 @@ @@ -1,56 +1,21 @@
1$NetBSD: patch-Makefile,v 1.9 2020/06/21 19:53:01 morr Exp $ 1$NetBSD: patch-Makefile,v 1.10 2022/04/09 15:22:21 morr Exp $
2 2
3Handle Xaw support appropiately. 3Handle Xaw support appropiately.
4 4
5Fix GNUmakeism by not depending on $< in non-suffix rules. 5Fix GNUmakeism by not depending on $< in non-suffix rules.
6 6
7--- src/Makefile.orig 2018-07-27 21:16:51.000000000 +0000 7--- src/Makefile.orig 2018-07-27 21:16:51.000000000 +0000
8+++ src/Makefile 8+++ src/Makefile
9@@ -1297,22 +1297,27 @@ MOTIF_BUNDLE = 
10 ### Athena GUI 
11 ### Use Xaw3d to make the menus look a little bit nicer 
12 #XAW_LIB = -lXaw3d 
13-XAW_LIB = -lXaw 
14+#XAW_LIB = -lXaw 
16 ### When using Xaw3d, uncomment/comment the following lines to also get the 
17 ### scrollbars from Xaw3d. 
18-#ATHENA_SRC = gui.c gui_athena.c gui_x11.c gui_beval.c gui_at_fs.c 
19-#ATHENA_OBJ = objects/gui.o objects/gui_athena.o objects/gui_x11.o \ 
20-# objects/gui_beval.o objects/gui_at_fs.o 
22-# -Dvim_scrollbarWidgetClass=scrollbarWidgetClass \ 
23-# -Dvim_XawScrollbarSetThumb=XawScrollbarSetThumb 
24+.if defined(XAW_LIB) 
25+.if (${XAW_LIB} != "-lXaw") 
26+ATHENA_SRC = gui.c gui_athena.c gui_x11.c gui_beval.c gui_at_fs.c 
27+ATHENA_OBJ = objects/gui.o objects/gui_athena.o objects/gui_x11.o \ 
28+ objects/gui_beval.o objects/gui_at_fs.o 
30+ -Dvim_scrollbarWidgetClass=scrollbarWidgetClass \ 
31+ -Dvim_XawScrollbarSetThumb=XawScrollbarSetThumb 
33 ATHENA_SRC = gui.c gui_athena.c gui_x11.c gui_beval.c \ 
34 gui_at_sb.c gui_at_fs.c 
35 ATHENA_OBJ = objects/gui.o objects/gui_athena.o objects/gui_x11.o \ 
36 objects/gui_beval.o \ 
37 objects/gui_at_sb.o objects/gui_at_fs.o 
39+.endif # Xaw 
40+.endif # defined(XAW_LIB) 
44@@ -2236,7 +2241,7 @@ installrtbase: $(HELPSOURCE)/vim.1 $(DES 9@@ -2236,7 +2241,7 @@ installrtbase: $(HELPSOURCE)/vim.1 $(DES
45 mv -f tags tags.dist; fi 10 mv -f tags tags.dist; fi
46 @echo generating help tags 11 @echo generating help tags
47 -@cd $(HELPSOURCE); if test -z "$(CROSS_COMPILING)"; then \ 12 -@cd $(HELPSOURCE); if test -z "$(CROSS_COMPILING)"; then \
48- $(MAKE) VIMEXE=$(DEST_BIN)/$(VIMTARGET) vimtags; fi 13- $(MAKE) VIMEXE=$(DEST_BIN)/$(VIMTARGET) vimtags; fi
49+ $(MAKE) VIMEXE=../../src/$(VIMTARGET) vimtags; fi 14+ $(MAKE) VIMEXE=../../src/$(VIMTARGET) vimtags; fi
50 cd $(HELPSOURCE); \ 15 cd $(HELPSOURCE); \
51 files=`ls *.txt tags`; \ 16 files=`ls *.txt tags`; \
52 files="$$files `ls *.??x tags-?? 2>/dev/null || true`"; \ 17 files="$$files `ls *.??x tags-?? 2>/dev/null || true`"; \
53@@ -2379,32 +2384,32 @@ installtools: $(TOOLS) $(DESTDIR)$(exec_ 18@@ -2379,32 +2384,32 @@ installtools: $(TOOLS) $(DESTDIR)$(exec_
54 fi 19 fi
55 -chmod $(FILEMOD) $(DEST_TOOLS)/* 20 -chmod $(FILEMOD) $(DEST_TOOLS)/*
56 # replace the path in some tools 21 # replace the path in some tools