Thu May 4 12:40:09 2023 UTC ()
time/py-pytz_deprecation_shim: import py-pytz_deprecation_shim-

pytz has served the Python community well for many years, but it
is no longer the best option for providing time zones. pytz has a
non-standard interface that is very easy to misuse; this interface
was necessary when pytz was created, because datetime had no way
to represent ambiguous datetimes, but this was solved in in Python
3.6, which added a fold attribute to datetimes in PEP 495. With
the addition of the zoneinfo module in Python 3.9 (PEP 615), there
has never been a better time to migrate away from pytz.

However, since pytz time zones are used very differently from a
standard tzinfo, and many libraries have built pytz zones into
their standard time zone interface (and thus may have users relying
on the existence of the localize and normalize methods); this
library provides shim classes that are compatible with both PEP
495 and pytz's interface, to make it easier for libraries to
deprecate pytz.

diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/time/py-pytz_deprecation_shim/DESCR
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/time/py-pytz_deprecation_shim/Makefile
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/time/py-pytz_deprecation_shim/PLIST
diff -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/time/py-pytz_deprecation_shim/distinfo

File Added: pkgsrc/time/py-pytz_deprecation_shim/DESCR
pytz has served the Python community well for many years, but it
is no longer the best option for providing time zones. pytz has a
non-standard interface that is very easy to misuse; this interface
was necessary when pytz was created, because datetime had no way
to represent ambiguous datetimes, but this was solved in in Python
3.6, which added a fold attribute to datetimes in PEP 495. With
the addition of the zoneinfo module in Python 3.9 (PEP 615), there
has never been a better time to migrate away from pytz.

However, since pytz time zones are used very differently from a
standard tzinfo, and many libraries have built pytz zones into
their standard time zone interface (and thus may have users relying
on the existence of the localize and normalize methods); this
library provides shim classes that are compatible with both PEP
495 and pytz's interface, to make it easier for libraries to
deprecate pytz.

File Added: pkgsrc/time/py-pytz_deprecation_shim/Makefile
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2023/05/04 12:40:09 wiz Exp $

DISTNAME=	pytz_deprecation_shim-0.1.0.post0
CATEGORIES=	time python
MASTER_SITES=	${MASTER_SITE_PYPI:=p/pytz_deprecation_shim/}

COMMENT=	Shims to make deprecation of pytz easier
LICENSE=	apache-2.0

TOOL_DEPENDS+=	${PYPKGPREFIX}-setuptools-[0-9]*:../../devel/py-setuptools
TOOL_DEPENDS+=	${PYPKGPREFIX}-wheel-[0-9]*:../../devel/py-wheel
TEST_DEPENDS+=	${PYPKGPREFIX}-hypothesis-[0-9]*:../../devel/py-hypothesis
TEST_DEPENDS+=	${PYPKGPREFIX}-test-[0-9]*:../../devel/py-test
TEST_DEPENDS+=	${PYPKGPREFIX}-pytz-[0-9]*:../../time/py-pytz



# needs 'make install'

.include "../../lang/python/"
.include "../../mk/"

File Added: pkgsrc/time/py-pytz_deprecation_shim/PLIST
@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.1 2023/05/04 12:40:09 wiz Exp $

File Added: pkgsrc/time/py-pytz_deprecation_shim/distinfo
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.1 2023/05/04 12:40:09 wiz Exp $

BLAKE2s (pytz_deprecation_shim-0.1.0.post0.tar.gz) = 5345965386960ee493dc5a6ea5eaf57ad7f0b4c027d9f6b09bf1c0eb6171b50b
SHA512 (pytz_deprecation_shim-0.1.0.post0.tar.gz) = 201eea777f4da9def1b060911da5eaa89652f6716d5608278fdc94a2f67af5ea23a8b667cb181e03d5edd7f0a07f4954047621668f4c2e7bb325dd07f454d0b6
Size (pytz_deprecation_shim-0.1.0.post0.tar.gz) = 60190 bytes