Mon Jul 10 16:17:42 2023 UTC ()
redis: updated to 7.0.12

Redis 7.0.12

Upgrade urgency SECURITY: See security fixes below.

Security Fixes:
* (CVE-2022-24834) A specially crafted Lua script executing in Redis can trigger
  a heap overflow in the cjson and cmsgpack libraries, and result in heap
  corruption and potentially remote code execution. The problem exists in all
  versions of Redis with Lua scripting support, starting from 2.6, and affects
  only authenticated and authorized users.
* (CVE-2023-36824) Extracting key names from a command and a list of arguments
  may, in some cases, trigger a heap overflow and result in reading random heap
  memory, heap corruption and potentially remote code execution. Specifically:
  using COMMAND GETKEYS* and validation of key names in ACL rules.

Bug Fixes
* Re-enable downscale rehashing while there is a fork child
* Fix possible hang in HRANDFIELD, SRANDMEMBER, ZRANDMEMBER when used with `<count>`
* Improve fairness issue in RANDOMKEY, HRANDFIELD, SRANDMEMBER, ZRANDMEMBER, SPOP, and eviction
* Fix WAIT to be effective after a blocked module command being unblocked
* Avoid unnecessary full sync after master restart in a rare case

diff -r1.80 -r1.81 pkgsrc/databases/redis/Makefile
diff -r1.73 -r1.74 pkgsrc/databases/redis/distinfo

cvs diff -r1.80 -r1.81 pkgsrc/databases/redis/Makefile (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/databases/redis/Makefile 2023/04/19 05:01:08 1.80
+++ pkgsrc/databases/redis/Makefile 2023/07/10 16:17:42 1.81
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.80 2023/04/19 05:01:08 adam Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.81 2023/07/10 16:17:42 adam Exp $
-DISTNAME=	redis-7.0.11
+DISTNAME=	redis-7.0.12
 CATEGORIES=	databases

cvs diff -r1.73 -r1.74 pkgsrc/databases/redis/distinfo (expand / switch to context diff)
--- pkgsrc/databases/redis/distinfo 2023/04/19 05:01:08 1.73
+++ pkgsrc/databases/redis/distinfo 2023/07/10 16:17:42 1.74
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.73 2023/04/19 05:01:08 adam Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.74 2023/07/10 16:17:42 adam Exp $
-BLAKE2s (redis-7.0.11.tar.gz) = 372d2b4ed127e813546fd03d0c9dba03a8651e3392ac9ebab84445448ef13a09
-SHA512 (redis-7.0.11.tar.gz) = 679c908b87b4e513401b49d7b87ac1cb03a29dd145dc2364afd579dd541a38feb5d65ee9b7077bb6ec96c3850812bdd475ca10d5cf92ebe52839ff1a2be89174
-Size (redis-7.0.11.tar.gz) = 2988485 bytes
+BLAKE2s (redis-7.0.12.tar.gz) = 78684d13cb52e713c14fcd6b3a5bdb686704f59ed47056da9790c5db439bb486
+SHA512 (redis-7.0.12.tar.gz) = 27ed0ab054d262028d236694f323387e3ef0e007de782545878011a7535e188152ed0af898dea4d6c0a7fa385849bbce6a0d85661780cb0e69c7d89dea3825b8
+Size (redis-7.0.12.tar.gz) = 2992216 bytes
 SHA1 (patch-redis.conf) = ee657a9d82711263ceb0fb8f7d8059ed23528fe9
 SHA1 (patch-src_Makefile) = 2c23fb065e827e0cb25fdfba1bc1976db03dc789
 SHA1 (patch-src_hyperloglog.c) = e9bdd3c630024a6fbe02c2c1d85e26131ad938cf