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recent branches: MAIN (4h)  netbsd-8 (5d)  netbsd-10 (5d)  netbsd-9 (11d)  thorpej-ifq (175d)  thorpej-altq-separation (178d) 

2024-05-10 02:50:45 UTC Now

2012-03-17 17:54:22 UTC netbsd-6 commitmail json YAML

Pull up following revision(s) (requested by martin in ticket #123):
sys/arch/sparc64/include/param.h: revision 1.49
sys/arch/sparc64/include/param.h: revision 1.50
Restrict NKMEMPAGES to 2.5GB, otherwise we will run out of space in the
kernel_map on machines with 8GB (or more) main memory.
XXX: Moving KERNBASE/KERNEND is a better long term solution, but this allows
those machines to boot now.
Fix previous, which causes an integer overflow error in uvm_km.c on
32-bit kernels.


2012-03-17 17:53:01 UTC netbsd-6 commitmail json YAML

Pull up following revision(s) (requested by gson in ticket #122):
sys/netinet/rfc6056.c: revision 1.5
Fix random kernel memory corruption by algo_doublehash().  And by
"random" I don't mean just "arbitary" as in using an uninitialized
pointer, but random as in corrupting the contents of memory addresses
chosen using a crypto-strength random number generator.
I believe this is the likely cause of multiple reports of random
crashes over the last six months, including kern/45677 and kern/46096.


2012-03-17 17:51:48 UTC netbsd-6 commitmail json YAML

Pull up following revision(s) (requested by blymn in ticket #121):
lib/libcurses/clrtoeol.c: revision 1.26
lib/libcurses/clrtobot.c: revision 1.22
PR/46049: Tim van der Molen:
clrtobot() and clrtoeol() do not set background attributes


2012-03-17 17:50:44 UTC netbsd-6 commitmail json YAML

Pull up following revision(s) (requested by skrll in ticket #120):
lib/libc/arch/hppa/sys/brk.S: revision 1.5
lib/libc/arch/hppa/sys/sbrk.S: revision 1.5
Use the _end symbol rather than the end symbol.  Prevents version info
problems in elflink.c for the heimdal libraries.


2012-03-17 17:49:55 UTC netbsd-6 commitmail json YAML

Pull up following revision(s) (requested by joerg in ticket #119):
tests/lib/libc/stdio/t_printf.c: revision 1.5
tests/lib/libc/stdio/t_scanf.c: revision 1.2
tests/lib/libc/gen/t_humanize_number.c: revision 1.6
Mark w_printf as __printflike and fix a format string error.
Fix format strings to properly quote %.


2012-03-17 17:48:49 UTC netbsd-6 commitmail json YAML

Pull up following revision(s) (requested by joerg in ticket #118):
external/bsd/iscsi/dist/src/lib/initiator.c: revision 1.8
external/bsd/iscsi/dist/src/lib/protocol.c: revision 1.3
external/bsd/iscsi/dist/src/lib/disk.c: revision 1.7
external/bsd/iscsi/dist/src/lib/parameters.c: revision 1.3
external/bsd/iscsi/dist/src/lib/util.c: revision 1.3
external/bsd/iscsi/dist/src/lib/conffile.c: revision 1.3
external/bsd/iscsi/dist/include/iscsiutil.h: revision 1.4
Add __printflike where needed. Fix various format string issues.


2012-03-17 17:40:08 UTC netbsd-6 commitmail json YAML

Pull up following revision(s) (requested by perseant in ticket #116):
sys/ufs/lfs/lfs_alloc.c: revision 1.112
tests/fs/vfs/t_rmdirrace.c: revision 1.9
tests/fs/vfs/t_renamerace.c: revision 1.25
sys/ufs/lfs/lfs_vnops.c: revision 1.240
sys/ufs/lfs/lfs_segment.c: revision 1.224
sys/ufs/lfs/lfs_bio.c: revision 1.122
sys/ufs/lfs/lfs_vfsops.c: revision 1.294
sbin/newfs_lfs/make_lfs.c: revision 1.19
sys/ufs/lfs/lfs.h: revision 1.136
Pass t_renamerace and t_rmdirrace tests.
Adapt dholland@'s fix to ufs_rename to fix PR kern/43582.  Address several
other MP locking issues discovered during the course of investigating the
same problem.
Removed extraneous vn_lock() calls on the Ifile, since the Ifile writes
are controlled by the segment lock.
Fix PR kern/45982 by deemphasizing the estimate of how much metadata
will fill the empty space on disk when the disk is nearly empty
(t_renamerace crates a lot of inode blocks on a tiny empty disk).


2012-03-17 17:39:44 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Add '-e ignore" to atf-check(1) and remove xfail. Pointed by njoly@.


2012-03-17 17:33:56 UTC netbsd-6 commitmail json YAML

Pull up following revision(s) (requested by dyoung in ticket #115):
usr.bin/ktruss/ revision 1.6
Use 'sort -n -k 3' instead of 'sort -n +2' since the former is more
portable.  The latter is not supported by Mac OS X Lion.


2012-03-17 17:33:08 UTC netbsd-6 commitmail json YAML

Pull up following revision(s) (requested by skrll in ticket #114):
sys/arch/hppa/hppa/trap.c: revision 1.99
sys/arch/hppa/hppa/vm_machdep.c: revision 1.51
sys/arch/hppa/hppa/vm_machdep.c: revision 1.52
Deal with setting of space registers and protection ids for posix_spawn.
Thanks to martin for the help.
Remove WIP code.


2012-03-17 17:29:34 UTC netbsd-6 commitmail json YAML

Pull up following revision(s) (requested by rmind in ticket #113):
sys/uvm/uvm_km.c: revision 1.123
uvm_km_kmem_alloc: return ENOMEM on failure in PMAP_MAP_POOLPAGE case.


2012-03-17 17:28:41 UTC netbsd-6 commitmail json YAML

Pull up following revision(s) (requested by plunky in ticket #112):
gnu/dist/groff/contrib/mm/ revision 1.2
gnu/dist/groff/contrib/mm/ revision 1.3
gnu/dist/groff/ revision 1.2
use character escapes for non-ASCII chars, according to mandoc_char(7)
Fix typo, now this has a NAME section.
format the generated manpage date as per Dd macro, for consistency
(although this field is a free-form footer, mandoc -Tlint warns about it)


2012-03-17 17:26:07 UTC netbsd-6 commitmail json YAML

Pull up following revision(s) (requested by lars in ticket #111):
sys/dev/pci/hdaudio/hdafg.c: revision 1.16
call kmem_free with the right address in hdafg_detach for sc_widgets
the former code let to memory corruption


2012-03-17 17:24:23 UTC netbsd-6 commitmail json YAML

Pull up following revision(s) (requested by plunky in ticket #110):
external/bsd/pcc/dist/pcc/cc/ccom/gcc_compat.c: revision 1.2
external/bsd/pcc/dist/pcc/cc/ccom/pass1.h: revision 1.2
recognise (but ignore) the __returns_twice__ GCC attribute


2012-03-17 17:23:34 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-17 17:22:54 UTC netbsd-6 commitmail json YAML

Pull up following revision(s) (requested by he in ticket #109):
etc/root/dot.cshrc: revision 1.23
etc/root/dot.cshrc: revision 1.24
etc/root/dot.profile: revision 1.26
Can't use Bourne shell syntax here... (Even in comments, for PKG_PATH.)
Point first to 6.0 packages, then to packages for 5.1 or 5.0.
The latter have reduced usefullness in -current or netbsd-6 until
we have a compat50 package.


2012-03-17 17:20:00 UTC netbsd-6 commitmail json YAML

regen for ticket #90: add product ID for the Kingston DataTraveler 100 G2.


2012-03-17 17:17:07 UTC netbsd-6 commitmail json YAML

Pull up following revision(s) (requested by riz in ticket #90):
sys/dev/usb/usbdevs: revision 1.610
sys/dev/usb/umass_quirks.c: revision 1.93
add product ID for the Kingston DataTraveler 100 G2.
Add quirk for Kingston DataTraveler 100 G2 (which apparently has
a Toshiba vendor ID)


2012-03-17 17:16:41 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-17 17:15:29 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-17 16:48:35 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

use __inline to fix nspr's configure issue


2012-03-17 16:40:14 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-17 16:35:02 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-17 16:33:22 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-17 14:42:13 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-17 14:29:19 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Fix table, addresses PR 46214 by Nicolas Joly.


2012-03-17 12:42:31 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-17 12:25:11 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

njoly remarks that Lk doesn't make sense here, since it won't ever resolve
correctly due to using ${RELEASE} in the URL. Revert previous.


2012-03-17 11:45:00 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Always check index against array bound; keep only the printf under
DIAGNOSTIC. Suggested by matthew green


2012-03-17 11:15:42 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-17 11:13:03 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-17 11:11:36 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-17 11:11:00 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-17 11:10:33 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Make a quick note about adding a short summary of changes to the cvs import

Currently you can't prepare that in advance and then use cvs import -F
file to supply the log message in a file. Will file a PR on cvs for this.


2012-03-17 11:09:29 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-17 08:37:08 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-17 08:34:55 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-17 02:48:51 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

PR/46077: M. Nunberg: Stat should not fial on connecting socket.


2012-03-17 02:25:08 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

PR/43141: Tobias Nygren: Print an error on unknown interfaces.


2012-03-17 02:13:45 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

PR/42179: Christoph Badura: Be a little friendlier about missing args.


2012-03-16 23:13:49 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Prevent access beyond end of PUFFS file on read,
similar to as is done for NFS.


2012-03-16 11:44:54 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

This version of __diagssert13 is dead.


2012-03-16 08:51:47 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Allow testing of exec pages on PowerPC BookE.
Make return_one actually do the right thing.


2012-03-16 08:39:54 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Fix last commit that broke lookup for dot with op DELETE.

Reviewed by: David Holland <>


2012-03-16 08:14:12 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

This is no longer expected to fail.


2012-03-16 07:41:55 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Add CPU_EXECPROT sysctl so that atf can enable exec permission tests for
PPC Booke.


2012-03-16 07:23:38 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Make sure to have copyinstr return ENAMETOOLONG if the string was too long.


2012-03-16 06:47:37 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Fix PR/49150.
Make listen(2) match the opengroup specification for what what errno to
return if the socket is connected when a listen(2) is attempted.


2012-03-16 06:15:17 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Don't rely on INT_MAX being unmapped.  Use mmap to get a page and then unmap
it.  Then use that address for msync.


2012-03-16 05:43:10 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Add an entry for myself.


2012-03-15 22:35:04 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-15 19:04:47 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-15 18:52:02 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-15 18:49:50 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Use the right marcro for loop bound, avoids read past array end. Found by
gcc -03


2012-03-15 18:40:32 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Also print and bail out if the hardware returned a too large bSamFreqType,
instead of reading past descriptor array. Found by gcc -O3


2012-03-15 18:39:21 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Always init *val; some callers of zyd_read*() do not check the return
value for error. Found by gcc -O3


2012-03-15 18:38:37 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Do not read array before detecting array overflow, found by gcc -O3


2012-03-15 18:37:44 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Do not read past array end, found by gcc -O3.
This could cause to HWRITE4() a bad value, but maybe last 2 bytes are
probably ignored by hardware anyway.


2012-03-15 18:35:20 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Do not read past array end; found by gcc -O3


2012-03-15 18:34:40 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Fix array overflow, found by gcc -O3.


2012-03-15 18:22:31 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-15 16:47:38 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

missed one (thanks joerg)


2012-03-15 16:20:36 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

always set *data to appease gcc -03 (some users of cx24227_readreg() don't
check return value for error).


2012-03-15 16:19:02 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Do not use uninitialized level if fujitsu_bp_get_brightness() returned
an error; from gcc -O3 (completely harmless in this case though).


2012-03-15 16:17:48 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-15 15:49:59 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Remove trailing whitespace.


2012-03-15 15:43:43 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Fix obsolete example (that referred to letters in process state that are
not set anymore), and clarify their meaning.


2012-03-15 15:04:23 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Don't error out for non-literal format strings with Clang until the rest
of the __printflike changes are in the tree.


2012-03-15 13:25:46 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Fix random kernel memory corruption by algo_doublehash().  And by
"random" I don't mean just "arbitary" as in using an uninitialized
pointer, but random as in corrupting the contents of memory addresses
chosen using a crypto-strength random number generator.

I believe this is the likely cause of multiple reports of random
crashes over the last six months, including kern/45677 and kern/46096.


2012-03-15 13:23:10 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-15 12:57:28 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Add another testcase that check setting file times with unprivileged


2012-03-15 12:49:36 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Use puffs_access() return value in the VA_UTIMES_NULL case.


2012-03-15 12:42:28 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Use VOP va_vaflags attribute for genfs_can_chtimes(), not rumpfs node


2012-03-15 11:46:08 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-15 08:53:56 UTC netbsd-6 commitmail json YAML

2012-03-15 08:53:43 UTC netbsd-6 commitmail json YAML

Pull up the following revisions(s) (requested by dholland in ticket #117):
usr.bin/last/want.c: revision 1.15-116

Keep track of the timestamp of the last (thus oldest) record seen and use
it to print "wtmp[x] begins" at the end. When the wtmp file is empty, use
the last mod time of the wtmp file. Fixes PR/39444.


2012-03-15 08:50:59 UTC netbsd-5 commitmail json YAML

2012-03-15 08:50:41 UTC netbsd-5 commitmail json YAML

Pull up the following revisions(s) (requested by dholland in ticket #1744):
usr.bin/last/want.c: revision 1.15-1.16

Keep track of the timestamp of the last (thus oldest) record seen and use
it to print "wtmp[x] begins" at the end. When the wtmp file is empty, use
the last mod time of the wtmp file. Fixes PR/39444.


2012-03-15 05:47:19 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

adjust the backlight control interface to match the other drivers ( genfb,
r128fb, voyagerfb etc. ) so the lid_switch script does the right thing
noticed by riz, I thought I fixed that a long time ago


2012-03-15 04:06:55 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-15 03:12:51 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

we need to zap the glyph cache when re-initializing after X


2012-03-15 03:04:05 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Tidy up: we no longer need FIRSTVALID for its original purpose, so change
the name of the symbol to something that applies to the remaining use.


2012-03-15 03:01:03 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

When the wtmp file is empty, for the "wtmp[x] begins..." output, use
the last mod time of the wtmp file (in practice, the time it was last
rotated, which is when it begins) instead of the current time, which
wasn't ever particularly useful. PR 39444.


2012-03-15 02:55:02 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Keep track of the timestamp of the last (thus oldest) record seen and use
it to print "wtmp[x] begins" at the end, instead of knowing where to look
in the final utmp buffer to get a final timestamp out. This is both tidier
and fixes a problem with wtmpx files, which is that if the header record
is missing (which it seems to be on my machines) it would fetch the wrong
time out, and if you happened to have a one-record wtmp file it would use
the current time instead. This change restores the traditional behavior
of printing the time of the oldest record in the file, and if no records
are present to use the current time.

It might be a bug that wtmpx files don't seem to have the header
record they supposedly ought to.


2012-03-15 02:02:24 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-15 02:00:52 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Decouple HAVE_LLVM from HAVE_GCC. For GCC, add -Wno-format-zero-length
when -Wformat is used.


2012-03-15 01:44:44 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-15 01:44:08 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Mark w_printf as __printflike and fix a format string error.


2012-03-15 01:02:20 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Don't overwrite Roberto's external $Id.


2012-03-15 00:57:56 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML



2012-03-15 00:17:22 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-15 00:16:07 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Add __diagassert13() so that if libc is compiled with _DIAGNOSTIC, it does
not end up bringing in all of stdio.
XXX: This is temporary.


2012-03-15 00:09:08 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

- this file is still used from assembly. protect inlines against __ASSEMBLER__
- rename __zero -> __zeroll, __negative -> __negative_p


2012-03-15 00:08:23 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-14 23:47:20 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Add BOZO_PRINTFLIKE for functions that pass an argument and va_arg to
a vprintf-like function.


2012-03-14 17:03:11 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Rename __zero to __sf128_zero to avoid clashes with the strange new
inline function in cdefs.h


2012-03-14 16:50:34 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-14 14:18:11 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Use the _end symbol rather than the end symbol.  Prevents version info
problems in elflink.c for the heimdal libraries.


2012-03-14 13:47:40 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

henning petersen in PR xsrc/46172: do not used removed function
miPointerAbsoluteCursor(), replace with miPointerSetPosition().


2012-03-14 13:41:07 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

lynxfb too.

> Replace the remaining KAUTH_GENERIC_ISSUSER authorization calls with
> something meaningful. All relevant documentation has been updated or
> written.


2012-03-14 13:26:43 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Disable generation of boot floppy images for sparc, which do not fit on
floppy disks anymore, to unbreak the build (for now).
If someone feels like adding and testing ustarfs support in the floppy
/boot, please reenable again.


2012-03-14 13:24:48 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-14 12:01:53 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-14 11:51:54 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Bump date for previous.
Spell "file system" like in other man pages.
Fix typos.


2012-03-14 11:50:53 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Skip the ENOMEM/RLIMIT_MEMLOCK case when doing mlockall(2).


2012-03-14 11:44:42 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Remove trailing whitespace. Fix typo. Sort.


2012-03-14 02:57:10 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Don't try to match a device if there's already a device attached at
the specified address.


2012-03-14 00:25:19 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-13 22:37:51 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-13 22:24:48 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-13 22:12:40 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Disable -w again until the complains are resolved.


2012-03-13 21:32:12 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-13 21:14:55 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

use __type_fit() instead of locally brewed macro


2012-03-13 21:13:49 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

PR/45989: Martin Husemann: lint invocation does include -w only on i386

- turn lint -w for all the platforms after fixing the lint warnings.
- add _DIAGASSERTS() for casts that would assign values to types that
  would not fit.
- change types, add casts
- change into ansii prototypes
- turn on _DIAGNOSTIC for libc (during current, to be eliminated for release

approved by core@


2012-03-13 21:07:28 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Type macros providing min and max values for the given type, plus one that
returns if a value can be represented in a given type.


2012-03-13 21:00:32 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Mark _rtld_debug_state as not to be inlined. Add an explicit instruction
barrier to prevent removal of calls to it.


2012-03-13 19:25:43 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-13 18:50:42 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-13 18:41:16 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Replace the remaining KAUTH_GENERIC_ISSUSER authorization calls with
something meaningful. All relevant documentation has been updated or

Most of these changes were brought up in the following messages:

Thanks to christos, manu, njoly, and jmmv for input.

Huge thanks to pgoyette for spinning these changes through some build
cycles and ATF.


2012-03-13 18:36:49 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Remove TNF license.


2012-03-13 18:24:54 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-13 17:26:05 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

we don't need malloc.h here


2012-03-13 17:12:30 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Entries to the file contents need to be NULL terminated.


2012-03-13 10:32:59 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

* Sync with FreeBSD: src/share/misc/bsd-family-tree,v rev. 1.151
  Add DragonFly 3.0.1.


2012-03-13 06:37:03 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-13 05:56:46 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

A modctl(MODCTL_STAT, ...) always succeeds, even in non-modular kernels such
as Xen domUs. Thus, refactor the code to detect non-modular kernels; when the
other operations (MODCTL_LOAD or MODCTL_UNLOAD) fail specifically with ENOSYS,
this is taken as a hint about non-modularity and the test is skipped.


2012-03-13 05:40:00 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-13 01:05:55 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Move the pthread_once alias where it belongs.


2012-03-12 22:02:07 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Use 'sort -n -k 3' instead of 'sort -n +2' since the former is more
portable.  The latter is not supported by Mac OS X Lion.


2012-03-12 21:37:13 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

uvm_km_pgremove_intrsafe(): properly compute the size to pmap_kremove()
(do not trucate it to the first __PGRM_BATCH pages per batch): if we were
given a sparse mapping, we could leave mappings in place.
Note that this doesn't seem to be a problem right now: I added a KASSERT
in my private tree to see if uvm_km_pgremove_intrsafe() would use a
too short size, and it didn't fire.


2012-03-12 21:35:11 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Move pthread_once implementation into a separate file, it doesn't depend
on the mutex implementation in any way.


2012-03-12 20:17:16 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Also exercise pthread_attr_setstacksize.


2012-03-12 20:16:52 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Keep track of the size of the guard area, in case we want to make it
modifiable later. Only reuse the stack if it was allocated by libpthread
and if the expected thread size matches the current stack size.


2012-03-12 19:21:08 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Repeated typo/varargs anachronism in comments.


2012-03-12 18:27:08 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

PR/41673: Stathis Kamperis: tcsetpgrp returns EINVAL, but should return EPERM.


2012-03-12 18:17:12 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

don't switch back LC_NUMERIC after parsing the command line, we always want
to format numbers in the C locale.


2012-03-12 18:06:24 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

PR/41880: Ralph G. Previous fix for PR/5797 broke since space separator.


2012-03-12 17:41:59 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

PR/26453: Ken Raeburn: make zero byte allocations return NULL instead of error


2012-03-12 16:37:16 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Further refine stack allocation. If the stack was provided by the user,
don't bother with setting up a guard page. Otherwise, round up the size
to page size. Point stack inside the guarded area, without the guard
page. Fix size when mprotect failed.


2012-03-12 15:32:02 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

don't leak the branch target array.


2012-03-12 09:09:40 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-12 08:19:46 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

format the generated manpage date as per Dd macro, for consistency

(although this field is a free-form footer, mandoc -Tlint warns about it)


2012-03-12 08:14:02 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Remove xfail, as PR kern/44946 was fixed.


2012-03-12 06:42:15 UTC jmcneill-usbmp commitmail json YAML

fix detach bugs:
- need to disestablish the ehci softint's.
- need to destroy needs_explore_cv
- note that ehci.c inits locks, but ehci_pci.c destroys them due to the
  way that the (pci) front end does softint handling, and can only be
  trusted to destroy them.  XXX need to fix this, by looking at the many
  ehci frontends as well and checking ohci/uhci.


2012-03-12 04:11:56 UTC jmcneill-usbmp commitmail json YAML

2012-03-12 04:11:34 UTC jmcneill-usbmp commitmail json YAML

2012-03-12 03:04:56 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Remove the NV_OBSOLETE flag, which is no longer needed. While here,
update an outdated comment about condition expressions.


2012-03-12 02:58:55 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Give option definitions their own data structure instead of using nvlists.
(and using messy hacks to make up for nvlists not holding quite the right


2012-03-12 02:44:17 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

take the kernel lock a few more places when doing detach, to avoid
triggering KERNEL_LOCK_P() asserts in both scsi and usb code.

with this and other recent fixes i can now "drvctl -d ehci0".


2012-03-12 02:18:50 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Fix build failure caused by previous change.  Hi jruoho!


2012-03-12 00:20:30 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Introduce type-safe wrappers around the hash tables. Use them for a
selected set of tables affected by the next nvlist cleanup in the


2012-03-11 23:42:07 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-11 23:33:00 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

PR/44961: Jukka Ruohonen: for sysctl's with built-in handlers, return OPNOTSUPP
if we don't have handlers instead of using the handler we have and silently
failing on attempts to write a node that cannot be written.


2012-03-11 23:26:22 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Use ATF_CHECK_ERRNO in setrlimit_perm().


2012-03-11 23:10:44 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-11 22:46:22 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Since there are no RW_READERs for the device's rw_lock, convert it to a
mutex and reduce the overhead.

Also, even if we're polling, we need to use the lock to control access to
the bus, otherwise we get anomolous results.

(These same changes were made several weeks ago to other drivers;  I
missed this one.)


2012-03-11 22:19:53 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Temporarily remove awk subdir, untill jruoho sorts out the recent commits
to the proper dir.


2012-03-11 21:16:08 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Move locator lists to their own data structure. This can use more tidying;
it is not clear to me at the moment what the "string" and "num" values
pushed around in locator lists are supposed to actually mean.


2012-03-11 21:15:25 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

include the NULL in the argv conversion


2012-03-11 21:14:56 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-11 20:02:55 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Add some organizational comments


2012-03-11 19:39:36 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

call kmem_free with the right address in hdafg_detach for sc_widgets
the former code let to memory corruption


2012-03-11 19:33:17 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Skip the tests even if modctl(2) does not fail specifically with ENOSYS.


2012-03-11 19:27:27 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

More naming improvements.


2012-03-11 19:03:34 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Skip the "simple timeout" test. This test case is known to fail rather
consistently when run in emulated environments such as Qemu.


2012-03-11 18:45:19 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-11 18:38:18 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-11 18:36:01 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-11 18:27:59 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-11 17:28:47 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Point first to 6.0 packages, then to packages for 5.1 or 5.0.
The latter have reduced usefullness in -current or netbsd-6 until
we have a compat50 package.


2012-03-11 17:23:55 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Can't use Bourne shell syntax here... (Even in comments, for PKG_PATH.)


2012-03-11 17:14:30 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Split the map/unmap code from the sync/flush code: move xpq_flush_queue()
calls after pmap_{,un}map_recursive_entries() so that pmap's handlers
handle the flush themselves.

Now pmap_{,un}map_recursive_entries() do what their names imply, nothing more.

Fix pmap_xen_suspend()'s comment: APDPs are now gone.

pmap's handlers are called deep during kernel save/restore. We already
are at IPL_VM + kpreemption disabled. No need to wrap the xpq_flush_queue()
with splvm/splx.


2012-03-11 16:28:02 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Alternate PTEs got killed a few weeks ago. Clean up unused prototypes.


2012-03-11 16:16:44 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-11 15:58:56 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

fix mmaped offset.
X works on Yeeloong Notebook now.


2012-03-11 13:57:31 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

path correct device to wsdisplayio_busid_pci().


2012-03-11 13:14:04 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Fix obvious cut-and-paste-o in error message string


2012-03-11 11:23:20 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

PR/22405 -- extend du(1) to report inode usage.  Patch provided by
Jonathan Perkin.

OK by wiz@


2012-03-11 10:21:25 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Fix typo, now this has a NAME section.


2012-03-11 08:44:45 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

use character escapes for non-ASCII chars, according to mandoc_char(7)


2012-03-11 08:21:54 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Create a struct condexpr type to hold condition expressions, instead
of abusing struct nvlist to make trees.

(These are the a|b and a&b constructs.)


2012-03-11 07:46:47 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Rename a few more things; try to use the same terminology as config(5).


2012-03-11 07:32:41 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Create a new type struct attrlist to manage lists of attributes,
instead of using struct nvlist.

(struct nvlist holds lists (or trees!) of semi-arbitrary stuff with no
structure and almost no type safety; it should go away.)


2012-03-11 07:27:03 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Strengthen the logic that wraps allocations going on the parser stack.
(This allows cleaning up when a syntax error occurs, because yacc just
dumps the parser stack on the floor.)

The new logic can handle arbitrary data types instead of being limited
to struct nvlist.


2012-03-11 06:53:19 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-11 06:36:05 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

And finally, fix boolean logic in the previous.


2012-03-11 06:32:53 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Fix previous: curiously enough, i386/qemu is not affected, so use the
"system(3) hack" to identify Qemu.


2012-03-11 06:18:46 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-11 06:11:29 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-11 05:31:37 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Remove cf_swap, which hasn't been used in a long time.


2012-03-11 02:56:25 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Write out the expression grammar for dependency constraints instead of
using precedence rules. Precedence rules (besides being a hack) often
lead to unexpected/unwanted behavior in corner cases.


2012-03-11 02:43:33 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Sort productions in grammar. No functional change.


2012-03-11 02:21:04 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Simplify some things. Rename some productions for clarity.


2012-03-11 02:16:55 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

scsidevdetached ioctl path enters scsipi code without kernel lock
and this upsets the newer kasserts.  take kernel lock here.


2012-03-11 01:52:31 UTC jmcneill-usbmp commitmail json YAML

2012-03-11 01:30:56 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Also kill the module build system for ksem.


2012-03-11 01:09:42 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

A bit more of previous.


2012-03-11 01:06:07 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

2012-03-11 00:57:44 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

Reformat according to (my) basic standards for yacc grammars.
No functional change.


2012-03-11 00:34:46 UTC MAIN commitmail json YAML

pull down from usbmp branch:
- remove usbd_bus{} intr_context member, and replace the checks against
  it with cpu_intr_p() and cpu_softintr_p().
